Your Chinese Horoscope 2010

Your Chinese Horoscope 2010
Neil Somerville
The year 2010 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger – what will this mean for you? This complete guide contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead – a year which offers great hope, advancement and opportunity.The ancient art of Chinese astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been in use in the Orient for thousands of years.The depth of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and prediction has caught the imagination of the Western world in recent years and led to a rapid rise in its popularity.This popular and enlightening bestselling guide – now in its 21st year – includes:• Everything you need to know about the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac• An explanation of the Five Elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth, and which one governs your sign• Individual predictions to help you find love, luck and success• What the Year of the Tiger has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.

What the Year of the Tiger Holds in Store for You


Introduction (#u449b2864-943b-5a06-a328-cced354b57da)
The Rat (#u45698285-f440-5d37-ba75-ac25cb28e7b4)
The Ox (#u7ad70beb-9f0c-5989-940d-750ef95caaa2)
The Tiger (#uaf1a7a95-3efd-509c-80d1-3666b0c73df8)
The Rabbit (#litres_trial_promo)
The Dragon (#litres_trial_promo)
The Snake (#litres_trial_promo)
The Horse (#litres_trial_promo)
The Goat (#litres_trial_promo)
The Monkey (#litres_trial_promo)
The Rooster (#litres_trial_promo)
The Dog (#litres_trial_promo)
The Pig (#litres_trial_promo)
Appendix: (#litres_trial_promo)
Relationships between the Signs (#litres_trial_promo)
Your Ascendant (#litres_trial_promo)
How to Get the Best from your Chinese Sign and the Year (#litres_trial_promo)
Acknowledgements (#litres_trial_promo)
The Chinese Years (#litres_trial_promo)
About the Author (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

INTRODUCTION (#u25a9adca-11a9-54f6-9ef5-fa770d8bc3be)
The origins of Chinese horoscopes have been lost in the mists of time. It is known, however, that oriental astrologers practised their art many thousands of years ago and even today Chinese astrology continues to fascinate and intrigue.
In Chinese astrology there are 12 signs named after 12 different animals. No one quite knows how the signs acquired their names, but there is one legend that offers an explanation. According to this legend, one Chinese New Year the Buddha invited all the animals in his kingdom to come before him. Unfortunately, for reasons best known to the animals, only 12 turned up. The first to arrive was the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and finally Pig. In gratitude, the Buddha decided to name a year after each of the animals and that those born during that year would inherit some of the personality of that animal. Therefore those born in the year of the Ox would be hard working, resolute and stubborn, just like the Ox, while those born in the year of the Dog would be loyal and faithful, just like the Dog. While it is not possible that everyone born in a particular year can have all the characteristics of the sign, it is incredible what similarities do occur, and this is partly where the fascination of Chinese horoscopes lies.
In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence upon the signs. Details about the effects of the elements are given in each of the chapters on the 12 signs.
To find out which sign you were born under, refer to the tables on the following pages. As the Chinese year is based on the lunar year and does not start until late January or early February, it is particularly important for anyone born in those two months to check carefully the dates of the Chinese year in which they were born.
Also included, in the appendix, are two charts showing the compatibility between the signs for personal and business relationships and details about the signs ruling the different hours of the day. From this it is possible to locate your ascendant and, as in Western astrology, this has a significant influence on your personality.
In writing this book, I have taken the unusual step of combining the intriguing nature of Chinese horoscopes with the Western desire to know what the future holds, and have based my interpretations upon various factors relating to each of the signs. Over the years in which Your Chinese Horoscope has been published I have been pleased that so many have found the sections on the forthcoming year of interest and hope that the horoscope has been constructive and useful. Remember, though, that at all times you are master of your own destiny.
I sincerely hope that Your Chinese Horoscope 2010 will prove interesting and helpful for the year ahead.
18 FEBRUARY 1912
5 FEBRUARY 1913 Water Rat
23 JANUARY 1925 Wood Rat
24 JANUARY 1936
10 FEBRUARY 1937 Fire Rat
10 FEBRUARY 1948
28 JANUARY 1949 Earth Rat
28 JANUARY 1960
14 FEBRUARY 1961 Metal Rat
15 FEBRUARY 1972
2 FEBRUARY 1973 Water Rat
19 FEBRUARY 1985 Wood Rat
19 FEBRUARY 1996
6 FEBRUARY 1997 Fire Rat
25 JANUARY 2009 Earth Rat

THE RAT (#u25a9adca-11a9-54f6-9ef5-fa770d8bc3be)
To see,
and to see what others do not see.
That is true vision.
The Rat is born under the sign of charm. He is intelligent, popular and loves attending parties and large social gatherings. He is able to establish friendships with remarkable ease and people generally feel relaxed in his company. He is a very social creature and is genuinely interested in the welfare and activities of others. He has a good understanding of human nature and his advice and opinions are often sought.
The Rat is a hard and diligent worker. He is also very imaginative and is never short of ideas. However, he does sometimes lack the confidence to promote his ideas and this can often prevent him from securing the recognition he deserves.
The Rat is very observant and many Rats have made excellent writers and journalists. The Rat also excels at personnel and PR work and any job that brings him into contact with people and the media. His skills are particularly appreciated in times of crisis, for the Rat has an incredibly strong sense of self-preservation. When it comes to finding a way out of an awkward situation, he is certain to be the one who comes up with a solution.
The Rat loves to be where there is a lot of action, but should he ever find himself in a very bureaucratic or restrictive environment he can become a stickler for discipline and routine. He is also something of an opportunist and is constantly on the lookout for ways in which he can improve his wealth and lifestyle. He rarely lets an opportunity go by and can become involved in so many plans and schemes that he sometimes squanders his energies and achieves very little as a result. He is also rather gullible and can be taken in by those less scrupulous than himself.
Another characteristic of the Rat is his attitude towards money. He is very thrifty and to some he may appear a little mean. The reason for this is purely that he likes to keep his money within his family. He can be most generous to his partner, his children and close friends and relatives. He can also be generous to himself, for he often finds it impossible to deprive himself of any luxury or object he fancies. He is very acquisitive and can be a notorious hoarder. He also hates waste and is rarely prepared to throw anything away. He can be rather greedy and will rarely refuse an invitation to a free meal or a complimentary ticket to a lavish function.
The Rat is a good conversationalist, although he can occasionally be a little indiscreet. He can be highly critical of others—for an honest and unbiased opinion, the Rat is a superb critic—and will sometimes use confidential information to his own advantage. However, as he has such a bright and irresistible nature, most people are prepared to forgive him his slight indiscretions.
Throughout his long and eventful life the Rat will make many friends and will find that he is especially well suited to those born under his own sign and those of the Ox, Dragon and Monkey. He can also get on well with those born under the signs of the Tiger, Snake, Rooster, Dog and Pig, but the rather sensitive Rabbit and Goat will find him a little too critical and blunt for their liking. The Horse and Rat will also find it difficult to get on with each other—the Rat craves security and will find the Horse’s changeable moods and rather independent nature a little unsettling.
The Rat is very family orientated and will do anything to please his nearest and dearest. He is exceptionally loyal to his parents and can himself be a very caring and loving parent. He will take an interest in all his children’s activities and see that they want for nothing. He usually has a large family.
The female Rat has a kindly, outgoing nature and involves herself in a multitude of different activities. She has a wide circle of friends, enjoys entertaining and is an attentive hostess. She is also conscientious about the upkeep of her home and has good taste in home furnishings. She is most supportive to the other members of her family and, due to her resourceful, friendly and persevering nature, can do well in practically any career she chooses.
Although the Rat is essentially outgoing, he is also a very private individual. He tends to keep his feelings to himself and while he is not averse to learning what other people are doing, he resents anyone prying too closely into his own affairs. He also does not like solitude and if he is alone for any length of time he can easily get depressed.
The Rat is undoubtedly very talented, but he does sometimes fail to capitalize on his many abilities. He has a tendency to become involved in too many schemes and chase after too many opportunities at once. If he can slow down and concentrate on one thing at a time, he can become very successful. If not, success and wealth can elude him. But, with his tremendous ability to charm, he will rarely, if ever, be without friends.

In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Rat are described below, together with the years in which the elements were exercising their influence. Therefore those Rats born in 1960 are Metal Rats, those born in 1972 are Water Rats, and so on.

Metal Rat: 1960
This Rat has excellent taste and certainly knows how to appreciate the finer things in life. His home is comfortable and nicely decorated and he likes to entertain and mix in fashionable circles. He has considerable financial acumen and invests his money well. On the surface he appears cheerful and confident, but deep down he can be troubled by worries that are quite often of his own making. He is exceptionally loyal to his family and friends.

Water Rat: 1912, 1972
The Water Rat is intelligent and very astute. He is a deep thinker and can express his thoughts clearly and persuasively. He is always eager to learn and is talented in many different areas. He is usually very popular, but his fear of loneliness can sometimes lead him into mixing with the wrong sort of company. He is a particularly skilful writer, but he can get sidetracked very easily and should try to concentrate on just one thing at a time.

Wood Rat: 1924, 1984
The Wood Rat has a friendly, outgoing personality and is popular with his colleagues and friends. He has a quick, agile brain and likes to turn his hand to anything he thinks may be useful. His one fear is insecurity, but given his intelligence and capabilities, this fear is usually unfounded. He has a good sense of humour, enjoys travel and, due to his highly imaginative nature, can be a gifted writer or artist.

Fire Rat: 1936, 1996
The Fire Rat is rarely still and seems to have a never-ending supply of energy and enthusiasm. He loves being involved in some form of action, be it travel, following up new ideas or campaigning for a cause in which he fervently believes. He is an original thinker and hates being bound by petty restrictions or the dictates of others. He can be forthright in his views but can sometimes get carried away in the excitement of the moment and commit himself to various undertakings without thinking through all the implications. Yet he has a resilient nature and with the right support can go far in life.

Earth Rat: 1948, 2008
This Rat is astute and very level-headed. He rarely takes unnecessary chances and while he is constantly trying to improve his financial status, he is prepared to proceed slowly and leave nothing to chance. He is probably not as adventurous as the other types of Rat and prefers to remain in familiar territory rather than rush headlong into something he knows little about. He is talented, conscientious and caring towards his loved ones, but at the same time can be self-conscious and worry a little too much about the image he is trying to project.

The Year of the Ox (26 January 2009 to 13 February 2010) will have been a reasonable one for the Rat and in the remaining months he can do himself a lot of good. As so many Rats will have found, the Ox year requires effort, and for those prepared to give that little bit extra, there can be encouraging developments in store.
The Rat’s relations with others are particularly well aspected and not only can he look forward to an increasing number of social opportunities at this time but he will also be in demand with family and friends. For those enjoying or perhaps hoping for romance, these can be a promising few months. All Rats should also use any chances they have to talk to others. Whether running over ideas or making arrangements, the Rat can gain a lot from the support and goodwill of those around him.
At work this is a time of application and of focusing on duties and objectives. For those Rats hoping to make progress in their career or looking for a position, October and November could see some interesting possibilities.
The Rat would, though, do well to watch his spending during this period. With his many ideas, he could find his outgoings turning out to be more than anticipated. It would be helpful for him to spread out his purchases and wait for favourable buying opportunities, including post-Christmas sales.
The Year of the Ox will have asked a lot of the Rat but during it he will certainly have had many experiences as well as enjoyed times which will have meant a great deal to him.
The Year of the Tiger begins on 14 February and will be an important one for the Rat. Again, results will need to be worked for and the Rat may not always be at ease with some of the developments of the year, or its pace. However, by remaining alert and being prepared to adapt, he can benefit in many ways.
In his work this is a year of change. Often this will be in the Rat’s present place of work, with him benefiting from internal opportunities or the chance to further his duties in some way. Changes in personnel and management can, for some Rats, lead to restructuring and new working practices, but whatever their situation, by making the most of it, they may well be rewarded with the chance to progress. Rats like security and a certain stability, but the Tiger year favours movement and the one thing the Rat will need to be careful of during it is intransigence. To be unwilling to change could undermine his position and prospects. Rats, please take note.
For Rats seeking work or a change in their career, the Tiger year can also present some excellent opportunities. These Rats should not be too restrictive in what they are prepared to consider and if they take advice many could be alerted to possibilities they have not considered before. While these Rats may sometimes despair of ever finding a suitable position or feel daunted by the expectations of a new role, by allowing themselves time and being persistent, they can and will prevail. As the Rat has so often shown, he has the abilities and resourcefulness to triumph over challenges, and he can do so again this year. April, June, September and October could see important developments, but such is the nature of the year that when the Rat sees a position that interests him, he should act quickly. Tiger years can be fast-moving and opportunities need to be grasped as they arise.
Another feature of Tiger years is the travel opportunities they bring. Sometimes these could be connected with work, but many Rats will travel for pleasure during the year. By giving careful thought to their destination and planning ahead, they will often benefit from their time away. Given the nature of the year, if there is a destination the Rat is particularly keen to visit, he should make enquiries and stay alert for offers. Travel will figure strongly for many in 2010.
As far as money matters are concerned, this is a time when good control and advance planning will help the Rat. To do all he wants, he will need to keep control over his everyday spending and avoid succumbing to too many impulse purchases. Budgeting and making allowances for any large purchases—and travel plans—will help. In addition he should avoid unnecessary risks. His luck and judgement may not be as good as in some years. Rats, take note and do be careful.
Being born under the sign of charm, the Rat enjoys company and sets much store by both his family and social life. However, here again the Tiger year calls for care. The Rat needs to be attentive towards others and remain aware of their views and feelings, otherwise misunderstandings could arise. Also, despite his many commitments, he should make sure he spends quality time with others rather than remain too preoccupied with his own concerns. Fortunately, he is usually careful in this respect, but with the aspects as they are and the pressures he may face, this is something he needs to be aware of.
In the Rat’s home life this can be a busy year. Not only will many Rats themselves be involved in possible change, particularly in their work, but others in their household could also find themselves under pressure or have problems to contend with. As a result, this is a time when good communication and co-operation will be paramount. Willingness to help and give time to others will make an important difference to the quality of home life. If possible, the Rat should also spread out any accommodation plans or practical activities he may have in mind, rather than cause additional pressure by hurrying them through.
On a social level the Rat will have good opportunities to meet others over the year, particularly as a result of his interests or through his work, with some valuable new friendships being made. For the unattached, romance could add considerable excitement to the year. May, July, August and December will see the most social activity. However, the Rat does need to remain alert, as this is a year when an inadvertent comment could give rise to a misunderstanding or lead to disagreement. Rats, please take note and be careful.
Overall, the Year of the Tiger will be a busy one for the Rat and although there will be times when he will be concerned about developments, by being adaptable and doing his best he can ultimately learn a great deal. This may not be an easy year, but it can be instructive. The Rat will also benefit from the support he receives and the new friendships and contacts he makes, although in his relations with others good communication and awareness will be so very important. A welcome feature of the year will be the travel opportunities that arise and many Rats will have the chance to visit new and often interesting destinations. Despite its pressures, the Tiger year will bring times the Rat will value.

The Metal Rat
This will be an important year for the Metal Rat, not only marking the start of a new decade in his life but also bringing some key decisions and changes. This may not be the easiest or smoothest of years, but its effects can be far-reaching.
One notable aspect of the Metal Rat’s nature is his ambition. He is keen and resourceful and able to use his talents in many different ways. Over the year these will continue to serve him well, and by being willing to explore possibilities, whether in his work or personal interests, he will be able to learn a great deal. Although moving away from the familiar may be uncomfortable, what opens up to him this year can prove to be the chance and challenge he now needs.
At work this can be a decisive year. For some Metal Rats there could be significant promotion opportunities, and while these may be something they have been working towards for some time, they could have an impact in several ways. Not only will they entail learning new skills but they could also involve changes to routine and sometimes location. Nevertheless, while personally daunting, these opportunities can give these Metal Rats’ career the boost they have been wanting for some time.
For Metal Rats who are content in their present position, again change could beckon. Whether this is brought about through new management, the introduction of new working practices or more senior staff moving on, many Metal Rats will find themselves being given further responsibilities. They may be concerned about their increased role and workload, but by being prepared to adapt and make the most of their situation, they will not only add to their skills but also open up other possibilities for the future. A key feature of the Tiger year is that its effects can be far-reaching.
For those Metal Rats seeking work, either at the start of the Tiger year or during it, again some important possibilities can open up. Securing a position will require effort, and the Tiger year does not always make things easy or straightforward for Rats, but with faith, self-belief and a certain amount of initiative, many will find their tenacity rewarded. Mid-March to the end of April, June and September to mid-November could see considerable activity, but with the fast-moving nature of the Tiger year, ideas and possibilities need to be followed up as they arise.
One of the Metal Rat’s strengths is his ability to get on well with people and over the year he should continue to use these skills well. Whether working with others or meeting new people in his line of work, he will impress many with his eager manner and willingness to assist.
As with all Rats in 2010, travel is likely to figure prominently for the Metal Rat, and whether he is travelling for work or pleasure, he should allow time to plan his itinerary and read up about his destination. By going well-prepared, he will make his time away all the more successful. If there is a particular destination that appeals to him, he should talk this over with his loved ones and see what is possible. Some Metal Rats could be tempted to mark their fiftieth year with a special trip or holiday and for many their travels could be one of the highlights of the year.
The Metal Rat is generally careful in money matters, but he should try to make advance provision for his projects and purchases over the year. With good budgeting, he will be able to proceed with many of his plans, but this is a year for careful control, especially with everyday spending.
With the progressive nature of the Tiger year, he should also give some consideration to his interests and recreational pursuits. These bring an important balance to his lifestyle and if there is a particular interest or idea he has been keen to explore, this would be a good year to follow it up. Trying something new or extending his existing knowledge could open up exciting new possibilities both now and in the future. Any Metal Rats who are sedentary for much of the day and do not tend to take much regular exercise would also do well to consider activities that could remedy this. With their fiftieth year marking change and new possibilities, they can benefit from positive action.
In their relations with others, they will find that family, friends and colleagues can all offer useful encouragement and support, but the year still calls for a certain care. In particular the Metal Rat will need to be prepared to consult and listen. To appear too single-minded could not only undermine rapport but also prevent him from benefiting from the opinions of others. In addition, it is important that he spends quality time with his loved ones. In this frequently busy year there is the risk that he might not give the time or attention to others that he has in the past, and this could lead to possible disagreements. With thoughtful-ness, this can be a rich and special year, but without, tensions could loom. Metal Rats, do take careful note. Nevertheless, the Tiger year could well be marked by occasions that will mean a great deal to the Metal Rat, including possible celebrations and surprises for his birthday.
He should also make sure his social life does not suffer due to all his activity and should aim to preserve some time for going out and meeting friends as well as treating himself and his loved ones to any social events that appeal. Metal Rats who are alone and would welcome a more active social life will find that positive action can reward them well. By going out, joining interest groups and making a special effort to meet those who are like-minded, they can form some new and often significant friendships. For the unattached, romantic prospects are also promising. Here again, Tiger years reward those who are prepared to put themselves forward. May, July, August to mid-September and December could see the most social activity. In general, the Year of the Tiger will be a demanding one for the Metal Rat, particularly in view of some of the changes that will occur. But while the pressures may sometimes be great and there will be times of uncertainty and concern, the year can mark the dawn of a new and important phase. This is a year to be open to possibility, to rise to situations and to keep alert for opportunity. With a willingness to move forward, the Metal Rat can make this an important and personally significant time and one which can also have a positive bearing on the next few years.

Despite the activity of the year, do make time for those who are important to you. Extra attention and thoughtful-ness can make a real difference to the year and your prospects.

The Water Rat
The Water Rat is blessed with a great many qualities. He has a willing nature, is prepared to put himself forward and, with the element of Water strengthening his skills as a communicator, he will have a lot in his favour during the Tiger year. To benefit, however, he will need to show flexibility and be prepared to adapt to the situations that arise.
At work, change is indicated, and although many Water Rats will have seen a lot happen in recent years, this period of transition is far from over. Whether settled in a particular position or keen to move on, the Water Rat will need to remain alert and seize opportunities as they occur. In some cases sudden changes in personnel could create openings or new initiatives could give the Water Rat the chance to build on his experience and take on a new role. This is a year for moving forward, even if it may not always be in the exact way the Water Rat had envisaged.
This also applies to those Water Rats seeking work or a change from their present role. The Tiger year can be a time of new starts and by being flexible, considering a wide range of options and talking to those who can advise them, many Water Rats can be alerted to new ways of using their skills and given fresh possibilities to consider. Mid-March to the end of April, June, September and October could see some interesting work developments and the Tiger year favours those who seize the initiative.
Another factor in the Water Rat’s favour is his keen and inquisitive mind, and by being prepared to further himself in some way, whether through enrolling on courses, undertaking personal study or trying new subjects or activities, he can help his prospects both now and in the near future.
He would also do well to allow time for recreational pursuits, especially those that allow him to get additional exercise or are in contrast to his usual daily activities. Also, if there are activities that appeal to him, this would be an ideal year to try them out. In 2010 it is important the Water Rat keeps his lifestyle in balance.
Travel will also feature strongly for many Water Rats. Some could benefit from attractive offers they see or could decide to go away at the last moment. However their trips come about, the rest and change of scene can do the Water Rat a lot of good. For those not able to take a long break, just a few days away or visiting others could be particularly beneficial.
With the possibility of travel and all his current commitments, the Water Rat will need to keep a close watch on his financial situation. This includes making early provision for some of his plans as well as watching his level of spending. This is no year for risks or too many spontaneous purchases.
The activity of the Tiger year will also filter through to the Water Rat’s home life and here good communication and co-operation will be more important than ever. Whenever the Water Rat has pressures or is concerned about decisions and possible work changes, it is important that he talks them through with those around him. Not only can loved ones provide understanding and advice but sometimes just the process of talking can help him sort out his own thoughts. This is no year to keep worries to himself. Similarly, if any pressures or domestic problems arise, a willingness to talk can be to the benefit of all. In addition the Water Rat will do much to assist more senior relations, with his thoughtful-ness being particularly appreciated. Domestically, this will be a busy year, but despite its pressures it can bring some notable family successes, and the progress of younger relations could be especially delightful.
With all the activity of the year, many Water Rats will be more selective with their socializing than of late, but it is important that they keep in contact with their friends. This is no time for the Water Rat to withdraw into himself and let his social life lapse. May, July, August, December and January are likely to see the most social activity.
The Tiger year will ask a lot of the Water Rat but will also give him the opportunity to develop his strengths and open himself up to new possibilities. By being forward thinking and adapting to the situations that arise, he can make this a constructive and personally satisfying year.

Pay particular attention to your relations with others. Be open with them. Discuss, talk, consult and help. This is an important time for you and those around you will play a significant and valuable part.

The Wood Rat
The Wood Rat will have accomplished a lot in the last few years and the Tiger year will offer him some interesting opportunities. It may not be a smooth or easy year, but its significance can be far-reaching.
As the Tiger year starts the Wood Rat would do well to take some time to consider his present position and possible next moves. He would find it helpful to talk to others and mention the ideas he is considering. By doing so, he will not only clarify in his own mind what he wants to do but will benefit from the advice and assistance that others can give. As all Rats will find, this is no year for standing still, and by deciding early on what he wants to work towards, the Wood Rat can get the year off to an encouraging start.
At work this could be a particularly important year, with almost all Wood Rats involved in change. Whether this arises through restructuring, opportunities in their present place of work or the decision to move on, many Wood Rats will alter their role in some way. With possible changes to their routine and/or commute, as well as new responsibilities, this can be daunting, but by rising to the challenge the Wood Rat will not only make positive headway but greatly add to his experience.
For Wood Rats who are keen to take their career in a new direction or are seeking work, the Tiger year can bring some interesting possibilities. By seeking advice, exploring options and considering other ways in which they can use their strengths, many Wood Rats will succeed in obtaining a new and often very different position. Persistence will be required, but for the determined this can be a time of positive change. Mid-March to the end of April, June and September to mid-November could see some good opportunities, but with the prevailing aspects the Wood Rat will need to keep alert throughout the year and act quickly when he sees any openings that interest him.
With the Wood Rat’s ability to relate so well to others, he should also make the most of the chances he has to network and meet others and, if appropriate, join a professional organization. By getting himself better known he can help his situation and the level of support and advice he receives.
This also applies to his personal interests. If he is able to meet other enthusiasts, whether at special events or by joining a local group, he will find this not only adds to the fun and pleasure his interests can bring but can also lead to him learning and achieving a lot more. By putting himself forward and making the most of his opportunities, he can gain a great deal. In addition, for those who are unattached and would perhaps welcome a more active and fulfilling social life, their interests can be an excellent way to meet those who are similarly minded, and for some, important new friendships or a special romance can follow on. For socializing and meeting others, May, July, August and December could be active and interesting months.
With the busy lifestyle the Wood Rat leads it is also important that he takes good care of himself. This includes having a nutritious and balanced diet as well as taking regular and appropriate exercise. This could be of considerable benefit to him.
The Wood Rat will also need to be careful in money matters. With his current commitments and often expensive plans, he will need to be disciplined in his spending and make early provision for some of the projects he has in mind. Also, where important transactions are concerned, he would do well to check the terms and obligations and, where appropriate, seek advice. This is a year for care and good money management.
Both personally and domestically this will be a busy year, with a lot for the Wood Rat to do and think about. Where necessary, he should be forthcoming and prepared to talk about his concerns. Also, when in company he needs to be attentive and listen closely to others to avoid any possible misunderstanding. However, while the Tiger year does call for a certain awareness, the Wood Rat can look forward to many memorable times with close friends and loved ones. These could include realizing certain hopes and plans as well as enjoying travel and joint activities. Personally, there can be a lot to enjoy this year, but the Wood Rat does need to remain alert and liaise closely with others.
The Wood Rat has many fine talents and knows he has it within him to achieve a great deal. The Tiger year will give him the chance to broaden his experience, learn through change and discover new strengths. It can be an instructive year with far-reaching value—a demanding time, but in many respects a positive one.

Do not be too restrictive in your outlook and remain open to possibility. Also, consult others and make sure you give time to loved ones. They can play a very special part in your year.

The Fire Rat
The element of Fire gives a sign added determination. Fire signs are the doers of the Chinese zodiac and often have compelling personalities. The Fire Rat certainly has much in his favour, with his earnestness and good people skills being assets that will serve him well throughout his life. During the Tiger year he will have the chance to use his strengths, but he needs to be disciplined. Scattering his energies too widely could affect what he is able to achieve. The Tiger year requires focus.
In the Fire Rat’s education, he needs to stay well organized and concentrate on what has to be done. Working steadily throughout the year will not only allow him to fare better but also to learn more. In addition many Fire Rats will be introduced to new subjects or skills, and by applying themselves and working at these, they could discover certain strengths they will be keen to develop in the future. Educationally, this can be a positive and interesting time, but to benefit the Fire Rat needs to be committed and make the most of his chances.
This also applies to his interests and recreational pursuits. If there is a skill that he wants to learn or improve on, he should find the time to do so. In order to get results he will need to be disciplined and concentrate on what he wants to do, even if this may mean cutting back on other activities. But the effort he makes can reward him well.
There will also be a good chance for the Fire Rat to get to know others over the year, especially through his interests, and he may appreciate a special friendship and some lively and fun times. However, while socially the year will see some good times, a certain care is needed. If the Fire Rat should find himself involved in activities or high jinks he has misgivings about, he should follow his better judgement. Similarly, if he has concerns over any matter, whether educationally or personally, rather than dwell on it by himself he should talk to those in a position to help and advise. Fire Rats, do take note and remember that support and advice are available to you.
Many Fire Rats will also have the opportunity to travel during the year and whether their trips are connected with their studies or a holiday, they can add some excitement and interest to the year.
As far as the Fire Rat’s domestic life is concerned, he needs to be open and communicative. Those around him will often be keen to encourage and help him, but to benefit he does need to be forthcoming. If he is also prepared to contribute to home life, he can generate a better understanding with his loved ones and enjoy more as a result. Again, it is worth the Fire Rat making the effort. Whether in his home life, his interests or his school-work, the more involved he is, the more he can benefit.
For Fire Rats born in 1936, this is a year for deciding on plans and carrying them out. If the Fire Rat lets himself get distracted, there is a risk that chances could slip by and he could find himself not able to make as much of the year as he would like. His ideas could concern almost any area of his life—perhaps modifications to his home, hobbies and projects he wants to pursue, travel or some other area of interest—but by giving some thought to what he wants to do and putting in the effort, he can enjoy some satisfying times. Also, sharing thoughts with those close to him can lead to more happening as well as to offers of additional support.
Another factor in the Fire Rat’s favour will be the way he keeps himself informed. This can lead to hearing of opportunities or offers that are ideal for him or benefits that could help his present situation. This is a year to be aware and open to possibility.
Whether born in 1936 or 1996, this can be a rewarding year for the Fire Rat, but it is one requiring effort and discipline. However, if he focuses on what he wants to do, makes the most of the support of those close to him and seizes his opportunities, he will often be pleased with the results his efforts and diligence can bring.

Use your time and opportunities wisely and concentrate on what you have to do. The greater the focus, the better and more satisfying the results.

The Earth Rat
The Tiger year is a busy and eventful one and the Earth Rat, with his measured approach, will be well placed to benefit from it.
For Earth Rats in work this is a year to keep their wits about them, including keeping informed of developments and remaining aware of proposals under consideration. This way, when changes do take place or openings arise, the Earth Rat will be able to consider his position, assess the implications and act. Although some may prefer to continue with their present duties, this is no year to bury their heads in the sand and they should aim to remain aware and, importantly, be flexible.
For some Earth Rats, the changes that occur could involve taking on new responsibilities, often in a more supervisory role. Here their extensive experience will be a great asset. Other Earth Rats may find themselves affected by new working practices or having to vary their role in some way. If they are willing to adapt, these changes will often give them the chance to extend their skills and will bring some interesting new challenges. This is no year for standing still, and for any Earth Rats who have become staid in their present role, the Tiger can often bring the change they need.
There will, though, be some Earth Rats who will decide to take advantage of retirement options, consider reducing their work schedule or look for a more convenient position. By considering various possibilities, making enquiries and talking to contacts, many could be successful in securing a new position with duties very different from those they have done before. A key feature of the Tiger year is that it can open up new possibilities. April, June, September and October could see some important decisions, but throughout the year opportunities need to be seized when they arise.
This can also be a rewarding year as far as the Earth Rat’s personal interests are concerned and if there is an idea he has been nurturing, a subject that appeals to him or a skill he would like to improve, this is a year to follow this up. In particular, those Earth Rats who reduce their work commitments will find that by giving themselves new objectives and using their additional free time in a purposeful way, they will get much value out of what they do. Being observant and good communicators, Rats are particularly known for their writing abilities, and any Earth Rats who are interested in exploring their skills will find they can be the source of much pleasure. Again, a key element of the year is to seize the initiative and take action.
The Earth Rat will also find his interests bringing him into contact with others and can look forward to a variety of social occasions over the year. Any Earth Rats who are lonely or have neglected their social life in recent years will find that becoming more active and perhaps joining a local interest group will bring an improvement to their situation. May, July, August and December could be the busiest months socially as well as good ones for meeting others.
The Earth Rat’s domestic life is also likely to see much activity during the year and any accommodation ideas he may have need to be discussed and planned well in advance. If he decides to move, ample time needs to be allowed for the moving process to take place, and the earlier preparations can be made, the better. Throughout the year it is also important that the Earth Rat consults others about his plans, otherwise misunderstandings could arise. This also applies to any pressures or concerns he may have. This is very much a time for openness. However, busy though domestic life may be, there will be many occasions the Earth Rat will thoroughly enjoy, including marking the achievements of someone dear. For some this could include celebrating the birth of a grandchild.
Travel is also well aspected and the Earth Rat should make the most of any opportunities or invitations that come his way. By remaining alert, he could particularly benefit from special offers and last-minute breaks.
In matters of finance, however, he will need to remain vigilant and should keep particular control over his spending. For those Earth Rats who retire or lessen their working commitments, there could be financial adjustments to consider and where important paperwork is concerned, the Earth Rat will need to check the details thoroughly and take advice should anything concern him. Financially, this is a time to be careful and disciplined.
Overall, the Year of the Tiger will be an active one for the Earth Rat, bringing change but with it the opportunity to explore new possibilities. With a willing attitude and the support of others, he can make this a special and often personally rewarding time.

This can be a time of opportunity but to benefit you need to be flexible and mindful of others. Explore new possibilities and look at ways of furthering your interests. This can be a promising and important year. Use it well.

Ben Affleck, Ursula Andress, Louis Armstrong, Lauren Bacall, Shirley Bassey, Kathy Bates, Irving Berlin, Silvio Berlusconi, Kenneth Branagh, Marlon Brando, Charlotte Brontë, Jackson Browne, George H. W. Bush, Glen Campbell, David Carradine, Jimmy Carter, Aaron Copland, Cameron Diaz, David Duchovny, Duffy, Noël Edmonds, T. S. Eliot, Eminem, Colin Firth, Clark Gable, Liam Gallagher, Al Gore, Hugh Grant, Geri Halliwell, Lewis Hamilton, Thomas Hardy, Prince Harry, Haydn, Charlton Heston, Buddy Holly, Mick Hucknall, Henrik Ibsen, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson, Jean-Michel Jarre, Scarlett Johansson, Gene Kelly, Avril Lavigne, Jude Law, Gary Lineker, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ian McEwan, Katie Melua, Claude Monet, Richard Nixon, Ozzy Osbourne, Sean Penn, Sir Terry Pratchett, Ian Rankin, Lou Rawls, Burt Reynolds, Jonathan Ross, Rossini, William Shakespeare, Donna Summer, James Taylor, Leo Tolstoy, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Spencer Tracy, Carol Vorderman, the Prince of Wales, George Washington, the Duke of York, Emile Zola.
25 JANUARY 1914 Water Ox
24 JANUARY 1925
12 FEBRUARY 1926 Wood Ox
11 FEBRUARY 1937
30 JANUARY 1938 Fire Ox
29 JANUARY 1949
16 FEBRUARY 1950 Earth Ox
15 FEBRUARY 1961
4 FEBRUARY 1962 Metal Ox
22 JANUARY 1974 Water Ox
20 FEBRUARY 1985
8 FEBRUARY 1986 Wood Ox
27 JANUARY 1998 Fire Ox
26 JANUARY 2009
13 FEBRUARY 2010 Earth Ox

THE OX (#u25a9adca-11a9-54f6-9ef5-fa770d8bc3be)
The more considered the way,
the more considerable the journey.
The Ox is born under the signs of equilibrium and tenacity. He is a hard and conscientious worker and sets about everything he does in a resolute, methodical and determined manner. He has considerable leadership qualities and is often admired for his tough and uncompromising nature. He knows what he wants to achieve in life and, as far as possible, will not be deflected from his ultimate objective.
The Ox takes his responsibilities and duties very seriously. He is decisive and quick to take advantage of any opportunity that comes his way. He is also sincere and places a great deal of trust in his friends and colleagues. He is, nevertheless, something of a loner. He is a quiet and private individual and often keeps his thoughts to himself. He also cherishes his independence and prefers to set about things in his own way rather than be bound by the dictates of others or influenced by outside pressures.
The Ox tends to have a calm and tranquil nature, but if something angers him or he feels that someone has let him down, he can have a fearsome temper. He can also be stubborn and obstinate and this can lead him into conflict with others. Usually he will succeed in getting his own way, but should things go against him he is a poor loser and will take any defeat or setback badly.
The Ox is often a deep thinker and rather studious. He is not particularly renowned for his sense of humour and does not take kindly to new gimmicks or anything too innovative. He is too solid and traditional for that and prefers to stick to the more conventional norm.
His home is very important to him and in some respects he treats it as a private sanctuary. His family tends to be closely knit and the Ox will make sure that each member does their fair share around the house. He tends to be a hoarder, but he is always well organized and neat. He also places great importance on punctuality and there is nothing that infuriates him more than to be kept waiting, particularly if it is due to someone’s inefficiency. The Ox can be a hard taskmaster!
Once settled in a job or house the Ox will quite happily remain there for many years. He does not like change and he is also not particularly keen on travel. He does, however, enjoy gardening and other outdoor pursuits and he will often spend much of his spare time out of doors. He is usually an excellent gardener and whenever possible will make sure he has a large area of ground to maintain. He usually prefers to live in the country than the town.
Due to his dedicated and dependable nature the Ox will usually do well in his chosen career, providing he is given enough freedom to act on his own initiative. He invariably does well in politics, agriculture and in careers that need specialized training. He is also very gifted artistically and many Oxen have enjoyed considerable success as musicians or composers.
The Ox is not as outgoing as some and it often takes him a long time to establish friendships and feel relaxed in another person’s company. His courtships are likely to be long, but once he is settled he will remain devoted and loyal to his partner. He is particularly well suited to those born under the signs of the Rat, Rabbit, Snake and Rooster. He can also establish a good relationship with the Monkey, Dog, Pig and another Ox, but he will find that he has little in common with the whimsical and sensitive Goat. He will also find it difficult to get on with the Horse, Dragon and Tiger—the Ox prefers a quiet and peaceful existence and those born under these three signs tend to be a little too lively and impulsive for his liking.
The female Ox has a kind and caring nature, and her home and family are very much her pride and joy. She always tries to do her best for her partner and can be a most conscientious and loving parent. She is an excellent organizer and a very determined person who will often succeed in getting what she wants in life. She usually has a deep interest in the arts and is often a talented artist or musician.
The Ox is a very down-to-earth character. He is sincere, loyal and unpretentious. He can, however, be rather reserved and to some he may appear distant and aloof. He has a quiet nature, but underneath he is very strong-willed and ambitious. He has the courage of his convictions and is often prepared to stand up for what he believes to be right, regardless of the consequences. He inspires confidence and trust and throughout his life he will rarely be short of people who are ready to support him.

In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Ox are described below, together with the years in which the elements were exercising their influence. Therefore those Oxen born in 1961 are Metal Oxen, those born in 1913 and 1973 are Water Oxen, and so on.

Metal Ox: 1961
This Ox is confident and very strong-willed. He can be blunt and forthright in his views and is not afraid of speaking his mind. He sets about his objectives with a dogged determination, but he can become so involved in his various activities that he can be oblivious to the thoughts and feelings of those around him, and this can sometimes be to his detriment. He is honest and dependable and will never promise more than he can deliver. He has a good appreciation of the arts and usually has a small circle of very good and loyal friends.

Water Ox: 1913, 1973
This Ox has a sharp and penetrating mind. He is a good organizer and sets about his work in a methodical manner. He is not as narrow-minded as some of the other types of Ox and is more willing to involve others in his plans and aspirations. He usually has very high moral standards and is often attracted to careers in public service. He is a good judge of character and has such a friendly and persuasive manner that he usually experiences little difficulty in securing his objectives. He is popular and has an excellent way with children.

Wood Ox: 1925, 1985
The Wood Ox conducts himself with an air of dignity and authority and will often take a leading role in any enterprise in which he becomes involved. He is very self-confident and is direct in his dealings with others. He does, however, have a quick temper and has no hesitation in speaking his mind. He has tremendous drive and willpower and an extremely good memory. He is particularly loyal and devoted to the members of his family and has a most caring nature.

Fire Ox: 1937, 1997
The Fire Ox has a powerful and assertive personality and is a hard and conscientious worker. He holds strong views and has very little patience when things do not go his own way. He can also get carried away in the excitement of the moment and does not always take into account the views of those around him. He nevertheless has many leadership qualities and will often reach positions of power, eminence and wealth. He usually has a small group of loyal and close friends and is very devoted to his family.

Earth Ox: 1949, 2009
This Ox sets about everything he does in a sensible and level-headed manner. He is ambitious but also realistic in his aims and is often prepared to work long hours in order to secure his objectives. He is shrewd in financial and business matters and is a very good judge of character. He has a quiet nature and is greatly admired for his sincerity and integrity. He is also very loyal to his family and friends and his views are often sought.

The Year of the Ox (26 January 2009 to 13 February 2010) holds encouraging prospects for the Ox and in the remaining months he can accomplish a great deal. However, to make the most of this time he will need to be open and pay special attention to his relations with others. The Ox often has a tendency to set about his activities in his own way—some Oxen are particularly independent—but to get the most from the remaining months of the Ox year he should make the most of his chances to meet others. Many Oxen can look forward to some rewarding occasions in their home life at this time and these can often be all the more special due to a family celebration earlier in the year. For many Oxen, 2009 can be a personally memorable year. For those enjoying romance this can be an exciting time, while those who are unattached could find their social life becoming much busier.
This likelihood of social activity also applies to the Ox’s work, and in the closing months of the year he would do well to liaise with colleagues and make the most of his chances to network. By raising his profile, he can benefit from some fine opportunities. For those seeking work this is also a time to be active and explore openings. The Ox year is very rewarding of effort and the Ox himself, determined and resolute, will be well placed to benefit from it. The key, however, will be his relations with others.
The Year of the Tiger starts on 14 February and will be a mixed one for the Ox. He likes to plan and be methodical and organized, but in the Tiger year events can happen quickly. The Ox may be concerned about some of the developments and this will not be an easy time for him, but as he has so often shown, he is made of stern stuff and, with care, he can gain a lot from what happens over the year.
In his work he will need to keep alert. Although he may prefer to concentrate on what needs to be done, he could find he has to contend with delays, increased bureaucracy and sometimes the unhelpful attitude of others. In addition he may have to adapt to new working procedures and personnel. For one so conscientious and so keen to stick to the tried and tested, this can be difficult. However, by putting in the effort, the Ox will find his fortitude will prevail and he may well emerge with much to his credit. This can include headway made under difficult conditions, personal success, skills mastered or new responsibilities secured. The going will sometimes be tough, but the Ox is a doer and survivor and over the year he will have a good chance to demonstrate his strengths.
Although many Oxen will remain with their present employer, they will often have the chance to vary their role and in the process learn about other aspects of their work. However, for those eager to make a change, the Tiger year can be an important one. Securing a new position will not be easy, but by widening their options, seeking advice and being prepared to adapt and learn, they will find their persistence paying off, with many being offered an interesting position with the potential for future development. March, April, September and November could see some good opportunities. Work-wise, this is, though, a year when all Oxen will need to keep their wits about them and adapt to situations as they arise.
The Ox will also need to be his usual cautious self when dealing with money matters. Events can happen quickly this year and bring unexpected costs. These could include repairing or replacing items, increased accommodation costs or debts that need paying. In 2010 the Ox will need to keep vigilant, check the terms and implications of any major purchase or transaction and use his money prudently. Making early provision for his outgoings will help. Money-wise, this is a year for good planning and the avoidance of risk.
A more satisfying part of the year will concern the Ox’s personal interests and although he will have many demands on his time, it is important he gives himself the chance to enjoy recreational pursuits. These can be particularly good ways for him to relax and take his mind off other pressures. Some interests can also have pleasing social benefits and throughout this busy year the Ox owes it to himself to preserve time for activities that bring him pleasure.
He will also very much enjoy aspects of his home life, especially shared activities and interests. When major purchases or accommodation decisions need to be made, considering options jointly will lead to better choices that can be appreciated by all. In addition, family treats and trips out as well as a possible holiday can do the Ox and his loved ones good as well as provide the opportunity to unwind.
However, while the Tiger year can bring some pleasing times, it is still one for care. Over the year the Ox does need to listen closely to his loved ones, watch his sometimes independent tendencies and, if tired or under pressure, try not to take his irritation out on others. Without care, disagreements could flare up and this is something all Oxen need to be wary of. When experiencing any problems or pressures, they will find that being open and forthcoming will give others more chance to help and understand.
The Ox will also need to tread carefully in social situations, as an inadvertent comment or lapse could cause problems. Those Oxen enjoying romance need to be particularly aware and attentive. However, despite the cautionary aspects, the Ox will thoroughly enjoy many social occasions and his socializing can do him a lot of good. March, April, June and August could see the most social activity.
The main advice for the Ox this year is to proceed carefully. This is a time of volatility and although the Ox prefers to follow carefully laid plans, he will need to adapt and make the best of situations as they arise. During the year he will face new challenges, but in the process he will learn a lot, discover new strengths and possibly take up new interests as well as take satisfaction in the progress he makes.

The Metal Ox
The element of Metal gives the Ox added determination. Always keen to make the most of himself, the Metal Ox sets about his activities with diligence and commitment. While he will continue to do so in 2010, the Tiger year may be a challenging one for him. Problems, delays and obstacles may all affect his plans, and parts of the year are likely to be frustrating. However, opportunities and interesting choices can follow on from the events that take place.
Throughout the year the Metal Ox will need to keep alert to all that is going on around him. This is no time for him to be so immersed in his own activities that he is oblivious to the views of others. To prevent problems, he needs to be aware and show flexibility.
This particularly applies to his work situation. Although many Metal Oxen will be satisfied with their present position and happy to continue with their duties, over the year they will feel the effects of change, whether through the introduction of new procedures or alterations to their existing role. The Metal Ox will often be concerned about the implications and pace of what happens, but will be faced with moving with the times and making the best of his situation. Nevertheless, some could find the changes give them the chance to further their experience and widen their role. In addition, others will often look to the Metal Ox for advice, and by assisting and doing what he can, he can improve his reputation. While this can sometimes be a difficult and frustrating year for him, there will still be scope to make progress and to use his considerable experience to good effect.
For Metal Oxen who are keen to change their employer, as well as those seeking work, the Tiger year can work in curious ways. Openings will be limited and these Metal Oxen must not be too restrictive in the type of position they pursue. However, an opportunity could arise in an unexpected manner, possibly through the Metal Ox seeing an advert by chance, making a tentative enquiry or being alerted to a possible opening by a colleague or friend. With the aspects as they are, opportunities can come along at almost any time, but late February to April, September and November could be important months.
Another important factor in how the Metal Ox fares will be his attitude towards others. He does possess an independent streak, but in work situations he does need to liaise with others and communicate readily. This is not a year when he can afford to be isolated or too removed from what is happening.
This advice also applies to his personal interests. By meeting other enthusiasts, whether by attending events and gatherings or joining a local group, he could find himself being helped and encouraged. Also, by preserving time for his interests, he will be helping to keep his lifestyle in balance.
The Metal Ox would also do well to give some consideration to his well-being and, especially if sedentary for much of the day, seek advice on appropriate exercise. If he is reliant on convenience food, he could find that a more balanced diet would boost his energy levels. To keep himself on good form, he would find it well worth giving some attention to his current way of life.
He should also try to go away for a break during the year. The rest and change of scene can do him a lot of good and even if he is not able to travel too far, he will appreciate the chance to see places that are new to him. If he is able to combine a holiday with an interest or event, this can bring extra meaning to his time away.
This will be a busy year as far as his domestic life is concerned and good co-operation and communication will be needed between family members. Throughout the year it is also important that the Metal Ox is open and prepared to share any pressures or concerns he may have. Not only can this lead to more offers of support, but it can also help rapport and understanding. Should any tensions or differences of opinion arise, taking the time to talk these through can be of great help. Tiger years are active ones and it is important that quality time is preserved for home life. If the Metal Ox has any ideas for shared activities, including home or garden improvements, he should put them forward, as they will often be appreciated. By being aware and open he will play a central and valued role in his domestic life.
As far as financial matters are concerned, this is a year for vigilance. Not only should the Metal Ox keep a close watch on his budget and make allowance for forthcoming expenses, but he should also be thorough with paperwork. This includes checking any forms he may be required to complete and the terms of any agreements he may enter into, as well as making sure essential policies are kept up to date. The Tiger year is not one for carelessness or risk.
Overall, this will be a demanding and sometimes disruptive year for the Metal Ox. Changes may suddenly arise and he could feel buffeted by events or situations outside his control. However, by being willing to adapt, he can often learn from them. And while the Tiger year may not be an easy one, the Metal Ox’s hard-fought achievements will be something that he can build on and enjoy more fully in following years.

Pay attention to your relations with others. Listen to their views and be open and communicative. Also, spend time on your interests. They can do you a lot of good as well as keep your lifestyle in balance.

The Water Ox
This will be a mixed year for the Water Ox. He may well find himself under increased pressure and certain plans may be more difficult to realize than he had hoped. However, while there will be times of disappointment and sometimes despair, there will also be some very special moments and personal successes. This may not be an easy year, but it can be an important and illuminating one.
At work this will be a demanding year and while the conscientious Water Ox will often want to be left to carry out his own duties, distractions and delays are likely to arise. In addition he could find his work is not made any easier by the attitude of some colleagues or a lack of resources or other support. Some of the year will test his forbearance. However, one of his qualities is that he is no quitter. He is prepared to work hard, and by doing what he can, he will not only overcome some of the year’s obstacles but also have the opportunity to learn new skills. In addition his fortitude will often impress others and when opportunities arise many Water Oxen will find themselves well positioned to benefit. ‘Problems are opportunities in disguise,’ as the saying goes, and this will hold very true for the Water Ox this year.
Water Oxen who are anxious to change their job or who are seeking work could find it particularly helpful to consult those in a position to help. These could be career advisers, employment agencies or professional organizations, but by drawing on the advice available and widening their options, these Water Oxen may be offered an interesting new challenge. The Tiger year may be demanding, but the chances will be there. March, April, September and November could see some interesting possibilities.
Throughout the year, though, the Water Ox will need to be careful in financial matters. He could face some additional expenses, including costs for repairing and replacing equipment as well as helping with the activities of others. As a result he will need to keep a close watch on his spending and whenever possible save in advance. He should also check forms and financial agreements thoroughly and follow up anything that is unclear. This is no year for risk.
One of the most satisfying areas of the year will be the personal projects the Water Ox decides to set himself. For more creative Water Oxen, these could involve making items or using their skills in new ways, but whatever the Water Ox chooses to do, in this often busy year it is important he preserves time for activities he enjoys. Any Water Oxen who have let their interests lapse in recent times would do well to consider rectifying this. Also, Tiger years do favour the new and it could be that a pursuit that has recently become popular could be very suitable.
The Water Ox’s domestic life will also see a lot of activity over the year and he will do much to assist others. Younger relations in particular could be facing academic pressures and here the Water Ox’s encouragement and understanding will be particularly valued. Sometimes more senior relations will also look to the Water Ox for assistance and while he will again do much to help, there will be times when he will be torn in several directions and have to rush from one matter to another. There could also be some situations that concern him and add to the pressure. When this happens, or he has decisions preying on his mind, or is worried about the attitudes of others, it is important that he is forthcoming. With discussion, problems can often be resolved, tensions eased and decisions made. In this demanding year, openness and co-operation are essential.
While there will be some particularly busy times during the year, there will, however, also be some occasions which will mean a great deal to the Water Ox. An academic success, some progress made or a holiday or break can all bring a great deal of pleasure as well as be good for domestic rapport and understanding.
It is also important that the Water Ox does not feel so busy that he has to cut back on his socializing over the year. This not only helps keep his lifestyle in balance but can also give him the opportunity to get to know others. The unattached and those hoping for a more fulfilling social life will find that by going out and giving themselves the chance to meet others, their positive actions can lead to an improvement in their situation. March, April, June and August to early September could see the most social activity.
Overall, the Tiger year will be fast-moving and there will be times when the Water Ox will feel concerned about developments or under pressure. However, by doing what he can and rising to the challenges of the year he will gain important experience which he will be able to build on in the future. This is a time to remain alert, be prepared to adapt and remain mindful of others.

Although you will have many demands on your time, do not let these prevent you from developing your interests. These can bring balance to your lifestyle as well as offer much personal satisfaction. Also, at busy or worrying times, do draw on the assistance of others. This can help you in many ways.

The Wood Ox
There are two words that it would be helpful for the Wood Ox to keep in mind this year: ‘awareness’ and ‘flexibility’. This will be a busy year and throughout the Wood Ox will need to remain alert and be prepared to adapt. He may have firm ideas and objectives, but to stay too wedded to these could hinder his progress.
One area which will see change will be work. Those Wood Oxen who have been in the same position for some time may well feel ready for a change at some point during the year. For many, this will be with their present employer and their in-house knowledge will make them strong candidates for promotion. Others will choose to look for greater responsibilities elsewhere, but whatever the Wood Ox does, this is a year favouring progress and personal development. Many Wood Oxen will be successful in securing a new position and taking on a more fulfilling role, and a lot will be expected of them, including learning new duties and, for some, altering their routine. The early days could be daunting and tiring. However, by having faith in their abilities and rising to the challenge, these Wood Oxen will often find their new role allows them to discover strengths which will become part of their onward development. Progress made this year can have important long-term benefits. Even those Wood Oxen who decide to remain in their existing role will find that developments will often require them to adapt and this will help prepare them for future possibilities.
For Wood Oxen seeking work, the Tiger year will not be easy. Patience and persistence will be required and there will be times when these Wood Oxen will feel despondent, especially when certain applications do not go their way. However, by drawing on the advice available, widening their options and showing initiative at interview, many will find their tenacity rewarded by the offer of a job that may be different from what they have done before, and this can be of great future value. Late February to the end of April, September and November could see some interesting openings, but opportunities do need to be seized when they arise.
The progress the Wood Ox makes in his work can lead to an increase in income over the year. However, while this will be welcome, the Wood Ox will need to remain disciplined in his spending. With his existing outgoings and plans for the future, this is no time to succumb to too many temptations. Also, if he should enter into any agreement or contract during the year, he does need to check the terms and obligations carefully. This is a year to be thorough and vigilant.
With his often demanding schedule, it is also important that the Wood Ox gives some consideration to taking sufficient exercise and having a well-balanced diet. To neglect his well-being or drive himself too hard could leave him prone to minor ailments or lacking his usual energy. He should also allow himself time for recreational pursuits rather than feel he needs to be continually active. His interests can bring him great pleasure and enjoyment.
In his relations with others, this can be an eventful year. For some Wood Oxen this could include parenthood and the considerable adjustments this can involve, while others could be involved in a move with their partner to more suitable accommodation and some will decide to marry. For many this will be a busy and special year, with a lot to do, plan and look forward to. Throughout, it is important that the Wood Ox is open, communicative and considerate. Decisions will need to be shared, plans sometimes adjusted and compromises reached. But with care and mindfulness, this can be a positive and exciting year.
Nevertheless, there will be some Wood Oxen who will be unhappy with their personal situation. Perhaps a relationship is unfulfilling or a friendship not as strong or as special as it once was. For some, the Tiger year can bring difficult decisions and uncertain times. However, as the proverb reminds us, ‘Fortune turns like a wheel,’ and for the few Wood Oxen who experience difficulties this year, disappointments will pass and fresh opportunities often open up, including, for those who are alone, meeting someone very special. Demanding though the Tiger year may sometimes be, it can have far-reaching significance. March, April, June and August could see the most social activity.
Overall, the Wood Ox will need to remain alert, vigilant and flexible over the Tiger year. But he will often be able to build on his accomplishments in the future, especially in the following and more favourable Rabbit year.

Consult, communicate and be aware. Also be prepared to adapt to situations as they arise. This way you can learn a great deal and often find opportunities beginning to open up for you. Also, do be attentive to those who are special to you. This will add a lot to your year.

The Fire Ox
The Fire Ox has a determined nature and during his life his great sense of purpose and many skills will lead to him achieving a great deal. However, as we all know, some years are better than others, and for the Fire Ox this will be one of the more challenging ones.
For the Fire Ox born in 1997 this is a year for commitment and hard work. In his education a lot will be expected of him, with much to learn and many new skills to master. It will sometimes be difficult for the young Fire Ox to cope with such a wide variety of subjects as well as fit in all the other things he wants to do. Also, while he has his strengths, some subjects could be a struggle and cause him some anguish. The Tiger year will be demanding, but it is by being stretched and challenged that the Fire Ox can learn a lot, and over the year he will not only make important progress but also improve his awareness and general confidence.
Another benefit of the year will be the way in which the Fire Ox will be able to build on certain skills. Whether these involve physical and sporting activities, music, drama or some other area, by making the most of the facilities available to him, he can make considerable progress. Through commitment, he will learn and benefit. Some Fire Oxen could also find they are encouraged to make more of a certain talent and if they take the chances they are offered, what they do now can be of both present and future value.
In view of all the Fire Ox’s activities and pressures it is also important that he is forthcoming and talks over any problems or concerns he has with those who are able to help, either at home or at school. This way he can be better supported. In addition there could be occasions when he finds himself at odds with others. Sometimes what he wants to do may clash with something that others have arranged, or attitudes may differ over certain matters. At such times some give and take will be needed. However, if the young Fire Ox is willing to be open and join in with various activities, there will be much for him to appreciate, particularly in his home life.
He can also look forward to many enjoyable times with his friends and will welcome their support and camaraderie. He will also be reassured in the knowledge that he is not alone in some of the difficulties he may be facing.
Overall, the Tiger year will be a demanding one for Fire Oxen born in 1997, but by rising to the challenges and making the most of their opportunities, ideas and strengths, this can be a year when they will grow, develop and get to learn a great deal. And the commitment and effort they put in will provide them with a solid foundation on which to build in following years.
For Fire Oxen born in 1937, this will be a variable year. The Fire Ox does like to forge ahead and set about his activities in specific ways, but during the year he may have to reconsider some of his plans. In some cases others may suggest different approaches to certain tasks or it may be that changes to situations mean he has to look again at what he wants to do. As he will discover, the Tiger year is not one for intransigence, and showing greater flexibility will not only lead to more being achieved but ultimately to more being to his advantage.
However, while the Tiger year calls for increased awareness, it can also bring some personally rewarding times. Many Fire Oxen will particularly delight in some family news and events during the year, with shared interests and activities bringing much pleasure. The Fire Ox is also likely to have the chance to go away, and whether staying with relations or going away for a holiday, his travels can often add extra interest to the year.
When dealing with important finance and paperwork, though, the Fire Ox will need to be his usual thorough self as well as check anything which is unclear. This is a time when he should draw on the assistance and advice available to him.
Generally, the more senior Fire Ox will need to be flexible in his planning this year and mindful of the views of those around him. With care and awareness, however, the Tiger year can still contain a great many pleasures, especially in terms of shared interests, family news and activities.
Whether born in 1937 or 1997, the Fire Ox will find the year will require effort, flexibility and a willingness to make the most of his situation and opportunities. It is by being willing rather than steadfast that both the younger and more senior Fire Ox can get the best from the year and take pleasure in their achievements.

Be accommodating in your approach. Adapt to situations and listen closely to others. Despite the mixed aspects a lot can go in your favour, but this is a year for flexibility and awareness.

The Earth Ox
One of the main traits of the Earth Ox is that he is perceptive. He is good at appraising situations and realistic in his aims, and in the Tiger year his talents will serve him well. By being adaptable and keeping his wits about him, he can emerge from the year with a lot to his credit.
For those Earth Oxen in work this can be a challenging time. Many will face change, possibly due to internal reorganization and the introduction of new initiatives and systems. Also, due to their experience, some could find themselves being given additional responsibilities. Work-wise, a lot will be asked of the Earth Ox and this will be very much a year for making the most of his situation and rising to the tasks given. These may not always be easy and some Earth Oxen will not be helped by delays, increased bureaucracy or the pettiness and unhelpful attitude of those around them. For these Earth Oxen parts of the year will be frustrating, but again it is a case of focusing on what needs to be done and resisting any irritations and distractions that arise.
Many Earth Oxen will remain with their current employer over the year, but for those keen to move, alter their working commitments or find work, the Tiger year can be daunting. In some cases there could be few suitable vacancies and when they do arise the Earth Ox could find himself facing stiff competition. However, one of the main features of the Tiger year is that it favours personal development and by being willing to widen the scope of what they are prepared to consider, many Earth Oxen will be given the chance to use their skills in different ways. The Earth Ox’s alert and perceptive nature will be of great help in keeping him informed of developments and possibilities. With the aspects as they are, chances need to be taken when they arise, but March, April, September and November could see some interesting possibilities.
In all the Earth Ox tackles this year, it is important that he is thorough. This is no time for risks or shortcuts, particularly when dealing with paperwork or forms which have financial implications. Earth Oxen, do take note. In addition, with any expensive purchase or plan he is considering, the Earth Ox should avoid rush. In some cases by waiting for more favourable buying opportunities he could save himself considerable outlay or find something that better meets his requirements. Many Earth Oxen are careful in financial matters, but sometimes the general pace of the Tiger year could make the Earth Ox act before he has considered all the implications. This is not a time for him to lower his usually cautious guard.
A more positive aspect of the year concerns the Earth Ox’s personal interests and he should allow himself the time to both enjoy and develop these. Not only can they bring him satisfaction and be a source of relaxation, but they can also have additional benefits. For those Earth Oxen who enjoy creative activities, new ideas and projects could be especially absorbing.
The Earth Ox’s interests can also bring him into contact with others, and by going to gatherings and events he will often enjoy himself and welcome the opportunity to meet other enthusiasts. In addition, when he has invitations to social occasions or sees events that appeal to him, he should follow these up. Although some Earth Oxen may be tempted to stay at home, their social life can bring an important balance to their lifestyle. Late February to the end of April, June and August could be particularly interesting months for socializing.
In the Earth Ox’s domestic life, this is a year to be attentive to the views of others. The Earth Ox does like to hold sway and make the decisions, but while those around him are grateful for all he does, it is important that he regularly consults them over plans and ideas as well as listens closely to their suggestions. Without care and mindfulness, misunderstandings or differences of opinion could arise which, with more discussion, could have been avoided. In addition, some plans could need altering as situations change, and again the Earth Ox will need to be accommodating. This is very much a year to be alert, flexible and liaise with others. However, despite the cautionary aspects, the Earth Ox’s domestic life will certainly have some meaningful times, including any holidays or breaks he is able to take with his loved ones.
Given the hectic pace of the year, the Earth Ox could also find it helpful to give some consideration to his well-being, including making sure he takes regular exercise and has a balanced diet, though he should seek medical guidance before making any modifications.
Generally, the Tiger year will be a demanding one for the Earth Ox and throughout he will need to remain alert and adapt to changing situations. However, with his perceptive and adroit nature, he can get a lot from the year, particularly in terms of exploring and developing some of his skills and interests.

This can be a fast-moving year with changes taking place, situations altering and plans sometimes having to be modified. To benefit, keep alert and be flexible.

Lily Allen, Hans Christian Andersen, Gemma Arterton, Johann Sebastian Bach, Warren Beatty, Kate Beckinsale, David Blaine, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Camus, Jim Carrey, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Natalie Cole, Bill Cosby, Tom Courtenay, Tony Curtis, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marlene Dietrich, Walt Disney, Patrick Duffy, JaneFonda, Edward Fox, Michael J. Fox, Peter Gabriel, Elizabeth George, Richard Gere, Ricky Gervais, Handel, King Harald V of Norway, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Hal Holbrook, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Joel, King Juan Carlos of Spain, John Key, B. B. King, Keira Knightley, Mark Knopfler, Burt Lancaster, Jessica Lange, Heather Locklear, Kate Moss, Alison Moyet, Eddie Murphy, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Barack Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar Peterson, Paula Radcliffe, Robert Redford, Lionel Richie, Wayne Rooney, Tim Roth, Rubens, Meg Ryan, Amanda Seyfried, Jean Sibelius, Sissy Spacek, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Lady Thatcher, Alan Titchmarsh, Scott F. Turow, Vincent van Gogh, Minette Walters, Zoë Wanamaker, Sigourney Weaver, the Duke of Wellington, Arsène Wenger, W. B. Yeats.
26 JANUARY 1914
13 FEBRUARY 1915 Wood Tiger
13 FEBRUARY 1926
1 FEBRUARY 1927 Fire Tiger
31 JANUARY 1938
18 FEBRUARY 1939 Earth Tiger
17 FEBRUARY 1950
5 FEBRUARY 1951 Metal Tiger
24 JANUARY 1963 Water Tiger
23 JANUARY 1974
10 FEBRUARY 1975 Wood Tiger
28 JANUARY 1987 Fire Tiger
28 JANUARY 1998
15 FEBRUARY 1999 Earth Tiger
14 FEBRUARY 2010
2 FEBRUARY 2011 Metal Tiger

THE TIGER (#u25a9adca-11a9-54f6-9ef5-fa770d8bc3be)
the zest,
the enthusiasm,
the giving the little bit more,
that makes the difference.
And opens up so much.
The Tiger is born under the sign of courage. He is a charismatic figure and usually holds very firm views. He is strong-willed and determined and sets about most of his activities with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. He is very alert and quick-witted and his mind is forever active. He is a highly original thinker and is nearly always brimming with new ideas or full of enthusiasm for some new project or scheme.
The Tiger adores challenges and loves to get involved in anything that he thinks has an exciting future or that catches his imagination. He is prepared to take risks and does not like to be bound either by convention or the dictates of others. He likes to be free to act as he chooses and at least once during his life he will throw caution to the wind and go off and do the things he wants to do.
The Tiger does, however, have a somewhat restless nature. Even though he is often prepared to throw himself wholeheartedly into a project, his initial enthusiasm can soon wane if he sees something more appealing. He can also be rather impulsive and there will be occasions in his life when he acts in a manner he later regrets. If he were to think things through or be prepared to persevere in his various activities, he would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success.
Fortunately the Tiger is lucky in most of his enterprises, but should things not work out as he hoped, he is liable to suffer from severe bouts of depression and it will often take him a long time to recover. His life often consists of a series of ups and downs.
He is, however, very adaptable. He has an adventurous spirit and rarely stays in the same place for long. In the early stages of his life he is likely to try his hand at several different jobs and he will also change his residence fairly frequently.
The Tiger is very honest and open in his dealings with others. He hates any sort of hypocrisy or falsehood. He is also well known for being blunt and forthright and has no hesitation in speaking his mind. He can be rebellious at times, particularly against any form of petty authority, and while this can lead him into conflict with others, he is never one to shrink from an argument or avoid standing up for what he believes is right.
The Tiger is a natural leader and can rise to the top of his chosen profession. He does not, however, care for anything too bureaucratic or detailed, and he does not like to obey orders. He can be stubborn and obstinate and throughout his life he likes to retain a certain amount of independence in his actions and be responsible to no one but himself. He likes to consider that all his achievements are due to his own efforts and he will not ask for support from others if he can avoid it.
Ironically, despite his self-confidence and leadership qualities, he can be indecisive and will often delay making a major decision until the very last moment. He can also be sensitive to criticism.
Although the Tiger is capable of earning large sums of money, he is rather a spendthrift and does not always put his money to its best use. He can also be most generous and will often shower lavish gifts on friends and relations.
The Tiger cares very much for his reputation and the image that he tries to project. He carries himself with an air of dignity and authority and enjoys being the centre of attention. He is very adept at attracting publicity, both for himself and for the causes he supports.
The Tiger often marries young and he will find himself best suited to those born under the signs of the Pig, Dog, Horse and Goat. He can also get on well with the Rat, Rabbit and Rooster, but will find the Ox and Snake a bit too quiet and serious for his liking, and he will be highly irritated by the Monkey’s rather mischievous and inquisitive ways. He will also find it difficult to get on with another Tiger or a Dragon—both partners will want to dominate the relationship and could find it difficult to compromise on even the smallest of matters.
The Tigress is lively, witty and a marvellous hostess at parties. She takes great care over her appearance and is usually most attractive. She can be a very doting mother and while she believes in letting her children have their freedom, she makes an excellent teacher and will ensure that her children are well brought up and want for nothing. Like her male counterpart, she has numerous interests and likes to have sufficient independence and freedom to go off and do the things she wants to do. She has a most caring and generous nature.
The Tiger has many commendable qualities. He is honest, courageous and often a source of inspiration to others. Providing he can curb the wilder excesses of his restless nature, he is almost certain to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life.

In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Tiger are described below, together with the years in which the elements were exercising their influence. Therefore those Tigers born in 1950 and this year are Metal Tigers, those born in 1962 are Water Tigers, and so on.

Metal Tiger: 1950, 2010
The Metal Tiger has an assertive and outgoing personality. He is very ambitious and while his aims may change from time to time, he will work relentlessly until he has obtained what he wants. He can, however, be impatient for results and become highly strung if things do not work out as he would like. He is distinctive in his appearance and is admired and respected by many.

Water Tiger: 1962
This Tiger has a wide variety of interests and is always eager to experiment with new ideas or satisfy his adventurous nature by going off to explore distant lands. He is versatile, shrewd and has a kindly nature. He tends to remain calm in a crisis, although he can be annoyingly indecisive at times. He communicates well with others and through his many capabilities and persuasive nature usually achieves what he wants in life. He is also highly imaginative and is often a gifted orator or writer.

Wood Tiger: 1914, 1974
The Wood Tiger has a friendly and pleasant personality. He is less independent than some of the other types of Tiger and more prepared to work with others to secure a desired objective. However, he does have a tendency to jump from one thing to another and can easily become distracted. He is usually very popular, has a large circle of friends and invariably leads a busy and enjoyable social life. He also has a good sense of humour.

Fire Tiger: 1926, 1986
The Fire Tiger sets about everything he does with great verve and enthusiasm. He loves action and is always ready to throw himself wholeheartedly into anything that catches his imagination. He has many leadership qualities and is capable of communicating his ideas and enthusiasm to others. He is very much an optimist and can be most generous. He has a likeable nature and can be a witty and persuasive speaker.

Earth Tiger: 1938, 1998
This Tiger is responsible and level-headed. He studies everything objectively and tries to be scrupulously fair in all his dealings. Unlike other Tigers, he is prepared to specialize in certain areas rather than get distracted by other matters, but he can become so involved in what he is doing that he does not always take into account the opinions of those around him. He has good business sense and is usually very successful in later life. He has a large circle of friends and pays great attention to both his appearance and his reputation.

The Year of the Ox (26 January 2009 to 13 February 2010) may have been an often frustrating one for the Tiger. During it, activities and plans may not have proceeded as quickly or as well as he would have liked and he could also have faced some disappointments. In the closing months he will need to remain careful. With his prospects about to show a distinct improvement in his own year, this is no time to jeopardize his situation through unnecessary risks or impulsive action.
At work the Tiger will often face a growing workload and should remain focused on his duties. Although this will not always be an easy time, by showing commitment and giving his best he can help his prospects in the future. All Tigers should also make the most of any opportunity they have to add to their experience. Skills and knowledge acquired now can be instrumental in their later progress. November 2009 could see some interesting developments, but the real rewards of the Tiger’s efforts will come through next year.
Socially, the Tiger will find himself in demand as the Ox year draws to a close, with chances to meet up with others and social events to look forward to. December and January will be busy months. In addition his home life will see much activity. Here the Tiger will need to liaise well with others and, when possible, spread out his various activities. Should he find himself in any fraught situation (not helped by pressure or tiredness), he will need to tread carefully. With the aspects as they are, this is a time for caution and tact. Tigers, be warned—enjoy the many good times the year end can bring, but do be mindful of the views of others.
Overall, the Ox year will have been a demanding one for many Tigers, but with the approach of their own year the tide will begin to turn very much in their favour.
The Year of the Tiger starts on 14 February and will be an encouraging one for the Tiger. It will give him the chance to take his ideas and skills further as well as enjoy some pleasing personal developments. This is his year and it is one of considerable promise.
For Tigers who are starting the year feeling dissatisfied, this is very much a time to draw a firm line under past disappointments and focus on the present. For many the year can mark the start of a new chapter in their lives and with a positive and willing attitude, they will find that a lot can open up for them.
At work the Tiger’s prospects are far more promising than of late, and those Tigers who are feeling frustrated or staid in their present role will find that new chances can quickly arise. These may include promotion opportunities as more senior colleagues move on or new challenges elsewhere, but if the Tiger actively seizes his opportunities, important progress can be made.
This also applies to those Tigers seeking work. Although some may feel hurt by what they have recently experienced, again it is a case of drawing a firm line under the past and concentrating on the present. Also, when looking for a position, these Tigers would do well to show initiative and resolve. This includes finding out more about the actual work involved, so they can emphasize any relevant experience and be well informed at interview. In addition, training or refresher courses and expert advice could be helpful. With determination and commitment, they will find some excellent opportunities coming their way. March, May, July and September could see some interesting developments, but with the encouraging aspects throughout the year, opportunities can arise quickly and at almost any time.
The Tiger’s progress at work can also lead to a rise in income and financially this is a much-improved year. Many Tigers could enjoy some additional good fortune, with an activity, interest, idea or hunch rewarding them well. In addition, if there is something particular the Tiger wants to buy, it would be to his advantage to keep alert. Over the year many Tigers could be fortunate in spotting bargains. However, while the Tiger can fare well financially, he should use any upturn to help his overall position rather than fritter it away. This includes looking to reduce any borrowings he may have as well as taking advantage of tax incentives to set something aside for the longer term.
With this being a favourable year, the Tiger should also consider treating himself to a holiday or some time away. Not only can a break do him considerable good, but by choosing his destination carefully, he will often have a lot of fun. Again, this is a year to make good use of his opportunities.
The Tiger’s personal life will also see a lot of activity and there will be good opportunities to make some significant new friends. For unattached Tigers, their own year can mark the start of a wonderful romance which could come about almost as if ordained by fate. Friendships and, for some, romance can mean a lot to the Tiger this year, with April to June, August and December being especially active and often special months. Any Tiger who is alone or has had some personal difficulty or sadness to bear will find his own year can see a brightening in his situation, with new friendships or interests being of real value.
An important aspect of the Tiger’s personality is that he does like to keep active and in his domestic life he will often have ideas he wants to carry out. However, despite his eagerness, these should not be rushed, and major home purchases or plans need to be thought through and costed carefully. With good planning, far better choices will often be made.
With this being a year for change, some Tigers may be tempted to move, and those who do will again need to allow time and avoid haste. However, whether the Tiger moves or remains in his present accommodation, 2010 will see a lot of practical activity, with many a Tiger being the instigator of some ambitious plans.
The Tiger can also look forward to some particularly special moments during the year, with personal news and family occasions to celebrate. And despite all the activity, by preserving time to spend with his loved ones, he can make this a gratifying and often eventful year.
The aspects are very much on the Tiger’s side this year, with opportunities to make more of his talents as well as enjoy the realization of his plans and the times he spends with others. This will be a busy year but a special one.

The Metal Tiger
This is the Metal Tiger’s own year and one which holds considerable promise for him. It is a year for forging ahead with plans as well as enjoying some personal achievements. The Metal Tiger will fare well and will also benefit from some strokes of good fortune.
Almost as soon as the Tiger year begins, if not a few weeks before, many Metal Tigers will detect a change in their fortunes. After being frustrated by some of the problems and pressures of the Ox year, they will begin to feel more determined and hopeful. And as one who likes to get on and do things, the Metal Tiger will realize that to make the changes he wants, he should act. Certainly, this is very much a year favouring initiative.
At work this is a time of change and opportunity. For those Metal Tigers who have felt frustrated in recent times, their own year can bring them the openings they have long been wanting. Some could find themselves ideally placed for promotion. For those who do take on new responsibilities, their new role will often allow them to concentrate on the areas in which their strengths lie.
Most Metal Tigers will remain with their present employer over the year and benefit from opportunities that arise there, but those who would prefer to change or reduce their working commitments could also enjoy some fortuitous chances. Sometimes good friends or close contacts could alert them to an ideal opportunity, or by making enquiries they could discover a position that is perfect for them. As many will find, once they start to take action, possibilities will emerge. March, May, July and September could see some interesting developments. These Metal Tigers should also not allow any applications that do not go their way to weaken their resolve. Opportunities can arise in curious ways in their own year and it is a time to remain persistent and alert.
Conversely, however, some Metal Tigers will retire this year. Those who do would do well to give serious consideration to the activities they would now like to pursue. With some clear objectives, these Metal Tigers will often revel in the opportunity to do what they want.
As far as personal interests are concerned, all Metal Tigers should look to develop what they do in some way. New challenges could be especially satisfying and should there be a particular interest that appeals to him, the Metal Tiger should follow it up. With good use of time and opportunity, he will find his actions and interests can add a great deal of pleasure and purpose to the year.
The Metal Tiger can also look forward to some interesting travel opportunities. In addition to a special holiday, possibly to mark his sixtieth birthday, he could have chances to go away for a short break or receive invitations to visit others. Although some of his travelling could be arranged at short notice, he can look forward to visiting some interesting destinations as well as enjoying himself while away.
With his own year having an element of luck, if he sees a competition that interests him, he would also do well to enter it. His own year can have some pleasant surprises in store.
Throughout the year the Metal Tiger will be grateful for the support of those around him, with his domestic life being both active and meaningful. However, with some of the ideas he has and decisions he will need to make, he does need to be open and communicative. This way, more can be decided, arranged and looked forward to. In addition, with some Metal Tigers deciding to move or make improvements to their home, if decisions are shared and all play their part, plans will often be all the easier to carry out. The Metal Tiger will also be grateful for the encouragement he is given for some of his own activities, and others may well have surprises in store to mark his sixtieth birthday. Over the year the love, support and goodwill shown him will be special and mean a great deal to him.
He will also enjoy an increase in social activity, particularly arising from an interest he pursues. By making the most of opportunities to meet other enthusiasts, as well as taking up invitations, he can look forward to some interesting and pleasurable occasions. Any Metal Tiger who is keen to lead a fuller social life or make new friends will find that positive action will reward him well. For some who are unattached, a new friendship could turn to romance and add a definite sparkle to the year. Social opportunities could occur at almost any time, some with little warning, but April to June, August, December and early January could be particularly active and special months.
The Metal Tiger’s own year contains many positive aspects but, as with any year, problems can still arise and disappointments sometimes occur. In 2010 these will often come as a result of rush or unnecessary risk, and despite the Metal Tiger’s natural enthusiasm, he does need to be wary of acting without sufficient thought or consultation. Particularly in financial matters, when dealing with paperwork or making important decisions, he will need to be thorough, attentive and prepared to check anything which may be unclear.
In most respects, though, this will be a highly favourable year for the Metal Tiger, and by using his time and opportunities well, he can accomplish a great deal as well as look forward to some personally rewarding times.

Give some thought to what you want to do. With clear aims and ideas, a lot can open up for you. This is your year and it can bring you much good fortune.

The Water Tiger
The Water Tiger will have much in his favour this year. With his Tiger enthusiasm combined with the Water element making him an effective communicator, important doors will open up for him, allowing him to accomplish a great deal. After the muted progress some will have experienced of late, this is a time when they will be able to reap some well-deserved and sometimes overdue rewards.
One important feature of the year is that it will give the Water Tiger a greater chance to act on his ideas and to use his strengths. If there is a specific objective that he has been keen to realize or changes he has been considering, now is the time to keep alert and explore possibilities. As many Water Tigers will find, once they start to take action, developments can quickly follow on.
At work the Tiger year can be particularly significant. For some Water Tigers, important opportunities can beckon, even though these may be different from what they may have envisaged. For some these could entail considerable change and upheaval, but to compensate, these Waters Tigers will often feel invigorated by the challenge they are now presented with.
For Water Tigers who are feeling staid and unfulfilled at work, this can also be the year when their career enjoys a new lease of life. Opportunities in their present place of work could allow some to switch to something different and broaden their skills, while others, by making enquiries, could find a more fulfilling position with another employer. Again, once the Water Tiger has made the conscious decision to make a change, he will be setting important—and unstoppable—wheels in motion.
For Water Tigers seeking work, the Tiger year can also bring some interesting opportunities. A major feature of the year is that it will give many the chance to develop their skills in new ways. March, May, July and September to mid-October could see the best opportunities, but such is the nature of the Tiger year that possibilities can open up quickly and at almost any time. As far as work matters are concerned, this is a year to keep alert and be ready to act.
With the encouraging aspects, the Water Tiger will also find this a favourable year to develop certain personal interests or skills. Those who are creative could find this a particularly inspiring time, with some exciting ideas to explore. If they are able to promote or display any of their work, they could be encouraged by the response.
The Tiger year can also bring some unexpected travel opportunities and, in addition to a main break or holiday, the Water Tiger could receive invitations to visit others or find his work giving him the chance to travel. Over the year many Water Tigers can look forward to visiting some interesting destinations and areas new to them.
The Water Tiger’s progress over the year can lead to an improvement in his financial situation and this may well lead to him deciding to go ahead with certain plans or purchases he has been considering. However, he should still keep a close watch on his spending and where possible consider setting something aside for the longer term. Money saved now, sometimes enhanced through tax relief, could become a welcome asset in years to come. Also, the Water Tiger should be wary of risk or complacency. Despite the encouraging aspects, misjudgements could still occur, and time does need to be allowed for planning major purchases. Water Tigers, take note and do manage your money wisely.
This will be a special year in the Water Tiger’s domestic life, often being marked by some important family news or celebration. The Water Tiger will enjoy playing a key part, particularly in making arrangements. Also, throughout the year he will do much to help and advise close relations, with his time and insights being valued. However, with many Water Tigers experiencing change in their work and others in their household leading equally busy schedules, it is important that there is good co-operation and a sharing of household tasks. As with any year, pressures, problems and differences of opinion will sometimes raise their head, but if there is a willingness to talk these through, they will not detract from this often rewarding time.
The Water Tiger’s work, interests and circle of friends will also give rise to some social occasions over the year and he will often enjoy the company of those who are like-minded. For Water Tigers who would welcome a more fulfilling social life, the Tiger year can see a transformation in their situation and, for some, the chance of an important new friendship or romance. Again, if the Water Tiger is active, a lot can open up for him. April to June, August and December to early January will see the most social activity.
Overall, this is a year of considerable potential for the Water Tiger and by seizing his opportunities, he can make important progress. With determination, goodwill and good luck, this can be a successful and progressive year.

Take the initiative. Believe in yourself and what you want. By making decisions and taking action, you can take advantage of some important developments and will find that opportunities will often quickly follow on.

The Wood Tiger
This is a year of considerable opportunity for the Wood Tiger, although just how much he achieves is partly dependent on him. As a Wood Tiger, he has a keen nature and is interested in many things, but without care, he can spread his energies too widely. To reap the rewards of this favourable time, he does need to remain focused and disciplined.
As the Tiger year starts, it would help him to have some idea of what he wants to accomplish during it. This could be related to almost any area of his life, but with some thoughts in mind he will not only make better use of his time and energy but also be alert to the right actions to take. By planning ahead, he will be able to get far more out of the year.
The Wood Tiger’s work prospects are especially promising, with important opportunities opening up. Sometimes, as a result of work he has recently been engaged on, his employer could look to him to take on a greater role. Many Wood Tigers will find themselves being trained for and offered promotion this year. Such are the aspects that one step up could be the prelude to others and, particularly for the ambitious, this can be a year of substantial headway and some great personal and well-deserved success.
For Wood Tigers who feel there are limited openings in their current place of work and want to further their experience elsewhere, again some very good opportunities will be available. By making enquiries and, if appropriate, talking to contacts, they could be alerted to some ideal positions. By having a clear idea of what they want to do and taking that all-important first step, they will find possibilities soon opening up for them.
This also applies to those Wood Tigers seeking work. Although some may have become dispirited about their prospects in recent times, by maintaining belief in themselves, they will find their drive, initiative and commitment will often prevail and give them the chance they have been wanting. For some this will be in a totally different area than before but will nevertheless set their career off on a potentially rewarding track. This is a year of scope and possibility. Opportunities can arise quickly, with March, May, July and September seeing some interesting developments.
The progress the Wood Tiger makes at work will lead to a rise in income and some Wood Tigers could receive funds from another source or find a personal interest supplementing their means. However, to reap the benefits of any upturn, the Wood Tiger will need to manage his money carefully. It would be helpful for him to look ahead and make provision for more expensive plans and outlays. Also, if entering into an agreement, he does need to check the terms and implications. The aspects may be on his side, but this is still not a year for risks or proceeding on a hurried or ad hoc basis. With clear ideas and good management, the Wood Tiger will fare much better financially.
For many Wood Tigers, accommodation matters will figure prominently over the year, including a possible move. Here again, costs need to be considered and early provision made for new obligations. However, while moving or carrying through plans will bring pressure, what is achieved can underline the progressive nature of the year.
Such are the aspects that many Wood Tigers can also look forward to a personal celebration during the year. For some this could be a personal or family success, a decision to marry or, if currently alone, the start of a serious relationship. This can indeed be a special and personally exciting time. Also, throughout the year the Wood Tiger will be well supported by those close to him. At times of pressure he will find it helpful to share his concerns and will benefit from the advice and assistance given.
In return the Wood Tiger will do a lot for others during the year and for those Wood Tigers with more senior relations, the time and help they are able to give will be more appreciated than they may realize. For those who are parents, the encouragement and care given to their children will not only be important in terms of their physical development but will also strengthen rapport and understanding.
With the Wood Tiger’s relations with others being favourably aspected this year, he can also look forward to some pleasurable social occasions and opportunities to meet others. For the unattached, romance or an important new friendship could transform their year. April, June, August and December could see the most social activity, but whenever the Wood Tiger has invitations or sees events that appeal to him, he should try to go. Not only can these often be highly enjoyable, but they can also bring balance to his lifestyle. There will also be opportunities to travel during the year, although, as with so much in 2010, planning ahead will enable the Wood Tiger to do more.
On a cautionary note, when taking part in physical activities, whether sport, recreation, lifting or undertaking strenuous tasks, the Wood Tiger will need to take care and follow the correct procedures. Similarly, if he experiences a spate of hectic days and late nights, he should make sure he allows himself the chance to rest and catch up, as well as pay attention to his well-being and diet. Taking good care of himself will enable him to enjoy this positive year.
Generally, this is a year of considerable promise for the Wood Tiger, with successes and sometimes celebrations in his personal life to enjoy, while in his work there will be good opportunities to progress. To benefit fully he will need to keep focused and act on his ideas and the very good opportunities that will come his way. But with his own keen nature, backed by the support of those around him, this can be a positive and rewarding year.

Be disciplined. With resolve and purpose, a lot can open up for you. Use your time and opportunities wisely and you will be rewarded well.

The Fire Tiger
Whether it is because this is the Year of the Tiger or due to his own ambitious nature, the Fire Tiger will be keen to make much of the next 12 months. He realizes that achieving his aims not only rests on his willingness to act but also to put himself forward. And his determination, energy and considerable qualities will lead to some significant developments during the year and times of personal happiness.
The Fire Tiger’s relations with others will be particularly special and for those with a partner there will often be some exciting plans to look forward to. These could involve a change of accommodation or celebrating some personal or family news. In addition, giving time to each other and sharing interests and love and understanding can bring extra meaning and importance to the year.
For Fire Tigers who are unattached, the year is also encouragingly aspected, with many feeling the effects of Cupid’s arrow. A chance encounter could quickly develop into a serious romance, with some meeting their soul mate and future partner. For any Fire Tigers who are nursing disappointment over a relationship that has foundered, there will be a good chance of meeting someone who will become significant. The Tiger year contains many favourable developments and the Fire Tiger’s personal life is particularly highlighted.
The Fire Tiger will also find his interests and recreational pursuits giving rise to some good social opportunities. Here again, any Fire Tigers who are alone or would like new friendships will find that by going out and becoming more involved in interests they enjoy, they can be well rewarded with an upturn in their social life. April to June, August, December and early January could see the most social activity, but in most months there will be things for the Fire Tiger to do, with spontaneity and unexpected occasions adding to the excitement of the year.
Throughout the year it is also important that the Fire Tiger draws on the assistance of family members. In addition to providing support and encouragement, more senior relations will often be pleased to advise on certain decisions or give additional help. Over this full and busy year Fire Tigers would do well to remember this and be prepared to ask.
This is also a favourable year as far as the Fire Tiger’s work prospects are concerned and he should not only keep alert for ways to advance but also be prepared to put himself forward. Often important progress can be made with his present employer and some Fire Tigers will be offered the chance to train for greater responsibilities.
Work prospects are also promising for Fire Tigers who decide to move elsewhere or are seeking a position. By obtaining advice from employment agencies and professional organizations and stressing their experience at interview, they will find some interesting opportunities can arise. This is a good time for the Fire Tiger to look at different ways of using his strengths. March, May, July and September could see some positive developments, but when the Fire Tiger sees an opening that interests him, he should be quick to act.
Over the year he should also make the most of chances to network and meet others in similar lines of work to his own. Whether through courses, joining an organization or being introduced to others, by getting himself known and impressing those he meets, he can do much to help his present position and future prospects. In addition, colleagues who have similar interests could become longstanding friends.
The Fire Tiger’s progress at work can also help him financially. However, as with many of his sign, he does spend his money easily and has a most generous streak. Over the year it would be helpful for him to keep a close watch on his outgoings and save towards specific requirements. He should also be wary of risk or entering into agreements before he has had time to check the implications. If he has any doubts he should seek advice. Financially, this is a year when good management will reward him well.
Overall, the Tiger year is a highly favourable one for the Fire Tiger, giving him the opportunity to make more of himself, advance his career and enjoy positive relations with many. This is his year and it is one in which he can show his many fine qualities.

This is no time for standing still. Seek out ways to make more of your skills and strengths. With willingness, a lot can open up for you. Also, enjoy your positive relations with others. Their support and encouragement can have a positive bearing on how you fare.

The Earth Tiger
This will be a pleasing year for the Earth Tiger with good opportunities for him to enjoy and develop certain interests and skills. In addition, his family and social life will be important, with a variety of occasions to look forward to.
For Earth Tigers born in 1998 this can be an especially important year. In their education there will be many opportunities to try out new skills, have extra lessons and courses in areas of particular interest (including sport and music) and enjoy the other activities their school can offer. By making the most of these facilities, the young Earth Tiger will not only have fun but also be furthering his education. With a positive and keen attitude, he can make considerable progress this year.
The Earth Tiger should also aim to make the most of his hobbies and interests. By spending time on what he enjoys, he will take much satisfaction from what he can achieve. Also, if a new subject or activity appeals to him, he should find out more. This is very much a year for discovering and developing talents.
With his active and outgoing nature, the Earth Tiger will also enjoy the companionship of many people, and his interests will allow him to meet others. Particularly for those Earth Tigers who are feeling alone or are in a new environment, a friendship made this year can prove special and enduring.
While the aspects are encouraging, should the Earth Tiger have any concerns or be keen to try out or develop certain activities, it is important that he lets others know. Those close to him are keen to see him make the most of his potential, but for them to do so, the Earth Tiger will need to be forthcoming and receptive to assistance and advice given.
Another highlight of the year will be the travel opportunities it will bring, and many young Earth Tigers will enjoy the chance to visit somewhere new. For some, the excitement they get from travelling will whet their appetite for more and be something that stays with them for a great many years.
This can also be a rewarding year for the Earth Tiger born in 1938, with travel opportunities again adding interest to the year. If the more senior Earth Tiger sees a holiday, special offer or short break that appeals to him, or receives an invitation to visit others, he should follow it up. Not only will he enjoy the social opportunities and companionship his travels bring but also the often interesting attractions he gets to see.
The Earth Tiger will also value his relations with those around him, and by talking over his ideas, he will not only gain more support but also stand a good chance of his suggestions being taken further. Not only will he benefit from the assistance of others over the year but he will also be glad to reciprocate by giving time and encouragement to those close to him. As far as his domestic life is concerned, this will be a positive and personally rewarding year.
In addition, the Earth Tiger will derive much pleasure from his interests over the year and by setting himself some aims and projects he will often delight in the ways in which he can use his knowledge. If there is a local group or society that interests him, it could be worth him getting in contact. That way he can also benefit from the social opportunities his interests can bring.
This also applies to Earth Tigers who are alone and would welcome new friends or a more rewarding activity to fill their time. By making enquiries, seeing what is available in their area and taking positive action, they can benefit from the opportunity to get to know others. The Tiger year holds much promise, but it does call on the Earth Tiger to act.
As far as finance is concerned, the Earth Tiger could have some sizeable outgoings over the year, perhaps due to travel, replacing equipment and/or changes to his accommodation. At such times he will need to keep a close watch on costs and, when applicable, obtain estimates and quotations. Despite the favourable aspects of the year, this is no time for risk or carelessness. Earth Tigers, please take note.
Overall, the Tiger year offers considerable opportunity to the Earth Tiger, whether born in 1938 or 1998, particularly in allowing him to carry through ideas and further certain interests. He will be helped by the supportive attitude of those close to him and this will not only encourage him but also bring some often meaningful occasions. This is very much a year for making the most of opportunities.

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Your Chinese Horoscope 2010 Neil Somerville
Your Chinese Horoscope 2010

Neil Somerville

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Духовная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 28.04.2024

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О книге: The year 2010 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger – what will this mean for you? This complete guide contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead – a year which offers great hope, advancement and opportunity.The ancient art of Chinese astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been in use in the Orient for thousands of years.The depth of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and prediction has caught the imagination of the Western world in recent years and led to a rapid rise in its popularity.This popular and enlightening bestselling guide – now in its 21st year – includes:• Everything you need to know about the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac• An explanation of the Five Elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth, and which one governs your sign• Individual predictions to help you find love, luck and success• What the Year of the Tiger has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.

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