Dakota Father

Dakota Father
Linda Ford
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesLinda Ford grew up devouring books and making up stories in her head often late at night when she couldn't sleep. But she hadn't planned to write. Instead, she dreamed of running an orphanage. In a way, that dream came true. She married, had four homemade children, adopted ten and lived (at times, endured) the dream. During one of those times when the dream seemed more like a nightmare, when several of the kids were teens and acting out in weird and awful ways, she discovered the wonderfully controllable world of writing.Writing first took her to non-fiction human-interest articles for newspapers and eventually a non-fiction book about tuberculosis set in the 1930s and 1940s (Touched By The White Plague). But romance had always been her first love and she turned to writing love stories. She is multi-published in the CBA market.She lives on a small ranch in Alberta where she can see the mountains every day. She and her husband continue to enjoy their children and grandchildren. Linda also provides care for a paraplegic, double-amputee man. She still finds a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction in creating imaginary worlds, only now she does it on paper or rather, at the computer.

“Miss Archibald, I will say it again.
This is no place for a woman.”
Before he could escape, Jenny spoke. “I’ll leave when I deem it’s appropriate, but I won’t be run off. I won’t be scared off. So don’t even try.”
He turned slowly. “Don’t flatter yourself that I’d bother. You’ll find plenty of challenges without my interference.”
What on earth did he mean? Was there some sort of danger she should be aware of?
But he was gone before she could ask.
She heard the sound of horse hooves and looked out the window in time to see Burke riding away, leaning forward as if anxious to be away from this place. She shivered. Should she be afraid of him?
He turned, saw her at the window. His gaze drilled into her, dark, powerful, full of—
She jerked back and pressed her palm to her throat.
Promise? Hope? Or was it a warning?

shares her life with her rancher husband, a grown son, a live-in client she provides care for and a yappy parrot. She and her husband raised a family of fourteen children, ten adopted, providing her with plenty of opportunity to experience God’s love and faithfulness. They had their share of adventures, as well. Taking twelve kids in a motor home on a three-thousand-mile road trip would be high on the list. They live in Alberta, Canada, close enough to the Rockies to admire them every day. She enjoys writing stories that reveal God’s wondrous love through the lives of her characters.
Linda enjoys hearing from readers. Contact her at linda@lindaford.org or check out her website at www.lindaford.org, where you can also catch her blog, which often carries glimpses of both her writing activities and family life.

Linda Ford
Dakota Father

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
—Psalm 139:14
To my grandparents and great-grandparents, who faced challenges in moving to a new land.
I am in awe of the hardships they endured and conquered. We owe them, and the pioneers like them, a debt of gratitude.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Letter to Reader
Questions for Discussion

Chapter One
Buffalo Hollow, Dakota Territory, 1884
Nineteen-year-old Jenny Archibald spared a moment to dab at her forehead. If only she could escape the heat sucking at her pores and driving two-year-old Meggie to fretfulness. Jenny sensed the annoyance of those who shared the passenger rail car, cooped up in the same hot box as she and Meggie and having to endure the fitful cries of a child.
She pulled a clean cloth from the valise at her feet and spread it over the leather seat across from her. “Meggie, lie down and I’ll fan you.” They’d both be considerably cooler if Meggie didn’t clutch at her neck and struggle in her arms.
Meggie whined a protest but allowed Jenny to put her down and, as she promised, Jenny waved over the child the book she had hoped to read on the trip. She’d naively thought Meggie would sleep the entire way from Center City, Ohio, or be happy to stare out the window at the passing scenery.
After a few minutes of fussing, Meg stuck two fingers in her mouth and her eyelids lowered. Jenny let out a sigh of relief. And hid a smile as the other occupants let out echoing sighs.
She glanced about the car. Apart from a withered old lady mumbling in the far seat, Jenny was the only woman aboard. Across the aisle sat two men who seemed to be business associates. They had persevered in wearing their suit coats for the first hour of the trip but now had shed them and waved paper before their faces trying to cool themselves.
Further along, a cowboy hunched over, his legs stretched out beside the seat in front of him. He spared her a sharp look then pulled his hat low and let his chin fall to his chest.
Jenny told herself she would not look at the man who sat across from the old lady. She’d been aware of him since he joined them several stops back—dressed in black, with black hair, and black eyes that seemed to see everything.
Pa was right when he said to her, “Pepper, you must learn to restrain your impulses. Think before you leap.”
Only it wasn’t that she exactly jumped at the sight of the man. Or the thought of him sitting there so calm and self-contained. More like her heart did a funny little jerk and her eyes jolted to him and away as if controlled by a power beyond her mind.
Like now. Despite her best intentions, she glanced at him. He watched her, his eyes bottomless. Her breath caught in a pool of heat somewhere behind her heart and she couldn’t look away.
It took Meggie’s wail to free her from his intense stare.
“Mama. I want Mama.”
Jenny’s heart ached for this child. How could she begin to comprehend the loss of both parents? As Lena and Mark lay dying of the raging fever that had taken so many lives Jenny promised them she would see their child delivered to Lena’s brother and his wife and stay long enough to see her settled.
She did her best to soothe Meggie and fan her without resorting to picking her up.
The men across the aisle sighed. One muttered loudly enough for the whole car to hear. “You’d think people would know enough to teach their children how to behave in public.”
Jenny stung under the unfair criticism. Meggie wasn’t her child but even if she had been, the child could be excused her crankiness. No doubt she felt the heat even more than the rest of them.
If only she could find some cool refreshing water for her. She’d tasted the water from the jug at the back. It was hot and smelled funny. All she needed was for Meg to take sick. But even that inadequate supply had disappeared a short time ago.
The conductor assured her they would soon reach Buffalo Hollow where she could find fresh water before the next stage of her journey.
The muttering of the old woman increased in volume. She was clearly annoyed with Meggie’s fussing. The slouching cowboy sat up straight, pushed his hat back and fixed Jenny with a belligerent look.
“Needs a good whupping.”
Tears stung the back of Jenny’s eyes. She blinked them back, tossed her head and pursed her lips. She would not let their comments affect her.
“Leave her be. The kid’s as hot and cranky as the rest of us.” The low words from the black-clad man made Jenny’s tongue stick to the roof of her mouth. If only she could find a drink.
She glanced at the speaker, again felt that funny sensation deep in her heart. Knowing her feelings were spilling from her eyes, she ducked her head.
Guilt stung her ears. She’d promised Pa to return as quickly as she could, promised she would then hear Ted’s offer of marriage. It was only a formality. Ma and Pa both highly approved of Ted Rusk who worked with Pa in the store. When Jenny protested she didn’t feel like settling down despite her age, Ma cautioned, “Jenny, you must learn to think with your head not your heart.”
“Ted is steady,” Pa said. “He’ll settle you down.”
They knew what was best for her. And didn’t the scripture instruct her to honor her father and mother? She intended to obey God’s word. Didn’t intend to follow her foolish heart into any more disasters.
Both parents had given cautious consent to her plan to take Meggie to Lena’s family. No doubt they figured this adventure would get her restlessness out of her system.
She hoped it would, that she’d be ready to take her role as Ted’s wife and partner as she intended to. Having given her word, she would fulfill it. Her word was her bond. She would learn to still the restless voice whispering from the dark corners of her imagination. She knew too well the risks of listening to that voice and would never again do so.
Meggie wouldn’t settle and begged to be held. They were both sticky with heat but Jenny gathered the baby in her arms and rocked her, crooning soothing sounds which did little to ease Meggie’s fussing and nothing to ease Jenny’s feeling of being watched.
Stealing a glance from under her eyelashes, she saw the dark-eyed man studying her, a tightness about his mouth. He realized she looked at him and nodded, giving a smile that barely widened his mouth and pushed the tightness upward to his eyes. Yet he didn’t look so much disapproving as simply hot and tired like the rest of them.
She nodded, her own smile small and polite even though inside she felt such an unusual touch of excitement. Again she ducked her head and studied the back of the bench before her.
Lord, I have promises to keep. I have tasks to do. And You know me. I have a side of me that rebels, overreacts, enjoys a breathless gallop. She thought of the verse Ma had drilled into her head and heart, ‘Godliness with contentment is great gain.’ There was no point in longing for things she couldn’t have. She tried to find contentment even as she wondered that God had made her a woman—one who must abide by the tight restraints of society when she longed to be free to explore and adventure. She smiled as she thought of how she had—in the not so distant past—tried to talk Pa into heading for the Black Hills to look for gold.
Pa laughed. “Pepper, don’t let the glitter of gold make you blind to the beauty of stability.”
She loved Pa. He understood her better than anyone, perhaps even better than she understood herself. That’s why she’d promised she and Ted would be engaged as soon as she returned. Pa approved of Ted and thought he would be the perfect mate for her. She trusted Pa’s love and wisdom.
The conductor came through the car calling, “Buffalo Hollow next stop.” He paused at Jenny’s side. “I’ll help you with the little one when we get there.”
Her insides did a tumble as she thought of what faced her. She must find transportation to Lena’s brother’s ranch and turn Meggie over to the man and his wife. She would see Meggie settled as she promised then return home. But—she allowed a trickle of excitement—the settling-in period would surely give her a chance to explore the countryside. Just the thought made her shift so she could watch out the window. The golden prairie drifted past. The sky seemed endless, making her feel small yet light, as if she could float forever under the blue canopy.
The train jerked to a halt, puffing and groaning. The old woman muttered about having to endure the ride longer. All the men rose and headed for the door. Only the black-haired man paused to indicate she should precede him.
Flustered at his kindness, she fumbled to pull the two traveling bags from the overhead rack—an impossible task with Meggie clutched in her arms. She tried to put Meggie on her feet so she could manage but Meggie clung to her and refused to stand.
Jenny grew even warmer as the man patiently waited.
“I’ll take your bags. You carry the child.”
She managed to untangle her thoughts enough to murmur “thank you,” then hurried down the aisle and let the conductor assist her to the platform.
The stranger set her bags on the wooden platform. He considered her with a dark intense look. “Ma’am, if I might give you some advice?”
She nodded.
“Go home. This is no place for a woman and child.” He tipped his head in good-bye and strode away.
“Go home?” she sputtered, but he continued on without a backward glance. No place for a woman and child? Who was he to make such a statement? Lena said her brother had sent for his intended six months ago. That woman had come out—no doubt happily married by now. Besides—she sniffed—did he think women were too fragile for frontier life? Too fussy? Too soft? She sniffed again. She could prove him wrong if he cared to hang about and see.
But of course he didn’t and would never know how she would welcome the challenge of this life if it were offered to her. However, that wasn’t going to happen. She would deliver Meggie and return home to her stable life. But not—she glared at the place where the man had disappeared from sight—because she couldn’t stand the challenge of living out West.

As Burke Edwards rode from town he restrained the urge to lean forward and gallop all the way home. He wouldn’t find any sense of peace and release until he could shed his Sunday-go-to-town clothes for jeans and chaps, and ride out on the prairie. He’d wished for a different outcome to his trip though in the back of his mind he knew the futility of hope. Had known, he supposed, from the first, but he had fought it. Perhaps if he’d accepted it from the beginning, made the necessary changes, all this would have turned out differently.
He sighed and settled back into the saddle, letting the rhythm of riding and the familiar scents and sights of the open prairie soothe his troubled mind.
Unbidden, unwelcome, his thoughts turned back to his recent train ride.
He’d noticed the girl the minute he got on the train—her hair trailing in damp disarray from the roll coiled about her head, her bonnet askew as the baby batted at it, her brown eyes both weary and patient. When he sat facing her he saw how her smiling brown eyes darted about, taking in everything. He admired her for coping with the fussy little girl, for smiling and nodding politely when the other passengers complained of the noise.
But the way she peered out the window in awe brought such a surge of heat to his brain, he’d seen stars. He wanted to tell her, yup, that’s what most of Dakota Territory was like—flat, endless prairie. Great for cows and horses. Deadly for women.
He’d studied her. Held her gaze steadily when she glanced his way. In that moment he’d felt something promising, even hopeful as if she dared him to venture into the unknown with him.
Just remembering that fleeting sensation made him snort. “I guess I’ve learned my lesson,” he muttered to the silent prairie and uninterested horse. This was no place for a woman. He’d told her so then marched away without giving her a chance to reply.
A smile lifted the corners of his mouth. Her eyes had fired up a protest. She’d sputtered. Would have argued if he’d given her opportunity. If he hadn’t learned his lesson a little too well he might have paused long enough to see her let off steam. Instead he marched away. Heard her words of protest follow. Had to steel himself not to turn and satisfy his desire to see how she looked all het up.
For a moment he wondered at her destination. He knew most people from the area who did business at Buffalo Hollow. Hadn’t heard of anyone expecting a visitor. From what he’d overheard the woman explain to the conductor, this was more than a visit. She’d said something about joining an uncle. He’d heard her mention the child’s father dying from a fever and guessed she was a widow.
He shrugged. He’d not see her again, of that he was certain. He only hoped she’d heed his words of warning and leave this country before it destroyed her.
The thoughts he’d been trying to avoid all afternoon flooded his mind, tearing up his plans, his dreams, his future. He’d known it was coming but had refused to accept it. But today had been final. The words left no room for doubt or hope. At twenty-five years of age, he, Burke Edwards, knew his future would take a different shape than the one he’d had in mind when he headed West three years ago with big ideas and bigger dreams.
The ranch came in sight. The house was intended to provide a home for a growing family. It would not happen now. Or ever. The house was only partially finished. He’d intended to extend it further to create a large front room where he and his growing family would gather in the dusk of the evening and enjoy each other’s company. He figured there would be a woman in a rocking chair knitting or mending, he in another chair reading the paper or making plans for the future and someday, children at his feet or on his lap. Knowing it would never happen didn’t make it easy to push those imaginations into the distance, never to be revisited.
Guess he’d known what the final outcome would be because he had abandoned all pretense of work on the house several months ago. It no longer bothered him that it looked forlorn and neglected. He would probably never complete it. No need to. It was adequate for his purposes.
He reined back to study the place and analyze his feelings. Shouldn’t he feel something besides disappointment that there was no reason to finish the house? Shouldn’t he be mourning the fact he and Flora would never marry?
“Guess I’ve known it for a long time. I’ve just been going through the motions of asking, waiting, hoping because I knew that’s what I should do. But you know what, horse? I expect I’m happy enough to let it go. In some ways it’s better that it is over and final.” Still he couldn’t quite shake a sense of failure. He should have walked away from the ranch when he’d seen how Flora felt about it. He didn’t need her parents pointing out that her present condition and her current incarceration in the insane asylum was due, in no small part, to his failure to do so.
He flicked the reins and rode into the yard, turning toward the barn. He dropped to the ground. “Lucky,” he called to the squat little man hanging around the corrals, wielding a pitchfork. The man was past his prime, one leg all gimped up from an accident. But he was handy around the place and had proven to be a loyal friend. “Look after my horse.”
“Okay, Boss.” He dropped the fork and sprinted over to take the reins. “Good trip, Boss?”
“Glad to be home.”
Lucky chuckled. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say.”
“What’s new around here?” He’d only been away two days but it felt like a month.
“Nothing, Boss. Though Mac said he thought the spring over to the west was drying out.”
“I’ll ride over tomorrow and check.”
“And the mosquitoes been awful bad. I’m about to start a smudge over past the barn for the horses.”
“I’ll do it.” Burke welcomed the chance to be out in the open doing something mindless and undemanding. He didn’t want to think of Flora or his failures. He smiled as he recalled the look on the young woman’s face as he warned her this territory was too tough for a woman, then he shook his head.
He didn’t want to think about her, either.
His restlessness returned with a vengeance matching the vicious prairie winds. “Lucky, throw my saddle on another mount. I’ll ride out and have a look at things.” He strode to the house with an urgency that had no cause and quickly changed into his comfortable work clothes. He paused long enough to build the smudge, smeared some lard on the back of his neck to protect himself and rode into the wide open spaces where a man could enjoy forgetfulness.
Forgetfulness was all he sought—all he needed.

Jenny jolted to one side as the buggy bounced along the trail. She feared little, hadn’t blinked when caring for Meggie’s parents in their final days. Nor had she felt anything but a trickle of excitement at the task they had given her before their death—deliver their child to her new guardian. But trepidation gnawed into her bones as the miles passed. She’d soon have to meet Lena’s brother and his wife and inform them of Lena and Mark’s deaths, then turn Meggie over to their care.
Jenny smiled at the child in her arms. It was appreciably cooler riding in the open buggy and Meggie had fallen asleep. She loved this little girl. It would be a wrench to leave her.
“How much farther?” she asked the man she’d hired to take her to the ranch in the far corner of the Dakotas.
“Lookee there and you can see the buildings in the distance.”
She followed the direction he indicated and indeed, saw a cluster of buildings. “Looks almost as big as Buffalo Hollow.” The little prairie town had proved dusty and squat but friendly. The store owner had allowed her to wash Meggie and tidy them both up as best she could. Customers had offered greetings and given her details about the ranch she was about to reach.
“Big place.”
“Boss works his men hard and himself harder.”
“Too bad about what happened.”
When she pressed for details on that latter bit of information she found the people of Buffalo Hollow suddenly reticent.
Too bad? A fire perhaps or a broken bone.
Now, as she studied the far-off buildings, she wished she’d insisted someone tell her what they meant. She could almost hear Pa’s voice and she smiled up into the sky. ‘Pepper, you must learn to guard your inquisitiveness. Sufficient to the day is the trouble thereof.’ He meant everyone had enough troubles and trials of their own without borrowing from others. And that included wanting to know more than she needed about other people.
She turned her attention back to Meggie. Despite her attempts to clean them up in the tiny town, they were both dusty and soiled, and smelled of coal smoke and sour milk. Not the way she would have wanted to arrive on a stranger’s doorstep. She could only hope Meggie’s new guardians cared nothing for such things and only for the well-being of their orphaned niece. Suddenly she wanted this meeting over with and had to remind herself to be patient. Like Pa would say, “Settle down, Pepper. You can’t make the world turn faster.”
They rounded a corner, ducked between two sharp embankments crowned with a jagged row of rocks and headed toward the buildings.
She strained forward, assessing everything. A barn surrounded by rail fences with a horse in one of the pens. Several low buildings on either side of the alleyway running from the barn to the rambling frame house that sat like the crowning jewel a little apart. Smoke twisted from the rock chimney.
She squinted at the house as they drew closer, anxious for a good look, wondering what sort of life Meggie would be thrust into.
A roofed but wall-less lean-to covered the sides of the house—a sort of veranda though it seemed to come to an abrupt halt midway down one wall.
Even several hundred yards away she could see an untidy assortment of things under the roof of the lean-to. As if the barn wasn’t big enough to accommodate the tools of ranching.
“We’s here.” The driver’s announcement was redundant as he pulled to a halt before the house.
“Could you please put my things on the porch?”
He yanked the two bags from the buggy and deposited them. One contained her traveling things and Meggie’s few clothes. The other held most of Lena’s and a few of Mark’s belongings. The bulk of Mark’s possessions had been claimed by his brother, Andy, who also wanted to take Meggie but Lena had been insistent that Meggie go to a married man.
“I don’t want her raised by a bachelor. How would she learn to be a refined lady? No, promise me you’ll take her to my brother. He sent for his bride six months ago. They’ll be happily settled by now. My brother and I were always close. They’ll take good care of my baby.”
Jenny had gladly given her promise and would very shortly fulfill it.
She allowed the driver to help her from the buggy, carefully shifting Meggie from one arm to the other as she descended. The baby wakened and whimpered.
The man stood by his buggy. “I’ll wait and see if anyone has letters to post.”
Meggie hesitated. Why had no one come to the door or strode from one of the outbuildings? She’d glimpsed the shadow of a man in the barn. Seems someone should show a degree of curiosity if not neighborliness but apart from the creak of a gate blowing in the wind and the far-off cry of a hawk, there was no sound of welcome. “This is the right place?”
“The Lazy B. ’Spect all the men are out working but Paquette should be in the back. Want we should go that way?”
“Paquette?” What was that? But if it meant admission to this house, she’d follow the man most anywhere.
“She’s the housekeeper. A Métis.”
She’d heard of the part Indian, part French-Canadian people, many of them descended from the fur traders.
They left the baggage where the man put it and picked their way past overturned buckets and around a huddle of chairs.
They found the back door open. The driver stepped inside with complete confidence and Jenny followed hesitantly. In her world, one didn’t walk into a house unbidden. This, however, was a strange, exciting new world. A thrill trickled through her lungs.
The enormous size of the room surprised her. A scarred wooden table with plank benches along each side and a chair at each end took up the area nearest the door. At the far end, cupboards and a stove—presided over by a little woman so bent and crippled Meggie wondered if she could walk. Her graying hair hung in twin braids down her back, tied with a length of leather. The frayed ends of each braid were black.
“Hullo, Paquette. The boss man about?” the man at her side called.
“I hear him soon ago. Out by de corrals, him. He ride away ’gain. I hear horsesteps. I help you? Me?”
Jenny edged past the driver. “My name is Jenny Archibald. I need to speak to the Edwards. Could you tell Mrs. Edwards I’m here?”
Bent as she was, the woman appeared to regard Jenny from beneath her gray-streaked, black hair with eyes so dark the pupils were indiscernible. “Be no Missus Edwards.” She gave a jerky sort of laugh that seemed oddly full of both mirth and mockery.
“But—” Jenny fell back a step. “There must be.”
“No, Ma’am, there is not.” The deep voice behind her jerked Jenny about so fast it hurt her eyes. She blinked. It was the man from the train. Except—
She narrowed her eyes and looked at him more closely. He looked like a wild cowboy now but with the same dark intense eyes. Yes, it was the same man.
She gathered her thoughts and chose the most obvious one. “Mr. Edwards, I presume?”
“That would be so, though I prefer to be called Burke. But tell me, why must I have a wife?” His words were slow, his voice deadly calm.
She shivered at the way he spoke as if she had insulted him and he was about to demand some sort of retribution. Suddenly the strength drained out the soles of her well-worn black leather boots. As her knees turned soggy, she groped toward the table and plunked down on a bench.
“Perhaps you better explain what it is you want.” He signaled to the woman. “Paquette, bring us coffee, please. Unless…” He silently questioned Jenny.
“Might I have tea?” she whispered.
“Tea, for the lady, Paquette.”
“Yes, boss. Fer de lady. I get de tea.”
Jenny pulled in a long, strengthening draft of air, hot from the stove and rolling with scents of many meals past and present. An explanation, he wanted, did he? Well, seems he had some explaining to do himself. Maybe she’d misunderstood. “No wife?”
“No wife now or ever.”
Mr. Edward’s expression stopped any comment she’d been about to make. Lena said he had sent for his intended six months ago. They should have been married by now.
She reminded herself of all the times Ma had warned her to control her emotions, speak like a lady. Mama, how would a lady speak and act in this situation? Thoughts of Ma settled her and common sense replaced her shock. She’d deal with the facts one at a time.
“Mr. Edwards, I have come with some bad news.”
His eyes narrowed and he sat down a few feet away, forcing her to shift sideways to look into his face.
Ignoring the thunderous warning in his face, not even pausing to wonder what it meant, she rushed on. “I’m sorry to have to inform you your sister, Lena, and her husband, Mark, succumbed to the fever a few days ago. And I have brought your niece to you.”
The man jolted like she’d stomped on his foot and she knew a certain satisfaction at surprising him as much as he’d done her. Her inappropriate feeling fled as quickly at it had come, replaced by sympathy. He’d lost his sister and brother-in-law. “I’m so sorry. Please accept my condolences.”
And somehow he’d managed to lose the woman who was to be his wife. What had happened to her? Why didn’t Lena know this? It sounded very suspicious and she glanced about as if the corners held secrets.
“They’re gone? Both of them?” He swallowed hard and shifted his gaze to the little girl. “This is Meggie?”
Meggie whimpered at the sound of her name.
“She’s hot and tired and missing her parents.” The details regarding his lack of a wife could be sorted out later, after Meggie had been tended to. But what the baby needed most was a new mother figure.
There was no Mrs. Edwards. She tried to get her thoughts around the unwelcome information. Jenny glanced at the man in continuing disbelief.
His gaze held hers in the same steady probing look that had trapped her on the train. She tried to free herself. Tried to think what she must do now.
Paquette set steaming cups at the table.
The driver sucked back black tea.
Jenny bent her head, ran her finger along the tiny handle.
This was not how things were to be.

Chapter Two
Burke stared at the young woman. Lena was dead? His baby sister and her husband? The only family he had? A sour taste like gall stung his throat. He’d cared for Lena after their parents died when he was sixteen and she fourteen. He’d found work, provided them a home, been her chaperone at outings. Only when she had Mark to care for her had he felt free to head west, full of plans for the future. He’d never considered Lena wouldn’t always be there. He should have stayed and protected her. But shouldn’t Mark have been doing that?
They were both gone. Taken by something no one could control but God. And God seemed not to care about the troubling affairs of individuals. No doubt He had his hands full running the world and taking care of the stars in space.
Burke had gotten his ranch. He’d planned to be married by how, perhaps even have a new little Edwards boy or girl to look forward to.
That wasn’t going to happen now. Suddenly he felt very alone.
He considered the fussing child. This baby was Meggie? He’d never seen her except for a likeness Lena had sent in a letter. He hadn’t seen Lena and Mark since their marriage just before he headed west.
He choked back the thick bitterness clogging the back of his throat. Meggie was the only family he had left. A fierce protectiveness clawed at his gut. This child was now his. But what was he going to do with a little girl? If she’d been a boy…
The young woman coughed discreetly. “This changes everything. Lena was very clear that Meggie was to be raised by a mother and father. I’ll take her back home and raise her myself. After I marry.”
His fists clenched of their own accord. He uncurled them and planted his hands on his knees, deceptively calm while inside raged a storm a thousand times more fierce than the one he had endured only yesterday at Flora’s side. The thought of losing Meggie about tore his heart out. And who was this stranger that she thought she had a say in it?
“I think we better start at the beginning. I’m Burke Edwards, Lena’s brother and now Meggie’s guardian. This is my home.” He waved a hand to encompass the room where they sat, suddenly aware of the inadequacies of his home. The leather straps he’d been soaping tossed in the corner, the clutter of pots hung on the wall because the cupboard he’d started to build sat in the back of the barn, unfinished. The rest of the house offered even less. The front room only a thought in his head, the bedrooms, intended for a family, used mostly for storage except for the one Paquette occupied.
To her credit the woman before him revealed little shock as she glanced about. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Jenny Archibald.” She held out a very tiny hand clad in soft kid leather.
He spared her a closer look. She wore what he expected was a fashionably appropriate but totally impractical bonnet. Her traveling outfit was of fine gray broadcloth although it now showed signs of her trip. She was every inch a city girl though her eyes blared with challenge.
“How did you know Lena?”
“We became friends when they moved to Center City, Ohio.”
“Lena and Mark were very specific in their instructions regarding their daughter.”
Did he detect a hint of defiance in her voice? And the sheen of tears in her eyes. No doubt she found this whole ordeal most taxing. Well, he could relieve her of her problems immediately. “No need for you to concern yourself further about my niece. I will assume responsibility for her here and now. You can return with Mr. Zach.” He indicated the man she’d hired from the livery barn who watched the proceedings with avid curiosity. By the time he was back in town in fifteen minutes, everyone would know Burke’s current situation. He drew in a breath that had to struggle past an angry tightness. Adding this to the speculation about Flora and Burke would provide enough fodder for many a delicious evening of head shaking and tsking.
Jenny drew herself tall and gave him a look fit to brand his forehead. “And how, may I ask, do you intend to care for a two-year-old child?”
“I’ll manage.”
Paquette mumbled something in French or perhaps Cree in the background.
“It isn’t like I’m here alone.”
Jenny’s eyes flickered in disbelief and if he wasn’t mistaken, amusement was the reason her eyes crinkled at the corners. “I suppose you intend to put her on a horse and teach her to hold the reins as you chase cows.”
It was so close to what he figured he’d do that he lowered his eyes lest she see his acknowledgement. Meggie had the same golden brown hair and light brown eyes Lena had. “She’s very much like her mother.” The way his voice had grown soft revealed far too much of what he felt—loss and pain that twisted through him with the cruelty of an internal auger.
“She is.” Jenny’s voice softened too and trembled slightly. She cleared her throat. “I realize she’s your niece. I’m sure you feel a sense of responsibility toward her, but be honest. You can’t possibly hope to provide her with a proper home.” She pushed to her feet, ignoring Meggie’s wails. Perching the child on one hip she turned to Paquette. “Thank you for tea.”
“Baby need food. Need loving. Need sleep, her.” The two women considered each other silently, some unspoken message passing between them.
Burke watched, wondering about the way Paquette’s eyes flashed from Meggie to him.
Jenny turned to Mr. Zach. “May I ride back to Buffalo Hollow with you?”
Zach scrambled from the table. “Certainly, ma’am.”
Jenny took two steps toward the door, Meggie clutched to her side, before Burke realized what she had in mind.
He bolted to his feet. “Now hold on just one minute. I am this child’s uncle and as her last living relative, I am most certainly her guardian. You can ride back to Buffalo Hollow with Zach and catch the next train back home but you are not taking Meggie with you.” He reached for the little girl.
Meggie’s eyes grew wide. Her mouth opened in a perfect O. She clung to Jenny’s neck. For a moment, Burke struggled to extract the child from Jenny’s arms. Jenny would not release her and Meggie fought him.
“Let her go,” Burke ordered.
A fierce, angry look crossed Jenny’s face and then it fled. She nodded and released her grasp.
Meggie screeched fit to stampede every cow within a hundred miles. She threw her head back, arched her little body and turned into a writhing bundle of resistance.
Burke almost dropped her in surprise. His ears hurt from the noise. But he had to prove he could handle this. “Meggie, I’m your Uncle Burke.” He had to shout and even then he doubted Meggie heard a thing. She was every bit as hard to hold as an eight hundred pound steer as she reached for Jenny. Burke backed up so she couldn’t touch the woman. But Meggie refused to come with him and hung suspended between the two.
Jenny watched, silently challenging him to admit defeat.
He would not. He turned his back on her and held the child so they were face to face. “Meggie, look at me.”
But Meggie tossed her head side to side, still screaming, tears washing her face. He sat her on the table hoping that would calm her. It didn’t and he struggled to keep her from throwing herself flat-out.
Paquette shuffled over. “Boss man not know babies. Boss man need help, no?”
Obviously he did. He nodded toward Paquette indicating she could help him.
She shook her head. “Paquette not strong no more. Paquette not look after baby.” She waved toward Jenny. “Give baby to lady.”
“No!” He shouted the word. Startled, Meggie gulped back a sob and stared at him, her eyes wide and filled with fear. It burned clear through that she should be afraid of him. But it was only because they were strangers. “I’ve lost everything, everyone. Meggie is all I have left.” Seems God was prepared to allow him this much and he wasn’t about to let it go.
At the sound of her name, Meggie again shrieked.
Paquette shook her head. “Boss man biting off big chunk of tough meat.” She retreated to the stove.
Surely Meggie would soon run out of steam. But she showed no sign of relenting.
He flung a look over his shoulder.
Jenny and Zach stood at the doorway. Zach looked ready to fly away in a heartbeat. Jenny simply stood patiently, her arms crossed as if she knew he wouldn’t be able to handle the child and waited for him to admit it.
At that moment he knew nothing in the world would induce him to let this child go. “She isn’t going to settle so long as you’re there. Please leave. Go back to town with Zach.”
Meggie’s wails did not let him forget how powerless he was to deal with her.
“Mr. Zach, you can go,” Jenny said. “I’m not going to leave Meggie like this.”
The man nodded and strode away.

Jenny knew her eyes flashed defiance. It was an attitude she’d tried hard to quell but Burke’s behavior undid all her carefully fought gains. How dare he tell her to leave? As if she were to blame for the fact Meggie was crying. As well she should. She’d never seen this man before and he had rudely wrenched her from Jenny’s grasp.
Being her uncle gave him no right.
As she boldly, defiantly met his startled look, she realized what she’d done. This was not what she’d planned. A few days. A week. Two if she pushed it, to allow Meggie time to get used to her new guardians, with a Mrs. Edwards taking over Meggie’s care. Then Jenny would return home to her promises. Now what?
It wasn’t like she had a lot of choice. She glanced around. A crippled old woman who mumbled and fiddled with things on the cupboard and made it clear as the air outside the door that she wasn’t up to looking after a child. As if she needed to speak the words. Her first look had given Jenny the necessary information. Paquette was so crippled Jenny wondered if she could lift a pot of water which she did so right before Jenny’s eyes. Barely. The woman must be in constant pain.
She shifted her attention back to Burke. He looked like he wanted to throw a brand on the baby.
She could hardly leave Meggie here under these circumstances.
“Where is your…fiancée?”
Paquette grumbled loudly but Jenny couldn’t make out what she said.
Burke scowled. “She’s gone. That’s all you need to know.”
Well, fine. He was entitled to his secrets, as was she.
Then the enormity of her situation hit her and she plunked to the hard bench. Here she was with a man who looked like he cared nothing what people thought and an old woman who—what would Ma and Pa think? What would they say? Pa had warned her to act wisely, speak carefully and live a life that gave people no cause to whisper about her. She knew her reputation was a precious thing and didn’t intend to compromise it. She shivered. Not after her narrow escape.
Meggie thrust herself into Jenny’s arms and Jenny held her close, finding comfort in the way the baby clung to her. She had a responsibility to this little one. But would everyone understand her choice?
She fired another look at Burke. “I intend to stay until suitable arrangements have been made for this child and she is settled.” Her decision raised all sorts of quandaries. “Where do you…will I—?” Heat crawled up her neck and stung the tips of her ears. She couldn’t even voice her concern. Where did he sleep? Where would she sleep?
Burke leaned back on the heels of his dusty cowboy boots and grinned. “Got yourself into a predicament, did you? Didn’t check out the situation before you made your bold decision?”
Bold. The word clawed through her mind. How often had Pa said she was too bold? How often had Ma said it would get her into trouble?
Boots thudded on the wooden floor outside and Mr. Zach appeared, carrying her luggage. “Thought I’d carry your bags inside.”
“Not too late to change your mind and go back with Zach.”
Burke’s voice was low, insistent, as if he not only thought she should do so, but felt an urgency she should.
Meggie in her arms, she pushed to her feet and faced him knowing her determination blared across her face. “If I can take Meggie.”
“’Fraid I can’t let you do that.”
Slowly she nodded. “Then I’m afraid I must stay with her until you get married.”
Ignoring Burke’s sputter of protest, she thanked Mr. Zach, who hesitated then slowly retreated. As she listened to the buggy rattle from the yard she knew she was irrevocably committed to this decision.
She stared hard at Burke, each of them taking stock of the other’s reserve of stubbornness. She narrowed her eyes, hoped he would see she would not back down. Not now. Not ever. Not until arrangements were up to what Lena would expect.
The look he gave her might have made her shiver if she had been the quiet, refined lady her parents hoped for instead of one who acted first, thought later, afraid of nothing and no one. She remembered Ma’s admonition to moderate her boldness and lowered her gaze. “I hope we can arrange a suitable living arrangement.”
Burke snorted. “And what do you intend to do if we can’t? Shouldn’t you have thought of that before you sent Zach away?” He sighed. “It’s too late to ride with him but I’ll take you back.”
“Why are you so determined to get rid of me?”
“Because you don’t belong. Better you accept it right now before you get in over your head.”
Little did he know that she was already in that situation, but it would not cause her to abandon Meggie whose warm arms clung around Jenny’s neck, her face buried against Jenny’s shoulder.
“It’s not too late to change your mind.”
“I’ll let you know when I’m ready to leave. But I can assure you it won’t be until I’m satisfied Meggie will be properly taken care of.”
His gaze darkened. “I don’t think that’s your call to make.”
“I disagree. Lena and Mark trusted me with seeing Meggie properly settled. I intend to do just that. Now—” she glanced about “—if you would be kind enough to show me where we might clean up.”
He didn’t move a muscle or give any indication he would help in any way.
Jenny shot a glance toward Paquette who met her gaze with what Jenny could only take as a mixture of pity and compassion.
“Boss, she and baby use room next mine. It be big ’nough.”
Burke groaned. “This is a mistake we’ll all live to regret.”
Jenny didn’t know if he addressed her or Paquette but she understood her decision to stay was the mistake he referred to, and it undid all her efforts at being reserved. “I fail to see why you should view this as a disaster in the making. I simply have a job to do—see Meggie is settled.” She refrained from adding she would insist on several other changes, too—but a glance around revealed a hundred things that would be dangerous to a toddler. And it didn’t require more than a fleeting acquaintance with the setup to realize there was no one in the present company who could care for Meggie. Until she solved that problem she would be staying. “I think if we all cooperate things should go swimmingly.”
He looked at the roof as if hoping for divine help.
Exactly what she needed. My Father in heaven, guide me and protect me as I help Meggie settle in. Help me be wise and cautious.
“Paquette, show her the room.” He headed for the door then paused. “Miss Archibald, I will say it again. This is no place for a woman. You might do well to heed my warning.”
Before he could escape, Jenny spoke. “I’ll leave when I deem it’s appropriate but I won’t be run off. I won’t be scared off. So don’t even try.”
He turned slowly, his expression full of pity. “Don’t flatter yourself that I’d bother. You’ll find plenty of challenges without my interference.”
What on earth did he mean? A trembling worm of warning skittered across her neck. Was there some sort of danger she should be aware of? But he was gone before she could ask. That left Paquette as her only source of information. “What was he talking about? Is there something I should know?”
Paquette grinned, her black eyes snapping. “Boss be…” She fluttered her hands as if to indicate the man was unstable.
The trembling in Jenny’s neck developed talons. Was the man dangerous? She’d heard tales of men losing their minds out in the vast empty prairie. Why, Pa had saved a newspaper story just to show her, warn her. “You need to be on your guard, Pepper. Strange things happen out there and you’ll be on your own.” For proof he’d allowed her to read the story of a bachelor who had gone out of his head from the loneliness and ran out into the cold clad only in his union suit, firing his rifle into the air. The report said it was a miracle no one had been shot.
“He’s not given to doing strange things, is he?” She needed answers, needed to know what to expect so she could be ready.
Paquette looked surprised then chortled. “He not the crazy one.”
Somehow Jenny found that less than assuring. “Who is?”
The older woman shook her head. “Lots people crazy. Lots people. Now come. I show you de room.”
Jenny wanted more information. Who was crazy? Were they a threat to her? Or more importantly, Meggie? Then she followed Paquette into a room and her questions were forgotten.
“Need cleaning, it.”
Jenny almost laughed at Paquette’s understated words. From what she could see the room served as a catchall for both farm and home. Bits of wood were scattered on one side along with hammer, saw and nails. As if a building project had come to a halt at that very spot. As obviously it had. The walls were unfinished uprights. The window only roughly framed. It looked like the abandoned building materials had served as a magnet to other forgotten items—an overcoat, foot warmers, a bundle of canvas….
She shuddered. She and Meggie were expected to sleep here?
“Boss man sleep bunkhouse. Wit de men, him. For long time now. Since—” She didn’t finish.
Another secret. “Since when, Paquette?”
Paquette shook her head and backed from the room. “You be fixing room, no?”
Jenny understood she would be getting no answers from Paquette. All she could do was keep her eyes open and be alert to anything out of the ordinary. In the meantime…
She stared at the room. Only one way to get it ready for habitation…start hauling out stuff. She cleared a spot for Meggie in the center of the bed, retrieved her bags and found a little blanket for the baby to sit on. She pulled out the little rag doll Lena had so lovingly stitched and settled Meggie to play.
As she worked, words raced through her head—crazy, warning, mistake. There were far too many unanswered questions for her to feel safe. She heard the sound of horse hooves and picked her way across the room to the window in time to see Burke ride away, his well-worn cowboy hat pushed low on his head, leaning forward as if anxious to be away from this place. She shivered. Should she be afraid of him?
He turned, saw her at the window. His gaze drilled into her, dark, powerful, full of—
She jerked back and pressed her palm to her throat.
Promise? Hope? Or was it despair? Warning?
Was she seeing things she wanted to or things that were real?
In a flash she thought of the way he watched her on the train. Had he been kind or something sinister? No. He’d been kind and polite. Her imagination was simply getting out of control. He’d defended her before the others in the train. He’d helped her with her bags.
And he’d warned her not once but twice that she didn’t belong here.
Why? What lay behind his warning? Kindness or something else? What secret lay behind his not being married?
Sufficient to the day is the trouble thereof.
Pa’s oft-spoke words released her tensions and she laughed. None of those things mattered. She had a task to do and she would do it. She would keep her promise to Lena and Mark.
Meggie had fallen asleep, the rag doll clutched in one hand.
While she slept, Jenny quickly changed into a dark skirt and a wrinkled shirtwaist. It could do with ironing but at least it was clean and considerably cooler than her traveling outfit. Then she surveyed the room. There was nothing she enjoyed more than a task of significance and this was a big one. She tackled the job with vigor, singing softly as she worked.

Burke rode for half an hour, a leisurely, enjoy-the-quiet type ride. Out here he found peace and solitude—something he feared he would not find at home in the future.
He reached the spring Mac had expressed concern about, took his shovel and attacked it, tossing out heaps of dirt. The work did its job—releasing the tension that started at the first sight of Jenny in his house, and built steadily throughout her announcement that Lena and Mark had died until it peaked when she informed him she would stay. He should have insisted she leave. Before this country sent her screaming into the distance.
He paused to suck in air. Lena was dead. Her husband, too. He let sorrow drench his pores, let it ease out in the sweaty drops beading his skin. He would miss her.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
He would not finish the sentence…blessed be the name of the Lord. The taking held no blessing in his opinion. Only regret and sorrow. Deep sorrow.
He returned to digging out the hole until water broke loose and flowed freely into the shallow pit he’d fashioned last year. At the scent and sound of water, a nearby cow bellowed and headed toward him. The call echoed across the short grass and was picked up and passed along by other cows until he could see them running like a living, shrinking circle.
The first cow saw him and balked. A human on foot made her nervous.
He obligingly swung into the saddle.
The cow tossed her head and raced onward, her calf skipping at her side.
The herd neared. As they crowded in for water, he smiled. A man could forget his troubles out here.
And just like cows heading for water his thoughts headed for home. What was he going to do about Jenny? She didn’t belong out in this country. But he couldn’t seem to persuade her otherwise. And until he did, he was stuck with her.
How could he best prove to her he didn’t need her?
He thought of little Meggie crying and struggling in his arms and amended his question—he didn’t need her for long.
He considered his options. First, he didn’t want any pretty young woman languishing out here in order to care for Meggie. He would manage her care. All he had to do was give her a few days to get used to him and then he would simply take her with him as he worked. She’d grow up as his sidekick.
Someone to share his life with. The idea gave him a jolt of pleasure.
Carefully, he laid out his plan. A few days for her to get to know him, and then they’d ride and work together.
And Jenny could return to her safe home back east. Before it was too late.
That settled, he reined around and headed back to the ranch. Paquette would wonder at him returning before suppertime but he figured the sooner he got working on his plan, the sooner it would be fulfilled.
A few minutes later, he strode toward the house, trying to think how he should start getting to know Meggie. Only two years old. No doubt shy. Certainly frightened. Like a barn kitten seeing a human up close for the first time. He’d tame Meggie the same way…slow, patient and with…he laughed. Doubted she would like milk straight from the cow in a warm stream. What did a child like? Perhaps Paquette would know.
He slipped inside. The kitchen was empty but sounds came from the far side of the house. He followed the voices around the house and stopped short at what he saw.
Jenny stood before a stack of boards and blankets, boots and saws all in a heap fifty feet from the house. She’d taken off the ridiculously impractical thing she wore on her arrival and wore an ordinary shirt and skirt. Not that he thought it changed who she really was.
She spoke to Paquette. “I’m sure it can be arranged for someone to haul this stuff away where it will pose no threat to a small child.”
Paquette stood on the veranda shaking her head and making disapproving noises. “Boss not like stuff throw out like dis.”
“Meggie and I can’t sleep in the midst of debris and dirt. She’s a baby. She needs a safe, clean environment.”
Burke sighed and filled in the other things Jenny no doubt figured Meggie needed—things like neighbors, church, town activities, pretty clothes. He’d heard it all. Tried to convince Flora those things weren’t necessary but it was the land itself that defeated him. Flora thought the prairies desolate; the wind haunting. She swore they would drive her mad.
She was right in the end.
But he would teach Meggie to be different.
He could only do it without some city gal filling her mind with frivolities.
He cleared his throat to announce his presence.
“I finish de supper,” Paquette said and shuffled indoors.
Jenny dusted her hands. “I’m cleaning out the room you’ve allotted me.”
“So I see. Is all this necessary?”
She smiled. “I guess only you could say. But necessary or not, it won’t be sharing my quarters.”
He knew from the way her eyes flashed that she had purposely misunderstood him. He meant was it necessary to move everything out to the middle of the yard. But he let it pass. “Where’s Meggie?”
“Sleeping. I better check on her.” She would have slipped past him except he moved to block her path.
“I think you better accept that we have different agendas here.”
Her eyebrows headed for the sky. “Really? I thought we both had Meggie’s best interests in mind. Her health and safety and happiness. Am I mistaken in thinking so?”
Her quiet challenge edged through his arguments and completely disarmed him. “On Meggie’s behalf, we are agreed. But you won’t be staying any longer than it takes for me and Meggie to make friends.”
Her eyes clear as the sky above, she stared at him. “I’ll leave when I decide everything is as it ought to be for Meggie.” She swung away then turned back. “Unless you figure to have me bodily removed.”
The idea tickled his insides. Somehow he suspected it would require three strong men and a long length of sturdy rope. His amusement trickled into his eyes. He felt them crinkle. Then it caught his mouth and filled his throat and he laughed. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
She blinked at his laughter then her stubbornness seemed to melt away. “I do tend to get all bristly, don’t I? I’m here to see Meggie is settled. We should be able to tolerate each other long enough to accomplish that.” And she marched away.
He scrubbed his chin with one finger. Tolerate her? Now why should she think that? But perhaps she’d been thinking she would tolerate him. Ah well. He had nothing to offer a fine lady. He knew it. His life consisted of the vast lonely prairie and the company of cows and cowboys. He’d teach Meggie to appreciate it all but he had no such misconceptions regarding any young woman. He’d put up with her tolerance only as long as he needed.
Mac and Dug rode to the bunkhouse and Burke sauntered over to see how things were.
“Good to have you back, boss.”
“Good to be back.” He better warn them before they stomped into the house for supper. “There’s company up at the house.”
He could almost feel their ears perk up with interest. The last time he’d had company…no point in thinking about that. It was history. A lesson well learned for them all.
Lucky joined them. Burke felt their cautious curiosity but it was Mac who broke the barrier of silence. “Flora?” His voice was courteous, revealing nothing though Burke knew they likely all hoped to never put up with her dramatics again.
“Flora won’t be back. Ever.”
A silent sigh filled the air.
“She’s still in the—”
Burke nodded. “Her parents are with her. They told me not to come again. Blamed me for how she is.” No more than he blamed himself. He shouldn’t have pushed her, shouldn’t have asked so much from her.
The four men turned and stared at the house. Burke realized he still hadn’t provided them with the necessary information. “My niece is here. Meggie. She’s only two.”
He chuckled at the way all heads turned and surprised eyes stared at him.
Dug swallowed hard, his long thin neck working all the way down. “A little gal?”
Mac, ever practical and blunt said, “Why?”
“My sister and her husband died. I’m now Meggie’s guardian.”
“Sorry, boss,” the three mumbled in unison.
He joined them in staring toward the house. “A young woman brought her out.”
The men shuffled but no one spoke, as if waiting for Burke to say more.
“Name’s Jenny and she’s staying to get Meggie settled in.”
Dug took a straw from his pocket and picked at his teeth. Mac crossed his arms and stared at the house, his expression dour. Burke didn’t bother glancing at Lucky. He felt again their reluctance to voice their concerns about another young woman visiting the ranch.
“She won’t be here long.”
A couple of grunts.
“She hauled all the junk out of the second bedroom and piled it in the middle of the yard on the other side of the house.”
Cautious nods.
“Guess we best haul it away.” He strode across the yard, the men in his wake. They rounded the corner and viewed the pile of junk.
“Boss, all this was in a bedroom?”
“What was ya thinking?”
He shrugged. “Had no need of another bedroom. Paquette only needs one.” He didn’t say the bedroom had been meant for him and Flora. Suddenly the men figured it out and shut up. Except Mac.
“You say this young woman hauled all this out by herself?”
“I came from cleaning out the spring and found it here.”
The men grabbed armloads. “Where you want it?” Dug asked.
“I don’t know. In the barn. Beside the barn. Wherever you think it should be.”
Lucky paused at Burke’s side, his arms loaded with lengths of lumber. “Must be a right spunky gal to drag this all out by herself.”
Spunky? Huh. He didn’t know about that. “All I seen was her stubbornness.”
Mac chuckled softly. “A bird of a different feather maybe.”
The men seemed cheered by that thought as they moved the pile of stuff.
Burke didn’t care what sort of feathers she wore so long as she nested them far away from here. As soon as possible.

Chapter Three
Jenny held Meggie’s hand and led her to the kitchen. Her job at the present was to get Meggie settled and that included introducing her to the house and its occupants.
“Meggie, say hello to Mrs. Paquette.”
“It be only Paquette.” The woman bent forward even more until she was almost eyeball to eyeball with Meggie. The beaded necklace she wore hung within easy grasp. “Pretty baby.” She patted Meggie’s head.
Meggie chuckled and reached for the necklace.
“Don’t touch, Meggie,” Jenny warned.
“Baby not hurt it.” Paquette slipped the necklace over her head and hung it around Meggie’s neck. “You play with.”
“Paquette, are you sure? She might break it or lose it.”
“Not break. Leather string. Not lose. Too big.”
“Thank you. Meggie, tell the lady thank you.”
Meggie looked up from patting the beads. “Pretty. Thank you for pretty.”
Paquette seemed satisfied and turned back to her chores.
“What can I do to help?”
The woman grew very still, her back to Jenny. “I not need help. I be strong as bear.”
Jenny immediately realized the woman felt challenged, as if Jenny had suggested she couldn’t manage. “I’m sure you do very well but I can’t sit around and watch you work. I intend to make myself useful while I’m here.”
Paquette turned slowly and studied Jenny with bottomless eyes. Finally she nodded. “Set de table.”
“Great. How many?”
“Burke and three men. Me.”
She hadn’t included Jenny and Meggie. Was it intentional? Was she not going to be allowed to eat with the others? That wasn’t going to work. Not if Meggie were to feel at home with whomever lived here. Her mind made up, she nodded. “With myself and Meggie that would be seven places.”
She held Paquette’s startled gaze, refusing to back down. Finally the older woman nodded. “Seven.” And turned back to the big pots on the stove.
Jenny found the plates and silverware. She found battered tin cups and put them on. “Shall I fill a jug with water?”
“Water at pump.”
Jenny already had noticed the pump at one end of the cupboard. Much more convenient than having to run outside for water. She found a large enamel jug. As she pumped the water, she looked out the window.
Burke stood at a low building with three men at his side. They all stared toward the house as if waiting for something. Burke reached up and pushed his hat back. The sun hit his face, making each feature sharp. Suddenly he grinned, his gaze still aimed at the house. Her heart skittered in alarm. Did he see her? She backed away. But if he did, he wouldn’t likely smile. He had been less than welcoming. And she had been even less compliant. She had forgotten her upbringing. Father God, forgive me for being so quick to speak my mind. Help me cause no offense.
She vowed she would not react to any further comments from Burke about how soon she would leave and how glad he would be for that time.
The jug was full. As she lifted it Burke and the men trooped across the yard and past the house. A few minutes later they returned, all with their arms full of the things she’d hauled from the bedroom. She chuckled.
Paquette looked out the window to see what amused her. “Boss not like moving stuff.”
Jenny shrugged. What could he do about it? “What else does the boss not like?”
Paquette turned as fast as her crippled body allowed and her mouth worked as she stared at Jenny.
What on earth? It was a simple enough question meant only to help Jenny know how to avoid any upsets. Why did the woman look so sad? Or was it anger?
Paquette ducked away. “Boss not like be hurt.”
“Ahh.” So it was probably both sadness and anger. “And has he been hurt somehow?”
“He not say. I not say.”
That was extremely unhelpful but Jenny knew Paquette would say no more. She couldn’t help admiring the woman for not dipping into gossip or sharing secrets. A most honorable trait.
Paquette checked the pots again. “You ring for men.”
“Sure. How?”
“Out de door.”
Jenny took that to mean the bell hung outside the door. “Come on Meggie, want to help me ring the bell?”
“Me help.”
Hand in hand they went outside. Jenny looked around for a bell. Saw none. She looked again. Saw a metal rod hanging from the rafters. Another piece of rod hung from a nail nearby. This must be the bell. She banged the rods together creating a great clatter.
“Me help.”
She gave the metal bar to Meggie and held her up to bang the bell. Meggie laughed. “Me do more.” She banged and banged, giggling with each crash. Then she handed the rod to Jenny. “You do again.”
Jenny batted at the rod, the racket vastly satisfying. A great way to deal with frustration and she hit the swinging bar as hard as she could. It went flying. She followed its journey and gulped as it landed at the tip of a pair of boots.
Jenny was almost certain she had seen that particular set of footwear already today. Knew they belonged to a man who wasn’t terribly glad to have her here. This would not make him any more glad. Slowly she raised her gaze until it connected with a pair of dark eyes. “Whoops. Guess I got a little too vigorous.”
“Either there’s a fire or the meal is about to dry up and blow away.”
She swallowed hard.
The men she’d seen earlier flanked Burke. She couldn’t look at any of them as embarrassment journeyed up her neck and seared its way across her cheeks. She shifted Meggie closer, feeling the child’s wariness of all these strangers.
“Supper’s ready.” She fled indoors.
Paquette chuckled. “Big racket. Bring de man fast. No?”
“Yes.” Next time she would be more circumspect, more controlled. But a grin tugged at her mouth. It had been fun and maybe next time she’d ring it every bit as hard.
The men had paused at the washstand outside the door and now trooped in and began to take places at the table. Suddenly they saw the number was off and paused, glancing around for someone to direct them.
Jenny hung back, Meggie still in her arms. It wasn’t her place to say where they should sit but all eyes darted at her. If she wasn’t mistaken they all held a bit of nervous wariness. “Please, just go ahead as you always would.”
Paquette placed the heaping bowls on the table. “You be sit at end?” She indicated one of the chairs. The other chair stood at the far end and Burke stood at it like it was his customary place.
Why the sudden cautiousness? Was there a secret order or something? A place she could choose that would usurp some subtle hierarchy? One way to find out. “Where do you usually sit?” She directed her question at Paquette.
Paquette didn’t answer but her gaze sought out the chair.
“You take the chair. I’ll sit wherever is convenient.”
“Sit,” Burke ordered.
A general shuffle followed. Jenny hung back until the men sorted themselves out. The only empty places were next to Burke. She would have chosen to be closer to Paquette but the die was cast and she sat. Meggie refused to leave her lap so Jenny held her.
“Jenny,” Burke said, “Let me introduce my men.” He turned to his right. “Dug—
A man who appeared to be in his early twenties, as lean as a twist of rope, but with a friendly enough expression, grinned at her.
The man she’d glimpsed in the barn. Short, stocky and with a wide grin that made Jenny feel more welcome than she had since she landed on the ground in front of the house.
“Welcome, Miss Jenny,” Lucky said.
Burke’s gaze shifted across the table to the man at Jenny’s left. “And Mac.”
The man had red hair and a red beard and even though he smiled at her, he looked like he’d better fit a frown.
“Pleased to meet all of you and I look forward to getting to know you better during my visit.”
If she wasn’t mistaken they all shot wary looks at Burke. She wondered if he had told them she wouldn’t be staying long.
“Eat,” Paquette said. “Before de fat form.”
Hands reached for the bowls.
Jenny cleared her throat. “Shouldn’t someone say grace?”
The hands jerked back and disappeared under the table. A startled silence filled the room.
Jenny met Burke’s eyes. “Lena would want Meggie raised in a Christian home.”
Burke’s eyes were hard and unyielding. “I ain’t much for praying.”
Wasn’t he a Christian man? Lena certainly thought so. Or was it just discomfort at praying aloud? She waited. The men waited. The room pulsed with waiting.
Burke looked about the table. “Anyone else willing?”
The men mumbled. Only words Jenny made out indicated they thought the boss should do it.
Finally Dug cleared his throat. “Want me to do it?”
“Please.” Burke sounded like he’d been saved some dreadful disaster.
They all bowed their heads. Paquette crossed herself.
Dug sucked in air. “We thank you, Father, for this food. And pray you’ll bless it to our good. Help us live your name to praise, in all we do through all our days. Amen.” He gasped as he finished the words in a rush.
Mac cleared his throat.
“Eat,” Paquette again ordered and the men dug in with haste as if they had to make up for lost time.
Meggie watched them for a moment, silently measuring and assessing.
“Meg, how about some food?” It had been ages since they’d had a good hot meal and the aromas coming from the pot roast and rich gravy made Jenny want to imitate the men in attacking her food. But she had Meggie to think about.
Meggie opened her mouth and waited for Jenny to feed her. She’d abandoned feeding herself after her parents died. Jenny understood it was only her way of coping—going backward a little to a safer, kinder time in her life.
No one spoke as they focused their attention on the food.
Finally Mac swiped his plate clean with a slice of bread and leaned back. Paquette placed a pot of coffee in the middle of the table and he poured himself a mug full.
“Hauled out all that stuff by yourself, did ya?”
Jenny realized he meant the junk from the bedroom. “I did.”
“Not a nice job.”
“Wasn’t bad.”
“Must have been pretty dirty.”
“I sneezed a time or two.” The others filled coffee cups and leaned back. For some reason they seemed mighty interested in this conversation. “Stomped a few spiders but nothing much.”
Lucky chuckled. “See any big spiders.” He held his hands out to indicate one about six inches across.
As a greenhorn Jenny knew she was open season for teasing but she wasn’t falling for that one. She decided to turn the tables. “Phew. One that big is nothing.” She held out her hands to the size Lucky indicated. Slowly she widened the distance between her hands until they were twelve inches apart. “There was one behind the stack of lumber that came at me with a piece of wood. But I fixed him.”
All eyes were on her now. She glanced at Burke, saw his guarded expression. His eyes seemed to grab her and invite her to follow him into exciting adventures. She jerked her gaze away. She was being fanciful. Only place he wanted her was out of here.
“How’d you fix him?” Dug asked.
She glanced around the table, delaying the moment. When she felt everyone waiting for her answer she quirked an eyebrow in a dismissive, doesn’t matter way. “I trapped him in a boot. Tied it shut. Put it on the veranda with its mate. Guess you all better be checking your footwear before you put it on.”
The men stared. Burke laughed first. “She gotcha.”
Startled laughter came from the others and Paquette cackled.
Jenny allowed herself a glance toward Burke. The skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled. His eyes weren’t black as she’d first thought but dark brown and full of warm mirth. She couldn’t pull away. Couldn’t break the moment as they grinned at each other, something silent and sweet passing between them.
“I think she got you, boss,” Mac murmured.
The laughter had ended. How long had they been staring into each other’s eyes? Jenny jerked her gaze away and fussed with Meggie, who worked on a crust of bread.
Burke pushed from the table. “I got things to do.”
The men all bolted to their feet and followed him from the room.
“I’ll help clean up,” Jenny offered as she rose from the table.
“It not for lady,” Paquette protested.
“I’m not here to be pampered.” She carried dishes to the cupboard and tackled washing them. Work was a good way to control her wayward thoughts. As she worked she had but to lift her head to see Burke outside doing something at the corrals, Lucky at his side. Burke moved with a sureness revealing his strength and confidence.
A man who belonged in this new challenging land.
A man who drew some deep longing from a secret place behind her heart.
She jerked her thoughts to a standstill.
She’d listened to those siren voices before—adventure, excitement. It had led to disaster.
She pulled her gaze away.
Father God, help me be wise. Help me heed the counsel of my parents.
She washed the last dish, wiped the table clean. “I think I’ll take Meggie out for a walk before bedtime. She needs fresh air and exercise.”
She took Meggie’s hand and together they went outdoors. She let Meg run the length of the veranda, smiling at the fun the child got from her shoes echoing on the wooden floor. When Meggie climbed down the three steps to the ground, Jenny followed. They wandered down the path toward the open field. The land rose almost imperceptibly but enough that suddenly the countryside lay before her like a great huge blanket. The sun dipped low in the west casting shadows across the land, filling it with dips and hollows. The light caught higher objects almost lifting them from the ground. The land went on and on. Amazing. Awesome.
Jenny lifted her arms to the sky.
She could almost touch the clouds. Float on them across the endless sky.
“Oh, Pa,” she whispered. “If you could see this. Feel what I feel, you’d understand the restlessness of my soul.” She didn’t want to be confined within four walls, constrained by the bounds of town life.
But she would honor her parents. She lowered her arms and crossed them over her chest.
She would keep her word and return.
Surely, once she was back she would forget this moment.
She knew she never would. In fact, she stared at the vast prairie for a long time. She didn’t want to forget. She wanted to brand it forever on her brain, a secret place she could visit in the future and find again, this wonderful sense of freedom.

Burke watched Jenny and Meggie head past the corrals. His arms tingled with apprehension. How would she react when she saw how empty the prairie was around her?
At his side, Lucky watched, too. “She’s different.”
Burke knew what Lucky meant—Jenny was different than Flora.
Lucky went on as if Burke had asked him to explain. “She’s got a sense of humor, for one thing. And she sat with us like she didn’t think she was better.”
Flora had made it clear she would not share the table with servants. She’d wanted Burke to join her at eating separately, expecting Paquette to wait on them.
Burke had refused. It was only a small thing. He should have found a way to compromise. Perhaps it would have made a difference. He watched Jenny as she reached the end of the path and drew to a halt.
In the end it was the emptiness of the land that did in Flora. As it did so many. Why, just a few months ago the marshal had taken away Stan Jones to the north of here and Mr. Abernathy had packed up and gone back east because his wife couldn’t take it anymore. Burke had heard Mrs. Abernathy now had a personal nurse to care for her.
Jenny raised her arms over her head. What was she doing? Trying to hold the emptiness at bay?
Lucky watched, too. “Is she laughing?”
Burke threw down the hammer he held and headed after her. If he didn’t need her to help Meggie settle he would send her back to town first thing in the morning. Before her laughter took on a shrill note.
He had gone but twenty feet when she turned and headed back toward the house. A smile wreathed her face. She looked positively happy—excited even.
Burke shifted direction and returned to the fence he’d been repairing with Lucky’s help.
Lucky continued to stare at Jenny. “She’s different, I tell ya.”
Burke wouldn’t watch her but he couldn’t stop himself from glancing up from pounding a nail. She walked with a carefree swing. Her face glowed as she glanced skyward. Her laughter rang out as Meggie said something. From his first glance he’d been attracted. But nothing had changed—not the land and not him. “She’s only been here a few hours and she isn’t staying more than a few days. No need for her to concern herself with anything but Meggie.” No need for her to think about what life was like out here, how living here day after day would feel.

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Dakota Father Linda Ford

Linda Ford

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesLinda Ford grew up devouring books and making up stories in her head often late at night when she couldn′t sleep. But she hadn′t planned to write. Instead, she dreamed of running an orphanage. In a way, that dream came true. She married, had four homemade children, adopted ten and lived (at times, endured) the dream. During one of those times when the dream seemed more like a nightmare, when several of the kids were teens and acting out in weird and awful ways, she discovered the wonderfully controllable world of writing.Writing first took her to non-fiction human-interest articles for newspapers and eventually a non-fiction book about tuberculosis set in the 1930s and 1940s (Touched By The White Plague). But romance had always been her first love and she turned to writing love stories. She is multi-published in the CBA market.She lives on a small ranch in Alberta where she can see the mountains every day. She and her husband continue to enjoy their children and grandchildren. Linda also provides care for a paraplegic, double-amputee man. She still finds a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction in creating imaginary worlds, only now she does it on paper or rather, at the computer.

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