Dark Matter

Dark Matter
Greg Iles
No.1 New York Times bestseller Greg Iles has created a thriller which is ‘alarming, believable, and utterly consuming – resonates long after the final page is turned’ (Dan Brown).Trust no-one…Yesterday, David Tennant was a highly respected professor with the ear of the President, working on a top secret government project. Today, he is running for his life.Project Trinity has the power to change life forever. Only a few hand-picked men and women know the potential of the biggest artificial intelligence study the world has ever seen. Now, one of those men is dead – and Tennant knows Dr Fielding’s death wasn’t at all what it seemed. Suddenly, his friend’s warnings cannot be dismissed as paranoia.Today, David Tennant is one man against the state, and he’s fast learning the only rule of survival: trust no-one. Not even yourself.

Dark Matter
The Footprints of God

We should take care not to make the intellect our god.
—Albert Einstein
All things return to the One.
What does the One return to?
—Zen koan
Table of Contents
Cover (#u5a294780-0233-51b4-b7d0-4d9f7b8d67ed)
Title Page (#u3e5e3c7d-abf0-5564-a1fc-f1f5f158f31b)
Epigraph (#u758f2e92-6224-5650-a239-335a6c93014c)
Chapter One (#uab7af417-2013-5d38-af49-f506ecf34df6)
Chapter Two (#ucba02b1a-fe1f-52da-aac6-93b65fac1306)
Chapter Three (#ua0df81be-ab9f-5b77-bcb3-c5a7ef3d0b10)
Chapter Four (#u8a3ba500-6824-56d3-8484-cf142243821f)
Chapter Five (#u81e3628d-3ef2-5461-940d-0e1dbb9b653e)
Chapter Six (#uefec38fd-c194-54cb-8480-2694d2babaad)
Chapter Seven (#ub58b0a31-94a7-5c8c-9f0d-8c84e62f94ba)
Chapter Eight (#u567235e1-cc1f-556b-a700-35eed7d1bff9)
Chapter Nine (#u00a3b11c-d8bc-5afa-921b-004ebaf6c3b5)
Chapter Ten (#u4fd62a15-d60e-505f-9ea9-e1294e7bc798)
Chapter Eleven (#ub4a2744e-1fce-503c-be5a-3a4d0291d12e)
Chapter Twelve (#uc3161726-e12e-5183-bcf4-65e23491f5a1)
Chapter Thirteen (#u3328d207-1f74-55fe-b088-33a329d73dde)
Chapter Fourteen (#u7536567c-e3e2-5a5b-afbc-149f739a3587)
Chapter Fifteen (#u416d59e3-2778-5457-b3bf-277651b7edb2)
Chapter Sixteen (#uc8230f9a-6e5a-587b-9de5-ddf4ebd13051)
Chapter Seventeen (#u20b4094a-1baa-512d-8890-da5b8f97d2a5)
Chapter Eighteen (#u65176ef4-fc01-580d-a387-3434bea3cf96)
Chapter Nineteen (#ud080d7ff-9b39-5ab8-bcdd-5371fcb90a8e)
Chapter Twenty (#u6bae966c-a926-57f6-8eed-718a28665676)
Chapter Twenty-One (#ue4065859-f6c7-58c9-a854-65d56de2c6f5)
Chapter Twenty-Two (#uf288b005-7527-50d0-b5a4-9d67a30e885c)
Chapter Twenty-Three (#u4616b734-5e63-5923-a4d0-3e0bb2ee7cba)
Chapter Twenty-Four (#u406128da-9e21-5a2e-8273-db2f23762087)
Chapter Twenty-Five (#u83b8ce57-7a18-5cb1-bd2c-049695308fe0)
Chapter Twenty-Six (#ubc104655-2268-5be9-92f7-24ba617c9737)
Chapter Twenty-Seven (#u3755b99f-482b-564d-863f-a7dc60d084db)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (#ud0734ff5-ae33-5ed1-9667-e1513d227b9d)
Chapter Twenty-Nine (#u7ec4569e-0788-5162-ae3e-83f83a766c8f)
Chapter Thirty (#uef029569-c954-5620-bca4-46c0174f51fb)
Chapter Thirty-One (#u33eafeb0-7459-51d9-aa86-0003b130c99d)
Chapter Thirty-Two (#ua2c006f4-b8fe-51bf-b528-e37e66610028)
Chapter Thirty-Three (#ub6df02f6-b7b7-5077-8939-87913daea6f1)
Chapter Thirty-Four (#u6825a2df-9472-53a6-ac9c-21cee94ba8d3)
Chapter Thirty-Five (#ua7ff2c56-d7d5-593b-a9d4-2b94be4ec558)
Chapter Thirty-Six (#u063697e0-a29e-57d5-9918-802bb9a46a3b)
Chapter Thirty-Seven (#uaaeb0446-3a66-5977-ab53-380bebe71900)
Chapter Thirty-Eight (#u3b98ca56-38cb-5718-bec6-a81b029c1c40)
Chapter Thirty-Nine (#u09dea3b4-6b85-597e-9afc-91ff10bf4057)
Chapter Forty (#ub703b361-3654-53bf-befe-031b3486d37e)
Chapter Forty-One (#u59e68b9f-e0c0-5555-9c10-21136997677e)
Chapter Forty-Two (#u622a834d-8536-54ae-92ab-311b7ec664b0)
Chapter Forty-Three (#uebc5663d-9366-535b-b8d5-5c2062a837ed)
Chapter Forty-Four (#u6a17653e-7c79-52b2-8385-64c79e6bedfd)
Chapter Forty-Five (#u645e3c16-413b-502f-bf40-7d9a35d059d9)
Epilogue (#u68914421-2260-5f50-8d66-c0ca7c14f2e7)
Acknowledgments (#u5bd99825-501d-5c08-8b42-9abaaddb37c1)
About the Author (#ud58b1c26-3884-5644-9cef-3f8939bf8046)
Books By Greg Iles (#u1a874118-94f4-5757-af2e-43b120b6760d)
Copyright (#u9ae3b8ac-de7f-5c4e-8fe8-e06b073b8502)
About the Publisher (#uf25b023e-7a1a-56cf-998a-66ac7ea21838)

ONE (#ulink_40e74af0-ca18-5c8a-9917-7e134c20a859)
“My name is David Tennant, M.D. I’m professor of ethics at the University of Virginia Medical School, and if you’re watching this tape, I’m dead.”
I took a breath and gathered myself. I didn’t want to rant. I’d mounted my Sony camcorder on a tripod and rotated the LCD screen in order to see myself as I spoke. I’d lost weight over the past weeks. My eyes were red with fatigue, the orbits shiny and dark. I looked more like a hunted criminal than a grieving friend.
“I don’t really know where to begin. I keep seeing Andrew lying on the floor. And I know they killed him. But … I’m getting ahead of myself. You need facts. I was born in 1961 in Los Alamos, New Mexico. My father was James Howard Tennant, the nuclear physicist. My mother was Ann Tennant, a pediatrician. I’m making this tape in a sober state of mind, and I’m going to deposit it with my attorney as soon as I finish, on the understanding that it should be opened if I die for any reason.
“Six hours ago, my colleague Dr. Andrew Fielding was found dead beside his desk, the victim of an apparent stroke. I can’t prove it, but I know Fielding was murdered. For the past two years, he and I have been part of a scientific team funded by the National Security Agency and DARPA—the government agency that created the Internet in the 1970s. Under the highest security classification, that team and its work are known as Project Trinity.”
I glanced down at the short-barreled Smith & Wesson .38 in my lap. I’d made sure the pistol wasn’t visible on camera, but it calmed me to have it within reach. Reassured, I again stared at the glowing red light.
“Two years ago, Peter Godin, founder of the Godin Supercomputing Corporation, had an epiphany much like that mythical moment when an apple dropped onto Isaac Newton’s head. It happened in a dream. Seemingly from nowhere, a seventy-year-old man visualized the most revolutionary possibility in the history of science. When he woke up, Godin telephoned John Skow, a deputy director of the NSA, in Fort Meade, Maryland. By six A.M., the two men had drafted and delivered a letter to the president of the United States. That letter shook the White House to its foundations. I know this because the president was my brother’s close friend in college. My brother died three years ago, but because of him, the president knew of my work, which is what put me in the middle of all that followed.”
I rubbed the cool metal of the .38, wondering what to tell and what to leave out. Leave out nothing, said a voice in my head. My father’s voice. Fifty years ago, he’d played his own part in America’s secret history, and that burden had greatly shortened his days. My father died in 1988, a haunted man, certain that the Cold War he’d spent his youthful energy to perpetuate would end with the destruction of civilization, as it so easily could have. Leave out nothing …
“The Godin Memo,” I continued, “had the same effect as the letter Albert Einstein sent President Roosevelt at the beginning of World War Two, outlining the potential for an atomic bomb and the possibility that Nazi Germany might develop one. Einstein’s letter spurred the Manhattan Project, the secret quest to ensure that America would be the first to possess nuclear weapons. Peter Godin’s letter resulted in a project of similar scope but infinitely greater ambition. Project Trinity began behind the walls of an NSA front corporation in the Research Triangle Park of North Carolina. Only six people on the planet ever had full knowledge of Trinity. Now that Andrew Fielding is dead, only five remain. I’m one. The other four are Peter Godin, John Skow, Ravi Nara—”
I bolted to my feet with the .38 in my hand. Someone was rapping on my front door. Through thin curtains, I saw a Federal Express truck parked at the foot of my sidewalk. What I couldn’t see was the space immediately in front of my door.
“Who is it?” I called.
“FedEx,” barked a muffled male voice. “I need a signature.”
I wasn’t expecting a delivery. “Is it a letter or a package?”
“Who from?”
“Uhh … Lewis Carroll.”
I shivered. A package from a dead man? Only one person would send me a package under the name of the author of Alice in Wonderland. Andrew Fielding. Had he sent me something the day before he died? Fielding had been obsessively searching the Trinity labs for weeks now, the computers as well as the physical space. Perhaps he’d found something. And perhaps whatever it was had got him killed. I’d sensed something strange about Fielding’s behavior yesterday—not so easy with a man famed for his eccentricities—but by this morning he’d seemed to be his old self.
“Do you want this thing or not?” asked the deliveryman.
I cocked the pistol and edged over to the door. I’d fastened the chain latch when I’d got home. With my left hand, I unlocked the door and pulled it open to the length of the chain. Through the crack, I saw the face of a uniformed man in his twenties, his hair bound into a short ponytail.
“Pass your pad through with the package. I’ll sign and give it back to you.”
“It’s a digital pad. I can’t give you that.”
“Keep your hand on it, then.”
“Paranoid,” he muttered, but he stuck a thick orange pad through the crack in the door.
I grabbed the stylus hanging from the string and scrawled my name on the touch-sensitive screen. “Okay.”
The pad disappeared, and a FedEx envelope was thrust through. I took it and tossed it onto the sofa, then shut the door and waited until I heard the truck rumble away from the curb.
I picked up the envelope and glanced at the label. “Lewis Carroll” had been signed in Fielding’s spidery hand. As I pulled the sheet of paper from the envelope, a greasy white granular substance spilled over my fingers. The instant my eyes registered the color, some part of my brain whispered anthrax. The odds of that were low, but my best friend had just died under suspicious circumstances. A certain amount of paranoia was justified.
I hurried to the kitchen and scrubbed my hands with dish soap and water. Then I pulled a black medical bag from my closet. Inside was the usual pharmacopoeia of the M.D.’s home: analgesics, antibiotics, emetics, steroid cream. I found what I wanted in a snap compartment: a blister pack of Cipro, a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic. I swallowed one pill with water from the tap, then took a pair of surgical gloves from the bag. As a last precaution, I tied a dirty T-shirt from the hamper around my nose and mouth. Then I folded the FedEx envelope and letter into separate Ziploc bags, sealed them, and laid them on the counter.
As badly as I wanted to read the letter, part of me resisted. Fielding might have been murdered for what was written on that page. Even if that weren’t the case, nothing good would come from my reading it.
I carefully vacuumed the white granules from the carpet in the front room, wondering if I could be wrong about Fielding’s death being murder. He and I had worked ourselves into quite a state of suspicion over the past weeks, but then we had reason to. And the timing was too damn convenient. Instead of putting the vacuum cleaner back into the closet, I walked to the back door and tossed the machine far into the yard. I could always buy another one.
I was still eerily aware of the letter sitting on the kitchen counter. I felt like a soldier’s wife refusing to open a telegram. But I already knew my friend was dead. So what did I fear?
The why, answered a voice in my head. Fielding talking. You want to keep your head in the sand. It’s the American national pastime …
More than a little irritated to find that the dead could be as bothersome as the living, I picked up the Ziploc containing the letter and carried it to the front room. The note was brief and handwritten.
We must meet again. I finally confronted Godin with my suspicions. His reaction astounded me. I don’t want to commit anything to paper, but I know I’m right. Lu Li and I are driving to the blue place on Saturday night. Please join us. It’s close quarters, but discreet. It may be time for you to contact your late brother’s friend again, though I wonder if even he can do anything at this point. Things like this have a momentum greater than individuals. Greater even than humanity, I fear. If anything should happen to me, don’t forget that little gold item I asked you to hold for me one day. Desperate times, mate. I’ll see you Saturday.
There was no signature, but below the note was a hand-drawn cartoon of a rabbit’s head and the face of a clock. The White Rabbit, an affectionate nickname given Fielding by his Cambridge physics students. Fielding always carried a gold pocket watch, and that was the “little gold item” that he had asked me to hold for him one day.
We were passing each other in the hallway when he pressed the watch and chain into my hand. “Mind keeping that for an hour, old man?” he’d murmured. “Lovely.” Then he was gone. An hour later he stopped by my office to pick it up, saying he hadn’t wanted to take the watch into the MRI lab with him, where it could have been smashed against the MRI unit by the machine’s enormous magnetic fields. But Fielding visited the MRI lab all the time, and he’d never given me his pocket watch before. And he never did again. It must have been in his pocket when he died. So what the hell was he up to that day?
I read the note again. Lu Li and I are driving to the blue place on Saturday night. Lu Li was Fielding’s new Chinese wife. The “blue place” had to be code for a beach cabin at Nags Head, on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Three months ago, when Fielding asked for a recommendation for his honeymoon, I’d suggested the Nags Head cabin, which was only a few hours away. Fielding and his wife had loved the place, and the Englishman had apparently thought of it when he wanted a secure location to discuss his fears.
My hands were shaking. The man who had written this note was now as cold as the morgue table he was lying on, if indeed he was lying in a morgue. No one had been able—or willing—to tell me where my friend’s body would be taken. And now the white powder. Would Fielding have put powder in the envelope and neglected to mention it in his letter? If he didn’t, who did? Who but the person who had murdered him?
I laid the letter on the sofa, stripped off the surgical gloves, and rewound the videotape to the point at which I’d walked out of the frame. I had decided to make this tape because I feared I might be killed before I could tell the president what I knew. Fielding’s letter had changed nothing. Yet as I stared into the lens, my mind wandered. I was way ahead of Fielding on calling my “late brother’s friend.” The moment I’d seen Fielding’s corpse on the floor of his office, I knew I had to call the president. But the president was in China. Still, as soon as I got clear of the Trinity lab, I’d called the White House from a pay phone in a Shoney’s restaurant, a “safe” phone Fielding had told me about. It couldn’t be seen by surveillance teams in cars, and the restaurant’s interior geometry made it difficult for a parabolic microphone to eavesdrop from a distance.
When I said “Project Trinity,” the White House operator put me through to a man who gruffly asked me to state my business. I asked to speak to Ewan McCaskell, the president’s chief of staff, whom I’d met during my visit to the Oval Office. McCaskell was in China with the president. I asked that the president be informed that David Tennant needed to speak to him urgently about Project Trinity, and that no one else involved with Trinity should be informed. The man said my message would be passed on and hung up.
Thirteen hours separated North Carolina and Beijing. That made it tomorrow in China. Daylight. Yet four hours had passed since my call, and I’d heard nothing. Would my message be relayed to China, given the critical nature of the summit? There was no way to know. I did know that if someone at Trinity heard about my call first, I might wind up as dead as Fielding before I talked to the president.
I hit START on the remote control and spoke again to the camera.
“In the past six months I’ve gone from feeling like part of a noble scientific effort to questioning whether I’m even living in the United States. I’ve watched Nobel laureates give up all principle in a search for—”
I went still. Something had passed by one of my front windows. A face. Very close, peering inside. I’d seen it through the sheer curtains, but I was sure. A face, framed by shoulder-length hair. I had a sense of a woman’s features, but …
I started to get up, then sat back down. My teeth were vibrating with an electric pain like aluminum foil crushed between dental fillings. My eyelids felt too heavy to hold open. Not now, I thought, shoving my hand into my pocket for my prescription bottle. Jesus, not now. For six months, every member of Trinity’s inner circle had suffered frightening neurological symptoms. No one’s symptoms were the same. My affliction was narcolepsy. Narcolepsy and dreams. At home, I usually gave in to the trancelike sleep. But when I needed to fight off a spell—at Trinity, or driving my car—only amphetamines could stop the overwhelming waves.
I pulled out my prescription bottle and shook it. Empty. I’d swallowed my last pill yesterday. I got my speed from Ravi Nara, Trinity’s neurologist, but Nara and I were no longer speaking. I tried to rise, thinking I’d call a pharmacy and prescribe my own, but that was ridiculous. I couldn’t even stand. A leaden heaviness had settled into my limbs. My face felt hot, and my eyelids began to fall.
The prowler was at the window again. In my mind, I raised my gun and aimed it, but then I saw the weapon lying in my lap. Not even survival instinct could clear the fog filling my brain. I looked back at the window. The face was gone. A woman’s face. I was sure of it. Would they use a woman to kill me? Of course. They were pragmatists. They used what worked.
Something scratched at my doorknob. Through the thickening haze I fought to aim my gun at the door. Something slammed against the wood. I got my finger on the trigger, but as my swimming brain transmitted the instruction to depress it, sleep annihilated consciousness like fingers snuffing a candle flame.
Andrew Fielding sat alone at his desk, furiously smoking a cigarette. His hands were shaking from a confrontation with Godin. It had happened the previous day, but Fielding had the habit of replaying such scenes in his mind, agonizing over how ineffectually he had stated his case, murmuring retorts he should have made at the time but had not.
The argument had been the result of weeks of frustration. Fielding didn’t like arguments, not ones outside the realm of physics, anyway. He’d put off the meeting until the last possible moment. He pottered around his office, pondering one of the central riddles of quantum physics: how two particles fired simultaneously from the same source could arrive at the same destination at the same instant, even though one had to travel ten times as far as the other. It was like two 747s flying from New York to Los Angeles—one flying direct and the other having to fly south to Miami before turning west to Los Angeles—yet both touching down at LAX at the same moment. The 747 on the direct route flew at the speed of light, yet the plane that had to detour over Miami still reached L.A. at the same instant. Which meant that the second plane had flown faster than the speed of light. Which meant that Einstein’s general theory of relativity was flawed. Possibly. Fielding spent a great deal of time thinking about this problem.
He lit another cigarette and thought about the letter he’d FedExed to David Tennant. It didn’t say enough. Not nearly. But it would have to do until they met at Nags Head. Tennant would be working a few steps up the hall from him all afternoon, but he might as well be in Fiji. No square foot of the Trinity complex was free of surveillance and recording devices. Tennant would get the letter this afternoon, if no one intercepted it. To prevent this, Fielding had instructed his wife to drop it at a FedEx box inside the Durham post office, beyond the sight line of anyone following her from a distance. That was all the spouses usually got—random surveillance from cars—but you never knew.
Tennant was Fielding’s only hope. Tennant knew the president. He’d had cocktails in the White House, anyway. Fielding had won the Nobel in 1998, but he’d never been invited to 10 Downing Street. Never would be, in all likelihood. He’d shaken hands with the PM at a reception once, but that wasn’t the same thing. Not at all.
He took a drag on the cigarette and looked down at his desk. An equation lay there, a collapsing wave function, unsolvable using present-day mathematics. Not even the world’s most powerful supercomputers could solve a collapsing wave function. There was one machine on the planet that might make headway with the problem—at least he believed there was—and if he was right, the term supercomputer might soon become as quaint and archaic as abacus. But the machine that could solve a collapsing wave function would be capable of a lot more than computing. It would be everything Peter Godin had promised the mandarins in Washington, and more. That “more” was what scared Fielding. Scared the bloody hell out of him. For no one could predict the unintended consequences of bringing such a thing into existence. “Trinity” indeed.
He was thinking of going home early when something flashed in his left eye. There was no pain. Then the visual field in that eye swirled into a blur, and an explosion seemed to detonate in the left frontal lobe of his brain. A stroke, he thought with clinical detachment. I’m having a stroke. Strangely calm, he reached for the telephone to call 911, then remembered that the world’s preeminent neurologist was working in the office four doors down from his own.
The telephone would be faster than walking. He reached for the receiver, but the event taking place within his cranium suddenly bloomed to its full destructive power. The clot lodged, or the blood vessel burst, and his left eye went black. Then a knifelike pain pierced the base of his brain, the center of life support functions. Falling toward the floor, Fielding thought again of that elusive particle that had traveled faster than the speed of light, that had proved Einstein wrong by traversing space as though it did not exist. He posed a thought experiment: If Andrew Fielding could move as fast as that particle, could he reach Ravi Nara in time to be saved?
Answer: No. Nothing could save him now.
His last coherent thought was a prayer, a silent hope that in the unmapped world of the quantum, consciousness existed beyond what humans called death. For Fielding, religion was an illusion, but at the dawn of the twenty-first century, Project Trinity had uncovered hope of a new immortality. And it wasn’t the Rube Goldberg monstrosity they were pretending to build a hundred meters from his office door.
The impact of the floor was like water.
I jerked awake and grabbed my gun. Someone was banging the front door taut against the security chain. I tried to get to my feet, but the dream had disoriented me. Its lucidity far surpassed anything I’d experienced to date. I actually felt that I had died, that I was Andrew Fielding at the moment of his death—
“Dr. Tennant?” shouted a woman’s voice. “David! Are you in there?”
My psychiatrist? I put my hand to my forehead and tried to fight my way back to reality. “Dr. Weiss? Rachel? Is that you?”
“Yes! Unlatch the chain!”
“I’m coming,” I muttered. “Are you alone?”
“Yes! Open the door.”
I stuffed my gun between the couch cushions and stumbled toward the door. As I reached for the chain latch, it struck me that I had never told my psychiatrist where I lived.

TWO (#ulink_b75c2d02-7fc1-55cd-a60a-1c5ba693b362)
Rachel Weiss had jet-black hair, olive skin, and onyx eyes. Eleven weeks ago, when I’d arrived at her office for my first session, I’d thought of Rebecca from Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe. Only in the novel Rebecca had a wild, unrestrained sort of beauty. Rachel Weiss projected a focused severity that made her physical appearance and clothing irrelevant, as though she went out of her way to hide attributes that would cause people to see her as anything other than the remarkable clinician she was.
“What was that?” she asked, pointing to the sofa cushion where I’d stashed the gun. “Are you self-prescribing again?”
“No. How did you find my house?”
“I know a woman in Personnel at UVA. You missed two consecutive sessions, but at least you called ahead to cancel. Today you leave me sitting there and you don’t even call? Considering your state of mind lately, what do you expect me to do?” Rachel’s eyes went to the video camera. “Oh, David … you’re not back to this again? I thought you stopped years ago.”
“It’s not what you think.”
She didn’t look convinced. Five years ago, a drunk driver flipped my wife’s car into a roadside pond. The water wasn’t deep, but both Karen and my daughter Zooey drowned before help arrived. I was working at the hospital they were brought to after the accident. Watching the ER staff try in vain to resuscitate my four-year-old daughter shattered me. I spent hours at home in front of the television, endlessly replaying videotapes of Zooey learning to walk, laughing in Karen’s arms, hugging me at her third birthday party. My medical practice withered, then died, and I sank into clinical depression. This was the only fact of my personal life I had discussed in detail with my psychiatrist, and this only because after three sessions she had told me that she’d lost her only child to leukemia the year before.
She confided this because she believed my disturbing dreams were caused by the tragic loss of my family, and she wanted me to know she had felt the same kind of pain. Rachel, too, had lost more than her child. Unable to handle the devastating effects of his son’s illness, her lawyer husband had left her and returned to New York. Like me, Rachel had descended into a pit of depression from which she was lucky to emerge. Therapy and medication had been her salvation. But like my father, I’ve always been fiercely private, and I fought my way back to the land of the living alone. Not a day went by that I didn’t miss my wife and daughter, but my days of weeping as I replayed old videotapes were over.
“This isn’t about Karen and Zooey,” I told Rachel. “Please close the door.”
She remained in the open doorway, car keys in hand, clearly wanting to believe me but just as clearly skeptical. “What is it, then?”
“Work. Please close the door.”
Rachel hesitated, then shut the door and stared into my eyes. “Maybe it’s time you told me about your work.”
This had long been a point of contention between us. Rachel considered doctor/patient confidentiality as sacred as the confessional, and my lack of trust offended her. She believed my demands for secrecy and warnings of danger hinted at a delusional reality I had constructed to protect my psyche from scrutiny. I didn’t blame her. At the request of the NSA, I’d made my first appointment with her under a false name. But ten seconds after we shook hands, she recognized my face from the jacket photo of my book. She assumed my ruse was the paranoia of a medical celebrity, and I did nothing to disabuse her of that notion. But after a few weeks, my refusal to divulge anything about my work—and my obsession with “protecting” her—had pushed her to suspect that I might be schizophrenic.
What Rachel didn’t know was that I had only been allowed to see her after winning a brutal argument with John Skow, the director of Project Trinity. My narcolepsy had developed as a result of my work at Trinity, and I wanted professional help to try to understand the accompanying dreams.
First the NSA flew in a shrink from Fort Meade, a pharmacological psychiatrist whose main patient base was technicians trying to cope with chronic stress or depression. He wanted to fill me up with happy pills and find out how to become an internationally published physician like me. Next they brought in a woman, an expert in dealing with the neuroses that develop when people are forced to work for long periods in secrecy. Her knowledge of dream symbolism was limited to “a little historical reading” during her residency. Like her colleague, she wanted to start me on a regimen of antidepressants and antipsychotics. What I needed was a psychoanalyst experienced in dream analysis, and the NSA didn’t have one.
I called some friends at the UVA Medical School and discovered that Rachel Weiss, the country’s preeminent Jungian analyst, was based at the Duke University Medical School, less than fifteen miles from the Trinity building. Skow tried to stop me from seeing her, but in the end I told him he’d have to arrest me to do it, and before he tried that, he’d better call the president, who had appointed me to the project.
“Something’s happened,” Rachel said. “What is it? Have the hallucinations changed again?”
Hallucinations, I thought bitterly. Never dreams.
“Have they intensified? Become more personal? Are you afraid?”
“Andrew Fielding is dead,” I said in a flat voice.
Rachel blinked. “Who’s Andrew Fielding?”
“He was a physicist.”
Her eyes widened. “Andrew Fielding the physicist is dead?”
It was a measure of Fielding’s reputation that a medical doctor who knew little about quantum physics would know his name. But it didn’t surprise me. There were six-year-olds who’d heard of “the White Rabbit.” The man who had largely unraveled the enigma of the dark matter in the universe stood second only to his friend Stephen Hawking in the astrophysical firmament.
“He died of a stroke,” I said. “Or so they say.”
“So who says?”
“People at work.”
“You work with Andrew Fielding?”
“I did. For the past two years.”
Rachel shook her head in amazement. “You don’t think he died of a stroke?”
“Did you examine him?”
“A cursory exam. He collapsed in his office. Another doctor got to him before he died. That doctor said Fielding exhibited left-side paralysis and had a blown left pupil, but …”
“I don’t believe him. Fielding died too quickly for a stroke. Within four or five minutes.”
Rachel pursed her lips. “That happens sometimes. Especially with a severe hemorrhage.”
“Yes, but it’s comparatively rare, and you don’t usually see a blown pupil.” That was true enough, but it wasn’t what I was thinking. I was thinking that Rachel was a psychiatrist, and as good as she was, she hadn’t spent sixteen years practicing internal medicine, as I had. You got a feeling about certain cases, certain people. A sixth sense. Fielding had not been my patient, but he’d told me a lot about his health in two years, and a massive hemorrhage didn’t feel right to me. “Look, I don’t know where his body is, and I don’t think there’s going to be an autopsy, so—”
“Why no autopsy?” Rachel broke in.
“Because I think he was murdered.”
“I thought you said he died in his office.”
“He did.”
“You think he was murdered at work? Workplace violence?”
She still didn’t get it. “I mean premeditated murder. Carefully thought out, expertly executed murder.”
“But … why would someone murder Andrew Fielding? He was an old man, wasn’t he?”
“He was sixty-three.” Recalling Fielding’s body on his office floor, mouth agape, sightless eyes staring at the ceiling, I felt a sudden compulsion to tell Rachel everything. But one glance at the window killed the urge. A parabolic microphone could be trained on the glass.
“I can’t say anything beyond that. I’m sorry. You should go, Rachel.”
She took two steps toward me, her face set with purpose. “I’m not going anywhere yet. Look, if anyone died while not under a doctor’s supervision in this state, there has to be an autopsy. And especially in cases of possible foul play. It’s required by law.”
I laughed at her naiveté. “There won’t be an autopsy. Not a public one, anyway.”
“I really can’t say more. I shouldn’t have said that much. I just wanted you to know … that it’s real.”
“Why can’t you say more?” She held up a small, graceful hand. “No, let me answer that. Because to tell me more would put me in danger. Right?”
She rolled her eyes. “David, from the beginning you’ve made extraordinary demands about secrecy. And I’ve complied. I’ve told colleagues that the hours you spend in my office are research for your second book, rather than what they really are.”
“And you know I appreciate that. But if I’m right about Fielding, anything I tell you now could put your life at risk. Can’t you understand that?”
“No. I’ve never understood. What sort of work could possibly be so dangerous?”
I shook my head.
“This is like a bad joke.” She laughed strangely. “‘I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.’ It’s classic paranoid thinking.”
“Do you really believe I’m making all this up?”
Rachel answered with caution. “I believe that you believe everything you’ve told me.”
“So, I’m still delusional.”
“You’ve got to admit, you’ve been having disturbing hallucinations for some time now. Some of the recent ones are classic religious delusions.”
“But most not,” I reminded her. “And I’m an atheist. Is that classic?”
“No, I concede that. But you’ve also refused to get a workup for your narcolepsy. Or epilepsy. Or even to get your blood sugar checked, for that matter.”
I’ve been worked up by the foremost neurologist in the world. “That’s being investigated at work.”
“By Andrew Fielding? He wasn’t an M.D., was he?”
I decided to go one step further. “I’m being treated by Ravi Nara.”
Her mouth fell open. “Ravi Nara? As in the Nobel Prize for medicine?”
“That’s him,” I said with distaste.
“You work with Ravi Nara?”
“Yes. He’s a prick. It was Nara who said Fielding died of a stroke.”
Rachel appeared at a loss. “David, I just don’t know what to say. Are you really working with these famous people?”
“Is that so hard to believe? I’m reasonably famous myself.”
“Yes, but … not in the same way. What reason would those men have to work together? They’re in totally different fields.”
“Until two years ago they were.”
“What does that mean?”
“Go back to your office, Rachel.”
“I canceled my last patient so I could come here.”
“Bill me for your lost time.”
She reddened. “There’s no need to insult me. Please tell me what’s going on. I’m tired of hearing nothing but your hallucinations.”
“Whatever. They’re not enough to work with.”
“Not for your purpose. But you and I have different goals. We always have. You’re trying to solve the riddle of David Tennant. I’m trying to solve the riddle of my dreams.”
“But the answers are bound up in who you are! Dreams aren’t independent of the rest of your brain! You—”
The ringing telephone cut her off. I got up and went into the kitchen to answer it, a strange thrumming in my chest. The caller could be the president of the United States.
“Dr. Tennant,” I said from years of habit.
“Dr. David?” cried a hysterical female voice with an Asian accent. It was Lu Li, Fielding’s Chinese wife. Or widow …
“This is David, Lu Li. I’m sorry I haven’t called you.” I searched for fitting words but found only a cliché. “I can’t begin to express the pain I feel at Andrew’s loss—”
A burst of Cantonese punctuated with some English flashed down the wire. I didn’t have to understand it all to know I was hearing a distraught widow on the verge of collapse. God only knew what the Trinity security people had told Lu Li, or what she had made of it. She’d come to America only three months ago, her immigration fast-tracked by the State Department, which had received a none-too-subtle motivational call from the White House.
“I know this has been a terrible day,” I said in a comforting voice. “But I need you to try to calm down.”
Lu Li was panting.
“Breathe deeply,” I said, trying to decide what approach to take. Safest to use the corporate cover the NSA had insisted on from the beginning. As far as the rest of the Research Triangle Park companies knew, the Argus Optical Corporation developed optical computer elements used in government defense projects. Lu Li might know no more that this.
“What have you been told by the company?” I asked cautiously.
“Andy dead!” Lu Li cried. “They say he die of brain bleeding, but I know nothing. I don’t know what to do!”
I saw nothing to be gained by further agitating Fielding’s widow with theories of murder. “Lu Li, Andrew was sixty-three years old, and not in the best of health. A stroke isn’t an unlikely event in that situation.”
“You no understand, Dr. David! Andy warn me about this.”
My hand tightened on the phone. “What do you mean?”
Another burst of Cantonese came down the wire, but then Lu Li settled into halting English. “Andy tell me this could happen. He say, ‘If something happen to me, call Dr. David. David know what to do.’”
A deep ache gripped my heart. That Fielding had put such faith in me … “What do you want me to do?”
“Come here. Please. Talk to me. Tell me why this happen to Andy.”
I hesitated. The NSA was probably listening to this call. To go to Lu Li’s house would only put her at greater risk, and myself, too. But what choice did I have? I couldn’t fail my friend. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
“Thank you, thank you, David! Please, thank you.”
I hung up and turned to go back to the living room. Rachel was standing in the kitchen doorway.
“I have to leave,” I told her. “I appreciate you coming to check on me. I know it was beyond the call of duty.”
“I’m going with you. I heard some of that, and I’m going with you.”
“Out of the question.”
“You have no reason to come. You’re not part of this.”
She folded her arms across her chest. “For me it’s simple, okay? If you’re telling the truth, I’ll find the distraught widow of Andrew Fielding at the end of a short drive. And she’ll support what you’ve told me.”
“Not necessarily. I don’t know how much Fielding confided in her. And Lu Li hardly speaks English.”
“Andrew Fielding didn’t teach his own wife English?”
“He spoke fluent Cantonese. Plus about eight other languages. And she’s only been here a few months.”
Rachel straightened her skirt with the flats of her hands. “Your resistance tells me that you know my going will expose your story as a delusion.”
Anger flashed through me. “I’m tempted to let you come, just for that. But you don’t grasp the danger. You could die. Tonight.”
“I don’t think so.”
I picked up the Ziploc bag containing the white powder and the FedEx envelope and held it out to her. “A few minutes ago I received a letter from Fielding. This powder was in the envelope.”
She shrugged. “It looks like sand. What is it?”
“I have no idea. But I’m afraid it might be anthrax. Or whatever killed Fielding.”
She took the package from me. I thought at first she was examining the powder, but she was reading the label on the FedEx envelope.
“This says the sender is Lewis Carroll.”
“That’s code. Fielding couldn’t risk putting his name into the FedEx computer system. The NSA would pick that up immediately. He used ‘Lewis Carroll’ because his nickname was the White Rabbit. You’ve heard that, right?”
Rachel looked as if she were really thinking about it. “I can’t say that I have. Where’s this letter?”
I motioned toward the front room. “In a plastic bag on the couch. Don’t open it.”
She bent over the note and quickly read it. “It’s not signed.”
“Of course not. Fielding didn’t know who might see it. That rabbit symbol is his signature.”
She looked at me with disbelief. “Just take me along, David. If what I see supports what you’ve told me, I’ll take all your warnings seriously from this point forward. No more doubts.”
“That’s like throwing you into the water to prove there are sharks in it. By the time you see them, it’s too late.”
“That’s always how it is with these kinds of fantasies.”
I went and got my keys off the kitchen counter. Rachel followed at my heels. “All right, you want to come? Follow me in your car.”
She shook her head. “Not a chance. You’d lose me at the first red light.”
“Your colleagues would tell you it’s dangerous to accompany a patient while he chases a paranoid fantasy. Especially a narcoleptic patient.”
“My colleagues don’t know you. As for the narcolepsy, you haven’t killed yourself yet.”
I reached under the sofa cushion, brought out my pistol, and thrust it into my waistband. “You don’t know me either.”
She studied the butt of the gun, then looked into my eyes. “I think I do. And I want to help you.”
If she were only my psychiatrist, I would have left her there. But during our long sessions, we had recognized something in each other, an unspoken feeling shared by two people who had experienced great loss. Even though she thought I might be ill now, she cared about me in a way no one else had for a long time. To take her with me would be selfish, but the simple truth was, I didn’t want to go alone.

THREE (#ulink_36c1addd-75cc-5690-84c4-ec6a10289e29)
Geli Bauer sat within the dark bowels of the Trinity building, a basement complex lit only by the glow of computer monitors and surveillance screens. From here electronic filaments spread out to monitor the people and the physical plant of Project Trinity. But that was only the center of her domain. With the touch of a computer key, Geli could interface with the NSA supercomputers at Fort Meade and monitor conversations and events on the other side of the globe. Though she had wielded many kinds of power during her thirty-two years on earth, she had never before felt the rush of knowing that all the world bounded by electronics could be manipulated by the touch of her finger.
On paper, Geli worked for Godin Supercomputing, which was based in Mountain View, California. But it was her company’s quasi-governmental relationship with the NSA that had lifted her into the stratosphere of power. If she deemed a situation an emergency, she could stop trains, close international airports, retask surveillance satellites, or lift armed helicopters into the skies over U.S. soil and order them to fire. No other modern woman had wielded such power—in some ways her authority rivaled that of her father—and Geli did not intend to give it up.
On the flat-panel monitor before her glowed a transcript of the conversation between David Tennant and an unknown White House functionary, recorded at a Shoney’s restaurant that afternoon, but Geli was no longer looking at it. She was speaking on the headset phone to a member of her security team, the man who was watching Tennant’s residence.
“I only heard conversation in the kitchen,” she said. “That makes no sense. He and Dr. Weiss had to be talking elsewhere.”
“Maybe they were getting it on.”
“We’d have heard it. Weiss looks like a screamer to me. It’s always the quiet ones.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Get in there and check the mikes.”
Geli tapped a key on the pad before her, which connected her to a young ex-Delta operator named Thomas Corelli, who was covering Andrew Fielding’s house.
“What are you hearing, Thomas?”
“Normal background noise. TV. Bumps and clatters.”
“Did you hear Mrs. Fielding’s end of the phone call?”
“Yeah, but it’s hard to understand that Chinese accent.”
“Are you out of sight?”
“I’m parked in the driveway of some out-of-town neighbors.”
“Tennant will be at your location in five minutes. He has a woman with him. Dr. Rachel Weiss. Stay on this line.”
Geli clicked off, then said clearly, “JPEG. Weiss, Rachel.”
A digital photograph of Rachel Weiss appeared on her monitor. It was a head shot, a telephoto taken as the psychiatrist left the Duke University hospital. Rachel Weiss was three years older than Geli, but Geli recognized the type. She’d known girls like that at boarding school in Switzerland. Strivers. Most of them Jews. She would have known Weiss was Jewish without hearing her name or seeing her file. Even with fashionably windblown hair, Rachel Weiss looked like she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. She had the dark martyr’s eyes, the premature lines around the mouth. She was one of the top Jungian analysts in the world, and you didn’t reach that level without being obsessive about your work.
Geli had been against involving Weiss. It was Skow who had allowed it. Skow’s theory was that if you held the leash too tight, you were asking for trouble. But it was Geli’s head that would roll if there was a security breach. To prevent that eventuality, she received transcripts of Weiss’s sessions with Tennant and recordings of every telephone call the psychiatrist made. Once a week, one of her operatives slipped into Weiss’s office and photocopied Tennant’s file, to be sure that nothing escaped Geli’s scrutiny.
That was the kind of hassle that came from dealing with civilians. It had been the same at Los Alamos, with the Manhattan Project. In both cases the government had tried to control a group of gifted civilian scientists who through ignorance, obstinacy, or ideology posed the greatest threat to their own work. When you recruited the smartest people in the world, you got crackpots.
Tennant was a crackpot. Like Fielding. Like Ravi Nara, the project’s Nobel Prize–winning neuroscientist. All six Trinity principals had signed the tightest possible security and nondisclosure agreements, but they still believed they could do anything they wanted. To them the world was Disneyland. And doctors were the worst. Even in the army, the rules had never quite seemed to apply to M.D.s. But tonight Tennant was going to step far enough over the line to get his head chopped off.
Her headset beeped. She opened the line to her man at Tennant’s house. “What is it?”
“I’m inside. You’re not going to believe this. Someone put painter’s putty in the holes over the mikes.”
Geli felt a strange numbness in her chest. “How could Tennant know where they were?”
“No way without a scanner.”
“Magnifying glass?”
“If he knew to look for them. But that would take hours, and you’d never be sure you got them all.”
A scanner. Where the hell would an internist get that? Then she knew. Fielding. “Tennant took that FedEx delivery. Do you see an envelope anywhere?”
“He must have taken it with him. What else do you see? Anything strange?”
“There’s a video camera set up on a tripod.”
Shit. “Tape in it?”
“Let me check. No tape.”
“What else?”
“A vacuum cleaner in the backyard.”
What the hell? “A vacuum cleaner? Take the bag out and bring it here. We’ll chopper it to Fort Meade for analysis. What else?”
“Take one last look, then get out.”
Geli clicked off, then said, “Skow—home.” The computer dialed the Raleigh residence of Project Trinity’s administrative director.
“Geli?” Skow said. “What’s going on?”
Bauer always thought Kennedy when she heard John Skow’s voice. Skow was a Boston Brahmin with twice the usual brains of his breed. Instead of the customary liberal arts and law background of his class, Skow had advanced degrees in astronomy and mathematics and had served for eight years as deputy director of special projects for the NSA. His primary area of responsibility was the agency’s top secret Supercomputer Research Center. Skow was technically Geli’s superior, but their relationship had always been uncomfortable. Short of taking a human life, Geli had independent responsibility for Project Trinity’s security. She held this power because Peter Godin—citing security leaks at government labs—had demanded that he pick his own team to protect Trinity.
The old man had found her just as she was leaving the army. Geli believed heart and soul in the warrior culture, but she could no longer endure the bloated and hidebound bureaucracy of the army, or its abysmal quality standards for new recruits. When Godin appeared, he’d offered her a job she had wanted all her life but hadn’t believed existed.
She would receive $700,000 a year to work as chief of security for special projects for Godin Supercomputing. The salary was immense, but Godin was a billionaire. He could afford it. Her conditions of employment were unique. She would follow any order he gave, without question and without regard for legality. She would not reveal any information about her employer, his company, or her employment. If she did, she would die. Geli could hire her own staff, but they would accept the same conditions and penalty, and she would enforce that penalty. She was amazed that a public figure like Godin would dare to set such terms. Then she learned that Godin had found her through her father. That explained a lot. Geli had hardly spoken to her father in years, but he was in a position to know a lot about her. And she could tell by the way Godin looked at her that he knew something about her as well. Probably the stories that had filtered out of Iraq after Desert Storm. Peter Godin wanted a security expert, but he also wanted a killer. Geli was both.
John Skow was not. Unlike Godin, who had fought as a marine in Korea as a young man, Skow was a theoretical warrior. The NSA man had never seen blood on his hands, and around Geli he sometimes acted like a man who’d been handed a leash with a pit bull on the end of it.
“Geli?” Skow said again. “Are you there?”
“Dr. Weiss went to Tennant’s house,” she said into her headset.
“I don’t know. We got almost none of their conversation. They’re on their way to the Fielding house now. Lu Li Fielding called him. Upset.”
Skow was silent for a moment. “Going over to comfort the grieving widow?”
“I’m sure that will be their story.” She wanted to gauge Skow’s level of anxiety before giving him more details. “Do we let them go in?”
“Of course. You can hear everything they say, right?”
“Maybe not. There was a problem with the bugs at Tennant’s house.”
“What kind of problem?”
“Tennant put putty over the mikes. And there was a video camera set up on a tripod in there. No tape in it.” She let that sink in. “Either he wanted to say something on tape that he didn’t want us to hear, or he wanted to talk to Dr. Weiss without us hearing. Either way, it’s bad.”
She listened to Skow breathe for a while.
“It’s all right,” he said finally. “We’re going to be okay on this.”
“You must know something I don’t, sir.”
Skow chuckled at the contempt with which she said “sir.” The NSA man was tough in his own way. He had the detached coldness of mathematical intelligence. “The perks of leadership, Geli. You did well this morning, by the way. I was amazed.”
Geli flashed back to Fielding’s corpse. The termination had gone smoothly enough, but it was a stupid move. They should have taken out Tennant as well. She could easily have manipulated both men into the same vehicle, and after that … simple logistics. A car accident. And the project wouldn’t be in the jeopardy it was in now. “Has Tennant actually talked to the president, sir?”
“I don’t know. So keep your distance. Monitor the situation, but nothing more.”
“He also took a delivery from FedEx. A letter. Whatever it was, he took it with him. We need to see that.”
“If you can get a look at it without him knowing, fine. Otherwise, talk to FedEx and find out who sent it.”
“We’re doing that.”
“Good. Just don’t—”
Geli heard Skow’s wife calling his name.
“Just keep me informed,” he said, and rang off.
Geli closed her eyes and began to breathe deeply. She had made the case to Godin for taking out Tennant along with Fielding, but the old man had resisted. Yes, Godin conceded, Tennant had broken regulations and spent time with Fielding outside the facility. Yes, Tennant had supported Fielding’s effort to suspend the project. And it was Tennant’s tie to the president that had made that suspension a reality. But there was no proof that Tennant was part of the Englishman’s campaign to sabotage the project, or that he was privy to any of the dangerous information Fielding possessed. Since Geli did not know what that information was, she could not judge the risk of letting Tennant live. She had reminded Godin of the maxim “Better safe than sorry,” but Godin did not relent. He would though. Soon.
Geli said, “JPEG, Fielding, Lu Li.” An image of a dark-haired Asian woman appeared on her monitor. Born Lu Li Cheng, reared in Canton Province, Communist China. Forty years old. Advanced degrees in applied physics.
“Another mistake,” Geli muttered. Lu Li Cheng had no business inside the borders of the United States, much less in the inner circle of the most sensitive scientific project in the country. Geli touched the key that connected her to Thomas Corelli in the surveillance car outside the Fielding house. “You see anything strange over there?”
“How easily could you search Tennant’s car when he arrives?”
“Depends on where he parks.”
“If you see a FedEx envelope in the car, break in, read it, then put it back. And I want video of their arrival.”
“No problem. What are you looking for?”
“I’m not sure. Just get it.”
Geli removed a pack of Gauloises from her desk, took out a cigarette, and broke off its filter. In the flare of the match she caught her reflection in her computer monitor. A veil of blonde hair, high cheekbones, steel-blue eyes, nasty burn scar. She considered the ugly ridged tissue on her left cheek as much a part of her face as her eyes or mouth. A plastic surgeon had once offered to remove the discolored mark at no cost, but she’d turned him down. Scars had a purpose: to remind their bearer of wounds. The wound that had caused that scar she would never let herself forget.
She punched a key and routed the signals from the microphones in the Fielding house to her headset. Then she drew deeply on her cigarette, settled back in her chair, and blew a stream of harsh smoke toward the ceiling. Geli Bauer hated many things, but most of all she hated waiting.

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Dark Matter Greg Iles

Greg Iles

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: No.1 New York Times bestseller Greg Iles has created a thriller which is ‘alarming, believable, and utterly consuming – resonates long after the final page is turned’ (Dan Brown).Trust no-one…Yesterday, David Tennant was a highly respected professor with the ear of the President, working on a top secret government project. Today, he is running for his life.Project Trinity has the power to change life forever. Only a few hand-picked men and women know the potential of the biggest artificial intelligence study the world has ever seen. Now, one of those men is dead – and Tennant knows Dr Fielding’s death wasn’t at all what it seemed. Suddenly, his friend’s warnings cannot be dismissed as paranoia.Today, David Tennant is one man against the state, and he’s fast learning the only rule of survival: trust no-one. Not even yourself.

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