The Greek Boss′s Bride

The Greek Boss's Bride
Chantelle Shaw
Kezia Trevellyn is in love with her boss, Greek tycoon Nik Niarchou.But Nik only sees Kezia as his efficient assistant. But Kezia's dreams become reality when they begin a passionate affair. Wined, dined and seduced by Nik during long Mediterranean nights, Kezia almost forgets the secret reason why their relationship can't last–until Nik proposes….

The Greek Boss’s Bride

Chantelle Shaw (


NIKOS NIARCHOU’S VISIT to the London offices of the Niarchou Leisure Group was the subject of intense excitement among all the staff. All the staff bar one, Kezia thought impatiently, as she crossed the reception area and was assailed by the overpowering smell of furniture polish.
‘Anyone would think we were expecting a visit from royalty,’ she muttered to Jo Stafford, her colleague from the PR department, as they stepped into the lift.
‘A visit from the company chairman is as good as,’ Jo replied seriously. ‘It’s over a year since he last came, and the MD is sweating buckets that we make a good impression. Nik Niarchou demands high standards from every member of staff, from top management down to office junior. You must remember him,’ she added, when Kezia failed to look suitably overawed.
‘I joined the company just after his last visit. I remember there was a lot of talk about it, but I’ve never met him so I’m afraid I don’t know what all the fuss is about.’
‘You must have heard about him, though,’ Jo protested. ‘His reputation in the bedroom is almost as legendary as it is in the boardroom. The gossip columns can’t get enough of him—but let’s face it: he’s a gorgeous Greek multimillionaire who has the added attraction of being single. It’s not surprising he grabs the headlines—especially now he’s decided to settle permanently in England. Apparently he’s bought some fantastic stately home in Hertfordshire called Otterbourne House, and there’s a queue a mile long for the position of lady of the manor.’
The lift stopped at Kezia’s floor and she stepped out. ‘You’d better point this demi-god out to me when he arrives. It could prove embarrassing if I don’t recognise him,’ she added dryly.
‘You’ll know him,’ Jo assured her with a grin. ‘Nik Niarchou is unlike any man you’ve ever met. Trust me, he’s unforgettable.’
Kezia hurried past the front desk of the PR department and shook her head at the sight of the receptionist, who was measuring the length of each tulip stalk before placing the bloom carefully in a vase.
The whole place had gone mad, she thought irritably, and all because of one man. How great could he be? Jo had described Nikos Niarchou as some sort of Greek colossus, but it was amazing how blinding the lure of money could be. In reality he was probably short, balding and middle aged—with a paunch, Kezia added for good measure. However, there was no denying the fact that as company chairman, Mr Niarchou was supremely powerful. It was reputed that he had impossibly high standards and she prayed that her boss, Frank Warner, would actually make it into the office on time and sober this morning.
By ten-thirty Frank hadn’t shown up, and she was panicking. She had worked as PA to the head of the Niarchou Group’s public relations department for the past year, and had to admit that the job was not quite as she had anticipated. Her boss was struggling to cope with an acrimonious divorce and a drink problem. She wasn’t sure which one had triggered the other, but she couldn’t go on covering for him for much longer without other members of staff noticing. She was fond of Frank, but right now she could cheerfully boil him in oil, Kezia thought darkly as she walked along to the coffee machine and stared down at the car park, searching for his car. There was no sign of him, and with a groan she headed back along the corridor.
‘Damn it, Frank, where are you?’ she muttered, halting abruptly in the doorway of her office as a figure swung round from the window.
Her first impression of the man who turned towards her was his exceptional height. He was easily five inches over six feet tall, she estimated, unable to drag her gaze from the formidable width of his shoulders. His black, impeccably tailored suit sheathed a lean, hard body, and she noted the impressive muscle definition of his abdomen visible beneath his silk shirt. As if in slow motion she lifted her eyes to his face—and swallowed as the full impact of his handsome face overwhelmed her. Razor-sharp cheekbones, a square jaw that hinted an implacably determined character, and a mouth that was wide, full-lipped and innately sensual.
Jo had been right, Kezia acceded numbly. Nikos Niarchou was unlike any man she had ever met.
There was no doubt in her mind that the man who was watching her with the silent stillness of a predator was the head of the phenomenally successful Niarchou Group. He possessed an air of authority teamed with a barely concealed impatience. But nothing had prepared her for his raw sexual magnetism—or her reaction to it.
‘That’s a very good question, Miss Trevellyn. Where exactly is Frank Warner?’
His voice was deep timbred, with a pronounced Greek accent that was so sexy it made her toes curl. Get a grip, she told herself fiercely, irritated by the discovery that she seemed to have lost the power of speech.
His dark eyes travelled over her in a slow appraisal, noting the simplicity of her grey skirt and white blouse, and Kezia crossed her arms instinctively over her chest, longing for the protection of her jacket. Her clothes were smart and practical, but beneath his intense scrutiny she was aware that her blouse gaped fractionally over her breasts and her skirt clung faithfully to her curvaceous hips and rounded bottom. His gaze moved lower and skimmed her legs in their sheer black hose before trawling up again, and she had the feeling that he had mentally stripped her bare, leaving her exposed to his gaze.
With a huge effort she forced herself to relax and moved further into the room. ‘You have the advantage of knowing my name, but I’m afraid I don’t know yours—Mr…?’
‘Niarchou—Nikos Niarchou.’
The gleam in his eyes warned her that he was amused by her pretence that she did not know his identity. He dismantled her air of cool efficiency with humiliating ease, and she blushed as she proffered her hand to formalise their introduction.
‘And you are Kezia Trevellyn, Frank’s personal assistant.’
His hand closed around hers and instantly engulfed it. She had expected the contact to be brief and impersonal, but incredibly he lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against her fingers. It was electrifying; she almost literally felt sparks shoot down her arm. Her whole body was on fire, and with a gasp she tore her fingers free from his grasp.
Her legs felt distinctly wobbly as a mixture of embarrassment and fierce sexual heat coursed through her veins. She had never felt anything remotely like it before. It was like being hit by a bulldozer. Jo hadn’t lied when she’d said Nik Niarchou was unforgettable. Kezia knew instinctively that his darkly handsome features would be imprinted on her brain for ever. But from somewhere she salvaged a little of her self-possession and glanced at him coolly.
‘Yes, I’m Frank Warner’s PA, but I’m afraid he’s out of the office this morning.’ She crossed to her desk and made a show of flicking through the diary. ‘His meeting is scheduled to finish around lunchtime. If there’s something you need to discuss with him, I’ll ask him to call you as soon as he gets back.’ She awarded him an impersonal smile and moved towards the door, her body language clearly indicating that she expected him to follow her.
Instead he pulled out the chair from behind the desk and sat down.
‘Come and take a seat, Miss Trevellyn—or can I call you Kezia?’
The gleam in his eyes told her he would call her what he liked, with or without her permission. He was patently a man who liked his own way, and she was aware that for Frank’s sake she had better curb her hot temper.
Once she was seated opposite him he subjected her to a long, hard stare until she shifted restlessly. His expression was unfathomable, his eyes shaded by long black lashes that matched the colour of his hair. This close she caught the subtle tang of his cologne, and her senses flared. She couldn’t think straight, and try as she might she seemed to be physically unable to prevent her gaze from straying to his mouth.
‘What’s going on, Kezia?’ he demanded abruptly, the harshness of his tone making her jump. ‘We’re both aware that Frank’s diary is as empty this week as last. I glanced through it before you came in,’ he added blandly, plainly unconcerned by her indignant gasp.
‘You had no right to snoop through my desk—’ she began, her voice faltering as his brows lifted fractionally. He was the company chairman, he had the right to do what he damn well liked and they both knew it.
‘Where is he now? The pub?’
‘At eleven o’clock in the morning! Of course not—’ She broke off and tucked a stray copper-coloured curl behind her ear. ‘It’s true Frank has had some difficulties in his private life recently,’ she admitted slowly. ‘I understand that his divorce from his wife was very bitter.’
‘And what part did you play in the ending of his marriage?’ Nik’s hard expression did not flicker as twin spots of colour flared on Kezia’s cheeks.
‘I’m sorry? Why should Frank’s divorce have anything to do with me?’
‘It’s not unheard of for a man of a certain age to make a fool of himself over his much younger secretary. Especially when that secretary is an attractive woman like yourself,’ he added coolly, ignoring the sparks of fury in her eyes. ‘Your loyalty to your boss is admirable, Kezia, but I’m curious to understand why you would lie in defence of a man who I understand is out of the office more often that he’s in it. Word is, you’re carrying Frank. The success of the last ad campaign was solely down to you, although you allowed him to take the credit.’
‘And my loyalty to him is proof that I’m sleeping with him?’ Kezia snapped, trembling with outrage. ‘Frank’s a friend and colleague, nothing more, and to imply otherwise is hideous.’
She jumped to her feet and glared at Nik Niarchou across the desk. Sinfully sexy and as arrogant as hell, she surmised darkly. He was also far more aware of the problems within the PR department than she had credited, and she feared there was little she could do to help Frank Warner.
‘So, if it’s not an affair it must be the drink,’ Nik mused. ‘You have to appreciate that the situation can’t carry on, Kezia.’ He rose to his feet, towering over her so that she was forced to crane her neck to look at him.
‘What will you do? Frank’s a good man…’ she muttered as he strolled over to the door. She scurried after him. For a moment she thought he was going to ignore her, but then he turned and glanced down at her anxious face.
‘Obviously there will need to be changes,’ he told her bluntly.
To her consternation he caught hold of her chin and tilted her face so her eyes locked with his. Instantly her senses quivered. He was a sorcerer, and she was held powerless in his spell. He would be an incredible lover, she acknowledged numbly as liquid heat flooded through her veins. His eyes narrowed, his body suddenly taut, and she was mortified by the horrifying realisation that he must have read her mind.
‘Your loyalty to Warner is misjudged but impressive, as is your work record. My PA has inconveniently decided to get married and move to Australia with her husband,’ he informed her, and Kezia frowned at the unexpected change of subject. ‘After ten years of dedicated service, Donna is deserting me.’
‘With good reason, as far as I can see,’ Kezia muttered, allowing her unruly tongue get the better of her. But to her surprise Nik flung his head back and laughed.
‘Spirited as well as beautiful—a dangerous combination,’ he drawled. ‘But I like danger. It adds spice, don’t you think, Kezia? The post of my PA will become available in the next couple of months. I’ll look forward to receiving your application.’
‘What makes you so sure I’d be interested?’ she demanded crossly, irritated by his arrogance.
‘Instinct,’ he replied softly, his smile deepening as he noted the hectic colour on her cheeks. ‘And I’m rarely wrong.’

NIK WAS DUE home any minute.
Kezia glanced at the clock on the dashboard and pressed her foot down on the accelerator. At this rate her dynamic and notoriously impatient boss would arrive at his country mansion ahead of her, and all hell would break loose. Nik was bringing a group of Bulgarian businessmen to Otterbourne House, hoping to impress them with his plans for a hotel complex on the Black Sea coast, and he expected his PA to be ready and waiting to greet his guests.
Could the day get any worse? Kezia wondered grimly as she peered through the rain. It was bad enough that the catering company she had booked for tonight’s party had pulled out at the last minute. Most of the staff had come down with flu, the harassed administrator had explained. But with a day’s notice to try and make alternative arrangements, Kezia had been short on sympathy. Fortunately Nik’s housekeeper, Mrs Jessop, had rallied round, and was busy preparing a lavish dinner that was set to impress the guests. It had been left to Kezia to collect a selection of desserts from the patisserie, but the trip into town had taken longer than she had anticipated. The torrential downpour had caused serious flooding along the narrow country lanes, and now dusk was falling.
She needed to focus all her concentration on the road, but as usual it was a certain sexy Greek who dominated her thoughts. An unbidden image of Nik’s handsome face filled her mind as she pictured his classically sculpted features. Get a grip, she admonished herself sternly, irritated at the way her heartbeat quickened with every mile that she drew nearer to Otterbourne.
He had been away for the past few weeks, visiting his family in Greece, and she was dismayed at how much she had missed him. It was pathetic for a grown woman of twenty-four to have developed such a ridiculous fixation with a man who was way out of her league, she reminded herself savagely. She felt like a teenager in the throes of her first crush and she would die of shame if he ever guessed how much he affected her.
She reached the outskirts of the village and breathed a sigh of relief. Another five minutes and she would be turning in to the gates leading to Otterbourne House. With any luck she would just beat Nik—although she would have little time to tidy her hair or check her make-up. Not that he would notice, she conceded bleakly. As far as Nik was concerned she was his ultra-efficient PA, whose sole purpose was to ensure that his life ran smoothly.
As he had explained at her interview, three months ago, he didn’t want a decorative bimbo running his office; he was looking for someone who was prepared to put in long hours and who would blend unobtrusively into the background. With her unruly curls tamed into a sleek chignon, and her sensible navy blue suit, he had obviously deemed Kezia the ideal choice.
There had been no element of the sexual tension she recalled from their first meeting at the London head office—at least not on his part. He’d given no indication that he even remembered her, and the fact that her tongue had tied itself in knots throughout the interview had added to her embarrassment. It was evident that he was only interested in her organisational skills, and sometimes she wondered whether he would notice if she paraded around the office stark naked.
Without warning something shot out from the shadows and ran in front of the car. Kezia hit the brakes, skidded on the wet road and lost control. She was heading for the trees, and with a frantic cry she jerked the wheel. The engine stalled and she ploughed into the bushes that lined the road. So much for concentrating, she thought shakily. The seat belt had saved her from serious injury, but the force of the impact had caused her to hit her head on the steering wheel, and already she could feel a lump the size of an egg swelling on her temple.
She restarted the engine and cautiously backed up onto the road before climbing out of the car. It was too dark to make a proper inspection for damage, but at least the car was drivable. A wave of sickness swept over her. What was it that had run out? Probably a fox that had now disappeared into the undergrowth, she told herself as she squinted through the rain. She was cold and wet, and running seriously late, but the thought of leaving an animal lying injured on the roadside was abhorrent to her, and with a muttered curse she began to search along the verge.
Ten minutes later she was soaked to the skin and ready to give up when a faint whimper drew her attention to the other side of the ditch. The dog was no more than a bag of bones. Its fur was wet and matted, and in the dark in was impossible to see if it was injured, but when she held out her hand it moved tentatively towards her.
‘Come on, boy,’ she whispered gently, feeling the animal tremble with a mixture of cold and fright as she lifted it into her arms. ‘Let’s get out of this rain.’
She waded back across the ditch, but as she scrabbled up the slippery bank she felt the heel of one of her shoes give way and cursed loudly. Her new kitten-heel shoes were ruined, and her skirt was covered in mud. Nik was going to go mad, Kezia acknowledged as she hobbled over to the car and deposited the dog on the front seat. He had spent the past week on the phone, relaying precise instructions for the weekend, and it was safe to assume that he would not be impressed when his PA turned up late, looking as if she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Otterbourne House stood at the end of a long drive, hidden from view by tall conifers. Nikos Niarchou felt his heart lift as the limousine rounded the bend and he absorbed the classical elegance of his English country manor. It was good to be back, he thought with a surge of satisfaction—despite the rain. Much as he had enjoyed his trip to Greece, the past couple of weeks seemed to have lasted a lifetime.
It had been good to spend time with his family, but his parents’ unsubtle hints about it being time for him to find a nice Greek girl and settle down had driven him mad. His mother had seized on his visit as an opportunity to nag him to slow his pace, assuring him that he looked tired and accusing him of overdoing things, but it had been the sight of his father, unexpectedly frail and looking every one of his eighty years, that had caused Nik to take a break from his hectic schedule.
Now he was eager to get back to work—starting with the presentation that he hoped would impress the Bulgarians into backing his plans for a hotel complex. He was confident that Kezia had organised tonight’s reception with her usual efficiency. As he ushered his guests through the front door, he glanced around the entrance hall expectantly. Kezia was supposed to be here. He had specifically asked her to act as his hostess, and he frowned when his elderly housekeeper stepped forward to greet him.
‘Where’s Kezia?’ he demanded, without preamble.
‘Good evening, Mr Niarchou, it’s good to have you back.’
‘It’s good to be back, Mrs Jessop.’ His brief smile revealed a flash of white teeth that contrasted with his olive gold skin but failed to add warmth to his dark eyes. ‘I was expecting Kezia to be here,’ he muttered in an impatient undertone. ‘Where the hell is she?’
He had spent a trying day entertaining the Bulgarian businessmen and their wives aboard his private jet, the language barrier having proved an exasperating obstacle to conversation. He needed his PA here, damn it. Corporate entertaining was one of Kezia’s duties, and he had planned to leave his guests in her capable hands while he took a break to shower and unwind. He had given specific orders, and he did not expect them to be flouted without a very good reason.
‘There were some problems with the caterers. All sorted now,’ the housekeeper hastily reassured him, ‘but Kezia had to run into town. She’ll be here any minute, I’m sure.’
‘I hope so.’
Nik’s frown deepened in annoyance. He had come to rely on his PA over the past three months. Sensible and efficient, Kezia was an ideal employee, who could be relied upon to get on with her work without fuss. Beneath her calm demeanour she possessed a sharp wit that made conversations with her interesting—as he had discovered the first time he had met her at the London office. He was a man who liked to have his own way, yet he was secretly amused by Kezia’s refusal to let him dominate her. He had missed her while he was away, he realised with a flicker of surprise and he was looking forward to renewing their discussions on everything from politics to the arts.
His eyes narrowed as the drawing room door opened and a familiar figure emerged. ‘What is Miss Harvey doing here?’ he muttered under his breath to his housekeeper. Tania Harvey, his current mistress, was a sinful siren, with a body to die for, but she had little else to offer other than an encyclopaedic knowledge of celebrity gossip—and he was not in the mood to listen to hours of tittle-tattle about life on the modelling circuit.
‘I understand she’s joining you for dinner,’ Mrs Jessop replied brightly.
‘At whose invitation?’ There was no disguising the irritation in Nik’s voice and Mrs Jessop shrugged helplessly.
‘I don’t know. I assumed you…Perhaps Kezia invited her?’ she murmured. ‘That sounds like her car now—you can ask her.’
‘I intend to. Believe me.’
Tania was walking towards him, and with a supreme effort Nik stifled his impatience as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘Hello, darling. Welcome home,’ she murmured, pouting prettily in the way he had once found a turn-on but which was now as annoying as her overtly proprietary air. He had no intention of allowing Tania or any other woman to consider Otterbourne as home—at least not for the foreseeable future.
‘Tania, what a charming surprise—I hadn’t realised you would be here,’ he greeted her politely, as he disentangled himself from her grasp.
‘Your PA invited me—I assumed on your behalf.’ The pout deepened. ‘You are pleased to see me, aren’t you, Nik? Kezia was most insistent that I joined you for dinner.’
‘Was she? That was very thoughtful of her,’ he murmured dryly. ‘Naturally I’m pleased to see you, but I’m afraid I’m going to be busy for most of the weekend.’
‘Lucky I’m here, then. I can help you relax,’ Tania assured him blithely and Nik’s jaw tightened.
Tania Harvey was elegant and blonde, two of the attributes he looked for in a woman, but he freely admitted that he had a low boredom threshold. Her hints that she was hoping for a more permanent place in his life were the last straw. It was time to end the affair—which, if he was honest, had reached its sell-by date even before his trip to Greece.
Close up, Tania wasn’t as confident as she appeared. Beneath the glossy façade there were shadows in her eyes, and if he’d had any deep feelings for her he would have felt a tug of compassion. Instead all he felt was irritation with his PA for putting him in an awkward situation. Up until now Kezia Trevellyn had proved to be an excellent assistant, but he didn’t need anyone to organise his love-life.

The fleet of limousines lining the drive were evidence that Nik and his guests had already arrived. Kezia parked her Mini and switched on the interior light to inspect her face in the driving mirror. God, she looked a mess, she thought dismally. Her hair had escaped its once neat bun and was tangled around her face; there were streaks of mud on her cheeks and a huge bluish lump on her forehead.
‘Prepare for fireworks,’ she warned the muddy ball of fur on the seat next to her.
At the sound of her voice the dog cocked one ear and stared at her with soulful eyes. She still wasn’t sure if she had actually hit it, or if it had been injured, but to be on the safe side she lifted it into her arms and carried it up the front steps.
‘Kezia…my dear.’ Mrs Jessop opened the front door and gasped at the sight of Kezia’s bedraggled form but Kezia’s gaze was drawn to the tall figure whose presence dominated the room.
‘Theos! What happened to you?’ Nik demanded, his face thunderous as he strode towards her.
His expression of utter disbelief would have been comical if Kezia had felt like laughing. Instead, all she could think of was that she had ruined her new shoes and was leaving a trail of mud across the floor. She was so wet that her skirt was plastered to her thighs, and as a final insult there was a huge ladder in her tights.
‘I had a slight accident,’ she told him briskly, hoping to mask the fact that she felt like bursting into tears. It was delayed shock, she told herself, and had nothing to do with Nik looking as though he would like to strangle her. She hadn’t seen him for weeks, and the impact of his exceptional height and broad shoulders encased in a charcoal-grey overcoat made her close her eyes for a second.
He possessed an aura of raw, sexual magnetism—a primal force that was barely concealed beneath the veneer of civilisation his clothes awarded him. Remove the designer suit and the man would still be impressive—probably more so, she acceded faintly as she sought to impose control on her wayward imagination. She had only felt half alive these past few weeks, but now the blood was zinging through her veins. One look from him could reduce her to jelly, and her face burned as she felt his eyes trawl over her mud-spattered clothes. From the gleam of fury in his gaze it was safe to assume that he was not as impressed by the sight of her.
‘What kind of accident? What the hell is going on, Kezia? And what is that?’ he growled as his gaze settled on the animal nestled in her arms.
‘It’s a dog. It ran into the road and I had to swerve to avoid hitting it. I’m not sure I was entirely successful,’ Kezia added worriedly. ‘It could be hurt.’ She trailed to a halt beneath Nik’s impatient glare.
‘Never mind the damn dog. Look at the state of you. I expected you to be here, not traipsing around the countryside collecting waifs and strays.’ He loomed over her, his brows drawn into a slashing frown that warned of his annoyance, and Kezia felt her temper flare. She had spent all day trying to organise his wretched dinner party, and she hadn’t driven ten miles across the Hertfordshire countryside in the pouring rain for fun. ‘Mrs Jessop mentioned a problem with the caterers?’ he growled.
‘There was, but it’s sorted,’ she said quickly, remembering that she still had to retrieve the boxes of cakes from her car.
‘It had better be. I want this presentation to go without a hitch, and I’m relying on you,’ Nik warned darkly, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of the lump on her head. ‘Theos, you’re hurt. Why didn’t you tell me?’ he demanded, pushing her hair back from her forehead to study the large bruise.
Kezia was suddenly acutely aware of an angry glare from Tania Harvey, who had just walked into the room, and she jerked away from him.
‘You didn’t give me a chance. Leave it, Nik, I’m fine,’ she muttered as he probed the lump with surprisingly gentle fingers.
He was too close for comfort. His coat was unbuttoned and she was aware of the muscles of his abdomen visible beneath his silk shirt. He smelled good—fresh and masculine—and the evocative tang of the aftershave he favoured swamped her senses. Her pulse rate soared and she was aware of the need to put some distance between them before she made a fool of herself. Even more of a fool, she amended wryly as she glanced down at her mud-encrusted shoes. That ditch had been full of stagnant water, and she felt her cheeks burn when Nik wrinkled his nose.
‘I’ll get cleaned up and call a vet,’ she assured him.
‘For your head?’ He was plainly puzzled.
‘For the dog. It may have a broken bone, and it must be shocked, it’s barely moved.’
‘Blow the damn dog,’ Nik exploded in a furious whisper, conscious of the need to keep his voice down so as not to alarm his guests. ‘I’m going to ring the doctor. You may be suffering from concussion. Something has certainly addled your brain,’ he added sarcastically.
‘I’m perfectly all right,’ Kezia snapped back, refusing to admit that she had a pounding headache. ‘I’ve arranged for Mrs Jessop’s niece Becky and a couple of her friends from the village to help with the party. Becky can show your visitors to their rooms, and we’ll meet for cocktails at seven, as planned. Everything’s under control, Nik,’ she assured him, but he was plainly unconvinced.
‘I’m glad you think so. But I’m curious to know what you’re going to wear tonight—because you cannot sit through dinner looking and smelling like you do right now.’ He let his eyes travel over her disparagingly, unperturbed by her scarlet cheeks. ‘You’d better have a bath—you stink—’He broke off as his mistress approached. ‘Perhaps Tania can lend you something.’
‘I’m not sure Kezia could squeeze into any of my clothes; we’re very different shapes,’ Tania purred, her words drawing attention to her sleek, honed figure compared to Kezia’s unfashionable curves.
Kezia gave a bright smile, determined to hide her humiliation and marched towards the stairs leading to the basement kitchen and staff quarters. ‘I’ll find something,’ she promised. ‘Trust me, Nik, everything’s going to be fine.’

Twenty minutes later the bundle of mud and fur that Kezia had rescued from the ditch emerged from the kitchen sink, transformed into a small, black dog of dubious parentage.
‘It looks like a terrier cross,’ Mrs Jessop remarked. ‘But crossed with what I couldn’t say.’
‘He doesn’t seem to be hurt, just hungry,’ Kezia said, and she sneaked a piece of chicken and fed it to the dog. ‘He’s very friendly. I’ll put a notice up in the village tomorrow. Hopefully someone will come and claim him.’
‘I wouldn’t bank on it,’ the housekeeper told her. ‘I reckon he’s been abandoned. From the look of him, he’s not eaten for days—which doesn’t mean you can feed him best chicken breast. That’s for dinner, Kezia. I don’t think Mr Niarchou would be too happy to hear you’ve fed the main course to a flea ridden stray.’
‘He hasn’t got fleas. And now I’ve bathed him I think he looks rather cute.’
Kezia stroked the dog, and her heart melted when it licked her hand. As a child she had longed for something of her own to love, but the boarding school she had attended from the age of eight hadn’t allowed pets. The school holidays had been spent with her parents in Malaysia, where her father had worked. She had pleaded with her mother to be allowed to keep a pet, but her parents enjoyed a busy social life and had had little enough time for their daughter, let alone an animal.
‘I can’t just turn him out in the rain,’ she murmured anxiously. ‘Would you mind keeping an eye on him, Mrs Jessop?’
‘While I prepare a four-course dinner for fourteen, you mean?’ the housekeeper teased good-naturedly.
‘I’m sorry about the caterers.’ Kezia groaned. ‘I can’t believe they let me down at the last minute. This presentation is important to Nik, and you know how demanding he is. Everything’s got to be perfect. If you can manage the cooking, I’ll act as hostess for the evening while Becky and the girls serve dinner.’
‘You’ll be joining them at the table, though, won’t you?’ the housekeeper queried.
‘No. I’ll need to organise wine and drinks, and make sure the evening runs as smoothly as possible. I won’t have time to sit down and eat.’
‘Nik won’t like that,’ Mrs Jessop warned, and Kezia’s heart sank as she envisaged Nik’s reaction when she failed to join him for dinner.
‘He doesn’t have a lot of choice,’ she muttered grimly. ‘The catering company would have sent a master of ceremonies as well as a team of waiters and without them the evening is in danger of being disastrous. We’ll just have to manage. We can’t do more than our best. But I don’t know what I’m going to do about my skirt.’
‘Becky has some spare clothes with her,’ Mrs Jessop said. ‘I’ll ask her if she’s got anything you can borrow, you’re about the same size. But you’d better get a move on if you’re going to join them upstairs for cocktails.’
In the shower, Kezia scrubbed her skin until it tingled and she was sure she no longer smelled of ditchwater. She couldn’t forget the expression of distaste on Nik’s face, and she was determined that when they next met she would be clean and fragrant.
She discovered Becky waiting for her in Mrs Jessop’s bedroom.
‘My aunt explained about you falling in the ditch. Luckily I’ve got a spare skirt with me, and shoes. You’re welcome to borrow them if they fit,’ the young girl offered.
‘You’re a lifesaver,’ Kezia replied gratefully. ‘Thanks, Becky. I’ll be ready in five minutes.’
The shoes were black stilettos with three-inch heels. Not the style of footwear she would have chosen, Kezia thought grimly, especially when she was going to be on her feet for most of the evening. Mercifully the skirt was a reasonable length—not one of Becky’s mini-skirt numbers—but it fitted Kezia like a second skin, the shiny black satin clinging lovingly to her hips and bottom. Teamed with sheer black tights and the high-heels, she looked very different from her usual image of discreet elegance, and she groaned as she imagined Nik’s reaction.
A glance at the clock warned her she was running out of time. Taking a deep breath, she headed for the kitchen to see Mrs Jessop, but stopped abruptly at the unexpected sight of Nik chatting to this housekeeper.
‘I thought they’d fit,’ Mrs Jessop murmured when she entered the steam-filled kitchen. ‘Doesn’t Kezia look nice, Mr Niarchou?’
‘Very…eye-catching.’ Nik was leaning against the Aga, his arms folded across his chest.
His eyes narrowed as he focused on her, and Kezia blushed and nervously smoothed an imaginary crease from the skirt. She felt strangely vulnerable without the protection of her formal work suit, especially when Nik’s gaze trawled down to her legs and the killer heels.
‘I know what you must be thinking,’ she faltered, and his brows shot up.
‘I sincerely hope you don’t,’ he drawled. ‘I could be arrested.’
‘My skirt and shoes are ruined. Becky kindly lent me these. I appreciate they’re not ideal…’
‘It depends what you’re planning to do in them. Lap dancing, perhaps?’ he queried sarcastically. ‘That should certainly liven up the evening.’
‘Look, if you think for one minute that I’m enjoying wearing these clothes, think again,’ she snapped furiously.
The glint of amusement and another, indefinable emotion in Nik’s eyes was the final straw, and Kezia glared at him. The frisson of sexual awareness between them existed in her mind only, she was sure. He had made it clear that she was just a member of his staff. She must have imagined the flare of heat in his eyes before his lashes fell, concealing his thoughts.
It didn’t help that he looked so gorgeous, she thought dismally. He had changed into a superbly tailored black dinner suit and a white shirt that emphasised the golden hue of his skin. A lock of black hair fell forward onto his brow, and flecks of amber warmed his dark eyes. She was acutely conscious of him as he strolled towards her. For a man of well over six feet tall, he moved with the lithe grace of a panther—lean, dark and inherently powerful.
She would be able to detect his presence anywhere. He possessed a charisma that alerted her senses and made the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand up. The house had seemed dead without him these past weeks, but now the atmosphere crackled with a surfeit of static electricity that exacerbated her tension.
‘How’s the head?’ he queried, towering over her so that she took a step backwards and banged into the table.
‘It’s fine; I told you there was nothing to worry about. Contrary to belief, my brain is in perfect working order,’ she added coolly and was awarded a look that did strange things to her insides.
Nik laughed, throwing back his head so that her eyes were drawn to the tanned column of his throat. ‘I’m glad to hear it, pedhaki mou.’
His earlier anger seemed to have disappeared and she quivered beneath the full onslaught of his charm. In many ways he was easier to deal with when he was angry—at least then she could tell herself that she disliked him.
‘I called my doctor about signs of possible concussion. Do you feel dizzy?’
She certainly did—but not because she was concussed, Kezia acknowledged ruefully. Standing this close to Nik was making her head spin.
‘No,’ she answered firmly.
‘Do you have a headache?’
She hesitated a fraction too long and his eyes narrowed. ‘Do you think you were knocked out? Even for a few seconds? And what about your neck? There’s a danger you’ve suffered whiplash.’
‘Nik…for heaven’s sake!’ Kezia stifled a gasp as he caught hold of her chin and tilted her face so that she was forced to stare up at him. ‘What are you doing?’
‘Checking your pupils,’ he murmured, in a low, gravelly voice that brought her flesh out in goosebumps.
She felt as though time ceased to exist. The sounds and smells of the kitchen faded as her senses focused on the man in front of her.
‘Curious,’ he mused softly, after he had spent what seemed like a lifetime staring down at her.
Kezia fidgeted restlessly, wishing she could break free of the spell that seemed to have frozen her muscles. She wanted to turn her head, but found herself transfixed by his eyes that were the colour of rich sherry.
‘What is?’ she whispered breathlessly. His description of her as curious made her feel as though he was inspecting a specimen in a jar, and brought her hurtling back to earth.
‘I can’t decide if your eyes are green or grey, they’re an unusual mixture of both. Your pupils are slightly dilated. Why is that, do you suppose?’ His breath fanned her cheek, and she swallowed and tried to pull free of his grasp, but he merely tightened his hold.
‘I really don’t know. But I do know that I feel perfectly all right. It’s almost seven, Nik,’ she said on a note of desperation. ‘We should be upstairs, preparing to greet your guests.’
‘In a minute—I want a word with you first.’
A sudden nuance in his voice disturbed her, and she felt a flicker of apprehension. What had she done now? ‘I’m sorry about the caterers,’ she said quickly. ‘But it wasn’t my fault—and Mrs Jessop has dinner under control.’
‘I’m not concerned with domestic arrangements,’ he told her coolly. ‘My concern is of a personal nature—our relationship, to be specific, and your apparent desire to be involved in my intimate affairs.’
‘What?’ The room swayed so alarmingly that Kezia was forced to grip the edge of the table, and she wondered briefly whether she was suffering the effects of concussion after all. ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ she mumbled, her face flaming.
How had he guessed her feelings for him? Had she inadvertently given some sign that revealed her awareness of his brooding sexuality? She couldn’t carry on working for him if that was the case. It would be unbearable. Drowning in humiliation, it took a few seconds for her to realise that he was speaking.
‘I mean your decision to invite Tania to dinner tonight. Your role as my PA does not give you the right to interfere in my private life.’
The amber flecks had disappeared from his eyes, leaving them dark and dispassionate. His concern of a few moments ago had also gone, and she confronted the sickening realisation that his friendliness had been a callous ploy to make her lower her defences while he prepared his attack.
‘I didn’t invite her. Well, I suppose I did,’ Kezia qualified. ‘But she knew about the dinner party, and she gave me the impression that you expected her to attend.’
‘Did I specify that she should be included on the guest list?’
‘No, but—’
‘Then why take matters into your own hands? Your job as my PA does not require you to organise my love-life.’
‘That’s not exactly true,’ Kezia snapped, irritated by his arrogance. ‘It was left to me to dispatch flowers to your last blonde when you ended the affair. And I had to pick out a piece of jewellery,’ she added, remembering the demeaning trip to the jewellers Nik had sent her on. ‘I thought that keeping your harem happy was very much part of my duties.’
‘Theos, you forget your position, Kezia,’ he growled furiously.
She swallowed, and wondered how he could switch from friend to foe so quickly.
‘Naturally there may be times when I need you to deal with private matters, but I assumed I could expect a certain amount of discretion. What do you think I pay you such a generous salary for?’
‘My staying power?’ Kezia suggested sweetly. ‘You can’t have it both ways, Nik. If Tania is suddenly off the menu, you should have said so.’ Her relief that she had misunderstood him earlier, and that he hadn’t guessed she was suffering from a massive case of hero-worship, was giving way to anger at his appallingly chauvinistic attitude. He might have the face and body of a Greek god, but he had a heart of stone. She should count herself lucky that he would never view her as anything other than his boring secretary.
‘You should be thankful that I had not invited another…companion for the weekend,’ Nik flung at her as he headed for the stairs leading up to the main floor. ‘It could have proved highly embarrassing for everyone.’
‘But that would have meant two-timing Miss Harvey,’ Kezia said slowly, frowning at the implication of his words. His long legs had already propelled him up the stairs, and she raced after him, following him into the drawing room. ‘That’s a despicable way to behave.’
For a moment she thought he hadn’t heard her. He was standing at the bar, his back towards her, but then he turned—and she quailed at the hardness of his expression.
‘Let’s get one thing straight, Kezia,’ he said softly, his tone revealing a degree of cynicism that made her wince. ‘How I choose to live my life is my business. In my world, affairs have little to do with the heart, and the women I date know the score. The pursuit of mutual sexual pleasure with no strings,’ he elaborated sardonically.
His words made her blush, but inside she felt chilled by his clinical detachment.
His smile was devoid of warmth as his eyes raked over her mercilessly. ‘I don’t know what Tania has hinted about our relationship, but she’s under a delusion if she thinks she is about to become a permanent feature in my life. I suggest you discount any romantic notions she might have put into your head,’ he advised. ‘In the unlikely event that I should ever need your advice on my private life, I’ll ask for it. Until then I expect you to follow my orders and abide by my decisions without question. Is that clear?’
‘As crystal,’ Kezia replied curtly.
Beneath his charm he possessed a ruthlessness that made her shiver, but even now she was agonisingly aware of him. Since that day when she had discovered him in her office she had been unable to put him out of her mind. He dominated her fantasies and haunted her dreams. She must have been mad to believe she could work for him, she thought grimly. When she’d learned that she had beaten the many other applicants for the job as his PA she had been filled with a mixture of fear and excitement. It was a dream job, and she had spent the past few months travelling to exotic locations aboard Nik’s private jet, but all the while she’d had to fight to hide her attraction to a man who barely noticed her while he worked his way through a variety of elegant blondes.
Voices from the hall warned her that his guests would soon join them, and she struggled for composure. She would rather die than allow him to see her misery—or, even worse, guess the reason for it.
‘I think we understand one another perfectly, Nik,’ she said coldly, pride giving her the courage to meet his gaze. ‘And I can’t tell you how glad I am that I’m not part of your world.’

NIK BIT BACK a retort as his guests filed into the room, but his anger was evident in the rigid tension of his jaw. The words You’re fired hung in the air and Kezia quickly tore her eyes from his furious face.
She was half tempted to walk out and leave him to it. Let him entertain the group of Bulgarian businessmen and their wives—particularly the wives, she thought sourly, noting the way every woman in the room was openly staring at Nik. It wasn’t surprising, she conceded bleakly. Despite the fact that all the men present were wealthy and successful—uniform in their formal dinner suits—Nik’s height and sheer magnetic presence commanded attention. He teamed sophistication with a raw, masculine sensuality that made him irresistible, and she knew she wasn’t the only woman in the room to be fascinated by the idea of taming him.
Another of her fantasies, she reminded herself sharply. Beneath his urbane façade he possessed a wildness that no woman would ever control. Nikos Niarchou answered to no one, and she doubted his glorious arrogance would ever be subdued.
With a sigh, she swung round and came face to face with Tania Harvey, whose late arrival ensured that she was the focal point of attention. In a stunning gold sheath, her blonde hair piled on top of her head, Tania had mastered the art of looking both elegant and sexy, and she smiled confidently as she strolled across the room.
‘What on earth has happened to the caterers?’ she queried loudly. ‘There appears to be a group of teenage girls serving drinks. I would have expected better organisation than this, Kezia.’
‘The catering company pulled out at the last minute,’ Kezia replied stiffly. ‘Becky and her friends kindly offered to help out, and I’m just about to join them in handing round canapés.’
‘You?’ Nik demanded with a frown, and Kezia felt a flash of impatience.
As he had so often pointed out, it was her job to see that his life ran like clockwork, and if that meant playing the role of waitress at his damn dinner party, so be it.
‘Yes—unless you have another suggestion? Mrs Jessop is rushed off her feet, and Becky and the girls can’t manage by themselves.’ She knew she sounded snappy, but she was tired, her head ached, and she was sure Nik was comparing her appearance in the too-tight skirt with Tania’s cool beauty.
He was looking at her now as if she had taken leave of her senses. He wasn’t used to being spoken to in that tone of voice, and the hardness of his stare warned her to expect the full force of his anger once they were out of earshot of his guests.
Stifling a groan, she marched over to Becky and her friends, praying they hadn’t overheard Tania’s tactless remarks. Mrs Jessop had prepared canapés with smoked salmon and caviar to accompany the champagne. Smiling encouragingly at the girls, she picked up a tray and moved among the guests, unaware that Nik’s dark gaze followed her.
‘Darling, we’ll really have to think about hiring more permanent staff,’ Tania murmured in Nik’s ear, and he stiffened, fighting to control his irritation. ‘It’s silly to have to rely on the housekeeper and a gaggle of spotty teenagers your secretary has dredged up from the village every time we entertain. And God knows where Kezia gets her dress sense from,’ she added disparagingly. ‘The skirt she’s wearing is indecently tight. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad thing if she spent the evening in the kitchen, out of sight.’
‘Tread carefully, agape mou,’ Nik warned softly, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed her. ‘I’m quite happy with my domestic arrangements. I’m sure Kezia is doing her best, in a situation that I understand was out of her control, but if you would prefer not to stay I’ll have my driver take you home.’
‘I didn’t mean—’ Tania broke off nervously, her composure slipping. ‘You can be so brutal sometimes, Nik. Of course I want to stay.’
‘Especially after you went to such lengths to engineer an invitation,’ he agreed coolly, feeling nothing but indifference at the tremulous wobble of her mouth. ‘You know the rules, Tania. Don’t overstep the mark.’
Without awarding his soon to be ex-mistress another glance, he moved to mingle with his guests, playing the role of genial host while his eyes scanned the room for Kezia.
She had intrigued him from the start, he acknowledged as he watched her work the room, chatting to the guests while serving flutes of champagne. Her intelligence and unflappable nature had made her the ideal choice as personal assistant. Her willingness to put in long hours and travel at a moment’s notice were an additional bonus; he had neither the time nor the patience to deal with staff who led complicated private lives.
Kezia Trevellyn had slipped into her role with seamless ease, but he was aware of the sexual chemistry that hovered like a spectre between them. From the moment they’d met at the London office he had been plagued by a burning desire that was as fierce as it was unexpected. Her lush curves were a distraction he could do without, he conceded derisively as his eyes focused on the delightful sway of her bottom beneath its covering of tight satin. The most sensible course of action would be to forget the increasingly erotic fantasies Kezia evoked and concentrate on her excellent organisational skills. One of his unwritten rules was to keep his work and private lives separate, but the physical attraction he felt for her was proving difficult to ignore.
Sensible had never held much appeal, he accepted honestly. He was a man who liked to live dangerously.
As if alerted by some sixth sense, she looked up at that moment and met his gaze. He noted with interest the flush of colour that stained her cheeks as their eyes clashed, and lifted his glass in salute. It was satisfying to realise that the attraction was mutual.

It had been the evening from hell, Kezia decided several hours later as she glanced at the array of dirty glasses that littered the sitting room. Her calf muscles were throbbing almost as much as her head, and with a sigh she sank down onto the sofa.
Fortunately dinner had been a success, thanks to the excellent meal Mrs Jessop had provided and the hard work of Becky and her friends as they’d waited table. Kezia had been kept busy organising the girls, who had been plainly overawed by the elegant formality of the dining room and the number of guests seated around the table. She had taken one look at Nik’s glowering expression when he realised she would not be joining the dinner party, and had kept out of his way as much as possible. Luckily the wines she had selected to accompany each dish had seemed to meet with his approval. She’d moved endlessly around the table, refilling glasses, and by the time the party had moved into the sitting room for coffee and liqueurs her feet had been aching and she had longed for her comfortable flat shoes.
Even then there had been no reprieve. Nik had planned a detailed presentation of his ideas for a hotel and leisure complex, a short film and a speech, followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. There had been no time for Kezia to relax as she had once more assumed the role of hostess, serving drinks to the increasingly raucous group of businessmen, and it had been past midnight before the party finally broke up. Ahead of her loomed a twenty-minute drive through the dark country lanes to her flat, where she hoped to snatch a few hours’ sleep before returning to Otterbourne tomorrow.
Sighing wearily, she searched through her handbag for her car keys. They seemed to have disappeared and, muttering an oath, she tipped the contents of her bag onto the coffee table.
‘I take it you’re looking for these?’
The familiar drawl brought her head up, and she stiffened, each of her senses on high alert, as Nik strolled into the room. He had discarded his tie and exchanged his dinner jacket for one of black leather. She noted the faint stubble visible on his jaw and hastily dropped her gaze. He exuded a brooding sexuality that made her nerves tingle, and she swallowed convulsively, desperate to hide the effect he had on her.
Taking a deep breath, she scooped her belongings back into her bag and walked towards him, her hand outstretched. ‘There they are. Where did you find them?’ she queried, striving to remain composed when he made no attempt to return the bunch of keys.
‘In your bag,’ Nik replied calmly, watching the array of emotions that crossed her face—surprise, confusion, and lastly a flash of anger as the implication of his words hit home.
‘How dare you? What do you suppose gives you the right to rummage through my personal belongings?’
‘They were on the top,’ he informed her hardily. ‘And, as to the question of rights, you’re my employee, my responsibility, and I have no intention of allowing you to drive home alone this late at night—especially as you were injured earlier this evening.’
‘I’m fine.’ If she discounted being tired and stressed. She certainly didn’t possess the energy to deal with Nik any more tonight. ‘It’s been a long day and I want to go home.’ She glanced pointedly at her watch as she spoke, but Nik continued to study her speculatively while retaining hold of her keys. ‘This is ridiculous. You can’t hold me here against my will.’
‘You should know by now that I can do anything I like,’ he said, with his usual breathtaking arrogance. ‘It would be better if you stayed the night so that I can keep an eye on you. I still think you should be checked over by a doctor.’
The idea of Nik keeping an eye on her throughout the night was so mind-boggling that Kezia was temporarily speechless. ‘There are no rooms spare,’ she said quickly. ‘And I don’t have anything to wear tomorrow—unless you want me to spend the day looking like a lap dancer,’ she added tartly, as she recalled his comments on her appearance at the start of the evening. ‘One night of humiliation is enough, surely?’
‘There was no reason for you to feel embarrassed tonight,’ he told her seriously. ‘I was impressed with the way you organised dinner. Especially as I understand you had less than twenty-four hours’ notice from the catering company announcing that they were pulling out. The presentation went well, and I’m already putting together a consortium of investors interested in backing the project.’
‘I was just doing my job,’ Kezia muttered, unable to control a surge of pleasure at Nik’s approval.
His earlier bad mood seemed to have disappeared, but as far as she was concerned a friendly Nik posed a serious threat to her equilibrium. He was too close for comfort, and despite her best intentions she was unable to drag her gaze from the sensual curve of his mouth. It was definitely time to leave, she thought frantically as she wetted her dry lips with her tongue. The air was heavy with an unspoken tension that was surely the workings of her imagination—but she noted the way Nik’s eyes narrowed as he studied her nervous gesture. Her mind ran riot as she envisaged him lowering his head to brush his lips over hers in a slow exploration, and without conscious thought she swayed towards him.
‘Are you ready to go?’ His voice shattered the sensual haze, and Kezia stepped back abruptly, her face burning.
‘I don’t need a chauffeur,’ she argued stubbornly. ‘I’m perfectly capable of driving myself home. Besides, you can’t leave your guests.’
‘They’ve all gone to bed,’ he said cheerfully, his eyes gleaming with sudden amusement as he studied her pink cheeks.
Had Tania also retired for the night? Kezia wondered. Was Nik’s mistress waiting impatiently in the master bedroom, sprawled across the vast bed that she had once glimpsed when Mrs Jessop had given her a tour of the house? And, if so, surely he was keen to join her?
‘I refuse to allow you to drive your car until I’ve arranged for a mechanic to check it over,’ he told her, in a tone that brooked no argument. ‘We’ll take the Porsche.’
‘What about Max? He’ll have to come too.’
‘Max?’ Nik frowned. ‘Who the hell’s Max?’
‘The dog that I almost ran over. I’m going to take him back to my flat.’
‘How do you know that’s his name?’
‘I don’t. But I have to call him something until I can return him to his owners. Mrs Jessop thinks he was abandoned, so maybe no one will claim him,’ Kezia added, unaware of the wistful note in her voice. She couldn’t bear the idea that the dog had been deliberately left by the roadside. ‘I’ll just run downstairs and collect him,’ she said, hurrying out of the room before Nik could argue.
She knew what it was like to feel unwanted, she acknowledged as she scooped the scruffy terrier into her arms. Her heart leapt with pleasure when he burrowed against her, and she was filled with a fierce determination to take care of him. Her mother had always freely admitted she’d never wanted children, and that Kezia’s unexpected arrival had been a shock. It wasn’t that her parents didn’t love her, she conceded, but they had been a professional couple in their forties when she was born, and had expected her to fit into their busy lifestyle. She had spent her childhood feeling that she needed to apologise for her existence, and her years at boarding school, although not unhappy, had reinforced her belief that she was a nuisance her parents didn’t quite know how to deal with.
The entrance hall was empty when she carried Max upstairs, but she spied her car keys on the table and for a moment contemplated making her escape. Not a good idea, she accepted ruefully, imagining Nik’s fury if she disobeyed him. From experience she knew it was pointless arguing with him when he had his mind set on something. He had made it clear that he intended to drive her home.
But as she waited for him she overheard voices from his study.
‘Why do you have to take her home?’ Tania’s petulant tones were clearly audible through the closed door. ‘For God’s sake, Nik, I haven’t seen you for a month. Why this sudden concern for your secretary? If it weren’t so laughable I’d almost believe you’ve got something going with her. I saw the way you kept looking at her tonight, but I can’t imagine what you see in her.’
‘Theos! Don’t be so ridiculous,’ came the terse reply. ‘She’s not my type. But Kezia’s an excellent assistant, she’s worked hard all night, and it’s my duty to see she gets home safely.’
Hastily Kezia stepped away from the door, swamped with misery and humiliation. She already knew she was far from Nik’s ideal woman, but to hear him state the fact quite so forcefully was agony. Never in a million years would she allow him to guess how she felt about him, she vowed fiercely. Her cheeks flamed as she recalled the stark disbelief in his voice that he could possibly find his PA attractive. It was obvious he regarded her as part of the furniture, as functional and unexciting as his computer. She must have imagined the exigent chemistry between them; it was just an illusion brought on by her wishful thinking.
She couldn’t bring herself to look at him when he joined her in the lobby a few minutes later, and she was silent as she followed him down the front steps. The rain stung her face, but she carefully placed Max on the narrow back seat of the sports car before climbing in next to Nik, wondering how he managed to fit his long legs behind the wheel.
In the confines of the small car he was too close. She caught the subtle tang of his aftershave, and suddenly the heater seemed to be working too well. She was burning up, but balked at the thought of fighting her way through her coat and instead stared stiffly out of the window as he turned out of the drive.
‘There was really no need for you to leave Miss Harvey,’ she muttered. ‘I feel awful for putting you to so much trouble.’
‘It’s not a problem,’ Nik assured her. He sounded disinterested. He was probably counting the minutes until he could join his mistress in bed, she thought bleakly, and fell silent for the rest of the journey.
Driving along the pitch-black country lanes required all Nik’s attention, but as they reached the outskirts of the busy market town where she lived he glanced briefly at Kezia. ‘Do you live alone?’
The query surprised them both. He’d never shown the slightest interest in her private life before. He had picked her up from home a couple of times, usually when they’d had an early flight, but she had always been waiting for him in the car park and had never invited him in. Did she have a boyfriend? he wondered. Was her lover waiting impatiently for her to return? He was irritated to realise how much he disliked the idea.
‘No, I share with a flatmate.’
Her ambiguous answer told him nothing, and pride prevented him from pushing the point. His secretary’s love-life was none of his business, he reminded himself impatiently. ‘I’ll pick you up in the morning,’ he informed her coolly.
‘There’s no need.’ Kezia’s head jerked round, her consternation evident in her wide eyes. ‘I don’t want you to have to get up early. What would Miss Harvey say?’ she muttered, blushing again as she pictured Nik struggling out of bed after a night of passion with his mistress, in order to collect her.
He turned into the small courtyard in front of her flat and cut the engine before turning to face her. ‘Why don’t you let me worry about the finer details of my private life?’ he drawled, in a tone that warned her to mind her own business. ‘I’ll be here at eight-thirty.’
Kezia opened her mouth to argue, caught the glint in his eyes and thought better of it. ‘Fine. Have it your own way. You usually do,’ she added under her breath as she climbed out of the car. She had only been trying to help, damn it. She certainly didn’t want to pry into his sex life. She lifted Max out of the car and smiled politely. ‘Thanks for bringing me home,’ she said stiffly, assuming that he would drive straight off, but as she ran up the steps to the communal front door he was right beside her, and she had to crane her neck to look up at him.
‘I’ll see you up,’ he said easily, and her temper, born from a mixture of embarrassment and misery, ignited.
‘For heaven’s sake, I’m perfectly all right. Miss Harvey will be wondering where you are,’ she couldn’t resist adding, and was mortified when he glanced down at her, his eyes gleaming with undisguised amusement.
‘I’ve already told you. I’ll take care of Tania.’
‘I’m sure you will.’ She opened the door to her flat and closed her mind to images of just how he would take care of his mistress. ‘Goodnight, Nik.’
‘Aren’t you going to offer me coffee before I drive back?’ He lolled in the doorway, one arm resting on the frame, so that she was aware of the inherent strength of his muscular chest. He exuded a powerful sensuality so intensely male that she rebelled at the thought of him invading her private bolthole. But a voice from behind her took the matter out of her hands.
‘Are you coming in or are you going to stand there all night? Oh—hello!’ The voice tailed to a breathless whisper, and Kezia sighed as she turned to find that her flatmate Anna was staring at Nik with wide, appreciative eyes. ‘You must be Mr Niarchou. Kezia has told me so much about you.’
‘Nik, please,’ Nik replied in a voice as thick as syrup. He held out his hand and Kezia’s impatience intensified. She had witnessed Anna working her magic countless times before, and doubted there was a man on the planet who would prove immune to her beauty. Slender and willowy, her delicate colouring and ash-blonde hair bore testament to her Scandinavian ancestry, while huge blue eyes and a surprisingly impish smile made her simply stunning. They had been best friends since their first day at boarding school, as close as sisters—although right now she could cheerfully strangle her flatmate, Kezia thought grumpily as she watched Nik fall under her spell.
‘Are you stopping, Nik?’ the pretty blonde murmured. It was an innocent enough query, but Kezia ground her teeth together as Nik gave one of his sexy smiles that made her toes curl.
‘I’m not sure. Kezia’s still debating whether or not to invite me in for coffee.’ His eyes gleamed wickedly as he took in her furious glare, and Anna chuckled.
‘Well, I’ll make the decision for her,’ she said cheerfully, ushering him into the flat. ‘I’m Anneliese Christiansen—Kezia’s flatmate,’ she explained, her blue eyes sparkling, and with a muttered oath Kezia marched down the hallway.
Let Anna entertain him, she thought darkly. She’d had enough of Nik Niarchou for one day. In the kitchen she filled the kettle while Max sniffed around, looking for somewhere to settle. She dug out an old picnic blanket from the utility cupboard and spread it on the floor. If he was going to be here for any length of time she would have to buy him a basket and a lead, she thought happily. He seemed lively enough, but maybe she would take him to a vet, just to make sure he hadn’t suffered any injuries when he had run out into the road.
‘What on earth is that?’ Anna queried as she preceded Nik into the kitchen.
‘A dog, of course. What does it look like?’
‘A ball of fur on legs,’ Anna replied truthfully. ‘I suppose it’s another stray you’ve rescued? You know our tenancy agreement prohibits keeping pets in the flat.’
‘It’ll only be for a couple of days, while I try to trace his owners,’ Kezia muttered. ‘I could hardly leave him out in the cold. See how thin he is.’
‘Kezia’s always been the same,’ Anna explained to Nik. ‘At school she kept a collection of rescued wildlife in the caretaker’s shed. Do you remember the time you cared for that injured fox, Kez?’
‘Kezia obviously has hidden depths,’ Nik murmured, with a curious expression in his eyes that made her blush self-consciously—although she couldn’t imagine what he thought those hidden depths were.
‘I’m sure you’re not interested in reminiscences about our schooldays,’ she said stiffly.
He seemed to dominate the small kitchen, and she wished she didn’t find him so unsettling. She couldn’t relax, and she envied the way Anna was able to chat so unselfconsciously with him. With a sigh, she left her flatmate to make the coffee and headed for the sanctuary of her bedroom. It was a relief to change out of the borrowed skirt and shoes. Her feet would never be the same again, she thought wryly as she wriggled her toes. Her scalp felt tight with tension, and she freed her hair from its tight knot so that it rippled down her back, all the while trying to ignore the sounds of laughter from the kitchen.
It was ridiculous to feel jealous of Anna, she told herself crossly as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was lucky to have good friends, a comfortable flat and a dream job that offered the opportunity to travel the world. It was nobody’s fault but her own that she had become fixated with a man who was out of her league. And if she wanted to carry on working for Nik she would have to overcome her fascination for him.

THE RUMBLE OF NIK’S DEEP VOICE, followed by Anna’s laughter, sounded from the kitchen. Listening to them, Kezia was tempted to leave them to it. They appeared to have struck up an instant accord, she noted sourly. But it had been good of Nik to bring her home and, much as she longed to fall into bed, it would be impolite not to join him for coffee.
Wearily she tugged on jeans and a sweatshirt, pulled a comb through her hair and padded barefoot down the hall. The kitchen was empty, and when she pushed open the living room door she found Nik alone, sitting in an armchair with his long legs stretched out in front of him.
‘Anna’s gone to the flat upstairs,’ he explained. ‘Apparently your neighbour’s suffering some sort of emotional crisis.’
‘Vicky must have broken up with her boyfriend—again,’ Kezia murmured awkwardly, feeling strangely disconcerted at being alone in her flat with Nik.
It was ridiculous. They spent hours in each other’s company—either in his study at Otterbourne or travelling aboard his private jet—but this was her private space, and his presence unsettled her more than she cared to admit. She was aware of his silent scrutiny and hastily reached for her coffee, burying her nose in the mug and inhaling the tantalising aroma. The caffeine boost eased her nerves, but there would be hell to pay later when it prevented her from sleeping, she acknowledged ruefully.
‘Run through the agenda for tomorrow.’ His voice cut through the silence, and she gave herself a mental shake.
‘I’ve booked us into the Belvedere Hall Health Spa for the day. There’s an excellent golf course—if it’s not too wet—plus a gymnasium, and sports facilities for those who want them. We’ll have lunch at one, and I’ve arranged for you to use one of the private conference rooms to continue discussions with the business consortium while I remain with the wives.’
The spa offered numerous relaxation therapies and beauty treatments—although to Kezia the idea of spending the day encased in a mud pack held little appeal, and she was dreading having to strip down to her functional black swimsuit to use the pool. She didn’t feel comfortable displaying her generous curves at the best of times, and parading semi-naked in front of Nik was something she’d hoped to avoid at all costs.
Tomorrow promised to be a long day. Today, she amended, glancing at her watch and discovering that it was now one-thirty in the morning. ‘Would you like more coffee?’ she asked politely, stifling a yawn.
‘Thanks, but I think I’d better let you get to bed.’ He stood up, and Kezia jumped to her feet, her pulse rate accelerating as he strolled towards her. ‘You have beautiful hair,’ he murmured, taking her by surprise as he reached out to coil a strand of her long hair around his finger. ‘Why do you never wear it down?’
‘I can hardly swan around the office like Lady Godiva,’ she replied stiffly, finding it impossible to drag her gaze from the chiselled beauty of his face. Nik’s puzzled frown cleared as she explained. ‘Legend has it that she was a noblewoman who, hundreds of years ago, rode naked through the streets with only her long hair to protect her modesty.’
His brows quirked, and his sudden grin made her heart flip. ‘That must have been…chilly,’ he drawled. ‘But I assure you I wouldn’t object, should you want to follow her example.’
She knew he was teasing her, but the knowledge did nothing to ease her tension or lessen her fierce awareness of him. With a determined effort she sidled away from him and headed towards the door. ‘I’m sorry, Nik, but I’m dead on my feet and we’ve another busy day ahead tomorrow.’

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The Greek Boss′s Bride Шантель Шоу
The Greek Boss′s Bride

Шантель Шоу

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Kezia Trevellyn is in love with her boss, Greek tycoon Nik Niarchou.But Nik only sees Kezia as his efficient assistant. But Kezia′s dreams become reality when they begin a passionate affair. Wined, dined and seduced by Nik during long Mediterranean nights, Kezia almost forgets the secret reason why their relationship can′t last–until Nik proposes….

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