When Opposites Attract...

When Opposites Attract...
Jules Bennett

When I want something, I find a way to make it mine.After a near-fatal accident, Hollywood hotshot Grant Carter never imagined returning to the equestrian world. But producing a movie about a racing dynasty means he has no choice. Luckily Tessa Barrington, star jockey, provides the distraction he needs–feisty attitude, stunning looks…and a surprising innocence he can't resist.Tessa won't give herself to just any man, especially a smooth-talking player like Grant. Once filming wraps, how can she trust he'll stick around? He's already keeping secrets. Besides, Tessa has her eye on bigger prizes…unless falling in love is the biggest prize of all, for both of them.

“City boy can’t handle the heat?”

Grant laughed. “Actually I thought you might need a break.”

“I don’t take breaks,” she told him, tilting her chin in defiance. “And a little heat never bothered me anyway.”

Unable to stop himself, he stepped forward and slid a stray hair behind her ear.

“Good to know you can handle activities that work up a sweat,” he murmured, mentally cursing himself for crossing into the carnal-thought territory.

Tessa reached up, put her hand in his and smiled. “You’re going to have to do better than that, Slick. Clever innuendos won’t work on me.”

“Oh, I’m just getting warmed up, Country. Throwing you off your guard is my main goal here.”

“I thought producing and directing this movie was your main goal.”

He leaned in, close enough to smell her musky scent, feel her warm breath on his face. “I’m an expert at multitasking..”

* * *

When Opposites Attract … is part of The Barrington Trilogy: Hollywood comes to horse country—and the Barrington family’s secrets are at the center of it all!

Dear Reader (#uf35e225b-0360-5666-b010-52872d0ddec3),

Welcome to the first installment of The Barrington Trilogy! If you’ve been following my Hollywood series, you will recognize many of the secondary characters in this trilogy. I’ve been plotting for a while how I could incorporate horses and Hollywood. Hey, why not film a movie around an iconic family? Throw in a little mischief and scandal and you’ve got a nice recipe for a juicy plot!

The Barringtons are a dynamic family in the horse-racing world, and with twists and turns and a grand surprise coming in book three, you won’t want to miss a moment of this family’s saga!

First up is the very beautiful, very detail-oriented jockey Tessa Barrington, who can’t help but fall for hunky Hollywood producer Grant Carter. But Grant has a demon from his past that threatens any relationship he wants to pursue.

So sit back and enjoy this journey as I introduce you to the Barringtons, who live on a grand horse farm in Virginia, the film crew who invade the estate and the secrets that are about to be uncovered.

Happy reading!


When Opposites Attract …

Jules Bennett

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

National bestselling author JULES BENNETT’s love of storytelling started when she would get in trouble as a child and would tell her parents her imaginary friends were to blame. Since then, her vivid imagination has taken her down a path she’d only dreamed of. And after twelve years of owning and working in salons, she hung up her shears to write full-time.

Jules doesn’t just write Happily Ever After, she lives it. Married to her high school sweetheart, Jules and her hubby have two little girls who keep them smiling. She loves to hear from readers! Contact her at authorjules@gmail.com (mailto:authorjules@gmail.com), visit her website, www.julesbennett.com (http://www.julesbennett.com), where you can sign up for her newsletter, or send her a letter at PO Box 396, Minford, OH 45653, USA. You can also follow her on Twitter and join her Facebook fan page.

This entire trilogy is for my amazing agent, Elaine Spencer, who, when I mentioned a horse series, said, “Horses? I’m more familiar with dogs, but go for it.” From one animal lover to another, thanks for holding my hand during this journey.

Also, a special thank-you to F. J. Thomas, my Twitter buddy who answered many questions regarding the world of horses and racing. Any mistakes are mine alone.


Cover (#uebfe6034-bb1c-530f-93c5-ad3c22bd6413)

Introduction (#uc948661c-cbd3-59ce-92f1-05ddac75ca88)

Dear Reader (#u649dacfe-4ddf-5a43-91e0-661a844d020f)

Title Page (#u3fb63e38-3f33-5c7d-8cff-64b557b581aa)

About the Author (#uc1099e81-8136-597b-bf40-7b956e8b2985)

Dedication (#u5b4fbece-7cf4-5912-8411-35a2f3040581)

Chapter One (#ulink_7bb79d03-b0f2-5983-9b5f-570450869bf9)

Chapter Two (#ulink_77668fdb-1969-5537-9064-5b7fa7a4b78a)

Chapter Three (#ulink_a62c736c-dc52-589d-b568-3d21879dcec5)

Chapter Four (#ulink_ade39fe8-0a0e-548e-b74c-4c0e920c8f88)

Chapter Five (#ulink_4d530a27-4bb7-527a-8032-4a15994b913c)

Chapter Six (#ulink_40041d3f-d7b8-543c-a86e-cd17795d4c56)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

One (#ulink_9dd2b5b9-7ec7-500f-a539-a68a87a1d6b3)

With a nice, round backside greeting him as he stepped over the threshold of the fancy stables, Grant Carter was more certain than ever that accepting this film project was not only a chance of a lifetime, it was a gift from God.

He might be looking to settle down and calm his ways, but to ignore the perfection displayed before him would be a sin. Besides, Grant knew his place, and he hadn’t worked this hard in Hollywood to blow it just because temptation seemed to be glaring right in his face. Literally.

Temptation would have to wait, because producing a film revolving around horse-racing icon Damon Barrington was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up...no matter the nightmares that followed him here.

The shapely woman in front of him might be a slight distraction, but that’s all she could be. The new clause typed up in his contract had been reinforced before his arrival at Stony Ridge. Apparently, fraternizing with anyone involved in this film was a no-no. Shame, that.

Besides, even without the clause, nothing could cripple him more than being thrust back into the world of horses. But he could compartmentalize and he could be a professional on set. He simply couldn’t let personal conflicts pass the barrier he’d built around his heart.

Grant eyed the round bottom hugged by tight black riding pants. Damn clause and personal demons.

The familiar smells of the straw, the feed, the leather saddles; the sight of beautiful Thoroughbreds... The combination brought back memories—memories that had no place in his life. Especially now.

Concentrate on the backside. A body like that could surely cure all ails. Even if she was off-limits, he had already taken a mental picture to fuel fantasies.

“Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can find Tessa Barrington?” he asked, carefully stepping farther into the stables, straw crunching beneath his new boots.

The petite, yet curvy woman stood up, turned and slid the vibrant red ponytail back over her shoulder. And he’d be a complete liar if he tried to deny the punch to the gut he felt when those sapphire eyes landed on him. In an instant, he wondered how many times she’d used those intriguing eyes to lure a man into her clutches.

Between the body and the face, she was a stunner, but he wouldn’t be as clichéd as to say so. No doubt she had men falling all over her, and he refused to be so predictable.

“Are you the producer?” she asked, setting aside the brush she’d been using on the horse.

“One of them. Grant Carter.” He closed the gap between them and extended his hand.

“I’m Tessa.”

Surprise slid through him, but he prevented himself from dropping his jaw...just barely. So, he’d been admiring the beautiful jockey. Interesting.

When she propped her hands on her slender waist, just above her flared hips, he nearly swallowed his tongue. That sweet little package all wrapped in denim and plaid? Who knew he had a thing for country girls? Of course, Tessa Barrington was hardly just a country girl. This woman put the fear of God in most male jockeys, trainers and owners, if rumor served correctly.

“My father said you’d be arriving today.” She gripped his hand, her gaze sliding down to his feet. “Pretty shiny boots you got there, Slick. We’ll have to scuff those up a bit.”

He couldn’t help but smile at her piercing glare, her judgmental words. A woman who didn’t hold back and wasn’t throwing herself at him? He liked her already.

When she pulled her hand from his, Grant hated how such delicate features had calluses on them, but he knew this jockey took her lifestyle seriously. She didn’t get to be the number-one contender in the country by sitting on the sidelines sipping mint juleps and wearing oversize hats.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he told her, offering a smile. “I have to say, you’re quite impressive.”

A perfectly sculpted brow lifted as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts.

Grant laughed. “That didn’t come out right.”

Seriously? Was he in high school and suddenly unable to form an intelligent sentence?

“What I meant to say was I’m impressed with your talents.”

Damn it. Nothing was working for him right now.

“I’m assuming you mean because of my racing,” she replied, her brow still raised.

Relieved that she’d let him off the hook, he tilted his head. “I know you have a busy schedule—”

“It’s beyond busy, Mr. Carter.”

“Call me Grant,” he told her, cutting off that curt tone. “We’ll be spending a great deal of time together over the next couple of weeks.”

Tessa turned, picked up the brush and stepped back into the stall with the stud. “Mr. Carter—”

“Grant,” he reminded her with a grin.

Her eyes darted to his, then back to the horse she’d been brushing. “Mr. Carter, my schedule is pretty tight. I came up with a spreadsheet so you can see when I’m practicing, when I’m working in the stables and when I have time blocked off for you. Your area on the sheet is green. I would like to stick to this spreadsheet, but if you have other engagements during our time, I can attempt to rework it.”

Grant tried his hardest not to burst out laughing. She was starting to sound like his oh-so-organized twin sister...or at least how he remembered his sister before her accident.

Seeing as how Tessa still hadn’t shown a hint of a smile, he assumed she was dead serious. Wow, this woman would be tough to crack. He loved a challenge, but something told him she wanted nothing to do with this movie. Most people would be thrilled to know Hollywood wanted to make a film around their life and on their property. The majority of the women he knew would give their entire shoe collection to be associated with a Bronson Dane movie with Max Ford as lead actor.

Grant watched as Tessa stroked the horse’s mane with precision and care. This woman was obviously not impressed with him or this film. She seemed to be in her own world of details and structure, from the spreadsheet to her perfectly placed low ponytail. He had a feeling the beautiful Tessa Barrington rarely had her feathers ruffled.

And he’d so love to ruffle her. But beyond coproducing this film, he couldn’t get swept back into the world that had ruined his family’s life. He had to keep any personal emotions off this set. His next goal, of starting his own production company, was within reach, and he’d be damned if he’d let his guilt and fear hold him back.

“When is my first time slot, Tessa?” he asked, propping his hands on his hips as he took a step back from the open stall. “My team will be arriving in a month, and I plan on outlining the sites for the order of filming after I visit all the locations. But I’m flexible. I’ll work around you.”

With perfect ease, she turned, tapped the brush against her palm and tipped her head. “I know my father agreed to have me help you, but my racing has and always will come first. I should make it clear I’m not happy about this film and I don’t endorse any part of it.”

Grant couldn’t help but grin. Apparently Tessa wasn’t a fan of having her work disrupted. Actually, she was a refreshing change from the women who stumbled over themselves to get his attention because of his celebrity status and his bank account. Tessa was obviously impressed with neither, which only made her even more intriguing.

“I understand you’re a busy woman,” he repeated, hoping to use a little charm to get on her good side. “I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.”

“I only agreed to let you shadow me because I refuse for this film to be anything but accurate. I don’t want my father’s life spun into something ugly or devious.”

Interesting. Clearly, Tessa had had an unpleasant experience somewhere along the way, and now Grant was in her path of anger. Lovely. Nothing like spending the next month working closely with a bitter woman.

“I will make sure this movie is done to everyone’s satisfaction and is the best film we can produce,” he promised.

“Looks like we’ll both be getting our way, then,” she said with a tight smile.

Both get their way? His eyes roamed over her delicate frame. Oh, the possibilities. Slipping that tight ponytail down would be the first. Unbuttoning her stiff shirt would be next.

And making use of that empty stall would be another.

Yeah, this would definitely be a long month.

* * *

Tessa knew when a man was attracted; she wasn’t stupid. And in all honesty, she found this hotshot producer pretty sexy, but she’d built up an immunity to sexy, smooth talkers.

Besides, the last guy who’d captured her attention was a city boy through and through. His polished shoes, designer suits and perfectly coiffed hair hadn’t bothered her. What bothered her was when he’d decided to use her name and finances to further his small-business venture.

There was no way Tessa would let herself get sidelined by some captivating, powerful stranger from Hollywood just because he made her heart beat a bit quicker with that one-sided smile and those heavy-lidded eyes.

Most twenty-five-year-old women were getting married and having babies. Tessa opted to chase her own set of dreams—the Triple Crown.

There was no time for serious relationships when she lived in a stable, training most hours of the day. And she most definitely thought more of herself than to let go of her innocence for a quickie.

Besides, she’d learned the hard way how cruel relationships could be and how the word trust meant different things to different people.

“I need to take Oliver out for a ride,” she told Grant, hoping he’d take those sultry eyes and be on his way for now. “I assumed when Dad said you’d arrive today, it would be later, so I had blocked out a two hour window for you after lunch.”

He checked his watch. “I can come back, but it may help if I have that spreadsheet, so I know when not to disturb you.”

Tessa sighed. He was mocking her. That was fine; she was used to it. But the last guy who’d decided to make a joke of her had found himself out one girlfriend and a whole lot of pride by the time she’d finished with him. Of course, his mocking had come on a whole other, more painful level.

She moved to the next stall, where Oliver, her beautiful Thoroughbred, waited for his warm-up. Oliver wasn’t her racing horse. No, he was her baby, and she loved him as dearly as she would her own child. He was a bit finicky, a bit hyper some might say, but Tessa and he understood each other. And they pretty much both loathed outsiders.

“I’ll bring that spreadsheet to our meeting,” she told Grant as she slid open the stall. Oliver, restless as usual, started his bucking dance, his way of letting her know he was more than ready to go. “I can meet you back here in two hours—”

One second she was talking and the next she was in Grant’s arms. She hadn’t seen him move, but suddenly he was pulling her away from the opening in the stall.

“What are you doing?” she asked, looking up into the most impressive set of dark, near-black eyes.

Grant stood frozen, his arms wrapped around her, his eyes now wide and focused on Oliver. With his attention not directly on her, she could take a moment to appreciate the strong jawline beneath the dark stubble, the tanned skin, his firm grip on her, giving her the opportunity to learn that he had fabulous muscle tone beneath that new gray flannel shirt.

And he smelled so damn good. Perhaps she was just glad to be inhaling something other than hay and horse poop, but Grant Carter’s aftershave, cologne or the combination of both was masculine, strong and sexy...just like the man.

“Grant?” she asked, sliding from his grasp.

His gaze went from the stallion to her and held, before he shook his head as if to focus.

“He jumped when you started to step in,” Grant told her, taking a step back and raking a hand through his short, messy hair. “I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

Still confused at his overreaction, but a little touched by his instant ride to the rescue, Tessa crossed her arms. “Hurt? I won’t get hurt tending to the horses, Grant. Oliver is always like this. That’s why I’m the only one who handles him.”

Grant shrugged. “My apologies. I’m just not used to horses.”

She tilted her head, still trying to get a feel for this newcomer into her world. “Are you going to be okay on this set?”

“I’m fine.” He sent her another killer, knee-weakening smile. “I didn’t want you hurt, that’s all.”

The way those dark eyes held hers, and the soft, yet firm tone of his voice washed over her like a warm, protective blanket. She didn’t want to feel anything for this man. But that protective streak, and an underlying secret vulnerability, made him even more attractive in her eyes.

“I don’t think that’s all,” she commented, calling him out on whatever seemed to cripple him. “I don’t want to be rude, but you are working on a film about horses. Shouldn’t you know something about them?”

That sexy smile spread wider across his face as Grant eased forward with a slow, easy stride any cowboy would envy. But this man was from L.A., the city of sin and silicone. If it weren’t for the newly purchased clothes, which were so fresh looking they might as well have the tags dangling, Tessa would swear he lived on a farm.

But he was in the film industry. He probably always looked the part. Appearances were everything to shallow people.

Grant stopped when the tips of their boots nearly touched, and she had to either stare at the way his dark gray flannel stretched across his firm pecs, or glance up and meet that dark gaze. Either body part would tempt a nun, and Tessa was finding it hard to remember what she was saying when he towered over her and looked straight down into her eyes as if he could see her deepest secrets.

She’d been tempted before in her twenty-five years, but never this fast, this hard. Tessa feared she might be in over her head with Grant Carter because they’d been in each other’s presence for mere moments, which was barely a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things.

“Learning all about horses is why I have you. I’ve waited years to get a project of this caliber.” His eyes roamed over her face, from her eyes to her lips and back up. “And when I want something, I find a way to make it mine.”

Why did those arrogant words hold such promise? And why did she delight in the way chills raced over her body?

Had she not learned her lesson? Pretty words and attractive men were all around her in this industry. She’d been naive enough to fall for a smooth talker, had nearly taken his ring while dreaming about their future. She wouldn’t make that mistake twice.

And she certainly had no room for overeager hormones. She had races to win and titles to collect. Nothing could come between her and her goal...not even if it was wrapped in chiseled muscle and a white-knight attitude.

But she couldn’t deny the man tempted her more in these few moments than her ex had in the months they’d been together.

Tessa was proud she still had her virginity. Some women might be embarrassed by the fact, but she felt that was just another layer of her strong will. And a promise to her late mother.

But Grant did make her hyperaware of desires she’d never fully engaged in.

Good grief, why did she have sex on the brain? She’d just met this man, but those broad shoulders and mesmerizing eyes, combined with his protective streak, made all her lonely girlie parts perk up and wonder exactly what she was missing out on.

“I’m not interested in anything other than my racing and my horses,” she told him, damning her voice when it didn’t sound as strong as she’d wanted. “Don’t waste your fancy charms on me.”

One corner of Grant’s mouth lifted in a mocking smile. “Oh, my fancy charms aren’t going to waste, Tessa. You’re just as attracted as I am. It’s natural to see a beautiful person and allow your mind to wander into fantasy. There’s no need to deny the facts.”

Tessa laughed, took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest again. “If your ego is going to be the third wheel, we may have to adjust the spreadsheet to accommodate. But I’m afraid my time can’t be stretched so thin, so check it at the door, Slick.”

Grant laughed and, damn him, she just knew if she was going to lie around him, she’d have to be more convincing. There was no way she could let her guard down, or she’d find herself falling directly into his seductive, high-class world.

Two (#ulink_ee927b8b-0d6c-5333-ac30-450d415eac2c)

The wide, curved staircase leading up to the second-story balcony overlooking the entryway would be the perfect place to shoot the opening scene. Grant wanted to begin the movie with the early years of Damon and Rose Barrington, and since this home was the focal point for their family, this would be where they began.

Taking mental notes as he walked through the main house at Stony Ridge Acres, Grant could already picture Max Ford, the lead in the film, leaning over the balcony, watching two little girls frolic in the open floor plan.

Of course, Max was playing the younger version of Damon Barrington, when he had first started making a name for himself on the racing scene.

Grant couldn’t help but smile at the image of a young Tessa running through the house, which had been handed down to Damon from his own father. Even as a child, Tessa probably had had the whole family on a tight schedule, from lunch breaks to riding times.


Turning toward the wide side hallway, Grant smiled as he moved through the open foyer to greet Damon. The tall, thin man with silver hair had a presence about him that demanded attention and respect. Grant was more than happy to devote both, considering this film would take him to the next level of his career plan.

Directing had always been a passion. Grant loved the up close and personal contact with the actors, loved the level of trust they built with each other.

But now he was ready to take that next step, and coproducing this film would only add another monumental layer onto what he’d already attained.

“I apologize for not being here when you arrived,” Damon said, slapping him on the back. “I trust you found Tessa in the stables?”

Bent over, looking sexier than she had a right to.

“I did,” Grant confirmed, keeping his carnal thoughts to himself. “I’m meeting her in a bit to go over a few preliminary questions. She has a schedule for me.”

Damon’s robust laughter filled the foyer. “That girl. If she’s not on a horse, she’s at her computer with color-coded schedules.”

That woman needed to relax, and Grant fantasized about making that happen during his month-long stay here on the estate before his team arrived. Of course, he had to maintain his professional manner because of that clause he was growing to hate more and more.

Stupid “no fraternizing” section. He’d had one slipup a few years ago. Okay, so he and the makeup artist had drunk a bit too much and had made headlines, but that was in the past. Yet he was still paying for his sins.

And he refused to get in deeper than lust. Tessa was sexy as hell, but her world and his did not and could not mesh.

Besides, he wasn’t ready to settle down. In the future he wanted to have a family, but right now he didn’t have the time. No reason he couldn’t get Tessa to relax a little and enjoy herself, however. They would have weeks together, and he didn’t intend to spend them looking at his watch and checking some damn spreadsheet to see when he could take a bathroom break.

Flirting while he was here would help him keep his mind off his real issues.

“Apparently my allotted times are in green, but I’ve yet to see the schedule.”

Damon sighed, raked a hand over his face. “She is her mother’s daughter. My late wife had labels on everything, each day scheduled to the minute. Used to drive me insane.”

“I’m hoping when Lily arrives for the filming, the two of you can talk,” Grant said, referring to the A-list actress playing the role of Rose Barrington in the early years. “She’s been studying your wife’s biography and looking at the pictures you supplied, but I know it will help to have a firsthand account from you.”

“I look forward to speaking with her.” Damon beamed. “I still can’t believe a movie is being made of my career and life.”

“You’re a remarkable man, Damon, and you can’t deny you have an incredible dynasty here. Not only did you win the Triple Crown, you now have a famous daughter who is a jockey and another daughter who is a trainer. Everything in one perfect family. Some may say you’re the luckiest man in the industry.”

“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Damon corrected with a slight grin. “Life is all skill and patience. Remember that and nothing can stop you.”

Grant had a feeling there was so much more to this man than racing and owning a prestigious horse farm. While those elements were key, Grant got a true sense of family loyalty here. Besides the countless framed pictures hanging along the walls in each room, celebrating various family milestones, Grant had seen the pride in Damon’s eyes when discussing his girls, and that same pride and protection in Tessa’s eyes when she talked of her father.

Being part of this film thrilled Grant more than he’d originally thought. Family meant everything to him...which was why he could never face his sister again after ruining her life.

Shaking off the haunting memory, Grant focused on the film. When Anthony Price and Bronson Dane had first approached him, he couldn’t say yes fast enough. The big break he’d been working for, fighting for, was finally here, and he wouldn’t let anything stand in his way...even a beautiful, sexy jockey. She might be totally opposed to this film, but she really had no say over the matter.

Of course, she could make these next several weeks difficult, but he’d find a way to crack her outer shell. She might be immune to his charm, but she was attracted. He’d seen the way her eyes widened, the pulse at the base of her throat sped up, and more than once he’d seen her gaze dip to his lips.

Yeah, she was cracking already.

“Listen, I’ve got to head out and meet a man I’m thinking of hiring on as a groom. But I shouldn’t be gone too long.” Damon checked his phone, then slid it back into his pocket. “Please, make this your home. Look anywhere you like, and Tessa can show you around the grounds. I assume you got your stuff into the guesthouse?”

“I did,” Grant replied. “I appreciate the use of it. Though I’d be perfectly content in a hotel until the on-site trailers arrive.”

Damon waved a hand. “Nonsense. We have two extra guesthouses, other than the one my oldest daughter, Cassie, and her baby live in. They’re a bit on the small side, but they’re better than any hotel or trailer.”

On that Grant would agree.

“I’ll be back later if you need me, but I imagine Tessa will have everything under control.”

Laughing, he nodded. “I have no doubt.”

When the elderly man walked out the front door, Grant continued his stroll around the house. He’d been through it before, but now he was looking at even finer things and really thinking of each scene, each facet of Damon’s life.

Several scenes would be shot at various horse parks before and during the races, but he would mainly stay here, directing the shots from the estate. Bronson and Anthony would be more on location, traveling with their wives and kids.

Bronson Dane and Anthony Price were half brothers and a force to be reckoned with in the film industry. And Grant was beyond thrilled they’d asked him to coproduce this movie about the Barrington dynasty.

Glancing at his watch, he noted he had about five minutes until his scheduled time, so he headed out the front door and toward the stables. Wouldn’t want to be late and have to be rescheduled to—gasp—the yellow slot.

Grant smiled as he walked across the lawn, calculating all the ways he could throw off Ms. Spreadsheet. How could he not want to have a little fun with this? People who were that uptight missed out on all the joy in life.

He totally understood the need to be serious, when the time called for such actions, but wasn’t life supposed to be fun and enjoyable? A spreadsheet for daily life? Who actually lived that way?

Tessa stepped from a stall just as he came to the entrance. Sliding her hands into the pockets of her very slim, hip-hugging, mouthwatering riding pants, she headed toward him.

“Punctual,” she said, closing the gap between them. “I think we’ll get along just fine.”

Grant allowed his eyes to roam over her face. A fine mist of sweat covered her flushed skin, and damp tendrils of hair clung to her forehead where her riding helmet had rested.

“Why don’t we go inside, get some water and talk?” he suggested.

Tessa crossed her arms over her chest and offered a smile that flashed a dimple just to the right of her full lips. “City boy can’t handle the heat?”

He laughed. “Actually, I thought you may need a break.”

“I don’t take breaks,” she told him, tilting her chin in defiance. “And a little heat never bothers me.”

Unable to stop himself, he stepped forward and slid a stray lock of hair behind her ear, letting his hand linger a bit at the side of her face. Tessa’s swift intake of breath pleased him. He had a feeling nothing much set her off her game.

“Good to know you can handle activities that work up a sweat,” he murmured, mentally cursing himself for crossing into carnal-thought territory. Thoughts led to actions, and he didn’t have the time or the authority for such shenanigans.

Tessa reached up, put her hand in his and smiled. “You’re going to have to do better than that, Slick. Clever innuendos won’t work on me.”

Grant couldn’t help but grin. “Oh, I’m just getting warmed up, Country. Throwing you off your guard is my main goal here.”

Keeping her eyes on his, Tessa tilted her head. “I thought producing and directing this movie was your main goal.”

He leaned in, close enough to smell her musky scent, feel her warm breath on his face. “I’m an expert at multitasking.”

She patted his cheek as if he were a little kid, and laughed. “It’s good to have goals, Slick. Now, what do you say about grabbing some lunch? Your two-hour time slot just narrowed down to an hour and fifty minutes.”

She sauntered around him, while Grant stood there looking like a complete moron as he watched the sexy sway of her hips in those taut riding pants.

But from the heat he’d seen pass through her eyes, and that frantic pulse at the base of her throat, he knew she wasn’t unaffected by him.

This project had just got a whole lot more interesting.

Three (#ulink_d3f3c02e-d36c-50d6-a1ac-0a64f8b94610)

Tessa let herself in the back door of her father’s home and nearly wept at the refreshing, cool air that enveloped her.

She’d gotten overheated outside, though her rising body temperature had nothing to do with the unseasonably warm spring day and everything to do with the hotshot city slicker who thought he could get under her skin. And if she didn’t get some distance, he just might.

A whole month? She’d spent only a few minutes with the potent man and he’d pretty much touched every single female nerve she had. How on earth could she survive a month of Mr. Tall, Dark and Tempting?

The last thing she wanted was to, well...want him. Wasn’t he technically the enemy? At least in her world. Sexy, fast with the seductive words and lingering glances...

The thought of this movie, of being thrust into the media, made her stomach churn. And there was no way she could be blindsided by another charmer, who was probably used to women trailing after him, hoping for a sliver of his affection.

She dealt with enough media, being a female jockey and Damon Barrington’s daughter to boot. But a movie was a whole new level of limelight she really didn’t want to enter into.

And she’d had enough types like her smarmy ex to last several lifetimes.

As Tessa grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, the door behind her opened and closed. She straightened and turned to see Grant leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his wide chest, his eyes on her. Those eyes visually sampled her, and Tessa refused to enjoy the shudder rippling through her.

“Water?” she asked, holding up the bottle.

“No, thanks. What hours do you put into riding?”

Horse talk. Much safer ground.

Uncapping the bottle, she took a hefty drink. “Waking hours. But right now, I also tend each horse and clean stalls, until Dad hires a new groom. There’s always work to be done. I’m at the stables from morning till night. And on the nights I can’t sleep, I come over and ride to relax. I’ve been known to sleep in the barn.”

“You live close, then?” he asked.

Tessa nodded. “My property is the next one over, but it’s not near as big a spread as this. All of my horses are here.”

“Your dad mentioned your sister lives in a guesthouse.”

“Cassie and her baby live here.” Tessa rested her elbows on the granite island and squeezed her bottle. “She moved back onto the estate when her jerk husband left her, right after Emily was born.”

A muscle in Grant’s jaw ticked. “Not much of a man, leaving his wife and baby.”

Tessa warmed at his matter-of-fact statement. “On that we can agree. And since her ex was the previous groom, we obviously need a new one.”

“A female trainer and jockey,” Grant murmured. He held her gaze and smiled. “Isn’t that very unusual?”

This was a common question from people outside the racing world. “Yes, but we’re both good at what we do. There was a time not too long ago when women weren’t allowed to be trainers. My dad used to tell stories about how he’d sneak women into the stables early in the mornings, to help train his stock. He swore they were better for a horse’s demeanor, because men tend to be harsher, more competitive.”

Grant shifted his weight, leaning against the counter as if processing all she threw at him. “I read that in his bio. That’s quite intriguing, actually.”

Intriguing? Tessa didn’t want him using that word when he was staring at her with such intensity. Did the man ever blink? Or just mesmerize women with that heavy-lidded gaze?

“Cassie is the best trainer I’ve ever seen,” she told him, circling the conversation back to the reason for this little meeting.

“She’s older than you, right?” Grant asked.

“By three years.”

“She never had the itch to become a jockey?”

Tessa nearly laughed. Cassie was so gentle, so nurturing. She was much better left in the stables, where she could tend to the horses...many of which needed her gentle touch.

“No. She’s more a behind-the-scenes type.” Tessa took another drink of her water before replacing the cap. “My dad taught us every aspect of the racing industry. I was practically raised in a saddle. Cassie is more delicate. She’s perfect as a trainer. Me, on the other hand, I love the fast-paced adrenaline rush of the race.”

Grant smirked as he moved closer, stopping and resting his elbow on the counter beside her. “I wouldn’t think such a perfectionist, and someone who holds on to their control the way you do, would be such a fanatic about adrenaline rushes.”

Tessa turned her head, cursing herself when those dark eyes shot a shiver of arousal through her. “I have several layers, Slick. Don’t try to uncover too many at once.”

A corner of his mouth lifted, and she found herself staring at his dark stubble. How would that feel beneath her hand...her lips? Why was she letting him get to her? There were so many things she needed to focus on right now, and the feel of a man’s facial hair was nowhere on her list. Yet her skin still tingled, and she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she actually touched that dark stubble.

“I’d like to uncover as many layers as possible,” he murmured.

How did this man come onto the scene, literally hours ago, and already have such power over her heart rate?

“You sound hesitant,” she told him, holding his stare, refusing to be intimidated. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Grant laughed. “There’s a small annoyance in my contract.”

Tessa stood straighter, bothered that even with him leaning on the counter, she was shorter than him. Being petite was an advantage and requirement for a jockey, but right now she wished for a few more inches.

“Something in your contract?” she asked with a grin. “And what does it say? No flirting or charming while filming?”

“More like no seducing while filming,” he corrected, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

Tessa swallowed hard. She was quickly drowning in deep waters. “Seducing? Is that what you are trying to do?”

His eyes dropped to her mouth, then moved back up to meet her gaze. “Oh, if I was seducing you, you’d know. Flirting is harmless, isn’t it?”

Was it? She wasn’t so sure anything about Grant Carter was harmless. Not his dark eyes, not his naughty grin and certainly not his smooth words, which washed over her, through her, like a breeze on a warm summer day.

In no time he had sent shivers down her spine, made her smile, attempted a rescue and had her questioning why she was hanging on to her virginity. None of that had happened with the last guy she’d dated and considered marrying.

The timing couldn’t be worse. Between the film and the upcoming races, she just didn’t have time to wonder why Fate had decided to dangle this all too alluring man in front of her.

And why she had to be so attracted to someone with the exact qualities of the jerk she’d just dumped a few months ago? Had she not learned her lesson when he’d tried to exploit her and when that failed, he’d tried to ruin her career, just so she’d be forced to marry him and move to some overpopulated, confining city? Had he honestly thought she’d hand over money for him to get his newfound business off the ground? If he had truly loved her, respected her career, she would’ve gladly supported him in any way. But he’d laid down ultimatums, and in the end Tessa had pointed him back to that city he loved so much.

She thanked God every day that she hadn’t tumbled into bed with him. She’d assumed they were getting married, and she’d wanted to make their honeymoon special.

Thankfully, she’d made a promise to her mother to wait for real love and marriage.

“Do we need to add that to the spreadsheet?” he asked.

She shook off thoughts of her ex and met Grant’s hard stare. “What’s that?”

That wicked grin of his widened, deepening his dimples. “Flirting. Is that something you need to figure in, or should I add that into my two-hour time slot? I am a master at multitasking, you know.”

“So you’ve mentioned before.”

“I think I’ll keep my two hours to work, and throw in a little flirting when you least expect it.”

Had the heat kicked on in here? Tessa resisted the urge to undo a button on her shirt for some extra air. She also refused to rub her damp palms along her pants. She would not give Grant the satisfaction of knowing he was getting to her.

“So I need to be ready for you at any time?” she asked, forcing her eyes to remain locked on his.

“Ready? You could never be ready, Country.”

She studied his tanned face, his chocolate eyes beneath thick brows. “Why is it I have a feeling you have a problem with controlling your hormones?”

“Oh, I can control them,” he assured her. “Because if I couldn’t, I would’ve already kissed you.”

That simple declaration weakened her knees. She leaned back against the counter and took a deep breath. If she couldn’t avoid the roller coaster of emotions, she may as well enjoy the ride.

“Then it’s a good thing you have control, because kissing me would be a mistake.”

Yeah, that was a gauntlet she knew he’d pick up. Why was she flirting, purposely provoking him? She did not have time for this. Beyond that, she didn’t like him—or didn’t want to like him—and she sure as hell didn’t like this whole movie idea. But there was nothing she could do about it at this point.

Damn, she was attracted, and she hated every blasted nerve that sizzled for him.

“That so?” Holding that mesmerizing smile, he inched closer and whispered, “And why would kissing be a mistake?”

“For one thing, I’m not comfortable with this movie.”

His lips turned up slightly. “Anything else?”

“I don’t have time. In case you’re unaware of how the season works, I’m gearing up for the first of many races, which I hope will lead me down the path to the coveted Triple Crown.”

“I don’t think a kiss would throw off your rigorous routine.” He laughed, still continuing to invade her personal space. “And I’m more than aware of how the season works. I did thorough research for this film.”

“You don’t seem like the type of guy who would do thorough research on anything,” she retorted. “You seem too laid-back.”

In a flash, his hands came up, framed her face, and he had her all but bent over onto the island. The hard planes of his body molded against hers. Sweat trickled between her shoulder blades as she waited to see what he would do. And that wait only made her more aware of just how sexy, how powerful this man was. Her breath caught in her throat as his face hovered mere inches from hers.

“Baby, I’m thorough...with everything.”

His mouth slid over hers, and Tessa was glad she was wedged between his hard body and the counter, or she would’ve withered to the floor. The full-on attack sent shivers through her entire being, affecting areas never touched.

And there it was. That click. A click of something so perfect sliding into place, but Tessa couldn’t focus on it because Grant was consuming every bit of her thoughts, her body, with one single kiss.

He coaxed her lips apart with his tongue, leaving her no choice but to accept him. How could a kiss be felt in your entire body? Such a simple act sent tremors racing one after the other through her.

A slight groan escaped her as Tessa gripped his thick biceps.

Before she could revel in the sensations sweeping through her overheated body, Grant lifted his head, met her gaze and smiled.

“Sorry. Guess I can’t control my hormones.”

“What about that clause?” she asked, cursing her breathless tone.

That sultry grin spread across his face. “I didn’t come close to violating the clause.”

Grant walked out the back door, and it took Tessa a moment to realize that she still had over an hour left in the time she’d allotted for him. And she hadn’t given him his copy of the spreadsheet.

With a sigh, she sank onto the nearest bar stool and came to a conclusion. Grant Carter had caught her off guard, and he’d been right. She would never be ready for him.

Four (#ulink_e739537c-bc54-510d-9fd0-756a5d33bcf7)

Grant glanced at the spreadsheet on the kitchen counter in the guest cottage he was staying in. Although “cottage” was a loose term for the two thousand square foot home, complete with patio overlooking the stables and a massive walk-in shower in the master suite.

As he raked his eyes over the colorful paper, he took another sip of the strong coffee he’d just made. Little Miss Country Organizer would be pissed. He was already five minutes late...which may or may not have been on purpose.

Of course, she’d given him the spreadsheet a day late, so it wasn’t as if she had a leg to stand on in her defense.

Yesterday, after he’d lost control and kissed her, he’d walked around on his own, and by the time he returned to his guest cottage, she’d taped the schedule to the front door.

But in defense of his tardiness today, he’d had an early-morning call from Bronson Dane regarding a hiccup in the crew’s plans for arrival, and he’d had to deal with that. Grant took another sip of the coffee and placed the half-full cup back on the counter. No time to finish it, and he had a feeling Tessa wouldn’t care about his excuse for being late.

Why did he feel as if he was heading to the principal’s office? She was a grown woman, she had no control over him and he wasn’t going to get suspended. So why get all wrapped up in the details of a color-coded piece of paper?

Grabbing the house key and shoving it into his jean’s pocket, Grant headed out the door and made his way toward the massive two-story stables. The stone building, with its dark wood trim and weathered wooden doors, would make an impressive backdrop for many scenes. It suggested power and wealth, much like the great Barrington patriarch himself.

When Grant stepped over the threshold, he saw Tessa heading toward the opening of the stables atop a Thoroughbred. Without a word, he stood still and admired the scene, both as a producer and as a man.

She had her dark red hair pulled in that low ponytail again. The crimson strands slid back and forth as her body shifted in the saddle. Her simple white shirt was tucked into jeans that looked perfectly worn in all the right spots. Grant’s palms literally ached to feel those slim hips beneath them. For someone so petite and delicate looking, she had curves that would make any man drop to his knees and beg for anything and everything she was willing to give.

“Are you just going to stand there or are you coming in?” she asked without turning around.

He couldn’t help but smile. “I’m actually observing right now.”

Throwing a glance over her shoulder, Tessa quirked a brow. “Observing the barn structure or my rear end?”

Unable to stop himself, Grant laughed. “I was taking in all the structures.”

“Are you going to make an excuse as to why you’re late?”

Grant shrugged as he moved along the side of the aisle and closed the gap between them. “Do you care about an excuse?”


“Then I won’t offer one.”

“Perfect.” Taking the lead line, she moved the Thoroughbred toward the open door to the riding ring. “I assumed you weren’t coming, and I was going to take Romeo out for a run. But if you want to talk, I’ll put him up.”

Grant didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to ask questions. He found himself wanting to watch her work, watch how she moved so gracefully and efficiently. The woman had a rare talent, and she was so damn beautiful. Stunning women were everywhere in L.A., but the majority in the circles he ran in were surgically enhanced. None had that porcelain skin, deep blue eyes, a cute little dimple and dark red hair. None of them wore cowboy boots with body-hugging jeans and Western shirts. And none challenged him the way Tessa did.

For once in his life, he was the pursuer.

“I’m ready to work if you are,” he told her.

She turned the beautiful horse around, dismounted and led him back to his stall.

After her saddle was back on the wall, she took a brush and started grooming the animal in large, circular strokes. “Romeo is going to learn to race. His father was a winner, and I can’t wait to see him fly.”

There was love in her tone, Grant noted. “How long will he train before he can race?”

“Cassie’ll have him ready to go next year. He’s not quite there yet.”

With ease and care, she moved around to the other side and repeated her motions. Her delicate hands were so gentle, and if he’d stop fantasizing about those hands on him, Grant might actually concentrate on the fact he was here to do a job.

The world of racing and horses was certainly glamorous to some, but not to him. Nothing about this sport appealed to him...except the sexy jockey in front of him.

If he didn’t start compartmentalizing soon, Tessa would suck him under, and he honestly didn’t think he was strong enough to climb back out.

“Do you have a favorite track?” he asked.

Her eyes met his over the back of the horse. With a wide grin she replied, “Yeah, the one where I win.”

Grant stepped closer, but still remained outside the stall. “How old were you when you started racing?”

“Officially? Eighteen. But I’ve lived and breathed horses my entire life.” With precise motions she swept the brush over the horse’s side and toward its flank. “I didn’t play sports, didn’t even go to my prom. I much preferred to spend my time right here.”

Hooking his thumbs through his belt loops, Grant shifted his stance. “I imagine there’s not a place on this farm you haven’t ridden.”

“You’d be right. If I’m not training, I’m riding for fun.”

Grant smiled. “Care to show me around?”

“I’d love to, but since you were late, your time is less now, so we won’t be able to go over as much of the estate.”

“When I got here you weren’t ready, either.”

“Because I thought you were a no-show.”

He stepped even closer, still watching her over the side of the horse. “Not all of us can live by a schedule.”

Tessa stared for a moment, then turned and put the brush away. Grant had a feeling he wasn’t scoring any points with her, but it was fun to get under her skin, and especially fun when she had no comeback.

“Follow me,” she told him as she stepped from the stall and headed toward the front of the stable.

Grant turned and gladly followed those swaying hips. “Which horses are we taking out?” he asked, dreading her response, but refusing to succumb to fear and let his vulnerabilities show.

“No horses,” she called over her shoulder.

Grant released a deep breath. He couldn’t let the fear cripple him, but he was relieved they were leaving the horses in the barn. He followed her into another large, two-story barn on the property and smiled.

“A four-wheeler?” he asked.

“Stick with me, Slick. I’ll show you all the cool country toys.”

Oh, the possibilities of comebacks with that statement. But Grant knew it was probably best to keep his mouth shut.

Tessa threw her leg around the seat and straddled the device, then sent him a saucy look. Damn woman. She was teasing him on purpose, and he was a sucker, falling for her antics.

Maybe separate horses would’ve been safer.

“You don’t have a problem with me driving, do you?” she asked with a grin.

Mercy. With her legs stretched wide over the seat, her body leaning forward to grip the handles, Grant knew he needed to take control, and fast, before this vixen completely made a fool out of him. She was mocking him, taking his attraction and blatantly throwing it back in his face.

And he deserved it. But two could play at this game.

Grant slid on behind her, making sure to tuck in real tight from torso to hips, gripping her thighs with his own. His hands slid around her tiny waist and his mouth came in close to her ear. “I don’t mind this one bit,” he whispered, pleased when she trembled.

Tessa turned her head slightly, enough to meet his gaze, her lips nearly brushing his. “Don’t make this weird, Slick.”

Grant flattened his palms on her taut stomach. “Weird was not the word I was thinking.”

She fired up the four-wheeler, turned her attention toward the opening of the barn and took off. Grant literally had to hold on to her because the force with which she exited nearly threw him off the back...which was probably what she wanted.

Oh, this little excursion was going to be fun.

* * *

Did he have to hold on so damn tight? He was practically wrapped around her, and instead of feeling trapped or confined, Tessa felt...aroused and anxious.

This man kept her on her toes, and she never knew what he’d say or do next. But she did know one thing: she refused to fall for charms or let her hormones control her. After all, what did her hormones know? She’d never fully used them before.

Another city boy who exuded power and intensity would not deter her from what mattered most—winning the upcoming races and making sure Slick didn’t get any ideas about exploiting her family or spreading rumors. Nothing else mattered.

And she had to keep telling herself that, considering the way his hard chest pressed against her back, those strong thighs fit perfectly down the length of hers, and his size made her feel so delicate and protected. She didn’t want to feel any of those things. Tessa was quite happy with the way life was right now, before Grant had stepped into her stable with those heavy-lidded eyes and that day-old stubble that she knew would tickle her palm.

As she headed out beyond the buildings and guesthouses, she frowned at her sister’s cottage and the empty parking space in front. Cassie had texted earlier to say Emily was running a fever and she was running her to the urgent care facility. Hopefully, it was nothing serious.

Cassie had a full plate, being the trainer for Stony Ridge and now a single mother. All the more reason they needed to hire a new groom. The timing couldn’t be worse for being one man short. They’d tried a replacement after Cassie’s ex left, but that groom had ended up moving out of state, so here they were, waiting on their dad to find another.

Tessa sped up, moving down the edge of the property line toward the most beautiful place on the estate. She knew Grant would love it, and she had no doubt at least one part of the film would be shot at this location. So many memories were held here, and she figured he’d want to know the special history of her parents.

Even though her mom had been gone for a while, Tessa felt every day the indescribable void she’d left. There was always an ache, an emptiness in her chest that had settled deep when Rose had passed. Nothing and no one could ever fill that gaping hole.

She and her mother had shared so much. Rose had always stressed the importance of not giving away love or your body to just anyone. Both were too precious to throw around.

Tessa had always promised her mom she’d wait for the right man. He just hadn’t come along yet.

She highly doubted the man molded to her back was “the one,” but he certainly was more tempting than any other guy she’d ever encountered.

Tessa cruised over the rise and came to a stop so Grant could take in the view.

“Oh...that’s...wow. Tessa, that’s beautiful.”

Up ahead lay a valley with a large pond surrounded by evergreens. The water always seemed so vibrant and glistening. A part of her was thrilled that his reaction was all she’d hoped.

“I always ride out here to relax,” she told him. “It’s so peaceful.”

Turning slightly to see his face, she watched as his eyes roamed over the land, as if he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. She wanted to study him, memorize everything about him, but what would be the point? He wasn’t staying, and even if he were, she didn’t have time for a relationship, didn’t want a relationship and certainly didn’t intend to start one.

They’d technically just met, so all either of them was feeling was pure lust. Lust would get her nowhere but on a road to heartache. She was totally out of her element here.

Added to that, she highly doubted she was Grant’s type. He probably wasn’t too keen on virgins. Kissing was her limit until she found someone she truly felt a deep connection with, and if Grant ever knew that... Well, he would never know that, because this whole train of thought was coming to a crashing halt.

Seriously, this whole string of ideas only led down a path to a dead end.

“Want me to take you down there?” she offered.


She revved up the four-wheeler and took off down the slight slope toward the pond. Once at the water’s edge, they couldn’t be seen from the main house in the distance.

Grant slid off the seat first and offered a hand to help her. As much as she wanted to bat it away, she accepted it. Hey, if a sexy man was going to play gentleman, she was going to take full advantage of the situation.

He dropped her hand once she was on her feet, and Tessa smiled as his eyes roamed over the wide pond.

“My father used to bring my mother out here for picnics,” she related. “I remember her telling me and Cassie about them.”

Tessa glanced toward the water and sighed. “I never got tired of hearing about their romance. I think it’s important for children to see their parents in love, to know what they should look forward to, and not settle for anything less.”

* * *

Grant turned his attention to Tessa. The ends of her ponytail danced in the breeze, her eyes were focused off in the distance and her arms were crossed over her chest. He knew she was trying to visualize the moment her mother had told her about, knew Tessa was more than likely a romantic at heart.

“And is that why you’re single?” he asked. “You’re not going to settle?”

Glancing over to him, Tessa quirked a brow. “No, I’m not. I shouldn’t have to. I’m not looking to marry right now, anyway. I’m a little busy. What about you, Slick?”

Grant laughed. “I’d love to settle down. My parents aren’t much different from yours. And I agree it’s important for parents to show their love. I plan on having kids and I want them to see how much I love their mother.”

Tessa’s eyes widened, her mouth dropped.

“What?” he asked, stepping closer so that he could see the navy specks in her eyes. “Didn’t expect me to have goals in the marriage department?”

“Actually, no, I didn’t.” She stared at him for another moment before turning back to look at the lake. “I ride Oliver when I need to get away. I get on him and he just automatically comes down here. Recently...”

She shook her head, and Grant waited for her to continue, but she didn’t. He didn’t like the sadness that slid over her face as she gazed at the water.

“The racing getting stressful?”

“No more than usual. But it’s something I love, so the stress is mostly self-induced.”

Tessa eased down onto the ground, pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. “Go ahead and have a seat, Slick. Unless you’re afraid you’ll get a grass stain on your new designer jeans.”

He didn’t tell her his jeans weren’t designer or new, but he did plop right down next to her, a little closer than she was probably comfortable with. But she was trying to get under his skin, so he damn well would get beneath hers.

A smile spread across her face. “Spend much time in the country?” she asked.

He’d grown up in a modest home surrounded by fields and wildflowers in the heart of Kentucky, but she didn’t need to know that. She already had an opinion of him, and he’d break it down by his actions, not his words.

“Enough,” Grant told her. “Much more peaceful than the city. But there’s a reason for both, and some people just aren’t cut out for the other.”

“What about you?” she asked. “You’re all city boy. Are you going to be able to handle the next few weeks here with me?”

Unable to resist her jab, Grant reached up, slid a stray strand of her hair behind her ear and allowed his hand to gently roam back down her cheek in a featherlight touch. She trembled beneath his fingertips.

“I think I can handle it,” he whispered, purposely staring at her mouth, waiting for that dimple to make another appearance.

Her eyes widened before she turned back to the pond. She might be all tough exterior, but Grant had a feeling the lovely, intriguing Tessa Barrington had layers upon layers to her complexity. He wanted to peel each one away and find what she truly had hidden inside.

“Do you have other special areas on the property?” he asked, circling back to the fact he was indeed here to do a job, and not seduce.

“All of the estate is beautiful,” she told him. “There’s a wooded spot on the edge of the property that has this old cabin. It was the first home on this land, built long before my dad lived here. He never tore it down, and Cassie and I used to play there when we were kids. It’s also where my dad proposed to my mom.”

“Show it to me.”

Grant hopped to his feet and extended his hand to help Tessa up. She resisted for all of a second before slipping her delicate hand into his. Before she could fully catch her balance, Grant tugged her against his chest, causing her to land right where he wanted her.

What the hell was he doing? He knew better than to play games like this, but damned if his hormones weren’t trying to take over. That whole chat he’d had with himself about compartmentalizing had gone straight to hell.

But each time he was with Tessa something came over him, something he couldn’t explain, and he was drowning in confusion and...her.

Tessa’s breath caught, and those bright blue eyes held his. With her body molded against his, Grant had no clue what to do now. Well, he knew, but he was supposed to be a professional and not get tangled up in this world on a personal level. Mentally and emotionally, he couldn’t afford to.

Besides, the last thing he needed was to get kicked off the set before filming even started.

Yet, as usual, lust controlled his actions.

“What about you, Tessa?” he asked, eyeing her lips. “Are you all country girl or could you handle the big city?”

Something cold flashed through her eyes before she pulled away and glanced at her watch. “You only have twenty minutes left, Slick. Better go see that cabin.”

Whatever trigger he’d just hit on, Grant had a feeling he would annoy her even more before he figured out what he’d said that upset her. Because he knew their body contact hadn’t gotten her so angry. No, he’d seen desire in her eyes, maybe even confusion—a glimpse of an internal battle, but not anger.

He followed her back to the four-wheeler and climbed on behind her. This time Grant held on to the back rack instead of Tessa. He was treading on thin ice as it was.

Five (#ulink_dbd449ae-9c0b-5d54-af32-bc6ffe44e4b9)

She rode effortlessly, with captivating beauty. The way her body controlled the stallion, the strength she possessed, the determination on her flushed face... Grant could watch Tessa Barrington for hours, and was well on his way to doing just that.

Tessa turned the corner and headed toward him. With all the laps she’d made, there was no way she could’ve missed him standing here. They’d already spent the past two days together, and he had no time scheduled with her today. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to see her, to learn more. And this sexual pull was dragging him into this damn world he’d worked so hard to put behind him.

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?”

Grant turned at the sound of a voice and found himself looking into another set of bright blue eyes. “Yes, she is. You must be Cassie.” He glanced to the baby asleep on her shoulder. “And who is this?”

Cassie’s smile widened. “This is Emily.”

Grant took in the pale blond curls peeking beneath a bright green hat, and wondered if the little girl had those Barrington blue eyes.

“How old is she?”

“Just turned one last month.”

Cassie turned to watch Tessa round another curve, and Grant studied the woman’s profile. She was beautiful just like her sister, with her blue eyes and bright red hair. But there was something more fragile, almost sad about Cassie. He’d learned enough about this family to know Cassie’s ex used to work in the stables but had left shortly after the baby was born. Anger bubbled within Grant at the thought of a deadbeat dad ignoring his kid.

But as he watched her, Grant realized there was another layer of emotions in Cassie’s eyes as she focused on her sister. Concern.

“You worry about her,” he said, not bothering to ask.

“I do.” Cassie shifted the sleeping toddler to her other shoulder. “She pushes too hard at times. Strange coming from me, since I’m her trainer. We already practiced today, but she and Don Pedro are made for each other. They’re happiest in the ring. Of course, that passion is what makes winners, but her biggest competitor is herself.”

Grant could see that. In the few days he’d been here he’d seen Tessa out of the stables only during their “allotted” times.

“Does she do anything for fun?” he asked.

“You’re looking at it. She lives for this.”

On one hand Grant admired Tessa’s drive and determination. He had more drive for career than anything himself. But on the other hand he found it sad that this was her whole life.

And from a purely personal level, the thought of her spending more time on her horse than off flat out terrified him.

Her career stirred up so many haunting emotions. Not that they weren’t always there, but having the lifestyle thrust in his face all day only made the memories that much more hellish.

Yet the attraction was something he hadn’t planned on...and couldn’t ignore.

“She doesn’t date?” he found himself asking before he could keep his mouth shut.

Cassie spared him a glance. “She just got out of a relationship, which is another reason she’s pushing herself even more.”

Bad breakup? While Cassie didn’t say it, the message was implied. And there was a story there. Grant never turned away an intriguing story....

“So when will the rest of your crew arrive?” Cassie asked.

“A few weeks.” He caught her smile and laughed. “You seem excited about this.”

She shrugged her free shoulder. “What’s not to be excited about? My father is an amazing man, a prestigious horse owner and winner. A movie about his life will be awesome.”

“You forget you and Tessa are a huge part of his success, and in continuing the Barrington tradition.” Grant glanced at the track as Tessa came flying by again. “I don’t think your sister feels the same.”

Cassie nodded. “Tessa and I don’t always agree on things. Besides, she has her reasons for not being so thrilled about this film.”

“And you aren’t going to share those reasons, are you?”

Cassie laughed. “Nope.”

Emily started to stir on her shoulder, and Cassie patted her back. “I better head back inside and get dinner started. It was nice to officially meet you, Grant.”

“I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of me.”

She walked away, and Grant turned back to watch Tessa, but she was out of sight. He took his boot down from the rung of the fence and headed into the stable.

He found her in the last stall, pulling the saddle off Don Pedro’s back and hanging it up. At some point he’d quiz her on the reason behind the horse’s name, though he had a pretty good idea.

He knew enough Shakespeare to know Don Pedro was a prince in Much Ado About Nothing, and her recreational stallion’s name, Oliver, stemmed from the villain, who later repented, in As You Like It.

Apparently Miss Barrington had a romantic streak. So why was she fighting this obvious attraction?

Straw shuffled beneath his boots as he made his way closer. Oliver shifted in his stall and Grant froze for a half second before he forced himself to keep walking.

He would not revisit that time in his life. Fear was only a state of mind, and he’d be damned if he’d let it overtake him.

“I just met your sister,” he said as he moved in closer.

Tessa didn’t stop her duties, didn’t even spare him a glance as she picked up a brush and started her routine circular brushing.

“Emily is adorable, but she slept through our meeting.” Grant tucked his hands into his pockets. “Cassie seems pretty excited about the film.”

Maybe that comment warranted a grunt, but he wasn’t sure the noise was directed at him or the fact that Tessa was reaching up to brush the horse’s back.

“It’s a beautiful day—”

“What are you doing here?” she asked, tossing the brush into the tack box with so much effort it bounced right back out.

Grant paused. “Working.”

“No, here in the stable. Right now. What do you want?”

Her eyes were practically shooting daggers. Okay, something had pissed her off and he had a sinking feeling that “something” was him. How did women get so fired up, when a man was still left clueless?

“I was watching you train,” he told her honestly. “I’m just amazed at your talent.”

Tessa moved around Don Pedro, coming to stand in front of Grant. Propping her hands on her hips pulled her shirt tighter across her chest, and he had to really concentrate to keep his eyes level with hers and not on those tiny strained buttons.

“Don’t you have a film to be working on instead of ogling my sister?”

For a second he was shocked, then shock quickly turned to a warmth spreading through his body. She was jealous. Best not to laugh or even crack a smile. But damn, he liked knowing he’d sparked some emotion from her other than disdain for his occupation.

He could have fun with this morsel of information, but he was never one to play games...especially with women. He may have dated his fair share of ladies over the years, but they always knew where he stood with their relationship. Besides, he was ready to start settling down, making a home and a family, after this film wrapped up.

For now, he wanted to get to know Tessa on a personal, intimate level, away from her racing lifestyle. He had interest in the woman, not the career.

“Actually, I was watching you and working.” He crossed his arms and met her icy stare. “We’ll be shooting here, and I was watching as the sun moved in the sky, to see where it is at certain times and how the shadows fall across the track. Your sister came up to me to introduce herself, since we hadn’t been formally introduced yet.”

A bit of heat left Tessa’s expression, but Grant couldn’t resist. He stepped closer and bent down until her eyes widened and her warm breath feathered across his face.

“And if you’re not interested in me, Country, then it wouldn’t matter if I was flirting with your sister or not, now would it?”

He turned, walked out of the barn and kept going until he was back in his guest cottage. Damn woman could make a man forget everything but the thought of kissing her senseless and finding a better use for that smart mouth.

* * *

Since she was raised a well-mannered lady, for the most part, Tessa found herself standing outside Grant’s cottage. The sun had long since set, and she’d been in the stable, talking to herself and trying to find a way out of groveling and apologizing.

There was no way out.

After a gentle tap of her knuckles on the mission-style door, Tessa stepped back and waited. If he didn’t hear her knock, she’d leave. At least she could say she’d tried.

A large part of her hoped he didn’t hear.

But a second later the door was flung open and Grant stood there, wearing only a towel, chest hair and water droplets.

“Tessa.” He hooked an arm on the half door, causing his muscles to flex and her mouth to go desert dry. “What are you doing here?”

“I...I came to apologize.” She tried to focus on his face, but dear mercy, all those bare muscles were distracting her. “Um...for earlier.”

Grant smiled and opened the door wider. “Come on in.”

“Are you going to put clothes on?”

Laughing, he stepped back to let her pass. “You want me to?”

She came face-to-face with him and nodded. “I think it’s best.”

He closed the door behind her and went toward one of the two bedrooms. Tessa hadn’t been in this cottage forever, but it had the same layout as her sister’s. Open floor plan, with the kitchen and living area in front. Grant had thrown a shirt over the back of the sofa, running shoes sat by the door and the smell of a fresh, masculine shower permeated the air.

Between that clean scent and those muscles he’d had on display, Tessa was having a hard time remembering the reason for her visit.

Grant strolled back into the room, wearing knit shorts and pulling a T-shirt over his head. “Care for a drink?”

“No, thanks.” She twisted her hands and remained in the doorway, because if she moved any farther into his temporary home, she feared she’d want to move further into the world she’d sworn off. “I just wanted to apologize for being rude earlier.”

“Rude? I didn’t think you were rude.” He leaned a hip on the edge of the sofa and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You were honest. I’m flattered that you were jealous.”

Flattered? He might as well pat her on the head like a good little girl and send her off to play with her toys.

“I wasn’t jealous.” She would go to hell for lying. “I’m just protective of Cassie, and I know your type.”

The corners of his mouth threatened to curve into a smile. If he was mocking her she’d beat him with her whip. No, wait...he’d probably enjoy an aggressive woman.

He’d been so playful when they’d first met, so quick with his wit and his smiles. Her instant attraction had worried her, but now her feelings for him were growing.

Which begged the question, what did Grant like in a woman?

“What is my type, Country?”

“You think your city charm will win you any lady you want,” she told him. “Cassie has her hands full. I realize she was introducing herself, but I just didn’t want you getting any ideas.”

He straightened, then slowly crossed the room until he stood directly in front of her. “Oh, I have ideas. None of them involve Cassie, though.”

Tessa tried to ignore the shiver of excitement that crept over her...tried and failed. She didn’t want to find him appealing, didn’t want to spend any more time with him than necessary. She didn’t trust him. He oozed charm, and in her experience, that led to lying and deceit.

Backing up, hoping to make an escape, she reached blindly for the handle on the door. But as she retreated, Grant stepped forward. His fresh-from-the-shower aroma enveloped her, and his damp hair, hanging in a tousled mess over his forehead, practically begged for her to run her fingers through it.

“You could’ve apologized when you saw me tomorrow,” he murmured as he came within an inch of her face. “Why did you need to stop by now?”

Because she was a glutton for punishment. There was no other excuse.

“I wanted to clear the air before I saw you again. I didn’t want anything to be uncomfortable.”

One hand came up to rest on the door beside her head as a grin spread across his tanned, stubbled face. “I prefer to clear the air, too.”

In one swift motion, his head dipped down to hers and his free hand came up to cup the side of her face. Tessa’s back was firmly against the door, and she had nowhere to go...not that she wanted to go anywhere, because Grant’s mouth was so gentle, so amazingly perfect. Instead of pushing him away, she kept her arms at her sides and tried to remain in control of her emotions. But she did open her lips at his invitation, She was human and couldn’t resist temptation, after all.

Slowly, his tongue danced with hers and chills spread from her head to her toes in a flash. Before she could get too wrapped up in the moment, Grant stepped back. Tessa lifted her eyelids, meeting his dark gaze.

“Since we don’t want things to be uncomfortable,” he told her, his hand still framing her face, “you should know I plan on doing that again.”

Tessa couldn’t speak, could barely think. How in the world did she end up with zero control here? She’d just wanted to apologize, and instead she’d gotten the most tender, yet toe-curling kiss of her life, and an amazing view of Grant’s bare chest.

“What about—”

“The clause?” he asked, intercepting her thoughts. “Seeing as how you’re attracted, too, I don’t see why we can’t pursue more. Behind closed doors, of course. No one would have to know, Tessa.”

“I’m not interested,” she told him, lying through her still tingling lips. “Save your attraction for another woman.”

Grant dropped his hand. “Then it’s my turn to apologize. I assumed by the way you look at me, the way your pulse beats at the base of your neck, the way you catch your breath when I touch you, that you were interested in me, too. And the way you participated in that kiss... But apparently, I was mistaken.”

He leaned right next to her ear, so close his lips brushed against her lobe when he whispered, “Or you’re lying.”

Tessa tugged on the door and moved out of his grasp. “Good night, Grant.”

Like the coward she was, she ran away. Nobody made her feel more out of control, more internally restless than this infuriating man.

Surely that didn’t mean...

Tessa sighed as she climbed into her Jeep. She had a sinking feeling that Grant Carter was the man her mother had told her about. The man who would come along and make her question how she’d gotten along without him in her life.

The one man she’d been saving herself for.

Six (#ulink_b5508620-0fc0-55ae-93be-f6f2e7378430)

Tessa slid out of her worn boots and set them beside the back door. Then she hung her heavy cardigan on the peg and moved through her kitchen toward her bedroom. Spring had arrived early, but the nights were still pretty cool, and she wanted to relax in a nice hot bath after her late-night ride. She was a creature of habit, and her raspberry-scented bubble baths were a nightly ritual and the only way she allowed herself to be pampered.

As usual, she hadn’t been able to fall asleep. But this time, instead of having horses and racing on her mind, her thoughts had been full of a certain Hollywood producer who had kissed her so gently, yet so thoroughly, she couldn’t even remember what kissing another man was like. Not that she’d kissed a slew in her life, but enough to know that Grant Carter knew how to please a woman.

And that was the main thought that had kept her awake. If he could cause so much happiness within her body with just a kiss—and a tender one at that—then what would the man do when he decided to really take charge and not hold back?

Her antique clock in the living room chimed twelve times. Midnight. The same time every night she found herself getting back home from her ride on Oliver. He always stuck his head out of the stall when she returned to the stable late at night. It was almost as if he knew her schedule, knew she’d be back for one last ride to wind down her evening.

Tessa padded into her bedroom, undressing as she went, so when she made it to the hamper she dumped in all her clothes. When she entered her bathroom, she paused.

Grant Carter was consuming way too much of her time, both in person and in her mind. She plucked the short cotton robe from the back of the bathroom door and went to the old desk in the corner of her bedroom to boot up her laptop.

For a man she’d met just two weeks ago, a man who’d kissed her like no one ever had, she really should learn more about him.

Of course, the internet gave only basics, but that was certainly more information than she had right now. He had a whole file on her life, her sister’s and her father’s. Grant and his crew knew way more about her childhood and the entire backstory of the Barringtons, so Tessa felt it only fair she level the playing field.

Clicking on a link, she quickly learned that Grant was a twin, but there was no other mention of this sibling.

She glanced at his birth date. A Christmas baby. Tessa’s eyes widened as she stared at the screen, inching closer because there was no way she was seeing that number correctly.

He was ten years older than her? As if her virginity, his obvious experience, her country life and his city life weren’t enough major blockers between them, he was ten freakin’ years older.

With a groan Tessa moved to her bed with the laptop and sagged back against her plush pillows. Grant was out of her league. She could tell by the way he’d kissed her, by how he flirted and his laid-back mannerisms, that he was more experienced with life than she was. But ten years was a hell of a lot of time.

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When Opposites Attract... Jules Bennett
When Opposites Attract...

Jules Bennett

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: When I want something, I find a way to make it mine.After a near-fatal accident, Hollywood hotshot Grant Carter never imagined returning to the equestrian world. But producing a movie about a racing dynasty means he has no choice. Luckily Tessa Barrington, star jockey, provides the distraction he needs–feisty attitude, stunning looks…and a surprising innocence he can′t resist.Tessa won′t give herself to just any man, especially a smooth-talking player like Grant. Once filming wraps, how can she trust he′ll stick around? He′s already keeping secrets. Besides, Tessa has her eye on bigger prizes…unless falling in love is the biggest prize of all, for both of them.

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