The Magnate′s Holiday Proposal

The Magnate's Holiday Proposal
Rebecca Winters
Can he find his son a mummy for Christmas? Ever since Italian CEO Luca Berettini tragically lost his wife, he's been dedicated to keeping his sick son happy and healthy. But when Dino asks a charity to grant him a wish, Luca's Christmas is turned on its head!Gabi Parisi is moved by Dino's letter and desperate to help the boy, whose experience reminds her of her childhood. She's swept away by Dino and his handsome, loving single dad but has no idea how to grant Dino's wish – until Luca makes her a very special Christmas proposal…

Can he find his son a mommy for Christmas?
Ever since Italian CEO Luca Berettini tragically lost his wife, he’s been dedicated to keeping his sick son happy and healthy. But when Dino asks a charity to grant him a wish, Luca’s Christmas is turned on its head!
Gabi Parisi is moved by Dino’s letter and desperate to help the boy, whose experience reminds her of her childhood. She’s swept away by Dino and his handsome, loving single dad but has no idea how to grant Dino’s wish—until Luca makes her a very special Christmas proposal...
Euphoric that she had the freedom to touch and feel him, she pushed her fears aside and gave in to her desires.
They came together in an explosion of need that rocked her world.
“You don’t know what meeting you has done to me.” Luca kissed every centimeter of her face and throat. “I could eat you alive. Don’t ask me to stop because I can’t, bellissima.”
“I don’t want you to stop. Surely you know that by now? Why else do I keep finding excuses to stay?”
“I love you, Gabriella Parisi. I’m so in love with you I can’t think about anything else. Don’t say it’s too soon, or that we barely know each other. None of that matters because we know how we feel.”
The Magnate’s Holiday Proposal
Rebecca Winters (
REBECCA WINTERS lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. With canyons and high alpine meadows full of wildflowers, she never runs out of places to explore. They, plus her favourite vacation spots in Europe, often end up as backgrounds for her romance novels—because writing is her passion, along with her family and church. Rebecca loves to hear from readers. If you wish to email her, please visit her website at (
Cover (#u911f38a3-f989-58c1-8345-c66a8c07cf45)
Back Cover Text (#u90face1f-cbec-5b7c-85b4-0563ae5acbb2)
Introduction (#uc528c397-863d-5cdb-a202-8de51e1cc176)
Title Page (#u67a4e452-04c3-5860-b7b7-cde7c60de683)
About the Author (#u7515faac-7f21-56f7-9825-439255ee2c7a)
CHAPTER ONE (#uc931b0ff-b10d-5618-9a72-5658a6442d33)
CHAPTER TWO (#u400d83dd-3daf-541e-ae45-1d2c5d4717fd)
CHAPTER THREE (#ue32d4313-9ab7-55d4-ade2-78c72050f4f8)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ONE (#u8e94ccb2-2aad-58d4-b61b-4aeb50f60895)
November, two years earlier.
Piancavallo, the Italian Dolomites, Italy
“PAPÀ? IS THIS where you skied when you were my age?”
“Yes. I’d practice right here whenever my parents would let me.”
“I want to be an Olympic champion like you.”
“I have no doubts you will be one day, Dino,” his mamma said. “But it’s getting cold and time to go back to our chalet. We’ll come again tomorrow, darling.”
Suddenly the three of them heard a loud crack higher up the mountain.
“What was that, Papà?”
“We have to get off the mountain, now!”
November 29, present day
On Thursday morning Luca Berettini left his villa for work later than usual and got in the car to drive to Spilimbergo in Northeast Italy. It took only a few minutes from Luca’s home in Maniago, Italy, eleven miles away.
For the last year and a half, Luca had been acting CEO of Berettini Plastics, their hundred-year-old family business, while his father, Fabrizo Berettini, had been recovering from a heart attack. The position was one he’d never wanted or sought. But both the board and his mother had pressured him to do it. She’d done everything in the world for him all her life, and he couldn’t turn her down.
Since the avalanche that had robbed Luca of his wife and Dino’s mother, Luca had run a business of his own on the side, all to do with the manufacture of Italian skis and boots. His venture had proved lucrative. If the gods were kind, the day might come when Luca could say goodbye to the job of CEO and be fully involved with his interest in the ski industry.
The horrendous avalanche that had changed his world and had kept him away from the ski slopes hadn’t altered his love for the sport. What a joy it would be to walk away and have the freedom to do what he really wanted, but he couldn’t do that until he knew the outcome of his father’s health.
As for Dino, until Luca knew what kind of life was in store for his son after the impending operation to remove a benign brain tumor, it was difficult to think about anything else. The boy meant more to him than life itself.
Luca parked his car and nodded to several of the employees before taking the private elevator to his suite on the third floor. As he entered, his secretary, Sofia, got up from her desk and hurried over to him. Something was going on. In a hushed voice she said, “Before you go in, I wanted to warn you that your father is here. He’s been waiting several hours for you.”
Anger swamped Luca. The doctor had ordered his father to stay home and continue to work with his various therapists until he was given permission to put in part-time work again. But that hadn’t stopped him from crossing the threshold today. It was so like him to intrude on Luca’s private life without warning. In the past he’d tried to sabotage several of Luca’s relationships with women by making demands and criticisms.
Today was all Luca needed after having to console Dino following one of his nightmares this morning, but he knew exactly why his father had shown up and shouldn’t have been surprised. When he hadn’t gotten satisfaction after a fiery exchange on the phone with Luca last night, he’d decided to barge in on him.
Being armed with that information, Luca thanked Sofia for the heads-up and walked in his inner sanctum. His silver-haired sixty-eight-year-old father sat at the large oak desk while he read some sensitive documents Luca had been working on.
He looked at Luca without getting up. “I asked Sofia to hold your calls so I could talk to you.”
How like his father to come to the office without advance warning when the doctor hadn’t given him permission to be at work yet. Throughout Luca’s life his father had interfered, never approving of his sporting interests, always trying to stifle his career ambitions that had nothing to do with the family plastics business. No girl, no woman was good enough for Luca except the one they were fighting about right now.
“We said all there was to say last night on the phone.”
His father slammed one hand on the desk. “I don’t know why you continue to thwart me about Giselle.”
“Frankly, I’ll never understand why you hoped she and I would ever get together. I was never interested in her, which is why I married Catarina.”
“But your wife has been dead for two years. Giselle is still very much alive and beautiful. Her father tells me it was you she always wanted. We’re determined to get the two of you together. I told him I’d arrange it.”
Luca shook his head. “Don’t you understand I have more important things to think about at the moment? I’m dealing with my son’s fears over his operation,” he exploded. “Henri Fournier may be your best friend and the two of you are desperate to keep the fortunes of both our families sealed with a marriage, but I made it clear last night. I don’t want to see his daughter and have no interest in any woman! Since you look settled in that chair where you once sat for years ruling the company, I’ll leave it to you.”
The older man’s cheeks grew ruddy. He would never change. His father had been the same intransigent dictator for as long as Luca could remember. Nothing Luca had ever wanted or done had met with his father’s approval, and Luca had given up hope for a transformation.
“Where are you going?”
“Wait, Luca—”
But he walked back out and told Sofia to ring him if anything vital came up. Now would be a good time to do an on-site visit to the ski manufacturing plant he owned in nearby Tauriano before returning to Maniago. It might cool down his anger.
At three thirty that afternoon Luca returned home and found his son still in his pajamas watching TV in the family room.
“Hey—piccolo.” He hugged him. “What’s going on?”
“My favorite show.”
Ines, the nanny, got up from the sofa and walked over to him. “It’s the Start with a Wish program that’s on every weekday afternoon.” Luca had heard of it. “He’s obsessed with it because they make a child’s wish come true.”
If only that were really possible.
“I take it his headache finally passed.”
Every headache his son suffered caused Luca pain that crossed over the older lines of grief etched on his hard-boned features. “After we have dinner, I’ll take him to watch a hockey game. Hopefully it will get his mind off the operation.”
He left the kitchen and raced up the stairs, as ever feeling devastated by Dino’s condition. Earlier that morning his son had cried to him. “I dreamed I was in the avalanche and couldn’t find Mamma. I wish she didn’t have to die.”
How many times had Luca heard that? He’d kissed the top of his head. “We all wish she were here, but at least we have each other, don’t we?”
“Yes,” his boy whispered.
“Pretty soon you’re not going to have headaches anymore.”
“But I’m scared.”
“I know, but the operation is going to take them away. Doesn’t that make you happy?”
“Yes, but what if I never wake up?”
Luca clutched him harder. “Where did you get an idea like that?”
“On TV.”
“What show?”
“That cartoon, Angel’s Friends. Raf’s mother never woke up.”
Diavolo. A simple cartoon had played on his fears, doing more damage. “Listen to me, Dino. I’ve had four operations in my life, and I’m just fine.”
“Was Nonna with you?”
He’d closed his eyes, praying for inspiration. “Yes.” Luca’s mother had always been there for him. “And I’ll be with you. Don’t you know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you?”
“Yes.” But Dino’s voice was muffled against Luca’s shoulder and he’d finally fallen asleep.
The heavy lids that covered blue eyes revealed his misery. In the last year, his headaches had grown more frequent as the doctor said they would. When the medication didn’t stop them, sleep was the only thing that seemed to help, but that meant he stayed in bed until they subsided.
At his last checkup three months ago, the doctor had brought up the operation to remove it. But Dino fought the very thought of one, even if it would make him feel better.
Now Luca was frightened, too, because the neurosurgeon told him the tumor was in a dangerous place. Removing it wasn’t without risk. But Luca knew it had to be done so his son could be relieved of pain.
His operation had been scheduled for December 21, less than a month away now. Dr. Meuller, the Swiss-born doctor from Zurich who was doing some voluntary work in Africa, would fly in to the hospital in Padova to perform the surgery. Luca had arranged his business affairs so he’d be free during that time.
Luca and his mother had done everything to reassure Dino they’d be there for him during the surgery, but whenever it was mentioned, he would run to his room and sob. He wanted his mother, and no one could replace her. It broke his heart that Dino dreaded it so much.
Something out of the ordinary had to happen to help his son. Luca wished to heaven he knew what it was...
* * *
Another Monday.
Gabi Parisi left the house in Limena and drove the four miles under an overcast sky to the office of the Start with a Wish foundation in Padova, Italy. In the fifty-six-degree temperature, she didn’t need a coat to wear over her long-sleeved blue sweater and black wool skirt.
After the weekend, Mondays meant tons of mail. So many letters came in from children needing help. Some required money for medical procedures or operations that parents or guardians couldn’t provide. Others were dying and the family or caregivers wanted to grant them their greatest wish, which was beyond their means.
Edda Romano, Gabi’s boss, was a famous philanthropist who had been giving away her money for worthy causes ever since her husband’s untimely death. Being the heiress of the Romano manufacturing fortune had allowed her to establish the foundation that would continue to give happiness to children for generations. There was no one Gabi admired more than Edda. She felt it a privilege to work for this remarkable seventy-five-year-old woman who was truly selfless.
Gabi maneuvered through the heavy traffic and drove around the back of the building to the private parking area. After touching up her lipstick, she ran a brush through tousled ash-blond hair and got out of the car. To her surprise she was met with several wolf whistles coming from some workmen doing renovations on the building to the west.
Her divorce two years ago had put her off getting involved again. She’d moved back home with her widowed mother, who still worked part-time at the hospital as a pediatric nurse.
Gabi had gotten her college degree in accounting and had worked in a bank. She’d even fallen in love and had married the bank manager, having faith in a wonderful future. But a miscarriage soon after their marriage had been devastating. And then she’d learned her husband had been having an affair.
In less than a year of being married, it was over and she’d filed for divorce. Once again she’d started looking for another job.
When the position with Edda had opened up, Gabi had grabbed at it, sensing it would be a healing kind of work. Edda’s whole purpose was to make children happy. Still mourning the baby she’d lost at five weeks, Gabi could pour out her love on other people’s children.
The foundation business filled three floors of the neoclassic building, depending on the department where you were assigned. To Gabi’s mind, she had the best position. She, along with four other women, had the exciting opportunity of opening and reading the letters. When they’d made their group decision about each child’s letter, they took it to Edda in the suite next door to make the final decisions about what to do.
Once Gabi had gone inside the rear entrance and had grabbed a cup of coffee in the open reception room, she walked upstairs to the conference room on the second floor to get started for the day. She and her coworkers sat around a big oval table. Three of them were married, one was single and Gabi was divorced.
Stefania, the woman Edda had put in charge of their group, received the mail from the mail room and passed around the new letters that came in every day. Gabi marveled that so many children needed special help and praised Edda for the service she rendered on a continual basis. Such goodness put her in the category of a saint.
“Buongiorno,” she said to Angelina and Clara, who’d already arrived. In a minute Stefania came in with Luisa, the one who still wasn’t married and had become a good friend of Gabi’s. They smiled at each other before Luisa sat down next to her. “How was your weekend?” she whispered to her friend.
“I spent it with my cousin. We did a lot of early Christmas shopping. What about you, Gabi?”
“My mother and I drove to Venice for the fun of it.” Gabi had done a little sketching.
“How wonderful!”
Pretty soon everyone had settled down. Stefania opened the mailbag and distributed a bundle to each of them. Gabi opened her envelopes and pulled out the letters. Then they each took a turn to read a letter. In the afternoon they would form a consensus of what to turn over to Edda for final consideration. All the letters came from children who were deserving of blessings.
Just before lunch Gabi picked up her last letter. Most of them had been written in cursive by an adult. This one had been printed by a youngster and there was no greeting.
“My name is Dino Berettini.” She didn’t know of another Berettini except the international Berettini plastics conglomerate near Venice. The billion-dollar business helped keep the country afloat financially.
“I am seven years old. Every night I tell God I am afraid to have an operation because my mamma died and won’t be with me. But if it will take away my headaches and make my papà happy again, I will do it. He is never happy and I love him more than anyone in the entire world.”
The words make my papà happy again swam before Gabi’s eyes. They took her back to her childhood when at the age of seven, her adored father was dying. She’d gone to the priest after Mass and begged him to ask God to make him better. The priest smiled kindly and told her she should ask God herself.
Hurt that he hadn’t said he would do it, she still went home and said her prayers, begging God to save her papà. Within two days he rallied and got better. In Gabi’s mind a miracle had happened.
Touched by the sweet, prayer-like missive from this boy, she was moved to tears.
She looked up. Everyone was staring at her, so she read them the letter.
“What else does the letter say?” Stefania asked her.
“There isn’t anything else. This child wrote what was in his heart. Obviously an adult had to address the envelope and mail it to us, but I’m convinced no one helped him with the wording.”
“I agree. Read it to us again.”
Gabi looked at Stefania. “I don’t think I can without breaking down.”
“I’ll do it.” Luisa reached for it and read it aloud. After she’d finished, she said, “What a sweet little boy. But he hasn’t asked for anything.”
“Yes he has,” Gabi murmured. “He wants the foundation to grant his wish not to be afraid for the operation that will help him feel better and make his father happy.”
“But we can’t do that,” Clara exclaimed.
Stefania shook her head. “No. It’s beyond our power, but this is one letter Edda has to read. Enjoy your lunch. I’ll see you back here at one thirty.”
They all got up and left the building. Luisa and Gabi walked around the corner to the trattoria where they usually ate. While they ate pasta and salad, Luisa asked her why the letter had touched her so deeply.
“I don’t know exactly. A combination of things made me tear up. He mentioned losing his mother, and it reminded me of my miscarriage and how I would never raise my child. As I told you, Santos and I got pregnant on our honeymoon. But I lost it after carrying it five weeks, and nothing could comfort me.”
Luisa eyed her compassionately. “I can only imagine how painful that would have been for you.”
“That was over two years ago. But when I read Dino’s words today, some of those feelings returned. Now he’s the one suffering so terribly.”
“The poor little thing has lost his mother. The pathos in that one line squeezed my heart.”
“I know,” Gabi murmured. “Especially the last line that said his father was never happy.”
Luisa shook her head. “In the six months I’ve been working here, we’ve never had a letter like this one.”
“I agree. Today I found myself wishing a miracle would happen for that boy. He wrote that letter as an act of faith because of Edda’s program. The trouble is, she can give any child a tangible gift, but she can’t move mountains.”
“No.” Luisa shook her head. “It needs a miracle.”
“Do you remember me telling you about the time I wanted a miracle so my father wouldn’t die? That did happen and he lived until three years ago when he finally passed away from heart failure. If only one could happen again for Dino...”
On that solemn note they left to walk back to work. A half hour later Stefania told Gabi to go in Edda’s office. Since Gabi had been the one who’d opened the letter and had been affected by it, their boss wanted to talk it over with her.
Gabi and Luisa exchanged surprised glances before she walked down the hall and entered Edda’s private domain. The trim, classily dressed philanthropist with titian-colored hair smiled at Gabi and asked her to sit down opposite her desk. She held the letter in her hand.
“Stefania told me about your reaction while you were reading this. I confess tears welled up in my throat, too. That adorable child’s simple plea for help leaves us with a dilemma.”
“Luisa and I were talking about that over lunch. How do you move a mountain?”
“Exactly.” She picked up the envelope the letter had come in. “Someone mailed it from Maniago. I did research while you were at lunch. There are two Berettini families living in that town. Does the name Luca Berettini mean anything to you?”
“No, but I immediately thought of the Berettini Plastics Company near Venice.”
She nodded. “It’s the family business. Recently the elder Berettini stepped down as head and now Luca Berettini, his son, has been made CEO. Dino is his boy.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because of a tragedy that happened to that family two years ago. It was all over the media and in the newspaper. You didn’t hear about it or see it on TV?”
Gabi lowered her head. “That was a difficult time for me and I’m afraid I hadn’t been paying much attention to the news.”
It was two years ago that Gabi had discovered her husband had been unfaithful to her. She’d already had a miscarriage. With her marriage in shambles, she’d filed for divorce. It had been a horrific time for her and she’d been blinded to anything going on around her at the time.
“I’m sorry to hear that. You’ve been a wonderful employee.”
“Thank you. I’ve been so much better since you hired me to come to work for you. It’s so marvelous making children happy. I’m more grateful to you for this job than you could possibly know.”
“I’m glad of it.”
“Please tell me what happened to Dino.”
“Luca Berettini was a downhill alpine skier who became a gold medalist in the Olympics in his early twenties.”
“I remember something about that. I was probably around sixteen at the time,” Gabi murmured. “But that was ten years ago. I haven’t heard anything about him since.”
“You wouldn’t have. He could have gone on for more medals but was taken into the family business early because of his brilliant marketing acumen. He married, and he and his wife had a son. Two years ago the three of them were skiing near their chalet in Piancavallo when they were caught in an avalanche.”
“Oh, no—”
“I don’t recall the details, but his wife was killed. According to all the reports, Luca saved his son from certain death.”
“The boy would have been five then. Old enough to have memories of his mother.”
“Yes. According to this letter, he needs some kind of an operation to cure his headaches.”
Gabi’s head lifted. “But he’s afraid because he wants his mother with him.”
“Sadly no one can bring her back, and they don’t need money for an operation. Our foundation can’t help him, but I’ll get you the unlisted phone numbers of the Berettini families, hopefully before the day is out. When I do, why don’t you try to reach the person who mailed Dino’s letter and set up a time to visit him? He needs a personal visit to know we received it.”
“I think that would be wonderful.”
“Would you like to be the one to go from our office?”
“I’d love to be the one to visit him. I know what it’s like to want a wish to come true.”
Gabi was reminded of another experience at Christmastime around twelve years of age. One of her best friends had almost died from a bad appendix. Their group of friends were so sad, and someone suggested they wish on a star for her so she’d get better.
None of them really believed it would do any good, but they’d grasped at any hope to pull their friend through. Wonder of wonders, she did recover. To Gabi it had been another miracle. This boy needed one, too.
“Good. However, the family may not allow it. But if they do, you can take him a gift to let him know we received his letter. Since it’s getting close to Christmas, I’m thinking the latest building blocks game. It’s a Christmas scene with trees and snowmen. Children that age love it. I’ll ask our gift department to get it ready for him. But if it turns out the family doesn’t want anyone to come, then we’ll send him the gift.”
“I knew you’d have a solution. You always do. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”
Gabi left her office and rejoined the others in the conference room. She told them what Edda had said. Near the end of the day Edda’s secretary walked in and gave Gabi a sheet of paper with the telephone numbers of the Berettini families.
Stefania smiled at her. “Go ahead and make your call at the desk while we finish up.”
“Thanks.” She walked over to the corner of the room and sat down, wondering which number to choose first. But it didn’t matter as long as she reached the person who sent the letter.
On the first call she was asked to leave a message. Gabi decided not to do that before trying the other number. On the third ring, someone picked up.
“Hello. My name is Signora Parisi. I’m calling from the Start with a Wish foundation in Padova. Today we received a letter from a boy named Dino Berettini. There was no address on the envelope, but we saw that it was postmarked from Maniago. Edda Romano, the founder, has asked me to speak to the person who knows about it.”
Maybe Dino mailed it himself and no one in his family knew about it. If he’d wanted to keep it a secret, it was too late now.
“Signora Parisi? I’m Giustina Berettini, Dino’s grandmother, the one who sent it for him.” Her answer filled Gabi with relief. “I’m surprised you received it so quickly. I only mailed it on Friday.”
“We try to be prompt with a reply when the letters come in because we know the desperate needs of these children.”
“I was home with him on Friday when he said he wanted to watch your program,” the older woman said. “I’d heard of the foundation, of course, but I’d never seen it on TV. Before long he asked me to help him with his letter and mail it. What he printed came straight from his heart.”
Gabi nodded. “When I read the letter to my coworkers, we were all very touched. Once Edda read it, she suggested I contact your family. We realize he needs an operation, and we can’t bring back his mother, but would it be possible for me to come and bring him a gift? Edda wants him to know all our prayers will be with him.”
“That’s very kind of you. He’ll be so thrilled.”
It would be a thrill for Gabi, too. “I’ll bring it when it’s the best time for you. I believe the sooner he receives it, the better.”
“Would it be possible for you to come to my house in the morning? Say nine o’clock? Or is that too early? I don’t have any idea about your hours of work.”
“Nine o’clock would be no problem. What’s the address?”
After writing it down, Gabi hung up and told Stefania what was planned. Then she headed for the gift department to pick up the Christmas-wrapped set and put it in her car.
Excited over her mission, she drove home to Limena and shared all that had happened with her mother. They talked until late and she slept poorly, waiting for morning to come.
CHAPTER TWO (#u8e94ccb2-2aad-58d4-b61b-4aeb50f60895)
THE DRIVE ON Tuesday morning took an hour and a half. Gabi was familiar with part of the route leading to Venice, but she’d never had a reason to take the turnoff going north to reach Maniago. The picturesque town filled a valley surrounded by the Italian pre-Alps.
Her car’s sat-nav helped her drive to a lovely pale pink villa located in the foothills. Gabi found the property enchanting as she made her way along the tree-lined path to the front door carrying Dino’s gift.
She rang the bell. Now that she was about to meet Dino, she was feeling nervous for fear she might say the wrong thing. At least his grandmother would be with him. Gabi would follow the older woman’s lead.
Soon the door opened. A sober-faced woman in a maid’s uniform appeared. She eyed the gift. “Buongiorno! You must be Signora Parisi from Padova. Signora Berettini is waiting for you. Come in.”
Gabi followed her through a luxurious entrance hall to a set of opened French doors on the left. Her gaze traveled to the elegantly dressed older woman who was probably the same age as Gabi’s mother. She detected traces of silver in the woman’s black hair. The boy’s grandmother was tall and very attractive, but there was such sadness in her eyes.
She asked the maid to take the package and put it on the damask love seat, then turned to Gabi. “Thank you for being on time.”
“I enjoy getting up early. It was a beautiful drive and I’m anxious to meet Dino. Is he here?”
“No. He and his father live in a villa on an estate about two minutes away. Luca has already driven him to school. Come and sit down.”
The news disappointed Gabi, who didn’t understand why his grandmother had asked her to come if he was at school. And why not at Dino’s home?
“Thank you.” She found an upholstered chair opposite her and took her place.
“Allow me to explain. His father doesn’t know about the letter. If he’d heard about it, he might have discouraged me from sending it in order not to get Dino’s hopes up. What if there’d been no response? He adores that child and doesn’t want anything to hurt him. That’s why I preferred that you and I meet here first.”
Gabi nodded. “I can understand that. Edda gave me some background about the avalanche where Dino lost his mother, but she didn’t know specifics or why he needs an operation. I honestly don’t know how you survive a tragedy like that.”
“I’m not sure we’re doing it very well,” the older woman said in a sad, quiet voice. “But I don’t want to dwell on it. What’s important is that you’ve come. It will make him so happy.”
“I’m glad Edda sent me.”
She wiped her eyes. “I could never deny my grandson anything. He and my son are both in a fragile emotional state at the moment. As the time gets closer to the operation, I’m afraid Luca has grown as anxious as Dino. You see, when my grandson was brought in to the hospital after the avalanche, the scans revealed a benign brain tumor.”
“Oh, no.”
“The doctor says it’s the reason for the headaches. But removing it could cause other complications, increasing our anxiety.”
“Of course.” Gabi clasped her hands together. “How soon does he have to have it?”
“December 21. That’s three weeks from now. The neurosurgeon will fly in to Padova and perform it at San Pietro Hospital.”
“No wonder your son is so worried. How frightening for all of you.”
“Exactly. But we can’t afford to think about anything negative now. The family has videos of Dino with his mother at various ages, and he watches them whenever he misses her too much. I hope that your quick response to Dino’s letter and the fact that you came in person will cheer him up even if it can’t solve the problem. He’s struggling so terribly over the loss of his mother you can’t imagine.”
Gabi’s heart went out to her, to all of them. “The poor thing. Everyone at the foundation is praying for him. Edda sent a gift for him. It’s a building blocks game he can put on a table.”
Tears kept welling in her blue eyes. “What I’d give if that present and your kindness to come in person will help him face the operation! My son is absolutely desperate.” The older woman clasped her hands under her chin. “Since I want it to be a surprise, this is what I’d like to do. If you’d be willing, I’d like you to follow me to my son’s villa.”
“Of course.” Gabi had made her first phone call there apparently.
“When we get there, I’ll go pick him up at school and tell him I have a surprise waiting for him at home. The cook will have our lunch prepared. He’ll be delighted to get out early since his father doesn’t normally bring him home until one. But not today! I’ll leave a message at his office that I wanted to pick him up. That way my son can stay at work longer.”
That made sense to Gabi, who was eager to meet Dino.
“When he comes running in the house, he’ll see you and the gift. We’ll go from there.” She stood up and called to her maid.
“He sounded so sweet in his letter, I’m looking forward to meeting him, Signora Berettini.”
“He’s a combination of imp and angel. I’ll get my car and ask Carla to take the present back to yours.”
“Thank you.”
In a few minutes she found herself following the black Mercedes sedan through the hills. When she rounded the next corner, she let out a quiet gasp at the sight of a sprawling two-story yellow villa set in the mountain greenery like it had grown there.
From the style, she imagined it had been built in the eighteenth century. Gabi had toured through many splendid villas from the past opened to the public. But she’d never seen anything more gorgeous than this one owned by the wealthy Berettini CEO. How sad his money couldn’t fix what was wrong with Dino.
She drove through the gates and went all the way to the circular drive in front, where she parked the car behind Giustina’s. After retrieving the gift, she joined her at the entrance, where another woman answered the door who was all smiles.
“Ines? Please meet Gabi Parisi from the Start with a Wish foundation. Gabi? This is the nanny who has looked after our precious Dino with unswerving devotion.”
“I’m very happy to meet you, Ines.”
“It’s a privilege to meet someone from the program we see on TV. He loves it and watches it every time it’s on. He won’t believe you’re here.”
“I hope it will bring him some comfort.”
“We’re counting on it, aren’t we, Ines? Will you take this gift into the family room?”
“Si, signora.”
They followed her through the magnificent interior to the rear of the villa. It overlooked the breathtaking town with snow-covered summits beyond it in the far distance. Ines placed the present on the big table.
The first thing Gabi saw was the framed photograph of a young woman that hung above the fireplace. With her long dark hair, what a beauty she was! “Is this Dino’s mother?”
“Yes. That’s Catarina.”
Gabi looked around at the warm, friendly room. It was made for a child’s pleasure with books and games, comfortable furniture, a TV and several wonderful photographs of animals living in the wilds of Africa.
She turned to Giustina. “A room like this must be heaven for a little boy.”
“Dino’s mother decorated it. Naturally it’s his favorite spot in the villa.”
“It would be mine.”
“Gabi? I’ll leave now to get Dino and won’t be long. His school is nearby. I’ll ask the maid to bring you tea or coffee. Do you have a preference?”
“Tea would be lovely.”
When she left, Gabi walked over to the floor-to-ceiling bookcase to look at them all. There were so many darling storybooks he’d probably been read over and over again.
Ines brought the tea. Now would be a good time to ask a few questions. “Tell me about what Dino is like.”
“He’s very bright and loves to play with friends. When he doesn’t have a headache, you would never know he has a problem. But he still suffers from nightmares to do with the avalanche. It came upon them so fast. When he hears a really loud noise like thunder, he freezes and runs to hide under his bed.”
“I can imagine. How horrible for him.”
“His father is hoping that once the operation is over, he won’t be so anxious about everything.”
“The poor dear. What are some of the things he likes?”
“Swimming and comic books. His father won’t let him look at Diabolik for fear it will give him nightmares, but he’s allowed to read Lupo Alberto.”
“I too loved the comics when I was young.” While she was deep in thought, she heard the sound of footsteps running down the hall toward the family room.
Suddenly the boy raced inside but came to a halt when he saw Gabi.
She jumped to her feet, taking in the sight of Dino Berettini in the blue smock all Italian children his age wore to school. He appeared on the taller side of seven with forget-me-not-blue eyes and black shiny hair like his mother’s in the photograph. The handsome child didn’t look like anything could be wrong with him.
“Hello, Dino.”
“Hi! Who are you?”
His grandmother came in the room. “Dino? You should wait to be introduced.”
“Sorry, Nonna,” he murmured.
“I’d like you to meet Signora Gabi Parisi. She’s come all the way from Padova to meet you.”
“How do you do, signora?” What an adorable boy. “Why have you come to see me?”
Gabi took a deep breath. “Because you sent a letter to the Start with a Wish foundation, right?”
His eyes widened. “You got it already?”
“Yes. That’s where I work. Yesterday the mail came and I opened it.”
“You did?” He sounded utterly incredulous, then turned to his grandmother. “You said you mailed it, but—”
“You didn’t believe me?” The older woman sounded surprised.
“Yes, but... I was afraid it wouldn’t get there.”
Gabi took a step closer. “Well, it did, and it was my lucky day because my boss said I could come to visit you and bring you a present.” During their conversation Gabi had seen his eyes darting to the package on the table.
“You have a boss?”
“Yes. Her name is Edda.”
“My papà is a boss, too.”
She nodded. “He’s such an important boss, everyone knows him, even Edda. She was the one who wanted me to bring his son a special surprise in person. Would you like to open it?”
“Yes, but it’s wrapped for Christmas.”
“That’s true, but she said you could open it now if you want. I know if I were in your shoes, I’d run right over to the table and rip off the wrapping paper to see what she sent you.”
A smile broke out on his face. No longer hesitating, he rushed toward the table. Gabi’s eyes met Giustina’s. They both walked over to watch the untidy unveiling.
“A building blocks set!” His happy exclamation told her a lot.
“It’s a winter wonderland scene. I bet you can make it look like the one here in Maniago at Christmastime.”
Those brilliant blue eyes darted to her. “Can you stay and help me put it together?”
“There’s nothing I’d rather do, if it’s all right with your grandmother.”
“Is it, Nonna?”
“Of course. I’ll have lunch served in here while you play.”
“Can I call you Gabi?”
“Of course.”
For the next two hours Gabi had the time of her life helping him put the project together while they ate. They talked about dinosaurs and his favorite emojis. Soon they got on the subject of another comic book character called Tex, from American television; the indomitable hero. Dino was so smart and a perfect delight. You’d never know anything was wrong with him.
Unfortunately, she’d overstayed her welcome and the time had come when she needed to leave for Padova. Edda would want a report in person before the day was out. “Guess what, Dino? I’ve had such a terrific time, but now I’m due back at the office.”
“No—” he cried out and jumped to his feet. The abrupt change in his demeanor took her by surprise.
“I’m sorry.”
Tears filled his eyes. “But I want you to stay.”
“I would love to if I could.”
“Will you come tomorrow?”
“She has to get back to work,” Giustina spoke up. “Now thank her and say goodbye.”
“But I don’t want her to go.” He was relentless. It was an indication of how difficult life could be for him at times. Her heart ached for him and his whole family. His grandmother looked absolutely crushed.
As Gabi turned to leave, he dashed past her and out of the family room.
The older woman seemed frantic. “I’m sorry. I’ve never seen him act quite like this before.”
“He’s going through a very difficult time in his life.”
“I shouldn’t have mailed his letter.”
“Don’t say that. He loves and trusts you. Now he knows our foundation received it. He believed in something and it happened. That has to have increased the faith he needs to face his operation.”
Giustina followed her to the door. “About his letter... There’s something I have to tell you before you go. As I told you, his father doesn’t know about it. When he finds out, I don’t want him to know everything Dino said. It would kill my son if he thought Dino saw him so unhappy all the time.”
“I hear what you’re saying and will let Edda know.”
“Thank you, Gabi.”
“Thank you for the delicious lunch. I’m happy to have met you.”
Gabi hurried out of the villa to her car. As she started the engine, she looked up and saw Dino standing at an upstairs window staring down at her. That precious boy. There was so much sadness in that house, she could hardly bear it as she drove away.
Between the grandmother’s pain and the worry in Ines’s expression, Gabi couldn’t see any happiness. She wished something else could be done, but she didn’t know what.
* * *
At four o’clock, Luca ended the staff meeting and headed for home. His mother’s earlier message that she’d be picking up Dino had allowed him to get a lot of work done today.
For the last two years Luca had trimmed his work schedule in order to put his traumatized boy first. Because he was no longer in kindergarten, their normal routine had changed.
Monday through Saturday they ate breakfast together first before he drove Dino to primary school at eight o’clock. Then Luca would leave his office in time to pick him up at one o’clock and they’d go home for lunch. After that, Luca would go back to work until five and Dino’s nanny, Ines, would take over.
But today had been an exception from start to finish. Now he could enjoy the rest of the time with his son. Maybe they’d go to another hockey match. He liked watching it with Luca.
He got back in his car and drove to Tauriano. He was furious that his father, who’d always been cold and unyielding, seemed especially devoid of human feelings when it came to Dino. He’d always resented Luca’s marriage to Catarina, and had passed on a feeling of dislike toward his grandson.
Thank heaven for Luca’s mother and Catarina’s aunt and uncle Maria and Tomaso, who’d raised her from a young age. They were like another set of grandparents to Dino, and he adored them.
For the next three weeks he needed to fill each day with activities for both of them in order to face the ordeal coming up. Once the tumor had been removed, who knew what other problems might ensue. But right now he needed to shelve that worry and handle the present.
He pulled up to the villa and hurried inside. Since his son was usually in the family room, he headed there first. “Dino? Papà is home!”
There was no answering cry, and nothing from Ines. Luca paused long enough to see a giant set of building blocks on the table. The box it came in showed a winter wonderland scene. A certain amount of work had been done on it already. He was impressed.
Apparently this was a surprise from Luca’s mother and that was why she’d gone to pick up Dino today. Maybe he’d gone home with his grandmother for dinner.
Curious, he took the stairs two at a time to the next floor, passing Dino’s bedroom on the way to his own suite for a shower. That’s when he heard sobbing and opened the door to see Ines sitting on the side of the bed trying to comfort his son. Luca felt like he’d been kicked in the gut.
Ines got to her feet and hurried over to him. Sorrow was written all over her face. “He’s had an upset today,” she whispered, “but it’s not because of a nightmare or a headache. He had a visit from a woman representing the Start with a Wish foundation. She brought him a gift, but when she had to leave, it upset Dino. I’m glad you’re home. He’ll be much better after talking to you.” On that note, she left the bedroom.
Luca walked over to the side of the bed. Dino lay on top of the covers on his stomach, hugging a pillow. He was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. Luca sat down and began to rub his back.
“Polpetto mio.” The meatball endearment he’d used with him forever usually brought a laugh, but not this time. “Want to tell Papà what’s wrong?”
He whirled around and sat up. His face was a study in misery. Luca hadn’t seen a look like that in a long time. “My nonna is mad at me. Did she call you?”
His mother didn’t have a mean bone in her body, but clearly something had disturbed Dino to the point of tears. “No. I just got home from work.”
“She didn’t say anything?”
Luca put up both hands. “I swear it.”
“Well, she’s going to.” He slid off the bed. “And then you’re going to be really mad at me.”
Since when? What the devil had gone on here? “Why would I be mad?”
“Because... I was rude to Gabi.”
Gabi? “Who’s that?” he asked, though Ines had already informed him.
“She brought me a present from that Start with a Wish program on TV.” Luca had heard of it, of course. Who hadn’t? How had they known about Dino?
“We were having so much fun putting it together, and then she had to leave and I didn’t want her to go. I got so mad I ran out of the room. After I went upstairs, I watched her drive away. And now I know she’ll never come back.”
He ran to Luca and wrapped his arms around him. “I’ll never see her again.”
Luca didn’t have a clue what was going on, but with those words, he knew this had something to do with the loss of Dino’s mother. Luca needed to stop the bleeding before there was a full-blown emotional hemorrhage.
* * *
Gabi arrived at work Wednesday morning, anxious to talk to Edda when she came in. She hadn’t been in her office when Gabi returned yesterday. Today she needed to pass on Giustina’s concerns about certain contents of the letter and tell her what had happened at the Berettini villa. Dino hadn’t wanted her to leave, and heaven help her, she hadn’t wanted to leave either.
His quick mind, his laughter, the funny things he said—everything about him tugged at her heart. She’d meant it when she’d told him she’d love a son just like him. It was true. What wasn’t there to like? The fact that he was facing a serious operation only made her feelings more tender toward him.
An hour later, in the middle of opening more letters, Stefania told Gabi that Edda wanted to see her in her office. Gabi hadn’t realized her boss had already come in.
She excused herself and walked down the hall. Edda welcomed her in and told her to sit down. “I’m happy to inform you that your visit yesterday made a deep impression on Dino Berettini. So much so in fact that he’s downstairs in the reception area with his father, who took time off from his work to drive them here. They’ve come specifically to see you.”
What? His father had brought him? Gabi couldn’t credit any of it.
“There’s more, Gabi. They’ve asked if you could spend the day with them while they’re here in Padova. I told them it would have to be your decision. Of course you have my permission. How do you feel about that?”
How did she feel? “Do you think I should?”
Edda scrutinized her. “Is there a reason you wouldn’t want to see him again?”
“No, but I haven’t met his father.”
“Ah. The idea makes you uncomfortable.”
“Not at all, but I’m just surprised he’s here. Did you show him Dino’s letter?”
“The subject didn’t come up. It appears he wants his son to apologize to you in person for the way he behaved toward you before you left their home. He’s concerned that Dino ran out on you and didn’t say goodbye or even thank you.”
She shook her head. “That wasn’t important. He was like all children who don’t want something fun to end.”
“Well, he’s here now and waiting to see you. I’ve informed Stefania.”
“Thank you.” Gabi stood up. “I’ll go down.”
“Keep me informed.”
“Of course.”
Fortunately, Gabi had worn her navy suit with a lighter blue collared blouse to work and felt presentable. She stopped in the conference room for her purse and waved to Luisa, who knew about her visit to Dino. Once outside in the hall, she brushed her hair and put on a fresh coat of pink frost lipstick before she made her way downstairs to the reception room.
People doing business or needing information came to the foundation throughout the day. Gabi looked around at the half-dozen visitors until she saw Dino, who slid off the chair but didn’t run to her.
Seated next to him had to be his father, who got to his feet. He was tall and fit, with black hair and blue eyes that matched his son’s. The thirtyish male who’d once won an Olympic gold medal for Italy’s ski team was beyond gorgeous despite the telltale lines of grief.
She took a quick breath and walked the short distance to them. “Benvenuto, Dino! What a wonderful surprise! Here I thought you were at school this morning.”
He looked so solemn. “I asked Papà to drive me here. I’m sorry about yesterday.”
Gabi smiled. “I’m not. I had such a great time and didn’t want to go back to work. I felt just like you did.”
A half smile broke out on his face. “’re not mad at me?”
“What do you think?”
A huge smile broke out on his face. Over his dark head her eyes fused with his father’s.
“Dino?” the man asked in a deep voice that penetrated her body. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
His son looked at both of them. “Gabi? This is my papà.”
CHAPTER THREE (#u8e94ccb2-2aad-58d4-b61b-4aeb50f60895)
GABI CHUCKLED. “SINCE you two look like each other, I figured he has to be your father. I’m delighted to meet you, Signor Berettini.”
The CEO of the Berettini empire had dressed in a charcoal-colored suit with a gray pullover and probably had to shave twice a day. No man’s looks or masculine aura had ever given her such a visceral reaction.
Amusement lurked in his eyes fringed with sooty black lashes. He took her breath. “After hearing about Gabi this and Gabi that, I’ve been the one anxious to meet you,” he said, shaking her hand.
She felt the contact zap through her like a bolt of lightning. His blue gaze traveled over her as if he were trying to piece everything together using his son’s assessment of her. In truth she’d been doing the same thing to him and hoped to heaven it didn’t show.
She looked down at Dino. “Edda told me you wanted to spend the day with me. Guess what? She gave me permission to leave.”
“Evviva! Do you know where we should go?”
“Since I’ve lived here all my life, I have a lot of ideas. One of my favorite places is the insect museum in Brusegana.”
“Insect—” His reaction was comical.
“That’s right. When I was in school, we took a field trip there. I thought it would be stupid until we arrived on the bus. Was I ever wrong! It’s a few kilometers from the center of the city.”
“Does it have real insects in it?”
“Thousands! Of course, most of them are dead, thank goodness.” His father laughed. “It’s an amazing museum, Dino. Maybe we could eat lunch at DaPretta’s first. It’s only a few blocks away. They do fast food and make the most delicious bacon and potato panzerottos.
“Afterward we’ll drive to Brusegana and spend part of the day there. If you want, we can watch a movie about insects while we’re at the museum and buy something in the book shop to add to your collection of books in your family room. I never saw so many. You’ll love visiting there!”
His face lit up with excitement. “Papà? Have you been there?”
He shook his dark head. “It’ll be a new experience for me, too.” His gaze focused on her again, and she felt an instant awareness of him that went deep beneath the surface. “Are you ready to leave?” She nodded. “Then let’s go.”
Gabi followed them out to the parking area, where he headed for a fabulous dark red Lancia luxury passenger car. While Dino climbed in the backseat and strapped himself in, his father helped Gabi in the front passenger seat. She felt his gaze on her legs as she swung them inside.
His interest was that of any normal male, but she hadn’t been with a man in two years. If she was going to be this affected by his every look and touch, maybe she’d made a mistake in not accepting dates from guys since her divorce. But Luca Berettini wasn’t just any man.
She’d heard of the expression coup de foudre, love at first sight. Gabi had never believed in such a thing, but if it existed she feared it had happened to her.
When they stopped to eat and find a table, she’d noticed every female in sight, young or old, staring at Dino’s striking father and eyeing her with envy for being in his company. She needed to get herself in hand and concentrate on his son. Before long they were served and Dino seemed to like his food.
In a few minutes one of the male servers who was probably Gabi’s age left the counter to walk over to them. He stood by Luca. “Excuse me for interrupting, but I know you’re Luca Berettini. I saw you win the gold medal in the downhill when I was sixteen. I can’t believe you just walked in here. Would you let me take a picture with my phone? My friends won’t believe it.”
Gabi saw a clouded expression enter Luca’s eyes. “I’d rather you didn’t.”
The guy nodded. “Excuse me, then. But I have to tell you that seeing you has made my day.”
When the man walked off, Gabi looked at Luca through shuttered eyes. “I imagine that must happen to you often.”
“More than I’d like. If I were alone, it would be different, but not when I’m with my son.”
“I would feel the same way,” she said in a quiet voice. Every mention of skiing had to be a reminder of Dino’s suffering and what his life had once been like before the avalanche. “Luckily he’s enjoying his food and didn’t seem to pick up on anything.”
He darted a glance at Dino. “These panzerottos are a definite hit and have provided the needed distraction.”
“I’ve loved them forever. What are your favorite dishes?” Gabi found herself wanting to know everything about him.
His eyes played over her with a definite gleam. “Pizza patate.”
“Potatoes on pizza. I’ve never tried it.”
“It’s the specialty of a place near my work.”
She smiled at him. “You mean you don’t have your secretary bring in fabulous meals for you every day?”
“Afraid not. I can hardly wait to get out of there and go home to eat. But sometimes I have to stay longer, and a pizza patate helps get me through the rest of the long cruel hours.”
“I see.” Gabi drank the last of her coffee. “Are you telling me you don’t like being the CEO of one of the most famous companies in Italy?”
“Would it shock you if I told you it’s the last place I want to be?”
Gabi averted her eyes. “Actually it wouldn’t, not when you’ve had something so serious on your mind for the last two years.”
He shook his dark head. “That’s not the only reason. Before I was forced to take over for my father, I’d been building my own skis and boots manufacturing business. I still run it on the side and have little interest in my family’s company. I’m afraid I never will. One day soon when my father is able to take over again, I’ll walk away and not look back.”
That sounded final. Gabi wiped her mouth with a napkin. She couldn’t help but wonder about the history behind it and how his father felt about that, but it was none of her business.
Luca put some bills on the table. “That was delicious.”
“I want to come here again,” Dino replied.
“Maybe we will. Shall we drive to Brusegana now?”
Dino got up from the table. Luca helped Gabi and they left for his car. It had been a long time since she’d been anywhere with a man, and never with one as appealing as Dino’s striking father.
When she’d come to work this morning, she couldn’t have imagined his driving to the foundation with his son in order to thank her and give Dino a chance to apologize, let alone spend the day with her. The whole situation had caught her completely off guard.
After a short drive, they pulled in the parking lot of the museum. Luca had a devastating smile. Her pulse raced when he used it on her. “This ought to be interesting.”
“I hope so,” she said in a slightly breathless voice.
From the moment they walked inside the doors, the three of them were mesmerized by the hundreds of insect displays. For the next hour Dino ran from one to another, marveling over the varieties and colors.
“Gabi—look at this big black one with the orange stripes! Ew. I’d hate to meet that in the forest.”
“It’s probably pretty harmless.”
“How about the sculpture of this giant cicada standing upright?” his father called out. They hurried over to look at it. “He could be a soldier.”
The large statues of insects were something new since the last time she’d been here. “I’m thankful they don’t grow that huge in real life.”
“Except in the movies,” Luca murmured.
She chuckled. “I’m afraid I paid a lot of money to watch them in my youth.”
“So has the whole world.” Their eyes met in mutual amusement.
“You mean you liked them, too?”
The corner of his compelling mouth curved upward. “They were the best films to take a girl to.”
His surprising sense of humor got to her. What girl wouldn’t have wanted to go anywhere with him, even a scary show? Every time she looked at him now, her body quivered in reaction.
Dino hurried along to inspect the butterflies. There were hundreds of them.
“I like the black one with the green spokes from Africa. It’s my favorite.”
After Gabi had taken a picture with her phone, his father said, “Let’s go in the theater now. They’ll be starting a movie in a few minutes.”
Somehow she ended up sitting next to Luca at the very back of the auditorium with his son on his other side. Judging by the oohs and aahs coming from the audience, the film engrossed everyone watching, but no one more so than Dino.
“First the food was a huge hit, now the museum,” Luca whispered. She felt his warm breath against her cheek. More delicious sensations traveled through her body.
Though she agreed with his assessment, right now she couldn’t concentrate on anything except being next to this exciting man. “I thought he’d like it.”
“You’ve made his day. Are you sure you weren’t a schoolteacher instead of an employee working at a boring bank job in another life?”
Gabi laughed gently. “I’m going to have to be careful around Dino. He doesn’t miss a trick.”
“I figure I’ve heard about your whole life story already. At least the parts you chose to share with him. I guess you know you’ve made a big impression on him.”
She smiled. “He’s a very sweet boy. You’re so lucky to have him.”
“He’s my life.” The tone in his voice spoke volumes about the love he had for his son.
“Of course he is.” But before she could say more, the lights went on because the show was over and Dino expressed a desire to visit the bookstore.
He wanted the big two-feet-by-two-feet colored picture book on insects. Who wouldn’t? But Luca walked him around to look at other books just to make certain it was the best one so he wouldn’t change his mind. Gabi admired his patience and thoughtful concern.
After they went out to the car, he climbed in back and started poring through the book that would give him hours of pleasure.
She glanced at his father. “See that gelateria on the corner? Let’s stop and get one, shall we? I’d like to pay for it.”
“You’re reading my mind, but it will be my treat. For you to have come up with an outing like this means more to me than you know.” Once again his voice penetrated to her insides. So did his words that touched her on a deeper level. He parked outside the shop. “Do you have a preference?”
“Any fruit gelato with panna.” She loved whipping cream.
“I like fondente with panna, Papà.”
Gabi grinned and looked over her shoulder at him. “You like chocolate, eh?”
“Si.” He was still concentrating on the pictures.
She eyed his father, who smiled at her before he said, “I’ll be right back.”
“I wish we didn’t have to go home,” Dino admitted after Luca left the car. “I wish—” he began, then stopped.
“You wish what, piccolo?”
“That you could be with me when I have my operation.”
With those heartfelt words, Gabi had trouble not falling apart. “It’s funny about wishes. Sometimes they come true. When I was young, I had a group of friends and we wished on a star for a friend who was very sick. And guess what? She got well. You never know.”
“How do you do that?”
“At night you look up in the sky, find a star and make a wish.”

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The Magnate′s Holiday Proposal Rebecca Winters
The Magnate′s Holiday Proposal

Rebecca Winters

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Can he find his son a mummy for Christmas? Ever since Italian CEO Luca Berettini tragically lost his wife, he′s been dedicated to keeping his sick son happy and healthy. But when Dino asks a charity to grant him a wish, Luca′s Christmas is turned on its head!Gabi Parisi is moved by Dino′s letter and desperate to help the boy, whose experience reminds her of her childhood. She′s swept away by Dino and his handsome, loving single dad but has no idea how to grant Dino′s wish – until Luca makes her a very special Christmas proposal…

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