Temperatures Rising

Temperatures Rising
Brenda Jackson
Sherri Griffin knows all about hot, stormy weather.The kind where all a girl wants to do is strip down to her lingerie. A successful radio producer, still nothing can prepare Sherri for being stranded in a hurricane with gorgeous, arrogant Terrence Jeffries.While the gathering clouds bring gale winds and pounding seas, Sherri and Terrence are walking right into a hurricane of passion.

“Don’t you think you can control yourself in here alone with me?” he asked in a teasing voice.
“I’m the one who should be asking you that,” she said, snapping out the words. Too late, she wished she hadn’t, when she saw the darkening in his eyes. The look he was giving her had her pulse beating erratically at the base of her throat.
“Since you brought it up,” he said, his gaze roaming her figure from head to toe. “I was going to be a gentleman and control myself, but now I don’t think I will.”
She backed up and lifted her chin. “You think you’re going to force me to do something against my will?” she asked.
He smiled that sexy smile of his and she knew she’d lost the battle already. That darn dimple did her in. “No, but I may force you to admit something you’re being rather stubborn about. Although our relationship goals in life are different right now, at this very moment in time we want each other and there is no way you can deny it.”
“I do deny it.”
“Let’s see for how long.”
Dear Reader,
I live in Florida and one thing a Floridian knows about is how forceful a hurricane can be, as well as how to get prepared for it. And wouldn’t you know it, parts of this book were written by candlelight when Hurricane Fay decided to blow into town. How ironic is that?
I had fun writing Terrence Jeffries and Sherri Griffin’s story. Terrence was first introduced in my Desire™ story Tall, Dark … Westmoreland!, as the brother of Olivia Jeffries, my heroine in that story. Terrence, a football legend known as the “Holy Terror,” is a man who has no qualms about going after what he wants. Bottom line is that he wants Sherri. But first, together, they have to weather the storm, and that isn’t an easy thing for two strong-willed individuals. Trust me when I say this is a man-versus-nature book in a number of ways.
When I was writing this story, I ate a lot of snack foods while sitting up at night listening to my battery-operated radio when the power went out. I appreciated the DJ who kept everyone sane while the heavy rains and strong winds ripped through the city. Terrence is that type of disc jockey. He is also a man determined to win over the woman he loves.
I hope you enjoy Terrence and Sherri’s story.
Happy reading!
Brenda Jackson

About the Author
BRENDA JACKSON is a die “heart” romantic who married her childhood sweetheart and still proudly wears the “going steady” ring he gave her when she was fifteen. Because she’s always believed in the power of love, Brenda’s stories always have happy endings. In her reallife love story, Brenda and her husband of thirty-seven years live in Jacksonville, Florida, and have two sons.
A New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than fifty romance titles, Brenda is a recent retiree who worked for thirty-seven years in management at a major insurance company. She divides her time between family, writing and traveling. You may write to Brenda at PO Box 28267, Jacksonville, Florida 32226, USA; e-mail her at WriterBJackson@aol.com or visit her website at www.brendajackson.net.

Brenda Jackson

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
To the love of my life, Gerald Jackson, Sr.
To everyone who will be joining me on the 2009 Cruise to Canada. This one is for you!
He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.
—Proverbs 11:29

Chapter 1
“Sherri, I would be honored if you joined me for dinner at my club tonight.”
Sherri Griffin never, ever got headaches, not in all her twenty-seven years. At least not until recently, when she’d taken the job of producer and program director of WLCK, a Key West radio station. That was when she had encountered Terrence Jefferies, a former NFL player for the Miami Dolphins and one of the station’s sports commentators.
He was also the owner of Club Hurricane, a popular nightclub in the Keys frequented by celebrities. From what she’d heard, when Terrence began playing pro football he had been nicknamed the Holy Terror by sportscasters because of his oftentimes surly attitude on the field. Besides Mean Joe Greene, there had not been another defensive tackle that had been so respected and feared. But when it came to pursuing women, he used an entirely different strategy. He was all smooth and debonair and never came across as intimidating or bad. Just relentlessly determined.
The man was also handsome as sin.
Drawing in a deep breath, she pulled herself together before looking up from the document she was reading to acknowledge Terrence’s entry into her office. Her answer today would be the same one she’d given him yesterday, the day before and for the past few weeks. Little did he know, it would take more than a gorgeous face, broad shoulders and tight buns to make her change her mind. She had to admit, though, there was definitely something about muscle shirts and jeans that clearly defined a well-built male body.
“Thanks for the invitation, but I’ll be busy,” she responded.
He simply smiled, and that softening around his lips actually sharpened her senses … as if they weren’t keen enough already where he was concerned. “One of these days I’m going to follow you home to find out just how you’re spending your evenings,” he said in a deep and throaty voice.
Definitely without you in them, she thought, wondering if perhaps she was making a mistake by avoiding him, as her best friend, Kimani Cannon, claimed. According to Kim, whenever the Holy Terror made a pass, any normal woman would run with it and rush for the goal line, not turn away like she constantly did. Kim thought the man was as gorgeous as any man had a right to be, and wildly sexy. Grudgingly, Sherri could only admit Kim was right.
But Terrence also had a reputation a mile long, one she would never be able to tolerate. She hadn’t been at the station a week when his breakup with some wealthy socialite had been plastered all over the front page of the Key West Citizen.
She returned her attention to him, wishing he wouldn’t say her name like that. Doing so always caused her to remember him in her dreams. And yes, she would admit she’d dreamed about the infuriating man a few times, but as far as she was concerned that meant nothing … other than the fact that she was a woman who could appreciate a stunning male with definite sex appeal.
She placed the documents in her hand down on her desk as she met his gaze. “How I spend my evenings shouldn’t concern you, Terrence.”
He smiled again and she tried like heck to ignore the little shivers that ran down her spine. The man had a dimple in his right cheek, for heaven’s sake! She let out a sigh. He was getting to her, and dimple or no dimple, she was determined not to let him. She knew getting her into his bed was all a game to him—a game of conquest that she had no intention of playing.
“And what if I said I wanted to make it my concern?” he asked, sitting on the edge of her desk and leaning in close.
She tried to ignore the clean and manly aroma of his aftershave. “In that case I would say you have more time and energy than you really need. You might want to channel them elsewhere.”
She watched as his mouth—more specifically, his sinfully sculpted lips bordered by a neatly trimmed mustache and beard—eased into a grin. The grin showed his dimple again. She let out a slow breath. If she thought his smile was sexy, then his grin was guaranteed to take a woman’s breath away.
“I’ve been trying to channel them elsewhere for about a month now,” he said in a way that told her he still wasn’t getting her message. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you I decided to channel all my thoughts, my time and my energy solely on you.”
Sherri could only stare at him and wonder if he ever ran out of pick-up lines. Reluctantly, she would even admit he was good at delivering them. It was a good thing that, thanks to Ben Greenfield, she was immune. “Don’t waste your time, Terrence.”
He shook his head and chuckled, and just like the smile and grin before them the chuckle was explosive. She could feel goose bumps forming on her arm. “It will be time worth wasting,” he said, leaning in closer.
She wished she could tell him that she was technically the boss of the radio station and that he was an employee. But she knew that wouldn’t work. Terrence and the station’s owner, Warrick Fields, were good friends and Terrence’s contract stipulated he reported only to Warrick. Everyone’s job was to keep the Holy Terror happy, especially since his show received high ratings each week and pulled in huge sponsorships. There was even talk of the show going into syndication next year.
It didn’t help matters that Warrick Fields was her mother’s twin brother. He had taken her complaints about Terrence with a grain of salt, which proved in this case blood wasn’t thicker than water. Uncle Warrick actually thought Terrence’s “innocent” flirtation was amusing.
“I can see your mind is busy at work,” Terrence said, interrupting her thoughts. “I appreciate a woman who enjoys mulling over things, but now it’s you who’s wasting time. You can’t deny this chemistry between us.”
No, she couldn’t deny it. Nor would she act on it. “I hate to rush you off, Terrence, but as you can see I have plenty to do.”
He glanced at her desk. “I’m going to have to talk to Warrick about that. He shouldn’t work you so hard. You should have playtime.”
She rolled her eyes and imagined just what kind of playtime he was talking about. “I don’t need you to run interference for me. I can hold my own. Thank you.”
“If you’re sure,” he said, smiling and getting to his feet.
“I’m positive.”
“Then I’ll let you get back to work.”
Sherri let out a relieved breath when he turned and headed toward the door. Just her luck, he stopped before walking over the threshold and turned back around. When he caught her gaze, she felt the thud deep in her chest at the same time a heated sensation traveled down her spine. He stood there in her doorway, all six foot three of him, and she could only stare at the well-built body. And his dark eyes were focused right on her.
“I won’t give up, Sherri. I think you know that,” he said in a determined tone. Not intimidating, not threatening. Just promising and unwavering.
Yes, she did know that, and the thought that one day he just might succeed made her pulse pound. But she would continue to resist him since getting involved in a relationship was the last thing on her mind. Building a career at the station was her top priority.
She made no response to what he’d said. He really didn’t give her a chance since he then turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Only then did she lean back in her chair and breathe. His masculine scent lingered in her office and she reached out and touched the spot on her desk where he’d sat. It was hot. The man was so hot-blooded he was capable of leaving heat behind.
He was determined to make trouble and she was just as determined not to let him. She had a job to do. Uncle Warrick was thinking about retiring in another year and he wanted her to be ready to take over as station manager when he did so. She would prove to her uncle that his faith in her was not a mistake, and that she would be more than capable of managing the day-to-day operations of WLCK. Although it seemed the Holy Terror was not going to make her job easy, there was no way she would let him get in the way of her achieving her goal.
She stood and walked to the window and looked out. Key West was a beautiful seaport city and WLCK served the people by being one of the most popular stations in the area. She loved working here.
She had arrived almost a month ago and discovered the radio station that her uncle owned was a nice size compared to others she’d seen. Although the pay scale wasn’t any higher, not too many other stations could boast of having an ocean within walking distance.
The first change she had implemented upon taking the job was reinstating the dress code. According to Uncle Warrick, there had always been a dress code, but somewhere down the line the employees had ignored it, reasoning that it didn’t matter how they looked since the audience couldn’t see them.
Sherri believed in dressing professionally, and in the end she and the staff had compromised. The too-laid-back attire of shorts and flip-flops had gotten ruled out and replaced by business casual, with the majority of the employees wearing jeans and tops. Personally, she’d never been a jeans-wearing woman. While working around a more aristocratic crowd at her uncle’s station in D.C., she had gotten used to business suits. Going from professional to casual wasn’t as easy as she’d thought, but she was working on it.
She glanced at her watch and walked back over to her desk. Terrence’s sports talk show would be airing in a few minutes and she wanted to tune in. Each office was equipped with an intercom that broadcasted all the shows so you could listen at will. Not that she was all into sports, but she made a habit of tuning in to his show, which filled an hour time slot twice a week.
Flipping on the dial of the radio unit beside her desk, she leaned back in her chair and slipped off her shoes with a long sigh. She’d spend the next hour with Terrence Jefferies. The man who was trying to get next to her—and the man she was determined to ignore.
Terrence couldn’t help but smile after hanging up the phone from talking to his sister. Olivia was happy and he was happy for her. It seemed the ugly hands of disaster hadn’t caught her in their clutches the way they had his father.
His mother had walked out on his old man, leaving him with the task of becoming a single father with three kids to raise. Terrence had been ten at the time, Duan twelve and Olivia only three. Things might not have been so bad if the man his mother had run off with hadn’t had a wife and kid of his own.
He was glad Olivia hadn’t listened to their father a few months back when he found out she’d gotten serious about a guy—a guy who just happened to be running against their father for a senate seat in the Georgia General Assembly. She had married Reggie Westmoreland and now she had a man who loved her and a huge family who had embraced her with a warm and sincere welcome.
Terrence glanced at his watch. He had already touched base with Cullen Carlisle, better known as CC, whom he’d hired to manage Club Hurricane a few years ago. According to CC, things were pretty busy for a Tuesday night, which wasn’t surprising considering this was the first week in June. Every year at this time college students headed south before making the trip home, wherever home was for them.
So far there had been only one situation where CC, who stood two inches taller than Terrence and weighed close to two-fifty, had had to intervene to bring order. A lamp on one of the tables had gotten broken and the man responsible quickly paid for the damages. Terrence chuckled. Knowing CC, it was either pay up then or have pieces of the broken lamp shoved down your throat. To say CC took his job seriously was an understatement.
Terrence decided to do something he rarely did—be in bed before ten. Might as well since he hadn’t managed to talk Sherri into joining him at the club.
Sherri Griffin.
It took a lot for him to admit that he was virtually obsessed with the woman and had been since walking into Warrick’s office a month ago and finding her standing there…. Bending over was more like it. She had leaned down to pick a paper clip off the floor. He had appreciated the look of her shapely backside before getting a chance to see her face, and when he had, he had been pleased with the total package.
As he removed the last piece of his clothes to step into the shower, he couldn’t help but recall the exact moment she had straightened her body, turned around and looked into his face. He had stood there, literally transfixed while drinking in the lusciousness of her curves before taking an admiring visual path up to her face.
If there was such a thing as instant, mind-blowing physical attraction, he had experienced it right then and there. A woman being pretty was one thing, but being punch-in-the-gut beautiful was another. First there was the most mesmerizing pair of sable-brown eyes he’d ever seen. Then there was a rounded chin on a medium-brown oval face, the two somehow totally in sync with each other. In addition to the softness of her high cheekbones and her shoulder-length styled hair, she had a pair of lips he would have given anything, possibly even his Heisman Trophy, to get a taste of.
Sizzling heat had instantly invaded his body, and it had taken Warrick saying his name twice before he had dragged his gaze away from her. But not before that same gaze had studied her hands and found her fingers ringless. And not before he’d decided that his six months of sexual draught were about to come to an end.
While Warrick had gone about making introductions, Terrence could tell by the set of Sherri’s jaw that she hadn’t liked the interest he was showing in her and she wouldn’t make things easy for him. No problem there since he was a man who appreciated a challenge every once in a while. Trouble was, he hadn’t counted on her still being a difficult case almost an entire month later. He refused to believe he was losing his touch or that the physical attraction hadn’t been mutual. He had seen the flame that had come alive in her eyes, although she had immediately tried to douse it.
For him, Sherri Griffin projected a number of things and sexual pleasure headed the list. There was something totally feminine and sensually captivating about her. While she tried coming across as all business, he refused to go there with her. The only level he was willing to meet her on was a sexual one. The effect she had on him would make it impossible for things to be otherwise.
So since she wanted to play hard to get, he would start turning up the heat. What the hell. At thirty-four, he still enjoyed having fun and there hadn’t been any excitement in his life since finding out about Olivia’s involvement with their father’s political enemy. And as the warm rush of water trickled over his skin, he quickly came up with a plan to deal with Ms. Griffin.
By the time he got in bed less than an hour later, his body was relaxed and his mind was clear. He didn’t intend to overwhelm her or pressure her. Instead, he would use the oldest trick known to a desperate man, one that included seduction that was impossible to resist. He wasn’t called the Holy Terror for nothing.

Chapter 2
“I can’t believe you turned him down again.”
From the top of the stairs, Sherri looked at Kim, who was still standing below with an astounded expression on her face. Three days a week she and Kim met to jog along the beach where their condos were located. After leaning over and inhaling slow and deep, Sherri straightened her body and placed her hands on her hips.
The disappointment in Kim’s voice was evident, and Sherri couldn’t help wondering why. “Really, Kim, it’s not that bad. He’ll get over it, but now I’m worried as to whether or not you will. What’s with you wanting me to go out with him, knowing his reputation?”
Instead of answering, Kim jogged up the stairs to join her. After taking a huge gulp of water from the water bottle, she said, “Because I know you can handle him.”
If only Kim knew just how wrong she was, Sherri thought. She was still reeling from the side effects of that visit he had made to her office two days ago.
“Besides, you need to indulge yourself in a fling,” Kim added.
Now it was Sherri whose face was filled with astonishment. She couldn’t believe her friend had made such an outlandish statement. “Let me get this right. You think my way to handle him is to have an affair with him?” She saw the smile that lit Kim’s features and wasn’t all that pleased it was at her expense.
“Hey, get the daggers out of your eyes,” Kim said, laughing. “I’m just reminding you of the promise you made to me last year.”
Sherri lifted a brow. “And what promise was that?”
“The promise that once you got out here and were settled, you would let go of that situation with Ben Greenfield and concentrate on meeting someone else.”
Sherri dragged her eyes away from Kim. “I’ve been busy,” she said, which in a way was true.
Kim wiggled her brows. “Now that reminds me of another promise you’ve broken, the one where you swore you would never let work interfere with pursuing a worthwhile relationship with a man. Especially because Ben claimed the reason he was breaking off your engagement was that you could never make time in your busy schedule for him, so he—”
“Found someone else,” Sherri finished for her softly. At the time she’d felt it had been a lousy excuse for his infidelity. His betrayal had hurt.
“You said you wouldn’t give another man the chance to make that claim,” Kim reminded her.
“Which is the reason I refuse to get involved with anyone,” Sherri said. “I don’t have the time right now. I need to learn all I can and—”
“You know all you need to know about running a radio station, Sherri. Come on, this isn’t the first one you’ve managed. All you had to do is become familiar with the setup of WLCK. You’re good at what you do,” Kim said as they began walking slowly toward Sherri’s bungalow.
“You’re welcome. Now back to the reason why you won’t go out with the Holy Terror,” Kim said while looping her arms around her friend’s shoulders.
Sherri couldn’t help but smile. Kim refused to let up, and it served Sherri right for convincing her friend to move to the Keys with her when she had gotten the job offer from her uncle Warrick. Since Kim was a nurse, it hadn’t been hard for her to get a job at one of the hospitals here.
Sherri had just opened her mouth to say something when she saw the floral arrangement in front of her door. “Wow! I wonder where these came from.”
She picked up the vase filled with a beautiful arrangement of mixed flowers. “They’re gorgeous, aren’t they?”
“Yes, so who sent them?” Kim asked.
Sherri pulled off the card and opened it up. Moments later she massaged the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, not wanting to believe the message written on the card.
“Well, Sherri, who sent them?”
She opened her eyes and frowned at Kim. “They’re from Terrence, like you really wouldn’t know,” she said.
Kim placed a hand over her mouth in surprise. “The Holy Terror sent you those?”
Sherri lifted her heard and quirked a brow. “Don’t tell me you’re really surprised about this,” she said.
Kim shrugged. “Well, I am. I did my research on the guy and everything I’ve read about Terrence Jefferies indicates that when it comes to pursuing women he doesn’t put out a lot of effort or give it much thought. He doesn’t have to since women usually flock to him.” She glanced at the floral arrangement. “I would think a lot of thought went into ordering those.”
Sherri would think so, too, but then, she hadn’t gone to the trouble of doing an investigation of Terrence like Kim had done. “I can’t get weakened by this,” she decided to say. “I’ll thank him for the flowers but make absolutely sure he understands that nothing has changed. I still won’t go out with him.”
She looked at the flowers and couldn’t help but smile.
Her smile faded when she noticed the sympathetic look on Kim’s face. Kim knew her better than anyone. “I’m headed for troubled waters, aren’t I?” she asked her friend softly.
Kim chuckled. “Yes, and I hope you can swim.”
Later that night after taking her shower, Sherri put on her silk bathrobe and then curled up on the sofa with the card she’d received with the flowers. Again she read the message Terrence had written.
Please have dinner with me tomorrow night at my club.
The man just wouldn’t give up. She wondered what would happen if she refused him again. Would he continue to be persistent? She felt her body tremble at the thought.
During her first week on the job, Terrence had been out of town attending his sister’s wedding. But from the moment her uncle Warrick had introduced them, she had felt this pull, this sexual chemistry. Unlike him, she had been willing to ignore it, to move on and place her focus on more important issues like becoming acquainted with the day-to-day operations of the station. But that didn’t mean he hadn’t crossed her mind a few times or that he wouldn’t give her system one hell of a jolt whenever she would run into him in the corridors.
She recalled seeing him at the water fountain one day, and the sight of him bending over and drinking water—how his mouth adjusted to take in the liquid—had made her senses whirl and her blood rush through her veins. And when he’d finished, he had licked his lips. She had been totally embarrassed when he had glanced up and seen her staring at him like a ninny.
She reread his card. The least she could do was call and thank him for the flowers, she thought, glancing across the room at them. She had found the perfect spot, right in front of the window. She had the window open and a soft breeze was flowing through, wafting the fragrance toward her.
Before she changed her mind, she called him.
Even with the noise she could hear in the background, Terrence’s deep masculine voice came through the phone loud and distinctively clear. It moved over her skin like a soft caress. “Terrence, this is Sherri.”
“I know. Your name popped up,” he said, and she could just imagine the potency of the smile he had on his lips.
“Thanks for the flowers. They’re beautiful,” she rushed on to say, deciding to stick with the reason she’d phoned and end the call.
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you like them.” There was a pause. Then he asked, “What about dinner? Will you join me tomorrow night here at the club?”
Sherri closed her eyes. In the recesses of her mind, she could actually pick up the scent of his aftershave and could see that enticing smile on his lips, the one that made her feel as if something akin to liquid fire flowed through her veins. She then thought of his body heat, the heat she felt whenever she was around him. The same heat he had left in her office. She opened her eyes when she actually felt the phone tremble in her hands.
She could think of all the reasons she should not have dinner with him. She had gone over them a number of times before, most recently just an hour ago while she was in the shower. In essence, nothing had changed. Yet for some reason she wanted to have dinner with him.
“Yes, I’ll join you for dinner,” she said quickly, accepting that although nothing had changed, she needed to get beyond this thing with him. Maybe having dinner with him this one time would help her do so.
“All right. Do you want me to pick you up or would you rather we meet here?”
She did not want him to pick her up. Him coming into her home for any reason was something she’d rather avoid. “I can meet you there,” she said. “Will six o’clock be okay?”
“Fine. Do you know how to get to Club Hurricane?” he asked.
“Yes. Although I’ve never been there, I’ve passed by it a few times. It looks like a real nice place.”
“It is. And I look forward to showing you around.”
There was something about the way he’d made that last statement that warned her to keep her senses in check while around him. Not doing so would be reckless. “I’ll look forward to it. Good night.”
“Good night, Sherri.”
Sherri clicked off the phone, feeling warm and tingly all through her body. Terrence had a way of making her feel that way, even when he was miles away.
It took a few seconds after disconnecting the call from Sherri for Terrence to remember he had visitors. He glanced across the table at the two men who’d dropped by the club to see him, his best friends Lucas McCoy and Stephen Morales. The three had met while attending the University of Miami and had instantly bonded. Lucas was engaged; his fiancée lived in New York but had agreed to move to Key West after the wedding. He was building a beautiful house for them on his family property.
Stephen, whose birth name was Esteban, was a deputy sheriff. A few years ago he had given up a rather plush job with his father’s successful construction company to work with his paternal grandfather, the local sheriff.
“Are we keeping you from your date, Terrence?” Stephen asked, plastering a huge smile on his face.
“Yeah, man, we can check you out later if we’re in the way,” Lucas followed up by saying.
Terrence returned their gazes, not giving any sign that he was taking either of them seriously. “You’re fine. My date isn’t until tomorrow night.”
“Anyone we know?” Stephen was curious enough to ask.
“No, but eventually you will.” After he’d said the words, he wondered why he was so certain. It wasn’t as if he intended to make Sherri a permanent fixture in his life. In fact, he intended for anything between them—once it got started—to be short-term. At the moment, she was an itch that needed scratching. Bad.
And when had he ever wanted his two closest friends to meet any woman he was involved with? Things with Vicki Waller had been different because she had somehow gotten it into her head that she would one day become Mrs. Terrence Jefferies, although he had told her time and time again that she wouldn’t. Their breakup had made the papers, but only because she had erroneously informed a number of people they were planning to get married.
“So we’re still on for this coming weekend?” Lucas was asking, reclaiming his attention. They had made plans to get some boating time in. Forecasters had predicted nice weather.
“Only if you’re sure Emma isn’t coming to town,” Terrence said, referring to Lucas’s fiancée. Terrence saw the tightening of Lucas’s jaw, and even before his friend spoke he knew what he was about to say. Lucas and Emma had been doing the long-distance-dating thing for almost a year now, but lately it seemed Lucas was traveling more to New York than Emma was coming to Florida.
“I’m sure she won’t be coming,” was Lucas’s terse response.
“Okay, then,” Terrence said, reaching out and squeezing Lucas’s shoulder. “Our weekend on the water is all set.”
“Okay, pal, don’t think we’re letting you off the hook that easy,” Stephen said, grinning. “Who is this woman that just brought a sparkle to your eyes?”
“You’re imagining things,” Terrence said, rolling those same eyes.
“I don’t think so,” Stephen countered. “We want a name.”
Knowing they wouldn’t let up, he said, “Her name is Sherri Griffin. She’s Warrick’s niece and works at the station as a programmer and producer. However, Warrick’s grooming her to be manager when he retires.”
“Is she pretty?” Lucas wanted to know.
Terrence didn’t say anything for a minute while sipping his drink, and then he said, “She is stunning. I mean jaw-dropping gorgeous, even in her business suits.”
Lucas chuckled. “The woman actually wears business suits? Here in the Keys?”
Terrence smiled. “Yes, but I’m sure sooner or later she’ll be coming out of them.” And I’m going to make sure she does.
Later that night Terrence strode through the door of his condo, satisfied that he’d finally gotten Sherri to have dinner with him. Now he had to continue to move forward. Remain calm. Stay in control. Yet he couldn’t overlook the same key questions that persistently reared their inquisitive heads. Why did it matter? Why was getting under Sherri Griffin’s skin so important to him? Why when he thought of such a thing happening did his heart thump furiously in his chest?
He moved to the window and looked out of it with serious eyes. Intense eyes. And to top it off, warning signals were going off in his head. He was not a man who thrived on escalating relationships. For reasons instilled deep within him, he much preferred affairs that led nowhere, and he certainly never considered the thought or possibility that he would diligently pursue a woman who refused to reciprocate the interest.
Yet he was.
He exhaled deeply as he moved toward his bedroom, fully aware that he still had his work cut out for him. For the moment, he wouldn’t spend time questioning why reaching his goal of bedding Sherri Griffin was of vital importance to him.

Chapter 3
Sherri inhaled deeply as she walked through the doors of Club Hurricane. After deciding a change of clothes was in order, she had rushed home from the station to quickly strip off her business suit and shower before slipping into a short pleated skirt and a silk top.
She glanced around and was impressed with the decor of the establishment and its ability to blend both casual and tailored, thanks to a solid wall of glass that provided a panoramic view of the ocean. Immediately she knew she had entered Terrence Jefferies’s domain. It was as high-class as the man himself.
She was greeted by a hostess. “Ms. Griffin?”
Sherri was surprised the woman knew her name. “Yes?”
The hostess smiled. “Mr. Jefferies has asked that I escort you to him.”
Sherri returned the smile. “All right.”
They passed the bar and stage on the way to the part of the club where food was served. Terrence stood there waiting. Sherri’s breath caught the moment she saw him, dressed casually in a pair of white linen slacks and matching long-sleeve shirt that hung outside his pants and made him look muscular and toned. Appearances were important, personally and professionally, and he’d cornered the market for both.
“Thank you, Debbie. I’ll take over from here,” he said, taking Sherri’s hand.
Debbie nodded before walking off, leaving Sherri alone with Terrence. He looked at her and smiled. “Thanks for joining me tonight.”
She felt the nervous tension in her stomach from just the feel of her hand in his. “Thanks for inviting me,” she said.
He then looked down at her from head to toe before returning an appreciative gaze to her face. “You look nice.”
“You look nice, as well.” And she meant it. He was definitely one fine-looking man.
He tightened his hand around hers. “I promised you a tour, so let me show you around.”
“All right.”
“The club is really divided into three sections. When you first enter you have the bar with the big screen for sports enthusiasts. There we not only serve drinks but sandwiches, salads and appetizers. The area across from the bar is where the music is set up so it can be heard in all parts of the club.”
They stopped walking and he gestured to where the band was still setting up. “We have live music on Tuesdays, Thursdays and the weekends. A huge dance floor separates these two areas from the restaurant, which overlooks the ocean.”
She glanced at the huge glass wall that covered the length of the back of the club. “Nice setup.”
“Thanks. It was designed to take into consideration all age groups, from the twentysomething up to the fifty-and-over crowd.” They walked slowly back to the dining area. “This part of the club is my favorite. I tried capturing the Key West flavor while maintaining a classy opulence,” he said proudly.
She glanced over the restaurant. “And I think you succeeded.” On each of the mahogany tables sat a hurricane lantern on top of an ocean-blue tablecloth. The chairs, padded with contoured backs, were shaped like seashells. The design of the chairs and the ocean on the other side of the glass window combined to create a seashore atmosphere while maintaining a high level of classiness.
He then gave her a tour of the kitchen and the rest of the club. “What made you decide on the name?” she asked when they returned to the restaurant area.
He smiled. “Two reasons. First, I played football for the University of Miami Hurricanes, and second, this area is susceptible to more hurricanes than any other part of Florida. I was in my first year of college when Hurricane Andrew blew up. Let’s just say hurricanes have given me a whole new respect for Mother Nature.”
“Hurricanes and all, you do like it here.” It was more of a statement than a question.
He chuckled. “Yes, I like it here. I enjoy going back home to visit, but as far as putting down roots, I can’t imagine living anywhere else.”
He glanced at his watch. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said, keeping a firm grip on her hand while leading her toward an elevator.
Sherri nervously glanced around. “Yes, but aren’t we eating here?”
Another smile touched Terrence’s lips. “No. For space and privacy, my suite upstairs will be better. Do you mind?”
She glanced up at him, searched his face for any indication that she should mind. There was still chemistry between them, she couldn’t deny that, but she didn’t feel threatened at the thought of being alone with him. She forced herself to relax. “No, I don’t mind.”
They stepped into the elevator, and after Terrence pressed a button, the door closed. She’d never noticed just how intimate the inside of an elevator was until now. Nor had she known how hard it was to resist temptation until now. Terrence stood looking at her but saying nothing. He didn’t have to. His eyes said it all.
What she hadn’t read in them before stepping into the elevator was clearly in his gaze now. That longstanding desire she had tried to ignore was obvious. Whether it was because he saw her as a challenge or just the new woman on the block that he had to have a piece of, she wasn’t sure. But there was no doubt in her mind that he wanted her, and, if given the opportunity, he wouldn’t waste any time getting her.
That’s where temptation came in. She was tempted to give in to Kim’s way of thinking: that her constant rejection of his advances was absurd and that women with their heads screwed on right didn’t hesitate to date someone like Terrence. As far as Sherri was concerned, even being here tonight spoke volumes, but she wasn’t ready to throw all caution to the wind. She had a tendency to take things slow, wade in the water before actually taking a dive. But still, all she would have to do now was to reach out and touch him. Feel his muscles. Taste that smile right off his lips.
Before desire could play havoc with her common sense, the elevator door swooshed open. His hand touched the center of her back as he led her out of the elevator, and it took everything within her not to moan from his touch. Her breasts suddenly felt tender. Her nipples felt hard against the fabric of her blouse. And the body heat emanating from him was stirring sensations deep inside her.
They stepped off the elevator into a brightly lit hall, and with his hand still firmly placed on her back, he led her to a room that had a balcony facing the ocean and a table for two had been set. Candlelight and soft music told her they would be sharing a romantic evening.
She glanced around and saw a king-size bed against the wall. When her gaze met his, he read the question in her eyes.
“It’s needed,” he said softly. “On weekends the club stays open until two and it’s easier for me to crash here instead of going home. You’re free to take a look around and enjoy the view of the ocean from the balcony while I phone the kitchen so they can deliver our food.”
She nodded and gave an appreciative glance around the room, making sure her main focus was no longer on the huge bed. As she walked toward the balcony she couldn’t help but be impressed. Just like downstairs, the suite was immaculate. The only difference was that the furnishings in here were modern.
“Would you like something to drink while we wait?”
She stopped walking and glanced over her shoulder. He stood there, braced against a table, his eyes unerringly on her. Her body responded. Just that simple. Just that easy. She wondered if he could gauge her response to him. “Yes.”
“White wine okay?”
She saw his gaze lower to her legs, and instinctively she smoothed the hem of her short skirt along her thighs. “That would be fine. Thanks.” She turned around and continued walking, knowing his eyes watched every step she took. A part of her wished he wouldn’t pay so much attention to her body. Then another part, the one that appreciated the fact she was a woman, didn’t mind at all; in fact, that part was glad he noticed. He was a man, after all. It would be up to her to stay in control and keep things in perspective.
Before stepping out on the balcony she glanced over at his bed once more, wondering how many women he’d had between those sheets and deciding right then and there that no matter how much sexual magnetism he transmitted, she wouldn’t be one of them.
With two wineglasses in his hands, Terrence moved toward the balcony then suddenly stopped when he glanced ahead and saw Sherri. She leaned against the balcony’s rail while the wind gently blew in her hair. He sucked in a deep breath, felt his body get hard and quickly decided it would be best to stay just where he was for the time being. No problem. She hadn’t noted his presence, which gave him the opportunity to notice hers.
She looked sensational, sexy and hot all rolled into one. She was tall, around five-eight, curvy, with a small waist and dark hair that billowed around her shoulders in soft, bouncy waves. Even now her outfit made sweat bead out on his forehead. She had the perfect legs for her short skirt and the perfect breasts for her low-cut blouse and he would love the chance to taste both legs and breasts. If ever there was a reason to call a woman delectable, then this would be it. He could just envision starting at the soles of her feet and working his mouth upward toward her lips, taking time to fully savor the feminine part of her in between. He knew that degree of lovemaking would come later. Right now he needed to work his way up to a simple kiss.
He smiled then, thinking that when they kissed there wouldn’t be anything simple about it. It definitely wouldn’t be anything close to a brush across the lips or a light smooch. He intended to make up for lost time. Work his tongue in her mouth in a way that she would know, would always remember, that he had been there.
Sherri turned when she heard the sound of Terrence returning. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. He was just a man. A man who, if given the opportunity, could change her life forever … but not for the better. She refused to let that happen. She had given one man total access to her heart and she would never do so again.
“Here you are,” he said, handing the glass of wine to her.
“Thanks.” She glanced back at the ocean. “This is such a beautiful view from here. So peaceful.”
He followed her gaze. “You should be here to see it one morning at sunrise.”
She looked at him over the rim of her glass. Was he issuing her an invitation? If so, it was definitely wasted. Instead of responding to what he’d said, she decided to change the subject. “Tell me about Terrence Jefferies.”
He lifted a brow. “What do you want to know?”
“Anything you want to tell me.”
He took a sip of his wine, and it was a few moments before he spoke. “My family lives in Atlanta. There’s my father, my older brother, Duan, who is thirty-six, and my sister, Olivia, who got married last month. Olivia is twenty-seven.”
“What about your mom?”
She saw the way his jaw tensed when he said, “I don’t have a mother.”
She felt bad for asking. Thinking his mother had evidently passed away, she said, “I’m sorry.”
He lifted a brow. “Why? You didn’t do anything.”
“I shouldn’t have asked about your mother,” she said softly.
He stared back at the ocean before meeting her gaze. “My mother isn’t dead, if that’s what you’re thinking. She and my father split when I was ten, Duan was twelve and Olivia was only three. She gave my father full custody of us, kept walking and never looked back.”
“Oh.” Sherri didn’t know what to say. Her parents were still happily married after thirty years, and she couldn’t imagine a woman not keeping in touch with her children. Deciding she needed to change the subject yet again, she said, “How long have you owned the club?”
“About four years. I purchased it right after an injury caused me to stop playing for the Dolphins and I decided to settle here instead of moving back to Atlanta.”
“What made you decide to remain in South Florida?”
“Close friends from college, Stephen Morales and Lucas McCoy. We attended the University of Miami together. Stephen is a deputy sheriff and Lucas renovates houses. Another reason I decided to stay is that I like the area, especially the beaches.”
As he spoke, she noticed his gaze had shifted from her eyes to her lips. A second of silence passed before he said in a deep, husky tone, “There’s something I’ve wanted to do ever since the first day I saw you.”
She fought to quell the sensations flowing through her. “What?”
“This.” And then he lowered his head, skimming her lips lightly a few times before capturing them fully with his.
She felt the room tilt when he masterfully deepened the kiss, deliciously tempting her to submission. She moaned when his tongue roamed freely everywhere in her mouth before grasping hold on hers, toying with it, mating with it, feasting greedily on it. Her control crumbled in the intense and sensual assault of his mouth.
She felt the hardness of him pressing against her middle, and at that very moment her senses, the ones still operating, were thrown into overdrive, and her body felt like it was actually overheating. As shards of pleasure cascaded through her, her stomach tensed. Her nipples pressing against his chest ached. Heat flared between her legs and her pulse beat relentlessly.
When he finally pulled his mouth away, she dropped her face to his chest and stifled another moan. Her defenses were all but shattered as the result of one kiss. She hadn’t expected it. Hadn’t been fully prepared for it. Her mouth had yielded for him in a way it had never yielded for another man.
She lifted her head and met his eyes. The look he gave her was intense. Deep. Sensual. The air surrounding them actually seemed to thicken. She didn’t know what sort of tactics he’d used when he played on the football field, but here, right now, he was using his own sensual weapon to advance and he clearly was determined to reach the goal line with her before the night was over. She opened her mouth to tell him that it was not going to happen when she heard a doorbell.
“Our dinner has arrived.”
His words filtered through her chaotic mind, and before she could say anything, he had taken her hand and was leading her back inside.
He intended to invade her territory.
Although Terrence figured she wouldn’t like it, it would be done. He had gotten a taste of her, a taste that even a full-course meal later, he couldn’t let go of.
Their conversation over dinner he’d dismissed as chitchat. She’d told him about being an only child with a lot of cousins and the only one of them interested in following in her uncle’s footsteps by working in radio. She’d told him about her best friend, Kim, who had decided to move to the Keys with her. She’d told him how she intended to go shopping for a new car by the end of the year. One thing she hadn’t mentioned was her love life, specifically the guy her uncle had mentioned, the one who supposedly had broken her heart last year.
He glanced across the table. After a long, drawn-out silence while they’d enjoyed another glass of wine, he decided to stir up conversation again by coming out and asking point-blank, “Do you engage in affairs?”
From the way her head snapped up and the surprised look on her face, he knew his question had caught her off guard. He watched as she regained her wits and released a long, slow breath. He even felt when the shiver passed through her.
Then he saw a slow smile touch her lips when she said, “I understand that you do.”
She hadn’t answered his question but had made a comment instead, one he fully intended to answer. “Yes, I do,” he murmured truthfully. “Short-term affairs. I don’t do long term.”
“Commitment phobia?”
“Not necessarily. I just decided very early in life that I would die single. Matters of the heart are not for me.”
There was no need to tell her he felt that way because of the pain he’d seen his father endure after his mother had walked out on them for another man, nearly destroying their family in the process. Nor would he mention how as a child he had watched a once happily married man learn to cope as a divorced husband and a single father. A man whose life was filled with pain and sadness and for whom the only thing that mattered in his life was his children. Terrence was convinced to this day that his father had never gotten over the betrayal of his wife.
Just like he had never gotten over the betrayal of his mother.
“Then what about that article I read in the newspaper the first week I arrived? The one about your broken engagement.”
He glanced over at her and decided to set the matter straight. “There was never an engagement. I don’t ever plan to marry, and she knew it. I can only assume that she was hoping I would change my mind.”
Deciding he needed to make sure Sherri fully understood so there would never be any misunderstanding, he held her gaze and then added, “That is one thing I don’t intend to ever change my mind about. I will never marry.”
Sherri could only nod. Terrence was making his position absolutely clear to her, and she appreciated it because she now knew how to handle him in the future. Virtually the same way she’d been doing in the past. She didn’t regret having dinner with him. It had been both enjoyable and enlightening.
It would be easy if she were the type of woman who had no qualms in engaging in the same type of affairs that he did, but she wasn’t. Her parents were enjoying a relatively happy marriage, and although at this point in her career, marriage was the furthest thing from her mind, she still wanted the same for herself one day. A man who would love her and cherish her, give her his babies, his life, his world. Terrence had just told her in no uncertain terms that he was not the man for her. He lived for the moment, and the women he dated would never, ever get close to his heart. She wondered if the way his mother had walked out of his life was the reason. In a way, his take on things was no different from Kim’s. As a child, she had watched her father physically abuse her mother, and because of it, although Kim did on occasion indulge in what she considered a healthy relationship, she never intended to marry.
Thinking the silence between them had extended long enough, she said, “Thanks again for dinner, Terrence. The steak was delicious. I commend your staff. It was the most incredible meal I’ve ever eaten.”
He smiled at her compliment. “Thanks. We aim to please. I suggest you visit on a Wednesday night. It’s ladies’ night and our specialty dessert is a key lime pie that is to die for.”
A smile touched her lips. “I think I will.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s getting late. I’m due in at the station rather early in the morning, and I need a good night’s sleep.”
“You can always stay here for the night.”
She took his kindness for what it was. An invite to roll between the sheets with him. “Thanks, but I prefer my own bed,” she said, getting to her feet.
“You’re sure I can’t entice you to enjoy dessert before you leave?” he asked, getting to his feet, as well. His voice was low and husky, making her wonder just what kind of dessert he was talking about. She had a feeling it wasn’t anything his cooks could whip up in their kitchen. Rather, the two of them would be stirring up all the ingredients.
“Yes, I’m positive. I do need to leave.” Either that or be tempted to take you up on your offer. Although she knew where he stood, he was still temptation, the type she was finding it hard to resist. Even now she could feel sexual tension flowing in the air between them, heightening her full awareness of him as a man.
The kiss they had shared hadn’t helped matters. A part of her wished she could toss caution to the wind and engage in the type of affair he was used to, but she was too quick to give her heart. An involvement with Terrence would be heartbreak just waiting to happen.
But boy, was she tempted …
“If you’re sure that you’re ready to leave, I’ll walk you down.”
His words filtered through her mind and interrupted her thoughts. He was giving her a chance to change her mind, to reconsider his invitation. But she wouldn’t. “Thanks, and yes, I am sure.”
“All right.”
She watched as he rounded the table to walk toward her, and her heart pounded deep in her chest with every step he took. He would escort her down but he intended to kiss her again before he did. She felt it in her bones. She felt his intentions in the very air she was breathing. It was there on his face, in his expression, especially in the eyes that held her in their direct gaze.
She suddenly felt hot, light-headed. When he came to a stop in front of her, saying nothing but concentrating on her mouth, she felt weak in the knees. Although she wanted to deny it, desire was flooding her body. Blood rushed fast and furious through her veins. A hard thump pounded in her chest and a pool of heat gathered between her legs. The last thing she needed at that moment was all these sexual feelings, but they were there, complicating things.
He shifted his gaze lower, and, following the path of his gaze, she saw what now held his attention. Her nipples had hardened and were pressed against her blouse, making her arousal obvious.
His eyes returned to her mouth and he stood there for several moments before finally reaching out and placing his hands at her waist. The smile he gave her made her breath catch, and then he lowered his head and in one absolute imprisonment confined her lips to his.
She wound her arms around his neck. It was either that or slither to the floor from the impact of his kiss. The moment he captured her tongue, she was a goner. Then he released it, taking free rein of her mouth, unrestricted. She felt every touch, every flicker, every bold movement of his tongue—direct, unguarded, unrestrained.
A moan escaped from deep in her throat. She felt her resolve weakening when a scene of her in that bed across the room flashed through her mind. And he was there in that bed with her, hovering over her, making any resistance melt away.
A loud bang below had her jumping back out of his arms, drawing in a deep breath. She suppressed an inner shiver when she met his heated gaze, and she knew if given the chance he would pull her back in his arms and kiss her again, even take it to another level. Lord help her, but she needed to get out of there.
“I need to leave. Now,” she said in a strained voice.
As if he understood, he nodded. “All right.”
Taking her hand in his, he led her out of the room and toward the elevator. Lucky for her the doors opened the moment he pressed the button, and she quickly stepped inside.
When she saw he was about to join her, she said quickly, “You don’t have to ride down with me.”
The smile he gave her made her breath catch. “I know, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Regardless of what you might think, I can be a gentleman,” he said, pushing a button for the lower floor.
Instead of speaking, she just nodded. She would be sure to add gentleman beneath good kisser on her list of his many attributes. Though she tried to ignore him once the elevator closed, he stood against the wall staring at her like he wanted to cross the space separating them and devour her.
She released a deep breath when the elevator stopped and the door swooshed open. She quickly stepped out and headed for the exit door. It was then that she heard the music. The band had started playing and the slow tune they were performing was one of her favorites. She unconsciously slowed her pace.
“Let’s have at least one dance before you leave,” Terrence whispered close to her ear as he took her hand in his.

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Temperatures Rising Brenda Jackson
Temperatures Rising

Brenda Jackson

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Sherri Griffin knows all about hot, stormy weather.The kind where all a girl wants to do is strip down to her lingerie. A successful radio producer, still nothing can prepare Sherri for being stranded in a hurricane with gorgeous, arrogant Terrence Jeffries.While the gathering clouds bring gale winds and pounding seas, Sherri and Terrence are walking right into a hurricane of passion.

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