The Secret Affair

The Secret Affair
Brenda Jackson

Praise forNew York TimesandUSA TODAYbestselling author Brenda Jackson (#ulink_3b1619d9-cdbe-571c-af6a-c8232fdc5f12)
“Brenda Jackson writes romance that sizzles and characters you fall in love with.”
—New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Lori Foster
“Jackson’s trademark ability to weave multiple characters and side stories together makes shocking truths all the more exciting.”
—Publishers Weekly
“There is no getting away from the sex appeal and charm of Jackson’s Westmoreland family.”
—RT Book Reviews on Feeling the Heat
“Jackson’s characters are wonderful, strong, colorful and hot enough to burn the pages.”
—RT Book Reviews on Westmoreland’s Way
“The kind of sizzling, heart-tugging story Brenda Jackson is famous for.”
—RT Book Reviews on Spencer's Forbidden Passion
“This is entertainment at its best.”
—RT Book Reviews on Star of His Heart
* * *
The Secret Affair is part of The Westmorelands series: A family bound by loyalty … and love! Only from New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson and Mills & Boon
BRENDA JACKSON is a die “heart” romantic who married her childhood sweetheart, Gerald, and still proudly wears the “going steady” ring he gave her when she was fifteen. Their marriage of forty-one years produced two sons, Gerald Jr. and Brandon, of whom Brenda is extremely proud. Because she’s always believed in the power of love, Brenda’s stories always have happy endings, and she credits Gerald for being her inspiration.
A New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than one hundred romance titles, Brenda is a retiree from a major insurance company and now divides her time between family, writing and travel. You may write Brenda at PO Box 28267, Jacksonville, Florida 32226, USA, by e-mail at ( or visit her website at (
The Secret Affair
Brenda Jackson (
Table of Contents
Cover (#ud051da32-fda3-5bb5-9126-a3bfd95b5673)
Praise (#ulink_d3d2ac30-8396-5ea5-8ec0-7b77c734b072)
About the Author (#u7d60109a-ac1a-58cd-9e46-19f60aa60f06)
Title Page (#u699aa4e5-de41-540f-977b-a2597a02a2f0)
Dedication (#u53304c7d-a28b-501e-9167-02ada4788fa2)
Prologue (#ulink_67435c3d-d11b-574a-9b22-7a817ac3893f)
Chapter One (#ulink_ff3bcf41-d6f6-56c8-b280-c59767f38b1f)
Chapter Two (#ulink_d2237e03-16b2-591f-be50-cb3de8cf94cf)
Chapter Three (#ulink_45628908-ef9a-525d-93d8-5bbfe9eeb6bd)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
To the man who will always and forever be the love of my life, Gerald Jackson, Sr.
Special thanks to Dr Dorothy M. Russ of Meharry Medical College for your assistance in providing information on medical schools and residency programs.
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
—Colossians 2:3
Prologue (#ulink_b86f0602-78fb-5349-8361-a70d5706b882)
Jillian Novak stared across the table at her sister, not believing what she’d just heard.
Jillian placed the glass of wine she’d been holding on the table, barely keeping the drink from spilling. “What do you mean you aren’t going with me? That’s crazy, Paige. Need I remind you that you’re the one who planned the trip?”
“A reminder isn’t needed, Jill, but please understand my dilemma,” Paige said in a rueful tone, her dark brown eyes shaded with regret. “Getting a part in a Steven Spielberg movie is a dream come true. You can’t imagine what I was feeling—happiness at being chosen one minute, and then disappointment the next, when I found out that shooting starts the same week I was supposed to be on the cruise with you.”
“Let me guess, your happiness overpowered your disappointment, right?” Jillian felt a pounding pressure in her head and knew why. She had been looking forward to the Mediterranean cruise—for many reasons—and now it appeared she wouldn’t be going.
“I’m sorry, Jill. You’ve never gone on a cruise and I know it’s one of the things on your bucket list.”
Paige’s apology only made Jillian feel worse. She’d made her sister feel awful for making a choice Jillian would have made herself if given the chance. Reaching across the table, she grabbed Paige’s hand.
“I’m the one who should be apologizing, Paige. I was only thinking of myself. You’re right. Getting that part in the movie is a dream come true and you’d be crazy not to take it. I’m truly happy for you. Congratulations.”
A bright smile spread across Paige’s lips. “Thanks. I wanted so much for us to spend time together on the cruise. It’s been ages since me, you, Pam and Nadia have had sister time.”
Nadia, a senior in college, was their youngest sister. At twenty-one she was two years younger than Paige and four years younger than Jillian. Pamela, their oldest sister—who Jillian, Nadia and Paige were convinced was the best older sister anyone could ever have—was ten years older than Jillian. A former actress, Pam had given up the glitter of Hollywood to return home to Gamble, Wyoming, and raise them when their father died. Now Pam lived in Denver. She was married, the mother of two and the CEO of two acting schools, one in Denver and the other in Gamble. Paige had followed in Pam’s footsteps and pursued an acting career. She lived in Los Angeles.
With Pam’s busy schedule, she’d said accompanying them on the cruise would have been close to impossible. Nadia had wanted to go but finals kept her from doing so. Jillian had wanted sister time with at least one of her siblings. And now that she had completed medical school, she needed those two weeks on the cruise as a getaway before starting her residency. But there was another reason she wanted to take that two-week cruise.
Aidan Westmoreland.
It was hard to believe it had been a little over a year since she’d broken things off with him. And every time she remembered the reason she’d done so her heart ached. She needed a distraction from her memories.
“You okay, Jill?”
Jillian glanced up at Paige and forced a smile. “Yes, why do you ask?”
“You zoned out on me just now. I was talking and you appeared to be a million miles away. I noticed you haven’t been yourself since I arrived in New Orleans. More than once you’ve seemed preoccupied about something. Is everything okay?”
Jillian waved off Paige’s words. The last thing she wanted was for her sister to start worrying and begin digging. “Yes, everything is okay, Paige.”
Paige didn’t look convinced. “Um, I don’t know. Maybe I should forget about being in that movie and go on that cruise with you after all.”
Jillian picked up her wineglass to take a sip. “Don’t be silly. You’re doing the right thing. Besides, I’m not going on the cruise.”
“Why not?”
Jillian was surprised at her sister’s question. “Surely you don’t expect me to go without you.”
“You need a break before starting your residency.”
Jillian rolled her eyes. “Get real, Paige. What would I do on a two-week cruise by myself?”
“Rest, relax, enjoy the sights, the ocean, the peace and quiet. And you might luck up and meet some nice single guy.”
Jillian shook her head. “Nice single guys don’t go on cruises alone. Besides, the last thing I need right now is a man in my life.”
Paige laughed. “Jill, you haven’t had a guy in your life since you dated Cobb Grindstone in your senior year at Gamble High. I think what’s missing in your life is a man.”
Jillian bristled at her sister’s words. “Not hardly, especially with my busy schedule. And I don’t see you with anyone special.”
“At least I’ve been dating over the years. You haven’t. Or, if you have, you haven’t told me about it.”
Jillian schooled her expression into an impassive facade. She’d never told Paige about her affair with Aidan, and considering how it had ended she was glad she hadn’t.
She glanced up at her sister. “Yes?”
A teasing smile spread across Paige’s lips. “You aren’t keeping secrets, are you?”
Jill knew Paige had given her the perfect opportunity to come clean about her affair with Aidan, but she wasn’t ready. Even after a year, the pain was still raw. And the last thing Jillian needed was for Paige to start probing for more information.
“You know the reason I don’t have a man in my life is because of time. My focus has been on becoming a doctor and nothing else.” Paige didn’t have to know that a few years ago Aidan had wiggled his way past that focus without much effort. That had been a mistake that cost her.
“That’s why I think you should go on that cruise without me,” Paige said. “You’ve worked hard and need to rest and enjoy yourself for a change. Once you begin your residency you’ll have even less time for yourself—or anything else.”
“That’s true,” Jillian said. “But—”
“No buts, Jillian.”
Jillian knew that tone. She also knew that whenever Paige called her by her full name she meant business. “If I were to go on that cruise alone I’d be bored stiff. You’re talking about two weeks.”
Paige gave her a pointed look. “I’m talking about two weeks that I believe you need. And just think of all the fabulous places you’ll get to see—Barcelona, France, Rome, Greece and Turkey.” Now it was Paige who reached out to take hold of Jillian’s hand. “Look, Jill, there is something going on with you, I can feel it. Whatever it is, it’s tearing you apart. I picked up on it months ago, the last time I came to visit you.”
A wry smile touched Paige’s lips when she added, “Perhaps you are keeping secrets. Maybe there’s some doctor in medical school that caught your eye and you’re not ready to tell me about him. One who has blown your mind and you don’t know how to handle the intensity of such a relationship. If that’s the case, I understand. All of us at some time or another have issues we prefer to deal with alone. That’s why I believe two weeks on the open seas will be good for you.”
Jillian drew in a deep breath. Paige didn’t know how close she was to the truth. Her problem did center on some doctor, but not one attending medical school with her.
At that moment the waitress returned with their meal, and Jillian appreciated the interruption. She knew Paige would not be happy until Jillian agreed to go on the cruise. She’d heard what Paige had said—Paige knew something was bothering Jillian. It would only be a matter of time before Pam and Nadia knew as well, if they didn’t already. Besides, Jillian had already taken those two weeks off. If she didn’t go on the cruise, the family would expect her to come home and spend that time with them. She couldn’t do that. What if Aidan came home unexpectedly while she was there? He was the last person she wanted to see.
Jillian drew in another deep breath and met Paige’s gaze. “Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll go cruising alone. Hopefully, I’ll enjoy myself.”
Paige smiled. “You will. There will be plenty for you to do and on those days when you feel like doing nothing, you can do that, too. Everybody needs to give their mind a rest once in a while.”
Jillian nodded. Her mind definitely needed a rest. She would be the first to admit that she had missed Aidan—the steamy hot text messages, the emails that made her adrenaline surge and the late-night phone calls that sent heat sizzling through her entire body.
But that had been before she’d learned the truth. Now all she wanted to do was get over him.
She sighed deeply while thinking that Paige was right. Jillian needed that cruise and the time away it would give her. She would go on the cruise alone.
* * *
Dr. Aidan Westmoreland entered his apartment and removed his lab coat. After running a frustrated hand down his face, he glanced at his watch. He’d hoped he would have heard something by now. What if...
The ringing of his cell phone made him pause on his way to the kitchen. It was the call he’d been waiting for. “Paige?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“Is she still going?” he asked, not wasting time with chitchat.
There was a slight pause on the other end and in that short space of time knots formed in his stomach. “Yes, she’s still going on the cruise, Aidan.”
He released the breath he’d been holding as Paige continued, “Jill still has no idea I’m aware that the two of you had an affair.”
Aidan hadn’t known Paige knew the truth, either, until she’d paid him a surprise visit last month. According to her, she’d figured things out the year Jillian had entered medical school. She’d become suspicious when he’d come home for his cousin Riley’s wedding and she’d overheard him call Jillian Jilly in an intimate tone. Paige had been concerned this past year when she’d noticed Jillian seemed troubled by something that she wouldn’t share with Paige.
Paige had talked to Ivy, Jillian’s best friend, who’d also been concerned about Jillian. Ivy had shared everything about the situation with Paige. That prompted Paige to fly to Charlotte and confront him. Until then, he’d been clueless as to the real reason behind his and Jillian’s breakup.
When Paige had told him of the cruise she and Jillian had planned and had suggested an idea for getting Jillian on the cruise alone, he’d readily embraced the plan.
I’ve done my part and the rest is up to you, Aidan. I hope you can convince Jill of the truth.
Moments later he ended the call and continued to the kitchen where he grabbed a beer. Popping the top, he leaned against the counter and took a huge gulp. Two weeks on the open seas with Jillian would be interesting. But he intended to make it more than just interesting. He aimed to make it productive.
A determined smile spread across his lips. By the time the cruise ended there would be no doubt in Jillian’s mind that he was the only man for her.
Moments later, he tossed the empty can in the recycle bin before heading for the shower. As he undressed, he couldn’t help but recall how his secret affair with Jillian had begun nearly four years ago....
Chapter One (#ulink_9f1e7666-32f0-5d6a-9263-222311e90d17)
Four years earlier
“So, how does it feel to be twenty-one?”
Jillian’s breath caught in her throat when Aidan Westmoreland’s tall frame slid into the seat across from her. It was only then that she noticed everyone had gone inside. She and Aidan were the only ones on the patio that overlooked a beautiful lake.
This birthday party had been a huge surprise and Aidan’s attendance even more so since he rarely came home from medical school. She couldn’t imagine he’d come home just for her birthday. With her away at college most of the time as well, their paths rarely crossed. She couldn’t recall them ever holding what she considered a real conversation during the four years she’d known him.
“It feels the same as yesterday,” she said. “Age is just a number. No big deal.”
A smile touched the corners of his lips and her stomach clenched. He had a gorgeous smile, one that complemented the rest of him. If there was such a thing as eye candy he was certainly it. She had the hots for him big-time.
Who wouldn’t have the hots while sitting across from this hunk of sexiness? If his lips didn’t grab you then his eyes certainly would. They were deep, dark and penetrating. Jillian’s heart missed beats just looking into them.
“Just a number?” He chuckled, leaning back in his chair, stretching long legs in front of him. “Women might think that way but men think differently.”
He smelled good. When did she start noticing the scent of a man?
“And why is that, Aidan?” she asked, picking up her glass of lemonade to take a sip. It suddenly felt hotter than usual. It had nothing to do with the temperature and everything to do with her body’s heated reaction to him.
She watched him lift a brow over those striking dark eyes. A feral smile edged his lips as he leaned forward. “Are you sure I’m Aidan and not Adrian?”
Oh, yes she was sure he was Aidan. She’d heard about the games he and his identical twin would play on unsuspecting souls, those who couldn’t tell them apart. “I’m sure.”
It was Aidan and not Adrian who stirred her in places she’d rather not think about at the moment.
He leaned in even closer. So close she could see the pupils in his dark eyes. “And how are you so certain?” he asked.
Was she imagining things or had the tone of his voice dropped to a husky murmur? It was rumored that he was a big flirt. She had seen him in action at several Westmoreland weddings. It was also a fact that he and his twin were womanizers and had developed quite a reputation at Harvard. She could certainly see why women were at their beck and call.
“Because I am,” she replied. And that’s all she intended to say on the matter.
There was no way she would tell him the real reason, that from the moment her brother-in-law Dillon had introduced her to Aidan, before he’d married Pam, she had developed a full-blown crush. She’d been seventeen at the time, a senior in high school. The only problem was the crush hadn’t lessened much since.
She glanced back up at Aidan. “Why what?”
“Why are you so certain? You still haven’t said.”
She inwardly sighed. Why couldn’t he leave it alone? She had no intention of telling him. But since she had a feeling he wouldn’t let up, she added, “The two of you sound different.”
He flashed another sexy smile, showing the dimples in his cheeks. Her hormones, which always acted out of control around him, were erratic now. “Funny you say that. Most people think we sound a lot alike.”
“Well, I don’t think that.”
There was no way she could think that when it was Aidan’s voice, and not Adrian’s, that stroked her senses. Deciding it was time to take charge of the conversation to keep his questions at bay, she inquired, “So how is medical school going?”
He didn’t let on that he suspected her ploy, and as she took another sip of her lemonade, he began telling her what she had to look forward to in another year or so. Becoming a neurosurgeon had been a lifelong dream of hers ever since her mother died of a brain infection when Jillian was seven.
Aidan told her about the dual residency program at hospitals in Portland, Maine, and Charlotte, North Carolina, that he planned to pursue after completing medical school. His dream was to become a cardiologist. He was excited about becoming a doctor and she could hear it in his voice. She was thrilled about becoming a doctor one day as well, but she had another year left before she finished her studies at the University of Wyoming.
While he talked, she nodded as she discreetly gave him a slow, appreciative appraisal. The man was too handsome for words. His voice was smooth as silk, with just enough huskiness to keep her pulse rate on edge. Creamy caramel skin spread across the bridge of a hawkish nose, sharp cheekbones, a perfect sculptured jaw and a mouth so sensual she enjoyed watching it in motion. She could imagine all the things he did with that mouth.
“Have you decided where you’re going for medical school, Jillian?”
She blinked. He had asked her a question and was waiting on an answer. And while he waited she saw that sexy mouth ease into another smile. She wondered if he’d known she was checking him out.
“I’ve always wanted to live in New Orleans so working at a hospital there will be at the top of my list,” she said, trying to ignore the eyes staring at her.
“And your second choice?”
She shrugged. “Not sure. I guess one in Florida.”
She frowned. Why was he quizzing her? “I’ve never been to Florida.”
He chuckled. “I hope that’s not the only reason.”
Her frown deepened. “Of course that’s not the only reason,” she said defensively. “There are good medical schools in Louisiana and Florida.”
He nodded. “Yes, there are. How’s your grade point average?”
“Good. In fact my GPA is better than good. I’m at the top of my class. In the top ten at least.”
Getting there hadn’t been easy. She’d made a lot of sacrifices, especially in her social life. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d gone out on a date or participated in any school activities. But she was okay with that. Pam was paying a lot of the cost for her education and Jillian wanted to make her sister proud.
“What about the entrance exam—the MCAT—and admission essays? Started on them yet?”
“Too early.”
“It’s never too early. I suggest you prepare for them during your free time.”
Now it was her turn to smile. “Free time? What’s that?”
The chuckle that erupted from his throat was smooth and sexy and made her pulse thump. “It’s time you should squeeze in regardless of whether you think you can or not. It’s essential to know how to manage your time wisely, otherwise you’ll get burned-out before you even get started.”
She grudgingly wondered what made him an expert. Then she pushed her resentment aside. He was giving her sound advice and he had gone where she had yet to go. And from what she’d heard, he was doing pretty well at it. He would graduate from Harvard Medical School at the top of his class and then enter a dual residency program that any medical student would die for. He would get the chance to work with the best cardiologists in the United States.
“Thanks for the advice, Aidan.”
“You’re welcome. When you get ready to knock them out of the way, let me know. I’ll help you.”
“You will?”
“Sure. Even if I have to come to you to do it.”
She lifted a brow. He would come to her? She couldn’t imagine him doing such a thing. Harvard was in Boston and that was a long way from her university in Laramie, Wyoming.
“Hand me your phone for a second.”
His request jarred her thoughts back into focus. “Why?”
“So I can put my numbers into it.”
Jillian drew in a deep breath before standing to pull her cell phone from the back pocket of her jeans. She handed it to him and tried to ignore the tingling sensation that flowed through her when their hands touched. She watched him use deft fingers to key in the numbers. Surgeon’s fingers. Long, strong, with precise and swift movements. She wondered how those same fingers would feel stroking her skin. She heated just thinking about it.
Moments later his phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. It was then that she realized he’d called himself to have her number, as well. “There,” he said, handing her phone back to her. “You now have my number and I have yours.”
Was she jumping to conclusions or did his words hold some significance? “Yes, we have each other’s numbers,” she agreed softly, shoving the assumption out of her mind.
He stood, glancing at his watch. “Adrian and I are meeting up with Canyon and Stern in town for drinks and to shoot pool, so I best get going. Happy birthday again.”
“Thanks, Aidan.”
“You’re welcome.”
He walked away but when he got to the French doors he turned and looked back at her, regarding her through his gorgeous dark eyes. The intensity of his gaze made her stomach quiver and another burst of heat swept through her. She felt something...passion? Sexual chemistry? Lust? All three and more, she decided. She’d thought all the Westmoreland males she’d met since Pam married Dillon were eye candy, but there was something about Aidan that pulled at everything female inside of her.
She cleared her throat. “Is anything wrong?” she asked when the silence began to stretch.
Her question seemed to jar him. He frowned slightly before quickly forcing a smile. “Not sure.”
As he opened the French door to go inside, she wondered what he meant by that.
* * *
Why, of all the women in the world, have I developed this deep attraction for Jillian Novak?
The first time he’d noticed it was when they’d been introduced four years ago. He’d been twenty-two, and she only seventeen, but still a looker. He’d known then that he would have to keep his distance. Now she was twenty-one and still had the word innocent written all over her. From what he’d heard, she didn’t even have a boyfriend, preferring to concentrate on her studies and forgo a love life.
And speaking of life, Aidan was fairly certain he loved every part of his, especially his family. So why was he allowing himself to be attracted to Pam’s sister? He didn’t want to cause any trouble for Dillon.
Pam Novak was a jewel and just what Dillon needed. Everyone had been shocked when Dillon announced he had met a woman who he intended to marry. That had been the craziest thing Aidan had ever heard.
Dillon, of all people, should have known better. Hadn’t his first wife left him when he’d refused to send the youngest four members of the Westmoreland family—namely him, Adrian, Bane and Bailey—to foster care? What had made Dillon think Pam would be different? But it didn’t take Aidan, his siblings and cousins long to discover that she was different.
As far as Aidan was concerned, she was everything they’d all needed; she knew the value of family. And she had proven it when she’d turned her back on a promising acting career to care for her three teenaged sisters when her father passed away.
To say the Westmorelands had undergone a lot of family turmoil of their own was an understatement. It all started when Aidan’s parents and uncle and aunt died in a plane crash, leaving his cousin Dillon in charge of the family, along with Aidan’s oldest brother, Ramsey, as backup. Dillon and Ramsey had worked hard and made sacrifices to keep the family together—all fifteen of them.
Aidan’s parents had had eight children: five boys—Ramsey, Zane, Derringer and the twins, Aidan and Adrian—and three girls—Megan, Gemma and Bailey. Uncle Adam and Aunt Clarisse had had seven sons: Dillon, Micah, Jason, Riley, Canyon, Stern and Brisbane.
It hadn’t been easy, especially since he, Adrian, Brisbane and Bailey had been under the age of sixteen. And Aidan would admit the four of them had been the most challenging of the bunch, getting into all sorts of mischief, even to the point that the State of Colorado ordered they be put in foster homes. Dillon had appealed that decision and won. Lucky for the four youngest Westmorelands, Dillon had known their acts of rebellion were their way of handling the grief of losing their parents. Now Aidan was in medical school; Adrian was working on his PhD in engineering; Bane had joined the navy and Bailey was taking classes at a local university while working part-time.
Aidan’s thoughts shifted back to Jillian, although he didn’t want them to. The birthday party yesterday had been a surprise, and the shocked look on her face had been priceless—adorable and a total turn-on. If he’d had any doubt about just how much he was attracted to her, that doubt had been dispelled when he saw her.
She had walked out onto the patio expecting a going-away party for his sister Gemma, who had married Callum and was moving to Australia. Instead it had been a surprise birthday party for her. After shedding a few happy tears, which he would have loved to lick away, she had hugged Pam and Dillon for thinking of her on her twenty-first birthday. From what he’d heard, it was the first time Jillian had had a party since she was a little kid.
While everyone had rushed over to congratulate her, he had hung back, checking her out. The sundress looked cute on her and it was obvious she wasn’t the seventeen-year-old he’d met four years ago. Her face was fuller, her features stunning and her body...
Where had those curves come from? There’s no way he would have missed them before. She was short compared with his six-foot-two-inch height. He figured she stood no taller than five feet three inches in bare feet. And speaking of her feet, her polished toes, a flaming red, had been another turn-on. Pam might not want to hear it, but her sister was Hot with a capital H.
When he realized he had been the only one who hadn’t wished her a happy birthday, he was about to do so when his phone rang. He had slipped off the patio to take the call from a friend from college who was trying to fix him up on a blind date for next weekend.
When he returned to the patio after finishing his call, everyone else had gone inside to watch a movie or play cards, and she’d been alone. She would never know how hard it had been for him to sit across from her without touching her. She looked good and smelled good, as well.
Jillian Novak had definitely caught his eye.
But Dillon and Pam would pluck out that same eye if he didn’t squash what he was feeling.
Everybody knew how protective Pam was when it came to her sisters. Just like everyone knew Aidan wasn’t one to take women seriously. And he didn’t plan to change his behavior now. So the best thing for him to do while he was home for the next three days was to keep his distance from Jillian as he’d always done.
So why did I get her phone number and give her mine, for crying out loud?
Okay, he reasoned quickly, it had been a crazy moment, one he now regretted. The good thing was he doubted she would ever call him for help and he would make it a point never to call her.
That was a good plan, one he intended to stick to. Now, if he could only stop thinking about her that would be great. Glancing down at the medical journal he was supposed to be reading, he tried to focus on the words. Within a few minutes he’d read one interesting article and was about to start on another.
“Will you do me a big favor?”
Aidan glanced up to stare into the face of his sister Bailey. She used to be the baby in the Denver Westmoreland family but that had changed now that Dillon and Pam had a son, and Aidan’s brother Ramsey and his wife, Chloe, had a daughter.
“Depends on what the favor is?”
“I promised Jill that I would go riding with her and show her the section of Westmoreland Country that she hasn’t seen yet. Now they’ve called me to come in to work. I need you to go with Jillian instead.”
“Just show her another day,” he said, quickly deciding that going horseback riding with Jillian wasn’t a smart idea.
“That was my original plan but I can’t reach her on her cell phone. We were to meet at Gemma Lake, and you know how bad phone reception is out there. She’s already there waiting for me.”
He frowned. “Can’t you ask someone else?”
“I did but everyone is busy.”
His frown deepened. “And I’m not?”
Bailey rolled her eyes. “Not like everyone else. You’re just reading a magazine.”
He figured there was no use explaining to Bailey that his reading was important. He just so happened to be reading about a medical breakthrough where the use of bionic eyes had been tested as a way to restore sight with good results.
“Well, will you do it?”
He closed the medical journal and placed it aside. “You’re positive there’s no one else who can do it?”
“Yes, and she really wants to see it. This is her home now and—”
“Her home? She’s away at school most of the time,” he said.
“And so are you, Adrian, Stern and Canyon, and this is still your home. So what’s your point?”
He decided not to argue with her. There were times when his baby sister could read him like an open book and he didn’t want her to do that in this instance. It wouldn’t take her long to figure out the story written on his pages was all about Jillian.
“Fine. I’ll go.”
“Act a little enthused, will you? You’ve been kind of standoffish with Jillian and her sisters since Dillon married Pam.”
“I have not.”
“You have, too. You should take time to get to know them. They’re part of the family now. Besides, you and Jill will both become doctors one day so already you have a common interest.”
He hoped like hell that would remain their only common interest. It was up to him to make sure it did. “Whatever,” he said, standing and walking toward the door, pausing to grab his Stetson off the hat rack.
“And, Aidan?”
He stopped before opening the door and turned around, somewhat annoyed. “What now?”
“Try to be nice. You can act like a grizzly bear at times.”
That was her opinion. Deciding not to disagree with her, because you could never win with Bailey, he walked out of the house.
Chapter Two (#ulink_12d69959-2013-508f-a47b-e316b640e629)
Jillian heard the sound of a rider approaching and turned around, using her hand to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun. Although she couldn’t make out the identity of the rider, she knew it wasn’t Bailey.
The rider came closer and when her heart began pounding hard in her chest, she knew it was Aidan. What was he doing here? And where was Bailey?
Over breakfast she and Bailey had agreed to go riding after lunch. Because the property was located so far from Denver’s city limits and encompassed so much land, the locals referred to it as Westmoreland Country. Although Jillian had seen parts of it, she had yet to see all of it and Bailey had volunteered to show it to her.
Dropping her hand to her side, Jillian drew in a deep breath as Aidan and his horse came closer. She tried not to notice how straight he sat in the saddle or how good he looked sitting astride the horse. And she tried not to gawk at how his Stetson, along with his western shirt, vest, jeans and boots, made him look like a cowboy in the flesh.
When he brought the horse to a stop a few feet from where she stood, she had to tilt her head all the way back to look up at him. “Aidan.”
He nodded. “Jillian.”
His irritated expression and the cutting sound of his voice made her think he was upset about something. Was she trespassing on a particular part of Westmoreland land where she had no business being?
Thinking she needed to give him an explanation, she said, “I’m waiting for Bailey. We’re going riding.”
“Yes, those were your plans.”
She lifted a brow. “Were?”
He nodded. “Bailey tried reaching you but your phone is out of range. She was called in to work and asked that I take her place.”
“Take her place?”
“Yes, take her place. She indicated you wanted to tour Westmoreland Country.”
“I did, but...”
Penetrating dark eyes held hers. “But what?”
She shoved both hands into the pockets of her jeans. There was no way she could tell him that under no circumstances would she go riding anywhere with him. She could barely be around him for a few minutes without becoming she was becoming now.
The reason she had placed her hands in her pockets was because they were already sweaty. And then there was that little ball of fire in her stomach that always seemed to burst into flames whenever he was around. Aidan Westmoreland oozed so much sexiness it was driving her to the edge of madness.
She blinked when he said her name. The sound of his voice was like a caress across her skin. “Yes?”
“But what? Do you have a problem with me being Bailey’s replacement?”
She drew in a deep breath. She couldn’t see him being anyone’s replacement. It was easy to see he was his own man, and what a man he was. Even now, the weight of his penetrating gaze caused a heated rush to cross her flesh. So, yes, she had a problem with him being Bailey’s replacement, but that was something she definitely wouldn’t tell him.
“No, I don’t have a problem with it,” she lied without even blinking. “However, I would think that you do. I’m sure you have more to do with your time than spend it with me.”
He shrugged massive shoulders. “No, in fact I don’t, so it’s not a problem. Besides, it’s time for us to get to know each other better.”
Why was her body tingling with awareness at his words? She was sure he didn’t mean them the way they sounded, but she thought it best to seek clarification. “Why should we get to know each other better?”
He leaned back in the saddle and she couldn’t help noticing the long fingers that held the reins. Why was she imagining those same fingers doing things to her, like stroking her hair, splaying up and down her arms, working their way across her naked body? She tried to downplay the shiver that passed through her.
“Dillon married Pam four years ago, and there’s still a lot I don’t know about you and your sisters,” he said, bringing an end to her fantasizing. “We’re all family and the Westmorelands are big on family. I haven’t been home to get to know you, Paige and Nadia.”
With him naming her sisters his earlier statement felt less personal. It wasn’t just about her. She should be grateful for that but for some reason she wasn’t. “Because of school I haven’t been home much, either, but we can get to know each other another time. It doesn’t have to be today,” she said.
She doubted she could handle his closeness. Even the masculine scent of him was overpowering.
“Today is just as good a day as any. I’m leaving to go back to Boston tomorrow. There’s no telling when our paths will cross again. Probably not until we come home for Christmas or something. We might as well do it now and get it over with.”
Why did she get the feeling that getting to know her was something he felt forced to do? She took offense at that. “Don’t do me any favors,” she all but snapped at him while feeling her pulse pound.
“Excuse me?” He seemed surprised by her remark.
“There’s no need to get anything over with. It’s obvious Bailey roped you into doing something you really don’t want to do. I can see the rest of Westmoreland Country on my own,” she said, untying her horse and then mounting it.
When she sat astride the mare she glanced back over at him. “I don’t need your company, Aidan.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and she could tell by the sudden tensing of his jaw that he hadn’t liked her comment. She was proven right when he said, with a degree of smoldering intensity that she felt through her clothes, “I hate to tell you this, Jillian Novak, but you have my company whether you want it or not.”
* * *
Aidan stared hard into Jillian’s eyes and couldn’t help but feel they were waging a battle. Of what he wasn’t sure. Of wills? Of desire? Passion? Lust? He rubbed his hand down his face. He preferred none of those things but he had a feeling all of them were fighting for the number one spot right now.
He all but saw steam coming from her ears and figured Jillian didn’t like being ordered around.
“Look,” he said. “We’re wasting time. You want to see the land and I have nothing better to do. I apologize if I came across a little gruff earlier, but by no means did I want to insinuate that I am being forced into showing you around or getting to know you.”
There was no need to tell her that Bailey had asked him to be nice to Jillian and her sisters. He’d always been cordial and as far as he was concerned that was good enough. Getting too close to Jillian wasn’t a good idea. But then, he was the one who had suggested she call him if she needed help preparing for medical school. He now saw that offer had been a mistake. A big one.
She studied him for a moment and he felt something deep in his gut. It was a lot stronger than the kick in his groin he’d experienced when he’d watched her swing her leg over the back of the horse to mount it. He’d taken a long, explosive breath while fighting the sexual hunger that had roared to life inside of him. Even now, with those beautiful full lips of hers frowning at him, a smoldering spike of heat consumed him. One way he knew he could put a stop to this madness was to get her out of his system, since she seemed to have gotten under his skin.
But the way he would do that wasn’t an option...not if he loved his life.
“You’re sure about this?”
Hell no, he wasn’t sure about anything concerning her. Maybe the main reason behind his attraction to her, in addition to her striking beauty, was that he truly didn’t know her that well. Maybe once he got to know her he’d discover that he didn’t like her after all.
“Yes, I’m sure about this, so come on,” he said, nudging his horse forward to stand beside hers. “There’s a lot to see so I hope you’re a fairly good rider.”
She gave him a smile that made him appreciate the fullness of her mouth even more. “Yes, I’m a fairly good rider.”
And then she took off, easing her horse into a canter. He watched in admiration as she flawlessly jumped the horse over a flowing creek.
He chuckled to himself. She wasn’t a fairly good rider; she was an excellent one.
* * *
Jillian slowed her pace and glanced over her shoulder to see Aidan make the same jump she had. She couldn’t help but be impressed at his skill, but she shouldn’t be surprised. She’d heard from Dillon that all his brothers and cousins were excellent horsemen.
In no time, he’d caught up with her. “You’re good,” he said, bringing his horse alongside hers. The two animals eased into a communal trot.
“Thanks,” she said, smiling over at him. “You’re not bad yourself.”
He threw his head back and laughed. The robust sound not only floated across the countryside, but it floated across her, as well. Although she’d seen him smile before, she’d never seen him amused about anything.
“No, I’m not bad myself. In fact there was a time I wanted to be a bronco rider in the rodeo.”
For some reason she wasn’t surprised. “Dillon talked you out of it?”
He shook his head, grinning. “No, he wouldn’t have done such a thing. One of Dillon’s major rules has been for us to choose our own life goals. At least that was his rule for everyone but Bane.”
She’d heard all about Aidan’s cousin Brisbane Westmoreland, whom everyone called Bane. She’d also heard Dillon had encouraged his baby brother to join the military. He’d said Bane could do that or possibly go to prison for the trouble he’d caused. Bane had chosen the navy. In the four years that Pam had been married to Dillon, Jillian had only seen Bane twice.
“So what changed your mind about the rodeo?” she asked when they slowed the horses to a walk.
“My brother Derringer. He did the rodeo circuit for a couple of summers after high school. Then he got busted up pretty bad. Scared all of us to death and I freaked out. We all did. The thought of losing another family member brought me to my senses and I knew I couldn’t put my family through that.”
She nodded. She knew about him losing his parents and his aunt and uncle in a plane crash, leaving Dillon—the oldest at the time—to care for all of them. “Derringer and a few of your cousins and brothers own a horse-training business right?”
“Yes and it’s doing well. They weren’t cut out to work in the family business so after a few years they left to pursue their dreams of working with horses. I try to help them out whenever I come home but they’re doing a great job without me. Several of their horses have won important derbies.”
“Ramsey resigned as one of the CEOs as well, right?” she asked of his oldest brother.
He glanced over at her. “Yes. Ramsey has a degree in agriculture and economics. He’d always wanted to be a sheep farmer, but when my parents, aunt and uncle died in that plane crash he knew Dillon would need help at Blue Ridge.”
Jillian knew that Blue Ridge Land Management was a Fortune 500 company Aidan’s father and uncle had started years ago. “But eventually he was able to pursue his dream, right?”
Aidan nodded. “Yes. Once Dillon convinced Ramsey he could handle things at the corporation without him. Ramsey’s sheep ranch is doing great.”
She nodded. She liked Ramsey. In fact, she liked all the Westmorelands she had gotten to know. When Pam married Dillon, the family had welcomed her and her sisters with open arms. She’d discovered some of them were more outgoing than the others. But the one thing she couldn’t help but notice was that they stuck together like glue.
“So how did you learn to ride so well?” he asked.
“My dad. He was the greatest and although I’m sure he wanted at least one son, he ended up with four girls. He felt we should know how to do certain things and handling a horse was one of them,” she said, remembering the time she’d spent with her father and how wonderful it had been for her.
“He evidently saw potential in me because he made sacrifices and sent me to riding school. I competed nationally until he got sick. We needed the money to pay for his medicine and doctor bills.”
“Do you regret giving it up?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No. I enjoyed it but making sure Dad got the best care meant more to me...more to all of us...than anything.” And she meant it. There had been no regrets for any of them about giving up what they’d loved to help their father.
“Here we are.”
She looked around at the beauty of the land surrounding her, as far as her eyes could see and beyond. Since Dillon was the oldest, he had inherited the main house along with the three hundred acres it sat on. Everyone else, upon reaching the age of twenty-five, received one hundred acres to call their own. Some parts of this area were cleared and other parts were dense with thick foliage. But what took her breath away was the beautiful waterway that branched off into a huge lake. Gemma Lake. She’d heard it had been named after Aidan’s great-grandmother.
“This place is beautiful. Where are we exactly?”
He glanced over at her and smiled. “My land. Aidan’s Haven.”
Aidan’s Haven, she immediately decided, suited him. She could see him building his home on this piece of land one day near this huge waterway. Today he looked like a cowboy, but she could see him transforming into a boat captain.
“Aidan’s Haven. That’s a nice name. How did you come up with it?”
“I didn’t. Bailey did. She came up with all the names for our one-hundred-acre plots. She chose names like Stern’s Stronghold, Zane’s Hideout, Derringer’s Dungeon, Ramsey’s Web and Megan’s Meadows, just to name a few.”
Jillian had visited each of those areas and all the homes that had been built on the land were gorgeous. Some were single-story ranch-style designs, while others were like mansions with several floors. “When do you plan to build?”
“Not for a while yet. After medical school I’ll probably work and live somewhere else for a while since I have six years of residency to complete for the cardiology program.”
“But this will eventually be your home.”
A pensive look appeared on his face. “Yes, Westmoreland Country will always be my home.”
She’d always thought she would live in Gamble, Wyoming. Although she knew she would leave for college, she figured she would return one day and work in the hospital there before setting up a practice of her own. After all, she had lived there her entire life; all her friends were there. But after Pam married Dillon things changed for her, Paige and Nadia. They were close to their oldest sister and decided to leave Wyoming and make their homes close to Pam’s. It had worked out well for everyone. Nadia was in her last year of high school here in Colorado and Paige was in California attending UCLA.
“What about you? Do you ever plan to return to Gamble, Wyoming, to live, Jillian?”
Again, she wondered why her stomach tightened whenever he said her name. Probably had something to do with that deep, husky voice of his.
“No, I don’t plan to return to Gamble. In fact, Nadia and Paige and I talked a few weeks ago and we plan to approach Pam about selling the place. She would have done so already, but she thinks we want to keep it as part of our legacy.”
“You don’t?”
“Only because we’ve moved on and think of Denver as home now. At least Nadia and I do. Paige has made a life for herself in Los Angeles. She’s hoping her acting career takes off. We’re hoping the same thing for her. Pam has done so much for us already and we don’t want her to feel obligated to pay more of our college tuition and expenses, especially when we can use the money from the sale of the house to do so.”
He nodded. “Let’s take a walk. I want to show you around before we move on to Adrian’s Cove.”
He dismounted and tied his horse to a nearby tree. Then he turned to help her down. The moment he touched her, awareness of him filled her every pore. From the look in his eyes it was obvious that something similar was happening to him.
This was all new to her. She’d never felt anything like this before. And although her little lovemaking session with Cobb Grindstone on prom night had appeased her curiosity, it had left a lot to be desired.
As soon as her feet touched the ground, she heard a deep moan come from Aidan’s throat. Only then did it become obvious that they’d gotten caught up in a carnal attraction that was so sharp it took her breath away.
He said her name again and, like all the other times, the deep, husky sound accentuated his sexiness. But before she could respond, the masculine hand planted around her waist nudged her closer and then his mouth lowered to hers.
Chapter Three (#ulink_e4d352e0-8950-5889-8366-e27a31e7203b)
All sorts of feelings ripped through Aidan, making him totally conscious of the woman whose lips were locked to his. Deep in the center of his being he felt a throb unlike any he’d ever felt before—an intense flare of heat shooting straight to his loins.
He knew he had to stop. This wasn’t any woman. This was Jillian Novak, Pam’s sister. Dillon’s sister-in-law. A woman who was now a part of the Westmoreland family. All that was well and good, but at the moment the only thing his mind could comprehend was that she had desire clawing at his insides and filling his every cell with awareness.
Instead of yielding to common sense, he was captivated by her sweet scent and her incredible taste, and the way her tongue stroked his showed both boldness and innocence. She felt exquisite in his arms, as if she belonged there. He wanted more. He wanted to feel her all over, kiss her all over. Taste her. Tempt her with sinful enticements.
The need for air was the only reason he released her lips, but her flavor made him want to return his mouth to hers and continue what they’d started.
The shocked look in her eyes told him she needed time to comprehend what had just happened between them. She took a step back and he watched as she took a deep breath.
“We should not have done that.”
Aidan couldn’t believe she had the nerve to say that while sultry heat still radiated off her. He might have thought the same thing seconds ago, but he couldn’t agree with her now. Not when his fingers itched to reach out and pull her back into his arms so he could plow her mouth with another kiss. Dammit, why did her pouty lips look so inviting?
“Then why did we do it?” he countered. He might have made the first move but she had definitely been a willing participant. Her response couldn’t lie. She had enjoyed the kiss as much as he had.
“I don’t know why we did it, but we can’t do it again.”
That was easy for her to say. “Why not?”
She frowned at him. “You know why not. Your cousin is married to my sister.”
She placed her hands on her hips, giving him a mind-boggling view of her slim waistline. “And we can’t do it again. I know all about your womanizing reputation, Aidan.”
Her words struck a nerve. “Do you?”
“Yes. And I’m not interested. The only thing I’m interested in is getting into medical school. That’s the only thing on my mind.”
“And the only thing on mine is getting out of medical school,” he countered in a curt tone. “As far as Dillon being married to Pam, it changes nothing. You’re still a beautiful woman and I’m a man who happens to notice such things. But since I know how the situation stands between us, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Glad we got that cleared up. Now I can continue showing you around.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
He watched her and when she pushed a lock of hair away from her face, he again thought how strikingly beautiful she was. “Why not? You don’t think you can control yourself around me?” he asked, actually smiling at the possibility of that being true.
Her look of anger should have warned him, but he’d never been one to heed signs. “Trust me, that’s definitely not it.”
“Then there’s no reason for me not to finish showing you around, is there, Jillian? Besides, Bailey will give me hell about it if I don’t. There’s a lot of land we still have to cover so let’s get started.”
He began walking along the bank of the river and figured that after cooling off Jillian would eventually catch up.
* * *
Jillian watched Aidan walk ahead and decided to hang back a moment to reclaim her common sense. Why had she allowed him to kiss her? And why had she enjoyed it so much?
The man gave French kissing a whole new definition, and she wasn’t sure her mouth would ever be the same.
No one had ever kissed her like that before. No one would have dared. To be honest, she doubted anyone she’d ever kissed would know how. Definitely not Cobb. Or that guy in her freshman year at Wyoming University, Les, that she’d dropped really quickly when he wanted to take her to a hotel and spend the night on their first date. He might have been a star on the school’s football team, but from the couple of times they had kissed, compared to what she’d just experienced with Aidan, Les had definitely dropped the ball.
But then, regardless of how enjoyable Aidan’s kiss had been, she was right in what she’d told him about not repeating it. She had no business getting involved with a guy whose favorite sport was messing around. She knew better. Honestly, she didn’t know what had come over her.
However, she knew full well what had come over him. More than once she’d overheard Dillon express his concern to Pam that although the twins were doing well at Harvard, he doubted they would ever settle down into serious relationships since they seemed to enjoy being womanizers. That meant Aidan’s interest in her was only because of overactive testosterone. Pam had warned Jillian numerous times about men who would mean her no good, and her oldest sister would be highly disappointed if Jillian fell for the ploy of a man like Aidan. A man who could take away her focus on becoming a doctor just to make her his plaything.
Feeling confident she had her common sense back on track, she began walking. Aidan wasn’t too far ahead and it wouldn’t take long for her to catch up with him. In the meantime she couldn’t help but appreciate his manly physique. His faded jeans emphasized masculine thighs, a rock-solid behind, tight waist and wide shoulders. He didn’t just walk, he swaggered, and he did it so blatantly sexily, it increased her heart rate with every step he took.
Moments later he slowed and turned around to stare at her, pinning her with his dark gaze. Had he felt her ogling him? Did he know she had been checking out his rear big-time? She hoped not because his front was just as impressive. She could see why he was in such high demand when it came to women.
“You coming?”
I will be if you don’t stop looking at me like that, Jillian thought, getting closer to where he stood. She felt the heat of his gaze on every inch of her. She came to a stop in front of him. She couldn’t take looking into his eyes any longer so she glanced around. In addition to the huge lake there were also mountains surrounding the property. “You have a nice mountain view in this spot and can see the lake from here,” she said.
“I know. That’s why I plan to build my house right here.”
She nodded. “Have you designed it yet?”
“No. I don’t plan on building for several more years, but I often come here and think about the time when I will. The house will be large enough for me and my family.”
She snapped her head around. “You plan on getting married?”
His chuckle was soft but potent. “Yes, one day. That surprises you?”
She decided to be honest. “Yes. You do have a reputation.”
He leaned one broad shoulder against a Siberian elm tree. “This is the second time today that you’ve mentioned something about my reputation. Just what have you heard about me?”
She took a seat across from him on a huge tree stump. “I heard what hellions you, Adrian, Bailey and Bane used to be.”
He nodded solemnly. “Yes, we were that. But that was a long time ago, and I can honestly say we regretted our actions. When we grew older and realized the impact we’d had on the family, we apologized to each one of them.”
“I’m sure they understood. You were just children and there was a reason you did what you did,” she said. She’d heard the full story from Pam. The deaths of their parents, and aunt and uncle, had been the hardest on those youngest four. Everyone had known that their acts of rebellion were their way of handling their grief.
“Sorry I mentioned it,” she said, feeling bad that she’d even brought it up.
He shrugged. “No harm done. It is what it is. It seems the four of us got a reputation we’ve been trying to live down for years. But I’m sure that’s not the reputation of mine that you were really referring to.”
No, it wasn’t. “I understand you like women.”
He chuckled. “Most men do.”
She raised a brow, not in the least amused. “I mean you really like them, but you don’t care about their feelings. You break their hearts without any concern for the pain it might cause.”
He studied her for a long moment. “That’s what you heard?”
“Yes. And now you want me to believe that you’re seriously considering settling down one day, marrying and having a family?”
“Yes. One doesn’t have anything to do with the other. What I do now in no way affects any future plans. I need to clarify something. I don’t deliberately set out to break any woman’s heart. I tell any woman I date the truth up front—my career as a doctor is foremost. However, if she refuses to take me at my word and assumes that she can change my mind, then it’s not my fault when she finds out otherwise.”
“So in other words...”
“In other words, Jillian, I don’t intentionally set up any woman for heartbreak or lead her on,” he answered curtly.
She knew she should probably leave well enough alone and stop digging, but for some reason she couldn’t help herself. “However, you do admit to dating a lot of women.”
“Yes, I admit it. And why not? I’m single and don’t plan to get into a committed relationship anytime soon. And contrary to what you believe, I don’t date as many women as you might think. My time is pretty limited these days because of medical school.”
She could imagine. How he managed to date at all while in medical school was beyond her. He was definitely into multitasking. She’d discovered most relationships demanded a lot of work and it was work she didn’t have time for. Evidently he made things easy by not getting serious with any woman. At least he’d been honest about it. He dated women for the fun of it and didn’t love any of them.
“I have one other question for you, Aidan,” she said, after drawing in a deep breath.
“What’s your question?”
“If all of what you said is true, about not getting serious with any woman, then why did you kiss me?”
* * *
Now that was a good question, one he could answer but really didn’t want to. She did deserve an answer, though, especially after the way he had plowed her mouth earlier. She was twenty-one, five years younger than him. And although she’d held her own during their kiss, he knew they were worlds apart when it came to sexual experience. Therefore, before he answered her, he needed to ask a few questions of his own.
“Why did you kiss me back?”
He could tell by her expression that she was surprised by his counterquestion. And, as he’d expected, she tried to avoid giving him an answer. “That’s not the issue here.”
He couldn’t help but smile. Little did she know it was the issue, but he would touch on that later. “The reason I kissed you, Jillian, is because I was curious. I think you have a beautiful pair of lips and I wanted to taste them. I wanted to taste you. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.”
He saw her jaw drop and had to hold his mouth closed for a second to keep from grinning. She hadn’t expected him to answer her question so bluntly or to be so direct. That’s something she needed to know about him. He didn’t sugarcoat anything. Straightforward could be his middle name.
“So now that you know my reason for kissing you, what was your reason for kissing me back?”
She began nibbling on her bottom lip. Watching her made him ache, made him want to take hold of those lips and have his way with them again.
“I—I was...”
When she didn’t say anything else, he lifted a brow. “You were what?”
Then she had the nerve to take her tongue and lick those same lips she’d been nibbling on moments ago. “I was curious about you, too.”
He smiled. Now they were getting somewhere. “I can understand that. I guess the reason you asked about the kiss is because I told you I’m not into serious relationships when it comes to women. I hope you don’t think a deep kiss constitutes a serious relationship.”
From the look on her face, which she quickly wiped off, that’s exactly what she’d thought. She was more inexperienced than he’d assumed. He wondered just how inexperienced she was. Most twenty-one-year-old women he knew wore desire, instead of their hearts, on their sleeves.
“Of course I knew that.”
If she knew that then why were they having this conversation? If she thought he was looking for something serious just because he’d kissed her then she was so far off the mark it wasn’t funny.
“How many boyfriends have you had?”
“Excuse me?”
No, he wouldn’t excuse her. There were certain things she needed to know. Things experience had nothing to do with. “I asked how many boyfriends you’ve had. And before you tell me it’s none of my business, I’m asking for a reason.”
She lifted her chin in a defiant pose. “I can’t imagine what reason you would have for needing to know that.”
“So you can protect yourself.” He thought she looked both adorable and sexy. From the way her curly hair tumbled down her shoulders to the way the smoothness of her skin shone in the sunlight.
She lifted a brow. “Against men like you?”
“No. Men like me would never mislead you into thinking there was anything serious about a kiss. But there are men who would lead you to think otherwise.”
She frowned. “And you don’t think I can handle myself?”
He smiled. “Not the way I think you should. For some reason you believe you can avoid kisses until you’re in a serious relationship and there are certain kisses that can’t be avoided.”
He could tell by her expression that she didn’t believe him. “Take the kiss we shared earlier. Do you honestly think you could have avoided it once I got started?” he asked her.
Her frown deepened. “Yes, of course I could have.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
She rolled her eyes. “I told you. The only reason I allowed you to kiss me, and the only reason I participated, is because I was curious.”
She rolled her eyes again. “Really. Truly.”
“So, you’re not curious anymore?”
She shook her head. “Nope, not at all. I wondered what kissing you was like and now I know.”
Deciding to prove her wrong and settle the matter once and for all, he moved away from the tree and walked toward her.

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The Secret Affair Brenda Jackson
The Secret Affair

Brenda Jackson

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: The Secret Affair, электронная книга автора Brenda Jackson на английском языке, в жанре современные любовные романы

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