He′s All That

He's All That
Debbi Rawlins

Rich girls do it best! At least, that's how Victoria Whitford's selling it. Sure, she's triumphantly returned home to take over the family empire, but before everything gets settled, she's treating herself to one last no-holds-barred fling.And she's got the Man To Do all primed and ready–the gardener's son. She's been having this fantasy since she was sixteen. Now Tori's up for the sexual challenge…. She'll convince him to do as she pleases–he'll be her last best conquest….Jake Conners can't believe his eyes. Tori, sleek and sophisticated, buff and beautiful. Full of promises, full of potential. When she backs him into a corner and offers him the sexual experience of a lifetime, he can't resist. She's hot, unstoppable and better at this game than he'll ever be. He knows when he's beaten. But what's really worrying him is Tori. How long will he have before daddy's little rich girl tells him: time's up?

“How do you like it, Victoria?” Jake whispered.

“What do you mean?” Tori barely recognized her own voice. Deep. Husky. Sexy.

Drawing back, Jake gave her a lazy smile. “This was your idea. How do you like it…a little rough?” He gripped her waist and forced her back until she was against the bedroom wall, then he pushed his tongue between her lips.

Just as quickly, he withdrew to lightly nibble the side of her mouth, releasing her to cup her face in his hands, giving a gentle but very satisfying kiss.

“Or slow and tender?”

It took Tori a moment to catch her breath. “Well…if you really want to spend the night analyzing the situation, we should put our clothes back on,” she quipped, dipping a couple of fingers into his boxers.

“I’ve gotta admit, Ms. Whitford—” his gaze surveying her lips, then her breasts “—you turned out mighty fine.”

She kneaded the muscles along his upper arms, ran her palms down to his backside. When she reached for, then stroked, his erection, she replied, “Well, Mr. Conners, I’m happy to say the same about you….”

Dear Reader,

This book will always remind me of my recent move. Yes, I know I said that before, and for four years I actually stayed put. Pretty good for me. But then my sister decided to move here from Hawaii, and while helping her look for a place I discovered this awesome model town house nearby. In six days my house was sold and there was no turning back.

It didn’t matter that the new house was late on completion or that this book was due—I had to plow ahead, grumbling to my sister that it was all her fault. I even named the heroine’s sister after the sales rep, and the heroine’s last name is the name of the model of home I purchased. Not to mention that two of the guys her mom tries to fix her up with are named for the other two town house models! Oh well, the new place is finally finished! And this book is done and I sure hope you enjoy it!

Did I say what a peach my editor is? Kathryn was wonderfully patient through the entire ordeal. Even though it took an act of Congress to reach me.

Debbi Rawlins

He’s All That

Debbi Rawlins

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

This is for my sister, Earlette.

I can’t wait for you to get here.

And for the real Mallory.

Your humor and wit made the wait tolerable.

Thank you.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18



“ISABELLE, bring me my social calendar along with another pot of tea.”

Victoria Whitford sighed at the boorish way her mother spoke to their longtime housekeeper. The woman was practically part of the family, for God’s sake. She’d been ready with a Band-Aid the first time Tori had scraped her knee.

“Thank you,” Tori added for her mother, not that Marian Whitford noticed the subtle criticism.

Isabelle smiled. “Would you like some vanilla wafers with your tea, Tori?”

“My God, don’t call her that horrid name. It’s Victoria.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Whitford.” Isabelle scurried out of the sitting room, her sensible black shoes treading lightly over the polished wood floors.

“I like Tori, Mother.”

“That is not the name your father and I gave you.”

“Nevertheless, I suggest you get used to it.”

Her mother glared in disbelief. Her sister Mallory laughed.

Marian turned on her older daughter. “What do you find so amusing?”

She looked away and brought the martini glass to her lips.

“Don’t look away while I’m speaking to you.”

Tori waited for her sister to make a snide remark. But the only sign of her old defiance was a slight lift of her chin as she turned her attention back to their mother.

“Put that glass down. What have I told you about drinking so early in the day?”

With a sinking heart, Tori watched Mallory obey. Not that she approved of her sister’s drinking, something that she’d done quite a bit since Tori had gotten home three days ago, but she hated to see her spirited sister look so broken.

Having been away for seven years had really shed a different light on the home front. Even though Tori had spent half her life at boarding school, when she’d returned home for holidays and summers she’d never noticed her mother’s domineering attitude. Of course Tori had always been the obedient daughter and seldom her mother’s target.

“Is that couch new?” she asked, wanting to change the subject, yet seriously interested in the answer.

Her mother reared her head back, her carefully made-up blue eyes widening. “That piece belonged to your great-grandmother. It’s been in the family for generations.”

“Oh.” It was ugly. Burgundy velvet, trimmed with gold, obviously an antique, probably valuable. Tori hated it. “Is it comfortable?”

“For God’s sake, you don’t sit on it.”

Tori froze just as she swiveled, ready to plant her fanny on the diminutive settee. “Silly me,” she murmured, and Mallory hid a smile.

Isabelle appeared with a tray and as she poured the tea, Tori wandered over to the window overlooking the south garden, breathtaking as always with tiers of award-winning lavender and pink roses and crawling jasmine.

The Whitford mansion was beautiful, having been featured in Arch Digest twice, but Tori had always liked the gardens the best. They soothed her, helped her feel connected to the world. She missed them while she’d been away, sadly, more than she’d missed her family.

Of course it wasn’t the flowers that had initially caught her interest. Jake Conners had done that. The gardener’s son had the body of a god and when he’d take his shirt off, even her prepubescent heart would flutter like crazy. She wondered whatever happened to him. He was at least five years older. Probably married with two kids, living halfway across the country by now.


She turned to her mother. Fifty-eight years old and not a crease on her face, not a strand of gray glistening from her perfect blond bob.

“You’re not to make any plans this week without checking with me first,” she said opening her leather-bound appointment book. “We have a very full schedule.”

Out of the corner of her eye, movement in the garden caught Tori’s attention. She moved her head for a better look and squinted at the figure holding the shovel.

Her breath caught.

It couldn’t be…

“Victoria, are you listening to me?”

“Yes, Mother, I heard every word.” She changed windows for a better angle, and stared in giddy disbelief.

“For heaven’s sake, Victoria.” Her mother came up behind her, moved the heavy cream-colored drape aside and followed Tori’s gaze with disdain. “Don’t even think about dallying with the Conners boy.”

“My God, it really is Jake?”

Mallory joined them at the window. “Yummy, isn’t he? I haven’t seen him for ages.”

“You two disgust me.” She let go of the drape. “Step away from there before he sees you ogling him like a couple of schoolgirls.” She returned to the sofa and her appointment book as if the matter were settled. “This Saturday we have dinner with the Radcliffs. You do remember their son, Bradley, don’t you, Victoria?”

“How could I forget? The first time we met he tried to impress me by reciting the entire Gettysburg Address.” Tori shuddered. “And that was as interesting as he got.”

“That may be so but he’s executive vice president of Radcliff Enterprises now. Rumor has it he’ll take over when his father retires in two years. You could do much worse, Victoria.”

She gave her mother a mischievous smile. “You’re listening to the rumor mill these days?”

She looked up from her appointment book. “I had lunch with Claire Radcliff.” Annoyance flashed in her eyes. “I don’t much care for your attitude since you’ve been home, young lady. Even your father commented after dinner last night.”

Yeah, right. Like he’d notice anything that didn’t concern Whitford Industries’ bottom line. Which was fine with Tori. At least he didn’t interfere in her life. Of course Mother effectively managed that. As if Tori didn’t fully understand what was expected of her.

“Okay, so what else besides dinner with the Radcliffs?”

“Let’s see…” Her mother adjusted her reading glasses and then perused the appointment book. “Ah, yes, we have another dinner with Sela and Jonathon Matthews and their son Nelson. That would be on Friday at the Club.”

As she listened to her mother drone on, Tori’s gaze drifted back out the window. Jake had moved to the climbing jasmine and she could barely get a glimpse of him but her mind filled in the details of his slim hips, narrow waist, broad shoulders. The way his tanned skin glistened with exertion.

Suddenly it didn’t seem like a dozen years ago when she’d stood at her bedroom window, hiding behind the white lace curtains that matched her canopy bed. If he’d known she was there, staring and holding her breath, he’d never let on. He’d just kept digging or pruning, muscles rippling along his shoulders and back, and sending her poor pounding heart into overdrive.

Once when he’d been working on the pond off the solarium, she’d had to sneak into Mallory’s room in order to watch him. Isabelle had caught her sitting on the windowsill. She’d only smiled. Never said a word to anyone.

“Well, I see this is a wasted afternoon.” Her mother tapped the tip of her Montblanc pen to get Tori’s attention.

“You’re right, Mother,” Tori said, leaving the window and crossing the room, away from her mother and Mallory. “Let’s do this some other time.”


She didn’t hesitate, but headed for the staircase. Excitement slid over her like honey on a hot biscuit. She had to write her e-mail friends.

To: The Gang at Eve’s Apple

From: Angel@EvesApple.com

Subject: Hot damn!

Color me happy. I finally get it—what you all have been going on about. Because…tada…I found him!!!! My man to do has been under my nose. Well, not for quite a while. I actually just saw him again after about eight years, but I digress… I’ll start from the beginning— His name is Jake and he’s got the body of Adonis. No kidding. He could be in a calendar or a centerfold or something. Anyway—

Tori stopped typing, reviewed what she’d written and frowned. Maybe using Jake’s name wasn’t such a good idea. None of the girls knew who she was. They only knew her by her screen name “Angel.” And of course they were scattered across the country. She knew a couple of them were from the East Coast and it was highly unlikely their paths would ever cross, but still if anyone ever linked her to this confession…

She shuddered at the thought of her mother’s reaction. Altering a few minor details wouldn’t change the story. Quickly she went back and changed Jake’s name to simply J before she continued.

When I was about twelve, I first saw J. He was our neighbor’s gardener’s son and as I mentioned a whole five years older than me. God, I couldn’t stop staring at him. At that age I didn’t know why I’d gotten that soft squishy feeling inside every time I saw him, especially with his shirt off . Anyway, my mother had forbidden me to “fraternize” with him and since I was an obedient daughter in those days I never said a word to him. Only worshiped him from afar.

Today I saw him again. Shirt off, looking extremely buff. Frankly, I’m surprised he still lives around here. Oh, hell, something just occurred to me. I hope he’s not married. Well, better go see if he’s wearing a ring.

Oh, question. How direct should I be? I don’t want to turn him off or anything, but I want to make sure he knows it’s only about sex. No sleeping in late and reading the paper together. No meeting the folks. Just sex. Should I lay it on the line right off the bat? Most men would jump at the chance at no-strings-attached sex, right?

Really anxious to hear from you all. Have to admit I’m a little nervous. Okay, my hands are shaking here. Write to me soon, okay?

Thanks! You guys are the best.


Tori signed off, closed her laptop and hurried to the window. She couldn’t see him, but an old red truck was parked in the back that had to belong to him.

She stopped at her vanity mirror to check her reflection, added a touch of color to each cheekbone, calculatedly tousled her hair and then headed for the back servants’ stairs that ended up off the pantry. That way she wouldn’t run into her mother. She doubted Marian Whitford had ever even seen the kitchen.

Mission accomplished, Tori got down the stairs and through the kitchen without seeing a soul. But just as she got to the back door, Mallory entered from the dining room.

Her sister gave her a wry smile. “Where are you going?” Her smile widened, her gaze straying out the kitchen window toward the truck. “Let me guess.”

Tori sighed. “Mallory…”

“Hey, if I could I’d go for it.” She opened the pantry door and dug around the canisters of flour and sugar and then pulled out a bottle of gin.

Tori frowned.

“I’m sick of mom getting on my case,” Mallory said, shrugging, as she poured a drink. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

Tori hesitated. She and her sister had just started to get close before Tori had gone off to college. She didn’t want to stir anything up but she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, either. “You do seem to be drinking a lot.”

“You would, too, if you were married to Richard.” Mallory sighed and then took a long sip. “Go find Jake before he leaves.”

Tori’s chest tightened. The resignation in Mallory’s voice and face really got to her. But there wasn’t much more she could say right now. Later, away from the house, they’d have a talk. When Mallory turned away and headed toward the dining room, Tori escaped out the back door.

As soon as she rounded the hydrangea bush, she saw that the truck was gone. She thought she heard an engine and hurried toward the driveway. Jake stood outside the truck’s open door, pulling on his shirt, while the other man loaded shovels and other equipment onto the bed.

Tori’s mouth went dry as she stared at the stretch of taut skin across his belly until he pulled the shirt hem down. Swallowing hard, she moistened her lips and touched her hair. The other man climbed in, and Jake got behind the wheel and started to reverse the truck before she could get her wits about her.

She rushed toward them but apparently he didn’t see her. He stopped briefly and then shifted into Drive and started to roll forward just as she got to the back of the truck. Tongue-tied suddenly, she hesitated. She hadn’t actually spoken to him before. He probably didn’t even know her name. What the hell should she say?

He started to pull away.


Slowly he turned to her, glancing out of the open window, his dark eyes not at all surprised as if he’d seen her coming, his lips barely curving into a smile. “Hello, Victoria,” he said casually, as if they’d just talked yesterday.

She smiled back.

And then he drove down the driveway and through the double white gates without looking back.


Shit, he almost hadn’t recognized her. When had she gotten back?

Another driver blared his horn at Jake as he pulled his father’s old truck onto the highway and narrowly missed the white Honda.

Hector jumped. “You okay, amigo?”

“Yeah. I forgot this relic doesn’t have any guts. My father should’ve gotten rid of it years ago.”

“No way. Not him.” Hector stuck his arm out the window and hit the outside of the passenger’s door. “This is good enough. He doesn’t go any farther than the Whitfords’ or the grocery store these days.”

Jake shook his head. He hated that his father continued to work when he could retire. Why he even wanted to work for people like the Whitfords was a mystery. Yet he’d meticulously tended their garden for over twenty years, and this was the first time he’d so much as missed a day’s work. Even with two slipped discs and a pinched nerve, he probably would have tried to make it if Jake hadn’t caved in and agreed to take over for two weeks.

He could have trusted Hector with the Whitfords’ grounds. Jake often sent him over to help his dad under the pretense that business was slow and Jake needed to give the man work. But if his father got wind of it, the old man would be climbing into his overalls and work boots in seconds flat.


Jake glanced at Hector.

“I think you missed the turn.”

“What?” Jake realized he’d just passed his dad’s street and cursed under his breath.

Hector chuckled. “Who was the chica? An old girlfriend, maybe?”


“The one back there that’s made you loco.”

Jake snorted. “Victoria Whitford? I wasn’t even thinking about her,” he said and ignored Hector’s disbelieving grunt.

“I think she wanted you to stop.”

“I doubt it.” Hell, he didn’t think she even knew his name. She and her sister had always been off-limits. Even as kids they’d had no contact.

His father had forbidden him to so much as speak to either of the girls. Not that Jake had anything in common with them. Most of the time they were off at boarding school. He’d been lucky to keep his ass in River Oaks High without getting thrown out.

“Me, I would have stopped.” Hector slicked back his hair and inspected his swarthy, handsome face in the side mirror. “She looked muy fine.”

Jake smiled. Yeah, she looked good all right. But even Hector’s impressive reputation with the ladies at Huey’s Bar and Grill wouldn’t help him get an invite to the Whitfords’ front door.

“I don’t remember seeing her before,” Hector said. “Only the other one, the blonde.”

Jake used the gravel road running around to the back of his father’s cottage. The same small, two-bedroom house Jake and his older sister had practically grown up in after their mother died. The place belonged to the Whitfords. Just like most everything on the block. “I don’t know. And I sure as hell don’t care.”

Hector eyed him curiously as they got out of the truck. “For someone who doesn’t know her, amigo, it sure sounds like you don’t like her.”

Jake didn’t miss the irony of Hector’s observation. The truth was, it felt damn good to walk away from a Whitford. Not kowtow to them like his father had done for the past twenty years. But damn if he wasn’t curious about what Victoria had wanted. And damn if Hector wasn’t right. She looked mighty fine.


TORI ERASED THE FIRST sentence to her e-mail buddies. It sounded too whiny and undignified. Pathetic, actually. Kind of like when Melissa Hastings had announced to their sorority house that she’d had the hots for Charles Zimmer III, and he overheard and transferred out of their mutual classes. Everyone had gone overboard pretending they hadn’t noticed the snub.

She adjusted the pillows behind her, pulled the 800-thread-count sheet over her bare legs and then returned her attention to her laptop. First, none of her cohorts knew who she was, and second, this wasn’t the same situation. Jake hadn’t really snubbed her. He simply hadn’t realized she wanted to chat.

They didn’t even know each other. So how the hell was she going to get him in bed?

For reinforcement, she scrolled back to the encouraging e-mail she’d received from Taylor.

To: Angel

From: Taylor@EvesApple.com

Subject: Congratulations!!!

How cool!! I’m so happy for you. Great feeling when you know he’s the one, huh? Reminded me of how excited I was when I first saw Ben again after all those years. Got me all tingly.

Anyway, the thing you have to ask yourself is what do you have to lose. And is it worth it? Obviously, I’d advise being direct and let him know what you want since it worked for me. If for some alien, bonehead reason he turns you down, yes, your pride will sting. And then you’ll get over it. But if you don’t go for it, and he gets away, you’ll kick yourself until the next millennium.

I’d bet anything he’s been as curious about you as YOU ARE about him. Go, girl! Strike while the iron is hot. I can’t wait to hear about what happens! My fingers and toes are crossed for you.

Love and kisses,

Taylor, who’s sending good vibes your way

Smiling at Taylor’s enthusiasm, Tori still wished she’d heard from the other girls, too. Of course Taylor would be enthusiastic after her fairy-tale marriage to Ben. He’d been her first and best sexual experience. She’d wanted to get him out of her system so she could move on with her life. They’d ended up at the altar.

Great for them. But that wasn’t how Tori wanted her chapter to end. She really and truly just wanted a fling. Eventually she’d get married. But Jake wasn’t suitable husband material.

After sending Taylor a personal thank-you, she went back to review her e-mail, and see how it read after having deleted the first sentence.

To: The Gang at Eve’s Apple

From: Angel@EvesApple.com

Subject: Initial Contact

Okay, so this isn’t as easy as it sounded. My first attempt at engaging J in conversation ended up with me running after his truck like a moron. He didn’t stop. Just said hello, and then drove off. It wasn’t as if I had time to piss him off. Besides, I don’t really know the guy.

Oh God, maybe he is married. Of course I’ll back off. But I’ll wallow in self-pity for a week. Maybe even a month. I wish you all could see him. I kid you not when I say he’s to die for.

I know you all are busy, but I need to move fast (I have an appointment calendar that won’t quit) and I’m still floundering a little. Any thoughts?

Wish me luck.


Tori had just pressed Send when she heard a light knock at her door. Quickly she logged off and closed her computer.

“Victoria? Are you still awake?”

She almost answered her mother but thought better of it and slowly slid beneath the covers. Duty would call soon enough. For now she’d plan her attack and dream about Jake.


Jake used his shirtsleeve to wipe the sweat from his brow and then looked to see what Hector was talking about.

Holding a glass in each hand, Victoria came down the slope from the house. She had on white shorts and a pink shirt. Her legs sure had gotten long in the past few years.

Hector slicked his hair back and gave a low appreciative whistle. Not loud enough for her to hear. Just loud enough to annoy Jake.

He laid the shovel he’d been using against the flagstone retaining wall and pulled off his gloves. “Get the fertilizer out of the truck, will you?”

“Now?” Hector shot him a peeved look.


The other man sighed, laid down his shovel and muttered something under his breath as he shot Victoria a parting look before heading for the truck parked a good hundred yards away.

As she got closer, Jake had to force his gaze away from her breasts, the way they bounced with each step and strained against the stretchy fabric. Normally he was a leg man, had a real weakness for slim ankles. But the closer she got, the more he realized there wasn’t much about Victoria that didn’t interest him.

“Hi,” she said, smiling. “Jake, right?”

He nodded, curious as hell. What could she possibly want?

“Of course you’ve changed. And we’ve never really formally met…”

“I know who you are, Victoria.”

“Tori.” Her almond-shaped hazel eyes met his. She had one of those sultry looks that could distract a man if he weren’t careful. “That’s what my friends call me. Oh, here.”

He took the lemonade she offered, and decided not to point out that they weren’t friends. “Thanks.”

She tilted her head to the side, her eyes holding his captive. “I think this is the first time we’ve talked, isn’t it?”

He nodded, and took a long cool sip as he waited her out.

She moistened her lips, darted a look toward Hector. “How’s your dad? I haven’t seen him since I’ve been back.”

“He’s laid up with a bad back.”

“Sorry to hear about that.” She smiled. “At least he has you helping him.”

“Right.” He drained his lemonade just as Hector got back and dropped the bag of fertilizer near Jake’s boots.

“For me?” he asked Tori, glancing at the glass she held and giving her one of his lady-killer grins.

She handed him the drink. “I’m Tori.”


She smiled politely and then turned back to Jake. “I know you’re busy right now. I thought maybe we could meet for a drink later.”

Totally floored, he stood there, unable to think of a damn thing to say.

Uncertainty flickered in her face and then she gave a throaty laugh. “Unless you have a wife and a dozen kids waiting for you at home.”

Hector laughed. “Jake?”

He gave his friend a warning look. Bad enough she’d taken him by surprise. He didn’t need any commentary from Hector. “You can spread the fertilizer now. Start with the pink roses along the path to the pool.”

“Sure, boss.” Hector gave Tori a parting look before setting the glass aside and heaving the bag of fertilizer over his shoulder.

Jake waited until he was out of earshot and asked, “What time?”

“I’m flexible. Whenever you’re done here?”

He looked at his watch. “In about three hours.”

“Great.” Her lips curved in a sexy smile that made him second-guess his decision. Getting mixed up with a Whitford was begging for trouble.


She glanced toward the house, pristine white and stately against all the lush green oak and magnolia trees. “How about Mustang Sally’s? I assume the place is still there.”

Her suggestion surprised him. The bar wasn’t a place he figured she even knew about much less patronized. And then he got it. She didn’t want to be seen with him by anyone she knew.

Amazingly he didn’t feel the old anger he would have as a kid. The idea pissed him off but it amused him, too. Hell, he wasn’t the one looking for trouble. She was.

TORI GOT TO THE BAR a little early. She sat in the parking lot, listening to a classical CD, her sporty BMW lost in the myriad of huge pickup trucks that filled the lot. She hoped the bar wasn’t too noisy so that they could at least talk. Or maybe they shouldn’t. Maybe she should hang on to the fantasy of him she’d created in her mind. The one where he obeyed her every command and wanted nothing in return. Right. She’d been surprised enough to discover that his eyes were brown and not blue. Not just brown, actually, but an incredible whiskey-brown, brimming with an intensity that made her fantasies feel tame.

Summers spent gazing out her window, waiting for a glimpse of him, had spawned some juicy stories in her head. Like the time she’d imagined that he climbed the trellis outside her bedroom window and sneaked into her bed. What he’d actually done to her was a little fuzzy at the time since she’d only been about fourteen and rather sheltered, but she remembered he’d been gentle yet demanding, and the coaxing way he’d kissed her, touched her breasts…

Damn, but she wished she’d kept a journal. It would be fun to read now but she’d been too chicken to produce any evidence her mother could find.

A knock on her car window made her jump. She looked into Jake’s sexy brown eyes, and then turned the key in the ignition, shutting off the CD and air-conditioning. She grabbed her purse and opened the door. He’d straightened and stepped back, the fly of his faded jeans hitting her eye-level. It looked like that particular fantasy wasn’t far off base.

She got out and followed him across the parking lot and into the bar. Most of the tables were already taken, and all the places at the bar.

“Let’s try back here,” Jake said and led the way past a pair of crowded pool tables and a couple arguing over a game of darts.

In the far corner, it looked as if someone had recently abandoned a table, judging by the empty bottle of beer and the two dollar bills left behind.

“How about over there?” she asked, and moved to claim it before getting an answer.

It was perfect—as far away from the country and western music and the dart players’ cursing as they could get. They sat across from one another and a waitress promptly appeared to claim her tip.

She removed the empty bottle, swiped a cursory rag across the top of the table. “What can I get y’all?”

“What have you got on tap?” Tori asked and caught the surprised look Jake gave her.

The waitress named three beers and Tori ordered a Corona.

“Make that two,” Jake said, his eyes staying on Tori as the cute blond waitress walked away.

“What?” she finally asked him when he wouldn’t look away.

“You always drink beer?”

“No, sometimes I drink wine. I picked up the beer habit in college. Much to my mother’s delight.” Now, why had she added that tidbit? She sighed to herself. Obviously Freudian.

“I bet.”

“I’m twenty-six. Anything she doesn’t like about me, it’s time she got over it.”

Jake smiled. “You’ve been away at school all this time?”

“Just about. Four years of undergraduate studies, then one year of graduate school. I took a year off to go to Europe, then went back to school and finished my MBA.”

“You don’t look like an MBA.”

She laughed. “Thank you. I’ll definitely take that as a compliment.”

“Your parents must be pleased.”

Something in the tone of his voice made her uneasy. But she didn’t know him well, so she wouldn’t judge. Not yet. “Yeah, right,” she answered. “They about had cardiac arrests when I told them I wanted to take a year off. They threatened to cut me off and not pay for my last year’s tuition.”

“You didn’t back down?”

“No way. I told them I was tired of school anyway.” She leaned back to let the waitress set their beers on the table. When they made eye contact again, he had the most peculiar look on his face.

He smiled. “I take it they gave in.”

“After a mega lecture, but yes.” She picked up her beer and took a sip. She hadn’t expected to be so nervous. Of course she wasn’t in the habit of picking up guys. What if he turned her down? She took another sip, realized he was watching her and asked, “What about you?”

He shrugged. “Still in the landscaping business, as you can see.”

“Have you been here in Houston the whole time?”

“Do you mean, did I go away to school?”

She didn’t understand the hint of sarcasm in his tone but chose to ignore it. “School, traveling, whatever.”

He lifted a shoulder. “I went to California for a couple of years, and then Dallas for a short time.”

She waited but he didn’t seem inclined to give out any more information. “Think you’ll stay in Houston?” she finally asked.

“Probably. You?”

The question startled her. “Of course. This is our headquarters.”

“Ah, staying in the family business.”

Her defenses rose. “Haven’t you?”

One side of his mouth lifted as he picked up his beer. “Not exactly.”

She watched him tilt the bottle to his lips, wondering why she’d gotten so defensive. She’d be a fool not to keep her hand in Whitford Industries. The company was well-known, the name respected and recognized worldwide. No shame in wanting to stay a part of that success.

He set the beer back on the table, leaving his long, lean fingers wrapped around the bottle, stirring her creative mind and making her forget about anything to do with business.

His nails were surprisingly clean considering the type of work he did, and she easily imagined him running his palms down her bare back, over her breasts.

“So, Tori, why are we here?”

She looked up into those intense dark eyes and wondered what he’d do if she suddenly ran her foot up his leg. She smiled. “Weren’t you ever curious? For years the most we did was wave to each other.”

His brows rose slightly. “Why do you suppose that was?”

“I wasn’t allowed to talk to you,” she said, the surprise in his face giving her pause. “I had piano lessons twice a week, ballet three times, and a riding lesson on the weekend. Mother didn’t leave me much time for distractions.”

One side of his mouth went up in a cocky, almost patronizing way.

“What’s that for?”


“That look.”

“Admit it, your mama didn’t want you hanging around with anyone the likes of me.”

“That’s not true.” Indignation rose in her voice. “Of course you were so much older.” She paused. “Mother isn’t a snob.”

“You know her. I don’t,” he said, shrugging.

Tori sighed. “Okay, sometimes she is. But I don’t think—” She broke off, sighing again, unable to defend a position of which she was uncertain. A thin line existed between snobbery and concern for the Whitford name and business.

“Hey, it doesn’t matter.” He gave her a crooked smile. “You were brave enough to break the barrier. Go where no Whitford has gone before.”

“Very funny.”

He laughed, reached across the table and covered her hand with his rougher palm. The contact jolted her, and when their eyes met she knew he felt the spark, too. He didn’t retreat, but ran the pad of his thumb along the side of her wrist. A small innocuous movement that shouldn’t have driven her crazy. She sucked in a breath, and then let it out slowly. His sexy gaze fell to her lips and her mouth went too dry to swallow.

He released her, grabbed his beer and leaned back in his chair. “So, what now?”

Tori took a deep breath. She didn’t want to sound too obvious or eager, but no sense wasting any time, either. “Have you eaten? We could have dinner.”

He smiled. “I meant, what will you do now that you’ve finished school?”

“Oh.” She gave a breezy laugh, not about to show her embarrassment. “I’ll be staying in Houston. I haven’t found an apartment yet, though.”

He seemed surprised. “You’re moving out?”

“Of course. You don’t still live with your father, do you?” She paused, recognizing her gaffe. “Not that it would be a bad thing if you did.”

“Relax. I don’t, but if I did live with my old man, I wouldn’t take offense. He’s a pretty okay guy.”

The look of genuine affection on Jake’s face warmed her. Sadly she couldn’t say the same for her parents. She loved and respected them, but she didn’t like either of them much. Then again, maybe she’d like her father if she’d really gotten to know him. He’d always been working or away on business. Often their schedules clashed. When she’d be home from boarding school for the summer or the occasional weekend, he’d be away. Mostly she wouldn’t see him for months at a time.

When she finally slipped out of her musings, she found Jake watching her with open curiosity. His gaze lowered briefly to her breasts, rose to linger on her lips before meeting her eyes. And then it narrowed slightly. “What exactly do you want from me?” he asked finally.

She’d rehearsed all the way over here. Her e-mail buddies were behind her a hundred percent. They’d all voted for the direct approach. She breathed deeply, and said, “Sex.”


THE BAND, just back from a break, started playing an energetic Garth Brooks song when Jake thought he heard Tori say the most bizarre thing. He smiled just thinking about her reaction if he were to tell her what he thought she’d said.

She smiled back and leaned forward until her breasts grazed the table, her clingy V-neck shirt showing off a mouthwatering amount of cleavage. “Is that a yes?”

He sobered quickly. “I didn’t hear you.”

She straightened, her smile disappearing. “Look, it’s either yes or no. You won’t hurt my feelings if you aren’t interested. But it isn’t necessary to toy with me. Because that won’t happen.”

She’d lied. He had hurt her feelings. It was in her eyes, and the defensiveness of her body language as she crossed her arms and shrunk back against the scarred wood chair.

“Seriously,” he said, “I thought I heard you but you couldn’t have said what I think you did.”

Her mouth began to curve again. “I probably shouldn’t have put it that way.”

Jake stared back. Man, she had a set of balls on her. Not a bad thing, but damn if he knew what to say.

She blinked, looking a little uneasy, and then picked up her beer and finished it off.

“Okay,” he said slowly. “I’m thinking you want to tangle the sheets a little. Am I on the right track?”

She nodded, breaking eye contact to signal the waitress for another beer. She looked back at him, moistened her lips and said, “No strings attached of course.”

It wasn’t hard to keep a straight face. He was still blown away. “For your benefit or mine?”

“For both of us.” She shrugged. “I doubt you’re looking for a relationship, and neither am I.”

Not with him anyway. He wasn’t in her league. No blue blood to pass on to the kiddies. The idea pissed him off. “What makes you think I’m not looking for a relationship?”

Panic crossed her face giving him enormous satisfaction. But then she relaxed and met his eyes with a smugness that ruined his fun. “What are you, about thirty now?” He nodded, and she said, “No wife and kids yet, and when I mentioned the possibility, your friend laughed. Tells me I’m not far off base in my assumption.”

Friggin’ Hector. “Okay, so I’ve been busy.”

“How busy?”

He felt something near the top of his boot. Her foot, he realized. She ran it up his calf over his jeans to his knee, paused and then went to midthigh.

The waitress appeared with two more beers.

Jake straightened when he realized he’d unconsciously been leaning over the table toward Tori. He’d even shifted his hips forward.

“Thanks,” he muttered when the woman set the Corona down in front of him, glad he didn’t have to look at Tori. She had to be laughing, knowing how she’d gotten to him.

The waitress stuffed her order pad into the back pocket of her jeans and then shifted her tray to her other hand. “Y’all want anything else? We’ve got chicken wings, hot or mild, or jalapeño poppers. They’re pretty good. Not too spicy.”

Tori shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m in the mood for something else. How about you?” she asked Jake, the twitch at the corners of her mouth unmistakable.

“I’m good,” he told the waitress. “I’ll take the check, though.”

Tori frowned at him. He wasn’t sure what that was about. Maybe she wasn’t ready to leave. Maybe she’d been bluffing. Maybe she got off on getting him horny and then kicking him to the curb.

The waitress set the tray on the table and got the order pad out of her pocket. After she ripped off the top sheet and set it in front of Jake, she picked up her tray. “Y’all be good, and come back soon.”

Tori tried to grab the check but Jake snatched it first. “I’ll take that,” she said. “I asked you out, remember?”

He smiled. “How politically correct of you,” he said as he dug into his pocket. “You get it the next time.” He flipped through the folded bills, withdrew enough to cover a generous tip, and then looked up. “Assuming there is a next time.”

She blinked. “I hope so.”

“Good enough.” He picked up his beer and tipped the bottle to his lips.

Tori played with the wet napkin under her bottle, lightly sucking in her lower lip, looking as if she had a big decision to make. Or was trying to figure out how to get herself out of this scene gracefully.

Finally she picked up the beer and took a long pull. When she set the bottle down again, her pale pink lips glistened with moisture. Her tongue slipped out to swipe her lower lip, the action sexy as hell. He didn’t think it was deliberate, though. In fact, she seemed nervous.

She shook back her hair and smiled. “Okay, where were we?”

“I believe you were playing with my leg.”

She sputtered, and then started laughing. “Me?”

“I hope it was you.”

“I was minding my own business.”

“You mean you didn’t do this?”

She jumped when the toe of his boot made contact. “No, I believe my aim was quite a bit lower.”

He hadn’t meant to land between her thighs, but he wasn’t quick to withdraw, either. “Ah, my mistake.”

The surprise wore off and she gave him a playful glare as she removed his foot. “Right.”

“Damn, I was just getting comfortable.”

She laughed. “I’m glad I like you.”


“Having seen you all those years is like following your favorite actor in a TV series and thinking you know him. Then you see him on an interview show and think, oh, my God, he’s a geek. Or he’s arrogant, or dumber than dirt. Know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“I know you saw me over the years, either running to the stables, or even simply leaving in the car. What did you think of me?”

He avoided her probing gaze and flashed back to the time when he’d first seen Tori at a window, hiding behind a curtain where she thought he couldn’t see her. She’d watched him for hours, would disappear for a while and then return, sometimes changing windows to track him. She’d been young, too young to interest him, and mostly he’d ignored her.

Except one day, while in a shitty mood after being chewed out by his father for something, Jake had almost gestured to her. He’d wanted to make her aware that he knew she hid at the window. He’d wanted to embarrass her. But at the last moment he’d caught a glimpse of her face and the unhappiness he saw had stopped him cold.

He thought about it for a moment and then said, “I thought you were lonely.”

She reared her head back. “What?”

“Sometimes when you stared out your window, you looked—I dunno.”

“You saw me at the window—” She briefly covered her mouth. “You never let on.”

He shrugged. “You would have been embarrassed.”

She laughed softly. “Yeah. So you knew I had a crush on you all along.”

“I really didn’t think about it,” he said and she frowned. He hadn’t meant the comment as a dismissal, but if she took it that way so be it. “Look, you want to get out of here. It’s getting noisy.”

She nodded, and then took a final sip of beer. He let her lead the way, enjoying the snug fit of her low-riding jeans and the seductive sway of her hips. About an inch of skin showed between the hem of her shirt and her waistband. In the center of her back just above the swell of her butt, it looked as if she had a small tattoo, but more likely it was a birth-mark. He couldn’t imagine that Ms. MBA would have done anything so whimsical or foolish.

They got outside and the blast of hot, humid air made him think again about why he’d chosen to return to Houston. Granted, he generally didn’t work outside much anymore, but the heat could be brutal when he did. Damn, he wished Pop would consider retiring. What kind of hold did the Whitfords have over him?

Tori hesitated and turned to him while pushing the hair away from her face and off her neck. “You’d think I’d be used to this heat by now.”

“You’ve been away,” he murmured, more interested in the graceful curve of her neck. Normally he liked long hair, but he wanted to see hers swept up. Off her neck and the slope of her shoulders. “Where to now?”

Her startled eyes met his. “Tonight?”

Shit, he should have known. “Yeah.”

“I can’t tonight. I only meant for us to have a drink. I have a—” She glanced at her watch. “I have to be home within the hour. My mother has plans for me.”


She narrowed her gaze. “You think I’m making that up.”

“Actually, I think you’re chickening out.”

Her brows rose. “Tomorrow night. The Westin Hotel at the Galleria. I’ll be there by seven.”

He dug in his pocket for his keys and led them in the direction of her car. “I’ll make the reservation.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

He smiled. “Under Whitford?”

That wiped the smug look off her face. She nibbled her lower lip. “How about…?”

“Use Conners. I have nothing to hide.”

They arrived at her car and she turned to face him, her chin lifted in defiance. “I’m not going to debate my desire for privacy with you.”

“Good. That’d be a waste of time.” He slid an arm around her waist and hauled her against him.

Her mouth opened in surprise and he took full advantage by slipping in his tongue. Her body tensed and then she touched her tongue to his, her ample breasts pressing against his chest as she slid her arms around his neck.

He deepened the kiss and she moaned softly, working her talented fingers into his hair, over his scalp. Cupping her bottom, he pulled her against his erection. She wiggled seductively.

The parking lot was dark and jammed with cars and he thought about opening her car door and laying her down right there. He got as far as the door handle when the nearing sound of laughter stopped him.

Slowly he released her, moving his hands to her hips, gentling the kiss and finally stepping back. She seemed reluctant, but then lowered her hands to her sides and sagged back against the car. One of those two-seater foreign jobs, he realized. No good for what he’d had planned.

They said nothing as the laughing couple stumbled past them. Tori softly cleared her throat. He shifted, trying to adjust the snugness of his jeans. The jangle of keys drew his attention. She’d pulled them out of her purse.

“Thanks for the sneak preview,” she said, her mouth curving slowly, her gaze lingering on him as she opened her car door. “I look forward to tomorrow night.”

She slid inside, her long, shapely legs molded by the tight denim, holding his attention captive. Reluctantly he closed the door. She started the car and the automatic window smoothly slid down.

“Tomorrow night,” he said, and thought about kissing her again but stepped back instead.

“Around seven, right?”

He nodded. “Under what name?”

Her mouth lifted in a mischievous grin. “Lady Chatterly.”

The tinted window slid up, obscuring her face, and then she drove away, leaving him in the parking lot with a smile and a hard-on.

TORI MUTTERED A CURSE when she pulled into the driveway and saw the parlor lights on. Of course her mother could have gone to bed and just left them on for her. It was after eleven.

Another light flickered on and Tori sighed as she navigated the circular driveway around to the east garage where she kept her car. She had a good mind to wander out into the garden and make her mother come out and look for her. No way would she put up with a grilling over where she’d been all night. Tomorrow, after she went to the office, no matter how many appointments were on her calendar, she was looking for an apartment.

She could have come home immediately after meeting with Jake. She’d had a half hour to kill before she had to show up at the center. But if she’d gone home for the thirty minutes, she would have had to face her mother’s annoying questions.

It was weird to be living at home after being away for seven years. Had she really been that subservient in her youth, or had her mother’s domineering gotten worse? Maybe she figured if she could tame Mallory, whipping Tori into shape would be a cinch.

Even Jake had thought Tori had run home to placate her mother. Of course Tori had also led him to that thinking. She didn’t know why she hadn’t been honest with him, except working at the center, and answering their hot line was something very personal for her. And the truth was, she didn’t know Jake.

She laughed to herself as she pulled the car into the garage. She didn’t know him…she just wanted to sleep with him. Oh, God…

The door had barely closed behind her when she heard her mother calling from the parlor. Tori thought briefly about running up the servants’ stairs but decided not to aggravate her mother any further.

“I’ll be right in, Mother,” she called and stopped to get a diet Coke out of the fridge. She grabbed an apple, too, since she hadn’t eaten dinner.

She took a deep breath, reminding herself to be patient as she entered the parlor.

Her mother purposefully looked at her watch, still on her wrist, even though she had already changed into a satiny peach robe. “Where have you been?”


Her mother’s brows arched. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you since you’ve been away, Victoria, but your attitude is most unattractive.”

Tori sighed. “It’s only eleven-fifteen.”

Her mother stared in silence for a moment, gave Tori’s jeans a disdainful look and then said, “You’ve been at the center again, haven’t you?”

“And that would be a problem?”

“For heaven’s sake, Victoria, we give them enough money. You don’t need to actually—” She made a sweeping gesture with her hand.

“Get my hands dirty?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah.” Sighing, Tori popped open the can of cola. “I think I’ll take this upstairs with me.”


She stopped, turned around.

“Do not forget about dinner tomorrow night.”

“Tomorrow night? Where?”

“Oh, Victoria.” Her mother stood, and then turned to plump the pillow she’d been leaning on. “At the Club.”

“You didn’t tell me about that.”

“I most certainly did. We’re meeting the Kimballs at seven. They’re very important clients of your father’s.”

Tori’s heart sank. “I would have remembered…”

“Not with the way you’ve been preoccupied lately. Anyway, dress will be casual.” She cast a critical gaze over Tori. “Wear your cream linen dress.”

“Guess what? They taught me how to dress myself in college.”

“I’m not amused, Victoria,” her mother called as Tori took the stairs two at a time. “I expect you to be prompt tomorrow. This dinner is very important.”

She slipped inside her room, shut the door and sank against it and groaned. Jake would assume she’d chickened out. What the hell was she going to do?


JAKE IDLY FLIPPED through several more channels and then flung the remote aside. He should have known she wouldn’t show up. Yeah, he’d been surprised when he’d shown up early to check in and pay for the room only to find that she’d beat him to it. She’d left a note apologizing that she’d be late, which had bugged him, yet had also been encouraging.

But it was already nine. If he had a brain in his head he’d just leave. Not that he had anything else to do. Bad enough he’d barely been able to concentrate all day. He’d purposely stayed in the office to clear some paperwork off his desk. And what? All he’d managed to do was upset his secretary by screwing up her new filing system.

Muttering over his foolishness for hanging around, he went to the minibar and grabbed another beer out of the fridge. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t turned down sex before, although admittedly, that wasn’t a common occurrence. If he wanted to be totally honest with himself, he kind of got a charge out of a Whitford coming on to him.

He skipped the chair this time and stretched out on the bed, adjusting the pillow behind his neck before resuming his channel surfing. Great hotel but the channel selection sucked. She obviously wasn’t going to show. He ought to go home where he could at least catch the end of the Raiders’ game.

After taking another pull of beer, he set the bottle on the nightstand and yawned. Screw her. Better that she’d chumped him. She wouldn’t even have to know that he’d shown up. He wasn’t a toy poodle for her amusement. The sex would probably have been great but it still niggled at him that she wanted to keep him her guilty secret.

She thought he was a gardener…someone beneath her. Granted, he wasn’t in her social class, but little did she know that he’d actually…

A light knock at the door had him sitting up. And then he heard a key in the lock and the door opened.

Tori stepped inside the semidark room, her gaze darting first to the television and then to him. She smiled and closed the door behind her. “I’m glad you’re still here.”

“I was just about to leave.”

She quickly sobered. “I’m really sorry about being late. I tried looking for you in the garden today but obviously you weren’t there.” She laid her purse on the table and moved closer. “I’d totally forgotten about a business dinner I had tonight. I hope you got the note I left at the front desk.”

“I got it.” He picked up his beer and took another sip before getting to his feet.

“You’re angry.”

“I wasted two hours waiting for you.”

“I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t know how else to get a hold of you.”

“Did you try my father?”

She blinked, and looked away. “I didn’t think of that.”

Bull shit. He knew damn well she wouldn’t have risked letting anyone know they had a date. If you could call their little sex tryst that.

For a moment he thought about calling her on the lie, but what would that solve? Nothing would change. Except it might mean he wouldn’t get anything tonight. If he still wanted it…

His gaze went to the hem of her cream dress, where it stopped about three inches above her knee. The style was conservative with a high neck and short sleeves and she shouldn’t have looked so damn sexy.

Yeah, he still wanted her, all right.

“Forget it. You’re here now,” he said, and pulled off his shirt.

Her eyes widened, excitement mixed with fear sparkling from their depths, and she drew a hand up her opposite arm.

The lady wanted a walk on the wild side. Jake smiled. He wouldn’t disappoint her.

TORI DREW AN UNSTEADY breath. He didn’t look as if he was about to waste any time on small talk or foreplay. She watched him unsnap his jeans, and wished she’d had that brandy her mother had ordered her after dinner. But by the time dessert had arrived, Tori had her purse in hand and excuse to leave the table on her lips.

After she’d fought the downtown traffic, she’d half expected not to find Jake waiting. But here he was, with the best-looking chest in the southern hemisphere.

He shoved the jeans down his thighs and then pulled them off, leaving him in navy-blue boxers. “If you don’t want me to mess up that pretty dress of yours, I’d suggest you take it off.”

At the deep, suggestive timbre of his voice, a shiver slithered down her spine and she automatically reached behind to find the zipper. His gaze went to her breasts where the linen fabric strained against them and revealed her protruding nipples.

“Need help?”

She looked up when she realized she’d been staring at his fly. Already he was semiaroused which sent her pulse into the danger zone. She fumbled with the zipper, her fingers going numb, so she slowly turned around to accept his help, briefly closing her eyes, anticipating that he might rip the tab off the track.

He didn’t, but simply pulled gently until the zipper parted and then he unhooked her bra before she could turn around and do it herself. He slipped the dress off her right shoulder along with the bra strap. She started to turn to face him, but he held her by the shoulders and ran his tongue down the side of her spine.

Her breath caught and she closed her eyes while he slid the dress off her other shoulder. The fabric dropped to her waist where she held it to her tingling skin. The creamy silk bra easily followed so that she was bare to the waist.

Gripping her by the shoulders, he turned her around until their eyes met, briefly, before his gaze lowered to her breasts. She swallowed when he took her wrists and pulled her hands away from the dress. She let go and the pale linen fell to her feet.

He still didn’t let go, but lifted his gaze to her face. “How do you like it, Victoria?” he whispered, and then kissed the side of her neck.

“What do you mean?” She barely recognized her own voice. Deep. Husky. Sexy.

He drew back and gave her a lazy smile. “You like it a little rough?” He gripped her wrist tighter and forced her backward until she was against the wall, and then he kissed her hard, pushing his tongue between her lips.

Just as quickly he withdrew, lightly nibbling the side of her mouth, sucking at her lower lip, releasing her wrist to cup her face in his hands and giving her a gentle but very satisfying kiss.

He pulled back, his darkly intense eyes even with hers. “Or slow and tender?”

It took her a moment to catch her breath. “I don’t know. I’ve never—” A glint of triumph in his eyes stopped her. Was he trying to intimidate her? “If you want to spend the night analyzing the situation…” She put a hand on his hip and dipped a couple of fingers into the elastic of his boxers. “Then we might as well put our clothes back on.”

His mouth curved in a crooked smile, and before she knew what he was doing, he’d hooked his thumbs in her bikini panties and drew them down her legs, lowering himself so that she felt his warm breath at the juncture of her thighs.

She clutched his shoulder to keep her balance, unsure what he’d do next, nervous that he might be jumping the gun a bit. But after he got her to step out of the panties, he cast them aside, and then raised himself to a standing position, casually, as if he hadn’t been tonguing distance from her heat.

The bastard knew what he’d done, what he’d made her wrongly believe he’d had planned, judging by the amusement in his eyes. Robbing him of time to gloat, she yanked his boxers down and then stood back, staring, as she waited for him to get rid of them.

He seemed in no hurry, and totally unselfconscious of his hard thick arousal aimed heavenward, and her heart pounded so loudly she thought he surely could hear it. When he lowered his gaze, he took his time there, too, leisurely surveying her breasts, her hips, her thighs.

“I’ve gotta admit, Ms. Whitford…” His gaze came up to rest briefly on her lips and then on her eyes. “You turned out mighty fine.”

His approval sent a thrill through her that took her by surprise. Made her chest tighten with odd and unexpected emotion. Threw her off balance.

She swallowed. “Well, Mr. Conners, I’d have to say the same about you.” She’d hoped for something wittier but it was the best she could do.

A hint of a smile danced at the corners of his mouth as he reached for her hand and drew her close. She tilted her head back to meet his kiss. It was gentle yet coaxing and she slid her arms around his waist, enjoying the feel of his erection pressed to her belly. Encouragingly, she wanted to believe that his heart pounded at least as hard as hers and she slid her hands down to mold the firm swell of his buttocks.

He groaned and moved his hips. She pressed harder against him as if he were a magnet and she was a piece of metal helplessly drawn to him.

“Come,” he said, his voice hoarse and raspy as he led her to the bed. He yanked the burgundy cover back, and then the matching blanket to expose the white sheets.

He hooked an arm around her waist and took her down with him. Sprawling out in the middle of the bed, he kept hold of her as she lay half on top of him, half off. Laughing, she tried to scramble into a more dignified position, but he flipped her onto her back and pressed her into the mattress with his body.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, using the tip of his tongue to trace her jaw.

She arched her neck and he continued his trek down her throat to her breasts. She sighed. “I’m staying right where I am.”

“You’re right,” he murmured, his warm breath coating her nipple right before he took it into his mouth.

Reflexively she squirmed and he suckled harder as his hand found her other breast. Lightly he pinched the tip between his thumb and forefinger. She moaned with pleasure, and he suckled harder still.

She kneaded the muscles across his back, ran her palms down his taut skin toward his backside but her reach was unsatisfactory. She struggled to gain better access but he wouldn’t let her move.



“I have condoms in my purse.”

He looked up. “In a hurry, are we?”

“No, I just didn’t want to get carried away before we protected ourselves.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not that carried away.” He put his mouth back on her breast, but she couldn’t relax.

The remark stung. Of course he probably didn’t mean it the way she took it, but he must have sensed her mood change because he lifted his head again and smiled. Without a word, he got up and went to get his jeans. He withdrew a couple of foil packets from the pocket.

Watching the sleek, easy way he moved eased her tension. No question, he not only had the best chest but the best butt she’d ever seen. With or without clothes.

“I’ll leave these right here on the nightstand for later,” he said, holding up the packets, and then dropping them near the lamp. “Unless you’re in a hurry.”

She shook her head, unabashedly staring at the tautness and definition of his belly. Even with the interruption, his erection hadn’t subsided and it was difficult not to stare there, too. “Did you play sports in high school?”

He nodded, his appreciative gaze slipping down to her breasts. “Why?”

“Which one?”

“Football for three years.” He stretched out beside her, and cupped a hand over her breast. “And then hockey for a year in college.”

“You went to college?”

Annoyance flashed in his eyes. He released her and lay back with one hand behind his head.

“I’m only surprised because you didn’t mention it last night.” She curled into him and played with the hair around his navel.

“I dropped out after two years. I hated being in a classroom. Are we just going to talk?”

She ignored the irritation in his voice and tracked the stream of hair down his belly, pleased when he sucked in a breath. He stayed perfectly still while she ran her palm lower. She wrapped her hand around him, and closing his eyes, he groaned.

She continued to explore the length of him, a fascinating combination of smooth satin and the hardness of steel. When she used her finger to probe the tip, he shifted and captured her wrist.

A slow smile lifted his lips as he brought her palm to his mouth. He licked the center, and then kissed it.

She smiled. “Chicken.”

“Yeah?” He slid his hand between her thighs.

“Oh.” She tried to squeeze her legs together but it was too late. Already she was so wet, one slight graze of his finger was likely to send her rocketing to the ceiling.

“Look who’s chicken now.” He tongued her earlobe.

“Not chicken, just— Oh, my, God—” She closed her eyes as he drove a finger into her. And then another.

“Relax,” he whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I know. I—” She couldn’t think anymore. What was he doing with his fingers? She’d never felt anything like this before…

She threw her head back and he trailed his tongue over the curve of her neck, to her jaw and then nipped at her earlobe. A low whimper escaped her and he covered the sound with his mouth, his lips soft and coaxing, his fingers unrelenting as he probed deeper.

Afraid she’d come too fast, she tried to grasp his forearm, but he wouldn’t stop. Unexpectedly he moved to suckle her breasts and she arched off the bed, only intensifying his exploration.

“Jake, we’d better slow down,” she murmured.

She felt his smile against her skin, and then his tongue circled her nipple, slowly, leisurely, heightening her anticipation. He withdrew his fingers but before she could lament the loss, he plunged back inside her. He slid his other hand underneath her bottom and forced an angle to her hips that deepened the penetration.

She jerked when the first wave came, surprising the hell out of her. He used his thumb to rub her clitoris until another shock jerked her again. The spasms increased and she clutched the sheets, tearing them free of the mattress. It was as if her body had received an electrical charge and even as she tried to wiggle away, he stayed with her and the waves kept coming.

Everything got fuzzy. He reached behind and then she thought she heard him fumble with the foil packet. She was still convulsing when he entered her. Filled her with heat and pressure until she didn’t think she could take it.

But then he withdrew and used the tip of his silky hard penis to probe the sensitive nub between her folds of flesh. He never once used his hand for guidance, but moved over her, unerringly finding every spot that nearly sent her rocketing once more.

He moaned and she sensed his restraint had begun to slip as he slid in deeper, lowering his body so that his chest grazed her nipples. This time his withdrawal seemed reluctant and when he slid back in he started to pump harder. She tried to meet his thrusts but her body was so spent she couldn’t tell if she were moving or not.

He murmured something she didn’t understand, and then gave a final thrust before collapsing on her. She couldn’t breathe, but not because of his weight. The overwhelming sense of being truly sated was what robbed her of breath. Never had she experienced such physical release.

He rolled off her and, still dazed, she looked at him. He looked pretty wiped out himself. His lids drifted closed, briefly, and then he said, “Hey.”


He smiled. “Wow!”

“Yeah.” She tried to get up on one elbow but the effort seemed too great.

“You’re not leaving yet.” It wasn’t a question but a simple statement of fact.

“Hadn’t even crossed my mind.”

“Good.” He wound an arm around her and pulled her up against him. She laid her cheek on his chest, his warm, musky skin sedating her, and she closed her eyes.




She smiled, thinking about how she liked it when he called her Victoria. “Not really. What did you have in mind?”

He laughed, his chest vibrating against her cheek. “Give me at least five minutes.”

“That’s all? At your age? I’m impressed. Ouch!”


She brought her head up to meet his hooded eyes. “You know darn well you pinched my butt.”

“Sorry. At my age it’s hard to remember one moment to the next.”

“Okay, we’re even.” Chuckling, she yawned, and then laid her head back down.

It was really weird being this comfortable with him. Seeing him from a distance for half her life didn’t constitute a relationship. Certainly nothing remotely substantial enough to allow for this feeling of familiarity.

Maybe it was just the afterglow from the best sex she’d ever had in her life that made her feel so warm and fuzzy. That idea was a little scary, but kind of nice, too. Maybe it wasn’t about familiarity but a simple matter of knowing he wasn’t an ax murderer or anything that comforted her.

He ran a hand up her back, and then stroked his way down to her fanny. “Are you snoring?”

“No.” She swatted him on the thigh and looked up to see the corners of his mouth twitch.

His humor faded. “You’re quiet. Having regrets?”

“No. You?”

“Nope.” He shifted his weight, and she pushed up on one elbow to give him room. “Are you going home or staying here tonight?” he asked, glancing at the digital bedside clock.

She got a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. As great as the sex was, she hoped he didn’t think this was going to be an all-night thing. Maybe she should have been more specific regarding her expectations.

“I’ll be leaving,” she said, taking a look at the clock herself. It was already ten-thirty. “Feel free to stay if you like, though. The room is already paid for.”

If she’d expected him to be disappointed, she needn’t have worried. He sat up, yawned and stretched, looking totally indifferent. He got to his feet, and mindless of his nudity, went and got his jeans. The sight of him tempted her to call him back to bed.

“I have an early appointment tomorrow.” He poked around until he found his boxers, and then looked over at her. “I assumed you didn’t want to leave the room together.”

She pulled the sheet up to cover herself, and gave a small nod.

He smiled. “Unless you need to go in there,” he said, inclining his head toward the bathroom, “I’ll only be a couple of minutes.”

“Help yourself.” She watched him disappear behind the bathroom door, wondering what the hell was wrong with her. He was behaving exactly like she wanted. So why was she the one who was disappointed? Just a little. But still…

Sighing, she started to get up and gather her clothes while she had some privacy. Unlike him, she wasn’t quite as comfortable with her body, especially since she’d gained seven pounds during the last two weeks of school and only managed to shed two of them. But what the hell, he’d be gone in the next few minutes and she’d have all the privacy she wanted.

She closed her eyes, thinking about what she’d write to her e-mail buddies. If she were smart, she’d wait a day to tell them about tonight. Wait till she wasn’t so tingly and giddy. She didn’t want to end up blabbing all the details.

The door opened and she looked up. He was dressed, still tucking in his shirt, the stirrings she felt just watching him alarmed her.

“Okay,” he said, meeting her eyes, his totally unreadable. “I’ll be shoving off.”

She nodded, an inexplicable panic tightening her chest so that she didn’t trust herself to speak.

He hesitated, and then headed for the door, and she realized what had her suddenly so tense. What next? Was this it? One night? She hadn’t thought things out this far. She hadn’t expected to want more. Which was silly. He was awesome. He was…


He stopped, his hand on the knob, and turned with raised brows.


He laughed. “Sure.”

She wanted to pull the sheet over her face. “I mean, for waiting.”

“No problem.” He paused, a slight frown on his face. “You parked close, I hope.”

“I valet parked.”

“Good.” He turned the knob.

“Jake, wait.” She silently cleared her throat. “I was wondering—would you be interested in—doing this again?”

He smiled. “You call the shots.”

“Tomorrow night?” One more time wouldn’t hurt. That hardly constituted a relationship.


“Sure. I won’t be late.”

He smiled again, and let himself out.


KAREN SET A FRESH CARAFE of water on the credenza behind Tori’s desk. “May I get you anything else, Ms. Whitford?”

“Please call me Tori.” She smiled at the secretary she would be sharing with Mallory. Not that her sister showed up at the office more than twice a month.

“Your father likes to keep the office atmosphere formal,” Karen said, plucking a dead petal off the bunch of roses Tori had swiped from the garden to put on her desk.

“Okay, then call me Victoria.”

The woman didn’t even smile.

“That was a joke,” Tori muttered. Karen was at least twenty years her senior. It was silly to address Tori as Ms. Whitford. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”

Karen started for the door, stopped and turned. “In private I’ll call you Tori. In front of your father or the staff it’ll be Ms. Whitford.”

“Fair enough.”

Karen smiled and left, closing the door behind her.

Sighing, Tori sank into her office chair, immediately kicked her shoes off under her desk and bent to massage her left arch. She hadn’t worn high heels for years. What the hell had she been thinking?

About Jake mostly.

Not good. There was more to life than sex. He wasn’t part of her long-term plan. She shouldn’t be thinking about him at all.

She straightened and flexed her foot while she organized the stack of reports Karen had left on her desk. The company’s prospectus she’d already reviewed yesterday so she skipped that and went to the profit and loss statements for last quarter.

Just as she started reading, she was interrupted by a brief knock at her door, and then it opened.

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He′s All That Debbi Rawlins

Debbi Rawlins

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Rich girls do it best! At least, that′s how Victoria Whitford′s selling it. Sure, she′s triumphantly returned home to take over the family empire, but before everything gets settled, she′s treating herself to one last no-holds-barred fling.And she′s got the Man To Do all primed and ready–the gardener′s son. She′s been having this fantasy since she was sixteen. Now Tori′s up for the sexual challenge…. She′ll convince him to do as she pleases–he′ll be her last best conquest….Jake Conners can′t believe his eyes. Tori, sleek and sophisticated, buff and beautiful. Full of promises, full of potential. When she backs him into a corner and offers him the sexual experience of a lifetime, he can′t resist. She′s hot, unstoppable and better at this game than he′ll ever be. He knows when he′s beaten. But what′s really worrying him is Tori. How long will he have before daddy′s little rich girl tells him: time′s up?

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