Model Marine

Model Marine
Candace Havens

Subject: Captain Will Hughes, U.S. Marine CorpsCurrent Status: On assignment in NYC–suddenly recruited to shed the uniform!Mission: Serve as model, muse and man-toy without running afoul of the general.Obstacle: Hannah Harrington, fashion world It girl.Hannah narrowly escapes Fashion Week disaster by hijacking gorgeous Will for her runway show–after all, rock-hard abs are the ultimate accessory. His good deed nearly lands him in the brig, but he'll risk anything to get back into her bed….Hannah can't figure out how this model marine got under her skin–they're complete opposites! But sexy Will not only ignites her senses, he fuels her creativity: an irresistible combination, even if it can't last. Can two steamy weeks together satisfy their lust…or will they have to extend this mission?

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Dear Reader,

There is something about a man in uniform that gets me going. I know you understand what I’m talking about. But there’s another side to that. Every time I see a man or woman in uniform, I think about the sacrifices they must go through and the fact that they face dangers most of us could never imagine. They put their lives on the line every day to protect us and to preserve democracy around the world.

Captain Will Hughes is a marine who’s been through hell. The scars on the outside of his body are not the only ones that need to heal. When the fun-loving fashion designer Hannah Harrington steps into his life, he begins to wonder if there is more to life than the next mission.

Hannah has made it her mission to lighten Will’s soul and to give him some comfort. What she doesn’t expect are the many surprises that come with dating a marine.

I hope you love this couple as much as I do. I want to say a special thank-you to Kim, who helped me make sure my marine “stuff” was correct. Her husband is on active duty in a faraway land. I hope you’ll email me at and tell me what you think of the book. You can also find me on Twitter/Facebook/MySpace through my website,


Candace Havens

Model Marine

Candace Havens (


Award-winning author and columnist Candace “Candy” Havens lives in Texas with her mostly understanding husband, two children and two dogs, Scoobie and Gizmo. Candy is a nationally syndicated entertainment columnist for FYI Television. She has interviewed just about everyone in Hollywood from George Clooney and Orlando Bloom to Nicole Kidman and Kate Beckinsale. You can hear Candy weekly on The Big 96.3 in the Dallas–Fort Worth Area. Her popular online writer’s workshop has more than 1,300 students and provides free classes to professional and aspiring writers.

To all the servicemen and servicewomen, and their

families, around the world. Thanks for all you do.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20


“THE MALE MODELS are in jail.” Anne Marie whispered the words so Hannah wasn’t sure if she heard her correctly. They were backstage working with the stylists to make sure the hair was correct for each model, and the deafening noise from the chatter made it difficult to converse without screaming. Anne Marie, the assistant director of Hannah Harrington Designs, had to be wrong. The fashion show launched in exactly forty-seven minutes and Hannah had planned everything down to the last stitch in the handbags the models would carry. There was no way something like this could happen.

Though it was freezing backstage, a small bead of sweat dampened her brow. “Did you say they’re in jail?” Hannah tried to keep the panic from rising in her voice, but there was a tiny squeak at the end. “Oh, Anne Marie— You— No—take it back. I mean it. This is some kind of horrible joke. My entire life for the last six years is about to walk down that stage, and it has to be perfect. You know that. You promised me you had the models covered,” she squeaked.

Anne Marie’s lips formed a straight line at Hannah’s harsh tone.

“Sorry.” She’d been on edge the past few weeks and had lost her temper more than once. This was no time to make Annie Marie her whipping girl.

“Don’t you dare apologize, Hannah. I know I screwed up.” Anne Marie’s jaw jutted out and her hands were in fists. “I saw them at Jake’s party last night and they were drinking. I should have sent them home then. This sucks, and I’ve totally failed you. I just don’t know how to fix it in—” Anne Marie glanced at her watch “—forty-three minutes.”

Hannah glanced around the tent, searching for any man who could fill out the jeans she’d designed. It had been a risky venture to do male and female lines in her first collection, but it had paid off. Before tonight’s show she had received great buzz in the fashion world from some of the magazine editors who’d toured her collection early. Without the men, the show wouldn’t work. They were her big reveal.

The only men in a sea of six-foot female models were the ones doing hair, and they were all too short, pasty and waif-thin.

Are there any real men left in Manhattan?

She closed her eyes and lifted her head in a silent prayer.

I’m going to walk out the door, and I’m going to find two of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen in my life who will fit perfectly into my show.

Yeah, right.

Opening her eyes again she headed out.

“Where are you going?” Anne Marie cried.

“To find the men of my dreams,” Hannah said determinedly. “Check and make sure the girls have their belts right-side up, and that Clara wears the pink cowboy boots. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

Hannah had almost convinced herself she would find the men she needed just outside the tent, or in the crowd waiting to get in. No such luck.

The good news was there was a crowd.

The bad news was that ninety-nine percent of it was women.

Any men she saw were either way too short, or a little thick around the middle. She never cared about anyone’s size, but she needed a perfect fit for the jeans. Worried she might be recognized, Hannah pulled her cowboy hat down low on her eyes, and made her way around the crowd and out onto Columbus.

Shivering against the cold, she pulled her leather jacket tighter, which did nothing for her legs, which were in tights and a miniskirt.

As usual on Friday afternoon, the area was packed with people. There were some teens in baggy jeans and shirts, but they were all either too skinny or too short to fit in the clothes.

She didn’t want to think about the worst-case scenario, but she had to.

Please. I haven’t come this far to fail.

Everything she had was tied up in this show. If the editors hadn’t had a sneak peak she could get away with losing the final two, but that was what most of the buzz had been about.

Glancing down at her watch she grimaced. Only thirty-two minutes till go-time. Tears brimmed her eyes. She tried to blink them back, but one errant drop of water slid down her cheek. She shoved it away with the heel of her hand.

This is no time to cave. Get it together.

“Whoever he is, he isn’t worth that tear,” a deep, whiskey-toned voice said from beside her.

Hannah lifted her head and met a pair of the most beautiful green eyes she’d ever seen on a man. Then she stepped back—stunned—to find the perfect male specimen attached to those eyes. His blond hair was cut short, his shoulders broad, and, dressed in his blues, he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen.

She had to remind herself to breathe.

“Hello, Marine.”

“Ma’am.” He tipped his hat.

This couldn’t be happening. She glanced down to his hips and then up to his face. He was absolutely beautiful. But there was also something about him. A presence, something that symbolized a strength that had nothing to do with the uniform he wore.

He smiled, seemingly amused by her appraisal.

“Hmm.” She tapped her finger against her chin and then grinned. “How do you feel about helping a damsel in distress?”

“It’s what I do, ma’am. Did he hurt you? I can’t stand a man beating on a woman. That’s one of the things that sends my temper over the edge, and I have to warn you I do have one.”

Charmed by his slight Southern accent, she’d lost what he was saying. “You have one what?”

“A temper.”

“Oh, no. This isn’t about a man. But I need you like no woman has ever needed you. In fact, my life depends on you coming with me right now. And you would make me the happiest woman in the world if you had a friend who is just as hot as you.”

The marine put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

Hannah jumped slightly at the piercing volume.

There was a thud of running footsteps, and another man, this one with dark hair and light caramel skin, joined them. He stopped in front of the other marine, his hand flying up to a salute.

“You whistled, Captain, sir.” His voice was clipped, but respectful. Hannah didn’t know her marine ranks very well, but she knew that a captain was up there. She was crazy to ask these men to help her, but she didn’t have much of a choice.

“Lieutenant, seems we have a damsel in distress.”

The marine glanced down at Hannah, his dark eyes checking her face for injuries. “Are you hurt?”

She smiled brightly. “No, but I need your help. Can you gentlemen follow me? I promise, if you give me the next hour of your life, you’ll save mine. And I’ll throw in the best meal you’ve ever had.”

She reached out her hands and wriggled her fingers, begging them to follow.

Both men shrugged.

“Captain, sir, if there’s food involved, I’m in.”

“Then let’s get to it.” The captain took Hannah’s hand. “Fair damsel, lead the way,” he said.

Hannah didn’t have time to question her good fortune, or the fact that the marine warmed her with his touch. She had a show to put on and a career to save. With these two, she had a feeling she was going to kill Lincoln Center in a way that had never been done before.

CAPTAIN WILL HUGHES had done dumb things in his life, especially when it came to women, but this would go to the top of his crazy list. In the past fifteen minutes he’d been asked to strip, put on a pair of great-fitting jeans and a shirt that forced him to keep his arms by his sides, and while one woman messed with the shirt, another held out a pair of cowboy boots for him to slip on.

“His chest is too damn big,” the woman said through the pins in her mouth. “I’ve never seen so many muscles in my life. Hannah, what do you want me to do?”

Hannah stood there appraising him for a few seconds. The desire in her eyes made his crotch uncomfortable. It had been too damn long for him, and she was his idea of the perfect woman. From that honey-blond hair piled on top of her head in a mass of curls, to her pert breasts, down to long legs ending in red cowboy boots she was nothing short of gorgeous. Surrounded by models, none compared to her beauty.

“Leave the shirt open. Though, they probably won’t be looking at the clothes when he walks out.” Hannah laughed, and something tugged at Will’s heart.

“One minute. Line up, people!” someone screeched.

The tension in the room was palpable and the noisy din died down.

“What’s wrong?” Will glanced around the tent to see what was happening.

“Nothing. Show’s about to begin and we need it quiet back here so everyone can hear their cues.” Hannah waved over Rafael. As the models walked by, it looked as if his friend was watching a tennis match. Rafe always had a way with women. “All I need you guys to do is walk at a steady pace to the end of the stage, pause about fifteen seconds and walk back. You need to be prepared for the photographers’ flashes when you pause. It can be blinding at times.

“Just give them your best marine glare. You can watch what the girls do on that screen right there.” She pointed to a flat-screen television. “Kayleigh is the stage manager and she’ll tell you when to go on. You’ll enter here, and exit the stage on the other side. I can’t thank you guys enough. And I’ll owe you big if we can just get through the next twenty minutes.”

He was a marine, and would have helped her no matter what, but Will liked the fact she felt she owed him. He could think of at least thirty different ways she could pay him back.

Mind out of the gutter, Marine.

“We’ve got it covered,” Will told her.

“That’s right,” Rafe said. “If there’s one thing marines can do, it’s follow orders.”

“You guys really are the best.” She squeezed Will’s arm. Then she left to take her position near the other side of the stage.

“Sir, we’ve been in some tough situations, but I never thought I’d have to be a male model,” Rafe whispered. “Promise me none of the guys will ever hear about this. Otherwise we’ll never live it down. Though, I got to admit, I love these damn jeans.”

Will chuckled. “Mine could be a size bigger, but I like them, too. And trust me, no one will ever hear a word out of me. I appreciate you helping out.”

Rafael shrugged. “It’s what we do.”

“Showtime!” The stage manager waved her hand.


“Yeah, Rafe?”

“Are you nervous?”

“We’re marines. We don’t have nerves.” He winked at the man. “But if I did, I’d tell you I’d rather be in the desert fighting hostiles than walking out on that stage.”

“Me, too, sir. Me, too.”

Poor guy. They’d been looking forward to doing some sightseeing before they had to report to the UN the next day as part of a defense attaché force. It would be Will’s job to coordinate the teams assigned to protect foreign dignitaries for a global conference in town. Most of the preliminary work had been done, so he and Rafe had been kicking around the past twenty-four hours as tourists.

“You’re up!” A woman touched his arm and gently shoved him forward. Will hadn’t even noticed he’d advanced to the stage. He swallowed and walked up the few steps. He saw Rafe exit the other side, and the stage manager told him to go.

The lights blinded him as he stepped out onto the white-carpeted floor and walked to what he hoped was the end. He couldn’t really see until he damn near fell off the thing. He stood there for a moment while the cameras flashed, but couldn’t figure out why everyone was screaming. People were up on their feet clapping. He turned and walked back, forcing himself not to run.

“Holy crap! They’ve gone ape out there.” Hannah was there to guide him off the stage. “You two were amazing.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Will full on the mouth. He wanted it to last longer, but then she moved on to Rafe. The other man received a hug, but not a kiss. That sat just fine with Will.

She took them both by the hands. “Okay, you two, one more time down and back and we are done.”

“Again?” he and Rafe said at the same time.

Laughing, she pulled them up the steps and onto the stage.

The lights were different this time and he could see more of the audience. They were giving Hannah a standing ovation. He had no right to be proud of her, but he was. He held up her hand as if she’d won a prizefight. They walked that way to the end of the stage and back.

He helped her down the steps and then she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Marine, I have to do some press for a bit, and then we can do anything you want. You name it!” She gave him another quick peck and she was off.

“Why do I have the feeling you’re going to tell me to get lost?” Rafe chuckled behind him.

“As soon as I find my pants you’re getting a hundred bucks, and I’m giving you the night off to see the city,” Will told him.

“That’s all right, sir. I think I might be kind of busy, too.” Rafe winked at a model with short pixie hair and blue eyes. She blew him a kiss with her fingers.

“Guess this modeling thing isn’t so bad after all.” Will chuckled.

And the woman of his dreams had promised him anything.

Luckily he knew exactly what he wanted.


A DREAMLIKE TRANCE enveloped Hannah in a shroud of happiness.


The thrill of it pulsed through her veins. For more than an hour and a half one reporter after another interviewed her, and she’d been air-kissed and hugged by hundreds of people she didn’t know.

“I’m sorry, we have appointments to keep this evening. Thank you for coming,” Anne Marie said as she pulled her from the media frenzy.

“That was—”

“Freakin’ stellar.” Anne Marie hugged her.

“We did it.” Hannah squeezed her friend tight.

Kayleigh squealed behind them. “Who knew we would be the hottest thing at Fashion Week? And hello! I just checked the machine at the office, and we have tons o’ calls from buyers and editors.” Kayleigh was a terrific publicist and stage manager. She helped Anne Marie hire the models, and even designed the look of the show within the parameters Hannah had given her.

They gathered hands and did a happy dance they’d made up when they discovered Hannah’s designs had been chosen for this special New Stars of Fashion event.

“Why is it you leave me out of everything?” Jesse, her fabric guru, mumbled. They opened their arms to him.

“Group hug,” Anne Marie ordered. Hannah and the others complied.

“Tonight wouldn’t have happened without you guys,” Hannah stated matter-of-factly.

“Phfft,” Jesse said. “You have more talent than the majority of designers at Fashion Week combined. You would have succeeded no matter what.”

She kissed his cheek. “No, I wouldn’t have. You guys kept me sane. Each of you is so important I can’t even—” Emotion clogged her throat so she cleared it.

“If you cry, I will hit you,” Anne Marie warned. She was a tough one. Dressed in her requisite fishnets, black mini and vintage rocker T-shirt, she knew her friend would follow through with the threat.

“No tears. Just gratitude for some really great friends.”

Someone moved just outside the circle and she saw the handsome marine who had saved her show.

“Hey!” She waved to Will.

He nodded.

“I promised to take him to dinner so I’ll see you guys later. Thank you again.”

“Wait,” Anne Marie yelled. “Don’t forget you have Leland’s party at seven. He’s throwing it for you, so you have to be there. We’ll get everything packed and meet at Leland’s.”

Hannah had forgotten. She glanced at Will and then at Anne Marie. She didn’t want to disappoint Will, but she owed Leland so much. It would be selfish to bail on a party in her honor. “I’ll be there.”

Will waited for her near the entrance.

“I thought you would have given up on me, but I’m glad you didn’t.” She suddenly felt shy. After seeing him without a shirt, she’d wanted him in the most carnal of ways. But she also had an enormous respect for him. What he had done for her couldn’t have been easy for him or his friend.

And they had saved her show. Will and Rafe were two of the biggest reasons people were excited about her clothes.

Who could blame them?

Captain Will Hughes was walking sex. That seriously hot uniform he wore hid the rippling muscles, but she’d seen the goods and she couldn’t stop thinking about them. Hannah clasped her hands behind her back so she wouldn’t touch him again.

“You asked me to wait, and I’m good at taking orders.”

She smiled at that. “I would have thought a captain was used to giving them.”

“I do my fair share of that, too, but I’m a marine and there is always someone barking orders somewhere higher up.”

Feeling lucky that she didn’t have to deal with anyone, except an occasionally cranky Anne Marie, she patted his arm. She hoped the contact would calm her nerves. No dice.

“Congratulations. From what I understand you had a great night. I don’t know much about fashion, but those reporters seemed to like what you did.”

Uncomfortable with the praise from him, Hannah bent her head and stared at her toes. “They liked you and your friend, Rafe. You guys sold the show. Where is he?” She glanced around.

Will motioned with his thumb toward the entrance. “He left about fifteen minutes ago with one of the models.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. All the girls were talking about you guys. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“It’s not a big deal. So are you ready to go?”

Hannah scrunched her face. “I am, but there’s one thing I have to do. I forgot my friend Leland is throwing a big party in my honor. We don’t have to stay long, but I must make an appearance. He’s invited a lot of industry peeps and—”

Will grinned. “I get it. Do you want to take a rain check on the dinner?”

“No. That is, if you don’t. I’d really like you to be my, uh…” She couldn’t get the words out.

“Date?” His face was a mask and she had no idea what he was thinking.

She nodded.

“I’d be honored. But won’t your friend—” he pointed toward Jesse “—mind? You guys seem close.”

“Jesse?” She coughed back the laughter. “Uh, no. He works for me. We call him the intern, but as you can see he’s not very internish looking. He’s been helping me with fabrics and pattern-making. Genius, that guy. But not interested in me in the least. And I have nothing but sisterly feelings for him. I think he might have something for my friend Anne Marie, but they’re both so busy neither of them have noticed yet. Look at me, Miss Gossip. Sorry. The answer is no. I am thoroughly unattached.”

He smiled the warmest smile she’d ever seen.

Without thinking she threw herself at him and kissed his cheek. “Oh, sorry. It’s just you look so sweet. I’m, uh, overexcited tonight.”

“Don’t apologize. Trust me.” His husky voice deepened.

The heat of his words spread through her like a match to tinder.

“In casual circumstances I’d rather not wear my uniform. Do I have time to go back to my hotel and change?”

Her first instinct was to offer him something from her collection but she remembered how tight the shirts were. If he went to Leland’s party with his chest bared the females and males would maul him before he could get through the door. Her heart did double-time as she remembered how he looked strutting down the runway with his tough-guy ’tude.


“Let’s get out of here and grab a taxi.”

IN GREENWICH VILLAGE, the festivities were in full swing. When they entered Leland’s penthouse everyone yelled, “We love you, Hannah.”

Her hand flew to her chest and her eyes burned with tears. But she refused to let them fall because she was so happy so many of her friends were there. She grabbed Will’s hand and pulled him into the throng.

“Darling girl, you were fabulous tonight. And your Adonis was the perfect touch,” Leland said as he air-kissed both of her cheeks.

“Thank you for this.”

“Who would have thought that frizzy-haired girl who begged to work as a seamstress would turn out to be the It Girl of the fashion world?”

She smiled. “You did. From that first day you seemed to see something in me that even I didn’t know I had.”

He chucked her under the chin. “Talent, love. It was oozing out of every pore. Now introduce me to the Adonis.”

Will stuck out his hand. “I’m Will. It’s nice to meet you. So you gave Hannah her first big break?”

“I did indeed. And how did you two meet?” Leland was a lot of things, but he was never subtle.

“Uh…” Hannah stammered. Her first instinct was to lie because she didn’t want to embarrass Will. But her brain stalled.

“She kidnapped me off the street and made me do her bidding,” Will interjected.

Leland guffawed. “That sounds like my Hannah. When she finds what she wants, she’s like a little terrier. She never lets go. It’s nice to meet you, Will. I hope you enjoy the party, you two. Simply everyone is here.”

They spent the next half hour greeting the guests—a delicious selection of Manhattan’s weird and wonderful. Will hadn’t even flinched when Brandy, who was really cross-dressing Randy, fingered the collar of his button-down shirt. She couldn’t blame Randy. More than once she found herself brushing up against Will just to feel those hard muscles underneath.

They finally made it over to Anne Marie and the gang. “I wanted to officially introduce you to the people who are really responsible for the great show tonight. This is Anne Marie, our assistant director of design. She keeps me on track and pretty much runs the business side of things.”

“Pretty much?” Anne Marie snorted.

“True. She runs the business.”

Hannah pointed to her other favorite person in the world. “Kayleigh handles all the press, along with Anne Marie. She’s a publicist who does a million other things, as well. She was the stage manager giving the orders tonight.”

“My bark is worse than my bite.” Kayleigh winked.

“Ha! Don’t scare poor Will away,” Hannah playfully admonished.

“The captain doesn’t look like he scares easily,” Kayleigh said suggestively.

Will shook his head.

Hannah chose to ignore the flirting. She knew Kayleigh was just giving her a hard time.

“And this guy is Jesse.” Her friend stuck out his hand to shake Will’s. “He answered the ad for an intern eight months ago, and none of us are sure how we lived without him before that. He has forgotten more about fabrics and textiles than I will ever know. And he’s a mean pattern maker. I’ve never met anyone better.”

“She likes to make us sound good,” Jesse countered. “And the reason we’re all here is because she’s got an imagination bar none, and she is a design genius.”

Hannah made an unladylike noise. “That is so not true. Now who’s being over the top? Trust me, none of this would work without the whole gang. I can be a tyrant at times, but they put up with me.”

She noticed no one came to her defense about the tyrant remark. They obviously hadn’t forgotten her numerous breakdowns over the past few weeks. She tried not to let the pressure get to her, but she didn’t always succeed.

“It’s great to meet you,” Will said to her team. “I don’t know much about this world. In truth, I don’t know anything, but I’ve been listening in on conversations all night. Everyone seems excited about the show.”

“Thanks,” the three said in unison.

“You better get back out there and circulate. Your fans await,” Anne Marie encouraged her.

“Hannnaaah.” Larisa Malone always elongated her name. The shrill voice sent a painful sting through Hannah’s chest. Dressed in leather from head to toe, false eyelashes and garish red lipstick, the other woman looked more like a drag queen than Randy did. “You are quite the surprise, aren’t you? How does it feel?” The words might sound like a compliment but the tone was vicious.

Hannah poked Anne Marie when she noticed a sneer on the woman’s face.

“Oh, Larisa, tomorrow morning they’ll be on to someone else. Are you ready for your show on Thursday?”

“Of course. I have quite a few surprises up my sleeves.”

She glanced over Hannah’s shoulder and waved. “Oh, my, that’s Justin T. I was so surprised to see him at your little show. He usually only makes an appearance for the great designers. I must tell him how delicious he was in that last movie he made.”

“That one is a piece of work.” Will scratched his head as Larisa left. “She reminds me of the women who play bridge with my mother. None of them ever has a kind word about another person and they also have sticks up their— Oh, sorry.”

Hannah smiled. “Oh, don’t be. You have her pegged. And as a result, you’re my new hero.”

Before Will could answer, Christopher Kline appeared. “Doll, great show.” He was Leland’s lover and one of the most influential chefs in New York City. Every restaurant he owned turned to gold.

She hugged him. “Thank you.”

He glanced up at Will and gave him a once-over. “Leland didn’t lie. You did find yourself a real man.”

She teased him back. “Behave.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “That is not how I roll, Hannah, love. Oh, and did you hear the gossip from the Hags in the corner? Such jealousy about you, the hate spews like a river of lies. That means you are on top, my sweet. Leland says you killed, so watch out for the claws.”

Hannah peered over his shoulder. The Hags, as everyone called them, were three women who had tried to design their own lines, only to fall flat on their faces. So instead of going back to the drawing board, they became online fashion critics. Their site didn’t have a single nice review but they had a huge following. Unfortunately, people seemed to eat up their wickedness. They wore too much makeup and their clothes were meant for women twenty years their junior. Hence, their name.

“I guess it would be too much to hope they’d give me a pass.”

“My darling Hannah, sometimes your naïveté brings such a lightness to my cold, dead heart. Don’t worry. You know how it works. The more they hate you, the more everyone else will love you.”

“I suppose,” she grumbled.

“Now you two run off and get some food. Leave those sorry wannabes to me. I have a bit of juicy gossip that might just lead them off your scent.”

Before he left, he blew her a kiss and nodded to Will.

Will guided her to the dining area that had been set up banquet style. “I didn’t realize the fashion business was so cutthroat,” he said.

“It’s the worst, really. I’m lucky Leland invited a lot of my friends, too, who are really sweet. But he has to include some of the others because to snub them is a big faux pas.”

“I always feel sorry for people like those women and the one who came up to you before. They obviously have no self-esteem if they have to beat up on others to make themselves feel better. They are no better than the bullies on the playground.”

She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek again. “You really are my hero.”

“Let’s go eat,” he said, changing the subject. He seemed to be uncomfortable whenever she tried to compliment him. “I don’t know about you, but that modeling is hard work.”

They stood in front of the food table and she was surprised when Will ate a big plate of sushi.

He caught her watching him.


“I’m sorry. I seem to have all these misconceptions about marines. I assumed you were more of a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy.”

He shrugged. “I’ve been stationed all over the world, and I’ve learned to eat whatever is available. And honestly, most anything is better than what you get in the mess hall. Or my mom’s cooking. I love her, but she has never belonged in a kitchen. As for the meat and potatoes, I never turn down a good steak.”

“Well, I’m one of those crazies who is allergic to wheat, white rice, shellfish and dairy,” Hannah admitted. She loved food, but had learned long ago that her body had specific needs. Her allergic reactions varied from rashes to her throat swelling so badly she couldn’t breathe. “So I eat a lot of protein and vegetables and fruit. None of which are here.” The table was laden with sushi, dim sum and all types of puff pastries filled with a variety of meats and shrimp.

Will put his chopsticks down. “Do you want to get out of here and find something else to eat? Is that okay, since it’s your party?”

She was starving and alone time with Will didn’t seem like such a bad idea. The crazy day and several nights of no sleep sent her into zombie mode. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold up the pretense. “The bathroom is near the entrance—if anyone asks, that’s where we are headed.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He covered her hand in his and pulled her through the crowd.

A few seconds later they were out in the hallway with hopefully no one the wiser. “That was much easier than I thought it would be.” Hannah’s shoulders dropped about an inch.

Will laughed. “I caught a few people staring and whispering. They’re probably thinking the worst.”

Hannah grabbed a clip from her purse and put her hair back up in a loose ponytail. She was already more relaxed now that she didn’t have to impress the denizens of the fashion world. “My guess is they’re jealous. How would you feel about a steak?”

“Like I said, I never turn one down.”

AFTER THEIR MEAL at the steak house, Will escorted Hannah to her studio. It was only a few blocks away and she wanted to walk off the calories she’d eaten. As far as he could see, her body was perfect. Every time she brushed against him at the party he had to control his libido.

She’d warned him, been so worried about how he would view her friends. They were definitely eccentric, but many of them were good people. Will’s instincts when it came to judging people had never steered him wrong. Besides, she should hang out with a group of marines on a Friday night. That was some weirdness.

“You suddenly seem really far away,” Hannah said.

He squeezed her hand. “I’m right here.”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to thank you for everything you’ve done today.”

“Hannah, I told you earlier. I was happy to help. And tonight, well, I’ve had a great time.”

“Me, too.” She smiled up at him sweetly.

That grin was a like a light directed straight to his blackened soul. There were times the past two years when he wondered if he would ever feel joy again. Throughout dinner he found himself relaxing and even laughing at times. Hannah did that to him and he feared he could become addicted to her quite easily.

She stopped in front of a five-story building. “This is me. It’s been a long day, but I was wondering if you would come upstairs. There’s something I want to give you.”

He paused as he tried to figure out what she meant.

“Uh, that sounded so lurid. I promise I have no—uh, you know, on your body…uh. Yeah. Do you want to come up?”

“Sure. It’s hard to say no to an invitation like that.” Though Will had to admit, he wished she did have designs on his body. At the very least he wanted to deeply explore the kiss they shared earlier in the night.

Inside the building he was surprised to see her name across a door on the first floor, but she led him to a freight elevator.

“That’s my studio. I rent out the rest of the floors as loft spaces. We have a cool view of the Hudson on the back side of the building.”

“You own the building?”

She smiled. “I inherited it from my grandmother, along with an apartment on the Upper West Side. I sublet that one, too. I like being close to work because I never know when a creative binge is going to happen so I moved into the penthouse here. Plus, I’m not really a west-sider. My parents are, but not me.”

Will knew enough about Manhattan real estate to understand that was a pricey neighborhood. She must have come from a wealthy family.

“Were they at your show tonight?”

“Who?” The elevator opened and they entered her apartment. Everything was white and she hadn’t lied about the view. The lights flickered across the river.

“Your parents. Were they at your event this afternoon?”

She laughed, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “My parents are mortified by my choice of profession.”

Will was surprised. “You can’t be serious. I thought people with money like that loved clothes.”

She dumped her bag on a coffee table in front of a long sectional couch. Except for a giant flat-screen hanging on the wall it was the only thing in this part of the loft. He could see a filmy curtain in the back that separated her bedroom from the rest of the area. A fridge and a microwave were the only appliances in the kitchen.

How does she cook a meal without an oven or a stovetop?

Will didn’t have a home, except for his parents’ house. Financially, it made no sense to have a place of his own—he was in the U.S. Marine Corps and he lived wherever they sent him. He never accumulated much in the way of belongings because of his travels. But Hannah hadn’t seemed one to like a sparse lifestyle. The clothing at her show was colorful and fun. He wasn’t sure what he expected but it wasn’t this.

“Most of them do love clothing. My family is from old money. My mother has a stylist who buys everything she wears. I’m not sure she’s ever stepped foot in a department store or even a boutique. The clothes and the jewels all come to her. And my dad, well, he lives to work. My mother has all of his clothes made by the same tailors who seamed my grandfather’s clothing.”

Slipping off her heels, she tossed them on the floor near the bar in her kitchen.

He stifled the urge to pick them up and put them where they were supposed to go. Will had a thing about order. Rafe called him OCD, but his friend wasn’t much better. Most of the marines he knew liked to keep their belongings tidy. It was a part of the lifestyle. They never knew when they’d be called into action.

“Wow! Talking about my parents just sucked the life right out of the room.” She motioned to the couch. “Go have a seat. I’ll be back in a minute.”

While it was only ten-thirty, Will had dated enough to know a minute to a woman was often a half hour in man time. He flipped on the television and turned the volume down low. He watched the end of the news and then switched to see a documentary on the National Geographic channel.

“Oh, I love that movie, except for that poor wildebeest who doesn’t see the lion coming.”

Will turned to see her in drawstring pajama bottoms and a long-sleeve T-shirt. Her hair had been pulled up into a fluffy ponytail. He liked that she was comfortable enough around him that she probably would have dressed the same as if he weren’t here. Though, if she was trying to seduce him she was doing a great job. Her natural beauty was like lightning striking his body with pure heat.

If she were trying to seduce you, she would have worn something sexier.

She handed him something soft.

“It’s a scarf. I made it for my brother, Tyler, for Christmas. But I noticed you didn’t have one and it’s supposed to get really cold the next few days.”

Will unraveled the scarf. It was tightly woven, but incredibly soft. “What about your brother?”

She sat down on the L of her couch next to him. “I have several months to make him a new one.”

“Thank you. It’s beautiful and that you made it makes it even more special.”

Her smile lit up her face and he could feel that light sear through his heart.

“I wanted you to have it. I like the idea of you having a part of me wrapped around you.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “I can’t believe that came out the way it did. I meant since you were so incredible today… I give up.” She covered her face and shook her head.

Will’s heart felt as though it beat double-time as he reached up and pulled her hands away from her face.

“You never have to be embarrassed with me.” He touched her cheek gently with the back of his fingers. Her skin was so smooth. It took all of his resolve to keep from hauling her into his lap. “I should get going.” Those words were tough to say but he was doing his best to be a gentleman.

Her lips formed a straight line. “I forgot you have a job to go to tomorrow morning.” She touched his hand. “I’ve kept you out late and—”

“Hannah, stop. It’s only eleven and I do want to stay. Trust me I do. But you’ve had a really long and eventful day. I saw you hiding the yawns during dinner.”

“Oh, no, and here I thought I was being so clever with my napkin. I haven’t slept for a couple of days. So much was riding on this show. But, and I know how this makes me sound, I don’t want to be alone. Can you stay, just for a little while? We can watch the documentary and I have popcorn and beer or wine. And maybe some cheese and bottled water. I eat out a lot.”

“I figured as much when I saw your kitchen. I’m happy to stay if you aren’t too tired.”

“Stay right there.”

She ran off to the kitchen and returned with some beer and a giant bowl of popcorn. She scooted in next to him and he slipped his arm across her petite shoulders.

Less than ten minutes later Will had to save her couch by grabbing the bottle of beer out of her hand. She’d fallen asleep.

When he shifted to put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, she fell into his lap. He grabbed a pillow to put between her and his thighs, praying that she didn’t feel the sudden bulge when she’d touched him there.

Will pushed the tiny tendrils that escaped her ponytail away from her face. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

Now what the hell am I going to do?


HANNAH OPENED HER EYES to find the television was on. She yawned and noticed she was lying on her sofa pillow, which was on top of two strong thighs.


Great. I fell asleep.

Turning her head, she glanced up to find an amused look on his face.

“Hey.” That whiskey voice got to her every time.

She sat up and tugged the pillow from his lap. “Okay, I’m mortified. I can’t believe I did that.”

“You had a good excuse.” He stood and stretched. His shirt lifted enough she caught a glimpse of his hardened abs. The lower region of her body reacted instantly. “You were right about the documentary. It was great.”

His next words would be about him needing to leave. He’d be polite and obliging but she wasn’t ready for that yet. The man was so handsome that part of her wondered if he was a hallucination. If he were a dream, she would make the most of it.

“Will? I don’t ask men I just met to stay overnight.”

“I was heading out.” He was so earnest.

Hannah made a bold move without even thinking about it. She quickly stood before him and placed her hand on his chest.

“Um, you misunderstood. What would you think of me if I told you I want you to stay? That I want to do naughty, dirty things to your body. That I—”

Before she could say another word his lips captured hers, his tongue begging for entrance as it teased her lips. With the lightest touch his knuckle outlined her jaw.

Her hands lifted his shirt so she could run her palms up and down the muscles beneath.

Will moaned when she touched him and he twined her hands up around his neck so that her body was flush against his, her breasts rubbing against his hard chest. There was a strange sense of coming home, almost as if she could feel her body binding to his.

His hand moved behind her head and he loosened her ponytail. “Your hair is like wavy sunshine.”

Her hair was her arch enemy but now wasn’t the time to talk about that.

When she glanced up, the need in his eyes stole her breath. He wanted her as much as she did him.

“Hannah, are you trying to seduce me?”

“If you think I’m just trying, then I’m obviously not doing it very well. I’ll race you to the bedroom,” she said as she took off in a dead run, sliding across the floor in her socks.

“Hey, you cheated.”

“It’s only cheating if there are rules and there are no rules tonight, Will.” She slipped off her clothes and he did the same. A few seconds later, they watched each other from opposite sides of the bed. Naked. His cock was at attention and Hannah wondered at the length and width of him.

A slight panic engulfed her. He was so big.

Before she could think too much about it, she climbed on the bed and sat on her knees in the middle of it. Will mirrored her. Even in the dark, she could see two circular scars below his right shoulder. There were also burn marks on his left shoulder. The pink tissue was tight and angry-looking. With one finger she touched him lightly.

“What happened?”

“Bomb and sniper in Baghdad.” The pain in those words struck her. Though somehow she knew he didn’t want her sympathy.

She couldn’t imagine everything he’d been through. The horrors he had seen and the pain he must have experienced with his injuries. Her every instinct wanted to protect him from harm, to soothe his pain.

“Hannah?” Will was watching her carefully.

She would have to work harder to hide her emotions from him.

“You know I’m just using you for your body, right?”

He chuckled. “You don’t see me complaining.”

She had a feeling he didn’t do much smiling and if she could bring a little lightness to his world, well…

His hand slid down her arm.

She took his hand and put it on her breast over her heart and wondered if he could feel the speed of the beating there. His thumb grazed the nipple, causing it to harden. When he replaced his thumb with his tongue, Hannah sucked in a breath.

Still sitting on her knees she arched back and cried out when his teeth gently nipped her. Continuing to tease her, his hands went to work on the rest of her body, eventually inching down to her heat.

Her breath coming in tiny pants, Hannah separated her knees to give him access. She needed him to touch her there, to relieve the tension building in her body.

He didn’t disappoint. He turned her so that her back was too him and her butt on his thighs. The length of him was underneath her cheeks. He rubbed her sensitive nub with extraordinary speed and pressure.

“Yes,” she cried as he brought her to orgasm.

“Will,” she screamed. He didn’t let go. Three more times he brought her to the peak until her body was hot liquid.

Once again he shifted her so that she faced him. Hannah lifted herself and slipped his cock inside her. His deep moan caused a flurry of excitement. She bounced up and down, riding him hard. He met her thrust for thrust. Hannah threw her head back as Will sucked in a nipple. Every time his tongue rasped against her, there was the feeling she was becoming unglued. Her body shuddered with another orgasm and her heat tightened around him.

“Hannah,” he moaned as he pounded her even faster and then released his seed.

His arms tightened around her and they kissed, both of their bodies shuddering with tremors.

This man was everything.

“That was—”

He kissed her again. “Yeah. It was,” he said as he nuzzled her neck.

Hannah was spent and happier than she’d been in a really long time.

There were lovers in her past. She’d even had great sex. Well, she’d thought it was great until tonight. Will had taken her to a whole new level. A cool February draft from the windows sent goose bumps down her arms and legs.

“You’re cold. Let’s get you under the covers.”

“I’m fine,” she protested, not wanting to move just yet.

His hands cradled her face. “You’re cold. I can feel you shivering.” He lifted her off him and then pulled the sheets and comforter back on his side of the bed. They slid into the pocket he made and she had to admit this was better.

As he warmed her against his chest, she smiled.

“This part is always kind of awkward.” She laughed.

“Why do you say that?”

She lifted her head so she could see his face. “I don’t know. You’ve just made crazy, carnal jungle love, losing all inhibitions, and then, it’s over. Everything is quiet and you’re searching for something to talk about.”

Hannah wished she hadn’t said it, but her mouth was always jumping ahead of her brain.

Will tugged her hair gently. “Well, if you give me about five minutes we can get straight back to that—what did you call it? Carnal jungle love?”

“Five minutes? Really? Wow. What are we going to do until then?”

“Oh, I can think of a few things.” His hand slid down to her heat again.

“Will,” she gasped. And then she was lost in the pleasure.

WILL WATCHED HER SLEEP. It was becoming a habit.

He wouldn’t have given up this night for anything, but it had to end. It was only a few hours until his 7:00 a.m. meeting and he had to prepare. This was the first time his entire attaché team would be assembled. Sitting on the side of the bed he contemplated what he should do. It didn’t feel right leaving her without some way of contacting him.

But did he want her to contact him? Hannah’s life was chaotic and crazy, from what he’d experienced of it. She ran at full throttle all of the time and he had a feeling she didn’t think much of schedules. She was exactly the kind of woman he worked hard to stay away from and more than ever he needed someone who calmed him. Maybe even a woman who was a little boring.

The very last thing Hannah was was boring. And honestly, there wasn’t anything wrong with that. But Will wanted someone to share his life with so they could grow old together. Not that it would happen anytime soon, as he had at least one more tour to go.

Still, the past few years had taught him that each day was a gift to be used and appreciated to the full.

Hannah. There was an ethereal quality to her. As if she were a fairy flitting with a magical wand healing his soul. Her magic was strong and he had most definitely fallen under her spell.

And it scared the hell out of him.


“SON, I SHOULD HAVE YOU court-martialed.” The general slammed down the newspaper with the huge photo of Will’s half-naked chest from the runway. “This conduct will not be tolerated. I should have the MPs down here to drag your ass to the brig. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t,” he growled.

Will had seen the old man get angry before, but usually it was a quiet steam kind of heat. He never blustered, which meant Will was in big trouble. He’d screwed up royally and he deserved whatever came his way. In his father’s mind, a marine as a fashion model was a major infraction. He stared straight ahead and waited for his sentence, knowing the general’s previous question was rhetorical.

“Sir,” Rafe’s voice croaked. Poor guy. It was Will’s fault his friend was being raked over the coals.

“I’m not speaking to you, Lieutenant.” The general jabbed a finger toward Rafe.

“Yes, sir. But I have information integral to the investigation, sir. Captain Hughes won’t admit it, but he didn’t have a choice.”

The general folded his arms and leaned back on his heels. “Now this I’ve got to hear.” His steely-gray eyes bore into Rafe. Will wanted to kick his friend’s butt for interfering. Nothing Rafe could say would help the situation. In fact, it would only make it worse. Of that, Will was certain.

“She cried, sir.” Rafe cleared his throat.

“What?” the general asked, exasperated.

“The girl on the street who asked for our help. She said it was a life-and-death situation for her. That she would lose everything if we didn’t help her. And she was crying. I mean like sobbing, in the middle of the sidewalk.”

The older man seemed to contemplate Rafe’s words.

“Is that true, Marine?” The question was aimed at Will.

“Yes, sir.”

The general’s expression softened slightly. “A damsel in distress, that’s what this fiasco is about? If I ask this young woman would she corroborate your story?”

“Sir, yes, sir,” Will and Rafe said at the same time.

There was another long silence as the general sat behind his desk.

“I’ll need to speak with her.”

Will sucked in a breath and his heart sped up like a freight train barreling down a hill with no brakes. Hannah wouldn’t last two minutes under the scrutiny of this man. She might have to deal with the women like the Hags, as she called them, but she was no match for the General. No, he couldn’t let it happen.

“I’d like to leave the woman out of it.” Will’s voice came across much stronger than he intended. In the face of danger he’d often been able to keep his nerves dampened down. Marines didn’t know fear. But subjecting Hannah to the old man would be nothing less than torture for her. The general was all about rules and regulations. Hannah was creative and followed her whims. He had to protect her. “I’m happy to take my punishment. I deserve it, sir.”

“William Washington Hughes, you will have that woman in my office no later than five today. Do I make myself understood? Or you’ll face charges for conduct unbecoming an officer.” He pointed a finger at Rafe. “It’s your duty to make sure he does what I ask. If Sir Galahad here has any notions of protecting his damsel from me, you’d better think twice before going against my order. As for you—” this time he pointed at Will “—if that woman isn’t in my office by the deadline your lieutenant is going to the brig. Dismissed.”

They both saluted. As Will reached the door the general called out to him. “Marine…”

Will turned. “Yes, sir.”

“I meant what I said about your friend and the brig.”

Will saluted his father again. Sometimes he really hated the man.

HANNAH WOKE SLOWLY. It was eight-thirty in the morning but she’d slept only four hours. Sitting up on the side of the bed, she stretched. Muscles she didn’t even know she owned were sore.

Last night was the kind that spawned legends. Will was a machine. A tender, lovemaking machine. The mere thought of him twisted her insides. She hadn’t been surprised that he was gone before she woke up. She’d expected it.

This was his first day on a new assignment and she knew their night had been a singular event. He’d made no promises, nor had she.

You’ll probably never see him again. She tried to act as if it didn’t matter. They ran in different worlds. It was absurd to think he’d ever return after what she’d put him through the day before.

A knot formed in her gut.

“No. You aren’t going to do this. You both blew off some steam last night. You had a great time. Incredible sex and he was everything a man should be. Now let it go.”

In the kitchen she poured herself some coffee, the first sip working like a shot of adrenaline to her brain. Everything she needed to accomplish in the next forty-eight hours assailed her.

She was about to reach for her sketchpad when her cell phone rang. She didn’t know the number but she picked up anyway.


“It’s Will.”

She couldn’t stifle the grin that slid across her face. “How did you get my cell? Wait, that sounded like an accusation. I promise I didn’t mean it that way. I’m surprised you called.”

“I got it off your phone last night and left you my number there on the coffee table.”

So maybe last night wasn’t the end. She was mad at herself about the excitement that thought sent through her body.

“Oh. So what’s up?”

“I have to ask you a favor.” He sounded hesitant.

“Will, you saved my beans yesterday. I would do anything for you.”

And to you.

“I wouldn’t have called you for this if it weren’t absolutely necessary.” He sounded so serious.

“What’s wrong?”

“The general wasn’t happy about Rafe and me modeling yesterday. There are pictures all over the paper. We explained that we only did it to help you out, that it was sort of an accident, but he wants to talk to you. If I don’t get you to his office before five today, he’s going to throw us both in the brig.”

“The brig?”

“It’s the military’s version of a jail.”

“No, I know what it is, but it seems extreme. I mean, you weren’t wearing your uniforms. I don’t understand why he has a problem with it. You were off duty.”

Will sighed. “It’s tough for civilians to understand, but you are never off duty when you’re a marine. We are representatives of the U.S. Marine Corps at all times. If you don’t want to do this, I understand.” He sounded so dejected.

“Of course I’ll do it. I told you I’d do anything for you. Besides, I’d like to give that general a piece of my mind for being so mean to you guys. He should be the one going in the brig.”

She thought she heard him laugh. “Might be best if you just go in and tell him the truth about how you met us. He isn’t likely to appreciate any kind of confrontation.”

“I can do that. I need to shower and find something to wear. I can meet you wherever you need me to in about an hour and a half.” She needed most of that time to whip her hair into submission.


AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER, dressed in her best Chanel suit trying to look like a proper young woman, she was in a conference room at a hotel near the UN. Will was caught up in meetings so Rafe met her in the lobby and directed her to the room. Earlier Will had explained why she had to be here, and she promised she would do whatever it took to help him.

“The general is…” Rafe looked around the hotel conference room. He pulled out a notepad and wrote is tough. Room may be bugged. “Is a nice guy,” he said out loud. “Captain Hughes told me to tell you not to worry. If there are questions that make you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to answer. You really don’t have to do any of this. The captain and I are more than willing to take our punishment without dragging you into this.”

Hannah tore off the piece of paper and stuffed it in her coat pocket. “I’m here to make him understand what really happened,” she said. “And I’m not going home until he does.”

“That will be all, Lieutenant.” A handsome older man walked in through another door Hannah hadn’t even noticed.

Rafe saluted. Without saying a word, he backed out of the room.

The man held out his hand and Hannah shook it.

“I’m General Holland Hughes. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to assist in this matter.”

Intimidating. If there were one word to sum this guy up, that would be it. He was as big as Will, which was saying something, but he had a few more lines on his face and his light brown hair had white at the temples.

Hannah stood a little straighter. She was here to help Will and she’d be damned if she’d let this guy do anything to him or Rafe.

“I’d like for you to share with me your version of what happened yesterday.” The general claimed a seat and motioned for her to do the same.

Hannah watched him carefully. Then gave him a sweet smile. “I don’t know what you mean by a version of the story. The truth is simple. I was at my wit’s end. My entire business was about to go down the drain because my models were missing.” She didn’t think it would help to mention they were in jail.

“I went out on the street to find someone who might fit the clothes. It was crowded, but I couldn’t find anyone who was right for what I needed. Desperate, I started crying. Right there in public. A man comforted me, and told me no matter what was going on, that I would be okay. That man was Captain Hughes.”

Hughes? Wait a minute. That was the general’s last name, too.

“Are you related to Will?”

“That’s irrelevant,” he said in a clipped tone.

Hannah wasn’t exactly known for putting up with bullies. “Are you this rude all the time or is it some kind of intimidation tactic? You remind me of my dad. Even the way you do your eyebrows. As if you disapprove of everyone, no matter what’s going on.”

As soon as she finished talking, she wanted to slam a palm to her forehead. The last thing Will and Rafe needed was for her to shoot off her big mouth and make the general angrier.

“Will is my son.” His face didn’t change, but Hannah had a feeling she’d won some kind of battle.

That bit of information took a second to process. His own father was threatening him with the brig?

He was probably making an example out of his son. Holding him up to even tougher standards than he probably would for anyone else in this situation.

And I’m sure I’ve made the perfect first impression. This man hates me.

“Thank you for telling me,” Hannah said politely as if she hadn’t just blown everything by being an idiot. “As I was saying, I begged Captain Hughes and his friend to help me. At the time, I’m not sure I explained fully what it would entail. I just told them I needed big, strong guys and that my life depended on them helping me.” She took a breath. “If I had any idea that they would be in trouble for helping a stranger, I would have never asked, even if it had ruined my show. They are amazing men. So kindhearted.”

Her mind flashed to the night before when Will’s hands covered her body. He sure had been amazing then. The way he teased her into oblivion, her body taut with need—

Stop it!

She hated when her brain did stuff like that at the most inopportune moments. Twice on the subway here she caught herself grinning like the Cheshire cat while thinking about Will.

This is not the time to run your personal porno through your whacked-out head. Pray you didn’t have some kind of goofy orgasm face.

Poor Will, he would go to jail and it was all her fault because she couldn’t tame her libido.

“They were the hit of the show. With only a few instructions, they performed as if they had been doing it their entire lives. They pushed the show to a new level, and helped to launch my career and my business in a major way. They’re like my guardian angels.”

That last bit might have been laying it on kind of thick. She decided to stop there. Worried that if she kept talking, she would say something else stupid, she bit the inside of her lip.

“Are you admitting your business would have been in jeopardy if my men hadn’t helped you?”

The way he said admitting sounded as though he didn’t believe her.

Hannah frowned. “Yes. As I said before, the two designs at the end were what really distinguished my line from everything else that is out there. If you aren’t distinctive in some way, they forget about you before they leave the show.”

The silence sent waves of nausea through her stomach.


“I understand that perhaps some of the photos might have been upsetting to you.” She had to stop talking. “But I promise you those men had the best intentions. When they found out what was required, I could tell they didn’t want to go through with it. But they had promised.

“I haven’t known either of them for very long, but they are men of their word. What they did was incredibly difficult and perhaps embarrassing for them, but they did it anyway to help out some crazy woman they didn’t even know.”

There was a knock on the door. “Sir, you have five minutes until the meeting with—” The man seemed to notice Hannah was there. “The meeting, sir.”

Must have been some top secret meeting the way the general cut the guy down with his eyes.

But he stood and Hannah did the same. “Again, I appreciate you taking the time to sort this out.” He stuck out his hand and she shook it again.

Then he turned to leave.

“Sir.” Hannah wasn’t sure what to say. “You did a good job with Will. He really is an amazing human being.”

The older man nodded and left.

She had no idea if she had helped or hindered the situation, but she’d done her best.

Not sure what she should do next, she left through the door Rafe had brought her in. He was waiting in the hallway.

“Will’s really sorry he couldn’t be here. I hope the general wasn’t too harsh.”

Hannah pursed her lips. “It wasn’t bad at all, but he’s a hard one to read. His face never changed, except when his assistant interrupted the meeting. And it might have been nice if you guys had told me they were related.”

Rafe smiled. “He told you that?”

“Only after I asked. He told me it was irrelevant, and I told him that he was rude.”

Rafe stopped walking and faced her with a panicked look on his face.

“What?” She acted surprised but she knew why he was upset. She’d really done it this time. Poor guys.

“You talked back?”

“No, not really. I just called him on his attitude. He was trying to be a tough guy with me and I didn’t appreciate it.”

Rafe sighed.

“I caused more trouble for you and Will, didn’t I?”

Rafe pushed the button for the lobby on the elevator panel. “I don’t know. He’s, well, I don’t know. He’s pretty hard on Will. I’m just a pawn. You showing up probably cleared me. But Will—”

Her gut churned. “If I did anything else to get him in trouble, I’m never going to forgive myself. I’m sorry to you, too, Rafe.”

He put a hand on her shoulder and guided her out to the lobby. “You don’t have to worry about me. I was scared as hell last night and I don’t scare easy. But I had a great time meeting everyone. And I had one of the best dates of my life thanks to your show.”

Hannah’s head shot up. “You did?”

“One of the models, Micola. She took me out for Indian food and we talked football until the wee hours of the morning. I never met a woman who looked like that and is better at football stats than I am.”

Her hand around her middle, Hannah laughed. “I had no idea she was into sports, either.”

“I have no regrets about last night. And like I said before, if the general decides to go hard-core, we can take it. Certainly won’t be the first time for Will. He has to live up to a whole different standard than the rest of us.”

“I had a feeling that was the case. I’m sorry I didn’t get to see him to apologize again. Will you please tell him for me, Rafe?”

“He’s cool with it. I promise. He never wanted you to come today. The only reason he called was to keep me out of the brig. We both appreciate you doing this today. No matter what happens. I’ve got to get going.”

Hannah waved goodbye. Outside, snow fell but she didn’t care. Even though she was wearing her favorite Marc Jacobs booties. Twice she almost slipped, but she managed to stay upright on the sidewalk.

Never had she been so disappointed in herself. All she had to do was be polite to the general. She had grown up around people like him and she knew what was expected. But she couldn’t keep her mouth shut for ten minutes to make that happen.

Then she thought about the past few weeks. How hard she’d been on the staff. No question she’d become a designerzilla the past few days. After years of working for people like that, she’d sworn she would never act that way. Designers as a whole were mercurial at best. One time Leland had screamed at her because he didn’t like the color of belt she had chosen to accent one of his designs. She knew she would never act like that. Leland, when he wasn’t working, was a dreamboat, but when he was designing or before a show, he was nothing short of evil. And he wasn’t the only one.

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Model Marine Candace Havens
Model Marine

Candace Havens

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Subject: Captain Will Hughes, U.S. Marine CorpsCurrent Status: On assignment in NYC–suddenly recruited to shed the uniform!Mission: Serve as model, muse and man-toy without running afoul of the general.Obstacle: Hannah Harrington, fashion world It girl.Hannah narrowly escapes Fashion Week disaster by hijacking gorgeous Will for her runway show–after all, rock-hard abs are the ultimate accessory. His good deed nearly lands him in the brig, but he′ll risk anything to get back into her bed….Hannah can′t figure out how this model marine got under her skin–they′re complete opposites! But sexy Will not only ignites her senses, he fuels her creativity: an irresistible combination, even if it can′t last. Can two steamy weeks together satisfy their lust…or will they have to extend this mission?

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