A Royal Amnesia Scandal

A Royal Amnesia Scandal
Jules Bennett
She’s about to have an unforgettable affair…with her royal boss.He was desperate to forget a broken engagement…until an accident has Prince Lucas Silva forgetting his fiancée’s identity. Now he believes his loyal assistant Kate Barton is his bride-to-be. And she’s under strict orders to keep up the pretense.Playing the role of beloved is no stretch for Kate; she’s had a crush on her boss for years. But palace rules prohibit royalty from mixing with the help, so Kate knows her happiness can’t last. Once Luc regains his memory she could very well be tossed aside…unless the prince is willing to forget the rules, too!

“Look at me,” she ordered. “You know me, Luc.”
Blowing out a breath, Luc hung his head. “I … It’s on the tip of my tongue. Damn, why can’t I remember?” Worry filled his dark eyes.
This was not good, not good at all. She was going to have to get her boss back to the house and call the palace doctor. Obviously Luc’s memory wasn’t cooperating if he couldn’t remember that they worked together. But she didn’t want him panicking; she could do that enough for both of them.
“My name is Kate.” She watched his eyes, hoping to see some recognition, but there was nothing. “I’m your—”
“Fiancée.” A wide smile spread across his face. “Now I remember.”
Before she could correct him, Luc leaned in to capture her lips with a passion she’d never known before.
A Royal Amnesia Scandal
Jules Bennett

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Award-winning author JULES BENNETT is no stranger to romance—she met her husband when she was only fourteen. After dating through high school, the two married. He encouraged her to chase her dream of becoming an author. Jules has now published nearly thirty novels. She and her husband are living their own happily-ever-after while raising two girls. Jules loves to hear from readers through her website, www.julesbennett.com (http://www.julesbennett.com), her Facebook fan page or on Twitter.
I have to dedicate this book to the fabulous Andrea Laurence and Sarah M. Anderson who always come through for me when I need a plot fixed five minutes ago. Wouldn’t go through this crazy journey without you guys!
Table of Contents
Cover (#ub35af549-abfa-56a3-b68d-6afc81032b25)
Introduction (#u83923595-1906-5c2d-a97d-d43164732f53)
Title Page (#ueaa31938-3943-57f8-9313-2e93c8dc2ce9)
About the Author (#u6a3bb0fc-5498-51ea-baec-dff4d627c12a)
Dedication (#u32e8f468-744d-5f02-9f83-4ea5e14c9667)
One (#u7dbafa6f-41dd-5c33-b3aa-db199c901cfa)
Two (#u2b3a71e8-b43b-541e-80ed-c076d1910d4c)
Three (#u0caf851d-bb68-5458-a62f-e73996ee5679)
Four (#u66b5eaa8-355c-5779-86d0-c509ae8cccb3)
Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
One (#ulink_275ef88f-29bc-5102-ae7c-c8ee94a5f33d)
Escaping to the mountains would have been much better for his sanity than coming to his newly purchased private seaside villa off the coast of Portugal.
Kate Barton fully clothed was enough to have any man panting, but Kate running around in a bikini with some flimsy, strapless wrap that knotted right at her cleavage was damn near crippling. The woman had curves, she wasn’t stick-thin like a model and damn if she didn’t know how to work those dips and valleys on that killer body. Not that she ever purposely showcased herself, at least not in the professional setting, but she couldn’t hide what she’d been blessed with, either. Even in a business suit, she rocked any designer’s label.
Luc Silva cursed beneath his breath as he pulled his Jet Ski back to the dock and secured it. His intent in coming here was to escape from the media, escape from the woman who’d betrayed him. So why was he paying a penance with yet another woman?
To ensure privacy for both of them, he’d given Kate the guesthouse. Unfortunately, it and the main house shared the same private beach, damn it. He’d thought purchasing this fixer-upper on a private island, barely up to civilization’s standards, was a brilliant idea at the time. With no internet access and little cell service, it was a perfect hideaway for a member of Ilha Beleza’s royal family. He didn’t want to be near people who knew of or cared about his status. Luc had only one requirement when searching for a hideout: a place to escape. Yet here he was with his sexy, mouthy, curvy assistant.
Not only that, the renovations to the property were only half-done, because he’d needed to get away from reality much sooner than he’d thought he would.
A lying fiancée would do that to a man.
“Your face is burning.”
Luc fisted his hands at his sides as he approached Kate. Was she draped all over that lounge chair on purpose or did she just naturally excel at tormenting men? She’d untied that wrap and now it lay open, as if framing her luscious body covered only by triangles of bright red material and strings.
“I’m not burned,” he retorted, not slowing down as he marched up the white sand.
“Did you apply sunscreen?” she asked, holding an arm over her forehead to shield her eyes from the sun.
The movement shifted her breasts, and the last thing he needed was to be staring at his assistant’s chest, no matter how impressive it was. When she’d started working for him about a year ago, he’d wanted her... He still wanted her, if he was being honest with himself.
She was the absolute best assistant he’d ever had. Her parents still worked for his parents, so hiring Kate had been an easy decision.
A decision he questioned every single time his hormones shot into overdrive when she neared.
He never mingled with staff. He and his parents always kept their personal and professional relationships separate, so as not to create bad press or scandal. It was a rule they felt very strongly about after a scandal generations ago. Rumor had it the family was quite the center of gossip for a while after an assistant let out family secrets best left behind closed doors.
So once Luc had become engaged to Alana, he’d put his attraction to Kate out of his mind.
For the past three months, he’d been ready to say “I do” for two very valid reasons: his ex had claimed to be expecting his child, and he needed to marry to secure his crown to reign over Ilha Beleza.
Now Alana was gone and he was trying like hell to hang on to the title, even though he had just a few months to find a wife. And the second he was in charge, he’d be changing that archaic law. Just because a man was nearing thirty-five didn’t mean he had to be tied down, and Luc wanted nothing to do with holy matrimony...especially now that he’d been played.
“You’re frowning,” Kate called as he passed right by her. “Being angry isn’t helping your red face.”
There were times he admired the fact she didn’t treat him as if he was royalty, but just a regular man. This wasn’t one of those times.
Before climbing the steps to the outdoor living area, Luc turned. “Did you cancel the interview with that journalist from the States?”
Kate settled back into her relaxed position, dropping her arm to her side and closing her eyes as the sun continued to kiss all that exposed skin.
“I took care of canceling all media interviews you had scheduled regarding the upcoming wedding, or anything to do with Alana,” she told him. “I rescheduled your one-on-one interviews for later in the year, after you gain the title. By then I’m positive you’ll have everything sorted out and will be at the top of your game.”
Luc swallowed. Not only was Kate his right-hand woman, she was his biggest supporter and advocate. She made him look good to the media, occasionally embellishing the truth to further boost his family’s name.
“I simply told each of the media outlets that this was a difficult time for you, playing up the faux miscarriage, and your family’s request for privacy.”
Kate lifted a knee, causing a little roll of skin to ease over her bikini bottoms. Luc’s eyes instantly went to that region of her body and he found himself wanting to drop to his knees and explore her with more than his eyes.
“If you’re done staring at me, you need to either go inside or put on sunscreen,” she added, without opening her eyes.
“If you’d cover up, I wouldn’t stare.”
Her soft laugh, drifting on an ocean breeze, hit him square in the gut. “If I covered up, I wouldn’t get a tan. Be glad I’m at least wearing this. I do hate those tan lines.”
Gritting his teeth, Luc tried but failed at keeping that mental image from his mind. Kate sunbathing in the nude would surely have any man down on his knees begging. Forcing back a groan, Luc headed up the steps and into the main house. She was purposely baiting him, and he was letting her, because he was at a weak spot in his life right now. He also couldn’t hide the fact that his assistant turned him inside out in ways she shouldn’t. He’d been engaged, for pity’s sake, yet before and after the engagement, he’d wanted to bed Kate.
Sleeping with an employee was beyond tacky, and he wasn’t going to be so predictable as to fall into that cliché. Besides, the house rule of no fraternizing with employees was something he stood behind wholeheartedly.
He and Kate were of like minds, and they needed to remain in a professional relationship. Period. Kate stood up for him, stood by him, no matter what, and he refused to risk that by jumping into bed with her.
She had been just as shocked as he was when Alana’s deception had been revealed. For once, Kate hadn’t made a snarky comment, hadn’t tried to be cute or funny. She’d instantly intervened, taking all calls, offering up reasons why the engagement had been called off.
In fact, it was Kate’s brilliant plan that had saved his pride. She’d informed the media that Alana had miscarried, and the couple had opted to part ways as friends. At first he’d wanted to just come out with the truth, but he’d been so hurt by the personal nature of the lie, he’d gone along with the farce to save face.
So, for all the times Kate got under his skin with their verbal sparring and her torturous body, he couldn’t manage this situation without her.
There were times, even before the fiancée debacle, that he’d just wished he had a place to run to and escape all the chaos of being royalty. Purchasing this home—even though it needed some updating—was like a gift to himself. The view had sold him immediately. With the infinity pool overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the lush gardens, the previous owners obviously had to have been outdoor enthusiasts. At least Luc had a dock for his Jet Ski and his boat.
Too bad he’d had to come here before all the remodeling was complete. Kate had informed the workers they would have the next two weeks off because the house would be in use. The contractors had managed to get a few of the rooms fully renovated, and thankfully, Luc’s master suite was one of them.
He stripped off his wet trunks and stepped into his glass-enclosed shower, which gave the illusion of being outside, but in fact was surrounded by lush tropical plants. The shower was an addition to the master suite and one of his favorite features in the house. He loved having the feeling of being outdoors while being ensured of the privacy he craved. That had been his top priority when he’d bought the house.
An image of sharing this spacious shower with Kate slammed into his mind, and Luc had to focus on something else. Such as the fact she was ten years younger than him, and when he’d been learning to drive, she’d been going to kindergarten and losing her first tooth. There. That should make him feel ridiculous about having such carnal thoughts toward his assistant...shouldn’t it?
Water sluiced over his body as he braced his hands against the glass wall and leaned forward. Dropping his head, he contemplated all the reasons why bedding his assistant was wrong. Not only would things be awkward between them, but any bad press could threaten his ascension to the throne. Not to mention the no-fraternization rule, which had been implemented for a reason. He didn’t want to be the cause for a black mark on his family’s name. One major issue was all he could handle right now. Unfortunately, the one and only reason for wanting to claim her kept trumping all the mounting negatives. He had to find a way to keep her at arm’s length, because if he kept seeing her parading around in that skimpy gear, he’d never make it through these next two weeks alone with her.
* * *
Scrolling through the upcoming schedule, Kate jotted down the important things she needed to follow up on once she was back at the Land of the Internet, aka the palace. Even though Luc was taking a break from life, she had no such luxury, with or without cyberspace. He might be reeling from the embarrassment of the breakup, and dodging the media’s speculations, but she still had to stay one step ahead of the game in order to keep him pristine in the eyes of the people once the dust cloud of humiliation settled. Damage control had moved to the top of her priorities in her role as assistant.
Being the assistant to a member of the royal family hadn’t been her childhood aspiration. Granted, he wasn’t just any member of the royal family, but the next king of Ilha Beleza, but still.
At one time Kate had had notions of being a dress designer. She’d watched her mother, the royal seamstress, often enough, and admired how she could be so creative and still enjoy her work. But Kate’s aspirations hit the wall of reality when she’d discovered she excelled at organizing, being in the thick of business and playing the peacemaker. The job appealed to the do-gooder in her, too, as she felt she could make a real difference in the lives of others.
Once she’d received her degree, Kate knew she wanted to work with the royal family she’d known her entire life. She loved them, loved what they stood for, and she wanted to continue to be in that inner circle.
Kate had first met Luc when she was six and he was sixteen. After that, she’d seen him at random times when she’d go to work with her parents. As Kate grew older and well into her teens, Luc had become more and more appealing to her on every level a woman starts to recognize. Of course, with the age gap, he’d paid her no mind, and she would watch as he’d parade women in and out of the palace.
She’d never thought he would settle down, but as his coronation fast approached, with his thirty-fifth birthday closing in, the timing of Alana’s “pregnancy” couldn’t have been better.
Too bad the spoiled debutante had had her hopes of being a queen shattered, tarnishing the tiara she would never wear. Alana had tricked Luc into believing she was expecting their child, which was absurd, because there’s only so long that lie could go on. Alana hadn’t planned on Luc being a hands-on type of father, so when he’d accompanied her to a doctor’s appointment, he’d been stunned to realize there was no baby.
At least now Kate wouldn’t have to field calls for “Lukey” when he was in meetings and unable to talk. Kate was glad Miss D Cup was out of the picture...not that there was room in the picture for Kate herself, but having that woman around had seriously kept her in a bad mood for the past several months.
As she glanced over Luc’s schedule after this two-week hiatus, all she saw was meetings with dignitaries, meetings with his staff, the wedding ceremony and the ball to celebrate the nuptials of his best friend, Mikos Alexander, and a few outings that were just “spontaneous” enough for the media to snap pictures but not get close enough to question Luc. A quick wave as he entered a building, a flash of that dimpled grin to the camera, and the paparazzi would be foaming at the mouth to post the shots with whatever captions they chose.
For the past year Kate had tried to get him to take on charity projects, not for the media hype, but because he had the power to make things happen. Good things, things that would make a difference in people’s lives. What good was power and money if they weren’t used to help those less fortunate?
But Luc’s focus had always been on the crown, on the bigger prize, on his country and what it would take to rule. He wasn’t a jerk, but his focus was not on the little guys, which occasionally made Kate’s job of making him look like a knight in shining armor a little harder.
Still, working for a royal family had its perks, and she would have to be dead to ignore how sexy her boss was. Luc would make any woman smile with a fantasy-style sigh. But no matter how attractive the man was, Kate prided herself on remaining professional.
She may have daydreamed about kissing him once. Okay, fine. Once a day, but still. Acting on her attraction would be a colossal mistake. Everyone knew the royal family’s rules about not fraternizing with staff. The consequences could mean not only her job, but also her parents’. A risk Kate couldn’t take, no matter what she ached for.
With a sigh, Kate rose to her feet and set her day planner aside. Luc had warned her that she’d be “roughing it” at this guesthouse, but she sort of liked the basic charm of the place. The rooms were pretty much bare, the scarred hardwood floors desperately in need of refinishing and the kitchen was at least thirty years out of date, if not more. But she was in her own space and had water, electric power and a beach. She wasn’t working nearly as much as she had been at the palace in the midst of wedding-planning chaos. All of those media interviews had been canceled or rescheduled, and she was on a secluded island with her hunky boss. So roughing it wasn’t so “rough” in her opinion.
Kate headed out her back door, breathing in the fresh scent of the salty ocean breeze. Following the stone path lined with overgrown bushes and lush plants, which led to the main house, she was glad she’d come along even if the circumstances made Luc only edgier, grouchier and, well, difficult. He had every right to be furious and hurt, though he’d never admit to the pain. Luc always put up a strong front, hiding behind that tough-guy persona.
Kate knew better, but she still chose to refrain from discussing the incident too much. Keeping things more professional than personal was the only way she could continue to work for him and not get swept away by lustful feelings.
When Kate had first started working for Luc, they’d had a heated discussion that led to a near kiss before he’d pulled back. He’d informed her right then that under no circumstances did he bed, date or get involved with employees.
Still, long nights spent working together, trips abroad and even the close quarters of his office had led to heated glances and accidental brushes against each other. The attraction most definitely wasn’t one-sided.
Then he’d started dating Miss D Cup, and the obvious physical attraction between boss and employee had faded...at least on Luc’s side. Typical playboy behavior. Kate had chided herself for even thinking they would eventually give in to that underlying passion.
Yet here they were again, both single and utterly alone. So now more than ever she needed to exercise this ability to remain professional. In reality, she’d love nothing more than to rip those designer clothes off him and see if he had any hidden tan lines or tattoos, because that one on his back that scrolled across his taut muscles and up onto his left shoulder was enough to have her lady parts standing at attention each time he took his shirt off.
As tempted as she was to give in to her desires, too much was at stake: her job, her parents’ jobs, the reputation she’d carry of seducing her boss. That wouldn’t look good on a résumé.
Kate had left her phone behind and contemplated changing. But since she was comfortable and would be only a minute with Luc—five at the most—she wanted to see if he’d take her up on this venture she’d been requesting his help with for the past year. Now that his life was turned inside out, perhaps he’d be a little more giving of his time.
With her sandals slapping against the stone pathway, Kate rehearsed in her head everything she wanted to say as she made her way to the house, passing by the picturesque infinity pool.
The rear entrance faced the Mediterranean. Of course, there wasn’t a bad view from any window or balcony that she’d seen, and her guest cottage was definitely on her list of places she never wanted to leave. Regardless of the updates that needed to be done, this house was gorgeous and would be even more so once Luc’s plans were fully executed.
When she reached the glass double doors, she tapped her knuckles against the frame. The ocean breeze lifted her hair, sending it dancing around her shoulders, tickling her skin. The wind had kicked up in the past several minutes and dark clouds were rolling in.
Storms...she loved them. Kate smiled up at the ominous sky and welcomed the change. There was something so sexy and powerful about the recklessness of a thunderstorm.
When she knocked again and Luc still didn’t answer, she held her hand to the glass and peered inside. No Luc in sight. The knob turned easily and she stepped inside the spacious living area. It led straight into the kitchen, which was only slightly more modern than hers. Basically, the main house looked the same as the cottage, only supersized, with the entire back wall made up of windows and French doors.
“Luc?” she called, hoping he’d hear her and she wouldn’t startle him.
What if he’d decided to rest? Or what if he was in the shower?
A smile spread across her face. Oh, yeah. What if he was in the shower? Water sliding over all those glorious tanned muscles...
Down, girl.
She wasn’t here to seduce her boss. She was here to plant a seed about a charity project close to her heart. If Luc thought he’d formulated the plan, then he’d be all for it, and she desperately wanted him to donate his time and efforts to an orphanage in the United States she’d been corresponding with on his behalf. For reasons he didn’t need to know about, the place held a special spot in her heart. She didn’t want him to go there out of pity. She wanted him to do so on his own, because he felt it was the right thing to do.
But Kate couldn’t get the twins who lived there, Carly and Thomas, out of her mind, and she was driving herself crazy with worry. For now, though, things were out of her control, so she had to focus on getting Luc on board with funding and volunteering. What would that little bit hurt him, anyway? In all reality, the visit and the monetary gift wouldn’t leave a dent in his time or finances, but both would mean the world to those children.
“Luc?” She headed toward the wide, curved staircase with its scrolled, wrought-iron railing. She rested her hand on the banister, only to have it wobble beneath her palm. Definitely another item for the list of renovations.
She didn’t even know what room he’d opted to use as the master suite, as there was one downstairs and one upstairs. “Are you up there?” she called, more loudly this time.
Within seconds, Luc stood at the top of the stairs, wearing only a tan and a towel. Kate had seen him in swimming trunks, knew full well just how impressive his body was. Yet standing here looking up at him, knowing there was only a piece of terry cloth and a few stairs between them, sent her hormones into overdrive. And she had to keep reminding herself she was only his assistant.
Still, that wouldn’t stop her from appreciating the fact her boss was one fine man. Her “office view” was hands down the best she could ever ask for.
“I’m sorry,” she said, forcing her gaze to stay on his face. If she looked away she’d appear weak, as if she couldn’t handle seeing a half-naked man. If her eyes lowered to the flawless chest on display, he’d know all her fantasies for sure. “I’ll just wait until you’re dressed.”
Before she made a fool of herself by staring, babbling or drooling, Kate turned and scurried back to the living area, where she sank onto the old sofa that had been draped with a pale yellow cover until the renovations were completed and new furniture arrived. Dropping her head against the saggy cushion, she let out a groan.
Lucas Silva was one atraente prince. Sexy prince. After living in Ilha Beleza for a full year now, she was growing more accustomed to thinking in Portuguese as opposed to English. Even thinking of Luc in another language only proved how pathetic she was.
Get a grip.
She should’ve waited in the living room, or just come back later after her walk. Then she wouldn’t have been tortured by seeing him wearing nothing but that towel and the water droplets that clung to those taut muscles. Had he been standing closer, the temptation to lick away all the moisture from his recent shower might have been too much to handle.
She’d held on to her self-control for a year and didn’t intend to let it snap now. A man like Luc would enjoy that too much, and Kate refused to be like all the other women who fawned over the playboy prince.
Smoothing her floral, halter-style sundress, she crossed her legs, hoping for a casual look instead of the assistant-hot-for-her-boss one. The second she heard his feet crossing the floor, she sat up straighter and silently scolded herself for allowing her thoughts and hormones to control her.
“Sorry I interrupted your shower,” she told him the second he stepped down into the sunken living area. “I was heading out for a walk, but I wanted to run something by you first.”
He’d thrown on black board shorts and a red T-shirt. Still, the image of him wearing next to nothing was burned into her mind, and that’s all she could focus on. Luc fully or even partially clothed was sexy, but Luc practically in his birthday suit was a much more dangerous thought.
“I’m not working, if that’s what you want to discuss.” He strode across the room and opened the patio doors, pushing them wide to allow the ocean breeze to stream in. Kate came to her feet, ready to be firm, but careful not to anger him, because this project was too important to her.
“It’s just something you need to think about,” she retorted as she went to stand near the open doors. “I know we’ve discussed charity work in the past—”
He turned, held up a hand to cut her off. “I’m not scheduling anything like that until I have the crown. I don’t want to even think beyond right now. I’ve got a big enough mess on my hands.”
Crossing her arms, Kate met his gaze...until that gaze dropped to her chest. Well, well, well. Looked as if maybe he wasn’t immune to the physical attraction between them, after all.
“I was working on your schedule for the next several months and you have a gap that I could squeeze something into, but you have to be in agreement.”
The muscles in his jaw clenched as Kate waited for a response. Whenever he stared at her with such intensity, she never knew what was going through his mind. If his thoughts had anything to do with the way he’d been staring at her moments ago, she was totally on board. Sign her up.
Before she realized what he was doing, Luc reached out and slid a fingertip across her bare shoulder. It took every bit of her willpower not to shiver beneath such a simple, yet intimate touch.
“Wh-what are you doing?” she asked, cursing the stammer.
When his finger trailed across her collarbone, then back to her shoulder, Kate continued to stare, unsure what he was doing. If he was trying to seduce her, he needn’t try any harder. With the way he kept looking at her, she was about to throw out the window all the reasons they shouldn’t be together. One jerk of the knot of fabric at her neck and that halter dress would slide to the floor.
She waited, more than ready for Luc to make her fantasy come true.
Two (#ulink_28bcf0e2-4b7a-56d4-a38f-7631cbb8056b)
Luc fisted his hands at his sides. What the hell had he been thinking, reaching out and touching Kate like that? He was nothing but a tolo, a fool, even to allow himself the brief pleasure.
With all Kate’s creamy skin exposed, silently inviting his touch, his last thread of willpower had snapped. And as much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, he was too emotionally drained to think straight. Part of him just wanted someone as a sexual outlet, an escape, but he wouldn’t use his assistant...no matter how tempted he was.
Luc hadn’t tried hard enough to keep himself in check, which was the main problem. He was still reeling from the fact that Kate had stood at the base of the steps looking as if she might leap to the second floor and devour him if he even hinted he was ready. And misericórdia, mercy, he was ready for some no-strings affection. Still, not with his employee. How did this number-one rule keep slipping from his mind?
“You’re burned,” he replied, surprised when his tone came out stronger than he’d intended. “Looks like you should’ve taken your own advice about that sunscreen.”
With a defiant tilt of her chin, a familiar gesture he’d come to find amusing, she propped her hands on her hips, which did amazing things to the pull of the fabric across her chest. The woman was slowly killing him.
The no-dating-staff rule also covered no sleeping with staff. Damn it, he was a mess after Alana. More so than he feared if he was thinking even for a second of risking his family’s reputation, and his own reputation as a worthy king, by sleeping with Kate. Nothing good would come from his moment of weakness, and then he’d be out an amazing assistant, because he couldn’t allow her to work for him further. And she’d have a wealth of fodder for the press if she chose to turn against him.
That was precisely the reason he needed to keep his damn hands off his assistant.
“Maybe tomorrow we can rub it on each other, then,” she suggested with a mocking grin. “Anyway, back to the charity.”
Charity, the lesser of two evils when compared to rubbing sunscreen over her luscious curves... But he wasn’t getting into this discussion again. He sponsored several organizations financially, but his time wasn’t something he’d considered giving. The main reason being he didn’t like it when people in power used that type of opportunity as just another publicity stunt. Luc didn’t want to be that type of king...that is, if he actually got the crown.
“We need to figure out a plan to secure my title first,” he told Kate. “Everything else can wait.”
Pursing her lips, she nodded. Apparently, she was backing down, which was a first. She never shied away from an argument.
“You’re plotting something,” he said, narrowing his gaze. “You may as well tell me now.”
“I’m not plotting anything,” she replied, that sweet grin still in place, confirming his suspicion. “I’ve been thinking about your title, but I haven’t come up with a solid solution, other than a quick wedding, of course.”
She turned and started through the patio doors, but Luc reached out, grabbing her arm to halt her exit. Her eyes darted down to his hand, then back up to his face, but he didn’t release her.
“Why is this particular charity so important to you?” he asked. “You mention it so often. If you give me the name, I’ll send as much money as you want me to.”
Her eyes softened, filled with a sadness he hadn’t seen there before. “Money isn’t what I wanted.”
Slipping from his grasp, she headed down the stairs toward the beach. Money wasn’t what she wanted? Had he ever heard a woman say that before? Surely any organization could benefit from a sizable donation.
Kate was always surprising him with what came out of her mouth. She seemed to enjoy a good verbal sparring as much as he did. But something about the cause she kept bringing up was bothering him. Obviously, this was something near and dear to her, and she didn’t feel like opening up about it. She’d worked for him for a year, but he’d known her longer than that, though they didn’t exactly hang in the same circles. Didn’t she trust him enough to disclose her wishes?
Luc shook his head as he watched her walk along the shoreline. The woman was mesmerizing from so many different angles, and it was a damn shame she was his assistant, because having her in his bed would certainly help take the edge off this title-throne nightmare.
Glancing up at the sky, he noticed the clouds growing darker. A storm was on the horizon and he knew how much Kate loved Mother Nature’s wrath. She’d always been fascinated by the sheer power, she’d told him once. And that summed Kate up in a nutshell. She was fierce, moved with efficiency and had everyone taking notice.
Part of him wanted to worry, but he knew she’d be back soon, most likely to watch the storm from her own balcony. Luc still took a seat on his patio to wait for her, because they weren’t done discussing this charity business. She was hiding something and he wanted to know what it was. Why was this mysterious organization such a secret? And why did discussing it make her so sad and closed off?
He sank down onto the cushioned bench beside the infinity pool. Everything about this outdoor living space was perfect and exactly what he would’ve chosen for himself. From the stone kitchen for entertaining to the wide, cushioned benches and chaise lounges by the pool, Luc loved all the richness this space offered.
Glancing down the beach where Kate had set out, he found he couldn’t see her any longer and wondered when she’d start heading back. Ominous clouds blanketed the sky, rumbles of thunder filling the previous silence.
When the first fat drop of rain hit his cheek, Luc continued to stare in the direction she’d gone. Since when did he give anyone such power over his mind? He didn’t like this. Not one bit.
He was next in line for the throne, for pity’s sake. How could his hormones be led around so easily by one petite, curvy woman, and how the hell could he still want her after months and months of ignoring the fact?
This pull was strong, no doubt, but Luc just had to be stronger. There was no room for lust here. He wouldn’t risk his family’s stellar reputation, or his ascension to the throne, just because he was hot for his assistant.
* * *
The wild, furious storm had been magnificent, one of the best she’d seen in a long time. Kate had meant to get back to the house before the weather got too bad, but she’d ended up finding a cove to wait it out in and couldn’t resist staying outside. She’d been shielded from the elements, but she’d gotten drenched before she could get hunkered down.
With her dress plastered to her skin, she headed back toward the guesthouse. Even being soaking wet and a bit chilly from the breeze caressing her damp skin didn’t dim her mood. She had to walk up the steps to Luc’s patio in order to reach the path to her place. Noticing a light on the dock and lights on either side of the patio doors, she realized she’d been gone longer than she’d intended. It was clearly very dark and not because of the storm.
“Where the hell were you?”
Startled, Kate jumped back at the sound of Luc’s angry, harsh tone. He stood in the doorway to his living area, wearing the same clothes as he had before, but now his hair stood on end, as if he’d run his fingers through it multiple times.
“Excuse me?” She stepped closer to him, taking in his flared nostrils, clenched jaw and the firm line of his mouth. “I told you I was going for a walk. I wasn’t sure I had to check in, Dad.”
Luc’s lips thinned even more. “That storm was nasty. I assumed you’d have enough sense to come back. What the hell were you thinking?”
The fact he’d waited for her warmed something in her, but the way he looked as if he was ready to throttle her had her defensive side trumping all other feelings. This had nothing to do with lust or sexual chemistry.
“I purposely left the palace, the guards and everyone to get away from my troubles,” he went on, his voice laced with irritation. “You’re here to help me figure this whole mess out. But if you can’t be responsible, you can either go back to the palace or I’ll call in one of my guards to stay here and make sure you’re safe.”
Kate laughed. “You’re being ridiculous. I’m a big girl, you know. I was perfectly fine and I sure as hell don’t need a keeper. Next thing you know you’ll be calling my parents.”
With her father being head of security and her mother the clothing designer and seamstress for the family, Kate had been surrounded by royalty her entire life...just without a title of her own. Oh, wait, she was an assistant. Equally as glamorous as queen, princess or duchess.
Actually, she liked being behind the scenes. She had an important role that allowed her to travel, make great money and do some good without being in the limelight. And she would continue to try to persuade Luc to visit the orphanage so close to her heart. They’d taken care of her there, had loved her and sheltered her until she was adopted. Now she was in a position to return some of their generosity.
“Your father would agree with me.” Luc stepped forward, closing the gap between them as he gripped her arm. “Don’t go anywhere without your phone again. Anything could’ve happened to you.”
“You can admit you were worried without going all Neanderthal on me, Your Highness.” She jerked from his grasp, but he only stepped closer when she moved back. “What is your problem? I was out, I’m back. Don’t be so grouchy because you can’t admit you were scared.”
“Scared?” he repeated, leaning in so close she could feel his warm breath on her face, see the gold flecks in those dark eyes. “I wasn’t scared. I was angry that you were being negligent.”
Kate really wasn’t in the mood to be yelled at by her boss. She didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his wrath when the issue he had was clearly with himself.
Her soggy dress needed to go, and she would give anything to soak in a hot bubble bath in that sunken garden tub in her master bathroom. She only hoped it worked. She hadn’t tested it yet, and the sink in her kitchen was a bit leaky...
“I’m heading home.” Kate waved a hand in the air to dismiss him and this absurd conversation. “We can talk tomorrow when you’ve cooled off.”
The instant she turned away, she found herself being jerked back around. “I’m getting real sick of you manhandling—”
His lips were on hers, his hands gripping the sides of her face, holding her firmly in place as he coaxed her lips apart. There was nothing she could do but revel in the fact that Prince Lucas Silva was one potent man and quite possibly the best kisser she’d ever experienced.
And he was most definitely an experience. Those strong hands framed her face as his tongue danced with hers. Kate brought her hands up, wrapping them around his wrists. She had no clue if she should stop this before it got out of hand or hang on for the ride, since he’d fueled her every fantasy for so long.
Arching against him, she felt his firm body do so many glorious things to hers. The chill she’d had from the rain was no longer an issue.
But just as quickly as he’d claimed her mouth, he released her and stepped back, forcing her hands to drop. Muttering a Portuguese curse, Luc rubbed the back of his neck and kept his gaze on the ground. Kate honestly had no clue what to do. Say something? Walk away without a word?
What was the logical next step after being yelled at by her boss, then kissed as if he needed her like air in his lungs for his survival? And then pushed away with a filthy term her mother would blush at...
Clearing her throat, Kate wrapped her arms around her waist. “I’m not quite sure why you did that, but let’s chalk it up to the heat of the moment. We’ll both laugh about it tomorrow.”
And dream about it tonight.
“You just push me too far.” His intense gaze swept over her, but he kept his distance. “For a year I’ve argued with you, but you’ve always had my back. I know there’ve been times you’ve intervened and stood up for me without my even knowing. As far as employees go, you’re the best.”
Confused, Kate ran her hands up and down her arms as the ocean breeze chilled her damp skin. “Okay. Where are you going with this?”
“Nowhere,” he all but yelled, flinging his arms out. “What just happened can’t happen again because you’re an employee and I don’t sleep with staff. Ever.”
Kate couldn’t help the laugh that erupted from her. “You kissed me. Nobody mentioned sex.”
His gaze heated her in ways that a hot bubble bath never could have. “I don’t have to mention it. When I look at you I think it, and after tasting you, I feel it.”
If he thought those words would deter her, he didn’t know her at all. Kate reached forward, but Luc stepped back.
“Don’t,” he growled. “Just go on back to your cottage and we’ll forget this happened.”
Smoothing wet tendrils off her forehead, Kate shook her head. “Oh, no. You can’t drop that bomb, give me a proverbial pat on the head and send me off to bed. You went from arguing to kissing me to throwing sex into the conversation in the span of two minutes. You’ll understand if I can’t keep up with your hormonal swings tonight.”
The muscle tic in his jaw, the clenched fists at his sides, were all indicators he was irritated, frustrated and angry. He had no one to blame but himself, and she wasn’t going to be caught up in his inner turmoil.
“This is ridiculous,” she said with a sigh. “We’re both obviously not in a position to talk without saying something we don’t mean.”
“I always mean what I say,” he retorted. “Otherwise I wouldn’t say it.”
Rolling her eyes, Kate again waved a hand through the air. “Fine. You meant what you said about wanting to have sex with me.”
“Don’t twist my words,” he growled.
Kate met his leveled gaze, knowing full well she was poking the bear. “Did you or did you not say you thought of having sex with me? That you actually feel it.”
He moved around her, heading for the steps leading to the beach. “This conversation is over. Go home, Kate.”
She stared at his retreating back for all of five seconds before she took off after him. Just because he was royalty and she was his assistant didn’t mean he could dismiss her anytime he wanted. Rude was rude no matter one’s social status.
She didn’t say a word as she followed him. Luc’s long strides ate up the ground as he headed toward the dock. Surely the man wasn’t going out on his Jet Ski now. Granted, the water was calm since the storm had passed, but it was dark and he was angry.
Just as she was about to call his name, he went down. The heavy thud had her moving faster, her thighs burning from running across the sand. She prayed the sound of him falling was much worse than any injury.
“Luc,” she called as she approached. “Are you all right?”
He didn’t move, didn’t respond, but lay perfectly still on the wet dock. Dread consumed her. The second she stepped onto the dock, her feet slid a bit, too, and she tripped over a loose board that had warped slightly higher than the others.
The dock obviously hadn’t been repaired like the rest of the outdoor spaces on this property.
Kate crouched next to him, instantly noticing the swollen knot at his temple. He’d hit his head on a post, from what she could tell.
“Luc.” She brushed his hair off his forehead, afraid to move him, and hoping he’d only passed out. “Can you hear me?”
She stroked his cheek as she ran her gaze down his body to see if there were any other injuries. How could he be up one second and out cold the next? Fear threatened to overtake her the instant she realized she didn’t have her phone.
Maybe she was irresponsible, but she’d have to worry about that later. Right now she had no clue how serious Luc’s injury was, but the fact he still hadn’t moved had terror pumping through her.
Shifting so her knees weren’t digging into the wood, Kate sat on her hip and kept patting Luc’s face. “Come on, Luc. Wake up. Argue with me some more.”
Torn between rushing back to the house for her phone to call for help and waiting to see if he woke on his own, Kate started patting down his shorts, hoping he carried his cell in his pocket.
One pocket was empty, and before she could reach to the other side, Luc groaned and tried to shift his body.
“Wait,” she told him, pressing a hand to his shoulder as he started to rise. “Don’t move. Are you hurt anywhere?”
He blinked as he stared up at her. Thankfully, the bright light from the lamppost was helping her assess his injuries, since the sun had set.
Luc’s brows drew together in confusion. “Why were you feeling me up?”
Relief swept through her. “I wasn’t feeling you up,” she retorted, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and slowly helping him to sit up. “I was checking your pockets for a cell phone. You fell and hit your head on the post. I was worried because you were out for a few minutes.”
Luc reached up, wincing as his fingers encountered the bump on his head, which was already turning blue. “Damn, that hurts.”
“Let’s get you back up to the house.” Kate helped him to his feet, then slid her arm around his waist to steady him. “You okay? Feeling dizzy or anything?”
He stared down at her, blinked a few times and frowned. “This is crazy,” he muttered.
With his thumb and index finger, he wiped his eyes and held the bridge of his nose. He probably had the mother of all headaches right now. All the more reason to get this big guy moving toward the house, because if he went back down, she couldn’t carry him.
“I know you,” he murmured. “I just... Damn it, your name isn’t coming to me.”
Kate froze. “You don’t know my name?” This was not good. That ball of fear in her stomach grew.
Shaking his head, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and started leading them off the dock. “I must’ve hit my head harder than I thought. Why isn’t it coming to me?”
Kate pressed a hand to his abdomen, halting his progress. She shifted just enough to look him in the eyes. Since she wasn’t a medic and never had any kind of training other than a basic CPR course, she had no idea what signs to look for with a head trauma.
“Look at me,” she ordered. “You know me, Luc. You know my name.”
Blowing out a breath, he hung his head. “I... It’s on the tip of my tongue. Damn, why can’t I remember?”
He glanced back up at her, worry filling his dark eyes. This was not good, not good at all. She was going to have to get him back to the house and call the palace doctor. Obviously, Luc’s memory wasn’t cooperating. But she didn’t want him panicking; she could do enough of that for both of them.
“My name is Kate.” She watched his eyes, hoping to see some recognition, but there was nothing. “I’m your—”
“Fiancée.” A wide smile spread across his face. “Now I remember you.”
Luc leaned in to capture her lips once more, with a passion she’d never known.
Three (#ulink_a95b32fd-9339-57df-8fc5-1dc7f96fb509)
Fiancée? What the hell?
Mustering all her willpower, Kate pushed Luc and his intoxicating mouth away as his words slammed into her.
“Let’s get you inside,” she told him, trying not to focus on how hard he must’ve hit his head, because he was clearly not in his right mind. “I’m not comfortable with that knot you have, and you may have a concussion. I need to call your doctor. Hopefully, with the storm gone, we’ll have cell service.”
Luc stared at her another minute, then nodded. Slipping his arm around her shoulders again, he let her lead him up to the house. Something was definitely wrong with him. The Luc from only twenty minutes ago would be arguing that he didn’t need a doctor, and he certainly wouldn’t be leaning on her for support.
She couldn’t even think about the fact that he believed they were engaged. Because if he thought they were sleeping together, this situation would get extremely awkward really fast.
Though she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to herself just how much she liked him thinking they were a couple. How long would his mind play this trick on him? How would he treat her now that he believed they were together?
Once she had him inside and settled on the sofa, she stood up and caught her breath. Luc was one massive, thick, muscular man. She’d known he was cut, but she’d had no clue how solid and heavy he would be.
His body had leaned against hers, twisting her dress on their walk. As Kate readjusted herself, trying to refill her lungs with air and not panic, she found him staring up at her, that darkened gaze holding her in place. Shivers rippled through her at the intensity of the moment—and the man.
“What?” she asked.
“Why are you all wet?”
Plucking at the damp material that clung to her thighs, Kate shook her head. “I got caught outside in the storm earlier.”
Those eyes continued to rake over her body. “You’re sexy like this,” he murmured as his heated stare traveled back up. “With your dress clinging to your curves and your hair messy and wavy.”
Kate swallowed, because any reply she had to those intimate words would lead to a lie, and she couldn’t let him keep thinking they were anything more than employee-employer, servant-royal.
“Where’s your cell?” If she didn’t stay on task, she’d get caught up in all those sultry looks he was giving her...and she desperately wanted to get caught up in the promise behind those sexy stares. But he wasn’t himself right now. “I need to call the doctor. I hope we have service.”
Luc glanced around, raking a hand through his hair. “I have no idea. I don’t even remember why I was outside.”
He slapped his hand on the cushion beside him and let out a string of curses. “Why can’t I remember anything?”
The worry lacing his voice concerned her even more than the fact he thought they were engaged. Luc Silva never let his guard down. Even when faced with losing the crown, the man was the epitome of control and power. Sexy and strong and she wanted him. Plain and simple...or maybe not so simple considering she could never have him.
“It’s okay,” she assured him as she leaned down to pat his shoulder. “I’ll find it. Once the doctor comes, we’ll know more. Maybe this will only last a few minutes. Try not to panic.”
That last bit of advice was for herself as much as him, because she was seriously in panic mode right now. She didn’t know much about memory loss, but the fact that something had set his mind so off balance concerned her. She couldn’t even imagine how he felt.
Kate walked around the spacious but sparsely decorated living room, into the dated kitchen and then back to the living room. Crossing to the patio doors they’d just entered, she finally spotted his cell lying on the old, worn accent table most likely left by the last tenants.
Thankfully, she knew the passcode to get into the phone. “I’m just going to step out here,” she told him, trying to assure him he wouldn’t be alone. “I’ll be right back.”
She didn’t want Luc to hear any worry in her tone when she described the incident to the doctor. And for now, she wasn’t going to mention the whole “fiancée” bit. She would ride this out as long as possible. Yes, that was selfish, but, well...everyone had their moments of weakness and Luc Silva was definitely her weakness.
Kate was relieved to get the doctor on the phone and even more relieved when he promised to be there within the next hour. For the next sixty minutes, Luc would most likely believe they were engaged and she would play right along until she was told otherwise.
Luc’s private beach villa just off the coast of Portugal wasn’t far from his own country. He was pretty much hiding in plain sight. This way he could be home quickly in an emergency—or someone could come to him.
Kate was grateful the doctor could use the private boat to get to the island. There was no airstrip and the only way in or out was via boat. Only yesterday she and Luc had been dropped off by her father, so Luc could keep his hideout a secret.
When she walked back inside, Luc had his head tipped back against the sofa cushions. Eyes closed, he held a hand to his head, massaging his temples with his fingers.
“The doctor is on his way.”
Without opening his eyes, he simply gave a brief nod.
“I know you’re hurting, but I don’t want to give you anything before the doctor can examine you.”
What if his injuries were more serious than she thought? Amnesia, temporary or not, wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. People died from simple falls all the time. Even when they felt fine, they could have some underlying issue that went unnoticed.
The possibilities flooded her mind as she continued to stand across the room and stare at Luc. Should he be resting or should she keep him awake? She prayed she didn’t do the wrong thing. She would never forgive herself if something happened to him because they’d been fighting and he’d stormed off. If she didn’t always feel the need to challenge him, this wouldn’t have happened.
The kiss wouldn’t have happened, either, because that was obviously spawned from sexual frustration and anger. Luc’s full-on mouth attack had been forceful, not gentle or restrained. She’d loved every delicious second of it. But now she needed to focus, not think about how good it had felt to finally have him touch her the way she’d always wanted.
As she watched him, his lids kept fluttering, and finally remained closed for a minute.
“Luc,” she said softly. “Try not to fall asleep, okay?”
“I’m not,” he mumbled. “The lights are too bright, so I’m just keeping my eyes closed.”
Crossing to the switches, she killed the lights in the living room, leaving just the one from the kitchen on so she could still see him.
“Does that help?” she asked, taking a seat beside him on the couch, relishing in the warmth from his body.
He opened one eye, then the other, before he shifted slightly to look at her. “Yeah. Thanks.”
When he reached over to take her hand, Kate tensed. This wasn’t real. The comfort he was seeking from her was only because he was uncertain—and he thought they were engaged.
Oh, if they were truly engaged, Kate could hold his hand and not feel guilty. She could wrap her arms around him and give him support and love and...
But no. She wasn’t his fianceé so thinking along those lines would get her nowhere.
For now, she could pretend, she could keep her fingers laced with his and feel things for him in ways she never had before. This was no longer professional...they’d crossed that threshold when he’d captured her mouth beneath his.
“I’ll be fine.” Luc offered a wide smile, one rarely directed at her. “Just stay right here with me.”
Swallowing the truth, Kate nodded. “I’m not going anywhere.”
She tried not to relish the fact that Luc’s thumb kept stroking the back of her hand. She tried to fight the thrill that he was looking at her as more than just an employee.
None of this was reality. He was trapped in his own mind for now. She didn’t know if she should focus on the kiss earlier or the nasty knot on his head. Both issues made her a nervous wreck.
The hour seemed to crawl by, but when Dr. Couchot finally knocked on the back door, Kate breathed a sigh of relief. Beneath her hand, Luc tensed.
“It’s okay.” She rose to her feet, patting his leg. “We’ll figure this out and you’ll be just fine.”
Dr. Couchot immediately came inside, set his bag down and took a seat on the couch next to Luc.
“Tell me what happened,” he said, looking at Kate. Worry was etched on the doctor’s face. This man had cared for Luc since the prince had been in diapers, and held all the royals’ medical secrets.
Kate recounted the events, omitting the fiancée bit, and watched as the doctor examined his patient while she spoke. He looked at Luc’s pupils with his minuscule light, then lightly worked his fingertip around the blue knot. With a frown, he sat back and sighed.
“Have you remembered anything since I was called?” he asked.
Luc shook his head. “I know Kate, but she had to tell me her name. I know I’m a member of the royal family because of my name, and I believe I’m the prince. I know this house is mine and I know I wanted to fix it up, but apparently I didn’t get too far, so I had to have just bought it.”
All this was right. A little burst of hope spread through Kate. Maybe his injuries weren’t as bad as she’d first feared.
“From what I can tell, you’ve got temporary amnesia,” the doctor stated. “I’m not seeing signs of a concussion and your pupils are responsive.” Dr. Couchot looked up at Kate. “I would like him to have a scan to be on the safe side, but knowing Luc, he’ll be stubborn and refuse.”
“I’m sitting right here,” Luc stated, his eyes darting between Kate and the doctor. “I don’t want to get a scan. I’d have to go home and face too many questions. Unless I’m at risk for something more serious, I’m staying here.”
Kate shared a look with the doctor. “What about if I promise to monitor him? You said there was no concussion, so that’s a good sign.”
“Fine,” Dr. Couchot conceded. “I won’t argue. But Kate will have her eyes on you 24/7 for the next few days and I’ll be in contact with her. At the first sign of anything unusual, she will get you back to the palace, where we can treat you. No exceptions.”
Luc nodded. “Agreed.”
After receiving her instructions and a list of things to look for in terms of Luc’s behavior, Kate showed the doctor out.
Once they reached the edge of the patio, Dr. Couchot turned to face her. “Make sure you don’t force any memories on him. It’s important he remembers on his own, or his mind could become even more confused and his condition could actually worsen. It’s a blessing he remembers as much as he does, so I believe he’s only lost a few months of his memories.”
A few months. Which would explain why he didn’t recall the real fiancée or the fake pregnancy.
“I’ll make sure not to feed him any information,” Kate promised. Smoothing her hair back, she held it to the side in a makeshift ponytail. “Can he see photos or listen to his favorite music? Maybe just subtle things that will spark his thoughts?”
“I think that would be fine. Just don’t push all of that on him at once. Give this some time. He may wake tomorrow and be perfectly fine, or he may be like this for another month. Every mind is unique, so we just don’t know.”
Kate nodded, thanking the doctor for coming so quickly. She watched as he made his way back down to the boat, where a palace guard was waiting. Thankfully, it wasn’t her father, but his right-hand man.
Kate gave a wave to the men and took in a deep breath. When the doctor mentioned unusual behavior, did that include believing you were engaged to the wrong woman?
Weary and worried, she stepped back through the doors. All her stuff was at the guesthouse, but she would need to stay here.
Luc’s eyes were instantly on hers when she returned to the living room. That warmth spread through her once again as she recognized that look of need. She couldn’t let him keep this up. There would be no way she could resist him. And based on his reaction after that kiss, he wouldn’t be happy that he’d indulged his desire for her, no matter how good together they might be.
The warning from the doctor played over in her mind. She couldn’t force memories, so for now she’d have to let him think what he wanted, until his mind started to cooperate.
“Sit with me,” he whispered, holding his hand out in invitation.
Kate cringed, wanting nothing more than to take his hand and settle in beside him. “I need to go get some of my things.”
Lowering his hand, he frowned. “Where are your things?”
Coming up with a quick excuse, she tried to be vague, yet as honest as possible. “I have some things next door at the guesthouse. Let me get them and I’ll be all yours.”
Okay, she didn’t necessarily need to add that last bit, but it just slipped out. She’d have to think through every single word until Luc fully regained his memory. For now, she’d have to play along...and still try to maintain some distance, or she could find herself in a world of hurt when he snapped out of his current state. Getting wrapped up in this make-believe world, even for a short time, wasn’t the wisest decision. Still, he would need her during this time and they were on this island together. How could she resist him? How could she resist more touching, more kissing?
“Why do you have anything next door?” he asked.
“I was working there earlier.” Still not a lie. “Give me five minutes. I’ll be right back.”
She escaped out the back door, unable to look at the confusion on his face any longer. If she got too far into the truth as to why she had things at the cottage, she’d have to come clean and produce the information his mind wasn’t ready for.
As quickly as she could, she threw a change of clothes into her bag, adding a few essential toiletries. Everything else she’d have to smuggle over a little at a time, provided she stayed at the main house for longer than a few days.
Her biggest concern now was the fact she hadn’t packed pajamas, assuming she’d be living alone. She stared at her pile of silky chemises in various colors. There was no getting around this. She didn’t even have an old T-shirt to throw on for a sleep shirt.
With no other choice, she grabbed the pink one and shoved it in her bag before heading back to the main house. There was no way she could let Luc see her in this chemise, but how could she dodge a man who thought they were engaged? Most likely he assumed they slept together, too.
Kate froze on the path back to the main house. There was no way she could sleep with Luc. None. If they shared the same bed, she’d be tempted to give in to his advances.
As the moonlight lit her way back, Kate was resigned to the fact that things were about to skyrocket to a whole new level of awkward.
Four (#ulink_94f957f1-bd01-54db-bcf9-4ff6d8508969)
Kate glanced over her shoulder, making sure she was alone as she slipped back out onto the patio to call her mother. There were times in a woman’s life she just needed some motherly advice, and for Kate, that time was now.
“Darling!” Her mother answered on the second ring. “I was just thinking of you.”
“Hey, Mama.” Kate leaned against the rail on the edge of the patio, facing the doorway to make sure Luc didn’t come up behind her and overhear things he shouldn’t. “Are you busy?”
“Never for you. You sound funny. Everything all right?”
Not even close. Kate sighed, shoving her hair behind her ear. “I’m in a bit of a bind and I need your advice.”
“What’s wrong, Katelyn?”
Her mother’s worried tone slid through the line. Kate swallowed back her emotions, because tears wouldn’t fix this problem and they would only get her a snotty nose and red eyes. Not a good look when one was shacking up with one’s sexy boss.
“Luc fell earlier.”
“Oh, honey. Is he okay?”
“Well...he has a good-sized goose egg on his head. And he has temporary amnesia.”
“Amnesia?” her mother repeated, her voice rising an octave. “Katelyn, are you guys coming back to the palace? Do his parents know?”
“I actually called them before I called you. Dr. Couchot was just here and he’s assured us that Luc is okay, no concussion or anything. He isn’t sure when Luc will regain his memory, but he’s confident it’s a short-term condition.”
“I can’t even imagine how scary this must be,” her mother commented. “What can I do to help?”
“Right now Luc and I are staying here as planned,” Kate stated, her eyes darting to the patio doors on the far side of the house. Luc stood there for a moment, looking out at the ocean, before he turned and disappeared. “The doctor said keeping him relaxed and calm is best for now. Luc had wanted to get away, so staying here is still our best option.”
“I agree. So what else has you upset? If the doctor has assured you this is temporary, and you’re staying there as planned, what’s wrong?”
Pulling in a deep breath, Kate blurted out, “He thinks we’re engaged.”
Silence settled over the line. Kate pulled her cell away from her ear to make sure the connection hadn’t been cut.
“I’m here. I just need to process this,” her mother stated. “Why does he think you’re engaged?”

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A Royal Amnesia Scandal Jules Bennett
A Royal Amnesia Scandal

Jules Bennett

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: She’s about to have an unforgettable affair…with her royal boss.He was desperate to forget a broken engagement…until an accident has Prince Lucas Silva forgetting his fiancée’s identity. Now he believes his loyal assistant Kate Barton is his bride-to-be. And she’s under strict orders to keep up the pretense.Playing the role of beloved is no stretch for Kate; she’s had a crush on her boss for years. But palace rules prohibit royalty from mixing with the help, so Kate knows her happiness can’t last. Once Luc regains his memory she could very well be tossed aside…unless the prince is willing to forget the rules, too!

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