You′ve Got Game

You've Got Game
Patricia Kay

PLAYINGFOR KEEPS?As handsome and stubbornly infuriating Nick DeSanto, manager, and as ice queen company owner Lorna Hathaway, they were not a match made in heaven. But as "Coach" and "Sweet Stuff"online pals and competitorsthey made a great couple. And it wasn't until their plan to meet went awry that Nick realized who the woman he'd been flirting with online for months really was.But in real life, Lorna despised him! So had had to win her heart, quick, before his Internet identity was revealed. The real game had begun. Could love take all?

Nick DeSanto and Lorna Hathaway?

That was a joke.

For one thing, she didnt like him. Shed made that abundantly clear. But the overriding reason was they came from totally different worlds. Her wealth and position as an owner of the company he worked for was an insurmountable obstacle, even if he could win her over in person.

No. A relationship with Lorna was a pipe dream. It would never work. The best thing he could do now would be to disappear from her life.

That was his decision yesterday. Yet after a restless night followed by a miserable day, he finally had to admit to himself that he didnt want to give her up. Even if he had to remain anonymous forever.

Dear Reader,

Get ready to counter the unpredictable weather outside with a lot of reading inside. And at Silhouette Special Edition were happy to start you off with Prescription: Love by Pamela Toth, the next in our MONTANA MAVERICKS: GOLD RUSH GROOMS continuity. When a visiting medical residenta gorgeous California girlwinds up assigned to Thunder Canyon General Hospital, she thinks of it as a temporary detouruntil she meets the towns most eligible doctor! He soon has her thinking about settling downpermanently.

Crystal Greens A Tycoon in Texas, the next in THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS: REUNION continuity, features a workaholic businesswoman whose concentration is suddenly shaken by her devastatingly handsome new boss. Reader favorite Marie Ferrarella begins a new miniseries, THE CAMEOabout a necklace with special romantic powerswith Because a Husband Is Forever, in which a talk show hostess is coerced into taking on a bodyguard. Only, she had no idea hed take his job title literally! In Their Baby Miracle by Lilian Darcy, a couple whod called it quits months ago is brought back together by the premature birth of their child. Patricia Kays Youve Got Game, next in her miniseries THE HATHAWAYS OF MORGAN CREEK, gives us a couple who are constantly at each others throats in real lifebut their online relationship is another story altogether. And in Picking Up the Pieces by Barbara Gale, a world-famous journalist and a former top model risk scandal by following their hearts instead of their heads.

Enjoy them all, and please come back next month for six sensational romances, all from Silhouette Special Edition!

All the best,

Gail Chasan

Senior Editor

Youve Got Game

Patricia Kay (

Many thanks to Dee Williams of Bimbo Bakeries

USA for his kindness in giving my husband and me

a private tour of the Mrs. Bairds Bakery in Waco,

Texas, and for patiently answering all my questions.


formerly writing as Trisha Alexander, is the USA TODAY bestselling author of more than thirty contemporary romances. She lives in Houston, Texas. To learn more about her, visit her Web site at


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


Chapter One

Lorna Hathaway stared at her monitor. She was stumped for a word. The only playable letters were Cs, and no two-letter words existed using C.

She sighed and stretched. Shed been playing WordMaker for hours, a sad testament to her dateless life. But at least she was now playing against Coach1012, her favorite opponent, which almost made this frustrating impasse bearable.

Just then an instant message box popped up.

Hey, you having as much trouble as I am finding a word to play? Want to call a truce?

Coach1012 was being generous. He was ahead.

Sure, she wrote back. As long as you realize youre not doing me any favors, because if we keep playing, Im sure to win.

Oh, really? he shot back, maybe we should keep playing then, take you down a peg or two.

She laughed and tried to think of a zinger in reply.

After a bit more banter, they agreed to quit the game. Even though Lornas backside was sore from sitting so long, she waited. Sure enough, a few minutes later, her e-mail program dinged announcing that she had new mail. As anticipated, the sender was Coach1012. She opened the e-mail and began to read.

Hey, sweet stuff, playing against you tonight was fun. I needed something relaxing after that Little League game. We lost, 13 to 2. The kids dont care as much as the parents do, though. You should have heard em second-guessing me afterward. But criticism goes with the territory. You just gotta ignore it and remember its not world peace or anything even close.

Anyway, you planning to play again tomorrow night?

Lorna had been debating whether she should tell her online buddy that she would be spending tomorrow supervising the packing of her belongings in preparation for a move to Houston, which was where Coach lived. She wanted to tell him, yet she hesitated.

She and Coach had become friends about six months earlier through the online game, and she enjoyed the friendship and competition between them. But the bottom line was, although they had discussed all kinds of personal likes and dislikes and had talked about their families and Lornas divorce and Coachs dating lifeeven having discussions about religion and politics and the state of the worldthey had never revealed identifying information about themselves.

The thing was, it was too easy to misrepresent yourself when your only contact was via the Internet, and as a single womannot to mention, a wealthy single womanLorna knew she couldnt be too careful. Shed had enough bad experiences with men being more attracted to her money and position than they were to herincluding her ex-husbandand she didnt intend to get burned again.

So up front, shed told Coach she preferred remaining anonymous, and hed agreed readily, which then made her wonder if he had something to hide. Shed laughed at herself, because he was probably wondering the same thing about her. She finally decided hed also recognized the need for caution, and she respected that. It showed her he was a sensible man with a good head on his shoulders.

Her mind now made up, she answered saying she would be out of town on business for a few days and probably wouldnt be online again until the following week. She ended the e-mail by adding that shed see him then and signed the post with her online name, Sweet Stuff.

Shed no sooner logged off when her cell phone rang. The caller ID showed the caller to be her younger sister Claudia.

Hey! Lorna said, smiling. Thought you were going to the Astros game tonight.

I didnt feel like itIm really tired, and Ive got a cold coming on, I thinkso I told John to go without me.

Wow, you must really feel lousy if youre willing to let your new husband out of your sight for an entire evening, Lorna teased.

I made sure he wore his ball and chain.

Lorna laughed. The truth was, John Renzo had fallen in love with Claudia at first sight and been crazy about her ever since. There wasnt much danger hed have a roving eye.

So are you ready for the big move? Claudia asked.

As ready as Ill ever be.

Im so glad youre coming to Houston. Itll be great having you here. Ive missed you.

Ive missed you, too.

No second thoughts?

Lorna had had a lot of second thoughts because she loved her job as CFO of Hathaway Baking Company, and she would miss being close to her brother Bryce and his wife Amy and their children, but none of her reservations had changed her mind.

No. I still think this is the right thing for me to do. If I hope to meet someone and have any kind of personal life of my own, I need to get out of Morgan Creek.

I know.

Claudia did know. The lack of eligible men in their small hometown was one of the reasons shed moved away herself a year ago.

I dont know, Lorna, I just


Well, after all youve told me about him, I cant help worrying that you wont be able to stand working with Nick DeSanto.

Lorna grimaced. She was trying not to think about the fact that she would have to interact with Nick DeSanto every day. Nick was the plant manager of the Houston division of Hathaway Baking Company, and a more frustrating man would be hard to find. I can handle him.

You keep saying that, but every time youve been around him, hes managed to get under your skin.

I know, but thats been my fault as much as his. You dont have to personally like someone to work with them. Bryce says Nick does a first-class job running the plant, and thats the important thing.

And you wont be working for him.

No. If Lorna had had to work under Nick, this move wouldnt be happening. But she wouldnt. She would report directly to the new CFO in Morgan Creek.

Later, in bed for the night, Lorna reminded herself that everything in life was a choice, and that there were always trade-offs to be made. She knew being the combination business manager/office manager at a satellite plant wasnt comparable to the position she held at the Morgan Creek headquarters of her familys company, but her job wasnt going to keep her warm at night, nor would it give her the baby she craved.

Thinking about a baby, she felt the old, familiar ache. She wanted a child more than anything, and her desire had only gotten stronger since the birth of her newest niece six weeks earlier. Lorna had just turned thirty-four, and she knew she didnt have forever. If she was going to have a baby of her own, she needed to get busy. And the first order of business was finding a man she could love and respect, one who really loved her and who wanted a family as much as she did.

Thats why youre moving. So stop worrying. Youve made your decision, and its a good one. It might not be easy, but this will work. Youll make it work. And if Nick DeSanto gives you any trouble, youll give him trouble right back.

SoNick. What do you think about the Texans chance of makin the playoffs this year?

Nick DeSanto looked at his brother Jay, who was helping himself to meatballs from the serving bowl in the center of the dinner table. Whatd you say?

Jay frowned. Whats with you today? Youre a million miles away. Thats about the third time Ive said something and you havent been listening.

Nick shrugged. Sorry. I was thinking about work.

Youre always thinking about work, his brother Mike piped in. He twirled his fork in his spaghetti, then lifted the enormous mound to his mouth. Before popping it in, he added, Give it a rest, why doncha?

The entire DeSanto family always had Sunday dinner together at the home of Nicks parents, Mike, Sr., and Carmela, and this Sunday was no exception. Normally Nick liked Sunday afternoons. He could relax and be himself with his family, and his mother was still the best cook in the world. But today he couldnt manage to stop thinking about the imminent arrival of Lorna Hathaway at the satellite baking company plant where he had been the manager for the past seven years.

Why the hell was she coming to Houston to take a lesser position than the one shed held at the main office? This was the question that had bugged the hell out of Nick ever since Bryce Hathaway had called him a month ago to tell him his sister Lorna was coming.

You know damn well why shes coming. For some reason, the Hathaways dont trust you. Shes coming to spy.

Nick hated thinking this, but what other reason could there be? Or maybe theyre getting ready to push you out and put her in your place. He frowned and drank some of his iced tea.

Are you having a problem at work, Nicky? his mother asked. Her blue eyes studied him thoughtfully.

No, Ma, no problem. If Nick admitted he was worried about Lorna Hathaways arrival at the plant, his mother would worry, too, and he didnt want that. He was a big boy. He could handle his own problems.

Are you sure? she pressed.

Yeah, everythings fine.

Hey, Nicky, you still dating that Kirsten?

The question came from Nicks sister Marie.

He shook his head and ate some of his spaghetti, hoping shed drop the subject.

No such luck.

You go through girlfriends the way the kids go through soft drinks, Marie said.

Yeah, Nick, when you gonna settle down? his father said. Find yourself a nice Italian girl like your mother and have some nice Italian kids?

Marie started to laugh. Pop, youre hilarious. Nicky hasnt dated an Italian girl since he was in high school.

She looked as if she wanted to say something else about the women he dated, but her two boys were avidly listening, so Nick figured shed thought better of it. Jeez, he hated it when his family started in on him.

Leave Nicky alone, his mother said. Hes only thirty-eight. Hes got plenty of time.

Marie hooted. Plenty of time! Jeez, Ma, you couldnt wait for me to get married, and I was barely twenty-three!

Its different for a girl, Carmela said. Daintily, she cut up her meatball.

Why is it different?

Nick stifled a grin. Marie was getting mad, and it amused him. It took so little to fire up his sisters temper.

Because in spite of what lots of women think, its not so easy to have babies when youre in your thirties. Its best to have them by the time youre twenty-five. Thats when youre the most fertile. So saying, Nicks mother continued eating.

Oh, for heavens sake, Ma. Today women are having babies well into their forties.

Carmela shook her head. Not smart, in my opinion. Just think, if you wait till youre forty to have a baby, youre almost sixty before hes out of high school.

So? Marie said.

So its crazy, her mother retorted. Theres no way I could cope with a teenager at my age.

Ma, you have more energy than me and Rich put together, Marie said, nudging her husband, who nodded in agreement.

Carmela smiled.

Nick mentally rolled his eyes. His family was a constant source of amusement and frustration.

Can we please change the subject? Jay said. Could we talk about something interesting? Like baseball.

Oh, you always want to talk about sports, his wife Kathy said with a grimace.

Lost in the shuffle of his familys good-natured bickering, Nick went back to planning strategy for when Lorna Hathaway came to town.

First thing hed do was let her know he was on to her. And the second thing hed do was update his rsum. But even as he thought this, he knew it would be difficultif not impossibleto find another job in his field at his current level. The downturn in the economy had affected every business, and the food business was no exception. Even in the best of times, it wouldnt have been a cakewalk to make that kind of change.

He was still thinking about this disturbing turn of events later that evening when he arrived at his Heights-area home. But almost immediately, his mood lifted. The house always had that effect on him. Hed bought the old Victorian as a fixer-upper five years earlier to the dismay of his family, who couldnt understand why he wanted a house that was falling down around him.

Nicky, his mom had said, why dont you buy yourself a new house? You can afford it.

Because I like old houses, Ma, hed explained patiently.

But why? Dont you want a nice, big shower and modern plumbing?

Ill eventually have those things.

But shed just shaken her headalthough recently, shed admitted shed been wrong and told him the house was turning out to be beautiful.

It hadnt been easy or cheap. Since the day hed bought the house, every extra penny Nick could come up with had been poured into it. The house still wasnt perfect, but it was slowly becoming what hed envisioned it being the first time he laid eyes on it. Hed done most of the work himself, although his brothers lent a hand whenever they had any spare time.

Now the newly repaired wooden floors gleamed with stain and polish, and the walls were resplendent with fresh coats of paint and updated wallpaper. All the window glass was new, too, except for the stained-glass panels on either side of the front door, which had somehow survived the previous owners neglect. The only major work that remained was remodeling the kitchen, which still had its original chipped porcelain sink and a 1940s vintage Roper gas stove.

As he walked inside, Maggie, his year-old chocolate Lab, bounded down the hall to greet him. Kneeling, he rubbed her ears. Have you been good while I was gone, Maggie, girl?

In answer, she licked his chin.

He laughed. Cmon, I know you want to go out.

Tail wagging, she followed him to the kitchen. He unlocked the back door and let her out. Opening the refrigerator, he took out a cold bottle of beer. Then he leaned against the counter and slowly drank as he waited for Maggie to finish her business and ask to come back inside. His thoughts once more turned to Lorna Hathaway.

Damn. Why was it that things could never run smoothly? Someone always had to throw a monkey wrench into the works and screw things up.

Well, he knew one thing for sure. He might have to find another job, but he wasnt going to go quietly.

And if Lorna Hathaway thought differently, she had a big shock coming, because he intended to give her one helluva fight.

Careful, Lorna cautioned, heart banging in alarm as the movers strained under the weight of her baby grand piano. She knew it might be a tight fit getting the piano into the living room of the bungalow shed purchased in Houston, yet there was no way she was going to leave it behind.

She sighed. She liked the small house shed bought in West University Place, only one block from where Claudia and John lived, but she hated saying goodbye to her house herea gorgeous Victorian that shed restored to its original beauty in the ten years since shed purchased it.

With the house, she always thought in terms of she, even though she and her ex, Keith, had bought the house together and moved in as newlyweds. Keith, however, had never loved it the way Lorna did. Hed have preferred something new in one of the gated communities closer to Austin where up-and-coming executives lived.

Hed given in because it was Lornas money that enabled them to buy a house in the first place. But he had no real interest in their home, and she was the one whod lovingly supervised the workmen, whod replaced the faulty electrical wiring and the worn-out plumbing. She was the one whod scrubbed and polished and painted on weekends and evenings when Keith was golfing or working late. And she was the one whod haunted antique shops and weekend flea markets to find just the right pieces of furniture to create the tranquility and elegance she envisioned.

She swallowed against the lump in her throat. She was giving up so much to make the move to Houston. Again, doubts assailed her. She imagined most people would think she was crazy.

Do you think Im crazy, Buttercup? she whispered. In answer, the calico cat in her arms made a sound halfway between a purr and a meow.

Just then a white SUV pulled up in front of the house across the street. Lorna smiled as she watched her sister-in-law Amy climb out and wave, then open the back door where she removed the newest addition to hers and Bryces family from her baby carrier. Lorna put Buttercup down on the porch railing and waited on the top step.

Emily and I thought wed come and see how youre doing, Amy said when she and the baby joined Lorna on the porch.

Lorna reached for the chubby infant, relishing the feel of her warm, sweet skin as she nuzzled the babys neck, then settled her into her arms. Oh, youre so beautiful. Emily made a contented sound. Shes such a sweetheart, Amy.

Amy smiled happily. She is, isnt she? The girls just adore her.

Amy had a five-year-old daughter from her first marriage and Bryces two daughters from his first marriage were nine and ten, so she had her hands full.

Speaking of the girls, where are they?

You forgot. Todays the first day of school.

I did forget, and I even saw the school bus this morning.

Well, youve had lots of things on your mind.

So Calista started kindergarten today?

Amy grinned. Yes, and she was thrilled to be going to school like her big sisters.

Calista had worshiped Susan and Stella from the very first day Amy had entered their lives, and in turn, they were crazy about her.

She picked out her own outfit, too, Amy said. By now the two women had settled onto the swing and were gently moving back and forth. Buttercup settled in her favorite loaf-of-bread position on top of the railing and watched them.

What did she choose?

Green shorts and that white peasant blouse you bought her.

Lorna grinned. She has good taste.

They continued to talk about the children, with Amy bringing Lorna up-to-date on the older girls doings.

Emilys asleep, Amy observed a few minutes later.

Lorna looked down at the baby. She was so utterly precious, this little goddaughter of hers. Her tiny mouth was open, her breathing shallow and occasionally her eyelids fluttered. Lorna swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat.

As if she knew exactly what Lorna was thinking, Amy reached over and squeezed her arm.

Lorna willed herself to stay dry-eyed.

I should be going, Amy said. Youre coming for dinner later, right?

Lorna nodded.

Are you still planning to leave for Houston sometime tomorrow?

Yes. The movers are delivering my things Friday, and I need to be there.

Amy stood. And the Baxters are moving in here on Monday?

Mark Baxter was the newly hired sales manager at the plant, and he and his wife Leslie had purchased Lornas home. Shed been lucky to find a buyer so quickly, and she knew it. Yes. Lorna handed Amy the baby, who barely stirred. Theyre really nice, Amy. I think youll like them. In fact, I can see you and Leslie Baxter becoming good friends.

Amy smiled sadly. No one can take your place.

Or yours, Lorna said softly.

After Amy left, it only took the movers another hour or so to finish loading all of Lornas belongings. Once they were gone, Lornafollowed by Buttercupwalked back inside to survey what was left to do. There wasnt much, thank goodness. The only pieces of furniture that remained were ones Lorna didnt have room for in the new house, and the Baxters had decided to buy. Everything else had either been disposed of before the movers arrived or had been loaded onto the truck for transport to Houston. Tomorrow morning Lorna had a cleaning service coming. After that, she would be free to leave.

Free to begin my new life.

Suddenly, the melancholy that had plagued her all day began to lift and Lorna smiled.

Everything really was going to be okay. She could feel it in her bones.

And who knew?

Maybe by this time next year, she would be well on her way to having the kind of life shed dreamed of all along.

Chapter Two

Lorna, I love your house! Claudia plopped onto Lornas sofa and stretched her long legs out in front of her.

Lorna glanced around with a smile. It was the Wednesday after her move-in, and she was in good shape, with almost everything unpacked and put away. It is looking good, isnt it? You know, at first I thought I would have a hard time getting used to having a much smaller place than I had at home, but Im finding I like it. Its cozy.

Claudia grinned. It is cozy. In fact, its adorable. And Buttercup seems to like her new surroundings, too. She looked over at the cat, who was curled up on the hearth, even though it would be months before it might be cold enough to build a fire.

Yes, she settled right in as if shed lived here forever. Didnt you, Buttercup?

The cat never even turned her head.

Claudia laughed. Dont you love how cats totally ignore you unless they want something?

Lorna smiled. So what brings you here so early? I thought your last class wasnt over until three. The new semester at Bayou City College, where Claudia taught business and marketing courses, had just begun.

I had a doctors appointment, so I rescheduled todays classes.

Nothings wrong, I hope.

Claudia grinned. No, nothings wrong. Just the opposite, in fact.

From her sisters expression, Lorna had a pretty good idea of what was coming.

Im pregnant, Claudia said, her smile filling her entire face.

Oh, sweetie, thats wonderful! Im so happy for you!

And I want you to be our babys godmother, Claudia bubbled on. Well, actually, I thought wed have two godmothers. You and Johns sister Jennifer. She jumped up from the couch and hugged Lorna. Oh, Lorna, Im so happy! I never knew I could be so happy!

Laughing and squealing, the sisters danced around the room together.

Does John know yet? Lorna asked when theyd finally settled down again.

Of course. I called him right away. Hes totally thrilled.

Hell make a wonderful father.

He will, wont he? Now Claudias smile turned tender.

Lorna wondered if Claudia had any idea how much she envied her. How much she wanted a baby, too. They hadnt discussed the subject recently, because Lorna didnt want her sister feeling sorry for her or feeling as if she had to censor everything she said in deference to Lornas sensibilities, so maybe she imagined Lorna had given up on the idea. When are you due?

The doctor said about the middle of April.

Perfect. Youll beat the summer heat.

I know. I couldnt have planned it better if Id tried.

So you werent trying?

Claudia laughed. You know what I mean.

Lorna smiled affectionately. Yes, I do. I was only teasing you.

They talked baby plans for a while, then Claudia said, Telling you about the baby isnt the only reason I dropped by today.


I wanted to invite you to go out with us Saturday night.

Thats sweet of you, but you and John will want to celebrate your good news by yourselves. Id just be a fifth wheel.

No, you wont. Anyway, well be double-dating.

Lorna made a face. Oh, Claudia, not a blind date.

Dont say it like that.

I cant help it. I hate blind dates.

Jonahs great. Hes a cameraman and works for Johns company. Hes a bit younger than you are, but hes lots of fun and cute, and I think youll like him.

Lorna grimaced. Younger?

Not that much. Maybe a couple of years. Anyway, whats the big deal?

Im not good with younger guys.

Claudia just rolled her eyes.

Actually, Lorna wasnt good at dating, period. And she was especially bad at blind dates.

Why are you always putting yourself down?

Im not. I justoh, you know. I never know what to say when I first meet a guy. I always feel like Im boring them to death. Like I bored Keith.

Oh, Lorna, thats ridiculous. Youre smart and beautiful and funny. Why would they be bored?

I might be smart, but Im certainly not beautiful, and funny is still up for a vote.

See? There you go again. Putting yourself down.

Being honest isnt putting myself down.

I swear, Keith did a real job on you, didnt he?

Well, youve got to admit that finding out your husband prefers a silicone-breasted cheerleader barely out of high school and who cant talk about anything more complicated than whos dating who in Hollywood doesnt do a lot to build your confidence.

Keith is an idiot.

I wont argue with you there, but the fact remains he lost interest in me as soon as he realized he would have to work for my money. Lorna wasnt bitter. The truth was the truth. Shed misjudged Keith. Shed thought he really loved her, that her money wasnt a factor in his courtship. Shed been wrong.

Like I said, hes an idiot, Claudia said. Anyway, back to Saturday night. We thought wed go see a moviemaybe that new one with Drew Barrymoreits supposed to be hilarious, then go out for dinner. John and I discovered this really good Cajun place, and on Saturday nights they have a zydeco band.

Oh, Claudia, I dont know.

Lorna, Im not going to take no for an answer. Youre going, and thats that. Weve already told Jonah all about you, and hes excited about meeting you.

If hes so great, why does he need a blind date?

Claudia shook her head in exasperation. Honestly, Lorna, sometimes I just want to choke you.

Lorna grinned.

Thats better. Now say youll go.

Oh, okay, Ill go.

Good. Ill let you know what time after I talk to John. Now, tell me, have you visited the plant yet?

No, but I thought Id pop in tomorrow just to say hello and meet the office staff.

Youre starting work on Monday?


Lorna had been going to take a couple of weeks off, then had decided one was enough. Besides, she was anxious to get started on her new job.

Claudia stood. Lorna couldnt help studying her belly, exposed by her low-riding pants and cropped top. So far, she didnt look any different than shed always looked, which was fantastic. She grinned at the glint of silver. How long are you going to wear that navel ring?

Claudia laughed. John likes it, but I plan to take it out when I start to show. She slung her handbag over her shoulder. Walk out with me?

Lorna stood on the front stoop and waved goodbye until Claudias Jeep disappeared around the corner. Then she slowly walked back inside. Her shoulders sagged. She was happy for Claudia, thrilled for Claudia. But a part of her ached with the knowledge that even her baby sister had passed her by. That it was only she, Lorna, who had failed at marriage and was still childless.

Would motherhood ever happen for her? she wondered forlornly. Or was she forever doomed to be just an aunt or a godmother to her siblings children?

For the rest of the day, she fought against a rising melancholy. Finally, knowing the only way to stop the negative emotions was to lose herself in something she loved, she headed for the piano. It hadnt been tuned since the movesomething she had planned to take care of immediatelybut today she didnt care.

Minutes later, she was deep into the lilting waterfall of Rachmaninoffs Piano Concerto no. 1 in F-sharp Minor and the rest of the world fell away.

Nick was on the plant floor supervising the installation of a new bagging machine when his secretary paged him. Telling Jim Hennessey, his maintenance manager, hed be right back, Nick walked out to the distribution center where it wasnt as noisy.

Yeah? he said when he had Karen on the phone.

Miss Hathaways here, she said.

What? What the hell is she doing here? he muttered. She doesnt start until Monday.

Ignoring his irritated response, she chirped, Would you like me to show her around? Or do you want to come up and do it yourself?

Nick knew Lorna Hathaway was probably close enough to hear what Karen had to say. He swore under his breath. Ill be there in a few minutes.

You go on, Nick, Jim said when Nick rejoined him. I can finish this up.

Nick exhaled a frustrated breath. Thanks. He stripped off his work gloves and the hairnet everyone had to wear on the plant floor, then headed toward the metal stairs that led to the next level where all the offices were located.

When he reached his office he told himself not to show his irritation. To be polite and businesslike. But one look at the haughty ice queen wearing a dress that probably cost more than he made in a week and thumbing through the second quarter report, and all Nicks good resolutions flew out the window. He didnt know what it was about Lorna Hathaway that got under his skin so bad, but he couldnt stand her. She was the epitome of the type of woman who had always looked down her nose at Nick and his brothers. The kind that knew he was from the wrong side of the tracks and thought he should have stayed there.

You should have called first, he said.

Her head snapped up. Something flashed in her eyes, but was gone in a second. Nice to see you, too, she said evenly.

He almost smiled. She might be a snob, but she wasnt stupid. Thing is, Im a little busy today. The cooler was on the fritz for two hours earlier this morning, which backed everything up, so now were behind. Added to that, were installing a new outer-bagging machine, and thats put us even more behind. So this is a real bad time. Maybe you and I could reschedule?

Im sorry about the problems. However, I only dropped into your office as a courtesy, she said, rising. I actually came to meet my staff.

He frowned. Staff? You dont have a staff.

She stared at him. But Nan had a secretaryher name was Stella, I believeand I know there were at least two clerks the last time I was here. And the bookkeeper.

Nan Mackey was their former business manager, the one Lorna was replacing.

Stella quit when Nan left. She was pregnant. Stella, that is. And the two clerks were temps. We were in the middle of inventory the last time you were here. Phyllis, the bookkeeper, telecommutes, only coming in at the end of the month or for meetings.

I see. Wellhave you done anything about replacing Stella?

He shrugged. No. I figured youd rather hire your own secretary. Someone you can count on to help sabotage me. Not take someone I chose for you.

She nodded. Yes, youre right, although I would have much preferred to have Stella, since she would have been a big help to me. I dont suppose theres anyone else here who might fill the bill?

Nope. Not that I know of. He looked at Karen. You know anyone who aspires to the office, Karen?

She frowned in thought. I could ask around. Maybe Rita?

I cant spare Rita. Shes my best line-supervisor.


He shook his head. Not Yolanda, either.

Karen shrugged. Well, theyre the only two I can think of.

Sorry, he said to Lorna. Maybe youd like to bring someone over from the Morgan Hills plant.

She just looked at him. You know I cant do that.

Hey, youre one of the owners. You can do anything you want. Whether its kosher or not.

For a moment, she didnt answer. Then, coolly, she said, Can we step into your office, please?

I only have a few minutes. He walked over and opened the door, motioning her through. Then he closed it firmly behind him. Have a seat. After she was seated, he perched on the edge of his desk, knowing that height always gave an advantage. He waited. If she had something to say, let her say it.

Look, Nick, can we call a truce?

What do you mean?

I mean just what I said. Lets agree that we dont much like each other. Thats fine. I dont need for everyone to like me. However, we do have to work together, so can we also agree to be civil and courteous to one another?


She seemed taken aback by his ready agreement. Good. Then youll not be making any more remarks like the one you just made in front of your secretary, right?

What was uncivil or discourteous about that? Its the truth, isnt it?

Now she bristled, sitting up and tensing like a cat ready to strike. Her eyes, normally an icy blue, blazed. No, it wasnt the truth. When have I ever thrown my weight around?

Could it have been when you and your brother decided youd replace Nan without consulting me or even asking me if I had a problem with it?

That took the starch out of her sails. I Her voice trailed off, and she sank back in her chair. Her gaze met his. Im sorry. I didnt realize Bryce hadnt consulted you. And youre right. He should have. We both should have.

Nick shrugged. Apology accepted. He stood. But you really should have called before coming over today, because Ive got a full schedule. If you want to look around on your own, though, youre welcome to do it. But if you can wait till Monday, Ill show you everything you need to know to get started.

She nodded. Fine. She stood, too. Seeing as how I have no staff to meet, I guess Ill wait until Monday. In the meantime, would you ask Karen to find a temp for me until I can get someone hired?

Why dont you talk to Karen about that? That way shell know exactly what you want.

Okay. I just didnt want to step on your toes.

No problem.

Nick watched as she walked out of his office. She might have tried to disarm him with an apology, but she was a tight-ass if hed ever seen one. No wonder her husband had left her. Nick could just imagine the way shed lorded it over the poor guy and made him toe the line. No man with any pride could live like that.

Well, shed met her match now. Nick wanted to keep his job, but he wouldnt grovel before Lorna Hathaway in order to do so. And the sooner she knew that, the better.

But even as he told himself this, he felt the stirring of a grudging admiration for the way shed handled herself today. At the very least, having her at the plant promised to be interesting.

Damn, damn, damn, damn.

Lorna mentally kicked herself for not calling Nick before going to the plant, but mostly she was furious with herself for not doing her homework.

She should have known the only staff shed have would be a secretary. Why hadnt she thought to check before opening her mouth? Instead, shed just assumed that the people shed seen on her last trip to Houston were permanent employees.

You know what they say about making assumptions, dont you?

Now Nick DeSanto not only didnt like her because she was part of the Hathaway familyat least she thought thats why he didnt like herbut he probably also thought she was lazy or careless or worsestupid.

Well, it was her own fault if he did, and she would have to work doubly hard to correct that impression.

And topping everything off was the glaring omission Nick had pointed outthat neither she nor Bryce had asked him if he would have a problem with her taking the business managers job. In Nicks shoes, shed be furious. Shed think that they didnt value him as an employee, which she knew wasnt true. Bryce had recently told her he considered Nick DeSanto the best of his seven plant managers.

Lorna sighed.

Not exactly the best way to begin. Not the best way at all.

Nick never got home Friday night. He worked straight through until Saturday morning when they finally got back on schedule. He was exhausted and was sure Cal Lopez, his production manager, whod also worked a twenty-four-hour stretch, was equally exhausted.

That was the trouble with running at full production capacity. There was no wiggle room, no way to make up downtime from equipment problems. As it was, each of the ninety nonoffice personnel put in anywhere from fifty to sixty hour workweeks. For months now, theyd been running three shifts a day, ten hours per shift.

So when they had a serious problem on the line, they lost money, because some orders could not be filled.

Nick knew it was time to expand the plant, and he was pretty sure Bryce Hathaway knew it, too. Soon they would have to discuss the pros and cons, and Nick imagined Lorna Hathaway would have to be included in the discussions.

But that was a problem for another day.

Today, after getting at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, the most complicated decision he intended to make was where to take his date for dinner tonight.

Lorna tried on ten different outfits before she decided on slim black pants and a sheer rose-colored blouse worn over a deeper rose tube top. She wished she hadnt agreed to go on this date. Shed never yet had a blind date that was more than bearable. Why had she allowed Claudia to pressure her into saying yes?

Staring at herself in the mirror, she wondered what this Jonah person would think when he saw her. She knew she was too tall and too skinny. And she had no boobs. Well, not enough to speak of, anyway.

Im not sexy, she muttered aloud.

Tonights date probably imagined she looked like Claudia, who was sexy. Well, he was bound to be disappointed, and then the evening wouldnt even be bearable.

It would be miserable.

Ill call Claudia and tell her Im sick.

Lorna was halfway to the phone when she knew she couldnt do it. First of all, Claudia wouldnt believe her. And then she and John would be put in the really impossible position of having to lie to Johns friend.

Lorna sighed heavily and headed into the bathroom to put on her makeup. As she tried to decide whether to tie her hair back loosely or leave it down, she told herself that no matter what happened tonight, this was the absolute last time shed ever allow anyone to talk her into a blind date.

Yes, she wanted to meet men.

And yes, she knew shed have to go through the dating ritual no matter how much she hated the entire scenario.

But she would do so on her own terms. Shed join a church that had a singles group and shed sign up for some classes in things that interested her and shed get involved in some community activities.

That was the way to meet people and get to know them gradually. Not on a blind date.

Jonah Whitfield turned out to be a pretty nice guy, and Lorna found herself relaxing once she realized he wasnt a smart-ass or one of those guys who think theyre Gods gift to women. In fact, by the time they reached Burneys, the restaurant Claudia had mentioned, and were seated over drinks, Lorna was actually enjoying herself. And the zydeco band was great, especially the fiddle player. Lorna got a kick out of watching the people do some kind of line dance that looked like lots of fun.

Want to try it? Jonah said, turning to her.

Im a terrible dancer.

Oh, you are not! Claudia said. Cmon, well all go out there and try it.

The dance turned out to be as much fun as Lorna had imagined, and she didnt screw up too badly. At any rate, by the time it was over, she was managing to follow fairly easily. It was only as she and Jonah were walking back to their table that she saw Nick DeSanto. Her mouth dropped open. Their gazes locked, and she knew he was as startled to see her as she was to see him. For a second, she wasnt sure he was going to acknowledge her, but then he raised his hand in a salute. She gave him a little wave in return and quickly turned her attention back to Jonah. She felt awkward until they reached their table, certain Nick was watching her.

She couldnt believe it. Why, with all the places there were in Houston, did Nick DeSanto have to turn up here?

Somebody you know? Jonah asked, looking in Nicks direction.

Just someone from work. Surreptitiously she tried to see who Nicks date was. Oh, of course. She should have known. He was with a busty redhead who wore a short, tight white skirt and skimpy green top that hugged her breasts and bared her midriff. The band was now playing a romantic ballad and as Lorna watched, the two of them got up to dance.

You want to dance to this? Jonah said.

Lorna shook her head. All the couples on the floor, including Claudia and John, who were still out there, looked glued together. Nick and his redhead were no exception. Lorna quickly averted her eyes. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her watching him.

The remainder of the evening was excruciating, although she did her best not to show it. After all, it wasnt Jonahs fault Nick DeSanto was here. But she couldnt help wishing Jonah were different, that he didnt wear his long hair in a ponytail, and that he didnt look as if he were ten years younger than she. Why what Nick thought about her or her date was important to her, she didnt know. She only knew she wished she were with someone older and more sophisticated.

And then, just when Lorna thought she couldnt stand another minute of pretending to be having a wonderful time, Nick and his date left. Lorna hadnt realized just how tense she was until they walked out the door.

Even so, the evening had been ruined for her, and she couldnt wait until it was time to go home. When Claudia yawned and looked at her watch, saying, Its almost midnight, and Im tired. Do you mind if we go? Lorna couldnt agree fast enough.

There was another awkward moment when Jonah walked her to her door, when she was afraid hed want to kiss her good-night, but all he did was grin and say hed had fun and hoped to see her again.

Thank you, Lorna said, knowing shed make an excuse if he called her.

And then he was gone, and she was blessedly alone. Finally she was free to think about the eveningespecially about seeing Nick. She wished it hadnt happened. She didnt know why, but she couldnt help feeling having Nick see her at the restaurant with Jonah had put her at a disadvantage.

And yet there was a part of her that wondered if hed thought she looked attractive tonight. Why she cared, she couldnt have said. She certainly wasnt interested in Nick. Not only would she never date someone she worked with, but Nick DeSanto was not her type.

Not by a long shot.

Forget about him, she told herself as she climbed into bed. What he thinks is not important.

Want to come in? Cherry said in her low, sexy drawl. There was subtext written into every word.

Nick shook his head. Thanks, but Im driving over to Lake Charles in the morning, and I need to get an early start. That was true, but in the past it wouldnt have stopped him from the spending the night with a sexy number like Cherry.

Are you sure? She moved closer, putting her arms around his neck.

Its tempting, he said gallantly, but I cant. For some reason, he just wasnt in the mood tonight.

Cherry pouted. Youre no fun. She continued to wheedle, but he remained firm, and finally she stopped trying to get him to change his mind.

Later, as he drove home, he thought about how he hadnt been in the mood for a long time now. He never would have confessed it to his mother or his sister, but Nick was tired of the dating scene. He was ready for a committed relationship, but some days he wondered if hed ever find the right kind of woman.

What he wanted was the kind of woman who would not only fit in with his family, but who was smart and interesting and sexy. Someone who was a match for him, who would give as good as she got. Someone he could respect.

For some reason, his thoughts turned to Lorna Hathaway. Not that she was his kind of woman. Not even close. Still, he had to admit shed surprised him tonight. He never would have imagined the ice queen could look sohot. Hed noticed her long before shed seen him. Watching her dance with that young guy, hed been amazed. Shed shown a side of herself Nick hadnt known existed.

Nick fell asleep wondering how he could use what hed learned about Lorna Hathaway tonight to his advantage.

Chapter Three



DATE: 30 August

SUBJECT: Home Yet?

Hey, girl, its been a week since Ive heard from you or seen you online. Thought you were only going to be gone a few days? Hate to admit it, but Ive been a little worried. Hope nothings wrong. Everything heres about the same, except the Little League season is finally over for our team. You know I love coaching, but Im always glad when I get a break, especially when I have a season like this one has been. Those poor kids. They only won two games, came in last in their division. But I told them theyd be better next year and even better after that, so I dont think they were too bummed.

Since the season ended, Ive been working like a dog. Weve had all kinds of problems here, but things seem to be okay for now. Anyway, if youre back from your business trip and can make it online tonight, Ill try to be there by eight. If not, I guess Ill just have to wait until I hear from you.

Your buddy,


Lorna felt a pang of guilt. Shed been so busy the past week, she hadnt logged on to WordMaker since the night shed told Coach she had to go away on business, nor had she e-mailed him. She decided to zap him a quick reply.


TO: DATE: 30 August

SUBJECT: Re: Home Yet?

Hi, Coach. Sorry Ive been gone so long. Things got hectic here and Ive been so tired at night, I havent had the energy to read, let alone play WordMaker. This is the first time Ive been on Jamboree in days. But Ive got my life under control againas under control as life can ever be! Anyway, Ill log on at eight tonight. Send me an IM and let me know which room youre in.

See you later!


She smiled to think hed been worrying about her. Once again, she felt bad about not telling him she had relocated to Houston. He seemed like such a nice guy. Maybe she should tell him.

But even as she considered it, she knew shed made the right decision. At least for now. Maybe one of these days, shed take the plunge. But she was afraid once he knew they were in the same city, hed suggest getting together. Even the thought of meeting him gave her a case of butterflies. She knew it was cowardly, but she wanted to hang on to her fantasy of him as a certain kind of person, and once they met, shed finally have to face reality.

What if she couldnt stand him? That would be awful because right now she treasured their friendship, and shed hate to lose it.

Talking to Coach was like having a shrink. He was a safe place to vent or discuss things that bothered her because he didnt know who she was and the things she said couldnt come back to haunt her.

But if they knew each otherreally knew each otherthat would all change. Their relationship might end up being better, but it could end up being much worse. In fact, she could lose him altogether.

And that was what scared Lorna.

Right now Coach was important to her. Meeting him at night to play WordMaker and talk was something she could look forward to, especially when she was having a bad day. She didnt want to lose that.

You really are a coward.

She bit her lip. How could she ever expect to fulfill her dreams and desires if she was afraid to take a chance? The question disturbed her, because she had never thought of herself that way. In fact, until Keith had left her, shed never been a coward. Shed been adventurous and brave. She remembered how shed bucked her entire family and followed her first serious boyfriend to Florida State, where he had a football scholarship, instead of going to an Ivy League school, as her mother had wanted, or the University of Texas, as her grandmother had wanted.

Unfortunately, when Keith walked out on her, he had taken a big chunk of her self-confidence with him. Suddenly, shed questioned her entire self-worth. But she was getting better. Shed taken a big chance by moving to Houston, and soon maybe shed be ready to take a chance on Coach, too.

She hoped so, because she knew it was time.

Later, over brunch with Claudia and John, Claudia said, Youre awfully quiet today.

Lorna blinked. Shed been thinking about Coach again and wondering if she should tell Claudia and John about him, maybe get their opinion of the situation. Sorry. Guess I was daydreaming.

John smiled. Claudia does that a lot. Must be a female thing.

Excuse me? Claudia said, jabbing him in the arm with her finger. That sounds like a sexist remark.

Sexist? Did that sound sexist to you? John asked Lorna with an innocent look.

Lorna grinned. Their playful teasing always amused her. Well, since you asked

Dont tell me you agree with her? he said.

In answer, Lorna only laughed.

Whatd you think about last night? Claudia said, ignoring John, who was shaking his head in feigned disbelief.

Except for seeing Nick DeSanto, it was a pretty nice evening, Lorna said.

Claudia made a face. Did you see that babe he was with?

I noticed her, John said.

Claudia rolled her eyes. Im sure you did. Im sure every man in the place did. How could they help it? Turning back to Lorna, she said, Nick DeSanto sure wasnt very friendly.

Well, we didnt exactly act overjoyed to see him. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Lorna wondered why shed defended him.

No, I guess not. Brightening, Claudia said, Enough about him. Whatd you think of Jonah?

Hes nice.

Just nice?

He liked you a lot, John said, chiming in. He reached for a roll and broke it in two.

Lorna sighed. Look. The thing is, hes too young for me.

Hes only two years younger than you are, John pointed out.

And hes really cute, Claudia added.

Lorna shrugged.

He told me hed like to see you again, John said.

Please dont encourage him to ask me out. Im sorry, but hes just not my type.

Now it was Claudias turn to sigh. Lorna

Lorna swung her gaze to her sister. I mean it. If he does call me, Im just going to make an excuse.

Were only trying to help. Since youre new in town and all.

I know you are, but I dont need help.

After an awkward moment of silence, John reached over and squeezed her shoulder. Youre right. You dont. We should butt out.

Claudia fell silent after that, and Lorna felt bad. She knew her sister only wanted her to be happy. But Lorna had to find happiness in her own way. Besides, she wasnt unhappy. She simply hoped for a future that would yield something more.

Once again, her thoughts turned to Coach. Maybe she was being too cautious. Who knew? He could turn out to be perfect for her. Go ahead. Take another chance.

Youre daydreaming again, Claudia chided.

Lorna determinedly cleared her mind and for the rest of their time together, concentrated on participating in the conversation.

After brunch, Lorna said goodbye to Claudia and Johnwho were going to a photography exhibit John wanted to seeand headed for the Galleria, where she spent a pleasant couple of hours shopping. She hit Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus, the new Foleys and several of the smaller boutiques. She even managed to find a few Christmas presents, although the holiday wasnt for months. She was particularly pleased with the gorgeous James Avery crosses she bought for her nieces. She was sure the girls would love them. In a spurt of inspiration, she bought two extra crossesone for Emily when she was old enough to wear it, and one for Claudias baby, in case she had a girl. And if she didnt have a girl this time, she might in the future.

Or I might, Lorna thought. Just the thought gave her goosebumps. A little girl of my own Lorna already knew that if she was ever blessed with a daughter, she would name her Diana after her great-great-grandmother Diana Morgan, who had been married to Jeremiah Morgan. Sometimes Lorna dreamed about her baby, imagining shed even look like her ancestor, whod had dark hair and eyes and had been a great beauty in her day.

At Neiman Marcus, Lorna bought a wonderful deep purple brocade jacket that would look beautiful on her grandmother and also found a wispy gold chiffon scarf for her mother. All in all, a satisfying afternoon.

After leaving the Galleria, she stopped at the supermarket and stocked up on groceries, then headed home.

By the time shed put her groceries away, nuked and eaten some frozen lasagna, and finished reading the newspaper, it was nearly eight oclock and time to log on to Jamboree. She was really looking forward to playing against and talking to Coach again.

She logged on and entered the games area. She hadnt been listed for more than a couple of seconds when Coach sent her an invitation to join him.

Glad you made it. Ready to lose? he wrote in the chat box.

She grinned. Thems fightin words, mister.

Put on your gloves, then.

He had the first turn and, as luck would have it, made a seven-letter wordSpongeswhich gained him not only the value of the letters times two but a thirty-five-point bonus.

See? he wrote. Told you I was going to skunk you.

Lorna laughed. You may have to eat those words, you know. She looked at her letters: X, R, I, I, M, A, H. Smiling, she played off his E, making the word Mixer. It seemed only fitting since sponge mixers played an important part in the commercial baking business.

His next word was Raisin, which he played off the R in Mixer. Lorna shook her head. It was almost as if hed understood the significance of the first two words in her life and was responding with one of the types of breads Hathaway was famous for. If shed had the right combination of letters, she would have made the word Bread, but she didnt. Besides, it would only have been a private joke and would mean nothing to Coach.

They played quickly after that, neither one taking very long to decide on a word, and less than thirty minutes later, as Coach had predicted, he came out the victor, but she beat him soundly in the next game.

Told you so, he typed. But then Im not the type to gloat.

Youre not?, she responded, then why are you mentioning your win? Dont know about you, but I call that gloating.

Youre right, he wrote back, I should just be happy Im smarter than you are without rubbing it in.

Lorna laughed out loud. Oh, boy, those are really fightin words.

They played four games in all, and when they were finished, theyd split the wins, two and two.

Another? he wrote.

She looked at the clock. Id better not. I didnt tell you, but Im starting a new job tomorrow and I want to get a good nights sleep.

A new job at another company? he typed.

No, not another company, she wrote back. A new position.

So you got a promotion? Good for you, he answered.

Lorna didnt want to lie. But how could she respond to his question truthfully without revealing more than she was ready to reveal? No, not a promotion exactly. Just something different.

Oh? he wrote. But I thought you really liked your job.

Lorna thought for a minute, then wrote, I just felt like I wanted a change.

It took him a few seconds to reply. I can understand that. We all need a change sometimes. In fact, I might be in for a big change myself.

Now it was her turn to say, Oh?

By now he had switched to instant messaging, writing, I think the PTB might be trying to run me off.

PTB? Lorna typed.

Powers That Be, he answered.

That doesnt sound good, she wrote. As she had many times before, she wondered exactly what it was that Coach did. Yet she hesitated to ask him. After all, if he wanted her to know, hed tell her. Just as if she wanted him to know, shed be more specific about her job.

No, its not, he replied.

So what are you going to do about it?

I dont know yet. Guess Ill just play it by ear. See how things go, then figure out my game plan.

Thats smart, because you could be wrong.

Yeah, thats always possible, but I dont think so.

Well, good luck, she wrote.

Yeah, you, too. So do you think youll play Word-Maker again tomorrow night?

Probably, she replied.

I may have to stay at work late, but if not, Ill be here. Ill be looking forward to hearing about your first day at your new job.

They said goodbye, then Lorna fed Buttercup, fixed the coffeepot for the morning and prepared for bed. But once there, she couldnt fall asleep. Her mind refused to shut down. She kept thinking about the next day and what might be in store for her, both with the job itself and her uneasy relationship with Nick DeSanto. Then she thought about Coach and their relationship and whether she should trust her instincts about him.

But most of all, she thought about the future and whether this move to Houston would bring about the changes she hoped for.

On Monday, Nick arrived at the plant before seven, determined to beat Lorna there. Although the office itself didnt open until eight, he figured shed show up early. Sure enough, at seven-thirty, Henry, the security guard who manned the main entrance, passed her through.

If she was surprised to see Nick already there, she hid it well. Good morning, she said.

Good morning. She sure looked different than the way shed looked Saturday night. Today her outfit was all businessdark blue tailored slacks and a matching jacket over a conservative white blouse. If theyd been on halfway friendly terms, he probably would have said something to that effect. Before we get started, lets go up to my office and go over a few things, okay?


When they reached the office level, Nick stopped at the doorway to the kitchen. Want some coffee? Im going to grab a quick cup.

Ive already had my cup for the day, but thanks.

Doughnuts? Fresh baked right here during the night.

She shook her head. Bad enough Ill be smelling them all day long.

Is there a woman alive who isnt watching her weight? Nick said. He poured fresh coffee into his mug.

Its not that. I just eat too many sweets. A hazard of the business, Im afraid.

Nick mentally rolled his eyes. It was hard for him to reconcile todays rigid demeanor with the woman hed watched on the dance floor Saturday night. If he hadnt seen her with his own eyes, he wouldnt have believed they were one and the same person.

Once they were settled in his office, he handed her a stack of reports and a disk that contained all the information shed need to access the financial records and any other pertinent data from their computer system. While they were going over the current inventory, he heard rustling noises in the outer office and knew Karen was setting up for the day. A few minutes later, she knocked on his door, then opened it.

Nick, she began, then stopped. Oh, Miss Hathaway, I didnt know you were here. I was just going to tell Nick that your temp has arrived.

Lorna started to rise.

Why not have Karen show her the ropes first? he suggested. Im sure the temps got paperwork to fill out, and Karen can brief her on our computer system and where things are located.

Maybe Karen could show both of us these things at the same time, Lorna said.

Sure. I dont mind, Karen said.

Nick hated to admit it, but Lornas willingness to expose her ignorance in front of the temp produced another bout of grudging admiration. Great. Ill leave you to it. And Karen?


Shut the door on your way out.

After they were gone, Nick leaned back in his chair and wondered if hed misjudged Lorna. Maybe she hadnt come to spy on him. He had to admit she wasnt throwing her weight around or acting like she owned the place, even if she did. He guessed only time would tell. It could be she was just biding her time before lowering the boom.

Until then, he decided, he would play if safe and never let his guard down.

By the time the day was over, Lorna was exhausted. Shed never imagined there would be so much for her to learn. Thank goodness Karen was so knowledgeable and didnt seem to mind spending a good portion of her day showing Lorna, never mind the temp, the ropes.

In fact, the tempwhose name was Marilynwas excellent. A no-nonsense type with terrific skills, she settled in as if shed been there forever. By midafternoon, Lorna was ready to offer Marilyn the secretarial position on a permanent basis. Prudently, she decided to wait another day or two, just to make sure they were compatible.

Toward the end of the day, Phyllis McIntyre, the bookkeeper, came by to introduce herself. An elfin woman with short black hair and shrewd eyes behind bifocals, she impressed Lorna immediately.

If youd rather I work here in the plant, she said, Id be happy to.

You dont like telecommuting? Lorna said.

Oh, no, I love it, but after all, youre the boss, and if youd prefer me to be here, well, then Ill come in.

Her offer impressed Lorna, too. Most employees with the kind of deal Phyllis had would be loath to give it up. I dont have a problem with you working from home.

After discussing Phylliss schedule and responsibilities, Lorna knew they were on their way to a solid working relationship.

Another plus during the day was how little she saw of Nick. If every day was like this one, she had nothing to worry about.

That evening, after a quick pick-me-up dinner of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, Lorna decided to take a bath and get comfortable before going online to Jamboree.

At 7:45 p.m., feeling much better, she logged on to her computer so she could check her e-mail before heading over to the games server. She smiled when she saw an e-mail from Coach in her inbox.



DATE: September 1

SUBJECT: Change of Plans

Dear Sweet Stuff, Im sorry, but I cant play tonight. Somethings come up and I had to go back to work. Ill probably be here half the night. Whenever I get a break, Ill check my e-mail, though. Im really curious about how your first day at your new job went. Things were really interesting here. One of these days Ill tell you all about it. Anyway, right now Ive got to go, but I hope to hear from you later.

Lorna was disappointed, but she had a good book to read. Maybe shed just climb into bed and read until she got sleepy. First, though, shed answer his post.



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You′ve Got Game Patricia Kay
You′ve Got Game

Patricia Kay

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: PLAYING…FOR KEEPS?As handsome and stubbornly infuriating Nick DeSanto, manager, and as ice queen company owner Lorna Hathaway, they were not a match made in heaven. But as «Coach» and «Sweet Stuff»–online pals and competitors–they made a great couple. And it wasn′t until their plan to meet went awry that Nick realized who the woman he′d been flirting with online for months really was.But in real life, Lorna despised him! So had had to win her heart, quick, before his Internet identity was revealed. The real game had begun. Could love take all?

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