From Angels with Love: True-life stories of communication with Angels

From Angels with Love: True-life stories of communication with Angels
Jacky Newcomb
Many people around the world have experienced signs that our angels are listening and helping us in our daily lives.In From Angels with Love, afterlife expert and bestselling author, Jacky Newcomb, collects stories from those whom angels have guided and supported. These magical tales of angel communication will provide hope and comfort in the knowledge that our loved ones are with us.


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the privacy of the story tellers.
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First published by HarperTrueFate 2015
Text © Jacky Newcomb 2015
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Cover (#u5fe98d38-e959-50ad-91de-cd9fa1524bf8)
Title Page (#ulink_a89f44f7-1cbd-5793-8097-69a8ce34b400)
Copyright (#ulink_ad0d473d-c95f-59df-8b3e-f57bb96c5c25)
Introduction (#ulink_06a16a55-3474-5f6f-afc3-dc78142014ee)
Chapter 1: True-Life Stories of Angelic Beings
Chapter 2: A Little Bit of Love
Chapter 3: Children’s Stories
Chapter 4: Love and Hugs
Chapter 5: The Little Ways They Send Us Love
About the Author (#litres_trial_promo)
Also by Jacky Newcomb in the HarperTrue series … (#litres_trial_promo)
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Introduction (#ued5880aa-3c1d-5e9e-9f4e-004e5a56b8e4)
Do you believe in guardian angels?
Do you? I certainly believe! I’ve been studying the phenomenon of guardian angels for many years, and became particularly fascinated by the many real-life angel stories that appeared in my post bag from all over the world. I’ve written piles of books on the subject, including many containing true-life stories of angelic intervention. This is my favourite type of read, so I need no excuse to write another book.
I adore reading through your personal angel experiences and selecting stories for new books. This one is full of brand-new angel experiences for you, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
If you’d like to believe that we each have our own guardian angel, but are not yet convinced, then these magical true stories may be just the thing. ‘Magical’ is a good word, because it shows that there is more to life than the logical. There is so much about our world that we don’t fully understand, and people all over the world have seen, been touched by and even smelt (yes, indeed) an angel.
Angels intervene during challenging times. They have helped many thousands of people. Angels aren’t just something from fairy-tales or fables; they are a real phenomenon and have been written about and discussed through many generations.
There are the angels we know from scriptures – religious books like the Bible and the Koran. Ancient scribes tried to classify and explain these mysterious beings of light. And even today, many volumes are written about them.
Over the years I’ve written my fair share of books and articles about them. I base my work on real experiences (both those I’ve had myself and stories from the many readers who’ve been kind enough to share their own angelic encounters).
Of these experiencers there are both believers and those with no real belief at all. You don’t actually have to believe in angels to encounter one! Some people have been converted after an angel helped them – or even saved their life.
Like the Bible says, angels often come to us disguised. A random stranger may stop to help you at the roadside or appear when you are in distress. They seem to know things about you and talk about things that you haven’t discussed previously with them. They are kind, loving and helpful. Most of all, people talk about how this ‘person’ appeared to them. It’s common to talk about a ‘person’ with bright-blond hair and piercing blue eyes.
Their clothing might not seem to fit our modern-day surroundings or today’s fashions. For example, one woman noticed that the man who helped her was wearing an old-fashioned knitted scarf and hat, even though it was a blisteringly hot day. Another pointed out that the woman who came to her aid seemed to be wearing beautiful clothes, but of a completely different era – a different time in history. Of course, it’s common for people to wear retro clothing, but sometimes the person seems so different that they stand out from the norm.
Afterwards, it might be that other people didn’t see the helper, or you turn to thank them only to discover that they have disappeared into thin air. These mysterious helpers regularly fade away, or we get distracted (or they distract us) so they can slip away unseen. There is often an air of mystery about the encounter, which leaves you forever wondering, ‘What just happened there?’ It might be much later that you go over the strange events of the day and only then wonder, ‘Was that an angel?’
Other people tend to encounter angelic beings who look like the winged creatures of ancient lore, but this might well be during times of extreme stress. Maybe you are asleep when you see the angel, or unconscious, or your day-to-day life momentarily fades out as the angel appears to you. You might find yourself day-dreaming or your mind wandering. Your brain is quite literally in an altered state of consciousness.
Your state of consciousness can be altered by many different things: alcohol, drugs, tiredness or even just being hungry. By meditating we can make the change on purpose, and being alert and ready for action creates yet another state.
Our brains change state throughout the day, and there is some research that suggests high-amplitude delta waves (the Delta state: 0.5–4Hz) have been associated with the state of consciousness that people frequent when having a sixth sense or paranormal experience. This state is the one that also regulates human bodily function.
When the brain is passive it tends to fall into the Alpha range (8–12Hz), and it is in this relaxed state that many spiritual experiences occur. This is when many people see, feel, sense and smell angels! They also make contact during sleep (especially for me!). I often have angelic experiences while my body sleeps, but there is no mistaking these encounters for ordinary dreams.
I’ve known people to be ‘put’ into an altered state of consciousness. For example, someone might be going about their day, doing ordinary things, when all of a sudden the ‘normal world’ seems to fade away. They feel surrounded by a great feeling of peace and joy, as if they are connecting to someone (or something) else that is sharing this feeling with them. Sometimes they get a sense of whom, or what, is creating this energy (it might be an angel, or a recently deceased loved one coming by to say hello). They will probably see nothing (although they might see something), but the feeling is so strong, so real, they know without a shadow of a doubt that what they are experiencing is real, rather than created by their imagination.
Deceased loved ones (sometimes alongside angels) seem to ‘create’ the phenomenon so that they can communicate with us. This phenomenon can be used to give a deceased loved one the ability to announce to us that they have died before we can be told ‘officially’. It’s one of the many reasons they reach out to us.
Angels serve many purposes, including:

Rescue work
Reassurance and comfort
Maybe you can’t see an angel but you sense them around you. You might feel a comforting hand upon your shoulder or a hand clasping your own. People say an angel encounter comes with a great sense of peace and calm. Your angel will leave you in no doubt that they connected with you. Inside you just ‘know it was real’, even if you can’t prove it to others (assuming you’d even want to). Once you’ve connected with an angel, you never forget it. You’ll know that angels exist and maybe, like me, you’ll find they become part of your everyday life.
Just watch it doesn’t create a lot of extra dusting. Dusting, Jacky? Yes! In my home I have angels everywhere – angel figurines, I mean. They sit on the sides of dishes, decorate plates and even hold the clock on my dining-room mantel. They remind me of my friend, the TV medium Colin Fry. One day (having recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness), he posted a message on his Facebook page. He thanked fans for their good wishes and healing but asked that they stop sending angels. Apparently his house was constantly full of feathers, which he was forever clearing up. I’m not sure if he was joking or not, but it made me laugh. Many fans had the same reaction as I did, and everyone was sending over angels to help this dear man in his time of need.
I also get a few white angel feathers of my own. Just this week I was talking about a deceased loved one. Knowing that my passed-over loved ones are with the angels can bring me such comfort, and as I got up to walk out of the room I stepped over a white feather. An angel had left me a classic sign, the calling card of the angels. It always seems as if they are listening in on our conversations (and, of course, they often are!).
Although I have a lot of angel figurines and angel-decorated items in my home, I know I don’t have the biggest collection. Did you know that there is an angel museum in Beloit, Wisconsin? It’s run by a lady called Joyce Berg in St Paul’s Catholic Church (most of the collection once belonged to her). Joyce wears a silver angel costume when she works at the museum and admits to still having a very big collection of angels at home, too!
The museum currently houses the largest collection of angel figurines in the world at around 11,000. Joyce helped revive the church and now relies on donations to keep the museum running. The collection is most famous for the 600 black angels that TV presenter Oprah Winfrey donated. If you’re close by, you might enjoy a visit.
But I digress. Let’s explore a little more of the angel phenomenon.
From fairy-tale to true-life story
Here is a story you may have been told: every little girl and boy has their very own guardian angel. Your guardian angel’s role is to take care of you and watch over you every day. Your angel is always close by in your time of need. ‘He’ (or ‘she’, or ‘it’ … for there truly is no gender) will rescue you if you need saving, comfort you if you feel down and send you love and hugs if you need a little affection.
This is the story many of us are told when we are small … if we are lucky; youngsters all over the world are taught that angels are real. Many of us are brought up with this belief, but when we reach a certain age, our guardian angel can disappear to the same place as the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus. Your angel becomes designated to the ‘myth pile’.
Yet I’m here to share a secret with you. Angels are real and they continue to exist … and not just in your mind. They are real beings – beings of light, beings of a finer substance than the human body, but tangible just the same. Angels have interacted with humankind as far back as recorded history goes. Religious books are full of their collaborations with humankind, and many hundreds of thousands of people around the world today have experienced their presence.
So angels aren’t just a legend from long ago. They work with humans even today, and proof of their existence lies everywhere. Regular readers of my books will know that I have shared many stories of my own. Although we all have angel experiences, many go unrecognised. As an author I record my experiences as they happen, and have learnt to respect the mystery and magic in my life. Sometimes I have several angel experiences all together; lots of things seem to happen so that I experience several paranormal things over the course of just a few weeks. Then I might go for months when nothing much happens at all. That is normal, for me. I’ve also recorded the true-life experiences of my family and friends.
Don’t be fooled when I say these things are normal. What I mean is that I have grown used to them; I am now accustomed to the fact that the mysterious is a regular part of my life. I don’t mean that I am so used to it that I take it for granted. Each experience is a miracle and I respect it as such. Recording these experiences by writing them down is a way of honouring that they happened. And then, of course, eventually they end up in a book – for these charmed encounters need to be shared!
Some lives are full of magic and yet others have nothing much happen at all. Naturally it’s difficult to know if this would suggest that some people interact with angels all their lives and others are very much grounded on the earth plane – perhaps they are so focused on their earthly lives that they miss the mystical, even when it’s right in front of them. I know that after reading examples of others’ true-life stories, many of my readers recall unusual things that happened to them in the past.
Some of these behaviours may seem clichéd to you, but have a look at the list anyway to see if you recognise any of them.

You feel an urge to travel a different way to work and then discover later that you narrowly missed an accident.
You can’t get the image of a person out of your mind and when you decide to call round to check on them you find they need help or have been trying to contact you.
The same as above, but this time the image you hold in your mind is of someone who has passed over. Maybe you didn’t know they had died, or perhaps you discover that it was the anniversary of their passing on that particular day, or their birthday. The ‘coincidence’ seems extraordinary (because, of course, it has real meaning behind it. One would call that synchronicity).
You suddenly start worrying about your child. You rush to find them and discover they were in danger and you saved them just in time.
Out of the blue you decide to check the insurance on your car, only to realise that the last date it’s insured is … today.
You decide to keep some emergency cash in the house, only to discover you need it that very day.
You decide to keep various items in the car in case of emergencies (a blanket and a shovel, for example, in case you get stuck in snow), and then need them later in the week.
You can ask yourself, ‘Is this a coincidence, or was my angel urging me to follow a certain behaviour?’ I felt the strongest urge one day to cancel my father’s taxi service to the hospital for a routine appointment. Instead, I drove to his house and took him myself. As we left I gave him a long hug – it turned out this was my final opportunity to do so before he died.
Then a lady I know insisted her husband visit his cousin, who had been seriously ill. Although the cousin had seemed well on the way to recovery, she told her husband it was important he visit in case anything happened, warning him that he would regret not making the time to go. As it happened, it was their last meeting. Tragically his cousin died shortly afterwards. Did my friend’s inner urging come from a similar source to my own? I expect this paragraph may have jogged your memory and made you think of similar experiences of your own. Most people have them from time to time in their lives.
I could keep on citing examples if I sat here long enough, but the point is, we’ve all had these ‘coincidences’ happen to us. Is it angels, spirits or a psychic connection we make with the other person concerned? Often (although not always) with angel experiences, there is a little added extra. Maybe two strange coincidences happen together, or a series of bizarre happenings coincide to save our lives, and we are left wondering how and why. Some people might call this a simple coincidence, but again, they are missing the magic. This is why I write things down; I like to see the patterns that occur.
Random people who don’t know each other and may live on opposite sides of the world could have almost identical experiences. These people have never met, never shared their experiences (which may have happened many years apart), and the only connection between them is that at some point in their lives they shared their story with me! I thank God every day that people have trusted me with their angel experiences, because it is only through reading many thousands of encounters over the years that I have been able to learn, through patterns, what happens and why. But, of course, there is still so much more to learn …
Angel encounters come from far and wide. I currently live in the UK, and stories come to me from all over the country as well as all over the world. It fascinates me that similar stories might come from Japan, South Africa and Australia in the same month, from people who don’t know each other, yet their experiences can be uncannily similar. This alone brings great magic. Angels interact with us in so many ways, but the incidences are not isolated or unrepeated.

They can bring information we wouldn’t normally learn until the future but which we need right now to calm and comfort us.
They can bring a sensation of love and peace, which gives us a sense of well-being at times of great stress.
They can bring us white feathers as a sign that they are nearby or to act as confirmation that everything will be okay.
They might bring any number of gifts as signs that they are with us. Small coins are popular!
They interact with humankind using music, scents, feelings and sensations or bringing signs of many different types.
They can bring helpful people into our lives or alert us to things that will assist us.
They can and do literally save human lives in the most unusual of ways – sometimes very dramatically.
Have angels helped you? I’m sure as you read through this book you’ll recognise readers’ stories, which may feel familiar to you or seem similar to experiences that you or your family and friends have been through. Angels’ techniques do vary a little, but the end results are usually the same. It’s important to them that we don’t feel alone and that we know they are always around to help us – and help us they do.

Chapter 1
True-Life Stories of Angelic Beings (#ued5880aa-3c1d-5e9e-9f4e-004e5a56b8e4)
My sister Debbie recently got married in Cornwall, England. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this part of the country, it’s the gorgeous ‘foot’ of the UK; a narrow strip of land surrounded by sea and a favourite area for my family.
I lived in Cornwall with my husband for 18 months, and currently two of my sisters live in the county. I missed my sisters and this area of sandy beaches and fishermen’s villages very much, so we’ve just moved back ourselves. The trip is a long one from our old Midlands home. In theory, it’s possible to do the trip in around four and a half hours, but it’s inevitable that at least one stop (usually three) and various roadworks mean the trip is often six to seven hours or more.
Our drive to the wedding was fairly uneventful, the wedding itself was small and memorable (in a good way) and the sun came out even though it was December. My favourite photograph is one of my mum Maggie, the bride Debbie and myself with my sister Madeline (my co-author on another book). We are standing on the balcony of the hotel with the bright-blue sea in the background. It just sums up the wedding completely! It was wonderful.

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From Angels with Love: True-life stories of communication with Angels Jacky Newcomb
From Angels with Love: True-life stories of communication with Angels

Jacky Newcomb

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Спиритизм, пророчества, предсказания

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 28.04.2024

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О книге: Many people around the world have experienced signs that our angels are listening and helping us in our daily lives.In From Angels with Love, afterlife expert and bestselling author, Jacky Newcomb, collects stories from those whom angels have guided and supported. These magical tales of angel communication will provide hope and comfort in the knowledge that our loved ones are with us.

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