Sex, Lies and Valentines

Sex, Lies and Valentines
Tawny Weber

My naughty valentine…Con artist Gabriel Black just got busted. By a babe. Drool-worthy (and clearly sneaky) FBI agent Danita Cruz is forcing Gabriel to choose between hard time and scamming his own family for an undercover sting. Now he has to present Danita to his family as his girlfriend. And it’s the perfect opportunity to get wickedly even with her….But Danita has some tricks of her own, and Gabriel’s control begins slipping away as raw sexual energy takes over. Their sham relationship starts feeling a lot like…well, the real deal. The Big Question is, will overwhelming desire be enough to make a liar go legit?

Look what people are saying about this talented author …

“Just for the Night is a witty, sensual contemporary romance that will have you quickly turning the pages to see what happens next.” —Romance Junkies

“Just for the Night is a terrific character-driven romance, well worth a spot on your ‘must read’ list.” —Eye On Romance

“Tawny Weber’s newest release, Breaking the Rules, is a thrilling story that will have readers laughing out loud at the surprising situations that arise throughout the story.” —Romance Junkies

“If you’re looking for a great read that will warm you

up on a cold night look no further!”

—Night Owl Reviews on Breaking the Rules

“A Babe in Toyland delivers a stunning performance that completely satisfies.” —Noveltalk

“A Babe in Toyland is absolutely hysterical sexy fun! … I was giggling the whole time.” —Joyfully Reviewed

“Great characters, an excellent story and heat enough to

ignite the senses makes Riding the Waves an excellent read to lead us into September. Another fantastic tale from Tawny Weber!” —CataRomance

Dear Reader,

I have to admit, I’m pretty much in love with my hero, Gabriel Black. He’s a charming bad boy with a few questionable habits (well, he is a con man) but he has a heart of gold and a penchant for rescuing people—especially damsels in distress. But if there is ever a woman who can take care of herself, it’s FBI Special Agent Danita Cruz. These were such fun characters to put together, because they are both so vulnerable, yet so good at hiding it—even from themselves. I hope you enjoy reading about their sensual adventures as much as I loved writing them.

This book featured a special guest, too—Pippi the cat, who lives at the Furry Friends Animal Shelter. You can check out Pippi, and all the other Blaze Authors Pet Project pets, on the Blaze Authors blog— Please, come by and say hi! And if you’re on the web, be sure to drop by my website at

Happy reading!

Tawny Weber

About the Author

TAWNY WEBER is usually found dreaming up stories in her California home, surrounded by dogs, cats and kids. When she’s not writing hot, spicy stories for the Blaze

line, she’s shopping for the perfect pair of shoes or drooling over Johnny Depp pictures (when her husband isn’t looking, of course). Come by and visit her on the web at or on Facebook at

Sex, Lies

and Valentines

Tawny Weber


To Jeanne Adams, as a thank you for answering my

plea for help. Over, and over and over. You rock!!


“YOU’RE PUSHING your luck. If you’re not careful, you’ll lose everything you’ve worked for, including your freedom.”

Contemplating that, Tobias Black leaned back in his leather chair, looking out the window at his kingdom—otherwise known as the small town of Black Oak. Then he sighed and glanced toward his speaker phone.

“Some things are worth the risk, my friend. Having my family back is one of them.”

“Have you ever considered simply calling your son, asking him to come home and help you?” Exasperation rang through the phone like a bell. “You’re under investigation for multiple criminal activities. The man who was attacked in your own motorcycle shop not three weeks ago has accused you not only of the act, but as being the leader of a new crime conglomerate forming in Northern California. And instead of focusing on clearing your name, you’re plotting to con your own son.”

“Not con,” Tobias corrected meticulously. “I don’t do cons anymore, remember? I’ve reformed and made restitution for everything I stole over the years.”

“That won’t stop you from being convicted if you don’t clear your name. Is it worth the risk to play such an elaborate game?”

Tobias considered that question. Two months ago, he’d dealt this hand and won in spades. Not only had he pulled the strings to bring his oldest son, Caleb, home, the boy was now town sheriff and getting married.

A month ago, counting on his daughter Maya’s determination to save him from himself, he’d dealt the next hand. That one had been a winner, too. But barely, considering Maya had brought her very own FBI agent home with her. The game had gotten dicey there for a while. But that only added to the pleasure of winning. And winning in that case meant Maya was moving back to town, and engaged to be married.

Now he had to deal with Gabriel.

Of his three children, Gabriel was the one who was most like Tobias himself. This would be his biggest challenge. Tobias felt his stomach clench. Nerves? He’d once conned a former U.S. President into supporting a fraudulent charity and had only felt glee. But facing his family, initiating this last stage of the game … Big winged moths were battling in his belly.

“It’s worth the risk,” he repeated as if he wasn’t worried. “Even if I begged, Gabriel wouldn’t come home. This is the only way to get him here. We need someone on the inside. Someone with a reputation that will convince the criminals that he’s one of them. But more importantly, someone with a vested interest in clearing my name.”

“And you truly believe the criminal contingent meeting there in town will let him in?”

“Thanks to Caleb’s research, we know three of the crime bosses’ names. I’ve made arrangements with someone whose computer skills I trust.”

That someone being his daughter, who was gifted with amazing hacking skills. He took a deep breath, knowing he was committed to this. He had to be; his freedom, his family, his very life depended on it. But it was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

“This someone hacked their email using mirror accounts, so each of them thinks the other is putting Gabriel’s name forth as the last member. They’ve taken the bait, and his invitation has been issued from whoever is leading this scheme.”

Even as he said the words, a fission of fear worked its way down his spine. It was one thing to conceive a con, to hone the details. Even to set the game in motion. But to bring his son home meant putting him in the arms of criminals who, unlike Tobias, had no compunction in using violence. He was risking a lot for himself. But he was risking just as much for his son.

“Fine, fine. As usual, you’ve crafted an intricate net that will undoubtedly get the results you want.” The other man sighed, then added in a tone of someone who knew he’d be ignored. “But having your own son arrested in order to get him home might be taking it a step too far, old friend. Even for you.”


GABRIEL BLACK LEANED back against the rich teak of the bar and smiled with satisfaction. At his elbow was a glass of the finest aged Scotch. His suit was Armani, his shoes were Ferragamo and his shirt was silk. In his pocket was the key to millions in internet stocks.

Not bad for a Thursday night.

A natural born gambler, he had a talent for winning. And he had a feeling that tonight’s win was gonna be a big one.

“Buy me a drink?”

He glanced over and offered the pouty redhead with a set of dangerous curves a long look. With a flick of his finger, he motioned to the bartender to bring her whatever she wanted. As Moe placed a flute of champagne next to her, Gabriel offered a charming smile and tilted his head toward the men who’d just walked in the door.

“I’ve got a few things to take care of,” he told the redhead. With one eye still on the mark, he leaned over and ran the back of his index finger along the shoulder left bare by her strapless glittery dress. “Enjoy your champagne, keep my seat warm and when I’m finished we’ll take the rest of that bottle back to my room.”

“I’ll look forward to that,” she purred, touching the tip of her tongue to the crystal flute before sliding onto the velvet covered barstool.

For just one second, Gabriel was distracted. He leaned over and took the glass from her, twisted it to drink from the same place her lips had been, marked by a crimson smear of lipstick. The champagne exploded on his tongue. Just like he figured the sex would later.

“Tasty,” he murmured, handing back the glass.

With a quick wink, he turned away and scanned the room. Instantly, his gaze found his mark and his partner settling into a booth in the corner.

Just like that, the redhead was as good as gone in his mind. One of Gabriel’s strengths was his ability to ignore anything that stood between him and his goal. And as much as he adored women, they had their place. In his bed, against the wall, rising over his nude body. Those were all good places. But no woman had ever entered his mind when he was on a job.

After all, the job was everything.

A little something he’d learned from his old man. But as amazing as Tobias Black was, he had never quite managed to master that one particular rule. Gabriel’s father was king of the con, but he’d never let go of emotional ties. That’d been his downfall, and the reason he was now out of the game.

Gabriel admired his old man’s skills. But he was better.

But he’d wait to gloat until later. After he’d relieved these gentleman of a cool mil.

He knew the affable smile on his face didn’t detract from the air of danger he wore like a second skin. But, whether it was in a professional poker game or while pulling a con, the elegant suit and five-hundred-dollar haircut fooled people long enough for him to get the job done.

“Gentlemen,” he greeted when he reached their booth. With a nod to each man, he pulled up a chair.

“Mr. Lane,” the first man greeted, using Gabriel’s false identity. Hair slicked back from an unfortunate face, he was the kind of guy you just knew had been picked on all through high school. The dateless kind who’d focused all that teenage sexual frustration on studying so he could make the kind of money that bought plenty of admiration.

“We’re glad you agreed to meet us,” the second guy said. This one was more wary. The accountant, he was here to make sure his friend didn’t get hosed.

Good. Anything that came too easily was boring. Gabriel believed in working for his money. And he hated to be bored.

“I appreciate you agreeing to meet here,” Gabriel said, nodding his head to the hotel’s private bar. “I’ve been called away on a sudden trip to Europe. If we couldn’t do this tonight, it would have to wait until I get back in two weeks. I don’t mind waiting, of course. This deal is only getting sweeter. But you’re good guys and I hate to delay your buy in.”

“I’ve looked over your prospectus and the terms of the sale,” the accountant started to say. Then his eyes widened and he seemed to lose track. Gabriel followed his gaze and damn near swallowed his tongue.

Hello, baby.

The room faded. The deal was a distant memory.

Like a laser, his focus honed in on the blonde.

She was straight out of every man’s fantasy. Big curls spiraled around a face that screamed hot sex. Eyes so blue they were almost purple flashed, the long lush lashes and smudged makeup giving her the look of a very satisfied woman who’d just slipped out of a rumpled bed. One where she’d left a very satisfied man smiling with exhaustion.

The curls teased shoulders, bare except for glitter and a tiny set of black straps. Gabriel eyed those straps and his mouth went dry. Her breasts were perfect. Black fabric, as glittery as her skin, cupped the rounded globes like a lover’s hands. His gaze followed the glitter to a waist small enough for him to span with both hands. Black leather wrapped around her hips, giving way to long—oh, baby, they were so gloriously long—legs. His gaze finished the tour at her feet and Gabriel hoped like hell he wasn’t drooling.

Her shoes were mostly ribbon, tied in a sassy bow at her ankle. High, spiked and black, they were the kind of shoes meant to be worn with a light gloss of body lotion and nothing else.

He dragged his eyes back up to her face.

Her mouth was wet and glossy, the lower lip full and tempting. A tiny dimple played out as she shot Gabriel an inviting look.

As her date, a guy who was just a blur to Gabriel, pulled out her chair, she seemed to melt into it in a single, sinuous move. Her eyes still locked on his, she offered Gabriel a tiny wink and blew him a kiss.

Gabriel’s body went on high alert. High passion alert, that was. Muscles tense, his stomach clenched in anticipation. His fingers itched to touch that skin. To slide his fingers over the silky expanse of bare flesh. Would she shiver? If he took her against the wall, would she wrap those long legs around his waist and hold on tight?

Everything else in the room faded.

Unlike the redhead, this wasn’t a woman you put out of your mind.

Pure sex, with a dangerously sweet edge, she had a body meant to make men beg.

And she was with someone else.

Not that he cared.

Gabriel always got what he wanted.

And he wanted her.

The only question was, how long until he had her?

Someone cleared his throat.

“Mr. Lane?”

He watched the blonde thank the waiter for her glass of iced water. Lifting it to her lips, her gaze met Gabriel’s again.

He watched her throat move as she swallowed.

His body hardened.

She lowered the glass. Her eyes still locked on his, she licked one glistening drop of water off her lower lip. Soft and pink, he imagined her tongue licking other things.

And damn near groaned.

“Mr. Lane?”

Shit. He was here to do a job.

Playtime would have to come later.

Gabriel dragged his eyes off the gorgeous blonde and focused on the men in front of him. He could still see the sexy distraction out of the corner of his eye as he listened to the accountant outline his concerns about the deal. Jerry, the unfortunate-faced mark, split his attention between staring over Gabriel’s shoulder and absently nodding along with his buddy.

Trying to stay focused on the game, Gabriel ignored the flash of color and light in the corner of the eye. Then Jerry winced, a shocked look crossing his homely face.

Gabriel turned his head just in time to see Blondie’s date grab her by the hair.

“What the …”

Gabriel was half out of his seat when the guy pulled her mouth to his. She leaned in, like she was liking it. No struggle, no sign that she was in trouble. When he pulled away, she said something, patting the guy’s chest. The smile she offered him was big and sweet.

His nerve endings raw from zigzagging between lust and the rescue-the-distressed-damsel adrenaline rush, Gabriel clenched his fist and sucked in a deep breath.

Settling in his chair, he shifted so he couldn’t watch the show any longer.

He had to focus, dammit.

The priority was the game. The money.

Never a woman.

“I understand your concerns,” he told the men, focusing on Jerry. He went on to outline why their thinking was wrong, and why his deal was the greatest thing invented since internet porn. It only took a few seconds before both men were nodding along, big smiles on their faces.

Not because he was so damned good, either. Nope, the guys’ attention was still split, half of it on the Gabriel’s pitch, the rest on the blonde over his shoulder.

Hell, he thought as he pushed the contract toward Jerry to read and sign. She was making this way too easy for him. He was starting to feel like he should offer her up a pretty sparkle or two as a thank-you for doing half his work for him.

Offering Jerry his pen and a charming smile, Gabriel could almost feel the million dollars sliding into his pocket.

Then there was a loud crash of glass hitting the floor, a muffled cry of pain and a growl and the sound of flesh hitting flesh. The room went silent for a heartbeat before the air was filled with gasps and protests.

Fury propelled Gabriel to his feet. Before he could take a step, though, the blonde gave a quick, worried shake of her head. Her face, one cheek glowing red from that asshole’s hand, looked terrified.

Stay out of it, her big blue eyes begged.

A man who strongly believed in people’s right to screw themselves up, Gabriel forced himself to sit back down.

He watched a busboy rush over to clean up the broken glass. Two waiters scurried, one for the table, the other probably for the manager.

Let it go, Black.

It was being taken care of. No reason for him to interfere. Or worse, to blow this deal.

He watched the blonde assure the concerned waiter that she was okay. Her date, the prick, just glared at the guy, his hand fisted around her slender arm.

Nope. He wasn’t going to be able to ignore it.

Gabriel grimaced. Then, unable to help himself, he held up one finger to stop the accountant’s pitch.

“Hang on,” he murmured. He rose, his eyes locked on the guy bullying the pretty blonde. He stepped toward the booth, a charming warning teetering on the tip of his tongue.

The guy’s beady rat eyes met Gabriel’s for a brief second before he grabbed a handful of the blonde’s curls and yanked again. “I’m paying you for a good time, I want a good time. You do me, girly. Here. Now,” he growled.

Her quiet cry of pain was eclipsed by the red flush of humiliation warming those alabaster cheeks. She didn’t look toward Gabriel any longer. Instead she whispered something, tried to pull away.

“No party, no pay,” the guy responded, not whispering.

She was a rental fantasy?

Didn’t matter.

Fury propelled him forward. Before she could cry out again, Gabriel had his hand around the guy’s neck.

“Oh, no,” the blonde moaned, her fingers reaching and missing as Gabriel yanked the guy to his feet. “Please.”

His fist cocked back, Gabriel made the mistake of looking at her. Those big blue eyes, so sexy and afraid, pleaded. “Please. Let him go.”

His fingers itched. His arm vibrated with the force of his fury. He wanted to plow into the man’s face. To make him pay for hurting her. For humiliating her.

It was that last part, the humiliation, that made Gabriel swallow the edgy violence pounding through his system. He glared into the asshole’s beady eyes and gave him a good shake before letting go.


The jerk looked like he was going to say something. He shot the blonde a glare, then opened his mouth. Gabriel flexed his fingers. The guy ran.

“I have to.” Her face on fire as she looked around at all the staring faces, the blonde pressed one hand against those ripe, glossy lips as if holding back a sob, then got to her feet and ran from the room, too.

Torn between ambition and a desperate need to protect, Gabriel wanted to howl with fury. But, really, there was no choice. Barely sparing a glance for his mark and the million he was kissing off, Gabriel followed.

He caught her just outside the hotel, near the garden entrance.

“Hold up,” he demanded, lengthening his stride to catch her before she rounded the corner. How the hell did she move so fast on those heels? Almost running now, Gabriel snagged her arm.

Her gasp was a watery protest. She yanked away, but faced him. “Don’t,” she said, tears pouring from those sultry blue eyes. One of those girl things or the miracle of the paint manufactures, her makeup didn’t budge under all that wet. So instead of looking bruised and messy, she glowed.

Gabriel cursed under his breath. There shouldn’t be anything appealing about a bawling woman.

“You shouldn’t have followed me,” she murmured, brushing the tips of her fingers over her face as if that’d hide her tears. She looked like she wanted to jump out of her own skin, her eyes skipping to the left, then right, before meeting his briefly then dropping somewhere in the vicinity of his shoulder.

She was even sexier close-up. Her hair glinted gold and bright in the reflection of the streetlight. Despite her sexy outfit and wild look, she seemed delicate, almost fragile outside.

And still so freaking sexy his mouth watered for just one taste. Of those lips, glistening and full. That skin, so silky and tempting. But most of all, those curves, barely hidden by the barely-there black fabric.

“I don’t rescue damsels then let them run off still distressed,” Gabriel told her with a charming, patient sort of smile.

“Why?” She backed up a step, holding her hands over her breasts as if protecting her modesty. Or herself. “What do you want?”

“I’m not asking for anything,” he assured her.

Skepticism etched on her face, she gave him a long, searching look.

Gabriel tried to look as innocent and harmless as possible. Not an easy task since he’d never been either.

Then she threw herself into his arms.

“Aww, sweetheart, don’t cry,” Gabriel murmured. He wrapped his arm around her slender shoulder and hugged her to him.

Her body fit against his perfectly. For all her delicate looks, she was tall enough to curve her cheek into his throat, her body shaking with sobs as she burrowed closer.

Damsel in distress, he reminded himself as his blood heated. He’d been called a lot of things in his life, but the kind of guy who took advantage of abused, vulnerable women didn’t make the list.

Then she slid a foot along his calf. A foot that was wrapped in those sexy ribbons she probably called shoes.

Gabriel swore he felt his brain stutter. His body, already on high alert, funneled all his blood straight down to his dick. A dick that was only too happy to have her press even closer, so her leather-clad hips made it clear where the party was.

“I needed that money,” she sniffed, looking up at him with the biggest, bluest eyes he’d ever seen. Swimming in tears, the lushly lashed gaze was hypnotic, tugging at his soul. “I can’t make rent without it. I’m already two weeks overdue and going to be kicked out in the morning.”

All she needed was to throw in a sick grandma and an ailing cat. But still, what’s a guy to do?

“Here,” he said, reaching into his pocket, then peeling four hundreds out of his wallet. “This will cover your loss. Now let’s go in and dry your tears. I’ll buy you a drink, then get you a cab ride home.”

She gave a shuddering breath. The kind that pressed those delicate breasts against his chest

“Thank you,” she whispered after a brief hesitation. She gave him a look that was somewhere between gratitude and pure seduction. Gabriel was pretty sure he heard a few of his brain cells explode in tiny little sexual pops. “But I can’t take your money. Not unless you let me thank you. Properly.”

His brain fogged with an edgy, needy passion, Gabriel tried to find the words to tell her he didn’t need to be thanked.

Before he could, though, she slid her hands, palms flat, up his chest. Smoothing, but not soothing. Heating his skin through the layers of fabric as easily as if he’d been nude.

As she curled her hands around the back of his neck, she leaned in, her breasts amping that heat up to a fiery level.

Gabriel’s hands curved over her leather-slick hips, pulling her closer, tighter.

Her mouth met his. Soft at first, just the brush of those glossy lips. Once, then twice.


She slanted her head to the side. Their lips fit together perfectly. Too perfectly for his comfort, he realized. Shifting, he prepared to pull back. Then she slid her tongue along the seam of his mouth and what was left of his brains spontaneously combusted.

The kiss went wild. Tongues slid over each other. No soft caress here—it was an intense duel for control. Hot, intense.


Before Gabriel could take it a little hotter, a little wilder, she pulled back. Her eyes were huge. Passion, and something that looked like a cross between fear and horror, swam in those blue depths.

Then she blinked and looked sultry again.

“That’s just a taste of my thank-you,” she purred.

“I’m looking forward to another bite,” he murmured, lowering his head to try her again.

“Put your hands on your head,” a voice barked from behind Gabriel.

He could barely hear through the roaring in his head. Everything he was, everything he had, was focused on the blonde and the sexual desperation she was spinning in his body.

“You heard me. Back away, mister,” the voice sounded again.

“What?” His fingers still burning with the feel of her, delicately tempting, Gabriel curled them into her shoulders to shield her from the interruption. The blonde, though, gave a shuddering sigh, then stepped back and made a show of slipping the cash into her bodice.

“Hands on your head.” The voice, male and angry, was doing serious damage to the passion buzzing through his system.

Before Gabriel could decide what to do about it, hell, before he could reengage his brain, someone grabbed him.

“What the hell …”

The distinct rattle of handcuffs filled the air just before the metal slapped against Gabriel’s wrist.

“You’re under arrest for solicitation.”

“Are you freakin’ kidding me?” Gabriel tried to wrench his arm free. But even at six-three, he was no match for the hairy gorilla with a badge glaring down at him.

His gaze cut to the blonde.

Her gaze didn’t glow with tears, or passion any longer.

Nope, she just looked satisfied.

Gabriel resisted the urge to cuss.

Because he was damned sure she was the only one of the two of them who’d be feeling any satisfaction tonight.

“WE BOTH KNOW you don’t have a case against me. Which means I’m here as a courtesy,” Gabriel stated in a bored tone as he leaned back in a surprisingly comfortable chair. He stared at the guy who had to be a cop, even though he hadn’t introduced himself. Nor had anyone trotted out the Miranda, and they weren’t in a copshop, yet. So this was about something else. “Why don’t you tell me what you want, and then I can be on my way.”

For all his cocky tone, a niggling of worry tickled the back of Gabriel’s neck. But he brushed it aside. His ID claimed him as Gavin Lane. Even though he hadn’t planned to, he’d left the incriminating paperwork at the hotel with Jerry. He wasn’t worried. They had nothing on him.

Despite his lack of concern, the way the other guy—was he a cop?—was ignoring him was starting to get irritating.

“Entrapment never looks good to the brass, you know. Add to that, I didn’t agree to pay the babe for sex. So why don’t we do both ourselves a favor and call it a night.”

The guy didn’t respond. He just kept on flipping through some fat file folder.

His jaw as tight as the muscles bunched in his shoulders, Gabriel was starting to get seriously pissed.

Being ignored had a way of doing that to him.

“So …”

Finally, the guy said something.

As he spoke, the cop—or whatever the hell he was—finished reading the file, then set it on the desk. This was a guy who was into control, Gabriel decided. Not the best adversary considering he also held most of the cards. But Gabriel’s daddy had taught him at a young age to keep an ace or two up his sleeve, so he was confident he’d get through this. It was just another game.

“I’m Hunter,” introduced the man. He didn’t offer to shake hands, though. Just as well, since his name was ringing some bells. Warning bells, that is.

There had been a guy by the name of Hunter who’d spent a good portion of his FBI career chasing Gabriel’s old man. Narrowing his eyes, Gabe inspected the man in front of him. Mid-thirties, at the most. Local law, not federal, right? He’d have flashed credentials if he was a feebie.

The name was just a coincidence.

Spend enough time committing crime, and sooner or later a guy had to start doubling up on names. Law of averages and all that.

Relaxing into the chair again, Gabriel offered a cocky smile and said, “Nice to meet you, Hunter. Now maybe you can explain what, exactly, is going on here.”

Hunter leaned back in his chair with a long, considering look. But he didn’t say a word.

He didn’t have to.

His body language, the look on his face, the very air around him, they all said trouble.

Gabriel almost grinned.

This guy was good.

Anticipation zinged through him. A nice rush of excitement that’d make the irritation of retrieving his deal all the sweeter.

His cover was rock solid. A solicitation charge?

Brow arched, Gabriel leaned back in the chair, crossed his ankle over his knee and waited, too.

He loved this moment. Those few seconds just before the win. He could taste the victory.

A door opened behind him. Gabriel didn’t take his gaze off Hunter’s though. They were the real players in this game, nobody else mattered.

Perfume teased his senses. Something fresh. Light. It shouldn’t have tapped into his desire, and yet his body stirred.

Then she came around, standing next to Hunter’s side of the desk. Shoulders back, arms loose at her sides, she clearly stood at attention.


Gabriel’s body warred with itself, passion punched him in the gut even as contemptuous irritation stirred.

Instead of teased out in wild curls, her blond hair was slicked back in a tidy ponytail reminiscent of the Barbie Gabriel’s sister used to carry around.

He noted with regret that instead of barely covered in glitter and a few strips of shiny fabric, those tempting breasts were now demurely hidden by a crisp white blouse, the wide collar framing her face. Paired with the gunmetal gray skirt that hugged her from hips to knees and a pair of pointy toed black heels, the look screamed business.

He missed the sexy business her other outfit had screamed. Uptight do-gooders were irritating and unappealing.

So why did he find her as hot now as he had when she was all tarted up?

“I believe you’ve met Special Agent Danita Cruz,” Hunter introduced with the slightest inclination of his head.

Special Agent?

The tiny hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. That, and the warning buzz going off in his head, said this game had just taken a turn for the worse.

His worse.

As if reading his mind, Hunter’s lips twitched. Then he inclined his head toward Gabriel as the blonde stationed herself on Hunter’s left.

She looked like the cat who was about to nibble on a canary. Gabriel shifted so both feet were flat on the floor. Defensive position, yes. But the warning buzz was getting louder. And women didn’t get that cocky without a really good reason.

Maybe he wasn’t going to wiggle out of everything quite as easily as he’d thought.

Then Hunter said, “Danita, this is Gabriel Black.”

He shot Gabriel a smug smile, just this side of cocky, and leaned back in his chair before adding, “He’s going to help us close the Black Oak case.”


DANITA CRUZ HAD one goal in life.

To prove she wasn’t the worthless piece of trash she’d been called so often in her early years.

She’d grown up with her mother holding the title as the meanest drunk in the trailer park. When Mom hadn’t been wasted, she’d specialized in petty drug deals and moving stolen goods. Danita’s childhood had been a revolving door of lowlife scum. Not a promising beginning. And one that Danita might not have crawled out of if not for Hunter. She’d only been fifteen when he’d busted her mother for her part in a carjacking ring. He’d locked away the boogie man, then he’d dared her to dream of life beyond her miserable past. He’d become a friend, a mentor and a nagging big brother all rolled into one.

She owed him everything.

She’d worked hard to get where she was in the FBI. She’d busted her ass to put herself through college, to put all traces of her past behind her. To build a life she could be proud of. To craft a reputation as a smart, savvy and dependable agent who followed the book and got the job done.

She glared across the room. And now this criminal, this conniving con artist, was giving her a look filled with contempt. Like she was somehow dirty.

Two hours ago, he’d been looking at her like she was his every fantasy come true. Those intense molten gold eyes had glowed with appreciation. Now they just stared with chilly disdain.

Ignoring that, she studied the face she’d seen plenty of times in surveillance photos. Elegant angles, sleek cheekbones and long-lidded eyes that made her insides want to melt. Reputedly a gambler who traveled the world following the game, the man screamed class, from the tip of his expensively styled black hair to the toes of his designer shoes.

Obviously in Gabriel Black’s case, class was easily purchased. Just like his dates.

“Danita, have a seat,” Hunter invited.

She didn’t want to sit. Suddenly, she didn’t want to be here at all. But running from the room, and away from those molten gold eyes that were staring holes right through her, was chicken. As was ignoring an order, however politely it’d been worded.

So she sat, angling her body toward Hunter as if she were dismissing the other man. Her body was painfully aware of him, though. Just being in the same room brought back the same hot, sticky need that he’d inspired when he’d kissed her.

A need she’d just as tidily ignored as she was ignoring the man who’d inspired it. Resolute, Danita squared her shoulders and tried to focus on Hunter and the case.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why we went to so much trouble to bring you here,” he was saying. “And you’re probably thinking this solicitation charge is trumped-up bullshit, easy to get out of.”

“Two for two,” Black said, his tone amused. But Danita caught the fury layered beneath that smooth surface. “You want something from me, obviously. And want it badly enough to send Blondie as bait.”

“My name is Danita,” she snapped. “Or better yet, Special Agent Cruz.”

“Babe, to me you’ll always be the hot blonde with a body that won’t quit and lips made for men’s fantasies.”

An angry red haze heated Danita’s glare. A nasty rejoinder was on the tip of her lips before she caught herself.

What was wrong with her? She was a smart, savvy woman who’d built a name by using all the tools at her disposal to great, often devastating effect.

She’d taken the detriments and scars of her childhood—the lousy upbringing, humiliating reputation and exposure to the miserable side of life—and twisted it all in her favor.

And thanks to those tools, including the idiot-inducing reaction men had to her looks and her body, had helped solidify her case closure rate at a tidy ninety-eight percent. She was damned good.

So why did she care what Gabriel Black thought of her? The man was a criminal, for crying out loud.

With that in mind, instead of snapping at him again, she leaned back in her chair and offered haughty look of disdain.

“What I want is to offer you an opportunity,” Hunter said, picking up the conversation thread Danita had almost let Black break with his mouthy remark.


“In part, because I believe you can be helpful to a little project of mine,” Hunter told him. Then he shrugged and offered a ghost of a smile. “And in part because we have a mutual … friend, shall we say, who’d appreciate me cutting you a little slack.”

Confusion furrowed her brow. What was going on?

Despite their history, Hunter was her boss. And he operated his task force on a need-to-know basis. So all Danita had been given when she was briefed that afternoon was the name of their quarry and the fact that the case was titled Black Oak. A woman who believed in being prepared, she’d pulled up Gabriel Black’s file. Most of it was under a confidential lock, but she’d gotten the basics: Gabriel Black was a suspected con artist with a talent for sliding out of trouble. She’d assumed Hunter planned to use the man as a tool to bust his father.

Her gaze bounced between the two men as she tried to get a handle on this shift. Because it wasn’t sounding at all like a trap to her. There was something else going on.

“Here’s the deal. We have you on a minor charge. To you, it’s an inconvenience.” Hunter paused long enough for the other man to nod. Danita noticed Black didn’t look cocky anymore. His eyes were narrow with suspicion, his brow furrowed and fingers tapping an irritated rhythm on his knee. Smart man.

“Inconveniences are a tricky thing, though,” Hunter continued. “Sometimes they are easily swept away. And sometimes they blow up into something bigger. Something more long-term. Five to seven years long.”

The tapping stopped. Black leaned forward, both hands flat on his thighs. “You don’t have anything worth five to seven.”

“Actually, I do. Those internet security documents you left at the hotel, along with the contract the gentleman enthusiastically signed, are easily worth at least that long.”

“It sounds like you have enough to get my attention. But not my cooperation.” Black leaned back, both brows arched as he waited.

“Oh, I have a little more.”

“Do tell.”

“Tobias, Caleb and Maya,” Hunter said, drawing out the names like a man who knew he’d just played a winning hand.

If the stunned look on Gabriel’s face was anything to go by, those names were the jackpot. A jackpot he hadn’t expected—and didn’t want to lose.

“You don’t have anything on them,” he said. His words were quiet. But there was a deadly fury beneath them. Danita’s breath lodged in her throat and her body tensed, as if she’d have to break up a vicious fistfight any second now.

“I have a witness who is willing to testify about Tobias Black’s role in running illegal arms and drugs. The FBI has compiled a solid case and we’re ready to proceed without your cooperation.”

Black’s jaw worked. The same eyes that had looked at her so tenderly earlier were furious slits. Finally he arched one brow and asked, “What’s that to do with Caleb and Maya?”

Danita looked at Hunter, looking forward to his answer. Instead of saying anything, though, he lifted a file off his desk and handed it to the man across from him. Black held his gaze as he took it, then slowly, lowered his eyes and read.

The man was good. Damned good. His expression didn’t change. But Danita could tell that the file was freaking him out. When he was finished, he didn’t hand it back to Hunter. Instead he flicked the edges like it was nothing, and gave her boss a bored look.

“So you’ve found a few past indiscretions on my brother and sister. They were both minors at the time of these crimes. Do you really think you can prove their culpability after all this time? And make it matter? I don’t think so,” Gabriel dismissed.

“No. You’re right, there probably isn’t any way to convict them for something ten years old,” Hunter mused. “But your brother is in law enforcement. A few words in the right ear, and his career can take a serious nosedive.”

Anger flashed in Gabriel’s eyes, telling Danita that Hunter had scored a direct hit.

“Then there’s your sister. She does have an actual crime against her.” Expressionless, Hunter handed a second file across the desk.

Face hard, Gabriel took it. Danita could almost hear his teeth grinding together as he read the pages.

“As you can see, we have enough to reopen the case against your sister,” Hunter pointed out quietly. “Whether we could get a conviction is debatable. But I can’t imagine she’d enjoy the trial.”

Gabriel looked like he wanted to jump across the desk and beat the hell out of Hunter. Then, like a switch, it all shut off. The fury in his eyes, the air of frustration. Even the tension seemed to flow out of his body. He leaned back and gave Hunter a bored shrug.

“Entrapment and blackmail,” Gabriel mused. “You have an interesting game plan here.”

“I hear there’s a big celebration planned in Black Oak in two weeks,” was all Hunter said. But his smile was pure satisfaction. “Hadn’t you heard? Your brother is getting married. A Valentine’s wedding, as a matter of fact. A week or so of parties, rehearsals, prenuptial fun. I’ll bet your family would love for you to be there.”

From the shocked look in Gabriel’s eyes, he hadn’t heard.

And just where did she fit into this little game, Danita wondered. As if reading her mind, Hunter slanted her a look.

“The two of you are going to go to Black Oak under the guise of joining your brother’s wedding celebrations,” he informed them. “Arrangements have already been made for you to take part in a criminal gathering that’s taking place there. Your special skills will appeal to the other guests. You’re there to cause discomfort, to gather information and to observe. Not to take any action. After two weeks, your job is done.”

“I don’t need Blondie for that.”

“She’ll be there to keep you in line, to solidify your cover and to take over after you’ve gotten her in the door.”

“What cover, and why would I need her?” His gaze was like liquid gold as it slid over her, making Danita feel both hot and just a tiny bit worried at the same time.

“You’ll go in as a man who plays the game,” Hunter said in a contemplative tone, like a guy weaving a bedtime story. “Your reputation is already established, your talents well-known. So basically, you’re going in as yourself. Your goal is to meet a small group of businessmen whose focus is to consolidate power. These are smart men who will quickly see why including you has the potential for multiplying that power. The intel points to an as yet unknown leader who is calling all of the shots. Rumor is that leader is Tobias Black. You know him, his style and his methods well enough to be able to recognize whether that’s true or not.”

“Screw that,” Gabriel growled, tossing the files on the desk. “I’m not going to send up my own father. No way in hell. I’ll go to jail myself first.”

“Then why don’t you take this as a chance to prove his innocence? Before someone else sends him up.”

Those words, and the friendly tone of advice that they’d been offered in, made Gabriel pause. He gave Hunter a searching look.

So did Danita. She was baffled. Hunter was usually professional to the point of abruptness. But with this guy, this con artist, he was teetering right over the line into friendliness.

“All you need to do is visit your hometown, be yourself, and listen for information. In and out, no fuss, no muss.”

“And Blondie?”

“The men are rumored to be bringing along lady friends for entertainment. Professionals. Danita, basically, is going in as your paid companion.”

“My very own hooker,” Black said with a taunting smile.

“What?” Forgetting professionalism, to hell with keeping her cool, Danita jumped to her feet. “No! Hunter this was just a fishing trip. You didn’t say anything about a long-term assignment.”

Not that she’d have said no when he’d brought her on the case. Hunter had been her trainer. He was her boss. Her hero.

And now her pimp?

“This is a bad idea, Hunter. I’m not the right person for this job.” Not because she couldn’t handle it. Hell, it was right up her alley. But Gabriel Black? Him, she couldn’t handle.

She grimaced at the realization.

“I need someone I can trust,” Hunter said. “Someone who will use their brain and their instincts while following the rule book. You’re my best, Danita. I trust you to handle this job to my specifications.”

She closed her eyes against that, wishing she could as easily close off the obligation. She didn’t know what Hunter was asking of her. Not completely. And she wouldn’t unless she accepted the assignment. But she did know, perfectly well, that he was running this case his way, outside the rules. And he was asking her to do the same.

He trusted her.

Which was something very, very few people in her life had ever done.

“What’s the primary objective?” she asked quietly.

“To keep Gabriel alive.”

That made pretty boy jump. His eyes rounded and he tossed the file on the desk as he shook his head.

“What?” he protested. “Hey now, nobody said anything about risks. I think I’ll take my chances with the solicitation entrapment, thank you.”

Danita waited for Hunter to shut him down. But her boss only smiled.

“Danita’s good. You’ll be safe.”

“I realize you think you have me over a barrel here, but let’s keep it real for a second,” Black insisted. “After all, it’s apparently my life on the line. You have enough to force my hand. But if I play the game, I demand a partner who can handle the job and keep my ass safe.”

He gave Danita a long, sexy look. The kind of look that made her breath catch in her throat, her nipples pucker and her mind see red. She hated that look. Hated even more that she was reacting to it. To him. A criminal.

“No offense to the pretty doll here, but other than making one hell of a fake whore, I don’t see how she’d be of any help.”

The ringing in Danita’s ears sounded like a freight train with bells. Her eyes narrowed, her fists clenched. Then she saw that hint of humor in his hypnotic gaze.

He was enjoying this.

The entire process. The arrest, the challenge, the idea of putting his life at risk. It was all a game to him.

And she was playing right into his hands.

All it took was one deep breath to clear the red haze from her eyes, gather her wits and reclaim her poise.

After a quick glance at Hunter for permission, Danita tilted her head to one side and offered Black a chilly smile. “I’m a government agent, Mr. Black.”


On his face was the same lack of respect Danita usually got from men. Pretty little girls were good for one thing, or for faking one thing. Even here, after four years as an FBI agent, she still saw that look daily.

Frustration was now a bitter, biting ball of fury in her belly. But Danita didn’t let him see it. Instead she let her smile slip into condescending.

“So, Mr. Black, not only am I perfectly capable of, how did you put it? Keeping your ass safe? But I’m also the best person for this job. Especially because of my talents as a fake whore, as you so charmingly put it.”

Whether she wanted to keep his ass safe was another thing altogether. Danita had to give him credit. From the look on his face, Gabriel Black knew it, too. Maybe he was right to have doubts. She certainly did.

As if sensing her doubts, Hunter handed her a third file. Gabriel frowned, obviously wanting to know what it contained just as much as she did.

Danita flipped it open.

Names of some of the biggest crime bosses in California. A list of the illegal activities suspected of being run from Black Oak. An outline of the extensive criminal web they’d be dealing with. There were notes, not only from Hunter, but from his father. An agent, who, even five years retired, still commanded massive respect. This was a career-making case.

“You in?” Hunter murmured.

She lifted her gaze to his, then shifted her eyes to Gabriel. The man was guaranteed to be a pain in her butt. But the reward if she kept him alive and broke the case?

Incredible. A promotion, yes. But more, a bust that would guarantee her respect among her peers.

The risk?

She was walking into the lion’s den without backup. As Hunter’s pet project and a favor to his father, this case was off the FBI grid.

“It’s your call,” Hunter said.

“Hers?” Black protested. “I thought you were in charge of this little game.”

“Not any more, Gabriel darling,” she purred, “You’re going to be taking orders from me now.”

IT WAS A WONDER he could breathe, what with the noose looped around his throat. The closer they got to Black Oak, the tighter the ball of anger in his belly got. Gabriel clenched his fists to rein in the frustration.

“I’m the one who knows the area,” he snapped to Danita, who was driving a sleek black Corvette like a woman used to commanding powerful beasts. “Why are you the one driving?”

“Because it’s my car,” she said with a dismissive shrug of one shoulder. “Don’t worry. The bad guys won’t think you’re a wimp for having your girlfriend drive. All you have to do is make a show of playing with your cell phone and claim you were doing some business.”

“This is total bullshit,” he snapped. Bullshit he’d be ignoring if it wasn’t for that damned file. Hunter had a tidy compilation of charges he was ready and willing to level against Gabriel’s father in that file. Charges that would humiliate the family, ruin his brother’s wedding and break his sister’s heart.

“Hunter might believe you can handle this,” the blonde said. The quick glance she shot him said she believed nothing of the sort. “But to use your own charming terminology, it’s my ass on the front line here. If you can’t man up and play the game—and play to win—please, let me know now. I’d rather take a slap on the wrist and a write-up in my file than a bullet over you.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“I seriously doubt this situation will involve bullets.” And people called him a liar? He was sure this entire thing was a big scam, blown all out of proportion to get him to go along with their little FBI game.

He barely paid attention as she pulled off the highway and motored down a quiet, boringly peaceful road toward the Black Oak Manor. His eyes were locked on Danita, trying to read her.

“We should be safe enough. We’re simply gathering information, not pushing any real buttons. Our sources indicate the meeting is being held here at the manor,” Danita said as she parked, then killed the engine.

She gave him a veiled glance. “Still, be careful. Word is the stakes are high. Five key crime bosses are here, all with the goal of grabbing the reins of this little alliance. Arrangements have been made to get your name on the guest list, but you’re going to have to convince them that you actually have something to bring to the table. Or these guys are likely to toss you out. Or worse.”

Bored, Gabriel stared out the window at the manor. A little run-down these days, but mostly it hadn’t changed. Given that Black Oak was about two miles up the road, he’d seen the quaint Victorian plenty of times before.

“Are you paying attention?” Danita prodded sharply.

“Babe, the tune is getting old. Your buddy Hunter sang it earlier, now you’re humming the same refrain. Big scary criminals are taking over Black Oak. Guns and drugs and the suspicion of money laundering. They’re all gathering to hobnob and plan their futures and you’re here to crash the party.”

“And you still think it’s an exaggeration?” she asked, turning in her seat to give him a long look out of those big eyes. Like the night before, those blue eyes were once again smudged and shadowed to make them sultry and huge. Her lips were shiny red this time. And her outfit? Gabriel had damn near swallowed his tongue when she’d let him out of his temporary holding cell that morning—as he’d taken to calling the cheap hotel room Hunter had locked him in.

That glorious body was poured into jeans that showed every dimple, every curve. A tight red cashmere sweater molded over the breasts he’d spent a restless night fantasizing about. Toss in more big curls and a sexy pair of stiletto heels and she was the epitome of a good-time girl with a taste for the expensive.

“Actually, I think it’s all bullshit,” he said again, trying to focus on the conversation instead of which part of her body he wanted to taste first. “But you’ve got me by the short hairs so I’ve got no choice but to play along. So let’s go in there, use my connections to get you a room so you can spy on these guys, and clear my debt.”

“Just like that? You think you’ll just waltz in there, use that charming smile of yours to get a room and then call it done? Like this is nothing?”

“Babe, I’m sure this is nothing. If there was an actual problem, I’d have heard. You’re claiming my father is being set up to take the fall for some attempted murder, possession of illegal weapons and dealing drugs. I’m saying he’s not.”

His grin was more wicked than charming as he leaned across the console to rub his thumb over that temptingly plump bottom lip of hers. Even without the shiny gloss, it still looked tasty.

Who knew uptight could be so cute?

Before he could do anything stupid—or stupider, since that mouth was what had got him into this mess in the first place—Gabriel pulled back.

“Let’s get this over with,” he snapped, losing patience with himself, and with her. He wanted done. If possible, before he had to see anyone in his family.

He’d left this town eight years ago, determined to prove himself. After years of trying to prove himself a worthy partner for his old man, Tobias had chosen someone else. That’d been the last straw for Gabriel. In the ugly, accusation-filled fight on the night of his departure he’d vowed not to have anything to do with his father until he’d proved he was better than the old man by outearning and outconning him. Caleb had called him a stubborn ass. Maya had told him to get over himself. Which had cemented his determination to prove himself.

And now he was back. As a failure. How freaking fabulous. He’d have to find a special way to thank Danita, he mused, giving her a hard look before storming up the walkway.

He didn’t know how she kept up with him given that she was wearing those do-me heels, but Danita was around the car and had her hand curled over his before he was halfway up the cobblestone walk toward the manor.

They didn’t make it two feet through those wide doors before a goon stopped them. Dressed in an ill-fitting suit, ugly shoes and an uglier expression, the guy hulked inches over Gabriel’s six foot two.

“The manor’s closed,” the guy grunted.

“Where’s Ham?” he asked, ignoring him. Instead he addressed the other guy, this one just as ugly but with a better suit. “I’m an old friend with an open invitation to stay here anytime. So why don’t one of you boys run out and find him. He owns this place, and he’ll vouch for my welcome.”

“There’s no vacancy right now. Private event this weekend,” the taller guy said. With a jerk of his chin, he indicated they get the hell out.

Even though a foot separated them, he could feel Danita tense. She glanced at her fingernails as if inspecting her manicure, then gave him a bored look. But her hand edged toward her purse.

“Ham’s an old buddy,” Gabriel said, irritated at having to repeat himself. “I’m sure he can squeeze us in.”

Before he could blink, the guy by the door shifted. He took two giant steps forward, grabbed Gabriel by the bicep and shifted, pulling his cheap jacket aside. At his waist was a gun. A big, ugly one that looked like it’d make an equally big, ugly hole in someone.

“You were told the manor is closed,” the man growled.


Every nerve in his body screaming run, Gabriel forced himself to grin as if being threatened with a gun was an everyday occurrence.

That, and a quick glance at Danita assured him that this was some serious shit.

His mind raced, perceptions adjusting at the speed of light. Suddenly this bullshit situation was a high stakes game.

And his father really was in trouble.

Gabriel was a lot of things. A con, a thief and a liar topped the list. But despite the disappointments and problems over the years, he was also a son with an unshakeable love for his father. And he’d be damned if he was going to let a gang of thugs drag his dad down.

“Gentlemen, is this necessary?” he asked with a charming smile that hid his fury. Despite his hatred of all things violent, he reached up and with two fingers, lifted the goon’s hand off his own arm.

“I’m Gabriel Black. I’m here for the meeting.” He waited a heartbeat, watched the goon and his keeper exchange looks. Then, with a quick, painful thump of his heart, Gabriel committed to the game. Reaching out, he curled his fingers around Danita’s wrist and pulled her tight against him.

“My understanding is that we’re welcome to bring our own entertainment.” Gabriel didn’t take his eyes off the taller guy in charge. Ignoring the gun, and Danita’s tension, he lifted her hand to his lips. “She’s my entertainment.”

The guy’s eyes slid over Danita with a look so oily, Gabriel was surprised it didn’t leave a grease slick.

“She available to entertain anyone else?” the guy asked with a smirk.

A possessive sort of anger that he refused to call jealousy surged. It was all Gabriel could do to keep from punching the goon in the face.

“For the moment, she’s exclusive.”

“And later?”

“Son, I don’t think you can afford her,” Gabriel said with a shrug. “Now if you don’t mind, check the guest list or confirm it with Ham, and give me my room key. I’ve got a few things to do before we get started.”

“You got some attitude on you,” the goon said, obviously not appreciating being told what to do. The guy was clearly loyal to whoever was in charge.

And just who was that?

Time to get the game going so he could find out.

“Watch it, son” Gabriel warned. “Before this weekend’s over, I’m gonna be your boss.”


DANITA DIDN’T BREATHE easy until the hotel room door closed, leaving the goon who Gabriel had charmed into carrying their bags locked on the other side. She’d been in shoot-outs and hostage situations before, and hadn’t broken a sweat.

But getting through the front door of a quaint small town manor, past two gun-toting goons with a cocky guy like Gabriel? Between the cold February air and the sweat soaking through her sweater, she’d be surprised if she didn’t catch a darned cold.

As soon as this case was closed, she was telling Hunter that she never, ever wanted to work with a civilian again. Especially not a cocky, criminal one who made her palms sweat and her knees weak.

Although maybe she’d keep that last little bit to herself.

She gave the room a quick glance as Gabriel set their bags next to the dresser. One bed. She knew it was a necessary part of their cover. But, she mentally fanned herself, oh man, this was going to be tricky.

“Well, isn’t this the prettiest room I’ve ever seen? And so expensive, Gabriel. I like expensive,” Danita said in a husky tone. She gave him a bland look before adding, “I can’t wait to show you just how much I like it.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

The look he shot her was a combination of irritation and confusion. She held up a finger to silence him before he could put either into words, though. Without much hope, she tapped one finger to her ear to indicate listeners.

Brows drawn together, he gave the room a sweeping glance. He grimaced, then leaned one shoulder against the wall next to the door, rolled his eyes, then said in a natural tone, “Blondie, you prove to me you like it enough and I’ll buy you a flashy piece of glitter before the weekend’s over.”

Clever. Danita kept her face angled to hide her grin. So he wasn’t just a pretty-faced liar. He was a smart pretty-faced liar. Who knew?

“What’ll it take to get me two bits of glitter?” she asked, her words low and teasing. As she asked, she carefully unzipped the outer lining of her purse to show a clever array of electronic toys. She chose a wand the size of a ballpoint pen, sliding it from its case.

“Maybe the two of us on that bed with a bowl of whipped cream and cherries, followed by a hot-oil tango in the shower,” he deadpanned, not shifting from his spot holding up the wall.

The image was so easy to imagine. The two of them, naked on that four-poster bed, rolling over the wedding-ring quilt. Their bodies slick and hot. Desire was like a wave, hitting her hard and fast and damned near sweeping her feet out from under her. Since opening the window to let in cool air would tip him off, she sucked in a discreet breath and forced herself to focus on the job.

And to pretend her hand wasn’t shaking.

Like a phone addict looking for cell reception, she ran the tiny wand around the room. It wasn’t until she reached the bedside table that the light on the end flashed red. With a warning look at Gabriel, she crouched down and ran her fingers along the side and back of the rich wood. Underneath, she found it. A tiny round bug. She aimed the wand at it and pushed a button. The red light turned green. Deactivated.

She found two more. One in the phone. And disgustingly, the other in the bathroom just behind the toilet lid. And deactivated both.

She slipped the wand back into its felt case.

Gabriel, still leaning against the wall like he was bored, arched one brow.

She shook her head. She had complete faith that the FBI was a few technological steps ahead of whatever criminals were coming to party this weekend. But it didn’t hurt to be careful.

So she pulled out a small device that looked like an MP3 player. Looking around the room, she decided the dresser was about as central as they’d get. She flicked a button on the device. The light glowed white for one second before flashing off. The room filled with a buzzing, then silenced.

“White noise,” she said, mentally slapping her hands together as she finished up. “If they have other bugs this’ll scramble them. The only way someone’s going to hear anything in here is if they are in the next room with a drinking glass against the wall.”

“Don’t you worry that they’re going to be pissed that you broke their toys?”

“I didn’t break them. I turned them off.” She thought of the welcoming goon squad and shrugged. “They’ll be irritated, but probably not surprised. Criminals are notoriously mistrusting.”

“You don’t say.”

Danita turned away, making a show of checking the view out the leaded glass window to hide her smile at his dry rejoinder. Smart, sexy and clever. That added up to an almost irresistible combination.

Before she could decide whether or not to share the smile, though, she saw two new goons patrolling the edge of the forest just beyond the manor’s emerald expanse of lawn. Even from this distance, she could see the outline of the submachine guns under their jackets.

She was on the job. Partnered with a criminal. And instead of focusing on the task at hand, she was trying to think of excuses to give in to the hot attraction flaming between them.

It wasn’t the same as blowing off her responsibilities for a fifth of Jack and an ounce of weed, but it was too close to that line for Danita’s comfort.

What a time for family resemblances to surface. Biting back a furious snarl, Danita pinned her gaze on the largest goon as if she could kick his butt just by glaring. Because her fury was aimed at her own past, and not the man standing behind her, she took a few seconds to get it under control.

Because while she’d happily skewer Gabriel for being a cocky criminal who was crazy-lucky to not be in prison, she wasn’t willing to take her own issues out on the guy.

Instead, she took three deep breaths and focused on the reminder that she wasn’t her past. Life was about choices, and she’d chosen to close the door on selfish irresponsibility.

And no cleverly sexy criminal was going to make her open it again.

With that in her mind and steel in her spine, she lifted her chin and turned back to the room.

“I can see why you’ve been such a success as a criminal,” she said, her words closed as tight as her expression. “You must be the best liar I’ve ever watched in action.”

“Blondie, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Anytime you want to see what’s beneath that tip, you just say the word.”

She didn’t even bother to sigh. “Men like you just can’t resist pulling out your double entendres to play with, can you?”

“You have no idea what kind of man I am.”

“One of a kind, I’m sure,” she said in a deliberately bored tone. She was nice enough to turn away before rolling her eyes, though. Needing, desperately, to be busy, she pulled a tiny transmitter and a video camera the size of a safety pin out of yet another cubby in her purse.

“Not quite.” Apparently tired of waiting for her to finish her room inspection, he strode over to drop onto the bed. Kicking off his shoes, he spread out, arms crossed behind his head as he rested it on the whitewashed iron headboard.

“I’m a chip off the old block,” he said as she surveyed the room. “Not so much in looks, although my brother, sister and I do take after my dad quite a bit. We have our mother’s eyes, though. But in personality? Talent? Skill? I’m my old man’s son, through and through. But you already know that, don’t you?”

Danita paused in the act of running her fingers along the top of the bathroom door frame to stare at him. “You sound like you’re proud of that.”

“Of course I am.”

“Your father is a known criminal. His FBI file is so thick it requires its own drawer. He’s rumored to have been involved in scams and cons on five continents, to have had his hand in three major art thefts and to have actually sold some idiot the Golden Gate Bridge.” Even though she was the one reciting the list, she still shook her head in wonder. It was hard to believe someone could be suspected of all of that and so much more, yet nobody had ever been able to bust him. Ever. She gave Gabriel a baffled look. “And you’re proud of your similarities?”

“The man’s the best there is. Why wouldn’t I be proud?”

Proud. She thought of the door closed tight against her own past and cringed. Why would either of them want to be aligned with their legacies?

“So why aren’t you partnered up with him? Why have you been estranged for the past eight years?”

His eyes narrowed with a frustrated fury that surprised her. Then he blinked and the fury was gone. But Danita wasn’t surprised that he changed the subject.

“I’m going to head down to the car,” he said. “How long do you think you’ll be here playing Jane Bond?”

“Why are you going to the car?” she asked slowly.

“To get the rest of the luggage, of course,” he said, slipping his feet back into shoes before giving her a smile that was part charm, part exasperation. “What’s the worry? You’ve got the keys right there, it’s not like I can go anywhere.”

Eyes narrowed, Danita gave him a long look before nodding slowly. “The head goon said your fellow criminals were all out and about, but just in case, try not to talk to anyone.”

“If anyone dares say more than hello, I’ll brush them off. You know, tell them I’m in a hurry to get back upstairs for a hot nooner,” he tossed over his shoulder with a wicked grin.

With that smile seared in her mind and a gurgle of reluctant laughter lodged in her throat, he was gone.

GABRIEL REVELED IN the power of the Corvette’s big block as it tore down the quiet country road.

It was crazy to be disappointed, but he had to admit, he was feeling a little let down. He’d just walked right out of that room, ditching Blondie with hardly any effort at all. You’d think a government-trained agent would be a little smarter. Her car had been in full view of the window, yet she hadn’t noticed when he’d boosted it. Or maybe she had and didn’t want to blow their cover by chasing him down like an obsessive girlfriend.

He grinned at the image and wondered how long she’d wait for him to return with the bag before she came looking, then shrugged. Didn’t matter. She was pretty enough, and surprisingly not boring. But still, she wasn’t his type.

Although he’d love to know how a woman so uptight ended up playing the floozy. And damned if she didn’t play an excellent one. Those big blue eyes wide and just a smidge vacant, her lips slick and glossy and that sexy body poured into just enough fabric to make a man sweat. All the while she gave the impression that she was worth every penny in the man’s wallet she was grasping.

The memory of her lips under his flashed through his brain like lightning. And through his body like a raging thunderstorm. God, she’d tasted good. Just thinking about her got him hot and hard.

Which was the last thing he needed, he reminded himself as he turned off the highway onto Main and downshifted the ‘Vette to something closer to the speed limit.

Ten minutes—and one quick sentimental drive around the town—later he parked his borrowed car in the town square and, one arm across the steering wheel, he looked around with a sigh.

It was the same. A tiny part of him, a part he rarely let see the light of day, relaxed as the warmth of his childhood hometown enveloped him in a welcoming hug.

Damn, he’d forgotten how simply lovely Black Oak was.

Cobblestone walks and brick buildings. Antique lampposts and planter boxes just waiting for the warmth of spring. In the center of the square was a statue of town founder, Gabriel’s great-great-grandpa, Andrew Black. Curved iron benches surrounded the square, and in honor of the season, Valentine’s hearts decorated the flags waving from various buildings.

A man who rarely allowed sentiment to take hold, he had to smile at the beauty of it all. It was as though he’d never left home.

Before he could get too gooey and emotional, there was a quick rap of knuckles on metal. His gaze flashed to his side-view mirror. A grin, wicked and wide, spread as he swung out of the car.

“Well, well,” he said as he leaned one arm on the door-jamb. “What have we here?”

“Trouble, from the look of it,” the other man said. Besides an extra inch in height and the really lousy haircut, it was almost like looking in a mirror. That fact had bothered Gabriel growing up.

It was damned hard to stand out within his family. Between his father’s rep, his brother’s looks and his sister’s brains, Gabriel had often wondered what was left for him. Part of why he’d run, he knew. He’d never felt he measured up. Away, he’d been able to find his own strengths, to choose his own priorities.

“You’re still sneaking around pretending to be a bad guy?” Gabriel asked, trying to keep the grin from splitting his face at the sight of his brother. God, it’d been close to five years since he’d laid eyes on Caleb, and that’d been a quick, accidental meeting since his brother had been undercover at the time.

“I quit the DEA,” Caleb said, leaning his hip against the ‘Vette and crossing his arms over his chest and offering one of his long, intense looks.

“And you’re back home? The old man finally coaxed you into the fold, huh?”

Caleb’s grin was just as wicked as Gabriel’s own. With nothing but a slight inclination of his head, he invited his younger brother to look over his shoulder.

Glancing past his brother, it was all Gabriel could do not to cry. He actually felt the tears welling up behind his eyes.

“Say it ain’t so,” he murmured with a pathetic shake of his head. “You’re trying to kill us, aren’t you?”

Caleb laughed, following his gaze to look at the sheriff’s car parked behind the ‘Vette. “Once a rebel.”

“Yeah, but at least before you had the decency to rebel elsewhere. Now you’ve brought it home? You hate Dad that much?”

It’d been bad enough when Caleb had come home right after college graduation to announce that he was joining the DEA.

At least that’d taken him away from California. But now he was back, rubbing his legal activities in Dad’s face day in and day out? And they thought Gabriel had issues?

“Dad always said we all have to take our own path,” Caleb said with a shrug.

“I don’t think he meant for those paths to cut his off at the pass.”

“He can take care of himself.”

Gabriel considered his brother’s face. Caleb had always had a very concrete sense of right and wrong, made all the more obvious since the rest of the family’s was so fluid. Given the problems Hunter said were facing their father, which path would Caleb choose? The one that defended family, no matter what the evidence? Or the one that locked the cell door?

“Maybe Dad can take care of himself,” Gabriel acknowledged slowly. “But he’s got his blind spots. His kids being the main one.”

The warning hovered for a long second. Then Caleb gave a shrug, as if batting it away. “You’re awfully defensive of a man you haven’t bothered to see for yourself in almost a decade,” he pointed out.

It was like getting hit in the face with a bagful of guilt. It wasn’t as if he’d abandoned his old, decrepit father in a sewer somewhere. Yes, he’d left after an ugly fight, determined to prove himself. Sure, he’d been pissed that Tobias had let some trampy bitch horn her way into the family business. But that wasn’t a big deal, dammit. He wasn’t ashamed of the vow, or the drama of it. He was irked that he hadn’t kept it, though.

“I swore I wouldn’t come back until I’d made my point,” Gabriel muttered.

“Tough luck, little brother. We all vowed to stay away and we all blew it. Might as well prepare to take Dad’s gloating like a man.”

“Like you took it?”


Caleb’s angry vow had been to never return to Black Oak and look at him now, all spiffed up and in charge of the town’s law. Gabriel grinned, feeling a little better. Then the full impact of his brother’s words sank in.

“All of us? Maya’s here, too?” As he mentally watched the stakes climb higher and higher, the tension returned to Gabriel’s shoulders in tight knots. Sure, Hunter had threatened him with trouble for his dad, his brother and sister. But he hadn’t realized they were all cozied up together here in Black Oak, easy targets to that trouble.

For Hunter and the FBI.

Or for whatever asshole was trying to ruin Tobias Black.

“Maya’s in town for the wedding,” his brother stated, the hard line of his jaw softening.

“I can’t believe you’re really getting married.” He didn’t quite know what he thought about the prospect of his badass older brother settling down. “And on Valentine’s, no less. Isn’t wrapping a noose around your neck enough? You have to do it with cupid aiming his arrow at your ass, too?”

Unoffended, Caleb laughed and shrugged. “Pandora’s worth it.”

“Pandora?” Gabriel prompted.

“Pandora Easton.” With a slight inclination of his head, Caleb indicated one of the stores across the street.

Gabriel’s gaze cut across the street to the clever display in the window of Moonspun Dreams. It, too, was all decked out for Valentine’s, although the hearts in that window were crystal and the signage shouted a sale on love potions. Shocked, he glanced back at his brother for confirmation. “The woo-woo queen’s daughter?”

The bar on unbelievable just kept getting higher and higher.

“Yep. That’s Pandora. You’ll like her,” Caleb decreed. “There’s a party at the store tonight. Something about welcoming spring or …” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Whatever it is, you need to come. You can meet her. See Maya. Deal with Dad.”

The twist of Gabriel’s lips was more grimace than smile.

“As you yourself pointed out, I haven’t seen Dad in a while. With good reason, given that things are pretty ugly between us. I doubt you want to ruin your party with our reunion.”

“Pandora’s used to bad behavior,” was all Caleb said.

Gabriel debated. A part of him, the part that missed his family like crazy, wanted to go. Wanted nothing more than to relax, set the games aside and just be himself for a couple hours. But there was too much at stake.

“We need to talk,” his brother said quietly.

Gabriel frowned.

Talk about what? How much did Caleb know about the crime ring playing house at the manor? Did he have a clue that Tobias was being set up for an ugly fall? And how much would he share?

He could push. But his brother used to have the disposition of a granite wall and there was no reason to think that’d changed.

Before he could decide which direction to take, he felt heat. Like the sun breaking through clouds, warming his back with a tingling awareness.

“There you are, sweetie,” a husky voice purred just over Gabriel’s shoulder. “I was starting to worry that you’d gone off to have a good ole time without me.”

Gabriel’s spine turned to steel and he gritted his teeth so hard, he was surprised he didn’t bust one.

He hadn’t fooled her for one damned second, had he?

Turning slowly, he noted the triumphant look in her big blue eyes, the slight mocking tilt of those glossy lips. And realized that instead of fooling her, he’d played right into her hands.

“I missed you,” she said, pressing her body suggestively against his side as she reached up one red-nailed finger to give his chin a chiding tap. She was playing her role to the hilt. “You’re a bad boy, running off without me like that.”

“Maybe you can spank me later,” he suggested dryly.

Amusement broke through her cover for just a second, making her eyes gleam and her lips twitch. But she reeled it in, her eyes taking on that hard edge of a professional. Professional what, he wasn’t sure. FBI agent?

He realized she was playing this for Caleb’s benefit. But what he wasn’t sure of was whether she realized the sheriff she was acting for was yet another of those bad Black boys.

“Did you miss me?” she purred, sliding her hand down his chest with the hint of fingernails. The light scraping, along with the temptation of her touch, put all his senses on full alert. Damn, she was good.

Good enough that Gabriel was having trouble resisting the temptation of her body as it curved into his. She fit perfectly against him, her heels bringing her mouth within kissing distance of his. Her eyes, still tarted up with smudged liner and a heavy coating of mascara, warned him to keep his distance even as her breast warmed his chest.

“You going to introduce your friend?” Caleb prodded, his words just this side of a laugh. Gabriel glanced over to see his brother’s eyes glinting with that evil older-brother glee. Maybe he hadn’t missed family quite as much as he’d initially thought.

Gabriel gritted his teeth, not sure who he was more annoyed with. Danita for acting all sexy to try and force his hand, pushing him to cement her role as his companion publically. Or Caleb for enjoying this so much.

From the look on Blondie’s face, a mix of triumph and absolute confidence that she had his number, she figured she’d won this round.

Which meant she thought he’d lost.

And that wasn’t going to happen.

As much to shake her confidence that she was calling the shots as to throw his brother off track, Gabriel pulled Danita against him. Her eyes rounded, tossing all the angry barbs his way he knew she was dying to say but couldn’t.

He hadn’t planned to go any further. But once her curvy body was hot against his, he couldn’t resist. Their eyes locked on each other, Gabriel lowered his mouth to hers. Just a soft brush of the lips. Once, then twice.

If she’d stayed angry—all the way irritated—he’d have let it go at that. But he saw something deeper in those big blue eyes. Heated desire, mixed with just enough curiosity to push all his buttons.

He couldn’t resist.

He forgot this was a game of one-upmanship. He forgot she was trying to con his family. He even forgot that his brother was standing there.

All he could think about was Danita. His tongue along the soft cushion of her bottom lip, sipping at the sweet flesh like she was the answer to all his dreams.

The desire in her blue eyes flared.

But she was still playing the game. He could feel it in the way she held her body, the provocative angle that gave the impression that she was curled into him, while in reality she was holding him back. Pushing him away.

He slid one finger along her jaw, down the sweet softness of her throat. And took pleasure in the shudder she couldn’t hold back.

Needing more, needing desperately to push her for more, he took the kiss deeper. His mouth slid along hers, coaxing and tempting. After a brief hesitation, her lips softened, her tongue tangled.

Drowning, was all Gabriel could think. He was drowning in her. That thought terrified him. Slowly, reluctantly, he pulled back. And watched her blue eyes blink the passion away in one sweep of those thick lashes.

In an instant, she went from hot to cold. From passionate to calculating.

God, what a woman.

Unable to stop his grin from spreading, Gabriel wrapped one arm around her shoulder to keep her close and turned so they faced his brother.

Caleb was watching, one brow arched and a look of amused patience on his face. Gabriel knew what Danita expected of him. He thought of that clever FBI trap Hunter had outlined. He had a pretty good idea of what his family was up to and just what they were risking here.

He quickly calculated the risk of running a con with the odds this high. With so much at risk.

Then, Blondie’s body warm and soft against his side, he figured what the hell.

“This is Danita,” Gabriel introduced. “She’s my fiancée.”


“WHAT THE HELL WERE you thinking?” Danita ranted, pacing the frustratingly short space between the window and the bathroom.

She’d been bitching the same tune for the past half hour. Ever since they left his brother in town. A brother who had a gorgeous smile, a body to rival Gabriel’s for hunky-man-of-the-month, and a look of suspicion so strong in his eyes, she was surprised he hadn’t tried to fingerprint her then and there.

But so far, none of her bitching had resulted in anything other than a shrug out of Gabriel.

“I’m serious,” she insisted. “Why would you tell your brother something like that? Do you not care what’s at stake here?”

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Sex  Lies and Valentines Tawny Weber
Sex, Lies and Valentines

Tawny Weber

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: My naughty valentine…Con artist Gabriel Black just got busted. By a babe. Drool-worthy (and clearly sneaky) FBI agent Danita Cruz is forcing Gabriel to choose between hard time and scamming his own family for an undercover sting. Now he has to present Danita to his family as his girlfriend. And it’s the perfect opportunity to get wickedly even with her….But Danita has some tricks of her own, and Gabriel’s control begins slipping away as raw sexual energy takes over. Their sham relationship starts feeling a lot like…well, the real deal. The Big Question is, will overwhelming desire be enough to make a liar go legit?

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