The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow

The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow
Debbie Macomber
Linda Goodnight
Fall for these two beloved stories about life, love and second chances.Love by Degreeby Debbie MacomberWhen Ellen Cunningham decides to go back to school as a mature student, she knows that money is going to be tight. She also knows she's lucky to find inexpensive lodging in a house near the campus, but she didn't count on having to live with three college-aged boys–or deal with the bad-tempered landlord, Reed Morgan. Reed has no patience for college-boy antics, but the chemistry between him and Ellen might warm him up to his new tenants…The Rain Sparrowby Linda GoodnightRenowned yet private, thriller writer Hayden Winters lives a life colored by lies. As he is deeply ashamed of his past, his hunger for an honest relationship and dreams of starting a family remain unsatisfied, and he can trust no one with his secrets—until he meets Carrie Riley. When they discover a vulnerable young boy hiding at the inn where Hayden is staying, the two are compelled to help him, and soon they're drawn into a centuries-old mystery that will either bring them closer together—or tear them apart.

Fall for these two beloved stories about life, love and second chances
LOVE BY DEGREE by Debbie Macomber
When Ellen Cunningham decides to go back to school as a mature student, she knows that money is going to be tight. She also knows she’s lucky to find inexpensive lodging in a house near the campus, but she didn’t count on having to live with three college-aged boys—or deal with the bad-tempered landlord, Reed Morgan. Reed has no patience for college-boy antics, but the chemistry between him and Ellen might warm him up to his new tenants...
THE RAIN SPARROW by Linda Goodnight
Renowned yet private, thriller writer Hayden Winters lives a life colored by lies. As he is deeply ashamed of his past, his hunger for an honest relationship and dreams of starting a family remain unsatisfied, and he can trust no one with his secrets—until he meets Carrie Riley. When they discover a vulnerable young boy hiding at the inn where Hayden is staying, the two are compelled to help him, and soon they’re drawn into a centuries-old mystery that will either bring them closer together—or tear them apart.
Praise for #1 New York Times bestselling author
Debbie Macomber
“Beloved author Debbie Macomber reaches new heights in this wise and beautiful novel.... The timeless wisdom in these pages will stay with you long after the book is closed.”
—Susan Wiggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author, on A Girl’s Guide to Moving On
“Macomber fans will leave the Rose Harbor Inn with warm memories of healing, hope, and enduring love.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“A Girl’s Guide to Moving On is Debbie Macomber’s finest novel.... I absolutely loved it!”
—Dorothea Benton Frank, New York Times bestselling author
“Debbie dazzles! A wonderful story of friendship, forgiveness and the power of love. I devoured every page!”
—Susan Mallery, #1 New York Times bestselling author
Praise for New York Times bestselling author
Linda Goodnight
“The second of Goodnight’s Honey Ridge novels [The Rain Sparrow] is an aching, absorbing, yet uplifting read.”
“The Memory House is a beautiful, rich, unforgettable story filled with tenderness and heart.”
—New York Times bestselling author RaeAnne Thayne
“Goodnight’s prose is elegant.”
The Road to Love
Debbie Macomber and Linda Goodnight (
Table of Contents
LOVE BY DEGREE BY DEBBIE MACOMBER (#u6e4d6ee4-0618-541c-ba11-42f616fec363)
Debbie Macomber
To all my friends at the Vero Beach Book Center—
Chad, Cynthia, Sheila, Debbie, Jamie and Rose Marie.
Thank you for all you do to support my books.
Cover (#ubdb88a03-ba59-5925-93f6-5881a6c5c28e)
Back Cover Text (#u6cdc564f-98c5-5d4a-bd02-3e43ee6584e8)
Praise (#u30a13b75-d3ad-5081-be42-1ae80ded1ada)
Title Page (#u915b2fcf-0059-5947-9fb4-924bdbd32d42)
Dedication (#u73f27049-3152-504b-a1a0-0993a976295b)
CHAPTER ONE (#u104df684-5334-539c-b08d-8389228c538f)
CHAPTER TWO (#uff7b84a0-ffa6-5fda-883f-3a97cf4d12ff)
CHAPTER THREE (#ue941b927-ca6c-5783-82de-334ce880f3ee)
CHAPTER FOUR (#u02c42ef5-b2d7-57e2-a86f-022426624e73)
CHAPTER FIVE (#u3bc364a8-1357-5ea1-aaac-94812ce35a2f)
CHAPTER SIX (#u1f809ea4-9208-5576-9b06-aa7b82a43d23)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#u2439a41c-358e-5b06-91d4-e69be0b5a27e)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#uba73cef3-386d-51cf-b971-8b92a38f0197)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ONE (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
THE MELODIOUS SOUNDS of a love ballad drifted through the huge three-storey house in Seattle’s Capitol Hill. Ellen Cunningham hummed along as she rubbed her wet curls with a thick towel. These late-afternoon hours before her housemates returned were the only time she had the place to herself, so she’d taken advantage of the peaceful interlude to wash her hair. Privacy was at a premium with three men in the house, and she couldn’t always count on the upstairs bathroom being available later in the evening.
Twisting the fire-engine-red towel around her head, turban style, Ellen walked barefoot across the hallway toward her bedroom to retrieve her blouse. Halfway there, she heard the faint ding of the oven timer, signalling that her apple pie was ready to come out.
She altered her course and bounded down the wide stairway. Her classes that day had gone exceptionally well. She couldn’t remember ever being happier, even though she still missed Yakima, the small apple-growing community in central Washington, where she’d been raised. But she was adjusting well to life in the big city. She’d waited impatiently for the right time—and enough money—to complete her education, and she’d been gratified by the way everything had fallen into place during the past summer. Her older sister had married, and her “baby” brother had entered the military. For a while, Ellen was worried that her widowed mother might suffer from empty nest syndrome, so she’d decided to delay her education another year. But her worries had been groundless, as it turned out. James Simonson, a widower friend of her mother’s, had started dropping by the house often enough for Ellen to recognize a romance brewing between them. The time had finally come for Ellen to make the break, and she did it without guilt or self-reproach.
Clutching a pot holder in one hand, she opened the oven door and lifted out the steaming pie. The fragrance of spicy apples spread through the kitchen, mingling with the savory aroma of the stew that simmered on top of the stove. Carefully, Ellen set the pie on a wire rack. Her housemates appreciated her culinary efforts and she enjoyed doing little things to please them. As the oldest, Ellen fit easily into this household of young men; in fact, she felt that the arrangement was ideal. In exchange for cooking, a little mothering on the side and a share of the cleaning, Ellen paid only a nominal rent.
The unexpected sound of the back door opening made her swivel around.
“What’s going on?” Standing in the doorway was a man with the most piercing green eyes Ellen had ever seen. She noticed immediately that the rest of his features were strongly defined and perfectly balanced. His cheekbones were high and wide, yet his face was lean and appealing. He frowned, and his mouth twisted in an unspoken question.
In one clenched hand he held a small leather suitcase, which he slowly lowered to the kitchen floor. “Who are you?” He spoke sharply, but it wasn’t anger or disdain that edged his voice; it was genuine bewilderment.
Ellen was too shocked to move. When she’d whirled around, the towel had slipped from her head and covered one eye, blocking her vision. But even a one-eyed view of this stranger was enough to intimidate her. She had to admit that his impeccable business suit didn’t look very threatening—but then she glanced at his glowering face again.
With as much poise as possible, she raised a hand to straighten the turban and realized that she was standing in the kitchen wearing washed-out jeans and a white bra. Grabbing the towel from her head, she clasped it to her chest for protection. “Who are you?” she snapped back.
She must have made a laughable sight, holding a red bath towel in front of her like a matador before a charging bull. This man reminded her of a bull. He was tall, muscular and solidly built. And she somehow knew that when he moved, it would be with effortless power and sudden speed. Not exactly the type of man she’d want to meet in a dark alley. Or a deserted house, for that matter. Already Ellen could see the headlines: Small-Town Girl Assaulted in Capitol Hill Kitchen.
“What are you doing here?” she asked in her sternest voice.
“This is my home!” The words vibrated against the walls like claps of thunder.
“Your home?” Ellen choked out. “But... I live here.”
“Not anymore, you don’t.”
“Who are you?” she demanded a second time.
“Reed Morgan.”
Ellen relaxed. “Derek’s brother?”
No wonder they didn’t look anything alike. Derek was a lanky, easy-going nineteen-year-old, with dark hair and equally dark eyes. Ellen would certainly never have expected Derek to have a brother—even a half-brother—like this.
“I—I didn’t know you were coming,” she hedged, feeling utterly foolish.
“Apparently.” He cocked one eyebrow ever so slightly as he stared at her bare shoulders. He shoved his bag out of the doorway, then sighed deeply and ran his hands through his hair. Ellen couldn’t help making the irrelevant observation that it was a dark auburn, thick and lustrous with health.
He looked tired and irritable, and he obviously wasn’t in the best frame of mind for any explanation as to why she was running around his kitchen half-naked. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” she offered congenially, hoping to ease the shock of her presence.
“What I’d like is for you to put some clothes on.”
“Yes, of course.” Forcing a smile, Ellen turned abruptly and left the kitchen, feeling humiliated that she could stand there discussing coffee with a stranger when she was practically naked. Running up the stairs, she entered her room and removed her shirt from the end of the bed. Her fingers were trembling as she fastened the buttons.
Her thoughts spun in confusion. If this house was indeed Reed Morgan’s, then he had every right to ask her to leave. She sincerely hoped he’d made some mistake. Or that she’d misunderstood. It would be difficult to find another place to share this far into the school term. And her meager savings would be quickly wiped out if she had to live somewhere on her own. Ellen’s brow wrinkled with worry as she dragged a brush through her short, bouncy curls, still slightly damp. Being forced to move wouldn’t be a tragedy, but definitely a problem, and she was understandably apprehensive. The role of housemother came naturally to Ellen. The boys could hardly boil water without her. She’d only recently broken them in to using the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine without her assistance.
When she returned to the kitchen, she found Reed leaning against the counter, holding a mug of coffee.
“How long has this cozy set-up with you and Derek been going on?”
“About two months now,” she answered, pouring herself a cup of coffee. Although she rarely drank it she felt she needed something to occupy her hands. “But it’s not what you’re implying. Derek and I are nothing more than friends.”
“I’ll just bet.”
Ellen could deal with almost anything except sarcasm. Gritting her teeth until her jaws ached, she replied in an even, controlled voice. “I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. Derek advertised for a housemate and I answered the ad. I came to live here with him and the others and—”
“The others?” Reed choked on his mouthful of coffee. “You mean there’s more of you around?”
Expelling her breath slowly, Ellen met his scowl. “There’s Derek, Pat and—”
“Is Pat male or female?” The sheer strength of his personality seemed to fill the kitchen. But Ellen refused to be intimidated.
“Pat is a male friend who attends classes at the university with Derek and me.”
“So you’re all students?”
“All freshmen?”
He eyed her curiously. “Aren’t you a bit old for that?”
“I’m twenty-five.” She wasn’t about to explain her circumstances to this man.
The sound of the front door opening and closing drew their attention to the opposite end of the house. Carrying an armload of books, Derek Morgan sauntered into the kitchen and stopped cold when he caught sight of his older brother.
“Hi, Reed.” Uncertain eyes flew to Ellen as if seeking reassurance. A worried look pinched the boyishly handsome face. Slowly, he placed his books on the counter.
“I see you’ve met Ellen.” Derek’s welcoming smile was decidedly forced.
“We more or less stumbled into each other.” Derek’s stiff shoulders relaxed as Reed straightened and set the mug aside.
“I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
Momentarily, Reed’s gaze slid to Ellen. “That much is obvious. Do you want to tell me what’s going on here, little brother?”
“It’s not as bad is it looks.”
“Right now it doesn’t look particularly good.”
“I can explain everything.”
“I hope so.”
Nervously swinging her arms, Ellen stepped forward. “If you two will excuse me, I’ll be up in my room.” The last thing she wanted was to find herself stuck between the two brothers while they settled their differences.
“No, don’t go,” Derek said quickly. His dark eyes pleaded with her to stay.
Almost involuntarily Ellen glanced at Reed for guidance.
“By all means, stay.” But his expression wasn’t encouraging.
A growing sense of resentment made her arch her back and thrust out her chin defiantly. Who was this...this man to burst into their tranquil lives and raise havoc? The four of them lived congenially together, all doing their parts in the smooth running of the household.
“Are you charging rent?” Reed asked.
Briefly Derek’s eyes met Ellen’s. “It makes sense, doesn’t it? This big old house has practically as many bedrooms as a dorm. I didn’t think it would hurt.” He swallowed. “I mean, with you being in the Middle East and all. The house empty.”
“How much are you paying?” Reed directed the question at Ellen. That sarcastic look was back and Ellen hesitated.
“How much?” Reed repeated.
Ellen knew from the way Derek’s eyes widened that they were entering into dangerous territory.
“It’s different with Ellen,” Derek hurried to explain. “She does all the shopping and the cooking, so the rest of us—”
“Are you sure that’s all she provides?” Reed interrupted harshly.
Ellen’s gaze didn’t waver. “I pay thirty dollars a week, but believe me, I earn my keep.” The second the words slipped out, Ellen wanted to take them back.
“I’m sure you do.”
Ellen was too furious and outraged to speak. How dared he barge into this house and immediately assume the worst? All right, she’d been walking around half-naked, but she hadn’t exactly been expecting company.
Angrily Derek stepped forward. “It’s not like that, Reed.”
“I discovered her prancing around the kitchen in her bra. What else am I supposed to think?”
Derek groaned and cast an accusing look at Ellen. “I just ran down to get the pie out of the oven,” she said in her own defence.
“Let me assure you,” Derek said, his voice quavering with righteousness. “You’ve got this all wrong.” He glared indignantly at his older brother. “Ellen isn’t that kind of woman. I resent the implication. You owe us both an apology.”
From the stunned look on Reed’s face, Ellen surmised that this could well be the first time Derek had stood up to his domineering brother. Her impulse was to clap her hands and shout: “Attaboy!” With immense effort she restrained herself.
Reed wiped a hand over his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Perhaps I do.”
The front door opened and closed again. “Anyone here?” Monte’s eager voice rang from the living room. The slam of his books hitting the stairs echoed through the hallway that led to the kitchen. “Something smells good.” Skidding to an abrupt halt just inside the room, the tall student looked around at the somber faces. “What’s up? You three look like you’re about to attend a funeral.”
“Are you Pat?” Reed asked.
“No, Monte.”
Reed closed his eyes and wearily rubbed the back of his neck. “Just how many bedrooms have you rented out?”
Derek lowered his gaze to his hands. “Three.”
“My room?” Reed asked.
“Yes, well, Ellen needed a place and it seemed logical to give her that one. You were supposed to be gone for a year. What happened?”
“I came home early.”
Stepping forward, her fingers nervously laced together, Ellen broke into the tense interchange. “I’ll move up a floor. I don’t mind.” No one was using the third floor of the house, which had at one time been reserved for the servants. The rooms were small and airless, but sleeping there was preferable to suffering the wrath of Derek’s brother. Or worse, having to find somewhere else to live.
Reed responded with a dismissive gesture of his hand. “Don’t worry about it. Until things are straightened out, I’ll sleep up there. Once I’ve taken a long, hot shower and gotten some rest I might be able to make sense out of this mess.”
“No, please,” Ellen persisted. “If I’m in your room, then I should move.”
“No,” Reed grumbled on his way out the door, waving aside her offer. “It’s only my house. I’ll sleep in the servants’ quarters.”
Before Ellen could argue further, Reed was out of the kitchen and halfway up the stairs.
“Is there a problem?” Monte asked, opening the refrigerator. He didn’t seem very concerned, but then he rarely worried about anything unless it directly affected his stomach. Ellen didn’t know how any one person could eat so much. He never seemed to gain weight, but if it were up to him he’d feed himself exclusively on pizza and french fries.
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Ellen pressed Derek, feeling guilty but not quite knowing why. “I assumed your family owned the house.”
“Well...sort of.” He sank slowly into one of the kitchen chairs.
“It’s the sort of that worries me.” She pulled out the chair across from Derek and looked at him sternly.
“Reed is family.”
“But he didn’t know you were renting out the bedrooms?”
“He told me this job would last nine months to a year. I couldn’t see any harm in it. Everywhere I looked there were ads for students wanting rooms to rent. It didn’t seem right to live alone in this house with all these bedrooms.”
“Maybe I should try to find someplace else to live,” Ellen said reluctantly. The more she thought about it, the harder it was to see any other solution now that Reed had returned.
“Not before dinner,” Monte protested, bringing a loaf of bread and assorted sandwich makings to the table.
“There’s no need for anyone to leave,” Derek said with defiant bravado. “Reed will probably only be around for a couple of weeks before he goes away on another assignment.”
“Assignment?” Ellen asked, her curiosity piqued.
“Yeah. He travels all over the place—we hardly ever see him. And from what I hear, I don’t think Danielle likes him being gone so much, either.”
“They’ve been practically engaged for ages and... I don’t know the whole story, but apparently Reed’s put off tying the knot because he does so much traveling.”
“Danielle must really love him if she’s willing to wait.” Ellen watched as Monte spread several layers of smoked ham over the inch-thick slice of Swiss cheese. She knew better than to warn her housemate that he’d ruin his dinner. After his triple-decker sandwich, Monte could sit down to a five-course meal—and then ask about dessert.
“I guess,” Derek answered nonchalantly. “Reed’s perfect for her. You’d have to meet Danielle to understand.” Reaching into the teddy-bear-shaped cookie jar and helping himself to a handful, Derek continued. “Reed didn’t mean to snap at everyone. Usually, he’s a great brother. And Danielle’s all right,” he added without enthusiasm.
“It takes a special kind of woman to stick by a man that long without a commitment.”
Derek shrugged. “I suppose. Danielle’s got her own reasons, if you know what I mean.”
Ellen didn’t, but she let it go. “What does Reed do?”
“He’s an aeronautical engineer for Boeing. He travels around the world working on different projects. This last one was somewhere in Saudi Arabia.”
“What about the house?”
“Well, that’s his, an inheritance from his mother’s family, but he’s gone so much of the time that he asked me if I’d live here and look after the place.”
“What about us?” Monte asked. “Will big brother want us to move out?”
“I don’t think so. Tomorrow morning I’ll ask him. I can’t see me all alone in this huge old place. It’s not like I’m trying to make a fortune by collecting a lot of rent.”
“If Reed wants us to leave, I’m sure something can be arranged.” Already Ellen was considering different options. She didn’t want her fate to be determined by a whim of Derek’s brother.
“Let’s not do anything drastic. I doubt he’ll mind once he has a chance to think it through,” Derek murmured with a thoughtful frown. “At least, I hope he won’t.”
Later that night as Ellen slipped between the crisply laundered sheets, she wondered about the man whose bed she occupied. Tucking the thick quilt around her shoulders, she fought back a wave of anxiety. Everything had worked out so perfectly that she should’ve expected something to go wrong. If anyone voiced objections to her being in Reed’s house, it would probably be his almost-fiancée. Ellen sighed apprehensively. She had to admit that if the positions were reversed, she wouldn’t want the man she loved sharing his house with another woman. Tomorrow she’d check around to see if she could find a new place to live.
* * *
ELLEN WAS SCRAMBLING EGGS the next morning when Reed appeared, coming down the narrow stairs that led from the third floor to the kitchen. He’d shaved, which emphasized the chiseled look of his jaw. His handsome face was weathered and everything about him spoke of health and vitality. Ellen paused, her fork suspended with raw egg dripping from the tines. She wouldn’t call Reed Morgan handsome so much as striking. He had an unmistakable masculine appeal. Apparently the duties of an aeronautical engineer were more physically demanding than she’d suspected. Strength showed in the wide muscular shoulders and lean, hard build. He looked even more formidable this morning.
“Good morning,” she greeted him cheerfully, as she continued to beat the eggs. “I hope you slept well.”
Reed poured coffee into the same mug he’d used the day before. A creature of habit, Ellen mused. “Morning,” he responded somewhat gruffly.
“Can I fix you some eggs?”
“Derek and I have already talked. You can all stay.”
“Is that a yes or a no to the eggs?”
“I’m trying to tell you that you don’t need to worry about impressing me with your cooking.”
With a grunt of impatience, Ellen set the bowl aside and leaned forward, slapping her open palms on the countertop. “I’m scrambling eggs here. Whether you want some or not is entirely up to you. Believe me, if I was concerned about impressing you, I wouldn’t do it with eggs.”
For the first time, Ellen saw a hint of amusement touch those brilliant green eyes. “No, I don’t suppose you would.”
“Now that we’ve got that settled, would you like breakfast or not?”
“All right.”
His eyes boldly searched hers and for an instant Ellen found herself regretting that there was a Danielle. With an effort, she turned away and brought her concentration back to preparing breakfast.
“Do you do all the cooking?” Just the way he asked made it sound as though he was already criticizing their household arrangements. Ellen bit back a sarcastic reply and busied herself melting butter and putting bread in the toaster. She’d bide her time. If Derek was right, his brother would soon be away on another assignment.
“Most of it,” Ellen answered, pouring the eggs into the hot skillet.
“Who pays for the groceries?”
Ellen shrugged, hoping to give the appearance of nonchalance. “We all chip in.” She did the shopping and most of the cooking. In return, the boys did their share of the housework—now that she’d taught them how.
The bread popped up from the toaster and Ellen reached for the butter knife, doing her best to ignore the overpowering presence of Reed Morgan.
“What about the shopping?”
“I enjoy it,” she said simply, putting two more slices of bread in the toaster.
“I thought women all over America were fighting to get out of the kitchen.”
“When a replacement is found, I’ll be happy to step aside.” She wasn’t comfortable with the direction this conversation seemed to be taking. Reed was looking at her as though she was some kind of 1950s throwback.
Ellen liked to cook and as it turned out, the boys needed someone who knew her way around a kitchen, and she needed an inexpensive place to live. Everything had worked out perfectly....
She spooned the cooked eggs onto one plate and piled the toast on another, then carried it to the table, which gave her enough time to control her indignation. She was temporarily playing the role of surrogate mother to a bunch of college-age boys. All right, maybe that made her a little unusual these days, but she enjoyed living with Derek and the others. It helped her feel at home, and for now she needed that.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” Reed stopped her on her way out of the kitchen.
“I’ll have something later. The only time I can count on the bathroom being free in the mornings is when the boys are having breakfast. That is, unless you were planning to use it?”
Reed’s eyes narrowed fractionally. “No.”
“What’s the matter? You’ve got that look on your face again.”
“What look?”
“The one where you pinch your lips together as if you aren’t pleased about something and you’re wondering just how much you should say.”
His tight expression relaxed into a slow, sensual grin. “Do you always read people this well?”
Ellen shook her head. “Not always. I just want to know what I’ve done this time.”
“Aren’t you concerned about living with three men?”
“No. Should I be?” She crossed her arms and leaned against the doorjamb, almost enjoying their conversation. The earlier antagonism had disappeared. She’d agree that her living arrangements were a bit unconventional, but they suited her. The situation was advantageous for her and the boys.
“Any one of them could fall in love with you.”
With difficulty, Ellen restrained her laughter. “That’s unlikely. They see me as their mother.”
The corners of his mouth formed deep grooves as he tried—and failed—to suppress a grin. Raising one brow, he did a thorough inspection of her curves.
Hot color flooded her pale cheeks. “All right—a sister. I’m too old for them.”
Monte sauntered into the kitchen, followed closely by Pat who muttered, “I thought I smelled breakfast.”
“I was just about to call you,” she told them and hurried from the room, wanting to avoid a head-on collision with Reed. And that was where this conversation was going.
Fifteen minutes later, Ellen returned to the kitchen. She was dressed in cords and an Irish cable-knit sweater; soft dark curls framed her small oval face. Ellen had no illusions about her looks. Men on the street weren’t going to stop and stare, but she knew she was reasonably attractive. With her short, dark hair and deep brown eyes, she considered herself average. Ordinary. Far too ordinary for a man like Reed Morgan. One look at Ellen, and Danielle would feel completely reassured. Angry at the self-pitying thought, she grabbed a pen and tore out a sheet of notebook paper.
Intent on making the shopping list, Ellen was halfway into the kitchen before she noticed Reed standing at the sink, wiping the frying pan dry. The table had been cleared and the dishes were stacked on the counter, ready for the dishwasher.
“Oh,” she said, a little startled. “I would’ve done that.”
“While I’m here, I’ll do my share.” He said it without looking at her, his eyes avoiding hers.
“But this is your home. I certainly don’t mind—”
“I wouldn’t be comfortable otherwise. Haven’t you got a class this morning?” He sounded anxious to be rid of her.
“Not until eleven.”
“What’s your major?” He’d turned around, leaning against the sink and crossing his arms. He was the picture of nonchalance, but Ellen wasn’t fooled. She knew very well that he wasn’t pleased about her living in his home, and she felt he’d given his permission reluctantly. She suspected he was even looking for ways to dislike her. Ellen understood that. Reed was bound to face some awkward questions once Danielle discovered there was a woman living in his house. Especially a woman who slept in his bed and took charge of his kitchen. But that would change this afternoon—at least the sleeping in his bed part.
“I’m majoring in education.”
“That’s the mother in you coming out again.”
Ellen hadn’t thought of it that way. Reed simply felt more comfortable seeing her in that light—as a maternal, even matronly figure—she decided. She’d let him, if it meant he’d be willing to accept her arrangement with Derek and the others.
“I suppose you’re right,” she murmured as she began opening and closing cupboard doors, checking the contents on each shelf, and scribbling down several items she’d need the following week.
“What are you doing now?”
Mentally, Ellen counted to ten before answering. She resented his overbearing tone, and despite her earlier resolve to humor him, she snapped, “I’m making a grocery list. Do you have a problem with that?”
“No,” he answered gruffly.
“I’ll be out of here in just a minute,” she said, trying hard to maintain her patience.
“You aren’t in my way.”
“And while we’re on the subject of being in someone’s way, I want you to know I plan to move my things out of your room this afternoon.”
“Don’t. I won’t be here long enough to make it worth your while.”
CHAPTER TWO (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
SO REED WAS LEAVING. Ellen felt guilty and relieved at the same time. Derek had told her Reed would probably be sent on another job soon, but she hadn’t expected it to be quite this soon.
“There’s a project Boeing is sending me on. California this time—the Monterey area.”
Resuming her task, Ellen added several more items to the grocery list. “I’ve heard that’s a lovely part of the state.”
“It is beautiful.” But his voice held no enthusiasm.
Ellen couldn’t help feeling a twinge of disappointment for Reed. One look convinced her that he didn’t want to leave again. After all, he’d just returned from several months in the Middle East and already he had another assignment in California. If he was dreading this latest job, Ellen could well imagine how Danielle must feel.
“Nonetheless, I think it’s important to give you back your room. I’ll move my things this afternoon.” She’d ask the boys to help and it wouldn’t take long.
With his arms crossed, Reed lounged against the doorjamb, watching her.
“And if you feel that my being here is a problem,” she went on, thinking of Danielle, “I’ll look for another place. The only thing I ask is that you give me a couple of weeks to find something.”
He hesitated as though he was considering the offer, then shook his head, grinning slightly. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”
“I don’t mind telling you I’m relieved to hear it, but I’m prepared to move if necessary.”
His left brow rose a fraction of an inch as the grin spread across his face. “Having you here does have certain advantages.”
“Such as?”
“You’re an excellent cook, the house hasn’t been this clean in months and Derek’s mother says you’re a good influence on these boys.”
Ellen had briefly met Mary Morgan, Derek’s mother, a few weeks before. “Thank you.”
He sauntered over to the coffeepot and poured himself a cup. “And for that matter, Derek’s right. This house is too big to sit empty. I’m often out of town, but there’s no reason others shouldn’t use it. Especially with someone as...domestically inclined as you around to keep things running smoothly.”
So he viewed her as little more than a live-in housekeeper and cook! Ellen felt a flush of anger. Before she could say something she’d regret, she turned quickly and fled out the back door on her way to the local grocery store. Actually, Reed Morgan had interpreted the situation correctly, but it somehow bothered her that he saw her in such an unflattering light.
* * *
ELLEN DIDN’T SEE Reed again until late that night. Friday evenings were lazy ones for her. She’d dated Charlie Hanson, a fellow student, a couple of times but usually preferred the company of a good book. With her heavy class schedule, most of Ellen’s free time was devoted to her studies. Particularly algebra. This one class was getting her down. It didn’t matter how hard she hit the books, she couldn’t seem to grasp the theory.
Dressed in her housecoat and a pair of bright purple knee socks, she sat at the kitchen table, her legs propped on the chair across from her. Holding a paperback novel open with one hand, she dipped chocolate-chip cookies in a tall glass of milk with the other. At the unexpected sound of the back door opening, she looked curiously up from her book.
Reed seemed surprised to see her. He frowned as his eyes darted past her to the clock above the stove. “You’re up late.”
“On weekends my mommy doesn’t make me go to bed until midnight,” she said sarcastically, doing her best to ignore him. Reed managed to look fantastic without even trying. He didn’t need her gawking at him to tell him that. If his expensive sports jacket was anything to judge by, he’d spent the evening with Danielle.
“You’ve got that look,” he grumbled.
“What look?”
“The same one you said I have—wanting to say something and unsure if you should.”
“Oh.” She couldn’t very well deny it.
“And what did you want to tell me?”
“Only that you look good.” She paused, wondering how much she should say. “You even smell expensive.”
His gaze slid over her. “From the way you’re dressed, you look to me as though you’d smell of cotton candy.”
“Thank you, but actually it’s chocolate chip.” She pushed the package of cookies in his direction. “Here. Save me from myself.”
“No, thanks,” Reed murmured and headed toward the living room.
“Don’t go in there,” Ellen cried, swinging her legs off the chair and coming abruptly to her feet.
Reed’s hand was on the kitchen door, ready to open it. “Don’t go into the living room?”
“Derek’s got a girl in there.”
Reed continued to stare at her blankly. “So?”
“So. He’s with Michelle Tanner. The Michelle Tanner. The girl he’s been crazy about for the last six weeks. She finally agreed to a date with him. They rented a movie.”
“That doesn’t explain why I can’t go in there.”
“Yes, it does,” Ellen whispered. “The last time I peeked, Derek was getting ready to make his move. You’ll ruin everything if you barge in there now.”
“His move?” Reed didn’t seem to like the sound of this. “What do you mean, ‘his move’? The kid’s barely nineteen.”
Ellen smiled. “Honestly, Reed, you must’ve been young once. Don’t you remember what it’s like to have a crush on a girl? All Derek’s doing is plotting that first kiss.”
Reed dropped his hand as he stared at Ellen. He seemed to focus on her mouth. Then the glittering green eyes skimmed hers, and Ellen’s breath caught somewhere between her throat and her lungs as she struggled to pull her gaze away from his. Reed had no business giving her that kind of look. Not when he’d so recently left Danielle’s arms. And not when Ellen reacted so profoundly to a mere glance.
“I haven’t forgotten,” he said. “And as for that remark about being young once, I’m not exactly over the hill.”
This was ridiculous! With a sigh of annoyance, Ellen sat down again, swinging her feet onto the opposite chair. She picked up her book and forced her eyes—if not her attention—back to the page in front of her. “I’m glad to hear that.” If she could get a grip on herself for the next few days everything would be fine. Reed would leave and her life with the boys would settle back into its routine.
She heard the refrigerator opening and watched Reed pour himself a glass of milk, then reach for a handful of chocolate-chip cookies. When he pulled out the chair across from her, Ellen reluctantly lowered her legs.
“What are you reading?”
Feeling irritable and angry for allowing him to affect her, she deliberately waited until she’d finished the page before answering. “A book,” she muttered.
“My, my, you’re a regular Mary Sunshine. What’s wrong—did your boyfriend stand you up tonight?”
With exaggerated patience she slowly lowered the paperback to the table and marked her place. “Listen. I’m twenty-five years old and well beyond the age of boyfriends.”
Reed shrugged. “All right. Your lover.”
She hadn’t meant to imply that at all! And Reed knew it. He’d wanted to fluster her and he’d succeeded.
“Women these days have this habit of letting their mouths hang open,” he said pointedly. “I suppose they think it looks sexy, but actually, they resemble beached trout.” With that, he deposited his empty glass in the sink and marched briskly up the back stairs.
Ellen closed her eyes and groaned in embarrassment. He must think she was an idiot, and with good reason. She’d done a remarkable job of imitating one. She groaned again, infuriated by the fact that she found Reed Morgan so attractive.
Ellen didn’t climb the stairs to her new bedroom on the third floor for another hour. And then it was only after Derek had paid her a quick visit in the kitchen and given her a thumbs-up. At least his night had gone well.
Twenty minutes after she’d turned off her reading light, Ellen lay staring into the silent, shadow-filled room. She wasn’t sleepy, and the mystery novel no longer held her interest. Her thoughts were troubled by that brief incident in the kitchen with Reed. Burying her head in her pillow, Ellen yawned and closed her eyes. But sleep still wouldn’t come. A half-hour later, she threw back the covers and grabbed her housecoat from the end of the bed. Perhaps another glass of milk would help.
Not bothering to turn on any lights, she took a clean glass from the dishwasher and pulled the carton of milk from the refrigerator. Drink in hand, she stood at the kitchen window, looking out at the huge oak tree in the backyard. Its bare limbs stretched upward like skeletal hands, silhouetted against the full moon.
“I’ve heard that a woman’s work is never done, but this is ridiculous.”
She nearly spilled her milk at the sudden sound of Reed’s voice behind her. She whirled around and glared at him. “I see there’s a full moon tonight. I wonder if it’s safe to be alone with you. And wouldn’t you know it, I left my silver bullet upstairs.”
“No woman’s ever accused me of being a werewolf. A number of other things,” he murmured, “but never that.”
“Maybe that’s because you hadn’t frightened them half out of their wits.”
“I couldn’t resist. Sorry,” he said, reaching for the milk carton.
“You know, if we’d stop snapping at each other, it might make life a lot easier around here.”
“Perhaps,” he agreed. “I will admit it’s a whole lot easier to talk to you when you’re dressed.”
Ellen slammed down her empty glass. “I’m getting a little tired of hearing about that.”
But Reed went on, clearly unperturbed. “Unfortunately, ever since that first time when I found you in your bra, you’ve insisted on overdressing. From one extreme to another—too few clothes to too many.” He paused. “Do you always wear socks to bed?”
“I pity the man you sleep with.”
“Well, you needn’t worry—” She expelled a lungful of oxygen. “We’re doing it again.”
“So, you’re suggesting we stop trading insults for the sake of the children.”
“I hadn’t thought of it that way,” she said with an involuntary smile, “but you’re right. No one’s going to be comfortable if the two of us are constantly sniping at each other. I’m willing to try if you are. Okay?”
“Okay.” A smile softened Reed’s features, angular and shadowed in the moonlight.
“And I’m not a threat to your relationship with Danielle, am I? In fact, if you’d rather, she need never even know I’m here,” Ellen said casually.
“Maybe that would’ve been best,” he conceded, setting aside his empty glass. “But I doubt it. Besides, she already knows. I told her tonight.” He muttered something else she didn’t catch.
“And,” he went on, “she says she doesn’t mind, but she’d like to meet you.”
This was one encounter Ellen wasn’t going to enjoy.
* * *
THE NEXT MORNING, Ellen brought down her laundry and was using the washing machine and the dryer before Reed and the others were even awake.
She sighed as she tested the iron with the wet tip of her index finger and found that it still wasn’t hot, although she’d turned it on at least five minutes earlier. This house was owned by a wealthy engineer, so why were there only two electrical outlets in the kitchen? It meant that she couldn’t use the washer, the dryer and the iron at the same time without causing a blow-out.
“Darn it,” she groaned, setting the iron upright on the padded board.
“What’s the matter?” Reed asked from the doorway leading into the kitchen. He got himself a cup of coffee.
“This iron.”
“Hey, Ellen, if you’re doing some ironing, would you press a few things for me?” Monte asked, walking barefoot into the kitchen. He peered into the refrigerator and took out a slice of cold pizza.
“I was afraid this would happen,” she grumbled, still upset by the house’s electrical problems.
“Ellen’s not your personal maid,” Reed said sharply. “If you’ve got something you want pressed, do it yourself.”
A hand on her hip, Ellen turned to Reed, defiantly meeting his glare. “If you don’t mind, I can answer for myself.”
“Fine,” he snorted and took a sip of his coffee.
She directed her next words to Monte, who stood looking at her expectantly. “I am not your personal maid. If you want something pressed, do it yourself.”
Monte glanced from Reed to Ellen and back to Reed again. “Sorry I asked,” he mumbled on his way out of the kitchen. The door was left swinging in his wake.
“You said that well,” Reed commented with a soft chuckle.
“Believe me, I was conned into enough schemes by my sister and brother to know how to handle Monte and the others.”
Reed’s gaze was admiring. “If your brother’s anything like mine, I don’t doubt it.”
“All brothers are alike,” she said. Unable to hold back a grin, Ellen tested the iron a second time and noticed that it was only slightly warmer. “Have you ever thought about putting another outlet in this kitchen?”
Reed looked at her in surprise. “No. Do you need one?”
“Need one?” she echoed. “There are only two in here. It’s ridiculous.”
Reed scanned the kitchen. “I hadn’t thought about it.” Setting his coffee mug aside, he shook his head. “Your mood’s not much better today than it was last night.” With that remark, he hurried out of the room, following in Monte’s footsteps.
Frustrated, Ellen tightened her grip on the iron. Reed was right. She was being unreasonable and she really didn’t understand why. But she was honest enough to admit, at least to herself, that she was attracted to this man whose house she occupied. She realized she’d have to erect a wall of reserve between them to protect them both from embarrassment.
“Morning, Ellen,” Derek said as he entered the kitchen and threw himself into a chair. As he emptied a box of cornflakes into a huge bowl, he said, “I’ve got some shirts that need pressing.”
“If you want anything pressed, do it yourself,” she almost shouted.
Stunned, Derek blinked. “Okay.”
Setting the iron upright again, Ellen released a lengthy sigh. “I didn’t mean to scream at you.”
“That’s all right.”
Turning off the iron, she joined Derek at the table and reached for the cornflakes.
“Are you still worried about that math paper you’re supposed to do?” he asked.
“I’m working my way to an early grave over it.”
“I would’ve thought you’d do well in math.”
Ellen snickered. “Hardly.”
“Have you come up with a topic?”
“Not yet. I’m going to the library later, where I pray some form of inspiration will strike me.”
“Have you asked the other people in your class what they’re writing about?” Derek asked as he refilled his bowl, this time with rice puffs.
Ellen nodded. “That’s what worries me most. The brain who sits beside me is doing hers on the probability of solving Goldbach’s conjecture in our lifetime.”
Derek’s eyes widened. “That’s a tough act to follow.”
“Let me tell you about the guy who sits behind me. He’s doing his paper on mathematics during World War II.”
“You’re in the big leagues now,” Derek said with a sympathetic shake of his head.
“I know,” Ellen lamented. She was taking this course only because it was compulsory; all she wanted out of it was a passing grade. The quadratic formula certainly wasn’t going to have any lasting influence on her life.
“Good luck,” Derek said.
“Thanks. I’m going to need it.”
After straightening up the kitchen, Ellen changed into old jeans and a faded sweatshirt. The jeans had been washed so many times they were nearly white. They fit her hips so snugly she could hardly slide her fingers into the pockets, but she hated the idea of throwing them out.
She tied an old red scarf around her hair and headed for the garage. While rooting around for a ladder a few days earlier, she’d discovered some pruning shears. She’d noticed several overgrown bushes in the backyard and decided to tackle those first, before cleaning the drainpipes.
After an hour, she had a pile of underbrush large enough to be worth a haul to the dump. She’d have one of the boys do that later. For now, the drainpipes demanded her attention.
“Derek!” she called as she pushed open the back door. She knew her face was flushed and damp from exertion.
“Yeah?” His voice drifted toward her from the living room.
Ellen wandered in to discover him on the phone. “I’m ready for you now.”
“Now?” His eyes pleaded with her as his palm covered the mouthpiece. “It’s Michelle.”
“All right, I’ll ask Monte.”
“Thanks.” He gave her a smile of appreciation.
But Monte was nowhere to be found, and Pat was at the Y shooting baskets with some friends. When she stuck her head into the living room again, she saw Derek still draped over the sofa, deep in conversation. Unwilling to interfere with the course of young love, she decided she could probably manage to climb onto the roof unaided.
Dragging the aluminum ladder from the garage, she thought she might not need Derek’s help anyway. She’d mentioned her plan earlier in the week, and he hadn’t looked particularly enthusiastic.
With the extension ladder braced against the side of the house, she climbed onto the roof of the back porch. Very carefully, she reached for the ladder and extended it to the very top of the house.
She maneuvered herself back onto the ladder and climbed slowly and cautiously up.
Once she’d managed to position herself on the slanting roof, she was fine. She even took a moment to enjoy the spectacular view. She could see Lake Washington, with its deep-green water, and the spacious grounds of the university campus.
Using the brush she’d tucked—with some struggle—into her back pocket, Ellen began clearing away the leaves and other debris that clogged the gutters and drainpipes.
She was about half finished when she heard raised voices below. Pausing, she sat down, drawing her knees against her chest, and watched the scene unfolding on the front lawn. Reed and his brother were embroiled in a heated discussion—with Reed doing most of the talking. Derek was raking leaves and didn’t seem at all pleased about devoting his Saturday morning to chores. Ellen guessed that Reed had summarily interrupted the telephone conversation between Derek and Michelle.
With a lackadaisical swish of the rake, Derek flung the multicolored leaves skyward. Ellen restrained a laugh. Reed had obviously pulled rank and felt no hesitation about giving him orders.
To her further amusement, Reed then motioned toward his black Porsche, apparently suggesting that his brother wash the car when he’d finished with the leaves. Still chuckling, Ellen grabbed for the brush, but she missed and accidentally sent it tumbling down the side of the roof. It hit the green shingles over the front porch with a loud thump before flying onto the grass only a few feet from where Derek and Reed were standing.
Two pairs of astonished eyes turned swiftly in her direction. “Hi,” she called down and waved. “I don’t suppose I could talk one of you into bringing that up to me?” She braced her feet and pulled herself into a standing position as she waited for a reply.
Reed pointed his finger at her and yelled, “What do you think you’re doing up there?”
“Playing tiddlywinks,” she shouted back. “What do you think I’m doing?”
“I don’t know, but I want you down.”
“In a minute.”
“Yes, sir.” She gave him a mocking salute and would have bowed if she hadn’t been afraid she might lose her footing.
Derek burst out laughing but was quickly silenced by a scathing glance from his older brother.
“Tell Derek to bring me the broom,” Ellen called, moving closer to the edge.
Ellen couldn’t decipher Reed’s response, but from the way he stormed around the back of the house, she figured it was best to come down before he had a heart attack. She had the ladder lowered to the back-porch roof before she saw him.
“You idiot!” he shouted. He was standing in the driveway, hands on his hips, glaring at her in fury. “I can’t believe anyone would do anything so stupid.”
“What do you mean?” The calmness of her words belied the way the blood pulsed through her veins. Alarm rang in his voice and that surprised her. She certainly hadn’t expected Reed, of all people, to be concerned about her safety. He held the ladder steady until she’d climbed down and was standing squarely in front of him. Then he started pacing. For a minute Ellen didn’t know what to think.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “You look as pale as a sheet.”
“What’s wrong?” he sputtered. “You were on the roof and—”
“I wasn’t in any danger.”
He shook his head, clearly upset. “There are people who specialize in that sort of thing. I don’t want you up there again. Understand?”
“Yes, but—”
“No buts. You do anything that stupid again and you’re out of here. Have you got that?”
“Yes,” she said with forced calm. “I understand.”
Before she could think of anything else to say, Reed was gone.
“You all right?” Derek asked a minute later. Shocked by Reed’s outburst, Ellen hadn’t moved. Rarely had anyone been that angry with her. Heavens, she’d cleaned out drainpipes lots of times. Her father had died when Ellen was fourteen, and over the years she’d assumed most of the maintenance duties around the house. She’d learned that, with the help of a good book and a well-stocked hardware store, there wasn’t anything she couldn’t fix. She’d repaired the plumbing, built bookshelves and done a multitude of household projects. It was just part of her life. Reed had acted as though she’d done something hazardous, as though she’d taken some extraordinary risk, and that seemed totally ridiculous to her. She knew what she was doing. Besides, heights didn’t frighten her; they never had.
“Ellen?” Derek prompted.
“I’m fine.”
“I’ve never seen Reed act like that. He didn’t mean anything.”
“I know,” she whispered, brushing the dirt from her knees. Derek drifted off, leaving her to return the ladder to the garage single-handed.
Reed found her an hour later folding laundry in her bedroom. He knocked on the open door.
“Yes?” She looked up expectantly.
“I owe you an apology.”
She continued folding towels at the foot of her bed. “Oh?”
“I didn’t mean to come at you like Attila the Hun.”
Hugging a University of Washington T-shirt to her stomach, she lowered her gaze to the bedspread and nodded. “Apology accepted and I’ll offer one of my own. I didn’t mean to come back at you like a spoiled brat.”
“Accepted.” They smiled at each other and she caught her breath as those incredible green eyes gazed into hers. It was a repeat of the scene in the kitchen the night before. For a long, silent moment they did nothing but stare, and she realized that a welter of conflicting emotions must have registered on her face. A similar turmoil raged on his.
“If it’ll make you feel any better, I won’t go up on the roof again,” she said at last.
“I’d appreciate it.” His lips barely moved. The words were more of a sigh than a sentence.
She managed a slight nod in response.
At the sound of footsteps, they guiltily looked away.
“Say, Ellen.” Pat stopped in the doorway, a basketball under his left arm. “Got time to shoot a few baskets with me?”
“Sure,” she whispered, stepping around Reed. At that moment, she would’ve agreed to just about anything to escape his company. There was something happening between them and she felt frightened and confused and excited, all at the same time.
The basketball hoop was positioned above the garage door at the end of the long driveway. Pat was attending the University of Washington with the express hope of making the Husky basketball team. His whole life revolved around the game. He was rarely seen without a ball tucked under his arm and sometimes Ellen wondered if he showered with it. She was well aware that the invitation to practice a few free throws with him was not meant to be taken literally. The only slam dunk Ellen had ever accomplished was with a doughnut in her hot chocolate. Her main job was to stand on the sidelines and be awed by Pat’s talent.
They hadn’t been in the driveway fifteen minutes when the back door opened and Derek strolled out. “Say, Ellen, have you got a minute?” he asked, frowning.
“What’s the problem?”
“It’s Michelle.”
Sitting on the concrete porch step, Derek looked at Ellen with those wide pleading eyes of his.
Ellen sat beside him and wrapped her arms around her bent knees. “What’s wrong with Michelle?”
“Nothing. She’s beautiful and I think she might even fall in love with me, given the chance.” He paused to sigh expressively. “I asked her out to dinner tonight.”
“She agreed. Right?” If Michelle was anywhere near as taken with Derek as he was with her, she wasn’t likely to refuse.
The boyishly thin shoulders heaved in a gesture of despair. “She can’t.”
“Why not?” Ellen watched as Pat bounced the basketball across the driveway, pivoted, jumped high in the air and sent the ball through the net.
“Michelle promised her older sister that she’d baby-sit tonight.”
“That’s too bad.” Ellen gave him a sympathetic look.
“The thing is, she’d probably go out with me if there was someone who could watch her niece and nephew for her.”
“Uh-huh.” Pat made another skillful play and Ellen applauded vigorously. He rewarded her with a triumphant smile.
“Then you will?”
Ellen switched her attention from Pat’s antics at the basketball hoop back to Derek. “Will I what?”
“Babysit Michelle’s niece and nephew?”
“What?” she exploded. “Not me. I’ve got to do research for a term paper.”
“Ellen, please, please, please.”
“No. No. No.” She sliced the air forcefully with her hand and got to her feet.
Derek rose with her. “I sense some resistance to this idea.”
“The boy’s a genius,” she mumbled under her breath as she hurried into the kitchen. “I’ve got to write my term paper. You know that.”
Derek followed her inside. “Ellen, please? I promise I’ll never ask anything of you again.”
“I’ve heard that before.” She tried to ignore him as he trailed her to the refrigerator and watched her take out sandwich makings for lunch.
“It’s a matter of the utmost importance,” Derek pleaded anew.
“What is?” Reed spoke from behind the paper he was reading at the kitchen table.
“My date with Michelle. Listen, Ellen, I bet Reed would help you. You’re not doing anything tonight, are you?”
Reed lowered the newspaper. “Help Ellen with what?”
Reed glanced from the intent expression on his younger brother’s face to the stubborn look on Ellen’s. “You two leave me out of this.”
“Ellen. Dear, sweet Ellen, you’ve got to understand that it could be weeks—weeks,” he repeated dramatically, “before Michelle will be able to go out with me again.”
Ellen put down an armload of cheese, ham and assorted jars of mustard and pickles. “No! Can I make it any plainer than that? I’m sorry, Derek, honest. But I can’t.”
“Reed,” Derek pleaded with his brother. “Say something that’ll convince her.”
“Like I said, I’m out of this one.”
He raised the paper again, but Ellen could sense a smile hidden behind it. Still, she doubted that Reed would be foolish enough to involve himself in this situation.
“Ellen, puleease.”
“No.” Ellen realized that if she wanted any peace, she’d have to forget about lunch and make an immediate escape. She whirled around and headed out of the kitchen, the door swinging in her wake.
“I think she’s weakening,” she heard Derek say as he followed her.
She was on her way up the stairs when she caught sight of Derek in the dining room, coming toward her on his knees, hands folded in supplication. “Won’t you please reconsider?”
Ellen groaned. “What do I need to say to convince you? I’ve got to get to the library. That paper is due Monday morning.”
“I’ll write it for you.”
“No, thanks.”
At just that moment Reed came through the door. “It shouldn’t be too difficult to find a reliable sitter. There are a few families with teenagers in the neighbourhood, as I recall.”
“I...don’t know,” Derek hedged.
“If we can’t find anyone, then Danielle and I’ll manage. It’ll be good practice for us. Besides, just how much trouble can two kids be?”
When she heard that, Ellen had to swallow a burst of laughter. Reed obviously hadn’t spent much time around children, she thought with a mischievous grin.
“How old did you say these kids are?” she couldn’t resist asking.
“Nine and four.” Derek’s dark eyes brightened as he leaped to his feet and gave his brother a grateful smile. “So I can tell Michelle everything’s taken care of?”
“I suppose.” Reed turned to Ellen. “I was young once myself,” he said pointedly, reminding her of the comment she’d made the night before.
“I really appreciate this, Reed,” Derek was saying. “I’ll be your slave for life. I’d even lend you money if I had some. By the way, can I borrow your car tonight?”
“Don’t press your luck.”
“Right.” Derek chuckled, bounding up the stairs. He paused for a moment. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Michelle’s bringing the kids over here, okay?”
He didn’t wait for a response.
* * *
THE DOORBELL CHIMED close to six o’clock, just as Ellen was gathering up her books and preparing to leave for the library.
“That’ll be Michelle,” Derek called excitedly. “Can you get it, Ellen?”
“No problem.”
Coloring books and crayons were arranged on the coffee table, along with some building blocks Reed must have purchased that afternoon. From bits and pieces of information she’d picked up, she concluded that Reed had discovered it wasn’t quite as easy to find a baby-sitter as he’d assumed. And with no other recourse, he and Danielle were apparently taking over the task. Ellen wished him luck, but she really did need to concentrate on this stupid term paper. Reed hadn’t suggested that Ellen wait around to meet Danielle. But she had to admit she’d been wondering about the woman from the time Derek had first mentioned her.
“Hello, Ellen.” Blonde Michelle greeted Ellen with a warm, eager smile. They’d met briefly the other night, when she’d come over to watch the movie. “This sure is great of Derek’s brother and his girlfriend, isn’t it?”
“It sure is.”
The four-year-old boy was clinging to Michelle’s trouser leg so that her gait was stiff-kneed as she limped into the house with the child attached.
“Jimmy, this is Ellen. You’ll be staying in her house tonight while Auntie Michelle goes out to dinner with Derek.”
“I want my mommy.”
“He won’t be a problem,” Michelle told Ellen confidently.
“I thought there were two children.”
“Yeah, the baby’s in the car. I’ll be right back.”
“Baby?” Ellen swallowed down a laugh. “What baby?”
“Jenny’s nine months.”
“Nine months?” A small uncontrollable giggle slid from her throat. This would be marvelous. Reed with a nine-month-old was almost too good to miss.
“Jimmy, you stay here.” Somehow Michelle was able to pry the four-year-old’s fingers from her leg and pass the struggling child to Ellen.
Kicking and thrashing, Jimmy broke into loud sobs as Ellen carried him into the living room. “Here’s a coloring book. Do you like to color, Jimmy?”
But he refused to talk to Ellen or even look at her as he buried his face in the sofa cushions. “I want my mommy,” he wailed again.
By the time Michelle had returned with a baby carrier and a fussing nine-month-old, Derek sauntered out from the kitchen. “Hey, Michelle, you’re lookin’ good.”
Reed, who was following closely behind, came to a shocked standstill when he saw the baby. “I thought you said they were nine and four.”
“I did,” Derek explained patiently, his eyes devouring the blonde at his side.
“They won’t be any trouble,” Michelle cooed as Derek placed an arm around her shoulders and led her toward the open door.
“Derek, we need to talk,” Reed insisted.
“Haven’t got time now. Our reservations are for seven.” His hand slid from Michelle’s shoulders to her waist. “I’m taking my lady out for a night on the town.”
“Derek,” Reed demanded.
“Oh.” Michelle tore her gaze from Derek’s. “The diaper bag is in the entry. Jenny should be dry, but you might want to check her later. She’ll probably cry for a few minutes once she sees I’m gone, but that’ll stop almost immediately.”
Reed’s face was grim as he cast a speculative glance at Jimmy, who was still howling for his mother. The happily gurgling Jenny stared up at the unfamiliar dark-haired man and noticed for the first time that she was at the mercy of a stranger. She immediately burst into heart-wrenching tears.
“I want my mommy,” Jimmy wailed yet again.
“I can see you’ve got everything under control,” Ellen said, reaching for her coat. “I’m sure Danielle will be here any minute.”
“Don’t expect me back soon. I’ve got hours of research ahead of me.”
“You aren’t really going to leave, are you?” Reed gave her a horrified look.
“I wish I could stay,” she lied breezily. “Another time.” With that, she was out the door, smiling as she bounded down the steps.
CHAPTER THREE (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
AN UNEASY FEELING struck Ellen as she stood waiting at the bus stop. But she resolutely hardened herself against the impulse to rush back to Reed and his disconsolate charges. Danielle would show up any minute and Ellen really was obliged to do the research for her yet-to-be-determined math paper. Besides, she reminded herself, Reed had volunteered to babysit and she wasn’t responsible for rescuing him. But his eyes had pleaded with her so earnestly. Ellen felt herself beginning to weaken. No! she mumbled under her breath. Reed had Danielle, and as far as Ellen was concerned, they were on their own.
However, by the time she arrived at the undergraduate library, Ellen discovered that she couldn’t get Reed’s pleading look out of her mind. From everything she’d heard about Danielle, Ellen figured the woman probably didn’t know the first thing about babies. As for the term paper, she supposed she could put it off until Sunday. After all, she’d found excuses all day to avoid working on it. She’d done the laundry, trimmed the shrubs, cleaned the drainpipes and washed the upstairs walls in an effort to escape that paper. One more night wasn’t going to make much difference.
Hurriedly, she signed out some books and journals that looked as though they might be helpful and headed for the bus stop. Ellen had to admit that she was curious enough to want to meet Danielle. Reed’s girlfriend had to be someone very special to put up with his frequent absences—or else a schemer, as Derek had implied. But Ellen couldn’t see Reed being duped by a woman, no matter how clever or sophisticated she might be.
Her speculations came to an end as the bus arrived, and she quickly jumped on for the short ride home.
Reed was kneeling on the carpet changing the still-tearful Jenny’s diaper when Ellen walked in the front door. He seemed to have aged ten years in the past hour. The long sleeves of his wool shirt were rolled up to the elbows as he struggled with the tape on Jenny’s disposable diaper.
Reed shook his head and sagged with relief. “Good thing you’re here. She hasn’t stopped crying from the minute you left.”
“You look like you’re doing a good job without me. Where’s Danielle?” She glanced around, smiling at Jimmy; the little boy hadn’t moved from the sofa, his face still hidden in the cushions.
Reed muttered a few words under his breath. “She couldn’t stay.” He finally finished with the diaper. “That wasn’t so difficult after all,” he said, glancing proudly at Ellen as he stood Jenny up on the floor, holding the baby upright by her small arms.
Ellen swallowed a laugh. The diaper hung crookedly, bunched up in front. She was trying to think of a tactful way of pointing it out to Reed when the whole thing began to slide down Jenny’s pudgy legs, settling at her ankles.
“Maybe you should try,” Reed conceded, handing her the baby. Within minutes, Ellen had successfully secured the diaper. Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to soothe the baby any more than Reed had.
Cradling Jenny in her arms, Ellen paced the area in front of the fireplace, at a loss to comfort the sobbing child. “I doubt I’ll do any better. It’s been a long while since my brother was this size.”
“Women are always better at this kind of stuff,” Reed argued, rubbing a hand over his face. “Most women,” he amended, with such a look of frustration that Ellen smiled.
“I’ll bet Jimmy knows what to do,” she suggested next, pleased with her inspiration. The little boy might actually come up with something helpful, and involving him in their attempts to comfort Jenny might distract him from his own unhappiness. Or so Ellen hoped. “Jimmy’s a good big brother. Isn’t that right, honey?”
The child lifted his face from the cushion. “I want my mommy.”
“Let’s pretend Ellen is your mommy,” Reed coaxed.
“No! She’s like that other lady who said bad words.”
Meanwhile, Jenny wailed all the louder. Digging around in the bag, Reed found a stuffed teddy bear and pressed it into her arms. But Jenny angrily tossed the toy aside, the tears flowing unabated down her face.
“Come on, Jimmy,” Reed said desperately. “We need a little help here. Your sister’s crying.”
Holding his hands over his eyes, Jimmy straightened and peeked through two fingers. The distraught Jenny continued to cry at full volume in spite of Ellen’s best efforts.
“Mommy bounces her.”
Ellen had been gently doing that from the beginning.
“What else?” she asked.
“She likes her boo-loo.”
“What’s that?”
“Her teddy bear.”
“I’ve already tried that,” Reed said. “What else does your mommy do when she cries like this?”
Jimmy was thoughtful for a moment. “Oh.” The four-year-old’s eyes sparkled. “Mommy nurses her.”
Reed and Ellen glanced at each other and dissolved into giggles. The laughter faded from his eyes and was replaced with a roguish grin. “That could be interesting.”
Hiding a smile, Ellen decided to ignore Reed’s comment. “Sorry, Jenny,” she said softly to the baby girl.
“But maybe he’s got an idea,” Reed suggested. “Could she be hungry?”
“It’s worth a try. At this point, anything is.”
Jenny’s bellowing had finally dwindled into a few hiccuping sobs. And for some reason, Jimmy suddenly straightened and stared at Reed’s craggy face, at his deep auburn hair and brilliant green eyes. Then he pointed to the plaid wool shirt, its long sleeves rolled up to the elbow. “Are you a lumberjack?”
“A lumberjack?” Reed repeated, looking puzzled. He broke into a full laugh. “No, but I imagine I must look like one to you.”
Rummaging through the diaper bag, Ellen found a plastic bottle filled with what was presumably formula. Jenny eyed it skeptically, but no sooner had Ellen removed the cap than Jenny grabbed it from her hands and began sucking eagerly at the nipple.
Sighing, Ellen sank into the rocking chair and swayed back and forth with the baby tucked in her arms. “I guess that settles that.”
The silence was so blissful that she wanted to wrap it around herself. She felt the tension drain from her muscles as she relaxed in the rocking chair. From what Jimmy had dropped, she surmised that Danielle hadn’t been much help. Everything she’d learned about the other woman told Ellen that Danielle would probably find young children frustrating—and apparently she had.
Jimmy had crawled into Reed’s lap with a book and demanded the lumberjack read to him. Together the two leafed through the storybook. Several times during the peaceful interlude, Ellen’s eyes met Reed’s across the room and they exchanged a contented smile.
Jenny sucked tranquilly at the bottle, and her eyes slowly drooped shut. At peace with her world, the baby was satisfied to be held and rocked to sleep. Ellen gazed down at the angelic face and brushed fine wisps of hair from the untroubled forehead. Releasing her breath in a slow, drawn-out sigh, she glanced up to discover Reed watching her, the little boy still sitting quietly on his lap.
“Ellen?” Reed spoke in a low voice. “Did you finish your math paper?”
“Finish it?” She groaned. “Are you kidding? I haven’t even started it.”
“What’s a math paper?” Jimmy asked.
Rocking the baby, Ellen looked solemnly over at the boy. “Well, it’s something I have to write for a math class. And if I don’t write a paper, I haven’t got a hope of passing the course.” She didn’t think he’d understand any algebraic terms. For that matter, neither did she.
“What’s math?”
“Numbers,” Reed told the boy.
“And, in this case, sometimes letters—like x and y.”
“I like numbers,” Jimmy declared. “I like three and nine and seven.”
“Well, Jimmy, my boy, how would you like to write my paper for me?”
“Can I?”
Ellen grinned at him. “You bet.”
Reed got out pencil and paper and set the four-year-old to work.
Glancing up, she gave Reed a smile. “See how easy this is? You’re good with kids.” Reed smiled in answer as he carefully drew numbers for Jimmy to copy.
After several minutes of this activity, Jimmy decided it was time to put on his pajamas. Seeing him yawn, Reed brought down a pillow and blanket and tucked him into a hastily made bed on the sofa. Then he read a bedtime story until the four-year-old again yawned loudly and fell almost instantly asleep.
Ellen still hadn’t moved, fearing that the slightest jolt would rouse the baby.
“Why don’t we set her down in the baby seat?” Reed said.
“I’m afraid she’ll wake up.”
“If she does, you can rock her again.”
His suggestion made sense and besides, her arms were beginning to ache. “Okay.” He moved to her side and took the sleeping child. Ellen held her breath momentarily when Jenny stirred. But the little girl simply rolled her head against the cushion and returned to sleep.
Ellen rose to her feet and turned the lamp down to its dimmest setting, surrounding them with a warm circle of light.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Reed whispered, coming to stand beside her. He rested his hand at the back of her neck.
An unfamiliar warmth seeped through Ellen, and she began to talk quickly, hoping to conceal her sudden nervousness. “Sure you could have. It looked to me as if you had everything under control.”
Reed snorted. “I was ten minutes away from calling the crisis clinic. Thanks for coming to the rescue.” He casually withdrew his hand, and Ellen felt both relieved and disappointed.
“You’re welcome.” She was dying to know what had happened with Danielle, but she didn’t want to ask. Apparently, the other woman hadn’t stayed around for long.
“Have you eaten?”
Ellen had been so busy that she’d forgotten about dinner, but once Reed mentioned it, she realized how hungry she was. “No, and I’m starved.”
“Do you like Chinese food?”
“Love it.”
“Good. There’s enough for an army out in the kitchen. I ordered it earlier.”
Ellen didn’t need to be told that he’d made dinner plans with Danielle in mind. He’d expected to share an intimate evening with her. “Listen,” she began awkwardly, clasping her hands. “I really have to get going on this term paper. Why don’t you call Danielle and invite her back? Now that the kids are asleep, I’m sure everything will be better. I—”
“Children make Danielle nervous. She warned me about it, but I refused to listen. She’s home now and has probably taken some aspirin and gone to sleep. I can’t see letting good food go to waste. Besides, this gives me an opportunity to thank you.”
“Oh.” It was the longest speech that Reed had made. “All right,” she agreed with a slight nod.
While Reed warmed the food in the microwave, Ellen set out plates and forks and prepared a large pot of green tea, placing it in the middle of the table. The swinging door that connected the kitchen with the living room was left open in case either child woke.
“What do we need plates for?” Reed asked with a questioning arch of his brow.
“Plates are the customary eating device.”
“Not tonight.”
“Not tonight?” Something amusing glinted in Reed’s eyes as he set out several white boxes and brandished two pairs of chopsticks. “Since it’s only the two of us, we can eat right out of the boxes.”
“I’m not very adept with chopsticks.” The smell drifting from the open boxes was tangy and enticing.
“You’ll learn if you’re hungry.”
“I’m famished.”
“Good.” Deftly he took the first pair of chopsticks and showed her how to work them with her thumb and index finger.
Imitating his movements Ellen discovered that her fingers weren’t nearly as agile as his. Two or three tries at picking up small pieces of spicy diced chicken succeeded only in frustrating her.
“Here.” Reed fed her a bite from the end of his chopsticks. “Be a little more patient with yourself.”
“That’s easy for you to say while you’re eating your fill and I’m starving to death.”
“It’ll come.”
Ellen grumbled under her breath, but a few tries later she managed to deliver a portion of the hot food to her eager mouth.
“See, I told you you’d pick this up fast enough.”
“Do you always tell someone ‘I told you so’?” she asked with pretended annoyance. The mood was too congenial for any real discontent. Ellen felt that they’d shared a special time together looking after the two small children. More than special—astonishing. They hadn’t clashed once or found a single thing to squabble over.
“I enjoy teasing you. Your eyes have an irresistible way of lighting up when you’re angry.”
“If you continue to insist that I eat with these absurd pieces of wood, you’ll see my eyes brighten the entire room.”
“I’m looking forward to that,” he murmured with a laugh. “No forks. You can’t properly enjoy Chinese food unless you use chopsticks.”
“I can’t properly taste it without a fork.”
“Here, I’ll feed you.” Again he brought a spicy morsel to her mouth.
A drop of the sauce fell onto her chin and Ellen wiped it off. “You aren’t any better at this than me.” She dipped the chopsticks into the chicken mixture and attempted to transport a tidbit to Reed’s mouth. It balanced precariously on the end of her chopsticks, and Reed lowered his mouth to catch it before it could land in his lap.
“You’re improving,” he told her, his voice low and slightly husky.
Their eyes met. Unable to face the caressing look in his warm gaze, Ellen bent her head and pretended to be engrossed in her dinner. But her appetite was instantly gone—vanished.
A tense silence filled the room. The air between them was so charged that she felt breathless and weak, as though she’d lost the energy to move or speak. Ellen didn’t dare raise her eyes for fear of what she’d see in his.
She took a deep breath and scrambled to her feet. “I think I hear Jimmy,” she whispered.
“Maybe it was Jenny,” Reed added hurriedly.
Ellen paused in the doorway between the two rooms. They were both overwhelmingly aware that neither child had made a sound. “I guess they’re still asleep.”
“That’s good.” The scraping sound of his chair against the floor told her that Reed, too, had risen from the table. When she turned, she found him depositing the leftovers in the refrigerator. His preoccupation with the task gave her a moment to reflect on what had just happened. There were too many problems involved in pursuing this attraction; the best thing was to ignore it and hope the craziness passed. They were mature adults, not adolescents, and besides, this would complicate her life, which was something she didn’t need right now. Neither, she was sure, did he. Especially with Danielle in the picture...
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to head upstairs,” she began awkwardly, taking a step in retreat.
“Okay, then. And thanks. I appreciated the help.”
“I appreciated the dinner,” she returned.
“See you in the morning.”
“Right.” Neither seemed eager to bring the evening to an end.
“Good night, Ellen.”
“Night, Reed. Call if you need me.”
“I will.”
Turning decisively, she took the stairs and was panting by the time she’d climbed up the second narrow flight. Since the third floor had originally been built to accommodate servants, the five bedrooms were small and opened onto a large central room, which was where Ellen had placed her bed. She’d chosen the largest of the bedrooms as her study.
She sat resolutely down at her desk and leafed through several books, hoping to come across an idea she could use for her term paper. But her thoughts were dominated by the man two floors below. Clutching a study on the origins of algebra to her chest, she sighed deeply and wondered whether Danielle truly valued Reed. She must, Ellen decided, or she wouldn’t be so willing to sit at home waiting, while her fiancé traipsed around the world directing a variety of projects.
Reed had been so patient and good-natured with Jimmy and Jenny. When the little boy had climbed into his lap, Reed had read to him and held him with a tenderness that stirred her heart. And Reed was generous to a fault. Another man might have told Pat, Monte and Ellen to pack their bags. This was his home, after all, and Derek had been wrong to rent out the rooms without Reed’s knowledge. But Reed had let them stay.
Disgruntled with the trend her thoughts were taking, Ellen forced her mind back to the books in front of her. But it wasn’t long before her concentration started to drift again. Reed had Danielle, and she had... Charlie Hanson. First thing in the morning, she’d call dependable old Charlie and suggest they get together; he’d probably be as surprised as he was pleased to hear from her. Feeling relieved and a little light-headed, Ellen turned off the light and went to bed.
* * *
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Reed arrived in the kitchen early the next afternoon, looking as though he’d just finished eighteen holes of golf or a vigorous game of tennis. He’d already left by the time she’d wandered down to the kitchen that morning.
“Ellen?” he repeated impatiently.
She’d taken the wall plates off the electrical outlets and pulled the receptacle out of its box, from which two thin colored wires now protruded. “I’m trying to figure out why this outlet won’t heat the iron,” she answered without looking in his direction.
“You’re what!” he bellowed.
She wiped her face to remove a layer of dust before she straightened. “Don’t yell at me.”
“Good grief, woman. You run around on the roof like a trapeze artist, cook like a dream and do electrical work on the side. Is there anything you can’t do?”
“Algebra,” she muttered.
Reed closed the instruction manual Ellen had propped against the sugar bowl in the middle of the table. He took her by the shoulders and pushed her gently aside, then reattached the electrical wires and fastened the whole thing back in place.
As he finished securing the wall plate, Ellen burst out, “What did you do that for? I’ve almost got the problem traced.”
“No doubt, but if you don’t mind, I’d rather have a real electrician look at this.”
“What can I say? It’s your house.”
“Right. Now sit down.” He nudged her into a chair. “How much longer are you going to delay writing that term paper?”
“It’s written,” she snapped. She wasn’t particularly pleased with it, but at least the assignment was done. Her subject matter might impress four-year-old Jimmy, but she wasn’t too confident that her professor would feel the same way.
“Do you want me to look it over?”
The offer surprised her. “No, thanks.” She stuck the screwdriver in the pocket of her gray-striped coveralls.
“Well, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“I just don’t think I’ve got a snowball’s chance of getting a decent grade on it. Anyway, I have to go and iron a dress. I’ve got a date.”
A dark brow lifted over inscrutable green eyes and he seemed about to say something.
“Reed.” Unexpectedly, the kitchen door swung open and a soft, feminine voice purred his name. “What’s taking you so long?”
“Danielle, I’d like you to meet Ellen.”
“Hello.” Ellen resisted the urge to kick Reed. If he was going to introduce her to his friend, the least he could have done was waited until she looked a little more presentable. Just as she’d figured, Danielle was beautiful. No, the word was gorgeous. She wore a cute pale blue tennis outfit with a short, pleated skirt. A dark blue silk scarf held back the curly cascade of long blond hair—Ellen should have known the other woman would be blonde. Naturally, Danielle possessed a trim waist, perfect legs and blue eyes to match the heavens. She’d apparently just finished playing golf or tennis with Reed, but she still looked cool and elegant.
“I feel as though I already know you,” Danielle was saying with a pleasant smile. “Reed told me how much help you were with the children.”
“It was nothing, really.” Embarrassed by her ridiculous outfit, Ellen tried to conceal as much of it as possible by grabbing the electrical repair book and clasping it to her stomach.
“Not according to Reed.” Danielle slipped her arm around his and smiled adoringly up at him. “Unfortunately, I came down with a terrible headache.”
“Danielle doesn’t have your knack with young children,” Reed said.
“If we decide to have our own, things will be different,” Danielle continued sweetly. “But I’m not convinced I’m the maternal type.”
Ellen sent the couple a wan smile. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go change my clothes.”
“Of course. It was nice meeting you, Elaine.”
“Ellen,” Reed and Ellen corrected simultaneously.
“You, too.” Gallantly, Ellen stifled the childish impulse to call the other woman Diane. As she turned and hurried up the stairs leading from the kitchen, she heard Danielle whisper that she didn’t mind at all if Ellen lived in Reed’s home. Of course not, Ellen muttered to herself. How could Danielle possibly be jealous?
Winded by the time she’d marched up both flights, Ellen walked into the tiny bedroom where she stored her clothes. She threw down the electrical manual and slammed the door shut. Then she sighed with despair as she saw her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of the door; it revealed baggy coveralls, a faded white T-shirt and smudges of dirt across her cheekbone. She struck a seductive pose with her hand on her hip and vampishly puffed up her hair. “Of course I don’t mind if sweet little Elaine lives here, darling,” she mimicked in a high-pitched falsely sweet voice.
Dropping her coveralls to the ground, Ellen gruffly kicked them aside. Hands on her hips, she glared at her reflection. Her figure was no less attractive than Danielle’s, and her face was pretty enough—even if she did say so herself. But Danielle had barely looked at Ellen and certainly hadn’t seen her as a potential rival.
As she brushed her hair away from her face, Ellen’s shoulders suddenly dropped. She was losing her mind! She liked living with the boys. Their arrangement was ideal, yet here she was, complaining bitterly because her presence hadn’t been challenged.
Carefully choosing a light pink blouse and denim skirt, Ellen told herself that Charlie, at least, would appreciate her. And for now, Ellen needed that. Her self-confidence had been shaken by Danielle’s casual acceptance of her role in Reed’s house. She didn’t like Danielle. But then, she hadn’t expected to.
* * *
“ELLEN.” HER NAME was followed by a loud pounding on the bedroom door. “Wake up! There’s a phone call for you.”
“Okay,” she mumbled into her pillow, still caught in the dregs of sleep. It felt so warm and cozy under the blankets that she didn’t want to stir. Charlie had taken her to dinner and a movie and they’d returned a little after ten. The boys had stayed in that evening, but Reed was out and Ellen didn’t need to ask with whom. She hadn’t heard him come home.
“I’m awake, I’m awake,” she grumbled, slipping one leg free of the covers and dangling it over the edge of the bed. The sudden cold that assailed her bare foot made her eyes flutter open in momentary shock.
“It’s long distance.”
Her eyes did open then. She knew only one person who could be calling. Her mother!
Hurriedly tossing the covers aside, she grabbed her housecoat and scurried out of the room. “Why didn’t you tell me it was long distance?”
“I tried,” Pat said. “But you were more interested in sleeping.”
A glance at her clock radio told her it was barely seven.
Taking a deep, calming breath, Ellen walked quickly down one flight of stairs and picked up the phone at the end of the hallway.
“Good morning, Mom.”
“How’d you know it was me?”
Although they emailed each other regularly, this was the first time her mother had actually phoned since she’d left home. “Lucky guess.”
“Who was that young man who answered the phone?”
“The basketball kid.”
Her mother had read every word of her emails. “That’s him.”
“Has Monte eaten you out of house and home yet?”
“Just about.”
“And has this Derek kid finally summoned up enough nerve to ask out...what was her name again?”
“Right. That’s the one.”
“They saw each other twice this weekend,” Ellen told her, feeling a sharp pang of homesickness.
“And what about you, Ellen? Are you dating?” It wasn’t an idle question. Through the years, Ellen’s mother had often fretted that her oldest child was giving up her youth in order to care for the family. Ellen didn’t deny that she’d made sacrifices, but they’d been willing ones.
Her emails had been chatty, but she hadn’t mentioned Charlie, and Ellen wasn’t sure she wanted her mother to know about him. Her relationship with him was based on friendship and nothing more, although Ellen suspected that Charlie would’ve liked it to develop into something romantic.
“Mom, you didn’t phone me long distance on a Monday morning to discuss my social life.”
“You’re right. I called to discuss mine.”
“And?” Ellen’s heart hammered against her ribs. She already knew what was coming. She’d known it months ago, even before she’d moved to Seattle. Her mother was going to remarry. After ten years of widowhood, Barbara Cunningham had found another man to love.
“And—” her mother faltered “—James has asked me to be his wife.”
“And?” It seemed to Ellen that her vocabulary had suddenly been reduced to one word.
“And I’ve said yes.”
Ellen closed her eyes, expecting to feel a rush of bittersweet nostalgia for the father she remembered so well and had loved so much. Instead, she felt only gladness that her mother had discovered this new happiness.
“Congratulations, Mom.”
“Do you mean that?”
“With all my heart. When’s the wedding?”
“Well, actually...” Her mother hedged again. “Honey, don’t be angry.”
“We’re already married. I’m calling from Reno.”
“Are you mad?”
“Of course not.”
“James has a winter home in Arizona and we’re going to stay there until April.”
“April,” Ellen repeated, feeling a little dazed.
“If you object, honey, I’ll come back to Yakima for Christmas.”
“No... I don’t object. It’s just kind of sudden.”
“Dad’s been gone ten years.”
“I know, Mom. Don’t worry, okay?”
“I’ll email you soon.”
“Do that. And much happiness, Mom. You and James deserve it.”
“Thank you, love.”
They spoke for a few more minutes before saying goodbye. Ellen walked down the stairs in a state of stunned disbelief, absentmindedly tightening the belt of her housecoat. In a matter of months, her entire family had disintegrated. Her sister and mother had married and Bud had joined the military.
“Good morning,” she cautiously greeted Reed, who was sitting at the kitchen table dressed and reading the paper.
“Morning,” he responded dryly, as he lowered his paper.
Her hands trembling, Ellen reached for a mug, but it slipped out of her fingers and hit the counter, luckily without breaking.
Reed carefully folded the newspaper and studied her face. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“My mom’s married,” she murmured in a subdued voice. Tears burned in her eyes. She was no longer sure just what she was feeling. Happiness for her mother, yes, but also sadness as she remembered her father and his untimely death.
“Remarried?” he asked.
“Yes.” She sat down across from him, holding the mug in both hands and staring into its depths. “It’s not like this is sudden. Dad’s been gone a lot of years. What surprises me is all the emotion I’m feeling.”
“That’s only natural. I remember how I felt when my dad remarried. I’d known about Mary and Dad for months. But the day of the wedding I couldn’t help feeling, somehow, that my father had betrayed my mother’s memory. Those were heavy thoughts for a ten-year-old boy.” His hand reached for hers. “As I recall, that was the last time I cried.”
Ellen nodded. It was the only way she could thank him, because speaking was impossible just then. She knew instinctively that Reed didn’t often share the hurts of his youth.
Just when her throat had relaxed and she felt she could speak, Derek threw open the back door and dashed in, tossing his older brother a set of keys.
“I had them add a quart of oil,” Derek said. “Are you sure you can’t stay longer?”
The sip of coffee sank to the pit of Ellen’s stomach and sat there. “You’re leaving?” It seemed as though someone had jerked her chair out from under her.
He released her hand and gave it a gentle pat. “You’ll be fine.”
Ellen forced her concentration back to her coffee. For days she’d been telling herself that she’d be relieved and delighted when Reed left. Now she dreaded it. More than anything, she wanted him to stay.
CHAPTER FOUR (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
“ELLEN,” DEREK SHOUTED as he burst in the front door, his hands full of mail. “Can I invite Michelle to dinner on Friday night?”
Casually, Ellen looked up from the textbook she was studying. By mutual agreement, they all went their separate ways on Friday evenings and Ellen didn’t cook. If one of the boys happened to be in the house, he heated up soup or put together a sandwich or made do with leftovers. In Monte’s case, he did all three.
“What are you planning to fix?” Ellen responded cagily.
“Cook? Me?” Derek slapped his hand against his chest and looked utterly shocked. “I can’t cook. You know that.”
“But you’re inviting company.”
His gaze dropped and he restlessly shuffled his feet. “I was hoping that maybe this one Friday you could...” He paused and his head jerked up. “You don’t have a date, do you?” He sounded as if that was the worst possible thing that could happen.
“Not this Friday.”
“Oh, good. For a minute there, I thought we might have a problem.”
“We?” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t have a problem, but it sounds like you do.” She wasn’t going to let him con her into his schemes quite so easily.
“But you’ll be here.”
“I was planning on soaking in the tub, giving my hair a hot-oil treatment and hibernating with a good book.”
“But you could still make dinner, couldn’t you? Something simple like seafood jambalaya with shrimp, stuffed eggplant and pecan pie for dessert.”
“Are you planning to rob a bank, as well?” At his blank stare, she elaborated. “Honestly, Derek, have you checked out the price of seafood lately?”
“No, but you cooked that Cajun meal not long ago and—”
“Shrimp was on sale,” she broke in.
He continued undaunted. “And it was probably the most delicious meal I’ve ever tasted in my whole life. I was kicking myself because Reed wasn’t here and he would have loved it as much as everyone else.”
At the mention of Reed’s name, Ellen’s lashes fell, hiding the confusion and longing in her eyes. The house had been full of college boys, yet it had seemed astonishingly empty without Reed. He’d been with them barely a week and Ellen couldn’t believe how much his presence had affected her. The morning he’d left, she’d walked him out to his truck, trying to think of a way to say goodbye and to thank him for understanding the emotions that raged through her at the news of her mother’s remarriage. But nothing had turned out quite as she’d expected. Reed had seemed just as reluctant to say goodbye as she was, and before climbing into the truck, he’d leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips over hers. The kiss had been so spontaneous that Ellen wasn’t sure if he’d really meant to do it. But intentional or not, he had, and the memory of that kiss stayed with her. Now hardly a day passed that he didn’t enter her thoughts.
A couple of times when she was on the second floor she’d wandered into her old bedroom, forgetting that it now belonged to Reed. Both times, she’d lingered there, enjoying the sensation of remembering Reed and their verbal battles.
Repeatedly Ellen told herself that it was because Derek’s brother was over twenty-one and she could therefore carry on an adult conversation with him. Although she was genuinely fond of the boys, she’d discovered that a constant diet of their antics and their adolescent preoccupations—Pat’s basketball, Monte’s appetite and Derek’s Michelle—didn’t exactly make for stimulating conversation.
“You really are a fantastic cook,” Derek went on. “Even better than my mother. You know, only the other day Monte was saying—”
“Don’t you think you’re putting it on a little thick, Derek?”
He blinked. “I just wanted to tell you how much I’d appreciate it if you decided to do me this tiny favor.”
“You’ll buy the ingredients yourself?”
“The grocery budget couldn’t manage it?”
“Not unless everyone else is willing to eat oatmeal three times a week for the remainder of the month.”
“I don’t suppose they would be,” he muttered. “All right, make me a list and I’ll buy what you need.”
Ellen was half hoping that once he saw the price of fresh shrimp, he’d realize it might be cheaper to take Michelle to a seafood restaurant.
“Oh, by the way,” Derek said, examining one of the envelopes in his hand. “You got a letter. Looks like it’s from Reed.”
“Reed?” Her lungs slowly contracted as she said his name, and it was all she could do not to snatch the envelope out of Derek’s hand. The instant he gave it to her, she tore it open.
“What does he say?” Derek asked, sorting through the rest of the mail. “He didn’t write me.”
Ellen quickly scanned the contents. “He’s asking if the electrician has showed up yet. That’s all.”
“Oh? Then why didn’t he just call? Or send an email?”
She didn’t respond, but made a show of putting the letter back inside the envelope. “I’ll go into the kitchen and make that grocery list before I forget.”
“I’m really grateful, Ellen, honest.”
“Sure,” she grumbled.
As soon as the kitchen door swung shut, Ellen took out Reed’s letter again, intent on savoring every word.
Dear Ellen,
I realized I don’t have your email address, so I thought I’d do this the old-fashioned way—by mail. There’s something so leisurely and personal about writing a letter, isn’t there?
You’re right, the Monterey area is beautiful. I wish I could say that everything else is as peaceful as the scenery here. Unfortunately it’s not. Things have been hectic. But if all goes well, I should be back at the house by Saturday, which is earlier than I expected.
Have you become accustomed to the idea that your mother’s remarried? I know it was a shock. Like I said, I remember how I felt, and that was many years ago. I’ve been thinking about it all—and wondering about you. If I’d known what was happening, I might have been able to postpone this trip. You looked like you needed someone. And knowing you, it isn’t often that you’re willing to lean on anyone. Not the independent, self-sufficient woman I discovered walking around my kitchen half-naked. I can almost see your face getting red when you read that. I shouldn’t tease you, but I can’t help it.
By the way, I contacted a friend of mine who owns an electrical business and told him about the problem with the kitchen outlet. He said he’d try to stop by soon. He’ll call first.
I wanted you to know that I was thinking about you—and the boys, but mostly you. Actually, I’m pleased you’re there to keep those kids in line.
Take care and I’ll see you late Saturday.
Say hi to the boys for me. I’m trusting that they aren’t giving you any problems.
Ellen folded the letter and slipped it into her pocket. She crossed her arms, smiling to herself, feeling incredibly good. So Reed had been thinking about her. And she sensed that it was more than the troublesome kitchen outlet that had prompted his letter. Although she knew it would be dangerous for her to read too much into Reed’s message, Ellen couldn’t help feeling encouraged.
She propped open her cookbook, compiling the list of items Derek would need for his fancy dinner with Michelle. A few minutes later, her spirits soared still higher when the electrical contractor phoned and arranged a date and a time to check the faulty outlet. Somehow, that seemed like a good omen to her—a kind of proof that she really was in Reed’s thoughts.
“Was the phone for me?” Derek called from halfway down the stairs.
Ellen finished writing the information on the pad by the phone before answering. “It was the electrician.”
“Oh. I’m expecting a call from Michelle.”
“Speaking of your true love, here’s your grocery list.”
Derek took it and slowly ran his finger down the items she’d need for his dinner with Michelle. “Is this going to cost more than twenty-five dollars?” He glanced up, his face doubtful.
“The pecans alone will be that much,” she exaggerated.
With only a hint of disappointment, Derek shook his head. “I think maybe Michelle and I should find a nice, cozy, inexpensive restaurant.”
Satisfied that her plan had worked so well, Ellen hid a smile. “Good idea. By the way,” she added, “Reed says he’ll be home Saturday.”
“So soon? He’s just been gone two weeks.”
“Apparently it’s a short job.”
“Apparently,” Derek grumbled. “I don’t have to be here, do I? Michelle wanted me to help her and her sister paint.”
“Derek,” Ellen said. “I didn’t even know you could wield a brush. The upstairs hallway—”
“Forget it,” he told her sharply. “I’m only doing this to help Michelle.”
“Right, but I’m sure Michelle would be willing to help you in exchange.”
“Hey, we’re students, not slaves.”
The following afternoon, the electrician arrived and was in and out of the house within thirty minutes. Ellen felt proud that she’d correctly traced the problem. She could probably have fixed it if Reed hadn’t become so frantic at the thought of her fumbling around with the wiring. Still, recalling his reaction made her smile.
* * *
THAT EVENING, ELLEN had finished loading the dishwasher and had just settled down at the kitchen table to study when the phone rang. Pat, who happened to be walking past it, answered.
“It’s Reed,” he told Ellen. “He wants to talk to you.”
With reflexes that surprised even her, Ellen bounded out of her chair.
“Reed,” she said into the receiver, holding it tightly against her ear. “Hello, how are you?”
“Fine. Did the electrician come?”
“He was here this afternoon.”
“Any problems?”
“No,” she breathed. He sounded wonderfully close, his voice warm and vibrant. “In fact, I was on the right track. I probably could’ve handled it myself.”
“I don’t want you to even think about fixing anything like that. You could end up killing yourself or someone else. I absolutely forbid it.”
“Aye, aye, sir.” His words had the immediate effect of igniting her temper, sending the hot blood roaring through her veins. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Reed since he’d left, but two minutes after picking up the phone, she was ready to argue with him again.
There was a long, awkward silence. Reed was the first to speak, expelling his breath sharply. “I didn’t mean to snap your head off,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” she responded, instantly soothed.
“How’s everything else going?”
“Have the boys talked you into any more of their schemes?”
“They keep trying.”
“They wouldn’t be college kids if they didn’t.”
“I know.” It piqued her a little that Reed assumed she could be manipulated by three teenagers. “Don’t worry about me. I can hold my own with these guys.”
His low sensuous chuckle did funny things to her pulse. “It’s not you I’m concerned about.”
“Just what are you implying?” she asked with mock seriousness.
“I’m going to play this one smart and leave that last comment open-ended.”
“Clever of you, my friend, very clever.”
“I thought as much.”
After a short pause, Ellen quickly asked, “How’s everything with you?” She knew there really wasn’t anything more to say, but she didn’t want the conversation to end. Talking to Reed was almost as good as having him there.
“Much better, thanks. I shouldn’t have any problem getting home by Saturday.”
Another short silence followed.
“Well, I guess that’s all I’ve got to say. If I’m going to be any later than Saturday, I’ll give you a call.”
“Drive carefully.”
“I will. Bye, Ellen.”
“Goodbye, Reed.” Smiling, she replaced the receiver. When she glanced up, all three boys were staring at her, their arms crossed dramatically over their chests.
“I think something’s going on here.” Pat spoke first. “I answered the phone and Reed asked for Ellen. He didn’t even ask for Derek—his own brother.”
“Right.” Derek nodded vigorously.
“I’m wondering,” Monte said, rubbing his chin. “Could we have the makings of a romance on our hands?”
“I think we do,” Pat concurred.
“Stop it.” Ellen did her best to join in the banter, although she felt the color flooding her cheeks. “It makes sense that Reed would want to talk to me. I’m the oldest.”
“But I’m his brother,” Derek countered.
“I refuse to listen to any of this,” she said with a small laugh and turned back to the kitchen. “You three are being ridiculous. Reed’s dating Danielle.”
All three followed her. “He could have married Danielle months ago if he was really interested,” Derek informed the small gathering.
“Be still, my beating heart,” Monte joked, melodramatically folding both hands over his chest and pretending to swoon.
Not to be outdone, Pat rested the back of his hand against his forehead and rolled his eyes. “Ah, love.”
“I’m out of here.” Before anyone could argue, Ellen ran up the back stairs to her room, laughing as she went. She had to admit she’d found the boys’ little performances quite funny. But if they pulled any of their pranks around Reed, it would be extremely embarrassing. Ellen resolved to say something to them when the time seemed appropriate.
* * *
FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ELLEN walked into the kitchen, her book bag clutched tightly to her chest.
“What’s the matter? You’re as pale as a ghost,” Monte remarked, cramming a chocolate-chip cookie in his mouth.
Derek and Pat turned toward her, their faces revealing concern.
“I got my algebra paper back today.”
“And?” Derek prompted.
“I don’t know. I haven’t looked.”
“Why not?”
“Because I know how tough Engstrom was on the others. The girl who wrote about solving that oddball conjecture got a C-minus and the guy who was so enthusiastic about Mathematics in World War II got a D. With impressive subjects like that getting low grades, I’m doomed.”
“But you worked hard on that paper.” Loyally, Derek defended her and placed a consoling arm around her shoulders. “You found out a whole bunch of interesting facts about the number nine.”
“You did your paper on that?” Pat asked, his smooth brow wrinkling with amusement.
“Don’t laugh.” She already felt enough of a fool.
“It isn’t going to do any good to worry,” Monte insisted, pulling the folded assignment from between her fingers.
Ellen watched his expression intently as he looked at the paper, then handed it to Derek who raised his brows and gave it to Pat.
“You got a B-minus,” Pat said in obvious surprise. “I don’t believe it.”
“Me neither.” Ellen reveled in the delicious feeling of relief. She sank luxuriously into a chair. “I’m calling Charlie.” Almost immediately she jumped up again and dashed to the phone. “This is too exciting! I’m celebrating.”
The other three had drifted into the living room and two minutes later, she joined them there. “Charlie’s out, but his roommate said he’d give him the message.” Too happy to contain her excitement, she added, “But I’m not sitting home alone. How about if we go out for pizza tonight? My treat.”
“Sorry, Ellen.” Derek looked up with a frown. “I’ve already made plans with Michelle.”
“I’m getting together with a bunch of guys at the gym,” Pat informed her. “Throw a few baskets.”
“And I told my mom I’d be home for dinner.”
Some of the excitement drained from her, but she put on a brave front. “No problem. We’ll do it another night.”
“I’ll go.”
The small group whirled around, shocked to discover Reed standing there, framed in the living-room doorway.
CHAPTER FIVE (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
“REED,” ELLEN BURST OUT, ASTONISHED. “When did you get here?” The instant she’d finished speaking, she realized how stupid the question was. He’d just walked in the back door.
With a grin, he checked his wristwatch. “About fifteen seconds ago.”
“How was the trip?” Derek asked.
“Did you drive straight through?” Pat asked, then said, “I don’t suppose you had a chance to see the Lakers play, did you?”
“You must be exhausted,” Ellen murmured, noting how tired his eyes looked.
As his smiling gaze met hers, the fine laugh lines that fanned out from his eyes became more pronounced. “I’m hungry and tired. Didn’t I just hear you offer to buy me pizza?”
“Ellen got a B-minus on her crazy algebra paper,” Monte said with pride.
Rolling her eyes playfully toward the ceiling, Ellen laughed. “Who would have guessed it—I’m a mathematical genius!”
“So that’s the reason for this dinner. I thought you might have won the lottery.”
He was more deeply tanned than Ellen remembered. Handsome. Vital. And incredibly male. He seemed glad to be home, she thought. Not a hint of hostility showed in the eyes that smiled back at her.
“No such luck.”
Derek made a show of glancing at his watch. “I gotta go or I’ll be late picking up Michelle. It’s good to see you, Reed.”
“Yeah, welcome home,” Pat said, reaching for his basketball. “I’ll see you later.”
Reed raised his right hand in salute and picked up his suitcase, then headed up the wide stairs. “Give me fifteen minutes to shower and I’ll meet you down here.”
The minute Reed’s back was turned, Monte placed his hand over his heart and batted his lashes wildly as he mouthed something about love, true love. Ellen practically threw him out of the house, slamming the door after him.
At the top of the stairs, Reed turned and glanced down at her. “What was that all about?”
Ellen leaned against the closed door, one hand covering her mouth to smother her giggles. But the laughter drained from her as she looked at his puzzled face, and she slowly straightened. She cleared her throat. “Nothing. Did you want me to order pizza? Or do you want to go out?”
“Whatever you prefer.”
“If you leave it up to me, my choice would be to get away from these four walls.”
“I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”
Ellen suppressed a shudder at the thought of what would’ve happened had Reed caught a glimpse of Monte’s antics. She herself handled the boys’ teasing with good-natured indulgence, but she was fairly sure that Reed would take offense at their nonsense. And heaven forbid that Danielle should ever catch a hint of what was going on—not that anything was going on.
With her thoughts becoming more muddled every minute, Ellen made her way to the third floor to change into a pair of gray tailored pants and a frilly pale blue silk blouse. One glance in the mirror and she sadly shook her head. They were only going out for pizza—there was no need to wear anything so elaborate. Hurriedly, she changed into dark brown cords and a turtleneck sweater the color of summer wheat. Then she ran a brush through her short curls and freshened her lipstick.
When Ellen returned to the living room, Reed was already waiting for her. “You’re sure you don’t mind going out?” she asked again.
“Are you dodging your pizza offer?”
He was so serious that Ellen couldn’t help laughing. “Not at all.”
“Good. I hope you like spicy sausage with lots of olives.”
“Love it.”
His hand rested on her shoulder. “And a cold beer.”
“This is sounding better all the time.” Ellen would have guessed that Reed was the type of man who drank martinis or expensive cocktails. In some ways, he was completely down-to-earth and in others, surprisingly complex. Perceptive, unpretentious and unpredictable—she knew that much about him, but she didn’t expect to understand him anytime soon.
Reed helped her into his pickup, which was parked in the driveway. The evening sky was already dark and Ellen regretted not having brought her coat.
“Cold?” Reed asked her when they stopped at a red light.
“Only a little.”
He adjusted the switches for the heater and soon a rush of warm air filled the cab. Reed chatted easily, telling her about his project in California and explaining why his work demanded so much travel. “That’s changing now.”
“Oh?” She couldn’t restrain a little shiver of gladness at his announcement. “Will you be coming home more often?”
“Not for another three or four months. I’m up for promotion and then I’ll be able to pick and choose my assignments more carefully. Over the past four years, I’ve traveled enough to last me a lifetime.”
“Then it’s true that there’s no place like home.”
“Be it ever so humble,” he added with a chuckle.
“I don’t exactly consider a three-storey, twenty-room turn-of-the-century mansion all that humble.”
“Throw in four college students and you’ll quickly discover how unassuming it can become.”
“You like that word, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she agreed, her mouth curving into a lazy smile. “It’s amazing how much you can say with that one little sound.”
Reed exited the freeway close to the Seattle Center and continued north. At her questioning glance, he explained, “The best pizza in Seattle is made at a small place near the Center. You don’t mind coming this far, do you?”
“Of course not. I’ll travel a whole lot farther than this for a good pizza.” Suddenly slouching forward, she dropped her forehead into her hand. “Oh, no. It’s happening.”
“What is?”
“I’m beginning to sound like Monte.”
They both laughed. It felt so good to be sitting there with Reed, sharing an easy, relaxed companionship, that Ellen could almost forget about Danielle. Almost, but not quite.
Although Ellen had said she’d pay for the pizza, Reed insisted on picking up the tab. They sat across from each other at a narrow booth in the corner of the semidarkened room. A lighted red candle in a glass bowl flickered on the table between them and Ellen decided this was the perfect atmosphere. The old-fashioned jukebox blared out the latest country hits, drowning out the possibility of any audible conversation, but that seemed just as well since she was feeling strangely tongue-tied.
When their number was called, Reed slid from the booth and returned a minute later with two frothy beers in ice-cold mugs and a huge steaming pizza.
“I hope you don’t expect us to eat all this?” Ellen said, shouting above the music. The pizza certainly smelled enticing, but Ellen doubted she’d manage to eat more than two or three pieces.
“We’ll put a dent in it, anyway,” Reed said, resuming his seat. “I bought the largest, figuring the boys would enjoy the leftovers.”
“You’re a terrific older brother.”
The song on the jukebox was fading into silence at last.
“There are times I’d like to shake some sense into Derek, though,” Reed said.
Ellen looked down at the spicy pizza and put a small slice on her plate. Strings of melted cheese still linked the piece to the rest of the pie. She pulled them loose and licked her fingers. “I can imagine how you felt when you discovered that Derek had accidentally-on-purpose forgotten to tell you about renting out rooms.”
Reed shrugged noncommittally. “I was thinking more about the time he let you climb on top of the roof,” he muttered.
“He didn’t let me, I went all by myself.”
“But you won’t do it again. Right?”
“Right.” Ellen nodded reluctantly. Behind Reed’s slow smiles and easy banter, she recognized his unrelenting male pride. “You still haven’t forgiven me for that, have you?”
“Not you. Derek.”
“I think this is one of those subjects on which we should agree to disagree.”
“Have you heard from your mother?” Reed asked, apparently just as willing to change the subject.
“Yes. She’s emailed me several times. She seems very happy and after a day or two, I discovered I couldn’t be more pleased for her. She deserves a lot of contentment.”
“I knew you’d realize that.” Warmth briefly showed in his green eyes.
“I felt a lot better after talking to you. I was surprised when Mom announced her marriage, but I shouldn’t have been. The signs were there all along. I suppose once the three of us kids were gone, she felt free to remarry. And I suppose she thought that presenting it to the family as a fait accompli would make it easier for all of us.”
There was a comfortable silence as they finished eating. The pizza was thick with sausage and cheese, and Ellen placed her hands on her stomach after leisurely eating two narrow pieces. “I’m stuffed,” she declared, leaning back. “But you’re right, this has got to be the best pizza in town.”
“I thought you’d like it.”
Reed brought over a carry-out box and Ellen carefully put the leftovers inside.
“How about a movie?” he asked once they were in the car park.
Astounded, Ellen darted him a sideways glance, but his features were unreadable. “You’re kidding, aren’t you?”
“I wouldn’t have asked you if I was.”
“But you must be exhausted.” Ellen guessed he’d probably spent most of the day driving.
“A little,” he admitted.
Her frown deepened. Suddenly, it no longer seemed right for them to be together—because of Danielle. The problem was that Ellen had been so pleased to see him that she hadn’t stopped to think about the consequences of their going out together. “Thanks anyway, but it’s been a long week. I think I’ll call it a night.”
When they reached the house, Reed parked on the street rather than the driveway. The light from the stars and the silvery moon penetrated the branches that hung overhead and created shadows on his face. Neither of them seemed eager to leave the warm cab of the pickup truck. The mood was intimate and Ellen didn’t want to disturb this moment of tranquillity. Lowering her gaze, she admitted to herself how attracted she was to Reed and how much she liked him. She admitted, too, that it was wrong for her to feel this way about him.
“You’re quiet all of a sudden.”
Ellen’s smile was decidedly forced. She turned toward him to apologise for putting a damper on their evening, but the words never left her lips. Instead, her eyes met his. Paralyzed, she stared at Reed, fighting to disguise the intense attraction she felt for him. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to lean toward him and brush her lips against his. She could smell the woodsy scent of his aftershave and could almost taste his mouth on hers. With determination, she pulled her gaze away and reached for the door, like a drowning person grasping a life preserver.
She was on the front porch by the time Reed joined her. Her fingers shook as she inserted the key in the lock.
“Ellen.” He spoke her name softly and placed his hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t know why we went out tonight.” Her voice was high and strained as she drew free of his touch. “We shouldn’t have been together.”
In response, Reed mockingly lifted one eyebrow. “I believe it was you who asked me.”
“Be serious, will you,” she snapped irritably and shoved open the door.
Reed slammed it shut behind him and followed her into the kitchen. He set the pizza on the counter, then turned to face her. “What the hell do you mean? I was being serious.”
“You shouldn’t have been with me tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Where’s Danielle? I’m not the one who’s been patiently waiting around for you. She is. You had no business taking me out to dinner and then suggesting a movie. You’re my landlord, not my boyfriend.”
“Let’s get two things straight here. First, what’s between Danielle and me is none of your business. And second, you invited me out. Remember?”
“ wasn’t like that and you know it.”
“Besides, I thought you said you were far too old for boyfriends.” She detected an undertone of amusement in his voice.
Confused, Ellen marched into the living room and immediately busied herself straightening magazines. Reed charged in after her, leaving the kitchen door swinging in his wake. Clutching a sofa pillow, she searched for some witty retort. Naturally, whenever she needed a clever comeback, her mind was a total blank.
“You’re making a joke out of everything,” she told him, angry that her voice was shaking. “And I don’t like that. If you want to play games, do it with someone other than me.”
“Ellen, listen—”
The phone rang and she jerked her attention to the hallway.
“I didn’t mean—” Reed paused and raked his fingers through his hair. The phone pealed a second time. “Go ahead and answer that.”
She hurried away, relieved to interrupt this disturbing conversation. “Hello.” Her voice sounded breathless, as though she’d raced down the stairs.
“Ellen? This is Charlie. I got a message that you phoned.”
For one crazy instant, Ellen forgot why she’d wanted to talk to Charlie. “I phoned? Oh, right. Remember that algebra paper I was struggling with? Well, I got it back today.”
“How’d you do?”
A little of the surprised pleasure returned. “I still can’t believe it. I got a B-minus. My simple paper about the wonders of the number nine received one of the highest marks in the class. I’m still in shock.”
Charlie’s delighted chuckle came over the wire. “This calls for a celebration. How about if we go out tomorrow night? Dinner, drinks, the works.”
Ellen almost regretted the impulse to contact Charlie. She sincerely liked him, and she hated the thought of stringing him along or taking advantage of his attraction to her. “Nothing so elaborate. Chinese food and a movie would be great.”
“You let me worry about that. Just be ready by seven.”
“No arguing. I’ll see you at seven.”
By the time Ellen got off the phone, Reed was nowhere to be seen. Nor was he around the following afternoon. The boys didn’t comment and she couldn’t very well ask about him without arousing their suspicions. As it was, the less she mentioned Reed around them, the better. The boys had obviously read more into the letter, phone call and dinner than Reed had intended. But she couldn’t blame them; she’d read enough into it herself to be frightened by what was happening between them. He’d almost kissed her when he’d parked in front of the house. And she’d wanted him to—that was what disturbed her most. But if she allowed her emotions to get involved, she knew that someone would probably end up being hurt. And the most likely someone was Ellen herself.
Besides, if Reed was attracted to Danielle’s sleek elegance, then he would hardly be interested in her own more homespun qualities.
A few minutes before seven, Ellen was ready for her evening with Charlie. She stood before the downstairs hallway mirror to put the finishing touches on her appearance, fastening her gold earrings and straightening the single chain necklace.
“Where’s Reed been today?” Pat inquired of no one in particular.
“His sports car is gone,” Monte said, munching on a chocolate bar. “I noticed it wasn’t in the garage when I took out the garbage.”
Slowly Ellen sauntered into the living room. She didn’t want to appear too curious, but at the same time, she was definitely interested in the conversation.
She had flopped into a chair and picked up a two-month-old magazine before she noticed all three boys staring at her.
“What are you looking at me for?”
“We thought you might know something.”
“About what?” she asked, playing dumb.
“Reed,” all three said simultaneously.
“Why should I know anything?” Her gaze flittered from them to the magazine and back again.
“You went out with him last night.”
“We didn’t go out the way you’re implying.”
Pat pointed an accusing finger at her. “The two of you were alone together, and both of you have been acting weird ever since.”
“And I say the three of you have overactive imaginations.”
“All I know is that Reed was like a wounded bear this morning,” Derek volunteered.
“Everyone’s entitled to an off day.” Hoping to give a casual impression, she leafed through the magazine, idly fanning the pages with her thumb.
“That might explain Reed. But what about you?”
“For the first time since you moved in, you weren’t downstairs until after ten.”
“I slept in. Is that a crime?”
“It just might be. You and Reed are both acting really strange. It’s like the two of you are avoiding each other and we want to know why.”
“It’s your imagination. Believe me, if there was anything to tell you, I would.”
“Sure, you would,” Derek mocked.
From the corner of her eye, Ellen saw Charlie’s car pull up in front of the house. Releasing a sigh of relief, she quickly stood and gave the boys a falsely bright smile. “If you’ll excuse me, my date has arrived.”
“Should we tell Reed you’re out with Charlie if he wants to know where you are?” Monte looked uncomfortable asking the question.
“Of course. Besides, he probably already knows. He’s free to see anyone he wants and so am I. For that matter, so are you.” She whirled around and made her way to the front door, pulling it open before Charlie even got a chance to ring the doorbell.
The evening didn’t go well. Charlie took her out for a steak dinner and spent more money than Ellen knew he could afford. She regretted having phoned him. Charlie had obviously interpreted her call as a sign that she was interested in becoming romantically involved. She wasn’t, and didn’t know how to make it clear without offending him.
“Did you have a good time?” he asked as they drove back toward Capitol Hill.
“Lovely, thank you, Charlie.”
His hand reached for hers and squeezed it reassuringly. “We don’t go out enough.”
“Neither of us can afford it too often.”
“We don’t need to go to a fancy restaurant to be together,” he said lightly. “Just being with you is a joy.”
“Thank you.” If only Charlie weren’t so nice. She hated the idea of hurting him. But she couldn’t allow him to go on hoping that she would ever return his feelings. As much as she dreaded it, she knew she had to disillusion him. Anything else would be cruel and dishonest.
“I don’t think I’ve made a secret of how I feel about you, Ellen. You’re wonderful.”
“Come on, Charlie, I’m not that different from a thousand other girls on campus.” She tried to swallow the tightness in her throat. “In fact, I saw the way that girl in our sociology class—what’s her name—Lisa, has been looking at you lately.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“I believe you’ve got yourself an admirer.”
“But I’m only interested in you.”
“Charlie, listen. I think you’re a very special person. I—”
“Shh,” he demanded softly as he parked in front of Ellen’s house and turned off the engine. He slid his arm along the back of the seat and caressed her shoulder. “I don’t want you to say anything.”
“But I feel I may have—”
“Ellen,” he whispered seductively. “Be quiet and just let me kiss you.”
Before she could utter another word, Charlie claimed her mouth in a short but surprisingly ardent kiss. Charlie had kissed her on several occasions, but that was as far as things had ever gone.
When his arms tightened around her, Ellen resisted.
“Invite me in for coffee,” he whispered urgently in her ear.
She pressed her forehead against his shirt collar. “Not tonight.”
He tensed. “Can I see you again soon?”
“I don’t know. We see each other every day. Why don’t we just meet after class for coffee one day next week?”
“But I want more than that,” he protested.
“I know,” she answered, dropping her eyes. She felt confused and miserable.
Ellen could tell he was disappointed from the way he climbed out of the car and trudged around to her side. There was tense silence between them as he walked her up to the front door and kissed her a second time. Again, Ellen had to break away from him by pushing her hands against his chest.
“Thank you for everything,” she whispered.
“Right. Thanks, but no thanks.”
“Oh, Charlie, don’t start that. Not now.”
Eyes downcast, he wearily rubbed a hand along the side of his face. “I guess I’ll see you Monday,” he said with a sigh.
“Thanks for the lovely evening.” She didn’t let herself inside until Charlie had climbed into his car and driven away.
Releasing a jagged breath, Ellen had just started to unbutton her coat when she glanced up to find Reed standing in the living room, glowering at her.
“Is something wrong?” The undisguised anger that twisted his mouth and hardened his gaze was a shock.
“Do you always linger outside with your boyfriends?”
“We didn’t linger.”
“Right.” He dragged one hand roughly through his hair and marched a few paces toward her, only to do an abrupt about-face. “I saw the two of you necking.”
“Necking?” Ellen was so startled by his unreasonable anger that she didn’t know whether to laugh or argue. “Be serious, will you? Two chaste kisses hardly constitute necking.”
“What kind of influence are you on Derek and the others?” He couldn’t seem to stand still and paced back and forth in agitation.
He was obviously furious, but Ellen didn’t understand why. He couldn’t possibly believe these absurd insinuations. Perhaps he was upset about something else and merely taking it out on her. “Reed, what’s wrong?” she finally asked.
“I saw you out there.”
“You were spying on me?”
“I wasn’t spying,” he snapped.
“Charlie and I were in his car. You must’ve been staring out the window to have seen us.”
He didn’t answer her, but instead hurled another accusation in her direction. “You’re corrupting the boys.”
“I’m what?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What year do you think this is?” She shook her head, bewildered. “They’re nineteen. Trust me, they’ve kissed girls before.”
“You can kiss anyone you like. Just don’t do it in front of the boys.”
From the way this conversation was going, Ellen could see that Reed was in no mood to listen to reason. “I think we should discuss this some other time,” she said quietly.
“We’ll talk about it right now.”
Ignoring his domineering tone as much as possible, Ellen forced a smile. “Good night, Reed. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She was halfway to the stairs when he called her, his voice calm. “Ellen.”
She turned around, holding herself tense, watching him stride quickly across the short distance that separated them. With his thumb and forefinger, he caught her chin, tilting it slightly so he could study her face. He rubbed his thumb across her lips. “Funny, you don’t look kissed.”
In one breath he was accusing her of necking and in the next, claiming she was unkissed. Not knowing how to respond, Ellen didn’t. She merely gazed at him, her eyes wide and questioning.
“If you’re going to engage in that sort of activity, the least you can do—” He paused. With each word his mouth drew closer and closer to hers until his lips hovered over her own and their breath mingled. “The least you can do is look kissed.” His hand located the vein pounding wildly in her throat as his mouth settled over hers.
Slowly, patiently, his mouth moved over hers with an exquisite tenderness that left her quivering with anticipation and delight. Timidly, her hands crept across his chest to link behind his neck. Again his lips descended on hers, more hungrily now, as he groaned and pulled her even closer.
Ellen felt her face grow hot as she surrendered to the sensations that stole through her. Yet all the while, her mind was telling her she had no right to feel this contentment, this warmth. Reed belonged to another woman. Not to someone else.
Color seeped into her face. When she’d understood that he intended to kiss her, her first thought had been to resist. But once she’d felt his mouth on hers, all her resolve had drained away. Embarrassed now, she realized she’d pliantly wrapped her arms around his neck. And worse, she’d responded with enough enthusiasm for him to know exactly what she was feeling.
He pressed his mouth to her forehead as though he couldn’t bear to release her.
Ellen struggled to breathe normally. She let her arms slip from his neck to his chest and through the palm of her hand she could feel the rapid beating of his heart. She closed her eyes, knowing that her own pulse was pounding no less wildly.
She could feel his mouth move against her temple. “I’ve been wanting to do that for days.” The grudging admission came in a voice that was low and taut.
The words to tell him that she’d wanted it just as much were quickly silenced by the sound of someone walking into the room.
Guiltily Reed and Ellen jerked apart. Her face turned a deep shade of red as Derek stopped in his tracks, staring at them.
“Hi,” Reed and Ellen said together.
“Hey, I’m not interrupting anything, am I? If you like, I could turn around and pretend I didn’t see a thing.”
“Do it,” Reed ordered.
“No,” Ellen said in the same moment.
Derek’s eyes sparkled with boyish delight. “You know,” he said, “I had a feeling about the two of you.” While he spoke, he was taking small steps backward until he stood pressed against the polished kitchen door. He gave his brother a thumbs-up as he nudged open the door with one foot and hurriedly backed out of the room.
“Now look what you’ve done,” Ellen wailed.
“Me? As I recall you were just as eager for this as I was.”
“It was a mistake,” she blurted out. A ridiculous, illogical mistake. He’d accused her of being a bad influence on the boys and then proceeded to kiss her senseless.
“You’re telling me.” A distinct coolness entered his eyes. “It’s probably a good thing I’m leaving.”
There was no hiding her stricken look. “Again? So soon?”
“After what’s just happened, I’d say it wasn’t soon enough.”
“But...where to this time?”
“Denver. I’ll be back before Thanksgiving.”
Mentally, Ellen calculated that he’d be away another two weeks.
When he spoke again, his voice was gentle. “It’s just as well, don’t you think?”
CHAPTER SIX (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
“LOOKS LIKE RAIN.” Pat stood in front of the window above the kitchen sink and frowned at the thick black clouds that darkened the late-afternoon sky. “Why does it have to rain?”
Ellen glanced up at him. “Are you seeking a scientific response or will a simple ‘I don’t know’ suffice?”
The kitchen door swung open and Derek sauntered in. “Has anyone seen Reed?”
Instantly, Ellen’s gaze dropped to her textbook. Reed had returned to Seattle two days earlier and so far, they’d done an admirable job of avoiding each other. Both mornings, he’d left for his office before she was up. Each evening, he’d come home, showered, changed and then gone off again. It didn’t require much detective work to figure out that he was with Danielle. Ellen had attempted—unsuccessfully—not to think of Reed at all. And especially not of him and Danielle together.
She secretly wished she’d had the nerve to arrange an opportunity to talk to Reed. So much remained unclear in her mind. Reed had kissed her and it had been wonderful, yet that was something neither seemed willing to admit. It was as if they’d tacitly agreed that the kiss had been a terrible mistake and should be forgotten. The problem was, Ellen couldn’t forget it.
“Reed hasn’t been around the house much,” Pat answered.
“I know.” Derek sounded slightly disgruntled and cast an accusing look in Ellen’s direction. “It’s almost like he doesn’t live here anymore.”
“He doesn’t. Not really.” Pat stepped away from the window and gently set his basketball on a chair. “It’s sort of like he’s a guest who stops in now and then.”
Ellen preferred not to be drawn into this conversation. She hastily closed her book and stood up to leave.
“Hey, Ellen.” Pat stopped her.
She sighed and met his questioning gaze with a nervous smile. “Yes?”
“I’ll be leaving in a few minutes. Have a nice Thanksgiving.”
Relieved that the subject of Reed had been dropped, she threw him a brilliant smile. “You, too.”
“Where are you having dinner tomorrow?” Derek asked, as if the thought had unexpectedly occurred to him.
Her mother was still in Arizona, her sister had gone to visit her in-laws and Bud couldn’t get leave, so Ellen had decided to stay in Seattle. “Here.”
“In this house?” Derek’s eyes widened with concern. “But why? Shouldn’t you be with your family?”
“My family is going in different directions this year. It’s no problem. In fact, I’m looking forward to having the whole house to myself.”
“There’s no reason to spend the day alone,” Derek argued. “My parents wouldn’t mind putting out an extra plate. There’s always plenty of food.”
Her heart was touched by the sincerity of his invitation. “Thank you, but honestly, I prefer it this way.”
“It’s because of Reed, isn’t it?” Both boys studied her with inquisitive eyes.
“But, Ellen, he isn’t going to be there.”
“Reed isn’t the reason,” she assured him. Undoubtedly, Reed would be spending the holiday with Danielle. She made an effort to ignore the flash of pain that accompanied the thought; she knew she had no right to feel hurt if Reed chose to spend Thanksgiving with his “almost” fiancée.
“You’re sure?” Derek didn’t look convinced.
“You could come and spend the day with my family,” Pat offered next.
“Will you two quit acting like it’s such a terrible tragedy? I’m going to enjoy an entire day alone. Look at these nails.” She fanned her fingers and held them up for their inspection. “For once, I’ll have an uninterrupted block of time to do all the things I’ve delayed for weeks.”
“All right, but if you change your mind, give me a call.”
“I asked her first,” Derek argued. “You’ll call me. Right?”
“Right to you both.”
* * *
THANKSGIVING MORNING, ELLEN woke to a torrential downpour. Rain pelted against the window and the day seemed destined to be a melancholy one. She lounged in her room and read, enjoying the luxury of not having to rush around, preparing breakfast for the whole household.
She wandered down to the kitchen, where she was greeted by a heavy silence. The house was definitely empty. Apparently, Reed, too, had started his day early. Ellen couldn’t decide whether she was pleased or annoyed that she had seen so little of him since his return from Denver. He’d been the one to avoid her, and she’d concluded that two could play his silly game. So she’d purposely stayed out of his way. She smiled sadly as she reflected on the past few days. She and Reed had been acting like a couple of adolescents.
She ate a bowl of cornflakes and spent the next hour wiping down the cupboards, with the radio tuned to the soft-rock music station. Whenever a particularly romantic ballad aired, she danced around the kitchen with an imaginary partner. Not so imaginary, really. In her mind, she was in Reed’s arms.
The silence became more oppressive during the afternoon, while Ellen busied herself fussing over her nails. When the final layer of polish had dried, she decided to turn on the television to drown out the quiet. An hour into the football game, Ellen noticed that it was nearly dinnertime, and she suddenly felt hungry.
She made popcorn in the microwave and splurged by dripping melted butter over the top. She carried the bowl into the living room and got back on the sofa, tucking her legs beneath her. She’d just found a comfortable position when she heard a noise in the kitchen.
Frowning, she twisted around, wondering who it could be.
The door into the living room swung open and Ellen’s heart rate soared into double time.
“Reed?” She blinked to make sure he wasn’t an apparition.
He didn’t vanish. Instead he took several steps in her direction. “That popcorn smells great.”
Without considering the wisdom of her offer, she held out the bowl to him. “Help yourself.”
“Thanks.” He took off his jacket and tossed it over the back of a chair before joining her on the sofa. He leaned forward, studying the TV. “Who’s winning?”
Ellen was momentarily confused, until she realized he was asking about the football game. “I don’t know. I haven’t paid that much attention.”
Reed reached for another handful of popcorn and Ellen set the bowl on the coffee table. Her emotions were muddled. She couldn’t imagine what Reed was doing here when he was supposed to be at Danielle’s. Although the question burned in her mind, she couldn’t bring herself to ask. She glanced at him covertly, but Reed was staring at the TV as though he was alone in the room.
“I’ll get us something to drink,” she volunteered.
Even while she was speaking, Reed hadn’t looked in her direction. Slightly piqued by his attitude, she stalked into the kitchen and took two Pepsis out of the refrigerator.
When she returned with the soft drinks and two glasses filled with ice, Reed took one set from her. “Thanks,” he murmured, popping open the can. He carefully poured his soda over the ice and set the can aside before taking a sip.
“You’re welcome.” She flopped down again, pretending to watch television. But her mind was spinning in a hundred different directions. When she couldn’t tolerate it any longer, she blurted out the question that dominated her thoughts.
“Reed, what are you doing here?”
He took a long swallow before answering her. “I happen to live here.”
“You know what I mean. You should be with Danielle.”
“I was earlier, but I decided I preferred your company.”
“I don’t need your sympathy,” she snapped, then swallowed painfully and averted her gaze. Her fingers tightened around the cold glass until the chill extended up her arm. “I’m perfectly content to spend the day alone. I just wish everyone would quit saving me from myself.”
His low chuckle was unexpected. “That wasn’t my intention.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I already told you.”
“I can’t accept that,” she said shakily. He was toying with her emotions, and the thought made her all the more furious.
“All right.” Determinedly, he set down his drink and turned toward her. “I felt this was the perfect opportunity for us to talk.”
“You haven’t said more than ten words to me in three days. What makes this one day so special?”
“We’re alone, aren’t we, and that’s more than we can usually say.” His voice was strained. He hesitated a moment, his lips pressed together in a thin, hard line. “I don’t know what’s happening with us.”
“Nothing’s happening,” she said wildly. “You kissed me, and we both admitted it was a mistake. Can’t we leave it at that?”
“No,” he answered dryly. “I don’t believe it was such a major tragedy, and neither do you.”
If it had really been a mistake, Ellen wouldn’t have remembered it with such vivid clarity. Nor would she yearn for the taste of him again and again, or hurt so much when she knew he was with Danielle.
Swiftly she turned her eyes away from the disturbing intensity of his, unwilling to reveal the depth of her feelings.
“It wasn’t a mistake, was it, Ellen?” he prompted in a husky voice.
She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “No,” she whispered, but the word was barely audible.
He gathered her close and she felt his deep shudder of satisfaction as he buried his face in her hair. Long moments passed before he spoke. “Nothing that felt so right could have been a mistake.”
Tenderly he kissed her, his lips touching hers with a gentleness she hadn’t expected. As if he feared she was somehow fragile; as if he found her highly precious. Without conscious decision, she slipped her arms around him.
“The whole time Danielle and I were together this afternoon, I was wishing it was you. Today, of all days, it seemed important to be with you.”
Ellen gazed up into his eyes and saw not only his gentleness, but his confusion. Her fingers slid into the thick hair around his lean, rugged face. “Danielle couldn’t have been pleased when you left.”
“She wasn’t. I didn’t even know how to explain it to her. I don’t know how to explain it to myself.”
Ellen swallowed the dryness that constricted her throat. “Do you want me to move out of the house?”
“No,” he said forcefully, then added more quietly, “I think I’d go crazy if you did. Are you a witch who’s cast some spell over me?”
She tried unsuccessfully to answer him, but no words of denial came. The knowledge that he was experiencing these strange whirling emotions was enough to overwhelm her.
“If so, the spell is working,” he murmured, although he didn’t sound particularly happy about the idea.
“I’m confused, too,” she admitted and leaned her forehead against his chest. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her open hand.
His long fingers stroked her hair. “I know.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “The night you went out with Charlie, I was completely unreasonable. I need to apologize for the things I said. To put it simply, I was jealous. I’ve acknowledged that, these last weeks in Denver.” Some of the tightness left his voice, as though the events of that night had weighed heavily on his mind. “I didn’t like the idea of another man holding you, and when I saw the two of you kissing, I think I went a little berserk.”
“I...we don’t date often.”
“I won’t ask you not to see him again,” he said reluctantly. “I can’t ask anything of you.”
“Nor can I ask anything of you.”
His grip around her tightened. “Let’s give this time.”
“It’s the only thing we can do.”
Reed straightened and draped his arm around Ellen’s shoulders, drawing her close to his side. Her head nestled against his chest. “I’d like us to start going out together,” he said, his chin resting on the crown of her head. “Will that cause a problem for you?”
“Cause a problem?” she repeated uncertainly.
“I’m thinking about the boys.”
Remembering their earlier buffoonery and the way they’d taken such delight in teasing her, Ellen shrugged. If those three had any evidence of a romance between her and Reed, they could make everyone’s lives miserable. “I don’t know.”
“Then let’s play it cool for a while. We’ll move into this gradually until they become accustomed to seeing us together. That way it won’t be any big deal.”
“I think you might be right.” She didn’t like pretence or deceit, but she’d be the one subjected to their heckling. They wouldn’t dare try it with Reed.
“Can I take you to dinner tomorrow night?”
“I’d like that.”
“Not as much as I will. But how are we going to do this? It’ll be obvious that we’re going out,” he mused aloud.
“Not if we leave the house at different times,” she said.
She could feel his frown. “Is that really necessary?”
“I’m afraid so....”
Ellen and Reed spent the rest of the evening doing nothing more exciting than watching television. His arm remained securely around her shoulders and she felt a sense of deep contentment that was new to her. It was a peaceful interlude during a time that had become increasingly wrought with stress.
Derek got back to the house close to nine-thirty. They both heard him lope in through the kitchen and Reed gave Ellen a quick kiss before withdrawing his arm.
“Hi.” Derek entered the room and stood beside the sofa, shuffling his feet. “Dad wondered where you were.” His gaze flitted from Ellen to his brother.
“I told them I wouldn’t be there for dinner.”
“I know. But Danielle called looking for you.”
“She knew where I was.”
“Apparently not.” Reed’s younger brother gestured with one hand. “Are you two friends again?”
Reed’s eyes found Ellen’s and he smiled. “You could say that.”
“Good. You haven’t been the easiest people to be around lately.” Without giving them a chance to respond, he whirled around and marched upstairs.
Ellen placed a hand over her mouth to smother her giggles. “Well, he certainly told us.”
Amusement flared in Reed’s eyes, and he chuckled softly. “I guess he did, at that.” His arm slid around Ellen’s shoulders once again. “Have you been difficult lately?”
“I’m never difficult,” she said.
“Me neither.”
They exchanged smiles and went back to watching their movie.
As much as Ellen tried to concentrate on the television, her mind unwillingly returned to Derek’s announcement. “Do you think you should call Danielle?” She cast her eyes down, disguising her discomfort. Spending these past few hours with Reed had been like an unexpected Christmas gift, granted early. But she felt guilty that it had been at the other woman’s expense.
Impatience tightened Reed’s mouth. “Maybe I’d better. I didn’t mean to offend her or her family by leaving early.” He paused a moment, then added, “Danielle’s kind of high-strung.”
Ellen had noticed that, but she had no intention of mentioning it. And she had no intention of listening in on their conversation, either. “While you’re doing that, I’ll wash up the popcorn dishes, then go to bed.”
Reed’s eyes widened slightly in a mock reprimand. “It’s a little early, isn’t it?”
“Perhaps,” she said, faking a yawn, “but I’ve got this hot date tomorrow night and I want to be well rested for it.”
The front door opened and Pat sauntered in, carrying his duffel bag. “Hi.” He stopped and studied them curiously. “Hi,” he repeated.
“I thought you were staying at your parents’ for the weekend.” Ellen remembered that he’d said something about being gone for the entire four-day holiday.
“Mom gave my bedroom to one of my aunts. I can’t see any reason to sleep on the floor when I’ve got a bed here.”
“Makes sense,” Reed said with a grin.
“Are you two getting along again?”
“We never fought.”
“Yeah, sure,” Pat mumbled sarcastically. “And a basket isn’t worth two points.”
Ellen had been unaware how much her disagreement with Reed had affected the boys. Apparently, Reed’s reaction was the same as hers; their eyes met briefly in silent communication.
“I’ll go up with you,” she told Pat. “See you in the morning, Reed.”
“Sure thing.”
She left Pat on the second floor to trudge up to the third.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise that she slept so well. Her mind was at ease and she awoke feeling contented and hopeful. Neither she nor Reed had made any commitments yet. They didn’t know if what they felt would last a day or a lifetime. They were explorers, discovering the uncharted territory of a new relationship.
She hurried down the stairs early the next morning. Reed was already up, sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the paper.
“Morning,” she said, pouring water into the tea kettle and setting it on the burner.
“Morning.” His eyes didn’t leave the paper.
Ellen got a mug from the cupboard and walked past Reed on her way to get the canister of tea. His hand reached out and clasped her around the waist, pulling her down into his lap.
Before she could protest, his mouth firmly covered hers. When the kiss was over, Ellen straightened, resting her hands on his shoulders. “What was that for?” she asked to disguise how flustered he made her feel.
“Just to say good morning,” he said in a warm, husky voice. “I don’t imagine I’ll have too many opportunities to do it in such a pleasant manner.”
“No,” she said and cleared her throat. “Probably not.”
Ellen was sitting at the table, with a section of the paper propped up in front of her, when the boys came into the kitchen.
“Morning,” Monte murmured vaguely as he opened the refrigerator. He was barefoot, his hair was uncombed and his shirt was still unbuttoned. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Whatever your little heart desires,” she told him, neatly folding over a page of the paper.
“Does this mean you’re not cooking?”
“That’s right.”
Reed lowered the sports page and glared openly at Monte.
“Cold cereal will be fine,” Monte grumbled and took down a large serving bowl, emptying half the contents of a box of rice crisps inside.
“Hey, save some for me,” Pat hollered from the doorway. “That’s my favorite.”
“I was here first.”
Derek strolled into the kitchen. “Does everyone have to argue?”
“Everyone?” Reed cocked a brow in his brother’s direction.
“First it was you and Ellen, and now it’s Pat and Monte.”
“Hey, that’s right,” Monte cried. “You two aren’t fighting. That’s great.” He set his serving bowl of rice crisps on the table. “Does this’ know?”
Lowering the paper, Ellen eyed him sardonically. “No, I don’t know.”
“Are you...seeing each other?” A deep flush darkened Monte’s face.
“We see each other every day.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
“But that’s all I’m answering.” From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Pat pantomiming a fiddler, and she groaned inwardly. The boys were going to make it difficult to maintain any kind of romantic relationship with Reed. She cast him a speculative glance. But if Reed had noticed the activity around him, he wasn’t letting on, and Ellen was grateful.
“I’ve got a practice game tonight,” Pat told Ellen as he buttered a piece of toast. “Do you want to come?”
Flustered, she automatically sought out Reed. “Sorry... I’d like to come, but I’ve got a date.”
“Bring him along.”
“I...don’t know if he likes basketball.”
“Yeah, he does,” Derek supplied. “Charlie and I were talking about it recently and he said it’s one of his favorite games.”
She didn’t want to tell an outright lie. But she would save herself a lot of aggravation if she simply let Derek and the others assume it was Charlie she’d be seeing.
“What about you, Reed?” Derek asked.
His gaze didn’t flicker from the paper and Ellen marveled at his ability to appear so dispassionate. “Not tonight. Thanks anyway.”
“Have you got a date, too?” Derek pressed.
It seemed as though everyone in the kitchen was watching Reed, waiting for his response. “I generally go out on Friday nights.”
“Well,” Ellen said, coming to her feet. “I think I’ll get moving. I want to take advantage of the holiday to do some errands. Does anybody need anything picked up at the cleaners?”
“I do,” Monte said, raising his hand. “If you’ll wait a minute, I’ll get the slip.”
By some miracle, Ellen was able to avoid any more questions for the remainder of the day. She went about her errands and didn’t see Reed until late in the afternoon, when their paths happened to cross in the kitchen. He quickly whispered a time and meeting place and explained that he’d leave first. Ellen didn’t have a chance to do more than agree before the boys were upon them.
At precisely seven, Ellen met Reed at the grocery store parking lot two blocks from the house. He’d left ten minutes earlier to wait for her there. As soon as he spotted her, he leaned across the cab of the pickup and opened the door on her side. Ellen found it slightly amusing that when he was with her he drove the pickup, and when he was with Danielle he took the sports car. She wondered whether or not this was a conscious decision. In any event, it told her quite a bit about the way Reed viewed the two women in his life.
“Did you get away unscathed?” he asked, chuckling softly.
She slid into the seat beside him in the cab and shook her head. “Not entirely. All three of them were curious about why Charlie wasn’t coming to the house to pick me up. I didn’t want to lie, so I told them they’d have to ask him.”
“Will they?”
“I certainly hope not.”
Reed’s hand reached for hers and his eyes grew serious. “I’m not convinced that keeping this a secret is the right thing to do.”
“I don’t like it, either, but it’s better than their constant teasing.”
“I’ll put a stop to that.” His voice dropped ominously and Ellen didn’t doubt that he’d quickly handle the situation.
“But, Reed, they don’t mean any harm. I was hoping we could lead them gradually into accepting us as a couple. Let them get used to seeing us together before we spring it on them that we’”
“Ellen, I don’t know.”
“Trust me on this,” she pleaded, her eyes imploring him. This arrangement, with its furtiveness and deception, was far from ideal, but for now it seemed necessary. She hoped the secrecy could end soon.
His kiss was brief and ardent. “I don’t think I could deny you anything.” But he didn’t sound happy about it.
The restaurant he took her to was located in the south end of Seattle, thirty minutes from Capitol Hill. At first, Ellen was surprised that he’d chosen one so far from home but the food was fantastic and the view from the Des Moines Marina alone would have been worth the drive.
Reed ordered a bottle of an award-winning wine, a sauvignon blanc from a local winery. It was satisfyingly clear and crisp.
“I spoke to Danielle,” Reed began.
“Reed.” She stopped him, placing her hand over his. “What goes on between you and Danielle has nothing to do with me. We’ve made no promises and no commitments.” In fact, of course, she was dying to know about the other woman Reed had dated for so long. She hoped that if she pretended no interest in his relationship with Danielle, she’d seem more mature and sophisticated than she really was. She didn’t want Reid to think she was threatened by Danielle or that she expected anything from him. Hoped, yes. Expected, no.
He looked a little stunned. “But—”
Swiftly she lowered her gaze. “I don’t want to know.” Naturally, she was longing to hear every detail. As it was, she felt guilty about the other woman. Danielle might have had her faults, but she loved Reed. She must love him to be so patient with his traveling all these months. And when Derek had first mentioned her, he’d spoken as though Reed and Danielle’s relationship was a permanent one.
Danielle and Ellen couldn’t have been more different. Ellen was practical and down-to-earth. She’d had to be. After her father’s death, she’d become the cornerstone that held the family together.
Danielle, on the other hand, had obviously been pampered and indulged all her life. Ellen guessed that she’d been destined from birth to be a wealthy socialite, someone who might, in time, turn to charitable works to occupy herself. They were obviously women with completely dissimilar backgrounds, she and Danielle.
“I’ll be in Atlanta the latter part of next week,” Reed was saying.
“You’re full of good news, aren’t you?”
“It’s my work, Ellen.”
“I wasn’t complaining. It just seems that five minutes after you get home, you’re off again.”
“I won’t be long this time. A couple of days. I’ll fly in for the meeting and be back soon afterward.”
“You’ll be here for Christmas?” Her thoughts flew to her family and how much she wished they could meet Reed. Bud, especially. He’d be in Yakima over the holidays and Ellen was planning to take the bus home to spend some time with him. But first she had to get through her exams.
“I’ll be here.”
“Good.” But it was too soon to ask Reed to join her for the trip. He might misinterpret her invitation, see something that wasn’t there. She had no desire to pressure him into the sort of commitment that meeting her family might imply.
After their meal, they walked along the pier, holding hands. The evening air was chilly and when Ellen shivered, Reed wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“I enjoyed tonight,” he murmured.
“I did, too.” She bent her arm so that her fingers linked with his.
“Tomorrow night—”
“No.” She stopped him, turning so that her arm slid around his middle. Tilting her head back, she stared into the troubled green eyes. “Let’s not talk about tomorrow. For right now, let’s take one day at a time.”
His mouth met hers before she could finish speaking. A gentle brushing of lips. Then he deepened the kiss, and his arms tightened around her, and her whole body hummed with joy.
Ellen was lost, irretrievably lost, in the taste and scent of this man. She felt frightened by her response to him—it would be so easy to fall in love with Reed. Completely in love. But she couldn’t allow that to happen. Not yet. It was too soon.
* * *
HER WORDS ABOUT taking each day as it came were forcefully brought to Ellen’s mind the following evening. She’d gone to the store and noticed Reed’s Porsche parked in the driveway. When she returned, both Reed and the sports car had disappeared.
He was with Danielle.
CHAPTER SEVEN (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
“WHY COULDN’T I see that?” Ellen moaned, looking over the algebraic equation Reed had worked out. “If I can fix a stopped-up sink, tune a car engine and manage a budget, why can’t I understand something this simple?” She was quickly losing a grip on the more advanced theories they were now studying.
“Here, let me show it to you again.”
Her hand lifted the curls off her forehead. “Do you think it’ll do any good?”
“Yes, I do.” Reed obviously had more faith in her powers of comprehension than she did. Step by step, he led her through another problem. When he explained the textbook examples, the whole process seemed so logical. Yet when she set out to solve a similar equation on her own, nothing went right.
“I give up.” Throwing her hands over her head, she leaned back in the kitchen chair and groaned. “I should’ve realized that algebra would be too much for me. I had difficulty memorizing the multiplication tables, for heaven’s sake.”
“What you need is a break.”
“I couldn’t agree more. Twenty years?” She stood up and brought the cookie jar to the table. “Here, this will help ease the suffering.” She offered him a chocolate-chip cookie and took one herself.
“Be more patient with yourself,” Reed urged.
“There’s only two weeks left in this term—and then exams. I need to understand this stuff and I need to understand it now.”
He laid his hands on her shoulders, massaging gently. “No, you don’t. Come on, I’m taking you to a movie.”
“I’ve got to study,” she protested, but not too strenuously. Escaping for an hour or two sounded infinitely more appealing than struggling with these impossible equations.
“There’s a wonderful foreign film showing at the Moore Egyptian Theatre and we’re going. We can worry about that assignment once we get back.”
“But, Reed—”
“No buts. We’re going.” He took her firmly by the hand and led her into the front hall. Derek and Monte were watching TV and the staccato sounds of machine guns firing could be heard in the background. Neither boy noticed them until Reed opened the hall closet.
“Where are you two headed?” Derek asked, peering around the living-room door as Reed handed Ellen her jacket.
“A movie.”
Instantly Derek muted the television. “The two of you alone? Together?”
“I imagine there’ll be one or two others at the cinema,” Reed responded dryly.
“Can I come?” Monte had joined Derek in the doorway.
Instantly Derek’s elbow shoved the other boy in the ribs. “On second thought, just bring me back some popcorn, okay?”
Ellen pulled a knit cap over her ears. “Do either of you want anything else? I’d buy out the concession stand if one of you felt inclined to do my algebra assignment.”
“No way.”
“Bribing them won’t help,” Reed commented.
“I know, but I was hoping....”
It was a cold, blustery night. An icy north wind whipped against them as they hurried to Reed’s truck. He opened the door for her before running around to the driver’s side.
“Brr.” Ellen shoved her hands inside her pockets. “If I doubted it was winter before, now I know.”
“Come here and I’ll warm you.” He patted the seat beside him, indicating that she should slide closer.
Willingly she complied, until she sat so near him that her thigh pressed against his. Neither of them moved. It had been several days since they’d been completely alone together and longer still since he’d held or kissed her without interruption. The past week had been filled with frustration. Often she’d noticed Reed’s gaze on her, studying her face and her movements, but it seemed that every time he touched her one of the boys would unexpectedly appear.
Reed turned to her. Their thoughts seemed to echo each other’s; their eyes locked hungrily. Ellen required no invitation. She’d been longing for his touch. With a tiny cry she reached for him just as his arms came out to encircle her, drawing her even closer.
“This is crazy,” he whispered fervently into her hair.
“I know.”
As though he couldn’t deny himself any longer, he cradled her face with both hands and he slowly lowered his mouth to hers.
Their lips clung and Reed’s hand went around her ribs as he held her tight. The kiss was long and thoroughly satisfying.
Panting, he tore his mouth from hers and buried his face in her neck. “We’d better get to that movie.”
It was all Ellen could do to nod her head in agreement.
They moved apart and fastened their seat belts, both of them silent.
When Reed started the truck, she saw that his hand was trembling. She was shaking too, but no longer from the cold. Reed had promised to warm her and he had, but not quite in the way she’d expected.
They were silent as Reed pulled onto the street. After days of carefully avoiding any kind of touch, any lingering glances, they’d sat in the driveway kissing in direct view of curious eyes. She realized the boys could easily have been watching them.
Ellen felt caught up in a tide that tossed her closer and closer to a long stretch of rocky beach. Powerless to alter the course of her emotions, she feared for her heart, afraid of being caught in the undertow.
“The engineering department is having a Christmas party this weekend at the Space Needle,” Reed murmured.
Ellen nodded. Twice in the past week he’d left the house wearing formal evening clothes. He hadn’t told her where he was going, but she knew. He’d driven the Porsche and he’d come back smelling of expensive perfume. For a Christmas party with his peers, Reed would escort Danielle. She understood that and tried to accept it.
“I want you to come with me.”
“Reed,” she breathed, uncertain. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” His hand reached for hers. “I want you with me.”
“The boys—”
“Forget the boys. I’m tired of playing games with them.”
Her smile came from her heart. “I am, too,” she whispered.
“I’m going to have a talk with them.”
“Don’t,” she pleaded. “It’s not necessary to say anything.”
“They’ll start in with their teasing,” he warned. “I thought you hated that.”
“I don’t care as much anymore. And if they do, we can say something then.”
He frowned briefly. “All right.”
The Moore Egyptian was located in the heart of downtown Seattle, so parking was limited. They finally found a spot on the street three blocks away. They left the truck and hurried through the cold, arm in arm, not talking. The French film was a popular one; by the time they got to the cinema, a long line had already formed outside.
A blast of wind sliced through Ellen’s jacket and she buried her hands in her pockets. Reed leaned close to ask her something, then paused, slowly straightening.
“Morgan.” A tall, brusque-looking man approached Reed.
“Dailey,” Reed said, quickly stepping away from Ellen.
“I wouldn’t have expected to see you out on a night like this,” the man Reed had called Dailey was saying.
“I’m surprised to see you, too.”
“This film is supposed to be good,” Dailey said.
“Yeah. It’s got great reviews.”
Dailey’s eyes returned to the line and rested on Ellen, seeking an introduction. Reed didn’t give him one. Reed was obviously pretending he wasn’t with Ellen.
She offered the man a feeble smile, wondering why Reed would move away from her, why he wouldn’t introduce her to his acquaintance. The line moved slowly toward the ticket booth and Ellen went with it, leaving Reed talking to Dailey on the pavement. She felt a flare of resentment when he rejoined her a few minutes later.
“That was a friend of a friend.”
Ellen didn’t respond. Somehow she didn’t believe him. And she resented the fact that he’d ignored the most basic of courtesies and left her standing on the sidewalk alone, while he spoke with a friend. The way he’d acted, anyone would assume Reed didn’t want the man to know Ellen was with him. That hurt. Fifteen minutes earlier she’d been soaring with happiness at his unexpected invitation to the Christmas party, and now she was consumed with doubt and bitterness. Perhaps this Dailey was a friend of Danielle’s and Reed didn’t want the other woman to know he was out with Ellen. But that didn’t really sound like Reed.
Once inside the cinema, Reed bought a huge bucket of buttered popcorn. They located good seats, despite the crowd, and sat down, neither of them speaking. As the lights went down, Reed placed his hand on the back of her neck.
Ellen stiffened. “Are you sure you want to do that?”
“Touch me. Someone you know might recognize you.”
“Ellen, listen...”
The credits started to roll on the huge screen and she shook her head, not wanting to hear any of his excuses.
But maintaining her bad mood was impossible with the comedy that played out before them. Unable to stop herself, Ellen laughed until tears formed in her eyes; she was clutching her stomach because it hurt from laughing. Reed seemed just as amused as she was, and a couple of times during the film, their smiling gazes met. Before she knew it, Reed was holding her hand and she didn’t resist when he draped his arm over her shoulders.
Afterward, as they strolled outside, he tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow. “I told you a movie would make you feel better.”
It had and it hadn’t. Yes, she’d needed the break, but Reed’s behavior outside the cinema earlier had revived the insecurities she was trying so hard to suppress. She knew she wasn’t nearly as beautiful or sophisticated as Danielle.
“You do feel better?” His finger lifted her chin to study her eyes.
There was no denying that the film had been wonderful. “I haven’t laughed so hard in ages,” she told him, smiling.
* * *
FRIDAY NIGHT, ELLEN wore her most elaborate outfit—slim black velvet pants and a silver lamé top. She’d spent hours debating whether an evening gown would have been more appropriate, but had finally decided on the pants. Examining herself from every direction in the full-length mirror that hung from her closet door, Ellen released a pent-up breath and closed her eyes. This one night, she wanted everything to be perfect. Her heels felt a little uncomfortable, but she’d get used to them. She rarely had any reason to wear heels. She’d chosen them now because Reed had said there’d be dancing and she wanted to adjust her height to his.
By the time she reached the foot of the stairs, Reed was waiting for her. His eyes softened as he looked at her. “You’re lovely.”
“Oh, Reed, are you sure? I don’t mind changing if you’d rather I wear something else.”
His eyes held hers for a long moment. “I don’t want you to change a thing.”
“Hey, Ellen.” Derek burst out of the kitchen, and stopped abruptly. “Wow.” For an instant he looked as though he’d lost his breath. “Hey, guys,” he called eagerly. “Come and see Ellen.”
The other two joined Derek. “You look like a movie star,” Pat breathed.
Monte closed his mouth and opened it again. “You’re pretty.”
“Don’t sound so shocked.”
“It’s just that we’ve never seen you this,” Pat mumbled.
“Are you going out with Charlie?”
Ellen glanced at Reed, suddenly unsure. She hadn’t dated Charlie in weeks. She hadn’t wanted to.
“She’s going out with me,” Reed explained in an even voice that didn’t invite comment.
“With you? Where?” Derek’s eyes got that mischievous twinkle Ellen recognized immediately.
“A party.”
“What about—” He stopped suddenly, swallowing several times.
“You had a comment?” Reed lifted his eyebrows.
“I thought I was going to say something,” Derek muttered, clearly embarrassed, “but then I realized I wasn’t.”
Hiding a smile, Reed held Ellen’s coat for her.
She slipped her arms into the satin-lined sleeves and reached for her beaded bag. “Good night, guys, and don’t wait up.”
“Right.” Monte raised his index finger. “We won’t wait up.”
Derek took a step forward. “Should I say anything to case either of you gets a phone call?”
“Try hello,” Reed answered, shaking his head.
“Right.” Derek stuck his hand in his jeans pocket. “Have a good time.”
“We intend to.”
Ellen managed to hold back her laughter until they were on the front porch. But when the door clicked shut the giggles escaped and she pressed a hand to her mouth. “Derek thought he was going to say something.”
“Then he realized he wasn’t,” Reed finished for her, chuckling. His hand at her elbow guided her down the steps. “They’re right about one thing. You do look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, but I hadn’t expected it to be such a shock.”
“The problem is, the boys are used to seeing you as a substitute mother. It’s suddenly dawned on them what an attractive woman you are.”
“And how was it you noticed?”
“The day I arrived and found you in my kitchen wearing only a bra, I knew.”
“I was wearing more than that,” she argued.
“Maybe, but at the time that was all I saw.” He stroked her cheek with the tip of his finger, then tucked her arm in his.
Ellen felt a warm contentment as Reed led her to the sports car. This was the first time she’d been inside, and the significance of that seemed unmistakable. She sensed that somewhere in the past two weeks Reed had made an unconscious decision about their relationship. Maybe she was being silly in judging the strength of their bond by what car he chose to drive. And maybe not. Reed was escorting her to this party in his Porsche because he viewed her in a new light. He saw her now as a beautiful, alluring woman—no longer as the college student who seemed capable of mastering everything but algebra.
The Space Needle came into view as Reed pulled onto Denny Street. The world-famous Needle, which had been built for the 1962 World’s Fair, rose 605 feet above the Seattle skyline. Ellen had taken the trip up to the observation deck only once and she’d been thrilled at the unobstructed view of the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges. Looking out at the unspoiled beauty of Puget Sound, she’d understood immediately why Seattle was described as one of the world’s most livable cities.
For this evening, Reed explained, his office had booked the convention rooms on the hundred-foot level of the Needle. The banquet facilities had been an addition, and Ellen wondered what sort of view would be available.
As Reed stopped in front of the Needle, a valet appeared, opening Ellen’s door and offering her his gloved hand. She climbed as gracefully as she could from the low-built vehicle. Her smile felt a little strained, and she took a deep breath to dispel the gathering tension. She wanted everything about the evening to be perfect; she longed for Reed to be proud of her, to feel that she belonged in his life—and in his world.
Her curiosity about the view was answered as soon as they stepped from the elevator into the large room. She glanced at the darkened sky that resembled folds of black velvet, sprinkled with glittering gems. When she had a chance she’d walk over toward the windows. For now, she was more concerned with fitting into Reed’s circle and being accepted by his friends and colleagues.
Bracing herself for the inevitable round of introductions, she scanned the crowd for the man she’d seen outside the cinema. He didn’t seem to be at the party and Ellen breathed easier. If Dailey was there, he would surely make a comment about seeing her with Reed that night, and she wouldn’t know how to respond.
As they made their way through the large room, several people called out to Reed. When he introduced Ellen, two or three of them appeared to have trouble concealing their surprise that he wasn’t with Danielle. But no one mentioned Danielle and they all seemed to accept Ellen freely, although a couple of people gave her curious looks. Eventually, Ellen relaxed and smiled up at Reed.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, his voice tender.
“Not at all.”
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Wine okay?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Ellen watched Reed cross the room toward the bar. She was absurdly proud of him and made no attempt to disguise her feelings when he returned to her, carrying two glasses of white wine.
“You shouldn’t look at me like that,” he murmured, handing her a glass.
“Why?” she teased, her eyes sparkling. “Does it embarrass you?”
“No. It makes me wish I could ignore everyone in this room and kiss you right this minute.” A slow, almost boyish grin spread across his features.
“That would certainly cause quite a commotion.”
“But not half the commotion it would cause if they knew what else I was thinking.”
“Oh?” She hid a smile by taking another sip of wine.
“Are we back to that word again?”
“Just what do you have in mind?”
He dipped his head so that he appeared to be whispering something in her ear, although actually his lips brushed her face. “I’ll show you later.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
They stood together, listening to the music and the laughter. Ellen found it curious that he’d introduced her to so few people and then only to those who’d approached him. But she dismissed her qualms as petty and, worse, paranoid. After all, she told herself, she was here to be with Reed, not to make small talk with his friends.
He finished his drink and suggested another. While he returned to the bar for refills, Ellen wandered through the crowd, walking over to the windows for a glimpse of the magnificent view. But as she moved, she kept her gaze trained on Reed.
A group of men stopped him before he could reach the bar. His head was inclined toward them, and he seemed to be giving them his rapt attention. Yet periodically his eyes would flicker through the crowd, searching for her. When he located her by the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he smiled as though he felt relieved. With an abruptness that bordered on rudeness, he excused himself from the group and strolled in her direction.
“I didn’t see where you’d gone.”
“I wasn’t about to leave you,” she told him. Turning, she faced the window, watching the lights of the ferry boats gliding across the dark green waters of Puget Sound.
His hands rested on her shoulders and Ellen leaned back against him, warmed by his nearness. “It’s lovely from up here.”
“Exquisite,” he agreed, his mouth close to her ear. “But I’m not talking about the view.” His hands slid lazily down her arms. “Dance with me,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.
Ellen walked obediently into his arms, loving the feel of being close to Reed. She pressed her cheek against the smooth fabric of his jacket as they swayed gently to the slow, dreamy music.
“I don’t normally do a lot of dancing,” he whispered.
Ellen wouldn’t have guessed that. He moved with confident grace, and she assumed he’d escorted Danielle around a dance floor more than once. At the thought of the other woman, Ellen grew uneasy, but she forced her tense body to relax. Reed had chosen to bring her, and not Danielle, to this party. That had to mean something—something exciting.
“Dancing was just an excuse to hold you.”
“You don’t need an excuse,” she whispered.
“In a room full of people, I do.”
“Shall we wish them away?” She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his hard, lithe body against her own.
He maneuvered them into the darkest corner of the dance floor and immediately claimed her mouth in a kiss that sent her world spinning into orbit.
Mindless of where they were, Ellen arched upward, Reed responded by sliding his hands down her back, down to her hips, drawing her even closer.
He dragged his mouth across her cheek. “I’m sorry we came.”
“I don’t want to waste time with all these people around. We’re hardly ever alone. I want you, Ellen.”
His honest, straightforward statement sent the fire roaring through her veins. “I know. I want you, too.” Her voice was unsteady. “But it’s a good thing we aren’t alone very often.” At the rate things were progressing between them, Ellen felt relieved that the boys were at the house. Otherwise—
“Hey, Reed.” A friendly voice boomed out a few feet away. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”
Reed stiffened and for a moment Ellen wondered if he was going to pretend he hadn’t heard. He looked at her through half-closed eyes, and she grinned up at him, mutely telling him she didn’t mind. Their private world couldn’t last forever. She knew that. They were at a party, an office party, and Reed was expected to mingle with his colleagues.
“Hello, Ralph.” Reed’s arm slid around Ellen’s waist, keeping her close.
“Hello there.” But Ralph wasn’t watching Reed. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“Ellen Cunningham, Ralph Forester.”
Ralph extended his hand and held Ellen’s in both of his for a long moment. His eyes were frankly admiring.
“I don’t suppose you’d let me steal this beauty away for a dance, would you?” Although the question was directed at Reed, Ralph didn’t take his eyes from Ellen. “Leave it to you to be with the most beautiful woman here,” the other man teased. “You sure do attract them.”
Reed’s hand tightened around Ellen. “Ellen?” He left the choice to her.
“I don’t mind.” She glanced at Reed and noted that his expression was carefully blank. But she knew him too well to be fooled. She could see that his jaw was rigid with tension and that his eyes showed annoyance at the other man’s intrusion. Gradually he lowered his arm, releasing her.
Ralph stepped forward and claimed Ellen’s hand, leading her onto the dance floor.
She swallowed as she placed her left hand on his shoulder and her right hand in his. Wordlessly they moved to the soft music. But when Ralph tried to bring her closer, Ellen resisted.
“Have you known Reed long?” Ralph asked, his hand trailing sensuously up and down her back.
She tensed. “Several months now.” Despite her efforts to keep her voice even and controlled, she sounded slightly breathless.
“How’d you meet?”
“Through his brother.” The less said about their living arrangements, the better. Ellen could just guess what Ralph would say if he knew they were living in the same house. “Do you two work together?”
“For the last six years.”
They whirled around, and Ellen caught a glimpse of Reed standing against the opposite wall, studying them like a hawk zeroing in on its prey. Ralph apparently noticed him, as well.
“I don’t think Reed was all that anxious to have you dance with me.”
Ellen merely shrugged.
Ralph chortled gleefully, obviously enjoying Reed’s reaction. “Not if the looks he’s giving me are any indication. I can’t believe it. Reed Morgan is jealous,” he said with another chuckle, leading her out of Reed’s sight and into the dimly lit center of the floor.
“I’m sure you’re mistaken.”
“Well, look at him.”
All Ellen could see was Reed peering suspiciously at them across the crowded dance floor.
“This is too good to be true,” Ralph murmured.
“What do you mean?”
“There isn’t a woman in our department who wouldn’t give her eyeteeth to go out with Reed.”
Ellen was shocked, yet somehow unsurprised. “Oh?”
“Half the women are in love with him and he ignores them. He’s friendly, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all business. Every time a single woman gets transferred into our area it takes her a week, maybe two, to fall for Reed. The rest of us guys just stand back and shake our heads. But with Reed otherwise occupied, we might have a chance.”
“He is wonderful,” Ellen admitted, managing to keep a courteous smile on her face. What Ralph was describing sounded so much like her own feelings that she couldn’t doubt the truth of what he said.
Ralph arched his brows and studied her. “You too?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“What’s this guy got?” He sighed expressively, shaking his head. “Can we bottle it?”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think so,” Ellen responded lightly, liking Ralph more. His approach might have been a bit overpowering at first, but he was honest and compelling in his own right. “I don’t imagine you have much trouble attracting women.”
“As long as I don’t bring them around Reed, I’m fine.” A smile swept his face. “The best thing that could happen would be if he got married. I don’t suppose that’s in the offing between you two?”
He was so blithely serious that Ellen laughed. “Sorry.”
“You’re sure?”
Ralph was probably thinking of some rumor he’d heard about Danielle. “There’s another woman he’s seeing. They’ve known each other for a long time and apparently, they’re quite serious,” she explained, keeping her voice calmly detached.
“I don’t believe it,” Ralph countered, frowning. “Reed wouldn’t be tossing daggers at my back if he was involved with someone else. One thing I suspect about this guy, he’s a one-woman man.”
Ellen closed her eyes, trying to shut out the pain. She didn’t know what to believe about Reed anymore. All she could do was hold on to the moment. Wasn’t that what she’d told him earlier—that they’d have to take things day by day? She was the one who hadn’t wanted to talk about Danielle. In any case, she didn’t want to read too much into his actions. She couldn’t. She was on the brink of falling in love with him...if she hadn’t already. To allow herself to think he might feel the same way was asking for trouble. For heartbreak.
The music ended and Ralph gently let her go. “I’d better return you to Reed or he’s likely to come after me.”
“Thank you for...everything.”
“You’re welcome, Ellen.” With one hand at her waist, he steered her toward Reed.
They were within a few feet of him when Danielle suddenly appeared. She seemed to have come out of nowhere. “Reed!” She was laughing delightedly, flinging herself into his arms and kissing him intimately. “Oh, darling, you’re so right. Being together is more important than any ski trip. I’m so sorry. Will you forgive me?”
CHAPTER EIGHT (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)
“ELLEN,” RALPH ASKED. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she lied.
“Sure you are,” he mocked, sliding his arm around her waist and guiding her back to the dance floor. “I take it the blonde is Woman Number One?”
“You got it.” The anger was beginning to build inside her. “Beautiful, too, you’ll notice.”
“Well, you aren’t exactly chopped liver.”
She gave a small, mirthless laugh. “Nice of you to say so, but by comparison, I come in a poor second.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Then why can’t you take your eyes off Danielle?”
“Danielle. Hmm.” He looked away from the other woman and stared blankly into Ellen’s face. “Sorry.” For her part, Ellen instinctively turned her back on Reed, unable to bear the sight of him holding and kissing another woman.
“Someone must have got their wires crossed.”
“Like me,” Ellen muttered. She’d been an idiot to assume that Reed had meant anything by his invitation. He’d just needed someone to take to this party, and his first choice hadn’t been available. She was a substitute, and a second-rate one at that.
“What do you want to do?”
Ellen frowned, her thoughts fragmented. “I don’t know yet. Give me a minute to think.”
“You two could always fight for him.”
“The stronger woman takes the spoils? No, thanks.” Despite herself she laughed. It certainly would’ve created a diversion at this formal, rather staid party.
Craning his neck, Ralph peered over at the other couple. “Reed doesn’t seem too pleased to see her.”
“I can imagine. The situation’s put him in a bit of a bind.”
“I admit it’s unpleasant for you, but, otherwise, I’m enjoying this immensely.”
Who wouldn’t? The scene was just short of comical. “I thought you said Reed was a one-woman man.”
“I guess I stand corrected.”
Ellen was making a few corrections herself, revising some cherished ideas about Reed Morgan.
“I don’t suppose you’d consider staying with me for the rest of the evening?” Ralph suggested hopefully.
“Consider it? I’d say it’s the best offer I’ve had in weeks.” She might feel like a fool, but she didn’t plan to hang around looking like one.
Ralph nudged her and bent his head to whisper in her ear. “Reed’s staring at us. And like I said, he doesn’t seem pleased.”
With a determination born of anger and pride, she forced a smile to her lips and gazed adoringly up at Ralph. “How am I doing?” she asked, batting her lashes at him.
“Wonderful, wonderful.” He swung her energetically around to the beat of the music. “Uh-oh, here he comes.”
Reed weaved his way through the dancing couples and tapped Ralph on the shoulder. “I’m cutting in.”
Ellen tightened her grip on Reed’s colleague, silently pleading with him to stay. “Sorry, buddy, but Ellen’s with me now that your lady friend has arrived.”
“Ellen?” Reed’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her intently. The other couples were dancing around them and curiously watching the party of three that had formed in the center of the room.
She couldn’t remember ever seeing anyone look more furious than Reed did at this moment. “Maybe I’d better leave,” she said in a low, faltering voice.
“I’ll take you home,” Ralph offered, dropping his hand to her waist.
“You came with me. You’ll leave with me.” Reed grasped her hand, pulling her toward him.
“Obviously you were making provisions,” Ellen said, “on the off-chance Danielle showed up. How else did she get in here?”
“How am I supposed to know? She probably told the manager she was with me.”
“And apparently she is,” Ellen hissed.
“Maybe Reed and I should wrestle to decide the winner,” Ralph suggested, glancing at Ellen and sharing a comical grin.
Obviously, Reed saw no humor in the situation. Anger darkened his handsome face, and a muscle twitched in his jaw as the tight rein on his patience slipped.
Ralph withdrew his hand. “Go ahead and dance. It’s obvious you two have a lot to talk about.”
Reed took Ellen in his arms. “I suppose you’re furious,” he muttered.
“Have I got anything to be angry about?” she asked calmly. Now that the initial shock had worn off, she felt somewhat distanced from the whole predicament.
“Of course you do. But I want a chance to explain.”
“Don’t bother. I’ve got the picture.”
“I’m sure you don’t.”
Ellen stubbornly refused to look up at him, resisting for as long as she could, but eventually she gave in. “It doesn’t matter. Ralph said he’d take me home and—”
“I’ve already made my feelings on that subject quite clear.”
“Listen, Reed. Your Porsche seats two. Is Danielle supposed to sit on my lap?”
“She came uninvited. Let her find her own way home.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I certainly do.”
“You can’t humiliate Danielle like that.” Ellen didn’t mention how she felt. What was the point? “Don’t—”
“She deserves it,” he broke in.
“Reed, no.” Her hold on his forearm tightened. “This is unpleasant enough for all of us. Don’t compound it.”
The song ended and the music faded from the room. Reed fastened his hand on Ellen’s elbow, guiding her across the floor to where Danielle was standing with Ralph. The two of them were sipping champagne.
“Hello again,” Ellen began amicably, doing her utmost to appear friendly, trying to smooth over an already awkward situation.
“Hello.” Danielle stared at Ellen curiously, apparently not recognizing her.
“You remember Ellen Cunningham, don’t you?” Reed said.
“Not that college girl your brother’s renting a room to—” Danielle stopped abruptly, shock etched on her perfect features. “You’re Ellen Cunningham?”
“In the flesh.” Still trying to keep things light, she cocked her head toward Ralph and spoke stagily out of the side of her mouth, turning the remark into a farcical aside. “I wasn’t at my best when we met the first time.”
“You were fiddling around with that electrical outlet and Reed was horrified,” Danielle inserted, her voice completely humorless, her eyes narrowed assessingly. “You didn’t even look like a girl.”
“She does now.” Ralph beamed her a brilliant smile.
“Yes.” Danielle swallowed, her face puckered with concern. “She looks very...nice.”
“Thank you.” Ellen bowed her head.
“I’ve made a terrible mess of things,” Danielle continued, casually handing her half-empty glass to a passing waiter. “Reed mentioned the party weeks ago, and Mom and I had this ski party planned. I told him I couldn’t attend and then I felt guilty because Reed’s been so sweet, escorting me to all the charity balls.”
Ellen didn’t hear a word of explanation beyond the fact that Reed had originally asked Danielle to the party. The other woman had just confirmed Ellen’s suspicions, and the hurt went through her like a thousand needles. He’d invited her only because Danielle couldn’t attend.
“There’s no problem,” Ellen said in a bland voice. “I understand how these things happen. He asked you first, so you stay and I’ll leave.”
“I couldn’t do that,” Danielle murmured.
Reed’s eyes were saying the same thing. Ellen ignored him, and she ignored Danielle. Slipping her hand around Ralph’s arm, she looked up at him and smiled, silently thanking him for being her friend. “As I said, it’s not a problem. Ralph’s already offered to take me home.”
Reed’s expression was impassive, almost aloof, as she turned toward him. “I’m sure you won’t mind.”
“How understanding of you,” Danielle simpered, locking her arm around Reed’s.
“It’s better than hand-to-hand combat. I don’t really care for fighting.”
Danielle looked puzzled, while Ralph choked on a swallow of his drink, his face turning several shades of red as he struggled to hide his amusement. The only one who revealed no sense of humor was Reed, whose face grew more and more shadowed.
The band struck up a lively song and the dance floor quickly filled. “Come on, Reed,” Danielle said, her blue eyes eager. “Let’s dance.” She tugged at Reed’s hand and gave a little wriggle of her hips. “You know how much I love to dance.”
So Reed had done his share of dancing with Danielle—probably at all those charity balls she’d mentioned. Ellen had guessed as much and yet he’d tried to give her the impression that he rarely danced.
But noticing the stiff way Reed held himself now, Ellen could almost believe him.
Ralph placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get out of here.”
Watching Reed with Danielle in his arms was absurdly painful; her throat muscles constricted in an effort to hold back tears and she simply nodded.
“Since we’ll be skipping the banquet, shall we go have dinner somewhere?”
Ellen blinked. Dinner. “I’m not really hungry,” she said.
“Sure you’re hungry,” Ralph insisted. “We’ll stop at a nice restaurant before I drive you home. I know where Reed’s place is, so I know where you live. Don’t look so shocked. I figured it out from what you and Danielle were saying. But don’t worry, I understand—impoverished students sharing a house and all that. So, what do you say? We’ll have a leisurely dinner and get home two hours after Reed. That should set him thinking.”
Ellen didn’t feel in any mood to play games at Reed’s expense. “I’d rather not.”
Ralph’s jovial expression sobered. “You’ve got it bad.”
“I’ll be fine.”
He smiled. “I know you will. Come on, let’s go.”
The night that had begun with such promise had evaporated so quickly, leaving a residue of uncertainty and suspicion. As they neared the house, her composure gradually crumbled until she was nervously twisting the delicate strap of her evening bag over and over between her fingers. To his credit, Ralph attempted to carry the conversation, but her responses became less and less animated. She just wanted to get home and bury her head in her pillow.
By the time Ralph pulled up in front of the Capitol Hill house, they were both silent.
“Would you like to come in for coffee?” she asked. The illusion she’d created earlier of flippant humor was gone now. She hurt, and every time she blinked, a picture of Danielle dancing with Reed came to mind. How easy it was to visualize the other woman’s arms around his neck, her voluptuous body pressed against his. The image tormented Ellen with every breath she took.
“No, I think I’ll make it an early night.”
“Thank you,” she said affectionately. “I couldn’t have handled this without you.”
“I was happy to help. And, Ellen, if you want a shoulder to cry on, I’m available.”
She dropped her gaze to the tightly coiled strap of her bag. “I’m fine. Really.”
He patted her hand. “Somehow I don’t quite believe that.” Opening the car door, he came around to her side and handed her out.
On the top step of the porch, Ellen kissed his cheek. “Thanks again.”
“Good night, Ellen.”
“Night.” She took out her keys and unlocked the front door. Pushing it open, she discovered that the house was oddly dark and oddly deserted. It was still relatively early and she would’ve expected the boys to be around. But not having to make excuses to them was a blessing she wasn’t about to question.
As she removed her coat and headed for the stairs, she noticed the shadows bouncing around the darkened living room. She walked over to investigate and, two steps into the room, heard soft violin music.
Ellen stood there paralyzed, taking in the romantic scene before her. A bottle of wine and two glasses were set out on the coffee table. A fire blazed in the brick fireplace. And the music seemed to assault her from all sides.
“Derek,” she called out.
“All right, Pat and Monte. I know you’re here somewhere.”
“I’d suggest the three of you get rid of this...stuff before Reed comes home. He’s with Danielle.” With that, she marched up the stairs, uncaring if they heard her.
“With Danielle?” she heard a male voice shout after her.
“What happened?”
Ellen pretended not to hear.
* * *
THE MORNING SUN sneaked into her window, splashing the pillow where Ellen lay awake staring sightlessly at the ceiling. Sooner or later she’d have to get out of bed, but she couldn’t see any reason to rush the process. Besides, the longer she stayed up here, the greater her chances of missing Reed. The unpleasantness of facing him wasn’t going to vanish, but she might be able to postpone it for a morning. Although she had to wonder whether Reed was any more keen on seeing her than she was on seeing him. She could always kill time by dragging out her algebra books and studying for the exam—but that was almost as distasteful as facing Reed.
No, she decided suddenly, she’d stay in her room until she was weak with hunger. Checking her wristwatch, she figured that would be about another five minutes.
Someone knocked on her bedroom door. Sitting up, Ellen pulled the sheet to her neck. “Who is it?” she shouted, not particularly eager to talk to anyone.
Reed threw open the door and stalked inside. He stood in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips. “Are you planning to stay up here for the rest of your life?”
“The idea has distinct possibilities.” She glared back at him, her eyes flashing with outrage and ill humor. “By the way, you’ll note that I asked who was at the door. I didn’t say, ‘come in.’” Her voice rose to a mockingly high pitch. “You might have walked in on me when I was dressing.”
A smile crossed his mouth. “Is that an invitation?”
“Absolutely not.” She rose to a kneeling position, taking the sheets and blankets with her, and pointed a finger in the direction of the door. “Would you kindly leave? I’d like to get dressed.”
“Don’t let me stop you.”
“Reed, please,” she said irritably. “I’m not in any mood to talk to you.”
“I’m not leaving until we do.”
“Unfair. I haven’t had my cup of tea and my mouth feels like the bottom of Puget Sound.”
“All right,” he agreed reluctantly. “I’ll give you ten minutes.”
“How generous of you.”
“Considering my frame of mind since you walked out on me last night, I consider it pretty generous.”
“Walked out on you!” She flew off the bed. “That’s a bit much!”
“Ten minutes,” he repeated, his voice low.
The whole time Ellen was dressing, she fumed. Reed had some nerve accusing her of walking out on him. He obviously didn’t have any idea what it had cost her to leave him at that party with Danielle. He was thinking only of his own feelings, showing no regard for hers. He hadn’t even acknowledged that she’d swallowed her pride to save them all from an extremely embarrassing situation.
Four male faces met hers when she appeared in the kitchen. “Good morning,” she said with false enthusiasm.
The three boys looked sheepishly away. “Morning,” they droned. Each found something at the table to occupy his hands. Pat, who was holding his basketball, carefully examined its grooves. Monte read the back of the cereal box and Derek folded the front page of the paper, pretending to read it.

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The Road To Love: Love by Degree  The Rain Sparrow Debbie Macomber и Linda Goodnight
The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow

Debbie Macomber и Linda Goodnight

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Fall for these two beloved stories about life, love and second chances.Love by Degreeby Debbie MacomberWhen Ellen Cunningham decides to go back to school as a mature student, she knows that money is going to be tight. She also knows she′s lucky to find inexpensive lodging in a house near the campus, but she didn′t count on having to live with three college-aged boys–or deal with the bad-tempered landlord, Reed Morgan. Reed has no patience for college-boy antics, but the chemistry between him and Ellen might warm him up to his new tenants…The Rain Sparrowby Linda GoodnightRenowned yet private, thriller writer Hayden Winters lives a life colored by lies. As he is deeply ashamed of his past, his hunger for an honest relationship and dreams of starting a family remain unsatisfied, and he can trust no one with his secrets—until he meets Carrie Riley. When they discover a vulnerable young boy hiding at the inn where Hayden is staying, the two are compelled to help him, and soon they′re drawn into a centuries-old mystery that will either bring them closer together—or tear them apart.

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