The Sabbides Secret Baby

The Sabbides Secret Baby
Discarded for breaking his rules Na?ve Phoebe Brown fell for Mediterranean magnate Jed Sabbides after he wined, dined and bedded her with a fervour that made her feel cherished. But when Phoebe happily announced she was pregnant Jed was appalled. Didnt she understand she was only a pleasing distraction?Sadly Phoebe lost the man she loved, and her babyClaimed for having his child! So it is with disbelief that, years later, Jed discovers Phoebe has a little boywho looks just like him!

Jed Sabbides
She watched in stunned amazement as in a few lithe strides he was over the road and standing in front of her.

Phoebe, this is a surprise. I thought it was you, but the child threw me when I heard him call you Mum.

His deeply-voiced greeting set every nerve in her body on edge, and she could do nothing about the sudden leap in her pulse. Steeling herself to remain calm, she glanced up at him and politely said, Hello, Jed, conscious of her son at her side.

I wasnt aware you had a child. Nobody told me. Jeds piercing black gaze sliced through her like a knife, and she had never seen such ragequickly controlled as he turned his attention to her son.

Hello, young man. I heard you telling your mum you liked my car. He smiled down at Ben. Would you like to see inside? Or I have a better idealets go for a drive.

No, Phoebe snapped, tugging Ben closer to her side. He knows he must never get into a strangers car. She wished he had not yelled Mum! quite so loudnot that it would have made much difference.

Jed turned his head and stared down at her, and the look in his eyes made her blood freeze.

Admirable. But you and I are not strangers, Phoebe, so there is no harm in introducing me to your sonis there? he queried silkily.

The Sabbides Secret Baby

Jacqueline Baird (
JACQUELINE BAIRD began writing as a hobby, when her family objected to the smell of her oil painting, and immediately became hooked on the romantic genre. She loves travelling and worked her way around the world from Europe to the Americas and Australia, returning to marry her teenage sweetheart. She lives in Ponteland, Northumbria, the county of her birth, and has two teenage sons. She enjoys playing badminton, and spends most weekends with husband Jim, sailing their Gp.14 around Derwent Reservoir.

Chapter One
JED SABBIDES shifted restlessly in his seat. The plane was beginning its descent, and not before time. A certain part of his anatomy was stirring at the thought of the delectable Phoebe waiting for him in London. He had planned to be in New York for three weeks, but had cut short his trip by a day and rearranged his schedule to work from the London office tomorrow to get back to her.
He had to be in Greece by Saturday evening for his fathers birthday, and with the level of frustration he was feeling he had decided after a business lunch that only one night with Phoebe was not going to be enoughA couple of telephone calls and the Sabbides company jet had been waiting for him at Kennedy Airportthe five-hour time difference between the two continents was for once a blessing.
A frown marred his broad brow. When had he ever changed his schedule for a woman? NeverThe answer made him slightly uneasy, and his thoughts drifted back to the first time he had met Phoebe
Exiting the elevator on the ground floor of the hotel he was staying at while he assessed the place with a view to purchase, Jed glanced at the girl walking across the foyer and paused for a moment, his dark eyes lingering in appreciation on her feminine form.
She was about five-eight, with pale blonde hair that fell in soft waves to her slender shoulders. Her profile was exquisite, and the sombre black skirt and white shirt she wore did nothing to distract from her shapely figure as she seemed to glide across the marble floor on a pair of legs that would make any red-blooded males imagination go into overdrive.
His arrested gaze followed her as she stepped behind the reception desk and then turned with a smile for an approaching guest. Her smile took his breath away. His attraction was instant, and shockingly physical. He was without a woman at the time, and in that moment he decided the girl was going to be his, not for a second contemplating failure.
He approached the reception desk and asked if she could recommend a good restaurant. She tilted back her head, the better to look at him, and he realised she was even more beautiful up close. His fascinated gaze took in the delicate lines of her oval-shaped facethe creamy skin, the full mouth, and the brilliant blue eyes that now met his. He smiled and held her gaze, and her eyes widened in instinctive female recognition of his masculine interest. She actually blushed. Later he would learn why she did that.
Phoebe in the Greek language meant shining, brilliant, and she was all that and morebeautiful with a perfect body and a quick mind.
He asked her to have dinner with him that night. Amazingly she refused, stating she was not allowed to date guests, but he charmed her into telling him she only worked there at weekends to supplement her income while studying Politics and History at University.
He duly checked out, returning the next day to ask Phoebe again for a date and she agreed.
He had never met a woman yet who had turned him downusually they chased himand it was a novel experience, having to wait over a month before he got her into bed.
Mainly because Phoebe shared a house with three other studentstwo girls Kay and Liz, and the third a guy called Johnshe had virtually no privacy. But she flatly refused to dine with Jed in the suite he kept in one of the family-owned London hotels. Her excuse was that she would feel uncomfortable, having seen the kind of women who accompanied men to their rooms for only a few hours in the hotel where she worked.
She was a few weeks short of twenty-one, and her youth worried him a little. He could not decide if her concern was genuine modesty or if, like most women, she was angling for more than he was prepared to offer.
It was sheer coincidence, when entering the Empire Casino in the heart of London one night after Phoebe had left him frustrated yet again, that he met an old poker buddy of his and found the solution to his problem. The man had just been knocked out of the World Serious Poker Tournament, which was taking place in the casino at the time, and over a drink told him he was going to America and wanted someone to caretake his London apartment and his cat Marty while he was away.
Casually Jed told Phoebe the story, and asked if she was interested in the job. He introduced her to his friend, and when the cat purred and wrapped itself around her ankles she agreed.
It was a win-win situation all round, and finally Jed got further than a goodnight kiss. But even then she kept him waiting another few days!
It was a coincidentally novel solution, and a bit devious, he knewbut Jed was a cynic where the female of the species was concerned, and knew it was well worth the wait.
Pheobe surprised himshe was actually a virgin, a first for himbut amazingly she was the most eager and most incredibly responsive lover he had ever had

That had been twelve months ago, he suddenly realisedanother first for him. He had never kept a lover so long in all his thirty years.
With his experience of women he had long ago realised wealth was his main attraction to any female, and given his father was now married for the fourth time it was hardly surprising.
Not that it mattered to Jed. By the age of twenty-five hed become a multi-millionaire in his own rightcourtesy of the internet at first, as a student at university having played poker on line, and then he had moved on to trading on the financial markets. Essentially another form of gambling, but one that made better use of his brilliant mind. Hed set up his own company, JS Investments, and never looked back.
At his fathers request he had agreed to join the family firm while keeping on with his own business, and had soon virtually taken over the running of the Sabbides Corporation, which had for decades specialised in hotels as well as other areas of the leisure industry. The company was now incredibly successful, but Jeds relationship with his fatheralways strainedhad become increasingly bad.
If his father had taught Jed anything it was that marriage was not for him, and he kept his sex-life strictly sepa-rate from his business and family. No relationship lasted more than a few monthseight had been the longest until Phoebe. He certainly didnt believe in marriage, and he had told Phoebe most explicitly at the start. She had laughed at him and told him marriage was the last thing on her mind. She was determined to get a good degree, then start her career and hopefully travel the world.
On their first date, when she had asked what he did, he had simply said he was a businessman and travelled between offices in London, Athens and New York. But later her friend Liz had told her that mentions in the press referred to him as a Greek Tycoona description he abhorred.
Yet it did not seem to influence Phoebe at all. In the time they had been together she had never hinted at commitment, never asked him for anything, and he was pretty sure she had no hidden agenda. He had nothing to worry about. One year or two, as long as the passion lasted Phoebe was his.
Seven weeks ago she had completed her degree, and the graduation ceremony had been last week. She had invited him to attend and told him her aunt was coming as well. He avoided meeting members of his women-friends family if possible, and had said he would try to make it. As hed been in New York at the time hed had the perfect excuse not to go
He had called Phoebe on the morning of the ceremony and wished her luck. She had been fineespecially after hed mentioned he had a special surprise for her. Maybe she wasnt so different from the other women he had known, he thought cynically.
He often bought her gifts, and she was grateful and showed it in bed. This time he had bought her a spectacular diamond necklacebecause if he was honest he did feel slightly guilty at missing her graduation. And now he was a day early, which he knew without conceit would please Phoebe.
The thought made him smile in a way that was all male sensual anticipation
The plane landed and Jed stood up, shrugged on his jacket and straightened his tie. Tall, broad-shouldered, dark-haired and strikingly attractive, he was the epitome of the super-rich successful alpha male. He picked up his laptop and, with a goodbye to the smiling flight attendant, exited the aircraft.

Phoebe turned off the shower and stepped out of the cubicle. It was nine in the evening, and she wanted an early night so she would be totally rested and ready for Jeds arrival tomorrow night.
Her stomach fluttered at the thought
She glanced at her reflection in the mirrored wall as she reached for a bath sheet from the towel rail to wrap around her slender body. Slender for how much longer? she wondered, with a growing sense of elation tinged with slight concern.
She had yet to tell her boyfriend Jed she was pregnant
Jed Sabbides was a successful financier, and also the power behind the throne of the Sabbides Corporation. Phoebe had suspected from the beginning that he was wealthy, simply by his supremely confident attitudewhich was why at first she had been wary of him. Hed seemed so far out of her league, but now she was hopelessly in love for the first time in her life. Her flatmate Liz had told her the full extent of his mind-boggling wealth, at the same time as shed tried to warn Phoebeafter shed been offered the job of taking care of this apartment last summerthat Jed was setting her up to be nothing more than his live-in lover in London
Liz had been proved wrong
True, within days of her moving into this apartment they had become lovers, but they did not live together
Jed respected her, and stayed at a permanent suite at a deluxe hotel the Sabbides Corporation owned when working in London, while having an apartment on her own had allowed Phoebe to study hard in her final year at university.
Despite Jeds wealth they were just like any other couple in love, she told herself. They occasionally went out to dinner, or a film, and after their relationship had become intimate hed often stayed overnightif pressure of work allowed, sometimes more than one night. Jed had left a few items of clothing here over the year, but he definitely did not live here. He travelled a lotas Phoebe knew to her cost when she lay aching for him in the big bed at nightbut she had the compensation of the ginger cat Marty to keep her company when he was gone.
Jed rarely discussed business with her, but it had not taken her many months to realise he was a workaholic and split his time between two continents. But on the bright side he had once told her he had an older sister, who was married with two young girls whom he adored, so he obviously liked childrena positive sign, surely. He would want their baby just as much as she did, she was convinced
Phoebe had met Jed when he was a guest at the hotel where shed worked as a receptionist, and her life had changed from that moment. She had glanced up at the sound of his deep, slightly accented voice, looked into his gleaming dark eyes and been transfixed. He was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. Then he had smiled at her, and every nerve in her body had tingled with an excitement she had never felt before. Incapable of looking away, she had blushed scarlet.
Twelve months later the sight of him and the sound of his voice still excited her beyond beliefand sometimes still made her blush
Phoebe Brownmaybe soon Phoebe Sabbides, she thought, lost in a daydream of the future. Snagging a handtowel from the rail, she bent her head and began to towel-dry her hair.
Aghh! she yelled, blinded by the towel as a large hand grasped her bare shoulder. What the heck? she exclaimed as she was spun round and held at arms length.
The towel fell from her hands, her hair forgotten, as she looked up at Jed, her heart leaping in her chest. Tall, dark and handsome did not do him justicehe was so much more than that. He had a dynamic vitality about hima presence that drew the eye of men and women alike wherever he wentespecially the woman. And why not? Phoebe thought, eagerly drinking in the sight of him. He was magnificent.
Jedit is you.
I should hope so. He grinned down at her. Who else would you welcome in your bathroom? he mocked.
Then his hands slipped from her shoulders to unwrap the towel from her body, his laughing eyes darkening as they roamed hungrily over her shapely form.
Now, thisthis is what I have dreamed of for weeks. His gaze lingered on the proud thrust of her full breasts, the rose-tipped nipples tightening beneath his gaze. But the reality exceeds my wildest dreams.
Phoebe tilted her head back further. He had shed his jacket and tie and unfastened the first few buttons of his shirt, revealing the tanned column of his throat and a hint of black curling body hair. A slow, appreciative smile parted her full lips.
Ah, JedIve missed you so much. She sighed, and was gathered into his arms. His dark head dipped and his mouth covered hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed with all the pent-up hunger and need that had built up over the time they had been apart.
His hands stroked down her back, and when they had to break for breath his head dipped lower, to capture one pert nipple into the heat of his mouth, licking and suckling as he tipped her backwards over a strong arm and delivered the same incredible pleasure to its partner.
Damn, Phoebe, I cant wait, he groaned.
She ran a hand through his thick hair and slid the other through the opening of his shirt, desperate to feel again the warmth of his bronzed skin and the pebble-like nipples half hidden in crisp curls. She saw the flush over his high cheekbones, the gleaming brown eyes deep black pools of desire, and she stroked her hand lower. Her fingers traced the rock-hard outline of his arousal through the fabric of his pants and she knew exactly what he meant.
Neither could sheIt was the longest they had been apart since they had met, and the liquid heat between her thighs was a potent testament of her need of him.
Catching her hand, he thrust it away and, pinning her against the wall, unzipped his pants to free his straining length. Then he was lifting her high, cupping her buttocks, and she locked her legs around his back as he thrust into her moist feminine core.
They came together in a frenzied passion.
Phoebes hands clasped behind his neck as she welcomed his hungry possession, her body pulsing as he plunged fast and furious, deeper and deeper, until she felt herself quivering on the brink of an ecstasy her body was screaming out for. With one last ferocious thrust he drove them both over the edge into a tumultuous climax.
Her head fell into the curve of his neck, her slender body shuddering in the aftermath of release. She could feel the heavy pounding of his heart against her own, and for a long moment she was incapable of movement.
Forgive me, Phoebe. She heard the rasping tone of his voice, and, lifting her head, she looked into his dark smouldering eyes. But I needed you so badly.
Me too, she murmured as he brushed his lips gently against hers and lowered her slowly down his long body.
He steadied her with an arm around her slender waist as her legs wobbled a little. Are you sure you are okay?
Better now. I only have to look at you to want you, she admitted freely, ecstatic at his unexpected early arrival.
Then keep that thought while I get out of these clothes, he said, with a wry glance at his pants around his knees before stepping out of them.
Phoebe bent down, intending to pick up the bath sheet from the floor, but Jed caught her wrist and pulled her upright.
Dont bother, he drawled giving her a sensuous smile. You wont need it for what I have planned next. And as she watched he stripped off the remainder of his clothes.
Phoebe could not help ithe was her very own Greek god, she thought, excitement stirring inside her all over again as she let her eyes roam freely over him.
Jed her lover was six feet three of sheer perfection. His hair was black and slightly curly, and at the moment sexily dishevelled by her eager hands. His eyes were a golden-brown that darkened in passion to jet-blackas she knew only too welland his nose was a straight blade in the fabulous structure of his handsome face. His sensual mouth was wide, the lips perfectly etchedthe bottom slightly fuller than the topand his jaw was square.
She could look at his face for ever, but the temptation of his wide shoulders and the smooth bronzed skin was becoming too much, and her gazed dropped to his broad chest and the dusting of black body hair that drew the eye down again over the well-defined muscles of his stomach, narrow waist, lean hips and long, long legs. He was all muscle and sinew, without an inch of fat on his impressive frame. As for his manhood, amazingly raising again from between his strong thighs, it fascinated herJed fascinated her, full-stop
Like what you see? he quipped, and swiftly she raised her eyes to his. Even now, after all this time, she blushed at having been caught staring.
Yes. Like? She loved himand maybe now was the time to tell him her news. But before she could find the words he swept her off her feet and carried her into the bedroom.
Wait, Jeddont you want a drink or something to eat after your journey? And why are you here a night early?
Because I could not wait another day, and all I want to eat is you. Laying her down on the bed, he stretched out beside her.
Thrilled at his need for her, she reached for himand what followed was a night like no other. He made love to her with an achingly slow passion that drove her wild with excitement, exploring every curve and crevasse, seducing all her senses as he drove her to climax. As for Phoebe it was as if she was possessed by some other entity, and any faint, lingering sexual inhibitions shed had vanished as she explored every inch of him. He encouraged her with hands and mouth, teeth and tongue, and led her deeper along a path of ever more inventive sex, driving her to heights she had never reached before over and over again. It was if he could not get enough of her, nor she of him.
Finally, hours later, lying exhausted in the crook of his arm but unable to sleep, her mind spinning with disjointed thoughts, she looked across at his beloved face and wondered if their child would look like him. Then she wondered if his returning early was the special surprise he had promised, and frowned. Stupid, but she had secretly been nursing the hope that it might be a ring. In her fantasy scenario she had imagined him asking her to marry him before she told him she was pregnant.
I can hear you thinking, Phoebewhats wrong? Jeds deep voice rumbled.
Leaning up, she spread her hand across his chest and stared down into his slumberous dark eyes. Nothing. I was just wondering if coming back early was the surprise you promised me. I have to say if so it was the best ever. And, dipping her head, she kissed him.
I aim to pleasebut, no. Rolling her onto her back, he slid off the bed and switched on the light. Stay where you are. Ill be back in a minute, he said.
She watched him stroll naked out of the bedroom, to return a minute later with a black leather box in his hand.
Sit up, Phoebe. And she did.
For your graduation from university. He opened the box to reveal a dazzling platinum and diamond necklace. Slipping it around her neck, he fastened it. Then, running his hands over her slender shoulders and down to cup her breast, he added, And also for your graduation in the bedroom. He rolled her nipples between his fingers. I didnt think sex could get any better, but I surprised myself. And you were with me all the way, surprising me even more, my incredibly wanton woman.
Thank you, Jed, she murmured. The necklace is breathtaking.
She looked down at the dazzling cascade of gems around her throat, not wanting to reveal the slight disappointment she felt. But as she glanced lower, at his long tanned fingers teasing her breasts, it wasnt disappointment she experienced but a renewed surge of arousal in what she had thought was her exhausted body.
Reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, she brushed his lips with hers. And I love you, she said softly.
She had told him enough times before, but it suddenly struck her that Jed had never actually said the words to her in English. Hed said she was beautiful and that he loved her body, he had told her so many times, and she had assumed he had said I love you in Greek, which was the language he used in the throes of passion. Now she was not so confident
Telling herself not to be so sillyafter what they had just done she was no longer the blushing innocent, that was for sureshe straddled his great body and, taking control, made love to him with a powerful passion which finally exhausted them both.
Phoebe awoke to feel a large male hand cupping her breast and the unmistakable pressure of an aroused male against her bum. A husky voice was murmuring in her ear, Ah, Phoebe, you feel so good.
She stretched sinuously, and groaned her pleasure as Jeds other hand stroked around her waist to settle on her tummy, his long fingers edging to the curls at the apex of her thighs.
But her stomach had ideas of its own, and it wasnt settled at all. In a flurry of arms and legs she slid off the bed and dashed towards the bathroom.
What the hell, Phoebe? She heard Jed swear.
Unable to answer him she dashed inside, closing the door behind her, and turned on the tap of the vanity unit. Maybe a drink of water would stop her need to heave. But it was no use, and two seconds later she was on her knees retching in the toilet but with surprisingly little result!
Slowly she straightened, and after flushing the toilet she turned to splash her face with water and wash her mouth out. Maybe she was not going to be cursed with morning sickness after all. Maybe if she learnt to lie still or move with more care the urge to be sick would be averted, she pondered, eyeing her reflection in the mirrored door of the floor-to-ceiling cabinet.
Her full lips curved in a feminine smile. She did not look any different yet. She simply looked like a very well-loved woman, and the marks of passion on her breast and thighs were evidence of the factalong with the diamond necklace that adorned her throat. She sighed happily. When she would ever wear it she had no idea, but it was a fantastic present, and the night had been incredible. Jed had proved in a dozen different ways how much he wanted herincluding a couple she had never experienced before. But now she recognised that between lovers even the unimaginable was acceptable and exquisitely pleasurable.
She heard him call her name.
Now was as good a time as any to tell him she was pregnant, she decidedwith her confidence sky-high. Coming in a minute, she called back and, taking a towel from the cupboard, she wrapped it around her naked body before exiting the bathroom.
What took you so long? he drawled, the eyes that met hers gleaming with humour and undisguised desire.
Her gaze swept over his lean muscled body splayed across the bed, over the sleek golden skin with its subtle pattern of black hair in strategic places, and noted he was still mightily aroused. He lifted a long fingered hand and beckoned her to join him, and her heart turned over.
Im waiting for my morning sex, he said with an anticipatory grin.
A sensual shiver slid down her spine. He wanted her. Jed loved hershe could see it in his eyes.
Taking a step towards him, she grinned back. And I am pregnant, and thought I was going to be sick. She saw the anticipation fade from his eyes. But dont worryIm fine now, she told him swiftly as she reached the bed.
A certain part of his anatomy had faded equally fast, she registered as he swung his legs over the other side of the bed and stood up. Jed? she began, and stopped as he turned to face her, shocked by the flash of violent anger she caught in his eyes before, as if a shutter had fallen his handsome face became devoid of all expression.
He stared at her for a long moment, and the transformation from eager lover to cold hard stranger could not have been more obvious. She shivered againbut this time with a deep sense of foreboding.

Chapter Two
PREGNANT. Phoebe was pregnant. It wasnt possible. He had taken every possible precautionbut had she? Jed asked himself the question, and a red mist of rage engulfed him as his totally panicked brain scrambled for an acceptable answer. Counting to ten didnt work. He got up to a thousand before he reached the glaringly obvious conclusion and finally trusted himself to turn and speak to her without yelling.
Im sure you think you are fine, he drawled with biting cynicism, while battling to keep a lid on the fury still simmering inside him and retain his legendary cool control. Standing there with diamonds around your elegant neck, and according to you pregnant with what I presume you are going to claim is my child.
He could not believe he had been suckered in by Phoebes so-called innocence; she was like all the restif not worsebecause she had succeeded where other women had failed with the oldest trick in the book.
Of course the baby is yours.
He heard the shock in her voice but ignored it.
You know you are the only man I have ever made love with. I love you, and I thought you loved me.
You thought wrong. I dont do lovedont believe in the concept.
Why are you being like this? She looked at him with wide puzzled eyes.
Why? Because I have no wish to be tricked into becoming a father, he drawled sardonically. Cast your mind back to the beginning. I always used protection. You then suggested going on the pill and Imore fool mebecause of your initial innocence was tempted by the idea of condom-free sex for the first time in my life. I introduced you to my own private Dr Marcus, and he supplied your birth control pills. You did not even have to remember to collect them as he arranged for them to be delivered to you here. So there could have been no missed prescription, no mistakeso tell me, when did this conception occur?
Whatever reaction Phoebe had expected, this sneering, cynical hard-eyed stranger standing facing her bore no resemblance to the Jed shed thought she knew and loved. Her emotions were frozen in shock and she simply stated the truth.
The weekend in Paris. I forgot to take my pills with me.
I might have guessed. Jeds analytical mind, no longer blinded by sex, put two and two together and instantly saw through Phoebes devious plan.
I remember the only time you argued with me instead of being the eager lover was when I returned from spending Easter in Greece. You complained I never took you abroad with me, and moaned that the only time you had been out of the country was a day-trip to Belgium. You had not even been to Paris, so I took you there. Now you expect me to believe you mistakenly left your pills behind and never thought to mention the fact in the three days we stayed? How very convenient for you, he drawled mockingly. That was the end of April, and now it is the beginning of Julyyou must be two months pregnant.
Nine weeks, she amended softly. Maybe it was just shock making Jed behave like the biggest louse on the planet, Phoebe rationalized.
What took you so long to tell me? Dont answer thatlet me guess. You waited until you had finished your exams and graduated, but you never had any intention of starting a career other than living in the lap of luxury at my expense. Youre a highly intelligent woman, Phoebe, and your timing is perfect. But no one takes me for a fool, and if your unusually spectacular and wanton display in bed last night was supposed to soften me up to get me to marry you are out of luck. No man expects his mistress to get pregnant.
Through the fog of numbness Phoebe was devastated that he could actually believe she was so conniving as to have executed the plan he had formed in his mind. As for calling her his mistressthat was the last straw.
I was never your mistressI would never be any mans mistress. I thought you were my boyfriend. I thought you
He cut her off.
Come off it, Phoebe, dont pretend you are that na?ve. I got this apartment for you.
I thought I was housesitting for your friend and Marty.
You werebut he sold me the place three months after he left and said you could keep the cat. Apparently he has found a different kind of feline to snuggle up tohopefully one less devious than you.
Devious! she cried How can you call me that after all we have shared?
Quite easily. I gave you a car, jewels, clotheswhatever you wanted you could have. But a wedding ring was never on offer, and you knew that perfectly well from the start and agreed with me. If you think for one minute you can trap me with a child that was never on my agendathink again.
Phoebe sank down onto the bed, her mind in turmoil. He had said a child was not on his agenda. Typical business-speak, she realized, for what he really meant. He did not want their child and it was like a knife to her heart. She could not bear to look at Jed, and took a few deep, steadying breaths. Then finally the import of his disavowal of love as a concept registered in her mind, and in a flash of blinding clarity she saw she had been deluding herself from the very start of their relationship. While she had fallen in love and thought Jed was her boyfriend he had only considered her his mistress and treated her accordingly.
Now a lot of little niggling things over the past year made sense. No wonder he had never suggested she go to Greece with him and meet his family and friends, or go anywhere else with him on his travels. He had always had some excuse for not being around when her Aunt Jemma came up from Dorset to London to see her, and she had asked him often enough.
Jed had wined, dined and bedded her. He had even given her a car a week before Christmas. She had tried to refuse, saying he was too generous, but he had insisted she take the car, saying it would be useful for driving home for the holiday. He hadnt been able to spend it with her because he always went to Greece for the festive season. Much in the same way hed insisted when he gave her a jewelled clip six weeks after they met, then a diamond bracelet for her twenty-first last August, and insisted on taking her shopping for designer clothes and lingerie that were not really her.
She had learnt it was easier to accept gracefully than to object. But she had never met any of his friends other than the man who had originally owned this apartment, and Dr Marcus with whom he had gone to school. She was simply his mistress in London. The weekend in Paris had been the only time he had taken her abroadwhat a clich! Then another sickening thought hit her. If he considered her simply a mistress maybe she was not the only one. He probably had others in New York and Greece and heaven knew where else.
Her shoulders slumped and her head fell forward. She raised her hands to run them despairingly through her tangled hair, blinking away the tears that threatened. How could she have been so dumb, so mistaken about Jed, her first and only lover?
Liz had been right all along, and she had been too besotted to see the truth
Jed looked at Phoebes downbent head saw the utter devastation she could not hide. The shock and anger that had overtaken him subsided a little. If she was pregnant of course he would take care of her. But first he needed Dr Marcus to confirm the pregnancy and, given he had been away for weeks at a time throughout their affair, he needed to be certain the child was his before he could even consider marrying herthough no child of his was going to be born out of wedlock. Lock being the operative word, he thought cynicallyMarriage meant the end of his bachelor days.
He could not deal with Phoebe now. He needed time to think, and he had a breakfast meeting in an hour.
He walked around to where she sat, and laid a hand on her shoulder. He felt her jerk away from him, which angered him again.
I have not time for this now, he said curtly. I have meetings lined up all day that I cant miss, and I have to be in Greece by tomorrow evening for my fathers birthday party.
More important to Jed was the fact his father was retiring. The lawyers had been summoned, and tomorrow night he would be officially installed as the head of the Sabbides Corporationthe firm he had been running unofficially along with his own for the past few years. Not that Phoebe needed to know. His business had nothing to do with her.
But dont worryI will speak to Marcus before I go. He is an excellent doctor, and discreet. He will take care of your pregnancy, and I will pay for everything, I can assure you.
She slowly lifted her head and stared at him for a long moment. She wasnt crying and her usually brilliant blue eyes were oddly blank.
Im not worriedand Im sure he will, she said quietly, and glanced back down at her clasped hands.
Good. Jed hesitated. He had never seen Phoebe look so subdued. Maybe he should say something. But he didnt do emotions, and he was still in shock, so he said, I need a shower, and strode into the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, after a cool shower, hed had time to think. Maybe he had been a bit harsh on Phoebe. Either by accident or design it didnt really mattershe was still a pregnant woman. He dressed swiftly and went looking for her. He found her sitting in the kitchen, with a cup of tea in one hand and stroking the cat curled up on her lap with the other. She loved the damn cat, which barely tolerated him, and for some reason that angered him further.
I must leave now. Ill see you tonight and we can discuss the necessary arrangements. Obviously he would set her up with an allowance straight away. As for the restonce paternity was proved, everything could be organised.
Phoebe put the cup down on the table and glanced at Jed. He was immaculately dressed in a charcoal-grey suit, perfectly tailored to fit his broad-shouldered, long and lean frame, and a white shirt and silk tie. How had she ever imagined he was her boyfriend? she thought, appalled at her own naivety. Hed reached thirty last month, and she had splashed out and bought him a nineteenth-century solid gold seal in the shape of a heart. She had spotted it in an antiques shop, and thought he would see the symbolism in her giftthat she was giving him her heart. How dumb was that? He had never looked past her body, and now he had decided itshehad betrayed him. He was every inch the successful tycoon, and she had been living in cloud cuckoo land to believe otherwise.
She nodded her head, incapable of speaking to the ruthless, arrogant pigHe had ripped her heart to shreds with his brutally cynical reaction to her pregnancy, cold-bloodedly accusing her of being the worst kind of gold-digger, plotting and planning to get pregnant and get his money. That Jedthe man she lovedcould actually think so badly of her told her he had never really known her at all. While shed thought she had touched his heart, all she had ever been to him was a willing female in his bed. His mistress
When he had casually told her his good friend the doctor would discreetly take care of her pregnancyas though her unborn child was less than nothing, a blip to be dispensed with in the smooth running of his lifeshed known it was over. Utterly finished.
Jed didnt want a baby. It was not on his agendaWhat kind of cold-hearted man was he that he could even equate a baby with a business agenda? But then business was his life and everything else was peripheral, she realised. A termination was what he was offering hernot the love and the support she had so stupidly expected. His solution was to pay his doctor friend to make the baby go away. Work, money, and the power that went with it were his obsession, and she had been the biggest idiot in the world to think anything different.
Phoebe heard the door shut. Getting to her feet, she walked into the bedroom and fell flat on the bed. With her head buried in the pillow she finally let the tears fall. She cried with pain and grief for a love that never was, and the loss of her innocent illusions, and finally cried herself into a sleep of physical and mental exhaustion.

Phoebe awoke with a start and for a moment was completely disorientated. She glanced at the bedside clock. Three in the afternoon? What was she doing in bed? Then it all came flooding back
Weakly she lay on the bed, going over and over again in her head every minute since Jed had arrived last nightthe passionate lovemaking she had thought confirmed he loved herNow she realised that to a sophisticated, highly-sexed man like Jed all she had ever been to him was little better than a sex slave, willing to do whatever he asked of her. The past year filtered slowly though her mind, and she was haunted by her own stupidity. All the gifts he had given her were nothing more than payment for services rendered in Jeds mind.
This morning, when she told him she was pregnant, the real Jed Sabbidesthe poker-faced ruthless tycoonhad been revealed to her, and Phoebe shuddered in despair.
Jeds brutal reaction to her pregnancy appalled her all over again, and suddenly his parting words that he would discuss the necessary arrangements with her tonight replayed in her mind. She panicked.
She did not dare stay. Jed was a powerful personality, and deep down she did not trust herself to defy his obvious intention that she have a terminationbecause, heaven help her, she could not easily dismiss the love she felt for him, even knowing he was a complete bastard
She had to leave Jed and the apartmentshe had to pack. That was the only thought in her head as she leapt off the bed, heading for the chest of drawers and stumbling over the cat

Jed Sabbides signed off on his conference call to the other side of the Atlantic. The two oclock meeting he should have had in New York had been a successanother great financial deal brokered. It was seven-thirty in the evening, and he was finished work for the day. He ran a distracted hand through his thick black hair. He had with difficulty blocked all thought of Phoebe and her astounding news from his mind while working, but now he had no excuse.
He looked up as the door opened and Christina, his PA, walked in. Do you need me for anything else?
No, he replied shortly. Go now.
You look tired, Jed. Let me get you a glass of whisky, and Ill give you a neck massage, if you likeit will help you relax.
The whisky, yesthe massage, no. He looked at his PA, surprised she had suggested a massage. He must look worse than he felt, because it wasnt like her at all. Christina was dark-haired, not unattractive, and super-efficient. He was lucky to have her. There was no fear of Christina getting pregnant by mistakeshe never made mistakes. But had Phoebe? he pondered. She was a lot younger, and he was her first lover. Maybe her pregnancy was a genuine accident.
Here is your drink. Christina placed the glass on his desk, with the bottle beside it, and moved to stand behind him. Are you sure I cant ease these tense muscles? And suddenly her hands were on his neck.
No. He shrugged his shoulders, dislodging her hands. You leave, Christina, I am fine.
Okay. She straightened, but not beforeto his surpriseshe bent her head to murmur against his ear. Dont forget we are flying to Greece tomorrow. Try to rest.
Simple concern, he thought as the door shut behind her, and it reminded him how little concern he had shown for Phoebes feelings this morning.
He picked up the glass of whisky and took a healthy swallow. He felt the warmth of the spirit flow down his throat. When had he become such a hard-nosed, cynical devil? he asked himself.
The shock he had felt at learning Phoebe was pregnant and he was about to become a father had worn off, and he was able to think clearly. He had never wanted to marry, but if he was honest he knew at some point in the future he would like a childan heir to his fortune. He had had a happy childhood, with loving parents and his sister. The strain between him and his father had grown not just over business but over his multiple marriages following the death of Jeds American mother when he was seventeen. The most recentnumber three since his motherwas thirty-five years his fathers junior, and made a play for Jed whenever he went home.
Jed drained the glass of whisky and refilled it from the bottle, and took a swallow. He didnt trust women, with the exception of his mother and sister, and had never considered marriage. But he knew there was no way he would allow any child of his to be born illegitimate.
Phoebethe beautiful, sexy PhoebeWould it be such a hardship being married to her? he asked himself. He was her first lover, and the thought of her with any other man was not one he liked to contemplate. He took another sip of whisky.
Personally, he didnt believe in lovebut he was Greek, and he did believe in the continuation of the family name. If he had to take a wife Phoebe was a good candidate. There was no denying the chemistry between them was fantastiche had never had such great sex in his lifeand he certainly wasnt keen to give her up. They had been together for over a year, which boded well for the future, and now she was pregnant with his child.
Jed drained his glass, picked up the phone and ordered the limousine he used when he did not want to drive. He got to his feet, his decision made. He would marry her. Surprisingly, he did not feel as trapped as he had first thought.
He glanced at his watch. Eight in the evening. He flicked on his cellphone to call Marcus and arranged to meet him for dinner. He was the one person he could discuss the situation with honestly, and he trusted him. What Jed knew about pregnancy could be written on a pinhead, and though deep down he didnt believe Phoebe had been unfaithful to him it made sense to check with Marcus when it would be possible to ascertain the fatherhood of a baby. It would do no harm for Phoebe to wait awhile for the wedding.
Leaving the room, he locked the door and took the lift to the ground floor. He said goodnight to the doorman and left the building feeling good.
He would tell Phoebe what he had decided, he thought magnanimously, and he could imagine the look of delight in her expressive blue eyes when she realised he was prepared to make an honest woman of her.
His arrogant confidence lasted over a leisurely meal with Marcus, during which he sought his friends advice on Phoebes pregnancy and told him his intention to marry her.
When they left the restaurant he told the driver to drop Marcus off first. But his confidence took a hell of a knock when he finally got to her apartmentto find it empty except for the cat and an official-looking note on the hall table.

Phoebe lay flat on her back on the anonymous hospital bed, and stared sightlessly up at the white ceiling. She had cried for hours until she could cry no more, and now all she felt was numb and empty inside. She was oblivious to the noise and bustle which was typical of a Friday night in this London hospital, according to the elderly Dr Norman, the doctor who had treated her. Which London hospital she had no idea, and didnt care
All she could hear was the doctors voice as he told her she had lost her baby, but not to worry, apparently thousands of women miscarried in the first trimesterit was natures way of dealing with a probably unviable pregnancy. But she was young, fit and could have more babiesno problem.
She knew he had been trying to be kind, trying to reassure her, but nothing and no one could ever do that. She put her hand on her flat stomach. She had only known definitely that she was pregnant for ten days, but the instant love and the need to protect her precious baby had been all-consuming.
Well, no more. Her baby was gone, and with the baby had gone her trusting foolish heart. Her life had changed irrevocably, because whatever happened in the future never as long as she lived would she ever forget the horror, the pain and the despair of this day.
The doctor had told her he would keep her in overnight and make an appointment for her to come back next week to have a D&Cdilation and curettage. Or as hed explained, in laymans terms have her womb scraped. And then hed told her to try and rest.
She recognised Jeds voice and slowly turned her head. He was standing in the doorway, his immaculate suit not quite so immaculate, his jacket hanging open, with a look of shock and disgust in his dark eyes as he stared at her. She wasnt surprised. She wondered why she had never noticed until today how cold and ruthless he could be.
I spoke to the doctor on my way in. He told me what happened. I am so sorry, Phoebe. But trust me you are going to be fineI will make sure of it, he said adamantly, casting a derisory glance around the room.
He was once more his cool, controlled self, Phoebe noticed. As for his sorry, it didnt ring true, but she had not the will to care. Listlessly her eyes drifted up to the clock on the wall above his head, registering it was eleven-thirty.
I cant believe the ambulance brought you here and you left me a note to feed the damn cat. You should have rung me or Dr Marcus. Ive called him and sent a car to pick him up. He will be arriving any minute and we will get you out of this chaotic place.
At the mention of Dr Marcus Phoebe closed her eyes. If it hadnt been for the thought of Jed hiring him she would not have panicked and she would not be here, she thought, reliving again the stab of pain that had made her clutch her stomach as she fell. Slowly, tentatively, she had straightened up and decided to make a cup of tea to try and ease the sharp ache, not wanting to take painkillers because of the baby. Then, sitting at the kitchen table, shed realised something was really wrong. Shed dropped the cup and doubled over in a pain so severe it had stopped her breath. Shed felt the sudden flow of moisture between her thighs and stumbled to her feet as blood oozed down her legs. Shed grasped the phone and dialled the emergency number, but by the time the ambulance had arrived shed feared it was already too late.
Six hours she had been here, and in that time the tiny life inside her had been expelled. She opened her eyes and looked at Jed again. The father of her baby. She realised his sensitivity was truly nonexistent. And as for trusting himnever again
He actually had the colossal arrogance to suggest she should have called him. What a joke. It was heading for midnight nowhe had obviously been in no hurry to get here. The numbness she had felt was replaced with the bitterly sad realisation that neither she nor her baby was as important to Jed as his latest business deal.
No, she said, and with black humour she almost smiled as the cosmic irony of the situation hit her.
Dr Marcus the terminator was no longer needed. Her panic, the cat and a corner of the chest of drawers had done the job for Jed. The knowledge gave her the strength to answer him back.
It is not a chaotic place, but a very busy state hospitalthe type we lesser mortals frequent. As for my moving, there is no point. I have already lost the baby. You should be happy now the problem is solved.
For a long moment Jed Sabbides was struck dumb as the import of her words sank in. My God, he groaned.
It was because of him that Phoebe was lying like a waxen doll in a hospital bed, and the guilt that had clawed at his gut from the moment the doctor told him more than hed wanted to hear increased tenfold.
Phoebe. He crossed to the bed. I could never think of any child as a problem, and I am so sorry you lost the babyyou have to believe me. Her beautiful face was as white as the sheet tucked up to her shoulders, her only colour the purple shadows under her red-rimmed eyes, and she looked hopelessly young.
Jed was stunned by the sorrow and the regret he felt when he looked down into her big blue eyes, no longer sparkling but dulled with the acceptance of what had happened to her. He felt like an ogre.
He was not an emotional man, but as he sat down on the edge of the bed he leant over and brushed his lips gently against her brow. He was appalled at the chill of her skin. He reached for her hand and she let him.
You must believe me, Phoebe, he repeated. Her hand was cold, and the look she gave him was equally cool. It never entered my head you might lose the baby. I was angry this morning, but by this afternoon I had got over the shock and decided I quite liked the idea of us becoming a family. I was going to tell you tonight.
Easy enough for him to say that now, Phoebe thought, and felt the pressure of his hand squeezing hers. She looked up into his handsome face and for an instant imagined she saw pain and anguish in the depths of his dark eyes. Incredibly, she felt compassion stirring in her heart.
No, it wasnt possible. Jed was never going to make a fool of her again. His decision that he quite liked the idea of becoming a family was weak at best, and convenient for him, she noted. And tellingly, as the silence lengthened between them, he was in no hurry to expand on the subject, she thought, with a cynicism she had not known she possessed.
Nice thought, but not necessary. My baby has gone, she murmured. But look on the bright side, Jed. I have saved you a shed-load of money.
What do you mean by that? Jed demanded, battling to contain the flash of anger he felt, knowing that in her fragile state the last thing Phoebe needed was him ranting at her. He had done enough of that this morning, and was filled with self-disgust at the memory. You can accuse me of a lot of things, Phoebe, but meanness is not one of them. Whatever you want you can have, I swear.
The only thing she wanted was her baby back, and she could not have that. As for being mean, Jed was not mean but incredibly generous with material things, Phoebe recognised sadly. But with his thoughts, his emotions, he was the meanest man she had ever metthat was if he had any emotions, which she doubted. His self-control and his arrogant confidence in everything he did was incredible and he would never change. Jed Sabbides was always right
Yes, you are right, Phoebe agreed. But with a faint spark of her former self surfacing she could not help adding, In the scheme of things the cost of a private doctor is nothing to you, I know.
Jed had the niggling sense he was missing something, but Marcus had walked in with Dr Norman and a nurse, and, leaping to his feet, he demanded of his friend, I want Phoebe out of here, Marcus, and under your care immediately.
Its after midnight, Jed, and Phoebe is exhausted. Better to wait until the morning, Marcus replied and Dr Norman agreed with him.
Jed wasnt satisfied. Marcus, I want the best for Phoebe, and this is not it.
I am not going anywhere, Phoebe murmured, and all three turned to look at her. I just want to sleep.
She is right, gentlemen, Dr Norman spoke up again. Let the nurse give her a sedative, and we can take this discussion outside.

Phoebe stood in the kitchen, talking to the cat. You were right about the man, Marty. I should have trusted your instincts instead of mine. Jed Sabbides, for all his wealth, is emotionally and morally bankruptan utterly ruthless and despicable man, and I hate him. The cat purred as if in agreement. But you belong to me now, and you and I are leaving.
She picked up the cat and placed her in the pet carrier, then picked up the bag with the jewellery box inside and without a backward glance left the apartment. Her cases were already in the foyer and her car was parked outside.
Phoebe thanked the doorman for loading her cases, and after placing the pet carrier in the back seat of her car she fastened the seat belt around the box, slid behind the wheel and drove off.
When she had woken the morning after her miscarriage Jed had been there and Dr Norman had discharged her. Still devastated by her loss, she hadnt cared what happened to her, and when Jed had insisted he would take care of her shed been too weak to resist, so shed let him, and returned to the apartment.
Dr Marcus had provided a nurse to stay with her over the weekend, although Jed had insisted he could look after her. An appointment had been made at Marcuss private clinic for the D&C the following week, and after a lot of persuading from the nurse and Phoebe that he was fussing over her too much Jed had left that afternoon to attend his fathers birthday party in Greece.
He had said, You have my mobile numberring me if you need me. But I will be back on Sunday evening. You can count on it. Then he had promised to take her to her appointment at the clinic the next week, kissed her goodbye, and left.
Well, it was now Monday, and the nurse had gone but Jed had not returned. After Phoebe had tried to to get in touch with him late last night a woman had answered his phoneChristina, his PA, apparentlyand after an enlightening conversation Phoebe had known she was going nowhere except home
She couldnt believe she had been so weak, so spineless, that she had let Jed fool her a second timewell, never again, she vowed
The warmth and the love she had thought she felt for him had turned into cold, bitter contempt, and so she had done what he expected of a mistress. Taken everything he had ever given her, including the car.
It was little enough for the price of a child.

Chapter Three
I WISH you had told me it was the Greek Embassy, instead of just saying a foreign embassy, Phoebe said, nervously chewing on her bottom lip. She certainly hadnt gone out of her way to put herself in the path of any Greeks in the last five years.
What difference does it make? Foreign, Greek, Frenchthe same crowd attends all of them. Stop worrying, Phoebe. You look stunning in that silver thing, and you fit in perfectly among the international elite of our capital cityin fact you are the best-looking woman here by a mile.
Flatterer, Julian! And my dress is not silver, but pale grey, she informed her partner with a smile as they moved slowly in the line to be presented to the Greek ambassador to London. And this is a big step up for a history teacher from Dorsetan ambassadors ball. And she would bet the simple jersey silk halter dress she was wearing was a fraction of the cost of every other womans gown in the place.
Rubbish! You studied politics as well as history, and you are smarter than most of the females here. Are you sure you wouldnt like to switch careers and join the Foreign Office in London with me?
Noand anyway, you are hardly ever in London, but off all over the world on government jaunts most of the time.
Julian shook his head. You know me too well, that is the trouble, he said with a mock sigh.
Phoebe laughed, but it was true. He was three years older than her and he had known her almost all her life. Her Aunt Jemma had worked as his fathers secretary for years, and after the old mans death Julian had inherited everything. But instead of taking over the full time running of the vast Gladstone estate, as his father had, he had hired an estate manager as he much preferred his government career.
Her Aunt Jemma lived in a cottage on the outskirts of a village on the estate, and Phoebe had spent part of the summer holiday at her aunts for as long as she could remember. After her parents had died it had become her permanent home. Still was, she thought with a wry smile.
Stop daydreaming, girl, Julian quipped, It is our turn. He stopped. Phoebe, meet Alessandro, our Greek ambassador and a good friend of minewho, I might add, is a widower, and will be sorely missed by the ladies in the drawing rooms of London when he returns to his own country next month.
Phoebe smiled at Julians informal introduction and held out her hand to the distinguished-looking man standing in front of her. Pleased to meet you. I am Phoebe Brown.
He was a very attractive man, with silver hair and a warm smile, and this ball was apparently his way of saying goodbye to the other ambassadors of the international community in London. Something Julian had omitted to tell her when he had talked her into attending the ball with him.
The pleasure is mine, Phoebe. Now I understand why Julian has spent so much time in Dorset lately. It is always a delight to meet a beautiful woman. His dark eyes twinkled, and she was flattered as he asked her a few questions about her life.
Beginning to relax, she held Julians arm as he let her down the staircase into the elegant ballroom. He took a couple of glasses of champagne from a circling waiter and handed her one.
Not as bad as you feared? He touched his glass to hers. To an interesting night.
Phoebe smiled and took a sip of the excellent champagne. You know, Julian, for once you may be right.
The band struck up a waltz, and Julian took her glass from her hand and placed both on a nearby table. Im sure I can do this, he declared, wrapping an arm around her waist and taking her hand in his. I watched some celebrity ballroom dancing show while I was consigned to the country for so long.
Phoebe laughed out loud. A few weeks with your legs in plaster and being convalescent for another two months watching television does not a dancer make, she quipped.
Oh, ye of little faith, he mocked, and led her onto the dance floor.
Surprisingly, he was an excellent dancer, and Phoebe knew he had not really learnt from the televisionthough it was a fact that his enforced sojourn at the family manor in Dorset was the longest period he had stayed there in his adult life, after smashing both his legs in a motorcycle accident.
Julian, six-feet-two, twenty-nine years old, unmarried and undeniably handsome, with blond hair, grey eyes and a wicked smile, enjoyed playing the typical man about town. But after being a long-time family friend over the last few months he had developed his relationship with Phoebe into something a bit more. At first she had thought it was because, devoid of much female company in rural Dorset, he considered her his best bet. But his kisses were persuasive, and he had almost convinced her otherwise. Tonight they were staying at his London apartment after the ball, and though he had never said she got the impression he was hoping for a lot more than kisses. But, having been burnt before, she was still a bit wary.
In fact she wasnt sure she wouldnt have changed her mind if she had known the ball was at the Greek Embassy before they had arrived. But it was too late. Besides, no doubt her fears were groundless, she decided, and she was thoroughly enjoying herself.
Penny for your thoughts?
Phoebe grinned up at him. Oh, they are worth a lot more than that. If you are good, I will tell you later, she teased, and he stopped for a second and held her closer.
Trust me, I can be very good when the occasion arises. The look in his eyes was sexually explicit.
Behave yourself and dance, she said, smiling, pleased by the sudden slight tingle of awareness she felt. Maybe tonight would be the right time to move on. She had certainly been celibate far too long
Then the hairs on the back of her neck began to prickle, and she had the oddest feeling it had nothing to do with Julian. Someone was watching her.
Ten minutes later, standing at the bar in an adjoining room, Julian ordered a whisky and soda. He wasnt a champagne man. He ordered a fruit juice for Phoebe. One glass of champagne was enough for Phoebe, and she was thirsty. The barman served them and, picking up her glass, she took a refreshing drink before placing the glass back on the bar.
This is an embassy, right? she said, grinning up at Julian. So where is the Ferrero Rocher? she teased. She was laughing with him when the ambassador appeared beside them and cut in.
That advert is a very old joke, he chuckled. But I am glad to see you two are enjoying yourselves. Now, allow me to introduce my daughter, Sophia.
Phoebe turned slightly, her eyes still lit with humour, and shook hands with a smiling, raven-haired and very attractive woman.
And this is her boyfriend, Jed Sabbideschairman of the Sabbides Corporation. The ambassador moved to one side. Our families have been friends for years, he inserted, his voice filled with pride as he made the introduction.
At the mention of a name shed hoped never to hear again Phoebe froze, and then he was standing in front of her, and she knew exactly who had been watching her. Her worst fear was stupefying reality.
Speechless and rigid with shock, she stared at him, and for a moment all she could see was the powerfully drawn face of Jed Sabbides, the man who had been her first lover. Her heart hammered in her chest and she drew in a deep, unsteady breath, willing the shock to recede.
He was wearing an elegantly tailored black dinner suit, as were all the men present, with a brilliant white shirt and black bow tie, and his eyes were equally black as they briefly met hers. He looked older, and there were a few threads of grey in the thick curly hair. The planes of his arrogant masculine face were a little sharper, and the lines around his eyes and bracketing his nose a shade deeper. He was in his mid-thirties now, and the extra years had only served to give him an even more impregnable self-assurance, but she would have recognised that harshly handsome face anywhere.
Only by a stupendous effort of will did she force her smile to stay in place as the introductions were made.
Would Jed admit he knew her? That was the question screaming in her mind. No, of course nothe was with his girlfriend, for heavens sake.
Phoebe. A strong, long-fingered hand reached out for hers.
She steeled herself to take the hand he offered, Pleased to see you, Jed, she said noncommittally, still not sure if he was going to admit they knew each other.
The pleasure is all mine, he offered, and the dark eyes that met hers were sardonically mocking. The brilliant charm of his smile that had so captivated her the first time theyd met had gone, lost in the hard tight line of his mouth.
She withdrew her fingers before he could clasp them, but even so she was horrified to feel a familiar electric spark at his brief touch, and glanced away, instinctively moving closer to Julian for protection.
Not that she needed any. Jed obviously did not think it necessary to acknowledge their former relationship, and as far as Phoebe was concerned that was a relief. Apart from Aunt Jemma no one in her life todaynot even Julianknew of her past connection with the man, and that was the way she wanted it to stay
The conversation became general, and Phoebe threw in the occasional comment when Julian drew her into the conversation, but she studiously avoided looking at Jed Sabbides.
Her glance rested instead on Sophia, his girlfriend. She was petite and beautiful, and the gown she wore screamed haute couturea red strapless number that had been designed to cling to her every curve. Sophia was just the type a Greek tycoon like Jed would finally settle for and probably marry, Phoebe thought cynically. Wealthy, with family connections, and of course Greek.
Havent I seen you somewhere before, Phoebe? The deep accented voice slipped the question casually into the conversation, and she had no choice but to look at him again.
This time Phoebe didnt mind. Jed had never considered her good enough for him years agounlike Sophia, who apparently knew all his family and friends, Phoebe had been strictly mistress material. Now she realised she had had a lucky escape, because he certainly was not good for her now
If he thought he could bait her with his sly questions he was wrong. Two could play at that game. She was no longer the naive girl he had seduced, but a mature women. Three years of teaching teenage girls more interested in boys than in learning had taught her to be assertive and resilient.
No, you must be mistaking me for someone else. This is the nearest to Greece I have ever been. He had certainly never taken her
She saw the flicker of dark amusement in his eyes. The swine was enjoying this.
Then maybe you are a model and I have seen your picture in a magazine? he suggested, and she knew he was mocking her.
No, I am afraid not. Luckily for Phoebe his girlfriend took his arm, and stopped her from blurting out sarcastically that he had probably known so many women in his time the faces must blur together after a while
You men know nothing about modeling, Jed, Sophia teased, hanging on to his arm. Phoebe is much too big to be a model. They are all reed-thin, coat hanger types.
Phoebe stopped feeling slightly sorry for Sophia, having a ruthless, arrogant devil like Jed for a boyfriend. A misnomer if ever she had heard one. She decided they made a
good match. Hidden behind the false smile and big brown eyes the woman was a bitchwith a huge bum, she thought rather cattily, not like her at all.
Phoebe had put on a couple of pounds in the past five years, though no one could call her fat. She taught physical education as well as history, and was well toned if slightly bigger in the chest. But there was a very good reason for that, and not one she wanted this pair to discover.
Your girlfriend is so right. She addressed Jed, but looked at Sophia. Actually, I teach history at a girls school near my home, she informed them. Then, picking up her glass from the bar, she took a sip of juice and wished she had never let Julian persuade her to come to the ball.
History, Phoebe? An interesting subject. Which do you prefer to teach? Ancient or modern? Jed asked, with a sardonic arch of a black brow.
The damn man was baiting her again, and she could not help itshe flashed him a fulminating look. Both.
Wise of you. Past history can teach us a lot about people, he drawled.
Was she the only one who heard the cynicism in his tone? Im pretty sure there is not much anyone could teach you, Phoebe snapped, and stopped. Oh, hell! Why couldnt she have kept her big mouth shut? They were all looking at her as if she had taken leave of her senses. Maybe she had. Jed Sabbides had always had that effect on her. But she knew him for what he was and she hated the man.
Julians hearty laugh broke the moment. Ah, Phoebe, I take back what I said about you joining the Foreign Office. His arm came around her shoulders. You would never make a diplomat. The three Greeks smiled rather conde-scendingly, Phoebe thought.

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The Sabbides Secret Baby JACQUELINE BAIRD
The Sabbides Secret Baby


Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Discarded for breaking his rules… Naïve Phoebe Brown fell for Mediterranean magnate Jed Sabbides after he wined, dined and bedded her with a fervour that made her feel cherished. But when Phoebe happily announced she was pregnant Jed was appalled. Didn’t she understand – she was only a pleasing distraction?Sadly Phoebe lost the man she loved, and her baby…Claimed for having his child! So it is with disbelief that, years later, Jed discovers Phoebe has a little boy…who looks just like him!

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