The Valquez Bride

The Valquez Bride
A wedding night she’ll never forget!Untouched Theodora Marlstone has always wanted the fairytale wedding – a white dress and an adoring groom. Instead she’s walking up the aisle towards a marriage of convenience to outrageously attractive Argentinian Alejandro Valquez! He promises raw sensuality, not devotion, but thanks to her father’s will Teddy must say ‘I do’…Alejandro has never wanted a wife, but his buttoned-up bride is a delicious present just waiting to be unwrapped. Beneath the white silk lies a woman who exceeds his wildest imagination – and it’s clear that this union will burn the very paper it’s written on!Discover more at

‘You said a paper marriage.’ Theodora was surprised her voice came out at all, let alone so evenly.
Alejandro’s eyes were still hooded and trained on her mouth. ‘That was the plan.’
Was? Her heart jolted against her ribcage. What did he mean, ‘was’? Was he thinking about shifting the goalposts on their arrangement? Changing the rules? Breaking the rules? A trickle of traitorous excitement flowed through her at the thought of him making love to her, of his long, strong body possessing hers. Enrapturing her in a feast of the senses that so far she had only ever imagined.
Another beat of silence.
‘You should let go of my chin.’ And stop making me want to kiss you so badly I can’t think about anything but how sexy and male and tempting your mouth is.
His thumb brushed over the base of her chin. ‘What if I don’t?’
Teddy disguised a gulp. ‘You’d be breaking the rules.’
A corner of his mouth came up in a sexy slant of a smile. ‘What if I want to break the rules?’
Introducing the untameable Valquez brothers …
The Valquez brothers are living legends.
Alejandro’s business prowess is staggering, Luiz’s success on the polo field is unparalleled, and their reputations in the bedroom are scandalous!
But they’re both about to face their biggest challenge yet …
Alejandro must marry—
but he never anticipated desiring his convenient wife!
And notorious playboy Luiz finds his match in the delectably innocent Daisy Wyndham!
You won’t want to miss this scorching new duet from Melanie Milburne!
Read Alejandro’s story in:
Luiz’s story in:
The Valquez Bride
Melanie Milburne (
From as soon as MELANIE MILBURNE could pick up a pen she knew she wanted to write. It was when she picked up her first Mills & Boon® at seventeen that she realised she wanted to write romance. After being distracted for a few years by meeting and marrying her own handsome hero, surgeon husband Steve, and having two boys, plus completing a Masters of Education and becoming a nationally ranked athlete (masters swimming), she decided to write. Five submissions later she sold her first book and is now a multi-published, bestselling, award-winning USA TODAY author. In 2008 she won the Australian Readers’ Association most popular category/series romance, and in 2011 she won the prestigious Romance Writers of Australia R*BY award.
Melanie loves to hear from her readers via her website, (, or on Facebook: (
To Nataly Espinoza, for your help with the Spanish translations, but also for your friendship. It was lovely meeting you on the tour of The Kimberleys.
Cover (#u99b4f0b7-de77-5041-9d64-0e3260a8a180)
Excerpt (#u1c553651-bf14-5393-a03d-9ee45c7ac14c)
Title Page (#uae941684-707a-5873-9ad5-fab879488305)
About the Author (#u8e4ae74a-246b-5346-9aee-75949d482b7e)
Dedication (#u1417ea33-7633-5691-8a59-743ecde79c45)
CHAPTER ONE (#u106ea057-ebdb-5215-a65d-f4693600da1a)
CHAPTER TWO (#ua1bac6aa-279f-541c-ae7e-c0df3f057ee2)
CHAPTER THREE (#u427e41e2-b60f-5e3b-8792-2fac77ff3b5c)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_f7671e8e-7361-52b0-b3b4-42b2abf6d142)
THE ONE WORD that stood out on Teddy’s father’s will started with M but it wasn’t money. She looked at the family lawyer in open-mouthed alarm. ‘Marriage?’
Benson nodded gravely. ‘I’m afraid so. Within a month. Otherwise, your second cousin Hugo will inherit the lot—every property, stock and share, including Marlstone Manor.’
‘But that can’t be right!’ Teddy gripped the arms of the chair so tightly her fingers dug into the leather arms like claws. ‘Dad told me this place was mine. He told me the day before he died. He said I would always have this roof over my head.’
‘Your father changed his will the month before he was diagnosed with cancer,’ the lawyer said. ‘It was as if he’d known he didn’t have much time left and wanted to get his affairs in order.’
His affairs?
It was her home! That was her affair. It was her life! It was her safety and security. How could her father hand it over to her cousin, who hadn’t even visited him once during his illness?
Teddy’s heart was galloping so fast and so hard she could feel the blood beating in every one of her fingertips. Shock chilled and chugged through her body like a flow of ice. She blinked to clear her vision. What sort of nightmare was this? Was she really sitting in the library with her father’s lawyer having this crazy conversation?
It had to be a mistake.
For the last five months she had nursed her father through his pancreatic cancer and stayed with him and held his hand as he finally slipped away. It was the only time she had felt close to him. During those last days he had shared snippets of his childhood previously unknown to her. It had explained so much about his difficult personality. The way he had constantly found fault with her. How he was so impossible to please. How he was such a control freak who never let her have a say in things. Towards the end she had found a space in her heart to forgive him. She had even told him she loved him. Something she had vowed she would never do.
And yet the whole time he had been intent on tricking her?
Betraying her?
She swallowed tightly, annoyed at the knotty lump of hurt that was lodged in her throat like an oversized walnut. Why had she fallen for it? Why had she let her father do that to her? He had made her feel safe and then whipped the rug of security out from under her. Why hadn’t she seen it coming? Why had she been stupid to fall for that happy families routine?
‘My father led me to believe Marlstone would always be mine.’ Teddy tried to speak clearly and steadily even though her emotions were tumbling and twisting inside her chest like clothes spinning in a dryer set on too fast a speed. ‘Why would he have changed his mind? Surely I don’t have to be married in order to inherit what should be automatically mine? That’s totally outrageous!’
The lawyer tapped the legal document with the pen he was holding. ‘It’s a little more specific than that...’ He paused for a beat as if he was trying to find a way to say his next words without causing her more stress. ‘Your father has also nominated the groom.’
Shock opened a broad hand inside her belly and grabbed at her intestines. Nominated the— ‘What?’
He pushed the document towards her. ‘He wants you to marry Alejandro Valquez.’
Teddy looked at the name. Saw the man in her mind. Felt the bottom of her spine loosen as she pictured that imposingly tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed playboy with the enigmatic smile of a fallen angel. The man women the world over flocked around like bees to top shelf pollen. She felt her cheeks heat up as if twin furnaces had been lit beneath her skin. This had to be a joke. Her father couldn’t possibly be so cruel. To force her to marry someone so out of her league it would make her a laughing stock the moment it was announced. The press would mock her. They would ridicule her mercilessly. No one would believe it for a second. Alejandro Valquez and her? She could already see the headlines: Lame Lady of the Manor Lands Argentinian Playboy in Money Match Marriage.
What had she done to deserve this? Was this her father’s way of showing his disgust for her disability? To make her a target of ridicule and derision? To be the butt of puerile bar room jokes for the next decade?
Teddy took a steadying breath, slowly bringing her gaze back up to the lawyer’s. She had to keep cool. There had to be a way to solve this. It wasn’t going to help things by panicking and getting hysterical. That wasn’t her way. Cool and composed was her modus operandi, even though below the surface her nerves were stretched to snapping point. ‘Is there any way of...getting around it?’
‘Not if you want to retain full ownership and occupancy of Marlstone Manor.’
She looked out of the library windows to the gardens and the rolling fields beyond. The green folded valleys with their borders of thick hedgerows, the curve of the river that flowed through the forest that fringed the upper boundary. The still and silent silver sheet of the lake, the sycamore, beech and yew trees that had stood for centuries while life moved on around them.
The Wiltshire mansion and its surrounding estate was her home. It was her inspiration for her work as a children’s book illustrator. Her botanical drawings with their whimsical themes were inspired by her surroundings.
Her studio was here.
Her home was here.
Her sanctuary was here.
How could she lose it? How could she be turfed out as if she was nothing more than a leaseholder? What was her father thinking?
Her stomach knotted again.
Hadn’t he cared about her at all?
Hadn’t he known how much she loathed men like Alejandro Valquez? Alejandro was a disgustingly rich and dashingly handsome playboy who—like his younger brother Luiz—only ever dated supermodels and film stars. Beautiful women. Perfect women.
Alejandro hadn’t noticed her in the past. Girls like her were invisible to men like him. His coal-black gaze had looked straight through her when he’d been introduced to her at a polo event her father had taken her to years ago.
Alejandro had barely mouthed a word of greeting before he had spied a tall, slim blonde beauty standing behind her, who soon after became his fiancée. Their whirlwind affair had been in the press for weeks—for months—until his fiancée, supermodel Mercedes Delgado, called off their wedding at the last minute.
What was her father playing at in forcing the hand of a man who could choose any woman he liked? What possible reason could her father have for wanting such an alliance, even if it was only temporary?
Teddy had never been close to her father. He had never disguised the fact he would have preferred a son to a daughter. Since her childhood he had found fault with her for everything she said or did, and yet, like all little girls, she had continued to love him. To seek his approval. To win him over. It had taken her years to realise he had been too obsessed with work and winning every corporate battle to care about her. He hadn’t had time for her, even though he had gone to extreme lengths to secure custody of her after the divorce from her mother. Gaining custody of her had been another battle to win. Another victory.
Was this his way of punishing her for never forgiving him for the way he had driven her mother to an early grave? Or had he been so ashamed of his only daughter living such a quiet spinsterish life he had decided to do something about it by tying her to a man she had no possible chance of attracting any other way?
The Valquez name was synonymous with wealth and prestige. The playboy polo set who partied as hard as they played. If and when the fast-living brothers decided to marry, it certainly wouldn’t be to someone like her.
Teddy brought her gaze back to the lawyer’s. ‘What’s in this for Alejandro? Why would he agree to such an arrangement?’
‘Your father bought some acreage off Alejandro’s father in Argentina twenty years ago to relieve financial pressure on the family after Paco Valquez suffered a polo accident and became a quadriplegic,’ Benson said. ‘Your father kept it in his possession all this time, even though Alejandro has made numerous offers to buy it back. The deeds of the property will be handed over to him upon your marriage.’
She was being exchanged for property? Handed over like a trophy? Like goods and chattels? How could her father do this to her? This wasn’t the Regency period. This was the twenty-first century. Women were supposed to choose their own husbands.
To fall in love.
To be loved back.
Teddy had secretly dreamed of having the fairy tale since her parents divorced so acrimoniously when she was seven. She believed in the power of love even though she hadn’t seen it modelled or experienced it herself. People were supposed to fall in love and stay in love. Not marry each other for prestige or property or financial gain.
How could she ignore the deepest yearnings of her heart to marry for any other reason than love? It would compromise every value she held dear. She refused to turn into a version of her mother, marrying a man for the social status and security he could give her and then suffering the shame of having everyone laugh at her when it all came unstuck.
There had to be a way out of this.
Teddy looked at the lawyer again. ‘What does Alejandro think about this? Has he been told?’
‘He is in what I would describe as rather a bind,’ the lawyer said.
‘Your father has set things up so that if Alejandro refuses to marry you the property he wants will be sold.’
‘But surely a man with his sort of wealth could buy it when it goes on the market?’
The lawyer shook his head. ‘I’m afraid that is not possible. Your father has strictly stated that the property will be sold to a developer if Alejandro refuses to comply with the terms of the will. A local developer has already shown some interest and will snap up the property in a heartbeat as soon as it’s released. I would imagine Alejandro wouldn’t relinquish that land lightly, even if it meant marrying a perfect stranger. Looking at it like that, it’s a win-win for both of you.’
Teddy’s bile rose like frothing acid. Did her father’s lawyer—like everyone else—think she had no hope of finding a husband any other way? She pulled her shoulders back and gave the lawyer one of her trademark arctic looks. ‘You can tell Señor Valquez there is no possible circumstance I can think of where I would ever agree to marry him.’
* * *
‘Are you kidding me?’ Alejandro glared at the legal representative from Marlstone Incorporated in his London office.
‘If you want the Mendoza land Clark Marlstone bought off your father, then that’s what you have to do.’
‘He didn’t buy it off my father,’ Alejandro said through clenched teeth, ‘he stole it. He paid a fraction of what it was worth. He took advantage of my father’s financial situation after the accident. He manipulated things so he could get his hands on that land while making everyone think he was doing us a favour.’ Bastard.
‘Be that as it may, you have a chance to get it back without having to pay a single peso for it.’
Alejandro sucked in a lungful of air through his nostrils. He would have to pay for it all right. With his freedom. The thing he valued above all else. ‘I don’t even remember meeting Marlstone’s daughter.’ He glanced at the name and frowned. ‘Theodora, is it? Who is she? What’s she got to say about this, or is she the one behind it?’
He could already picture her. Pampered and spoilt. Another cheap little gold-digger wanting to marry up. A social climbing daddy’s girl who wanted her life made easy. He could just imagine how she had talked her ailing father into engineering things so she would be home free. Married to a rich trophy husband, all without having to bat a coquettish eyelid.
Not on his watch, damn it.
‘She’s as annoyed as you are,’ his lawyer said. ‘She intends to contest the will.’
As if. Alejandro knew the way women played all too well. Theodora Marlstone would protest and make a fuss for show. To put him off the scent of her avaricious motives. Of course she’d want to marry him. He was considered a Prize Catch. One of the most eligible bachelors in Argentina, if not the entire world. ‘What are her chances?’
‘Not good,’ the lawyer said. ‘The will is ironclad. Clark Marlstone wrote it while of sound mind. He got three doctors to confirm it, one imagines because he suspected one or both of you would resist his instructions and try and find a loophole. It would be a costly and lengthy exercise to try and overturn it. My advice is to do what it says and make the best of it. It’s only for six months.’
Easy for you to say.
Alejandro ploughed a hand through his hair. He already had too many responsibilities with his fostering of two street kids, Sofi and Jorge, providing food, shelter, education and a sense of family for them, or at least as far as it was possible for a bachelor to do. He didn’t need a wife to add to his troubles. Fifteen-year-old Jorge was still in that tricky stage of deciding whether to rebel or respect authority, reminding him of his younger brother Luiz at that age and the lengths he’d had to go to and the sacrifices he’d had to make to keep him from harm. While eighteen-year-old Sofi was a little more mature, she had recently expressed a desire to move to Buenos Aires to study hair and beauty. He wasn’t completely comfortable with the idea of her living in the big city without the close support he and the rest of his household staff provided for her.
Marrying would be a hard enough decision to make if he cared about someone enough to consider that sort of commitment. But how was he supposed to marry a perfect stranger? He felt antsy at the thought of marriage. Of being tied down. Of allowing someone the power to be there one minute and not there the next. Like his mother had been for his father. Proudly wearing his ring and rearing his sons one minute, bolting out of the gate to a new life in France, leaving the ring and divorce papers and two bewildered little boys behind the next.
Alejandro had tried commitment once and it had failed. Spectacularly. Even worse, he hadn’t seen it coming. It annoyed him that he had let what he felt block out what he knew. In his experience women wanted one thing and he’d been foolish to think otherwise. They wanted money and security. They did anything they could to get it. They fell in love and out of love according to the size of a man’s wallet. He didn’t care if it was hardwired into their primitive DNA. He would not be manipulated, cajoled, tricked into falling for it again.
He was older and smarter now. He never let his feelings get in the way of a good business deal. He never let his feelings cloud his judgement, colour his thinking or distract him from a task. He hadn’t rebuilt his father’s failing empire by feeling. He had done it by blood and sweat and outsmarting the opposition. Whatever roadblocks were put in front of him he stepped over, circumvented. Obliterated.
This would be no different.
* * *
‘Where is she?’ Alejandro asked the immaculately dressed and imperious-looking butler who answered the door at Marlstone Manor in Wiltshire.
Bushy brows as white and hairy as two caterpillars gave an austere frown over rheumy blue eyes. ‘Miss Teddy is currently engaged.’
Now that was funny. If only she were engaged. To someone else.
‘I’m sure she’ll shoehorn me into her busy schedule.’ He suppressed a cynical snort. Miss Theodora Marlstone was probably waiting for her spray tan to dry, or her nail polish, or curling her eyelash extensions or some such nonsense. Could there be any woman more vacuous than a pampered daddy’s girl?
And what the hell sort of name was Teddy? What did she think she was—a toy or a person?
‘If you will kindly wait here I will tell her you have requested an interview with—’
‘Look, no offence, buddy,’ Alejandro cut in, ‘but I haven’t got the time or the inclination to hang around and wait for your mistress to glue her fake nails on. You either lead me to her or I go looking for her. Which is it to be?’
‘Neither,’ a cool voice said from behind him.
Alejandro turned to see a small figure standing in the frame of the doorway off the black and white tiled hall. There wasn’t a fake nail in sight or a spray tan. She was wearing clothes that looked as if they had been sourced from a charity bin and her hair looked as if she had dived in head first to retrieve them. It was a wild cloud of dark brown tresses around her head and shoulders, wavy rather than curly, but clearly no effort had been spared to tame it. If anything, it looked as if she had recently mussed it up with her hands. Her trousers were a dirty shade of brown, the checked shirt unironed, and the cable sweater she wore over it was covered in balls of lint. The outfit was masculine and too big for her small frame, swamping her like a tent draped over a toothpick.
Why on earth had she dressed in such an appalling manner? What was she trying to prove? The girl was an heiress to a spectacular estate worth millions. She could afford to wear the best of high street fashion. Why was she dressing like a bag lady?
His eyes went to the bone-handled walking stick she was leaning on in what he could only describe as a proudly defiant manner.
He felt something jerk in his chest like a foot did when it missed a step.
So that was why.
‘Miss Marlstone?’
‘Señor Valquez, how nice to see you again.’
Alejandro didn’t like the feeling of being at a disadvantage. Of her knowing more about him than he knew about her. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer was a credo he lived by. And yet there was something about her that appealed to the protector in him. ‘We’ before?’
She gave him a stiff movement of her lips that passed for a smile but he noticed it didn’t involve her arctic-cool grey-blue eyes. ‘Yes.’ Her chin rose ever so slightly. ‘Don’t you remember?’
Alejandro quickly checked his mental hard drive. He dated a lot of women. Slept with even more. But nowhere in his memory could he find a girl with eyes so deeply set they looked darker than they actually were. She had prominent eyebrows and lashes thick and dark without the boost of mascara. Cheeks sharply defined and haughtily high and a nose that looked as if it spent a lot of time up there with them. A mouth that was full and young and innocent-looking and yet with an angle of cynicism to it that matched his own.
‘I’m afraid you’ll have to remind me.’ He stretched his own lips into a half-mast smile. ‘I meet a lot of people in my line of business.’
Her eyes were unnervingly steady as they held his. It was as if she were seeing past his urbane man-in-control-of-his-universe façade to the shy boy of ten who’d had to step up to the plate after his father’s accident and his mother’s desertion. Her face was free of make-up. No mask of cosmetics to hide behind and yet he couldn’t help feeling she was a little too composed.
‘We met at British Polo Day some years ago.’
‘We did?’
‘It was the same event where you met your ex-fiancée.’
Alejandro clenched his jaw behind his polite smile. She had gone for the jugular. Bitch. Like father, like daughter. Playing games with him. Toying with him. Mocking him.
Reminding him.
He hated being reminded of his foolishness back then. At twenty-four he had stupidly believed love existed. Back then he had believed he could have a happy and fulfilling life with someone who loved him as much as he loved them. That how much money he had or didn’t have wouldn’t count. He had been swept away by the notion of building a new family like the one his mother had destroyed when she’d left his shattered father six months after the accident.
He had been wrong.
‘I’m sorry I have no recollection of our meeting.’ He ran his gaze over her as he tried to judge her age. She looked to be in her early to mid-twenties but, without make-up and wearing those dreadful tomboy ragbag clothes, she looked far younger. ‘Were we formally introduced?’
Alejandro still couldn’t place her. But then he met a lot of people during polo events. His brother played on the field while he worked the business end of things. Sponsors and corporate kings often pushed their daughters under his nose but he was always careful to keep business and pleasure separate. She had obviously taken it as a slight that he hadn’t singled her out in the past. But then why would he? She was as far away from his usual type as could be. ‘You must have been quite young at the time.’
So that made her twenty-six now. A plain Jane single woman sliding down the slippery slope to the big three-oh, so Daddy had agreed to set her up with a mail order groom.
Alejandro’s gut curdled with bitterness. Why had she chosen him? Why not some other guy who could stomach the thought of matrimony? Or was this some sort of payback for snubbing her in the past?
‘Is there somewhere we could talk?’ He threw a glance at the hovering butler, who looked as if he’d just stepped off a film shoot on a period drama. ‘In private?’
‘This way.’
Alejandro frowned as he followed her. She had a pronounced limp that made the action of walking look not only awkward but also painful, in spite of the use of the stick. One leg dragged slightly as if the muscles weren’t strong enough to take her full weight. Not that she was heavy or anything. She looked as if a gust of wind would send her into the next county. Was it a recent injury? He tried to recall if he had read anything about her in the press but he came up with zero. Perhaps she wasn’t the press magnet type.
He felt a flicker of interest spark and fire in his brain. Not in-your-face beautiful and broken too. Interesting. Was this why she was being packaged in the marriage deal? Did she or her father—or both—think she couldn’t get a husband any other way? She might not be billboard stunning but he could see the classical lines to her face, the porcelain skin that looked as soft and smooth and creamy as a magnolia petal, the unusual colour of her eyes that made him think of a winter lake. She had a quiet beauty that sneaked up on you without you noticing. It was the sort of beauty that would suddenly appear and snatch your breath.
She turned and faced him once they were in the library. Her expression was masked, like a puppet face that hadn’t been animated. ‘Would you care for a drink?’
‘What happened to your leg?’
She pinched her lips together, pride flashing across her features as fast as the flick of a whiplash. ‘I have whisky or brandy or cognac. Wine too. Red. White. Champagne.’
‘I asked you a question.’
Her eyes clashed with his, the chips of blue in hers striking in amongst the sea of grey. ‘A rude one.’
Alejandro gave a careless shrug. He didn’t care if he was rude. He wasn’t here to make friends. He was here to get out of the stranglehold of her father’s machinations. He wanted that land. He would do anything for that land.
But not this.
Not the M word.
He nailed her with a hardened look. ‘I’m not here to drink wine and talk about the weather. I’m here to put a stop to this nonsense.’
Her expression remained composed. Determined. Implacable. ‘I’m not marrying you.’
‘Damn right you’re not.’
‘I have no intention of marrying anyone.’
‘Couldn’t agree more.’
‘Which brings us to the rather vexing terms of my father’s will.’
Vexing? Was she stuck in a time warp or something? She talked as if she had stepped out of the pages of a Brontë sister’s novel.
Alejandro watched as she poured herself a glass of soda water. The silence was so intense he could hear the bubbles spitting and fizzing against the sides of the glass.
She had delicate hands, slim and long-fingered and milky-white like the rest of her skin. Her nails were short but not manicured that way. They were bitten down to the quick, one of them looking red and painful near the cuticle.
With her awful clothes and the absence of make-up and any other adornment such as jewellery, he suspected it had been a deliberate choice to make herself as unattractive as possible. Intriguing thought. Why would she do that? She stood to gain the most out of this deal. Or lose the most. Her inheritance rested on her agreement to the terms. A distant relative would get everything if she didn’t comply with her father’s wishes. What young woman would turn her back on an inheritance worth several millions? Marlstone Manor and its surrounding estate was a property developer’s dream. And then there was her father’s investment and property portfolio that would leave her without money worries for the rest of her life.
He studied her for another beat or two before he asked, ‘You didn’t know he’d planned things this way?’
She had the amazing ability to say a lot with one word, Alejandro thought. She could communicate an entire library of words with a look. And right now she was looking at him as if he had come into her neat-as-a-pin sitting room with his back hunched and his knuckles dragging.
He wasn’t used to women despising him on sight. He was used to women fawning over him and worshipping him. It came with the territory of Having Money. Everyone loved money. Especially women. It opened more bedroom doors than anything else.
He found her ice maiden approach refreshing. Delightfully entertaining. He hadn’t felt this level of interest in a long time, if ever. He could feel the little tick in his blood. The tempo raising just enough to make him aware of the physical needs he had been neglecting of late, due to the pressure of juggling work and his responsibilities at home. There was nothing he liked more than a challenge—the harder the quest the better. It made claiming the victory all the more satisfying.
He knew he could have her if he made a play for her. He could have any woman he wanted. Vanity had nothing to do with it. He could look as ugly as sin and he would still be able to draw a woman into his sensual web.
Ever since his broken engagement he had made it his business to select and seduce. He never stayed with a lover more than a couple of weeks. He was a sexual grazer. He took what was on offer and moved on before expectations made things messy.
‘What do you plan to do about situation we find ourselves in?’ he said.
Her chin was thrust at a pugnacious height, her eyes glittering with such defiance and spirit he felt a tingling sensation at the base of his spine. ‘I’m seeking legal advice.’
‘Good luck with that.’
Her forehead puckered. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
Alejandro wandered over to the bookshelves to see what her taste was in reading. All the classics were there. No surprise. There was a scattering of modern works, mostly thrillers and adventure and a larger selection of romance. Interesting. Did Miss Uptight Teddy Marlstone have a secret desire to be wooed and won?
‘I said, what’s that supposed to mean?’
He smiled as he pushed the spine of the book he’d inspected back in alignment with the others. Now he was getting somewhere. Getting under that starchy façade to see who she really was when she wasn’t trying to be a pain in the butt. He slowly turned and ran his gaze over her assessingly. ‘In my experience, lawyers drive expensive cars paid for by their clients.’
Her throat moved up and down like a small creature under a rug, the only crack so far in her cool composure. ‘So?’
‘Are you sure you can afford it?’
Two spots of rosy pink stained her cheeks but her gaze was as caustic as ever. ‘I haven’t sponged off my father, if that’s what you’re implying. I have my own source of income.’
‘As a children’s book illustrator, right?’
‘That’s correct.’
‘I’ve never seen any of your work.’
Her eyes pulsated with dislike. ‘I can assure you I’m quite popular with whom it counts.’
Alejandro suppressed a smile. He was enjoying their verbal stoush much more than he’d expected to. She was prim and proper and yet fiercely proud. He liked someone who could stand up for what they believed in. Who wasn’t intimidated or put off by others’ egos or agendas. She wasn’t fazed by him or by his reputation. She was making no attempt to disguise her dislike of him. He liked that. He liked it a lot. ‘We have a month to decide what to do.’
Her chin came up again and stayed up. ‘I have already decided.’
So had he...or so he’d thought.
Maybe a short-term marriage on paper would be worth considering after all.
He wanted that land.
It was a thousand hectares of prime real estate that had been in his family for generations, and would still have been except for Teddy’s father’s underhand dealings. Alejandro’s plans to extend his polo pony-breeding stud with an exclusive resort attached couldn’t go ahead without that land. It was perfectly positioned, with good grazing and access, and wouldn’t interfere or compromise the rest of his estate. Sustainable farming was an important issue to him and without that land being returned to his possession he couldn’t rest easy that it would be taken care of in the best way possible. What if Teddy’s relative sold it to a developer? There were plenty about, looking for properties to exploit. The place would be desecrated and his along with it. He had to stop that happening. He would do anything to stop that happening.
Almost anything.
‘Are you really prepared to throw all of this away?’ He waved a hand to encompass her gracious surroundings.
She eyeballed him with that same piercing intensity. ‘Are you really prepared to marry a perfect stranger in exchange for a plot of land?’
He sent his gaze over her in a long lazy sweep, taking in the swell of her small pert breasts the voluminous sweater couldn’t quite conceal. ‘I’m thinking about it.’
Her eyes flickered and then widened as if she couldn’t quite believe her ears.
Alejandro was with her on that. He couldn’t believe his either. Had he really just said he was thinking about it? Red flag. Panic button. Exit stage left.
He was thinking about the M word?
‘Why is the land of such importance to you?’ she asked.
The one thing Alejandro had learned in business was not to show how much you wanted something. It gave the opposition too much power. It was better to act cool and indifferent, as if this was just another business transaction. Nothing out of the ordinary. Easy come, easy go.
‘The land is not the issue. The issue is whether I would feel comfortable watching you lose everything for the sake of six months in a paper marriage.’
Her throat rose and fell again as she made a little gulping sound. ‘Did you say...paper?’
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_f7ba8513-0b46-5e75-b8ec-271c7fae31bd)
‘BUT OF COURSE.’ Alejandro hooked a pitch-black eyebrow upwards. ‘You surely weren’t expecting anything else?’
Teddy tried to read his glinting expression. Was he mocking her or baiting her?
It didn’t take her long to decide. He was mocking her. Bastard. Did he have to make it so plainly obvious she was not his type? Grr. She had deliberately made herself look as unappealing as possible when she’d seen his top end sports car prowl up the long driveway. Well, even more unappealing given her damaged hip was no doubt the biggest turn-off for a man who only dated long-legged blondes.
The arrogance of him! He hadn’t even called first to make an appointment to see her. What sort of person did that? What did he think she did all day? Swan around the manor with a champagne cocktail in her hand?
How hard would it have been to call and make a time? What right did he have to come barging in demanding she see him? Did he think she was hanging out here with her heart all aflutter, waiting for him to turn up and dash her off to the nearest register office?
If so, he had better think again. She was determined to show him she wasn’t one of his brainless bimbos who drooled at the mere sight of him.
He might be quite possibly the most gorgeous-looking man she had ever seen, even more gorgeous than those hot male models who advertised aftershave or designer brand sunglasses. He might have the most amazingly dark brown eyes that made her think of strong espresso coffee, and a mouth that made her think of sex, which was a little bit shocking because she never thought of sex. He might have a body that would make Michelangelo make a dash for the nearest chisel and a block of marble, but she was not going to be swooning or fainting any time soon.
No way.
She was going to show him he couldn’t just waltz into her house and tell her how high to jump.
Firstly, she couldn’t jump.
And secondly...well, a girl had her pride, didn’t she? She didn’t want to be handed over like a raffle prize. He didn’t want her. He wanted the land his father had sold to her father. He wanted it more than he was letting on.
That was the thing about being a wallflower. Teddy got to stand back and observe people. To see all the nuances that gave them away. He was better than most at keeping his cards concealed, but she knew he was a powerful and ruthlessly dangerous opponent. He had a winner takes all aura about him. He wore arrogance as easily as he wore his bespoke clothes. He would take risks but only if he was absolutely certain they would pay off. He was calculating and cool. Clever and far more attractive than any man had a right to be. Impressively tall, six-foot-four, and olive-skinned, with jet-black hair that was styled in a casually tousled way—not too short, not too long, but somewhere fashionably in between. His uncompromising jaw was lean and shaven but the regrowth that currently shadowed it suggested he was a twice a day shaver.
Somehow the thought of the rush of those male hormones surging through his body made her insides shift. She was aware of him in a way she didn’t want to own. Would not show. He was used to reeling in women like the catch of the day. He pulled them in and then tossed them away when he was done with them. She wasn’t going to be lured in by his potent charm and undoubted sensual expertise.
No-ho-ho way.
‘Señor Valquez, you seem to have the misguided notion that I am agreeable to any sort of marriage with you. I hate to slight your undoubtedly robust ego, but that is not the case.’
The right side of his mouth came up in an arrogant tilt, those bedroom eyes glinting so darkly the lining of her belly gave an involuntary quiver. ‘You have a lot to lose by rejecting my offer of a temporary marriage.’
Teddy kept her gaze trained on his. ‘So, it seems, do you.’
The only sign of his tension was in a muscle that moved near the left side of his jaw. It was barely more than a flicker but it told her much more about him than anything he had said so far.
He didn’t want to marry her any more than she wanted to marry him. He was playing a game. Getting control. He was ruthlessly determined. Powerfully motivated. He would do whatever it took to get what he wanted and he wouldn’t care who got hurt in the process.
The air tightened like a singing wire.
Sparks passed from his gaze to hers. She felt the impact of them as if he had fired a laser at her. It was all she could do not to blink. It was all she could do not to stare at his mouth. Had she ever seen such a masculine mouth? Such a beautiful mouth? That was the only word to describe it. It was like a work of art. Sexy and sensually contoured with its surround of dark stubble. A tempting mouth. A sinfully corrupt mouth. A mouth that took what it wanted because it damn well could.
Something deep and low in her belly got out of its tightly locked cage. It stretched its cramped limbs, started to move, to crawl around inside her, stirring her senses into wakefulness. It sent a tremor through her blood like a shockwave through a millpond. She could feel the tiny ripples moving over her flesh like the spread of a shiver.
His gaze drifted to her mouth, lingering there for a pulsing beat before re-engaging with her gaze with a zap she felt deep in her core. ‘I’ll give you twenty-four hours to make up your mind. After that the offer is off the table and a new one will take its place.’
Teddy worked hard to keep her expression masked. What other offer would he present to her? Dared she ask? His coal-black eyes were locked on hers in a silent challenge that made the air vibrate with soundless waves of antagonism. The back of her neck prickled as every tiny hair stood to attention like soldiers under the threat of enemy fire. She drew in a breath but the space inside her chest felt cramped, as if her ribcage was slowly but surely shrinking back against her spine. ‘You seem assured I will eventually capitulate to your wishes, Señor Valquez. Again, I would hate to unnecessarily damage your ego but I will not be told what to do.’
His slant of a smile ignited a satirical glint in his eyes. ‘It’s your call, Miss Marlstone. Today it’s a marriage on paper. This time tomorrow it will be the real deal.’ He handed her a business card with his contact details on it. ‘Let me know which you decide.’
Teddy took the card because she didn’t know what else to do. She couldn’t get her voice to work. Couldn’t get her brain to think. Couldn’t stop her body from feeling hot all over from the smouldering burn of his gaze.
Was he serious? Was he prepared to go that far? To make it a real marriage in every sense of the word?
To her?
Why would he do that? Why would he want that? Why would he want her? Or was he game playing, to see how far he could push her?
Teddy watched as he strode out of the door. Listened to him speak curtly with Henry, the butler, on his way out. Heard the front door click shut on his exit. Heard the roar of his powerful engine and the spin of his tyres on the gravel of the driveway as he sped away, throwing up a shower of stones that hit the side of the house like a spray of bullets.
She closed her hand over the business card and felt the edges bite into the flesh of her palm. It was a chilling reminder that in any further skirmish with him she would have to be better prepared. Armoured up. Invincible.
And she only had twenty-four hours in which to do it....
* * *
‘If you ask me, I think you’d be crazy not to marry him,’ Audrey, the long-time housekeeper said as she poked a blue delphinium into the arrangement she was making in the kitchen. ‘After all, what’s going to happen to all of our jobs if this place is handed over to your layabout cousin? He won’t keep Henry on at his age, not to mention me.’ She gave a little sniff as she picked up another bloom. ‘He’ll want some big-breasted young floozy to flounce around the place with a feather duster in her hand before she dives into his bed.’
Teddy chewed at her lip. She hadn’t got as far as thinking about the loyal Marlstone staff. They were a team. A family. Her family. Audrey Taylor was sixty-eight and had run the household ever since Teddy’s mother had left. She had fulfilled so many roles in Teddy’s life: nanny, friend, confidante, wise counsel and mentor.
Seventy-four-year-old Henry Buckington had worked for her father’s father before her parents were married. He was part of the furniture. The place wouldn’t be the same without his stolid presence.
Then there was Stan and Myles Harris, the father and son team who managed the garden and the rest of the estate.
Audrey was right. Teddy’s cousin would bring in his own staff, not keep the ones who had served her and her father so loyally for so long. They would be cast out and left to flounder.
But could she marry a man she didn’t know to save them? A man she didn’t even like? A man she detested for his cocksure arrogance?
Alejandro Valquez expected her to say yes. Any other woman would have said yes ten times over. That’s what was so galling. He expected her to feel grateful that he was so magnanimously offering his hand in marriage.
A paper marriage.
How insulting was that? Could he make it any more obvious he thought her a deformed freak? Of course he would offer her a paper marriage. What else? He wouldn’t want her in his bed...not that she wanted to be in his bed or anything. A girl might have the odd erotic fantasy, which was perfectly natural, but it didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t as if she was hankering after a red-hot affair with him just because he was so staggeringly handsome...but still.
‘Did you know Dad had written his will like this?’
Audrey snipped off the end of the stalk of the flower she was holding. ‘I suspected he might.’
Teddy frowned. ‘You did? Why?’ Why didn’t you think to mention it during the last five months while I nursed him and stupidly fooled myself into believing he cared about me?
The housekeeper put down the secateurs and gave Teddy a direct look. ‘You don’t need me to tell you your father was a stubborn old goat who thought his way was the only way. I expect he was worried about you being left on your own. This is a big estate for a young woman to run without a husband by her side.’
‘So he engineered one for me? Do you know insulting that is?’ Teddy folded her arms. ‘I can find my own husband, thanks very much.’
Audrey’s gaze had a wise old owl look about it. ‘You’d better get a wriggle on, lass. You’re not getting any younger.’
‘For God’s sake, I’m only twenty-six.’
Four years until she was thirty. Was that the sound of ticking she could hear? When she was a little girl she thought she would be married with a baby by now. As a little girl she had dressed up in her mother’s exquisite wedding gown and veil and tottered around in her high heels pretending to be a princess bride, dreaming of the day when she would become one for real. How far had life taken her away from her hopes and dreams? Her riding accident when she was ten had changed everything. She had gone from being normal to disabled. To being on the outside of everything. The odd one out. The poor little lame girl. The girl no one wanted on their team.
The girl no one wanted unless they could be bribed or bought.
‘Yes, but you haven’t been on a date since you came home from art school.’ Audrey picked up the secateurs and another bloom. Snip. Snip. Snip.
Teddy pressed her lips together. ‘I’m not good at dating.’
Audrey cocked her head as she studied the floral arrangement. ‘You don’t try, that’s why.’
Teddy frowned again. ‘I’m not a party girl. I never have been. I hate small talk. I’d rather paint or read a book.’
‘Alejandro Valquez has plenty of friends. Maybe he can lend you some.’
‘Oh, yes, I can just imagine me becoming chummy with all his pretty pin-up girls.’ She narrowed her gaze at the housekeeper. ‘Anyway, why are you so for this crazy scheme?’
Audrey gave her a pragmatic look. ‘I don’t want you to lose your home and this is the only way you can keep it. Your father was old-fashioned and set in his ways. He wanted to see you settled. He wanted you to marry a man of means. I suspect he thought this was the best way to do it.’
‘It’s the worst possible way!’ Teddy said. ‘I haven’t got a say in it. It’s being forced on me.’
‘I expect it’s the same for Alejandro.’
‘No, it’s not.’ Teddy balled her fists and set her jaw. ‘It’s not the same at all. He thinks it’s amusing to stride into my life and tell me what to do as if I have no mind or will of my own. I loathe him. He’s insufferably rude and arrogant. He thinks I’m gagging to say yes to him.’ Argh!
‘He’s one of the richest men in Argentina.’
‘If he’s so rich then why’s he so worried about a plot of land he could buy a squillion times over?’
‘It’s adjacent to his family property, that’s why,’ Audrey said. ‘I expect he can’t expand his polo breeding stud without it. He rebuilt his father’s polo resort business from scratch. He took over as CEO when he was in his early twenties. He’s been trying to get that land back ever since.’
Teddy rolled her eyes. ‘I suppose he wants to build some ghastly flashy hotel on it. What sort of man does that? Why doesn’t he want to preserve it for future generations to enjoy?’
Audrey shrugged. ‘Why don’t you ask him when you call him?’
Teddy folded her arms again. ‘I’m not calling him.’
‘You have to call him to give him your answer.’
‘My answer is no.’
Audrey let out a long whoosh of a sigh, her hunched shoulders going down with it. ‘I guess I’d better start packing my things...’
‘Oh, no you don’t.’ Teddy unfolded her arms to waggle a finger at her. ‘Don’t you go emotionally blackmailing me because it won’t work.’ Much.
Teddy hated the thought of her staff losing their home and their source of income. Their security. Their sense of purpose. It was giving her an ulcer just thinking about it. What would they do? Where would they go? What would happen to them? They weren’t the sort of people who could sit around and do nothing. They loved working at Marlstone Manor. It kept them active and mentally stimulated.
Could she do what was necessary to rescue them? Could she marry a man in order to keep her family home secure? Could she make that sacrifice for the sake of the only people she thought of as family?
It was only for six months.
It was a paper marriage.
The time would be up before she knew it. It wasn’t as if she had to move to Argentina with him. He wouldn’t want the inconvenience of a wife living under his roof while he partied all night with his lady friends. Oh, no. He would want her safely ensconced back here in England. Out of sight, out of mind.
‘You can’t fight this, Teddy. You can’t fight him.’
‘Are you talking about Dad or Alejandro?’
Audrey gave her a speaking look. ‘Both.’
* * *
‘You’re not seriously thinking of going through with it?’ Luiz said when he called Alejandro.
‘I want that land.’
‘Heck of a way to go about it,’ Luiz drawled. ‘I thought you said you were never going to darken the doorstep of a church ever—’
‘Yeah, well, this is different.’
Alejandro had thought it through from every angle. He would suffer the short-term marriage because it would achieve his long-term goal. It was a matter of honour. The land was Valquez land his forebears had owned for generations. Clark Marlstone had swindled Alejandro’s father at a low point in his life and it was up to him to get it back.
To bring about justice.
So what if he had to marry the enemy’s daughter to do it? It wasn’t as if he were really marrying her. It would be a civil ceremony. He would not stand in a church and make promises he had no intention of keeping. He would continue to live his life the way he wanted to live it.
Teddy Marlstone would get what she wanted at the end.
So would he.
‘It’s only for six months,’ he said. ‘After that, I’ll have the marriage annulled. By then we’ll both have what we want.’ Too easy.
‘What’s she like?’
Alejandro frowned as he thought of Teddy’s marked limp. Had that had something to do with her father’s machinations? Clark Marlstone was marrying her off because she was maimed? That was despicable but then it was just the sort of thing a man like that would do. What sort of relationship had she had with her father? Had she been close to him? All he knew about her family background was her parents had divorced when she was young and her father had been given custody after a protracted battle in the courts. Her mother had died of an accidental prescription drug overdose a few months later, which might or might not have been suicide.
‘She has a limp.’
‘Let’s hope her looks make up for that. Is she hot?’
Trust his younger brother to be so shallow. Luiz was a serial model dater. If a woman hadn’t been on a catwalk he wasn’t interested. Alejandro thought he was a little picky over his partners but Luiz took it to a whole new level. No woman with a university degree need apply. Luiz didn’t want intelligent conversation. He didn’t stay with a woman long enough to engage her in one. He changed partners as quickly as he changed horses in a polo match. Not that he could talk.
‘She has the sort of looks that grow on you.’
‘So why would her old man set her up like this?’
‘Her father is playing games from beyond the grave,’ Alejandro said. ‘He knew how much I wanted that land, and he also knew I did nothing to quell the rumours about him acquiring it less than honourably. In fact, I actively fuelled them. And since it’s common knowledge I would never consider marriage again, this is his way of paying me back.’
‘What’s she like?’
Alejandro pictured that small defiant figure with her piercing gaze and tightly set mouth. Her strength of will was admirable. Not many people stood up to him. Not many people had the courage to do so. Her intransigence fascinated him because he couldn’t think of a woman of his acquaintance who wouldn’t rush him off to the nearest marriage celebrant to secure the deal. Why was she so against the union? Was it him or was it marriage in general? Or was she, too, playing a game? Was she secretly delighted her father had selected him as her husband? Was she pretending to be aghast at the thought while privately she was congratulating herself on securing a prize catch?
Luiz gave a chuckle. ‘That’s not a word I’ve heard you use to describe a woman before. When do I get to meet her?’
I have to convince her to marry me first.
* * *
Teddy stood at one of the library windows chewing her fingernails back to her shoulders in panic. Alejandro’s low-slung sports car growled up the driveway and parked in front of the house like a black panther waiting to pounce. She watched as he got out from behind the wheel with the athletic ease of a man who was in superb physical condition.
She melted back against the velvet drape of the curtain in case he saw her spying on him. He was dressed in dark denim jeans and a white casual cotton shirt that made his olive-toned skin look all the more gloriously tanned. The sleeves were rolled back past his strong wrists, revealing dark curly hairs that continued to the backs of his hands with a sprinkling over his long fingers. He had a silver designer watch on his left wrist and he was wearing aviator sunglasses, adding to the air of command and control that was so damnably attractive. He was a man who was used to getting his own way. He got it in the boardroom. He got it in the bedroom.
Teddy had looked at the situation from every angle. She had consulted several lawyers and they had all said much the same thing. It would be a costly exercise getting her father’s will overturned and even then she might not be successful. And it could take years. She couldn’t afford to spend money she didn’t have, or at least not that sort of money. If she agreed to follow the terms of the will, in six months she would be in full possession of Marlstone Manor. There would be no money worries, no sleepless nights panicking about finding the funds for the expensive upkeep of the stately mansion and grounds. She could concentrate on her art as well as provide a secure home for her loyal and loving staff.
But the thing that had decided her over all others was a phone call from her second cousin. Hugo had made his intentions clear. Marlstone Manor would be sold as soon as he took possession. He wanted the money. The house meant nothing to him. The staff meant even less.
Teddy figured a short-term marriage to Alejandro Valquez was the smaller price to pay. Being married to an attractive man who would not make any unnecessary demands on her because he said it was to be a paper marriage.
And you believed him? a voice inside her head asked.
Of course she did. Why wouldn’t she? She wasn’t the type of girl he would go for. His last girlfriend had been close to six foot tall with a willowy figure and waist-length blonde hair. And long legs, both in excellent working order.
Teddy pulled in a breath that caught at her throat as Alejandro’s firm purposeful footsteps sounded along the corridor. She had to get her mask in place. It wouldn’t do to show how unnerved she was about the arrangement she was about to enter into with him. She had to put her ice maiden face on. Assemble her features into the cool impassive face that told everyone she didn’t give a damn what they thought of her gait. She straightened her spine, put her shoulders back. Gripped her walking stick with a hand that was clammy. Nerves scraped at her stomach like scrabbling mice feet as the footsteps came closer. Her heart felt as if it was beating in her oesophagus as the door was pushed open and Alejandro came striding into the room. The room seemed to shrink as he brought in the scent of the outdoors—citrus and wood and danger.
His eyes did a lazy head to toe sweep of her figure before he greeted her with a nod. ‘Miss Marlstone.’
Teddy’s chin came up. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t like the way he mocked her with that glittering look in his pitch-black gaze. She had decided against dressing shabbily. But she hadn’t pulled out her best outfit, either. She’d settled for simple and casual—not much different from what he was wearing. Jeans and a cotton shirt, but she had draped a sweater across her shoulders because, in spite of the Indian summer they were experiencing, the late September weather was occasionally unpredictable. She hadn’t bothered with make-up because she rarely wore it. But now, with him looking at her with that indolent gaze, she wished she had layered it on with a trowel to disguise the traitorous blush she could feel crawling over her cheeks. ‘Señor Valquez.’
A corner of his mouth twitched as if he found her stiff formality amusing. ‘Am I to believe you’ve agreed to become my wife?’
She sent him a glowering look. ‘Your paper wife.’
‘Ah, yes.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘You’re in under the time limit. Just.’
Something inside Teddy’s stomach dropped. ‘You surely wouldn’t expect me to agree to anything else? We’re all but strangers.’
His crooked smile was knee-weakening. ‘You don’t normally sleep with strangers?’
‘Certainly not.’ She wished she hadn’t sounded quite so priggish. ‘I mean...I like to get to know someone first. To see if we’re...erm...compatible.’
‘How many lovers have you had?’
Teddy’s eyes flared. ‘I beg your pardon?’
His eyes held hers. Dark. Probing. Intelligent. ‘Lovers. How many?’
She gave him an arch look. ‘How many have you had?’
The glint in his eyes made her stomach slip again. ‘Too many to count.’
Teddy could feel her blush burning across her cheeks like a spreading flame. Her mind was suddenly full of images of him with his beautiful bedmates, writhing and cavorting in passion, their perfect bodies in the throes of ecstasy. No hint of awkwardness or shame.
Her one and only sexual encounter had left her embarrassed and ashamed. She blamed herself for not recognising the way she had been set up. She should have known better. Men were all about the physical. They were turned on by the visual. It was how they were wired. How could she have thought Ross Jenner would be different? He had befriended her in her last year at art school and then betrayed her. He had boasted to his mates on social media about how he had done the deed with the girl no one else wanted. He had won a dare to sleep with her. He had been paid to do it. The memory of it still sat like a cold hard stone in her belly.
Teddy moved away from the heat of Alejandro’s dark gaze to the desk where Henry had set out a drinks tray. The one thing she could do on automatic pilot was to be a polite hostess, even if it made her grind her teeth to powdered chalk. ‘Would you care for a drink?’
‘Whisky. No ice.’
She poured the whisky into a crystal tumbler and silently handed it to him, careful not to come into contact with his fingers. She kept her gaze out of reach of his, staring at the button of his shirt as if it was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen.
He was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen. He dominated the room like a giant in a doll’s house. So tall her neck ached from keeping eye contact. So self-assured and so impossibly gorgeous her breath was having trouble moving in and out of her lungs.
He smelt delicious. The tang of his lemon and lime aftershave teased her nostrils, making her think of sun-drenched lemon groves.
And sex.
Teddy leaned on her stick as she turned to fix herself a drink. Since when did she think of sex? Hot, sweaty sex. Animal sex. Not with some weedy geek at art school who had won a bet.
Sex with a full-blooded man in his prime.
‘I would like us to be married as soon as possible.’
Her left hand shook as she poured a shot of brandy into a glass. ‘We have a month before the deadline.’
‘No point stalling. The sooner we marry, the sooner we end it.’
His comment shouldn’t have made her feel resentful. It shouldn’t have felt like an insult. She didn’t want to be married to him any longer than she had to. She would have said the same to him if she’d got in first. It was damned annoying she hadn’t. ‘Indeed.’ She gave him a gelid look. ‘I couldn’t have expressed it better myself.’
He moved to the windows to look at the view. ‘Nice place you have here. Have you lived here long?’
‘All my life.’
He turned and looked at her but because the sunlight was behind him his expression was masked by shadow. ‘You do realise you’ll have to come to Argentina with me.’ He didn’t pose it as a question but as a statement of fact.
Teddy gripped the crystal glass so tightly she thought it might explode in her hand. He wanted her to go with him? To live with him? She hadn’t planned on going anywhere. A paper marriage was just a signed piece of paper. She didn’t have to live with him. She just had to be married to him.
Didn’t she?
‘Surely that’s not necessary?’
‘You have a strange notion of what constitutes a marriage, Miss Marlstone.’
‘But you said it was to be a marriage on paper.’ She gripped the glass a little tighter. ‘We don’t have to live together. Lots of couples spend time apart, especially when they both have important careers.’
‘I’m not leaving anything open to speculation.’
‘But I have commitments here.’
‘Cancel them.’
Teddy’s back stiffened. ‘Why don’t you cancel yours?’
He had the audacity to chuckle at her suggestion. ‘I run a multimillion dollar business. I have staff who depend on me for their wages. I need to be on site to make sure things run as smoothly as possible. Your work is transportable, isn’t it?’
She gave him an intractable look. ‘Yes, but I prefer to work here. I have my studio here.’
‘I can give you a room at my villa. In fact, you can have a whole floor. Think of it as a working holiday, all expenses paid.’
Teddy pursed her lips in thought. It was only six months and she’d always wanted to visit Argentina. The sense of adventure appealed but living with a man she didn’t know—didn’t even like—was more than a little disquieting.
‘Be assured I will make no demands on you.’
The words dropped into the silence, making her feel as if he had the power to read her mind. Somehow that was even more disquieting than sharing a house with him for six months.
But then the feminine part of her felt another sense of pique. Did he have to make it so obvious he found her so physically repulsive?
She knew she wasn’t in-your-face beautiful. She had always been a little on the plain side. It was another thing her father had been so bitterly disappointed about in her. Not only hadn’t she been born a boy, she’d had the looks to compensate for the missing Y chromosome.
‘What will you tell your friends and family about our...situation?’
‘My brother knows the truth and, of course, our legal team, but that’s where it stops. I want everyone else to believe it’s a genuine love match. It goes without saying that I would like you to refrain from speaking to the press.’
Teddy wished he’d step out of the shadows so she could see his face. Was he mocking her again? Surely he didn’t think anyone would believe a man like him would fall for a girl like her? They would laugh at the suggestion. What was his motivation? Was this about his broken engagement? She had seen the press articles online about his fiancée jilting him on the day of the wedding. It would be a difficult thing for any man to face but having it splashed all over the media would have made it so much worse. Had he decided it was time to show he had moved on, so to speak? Ten years was a long time to nurse a broken heart. But had it been his heart or his pride that had taken the greatest hit?
‘Are you the type of man to fall in love so quickly?’
He made a sound that was part snort, part laugh. ‘I might have been once.’
Teddy pinned down her lower lip with her teeth. She couldn’t help feeling sorry for the idealistic young man he must have been back then.
He stepped away from the windows and came over to the tray of drinks on the desk, pouring himself another couple of fingers of whisky. She watched as he held the glass up to his lips, watched the strong tanned column of his throat as he tossed the contents back and swallowed. He had a frown between his brows that suddenly made him seem far older than his thirty-four years. Was he thinking of his fiancée? Of the love he had lost? It would have been a terrible shock to find the woman he loved had changed her mind, only to hook up with a much older and much richer man the week after. Was he thinking of the pain the public break-up had caused him?
Teddy found it hard to imagine him falling in love with someone. He didn’t seem the type. He was too hard-nosed and cynical. Too determined on having his way to give or compromise in a relationship. He was a playboy. A player, not a stayer. He changed partners as if they were disposable items. He had throwaway relationships that meant nothing to him other than a bit of temporary entertainment. She couldn’t imagine him wanting to settle down and bring up a family. He didn’t seem the type of man to be content with one woman. Not while he had a smorgasbord of beauties to feast on.
‘What about you, Miss Marlstone?’ The frown suddenly relaxed as his cynical smile returned. ‘Are you the type of woman to impulsively fall in love?’
He studied her for a long moment. ‘You sound very assured.’
‘That’s because I am.’
‘Have you ever been in love?’
The amused glint was back in his dark eyes. ‘So how do you know you won’t do so quickly or impulsively?’
Teddy felt the heat of his gaze all over her body. What was it about this man that made her think of sex all the time? It was crazy. It was totally out of character. It was as if he could set her on fire with a look. She became aware of her breasts behind the sensible white cotton of her bra, aware of her inner core that flickered on and off like a faulty light switch. When she quickly moistened her dry lips a rush of sensation flowed through her as she imagined what it would feel like to have his mouth pressed to hers. To have his tongue search for hers, to play with it, tease it and provoke it into a firestorm of passion. To have his arms gather her close, to have him crush her against his strong, powerful body.
To feel.
‘I’m not the impulsive type.’
His mouth tilted a little further in that fallen angel’s smile that wreaked such havoc on her equilibrium. She felt dizzy from being in his presence, from being so close to him she could smell the danger he represented. It was like an exotic potion wafting in the atmosphere.
She was breathing it in—breathing him in.
She suppressed a tiny shudder. ‘No.’
His eyes roved over her face, lingering for a moment on her mouth. When he reconnected his gaze with hers the frown was back between his brows. ‘I should warn you about the press. They can be ferocious. I’ll do my best to protect you, but there will be times when you’ll just have to ignore what they say.’
Teddy wondered if he was concerned about her or himself. Why would he care what the press said about her? Once the six months was up she would be out of his life. He wouldn’t have to spare her another thought. It would be his reputation he would be most concerned about. What would the press make of his choice of bride? Would comparisons be made? Of course they would and she would be found lacking in every way imaginable. ‘I hope I don’t cause you any unnecessary embarrassment.’
His frown deepened the trench between his eyes. ‘In what way?’
She forced herself to hold his gaze without flinching. Could he see how much it pained her to be thought so undesirable? So unattractive her father had to go to such ridiculous—insulting—lengths to secure a husband for her? It was so demeaning to be handed over like a parcel no one wanted. It confirmed every fear she had harboured about herself since her mother had left when she was seven. She wasn’t good enough, pretty enough. Lovable enough. ‘I’m nothing like your last choice of bride.’
He was still looking at her with a frowning expression. ‘So?’
‘So they’ll wonder what you see in me.’
Something passed over his features, a tiny flicker of an emotion she couldn’t quite identify. ‘It’s not your limp that was the first thing I noticed about you. It’s that chip on your shoulder.’
Teddy sent him a hardened look. ‘Why wouldn’t I have a chip on my shoulder? Men like you and your brother make it easy to be cynical. You only date women who look perfect. You don’t even notice women like me.’
He stood looking at her for a long moment. She wished she hadn’t spoken. She wished she hadn’t exposed her insecurities. She wished she didn’t feel so inadequate. If she had poise and sophistication she would marry him without a qualm. Most women would snatch at the chance to be linked to him for six minutes, let alone six months. He was the ultimate prize—rich and handsome and charming.
But he was someone else’s prize. Not hers. Girls like her didn’t get the prize. They didn’t get the guy. They didn’t get the fairy tale. They didn’t even get the poisoned apple or the big bad wolf. They were left alone.
‘There will be legal paperwork to see to before we are married,’ he said as if the tense moment had not occurred. ‘A celebrant will perform the ceremony in private. I don’t want any press around. We will announce our marriage as a fait accompli.’
‘What if I want a big white wedding with all the trimmings?’ She only asked it to get under his skin and it worked.
The tic in his jaw was visible for a beat or two. ‘Do you?’
Yes. Teddy thought of her mother’s dress and veil wrapped in layers of blue tissue paper in the camphor chest in the attic. How many times had she climbed those stairs when no one was around and opened that chest to touch the French lace and the voluminous veil? Breathing in the faint trace of her mother’s perfume that somehow, after all these years, still lingered on the fabric, like dreams that weren’t yet ready to be discarded.
Teddy closed the lid on her dreams, the metaphorical slam of it feeling like a bang against her heart. ‘No, but I’m just say—’
‘Many couples save themselves the time and effort and expense of a wedding by eloping. The goal is to get married. Not to entertain a crowd of people you’ve never met or barely know and will likely never see again.’
She couldn’t quite let it go. ‘That’s not what you thought ten years ago.’
His eyes held hers in a heated lock that made the back of her neck prickle. ‘My people will speak to your people.’ He gave her a brisk nod. ‘Buenas tardes.’
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_6e679054-b60d-596d-a790-cd3df4b260c8)
A COUPLE OF DAYS later Alejandro frowned as he clicked on a news link on his phone. There was a photograph of Teddy and a separate one of him with the caption: For Love or Money? Argentinian Playboy Desperate for Cash? The short piece was damning in every way imaginable. It speculated on their relationship, hinting at a soon-to-be-conducted private wedding. It questioned his motives for the alliance. It made him look like every type of cad intent on marrying an heiress for her fortune. There was no mention of Teddy’s motives. The journalist failed to mention that Alejandro had ten times the wealth of Teddy’s father. His business brand would be damaged. It was one thing being seen as a party-loving playboy but quite another to be labelled a cash-strapped cad. Shareholders would pull their funds out of the company. It would destabilise everything to have investors shifting their interests right now.
How had this leaked? Had Teddy spoken to the press? Had she deliberately set out to make him look as ruthless and self-serving as she could?
He’d thought he was getting to know her. He’d thought he was coming to understand her prickliness and coolness of manner as a defence mechanism rather than who she really was on the inside. He’d thought she was different, that she was an old-fashioned girl caught up in the machinations of her unprincipled father. He’d even liked her, damn it.
He ground his teeth. She wanted a white wedding and was going about getting one come hell or high water. She was forcing him. Manipulating him.
Two could play at that game.
* * *
‘Don’t look out of the window,’ Audrey said to Teddy. ‘There are press everywhere. There’s even one in the hedge down by the gate. I saw the glint of his camera in the sunlight.’
‘What are they doing here?’
Audrey pointed to the newspaper lying on the breakfast table. ‘My guess is your cousin’s been making mischief. He had his hopes on getting everything if you defaulted on the will. You’ve upset the applecart by agreeing to the terms. He didn’t think you’d do it.’
Teddy chewed the right side of her mouth as she read the article. It wasn’t very flattering towards Alejandro. But it was even worse for her. It made her sound like a hideous witch the poor man had been forced to marry to keep him from the poorhouse.
Her phone beeped from inside her pocket and she took it out to see Alejandro’s number come up on the screen. ‘Hello?’
‘I’m five minutes away,’ Alejandro said. ‘Pack a bag. We’re going to London.’
‘To buy a wedding dress. What else?’
‘But I thought—?’
The phone snapped off.
* * *
Teddy was waiting for Alejandro in the morning room. She was standing with her back to the windows when he came in. Dressed in dark blue cotton trousers and a loose sweater and with her face free of make-up and her hair in a tight ponytail, she looked as if she was barely out of her teens. Her expression was cool and unaffected but her hand gripping her stick was white-knuckled. ‘I’m not going to London with you.’
Alejandro wasn’t used to people ignoring his orders. When he said ‘jump’ people jumped. ‘I told you not to speak to the press.’

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The Valquez Bride


Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: A wedding night she’ll never forget!Untouched Theodora Marlstone has always wanted the fairytale wedding – a white dress and an adoring groom. Instead she’s walking up the aisle towards a marriage of convenience to outrageously attractive Argentinian Alejandro Valquez! He promises raw sensuality, not devotion, but thanks to her father’s will Teddy must say ‘I do’…Alejandro has never wanted a wife, but his buttoned-up bride is a delicious present just waiting to be unwrapped. Beneath the white silk lies a woman who exceeds his wildest imagination – and it’s clear that this union will burn the very paper it’s written on!Discover more at

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