Hebrew Daily Prayer Book

Hebrew Daily Prayer Book
Jonathan Sacks
The United Synagogue
The official prayer book for Orthodox Jews in the UK, with supporting commentary by Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.The Hebrew Daily Prayer Book is the official prayer book for all Orthodox Jews in the UK.With both Hebrew and English translations on facing pages, and an attractive and readable layout, this Standard Edition Prayer Book is ideal for synagogue use and individual reading.The Hebrew Daily Prayer Book also features commentary from Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, one of the UK’s foremost religious thinkers, whose sensible and sensitive approach brings new insights into the most familiar things.


by the Rev. Simeon Singer

by Chief Rabbi
Sir Jonathan Sacks

Cover (#ue56560b8-b97e-54c3-b65f-a0a187eb8603)
Title Page (#ue718618a-8c4b-509b-b1e4-b80e14bc8416)
PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION (#ucd3a34a9-be44-54d4-8066-230382379376)
PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION (#ued7c575b-ef65-5c1b-91a2-e402b7676072)
UNDERSTANDING JEWISH PRAYER (#uf5403038-8471-541a-8d34-6967152b60c3)
Morning Service for Weekdays (#u2846d169-4f75-5e61-95db-e7e8d2a2ee86)
ON WAKING (#ulink_c5c4c7e6-726a-5b32-af05-bd0af2254c81)
MORNING SERVICE (#ulink_1ad731a4-eac9-5a7e-8a14-846ba077ed88)
TALLIT (#ulink_c5f854d7-4219-5e6a-9490-28ec8f3bab7a)
TEFILLIN (#ulink_4013e420-adb4-57b7-a9ef-666821045b06)
THE RABBIS’ KADDISH (#ulink_c1a6ceb8-5f81-5877-91b2-1ad1fc4e2c2a)
MOURNER’S KADDISH (#ulink_9ed4e9e7-cfbb-5454-a116-b7e4a0b373c2)
VERSES OF PRAISE (#ulink_9583ed9e-013c-5cbd-adc1-1e98916ccc19)
THE SHEMA (#ulink_f4e4a375-569b-5c01-8483-7b02a3b36861)
AMIDAH: THE STANDING PRAYER (#ulink_b7e6bebb-7eea-53d2-b3ea-80b4017b5462)
AVINU MALKENU (#ulink_8eeeea30-7747-554a-8d16-b9a9a468bae7)
TACHANUN (#ulink_f4048d9c-bac0-5259-a656-ed89a0de25bb)
READING OF THE TORAH (#ulink_7dea1890-f427-5cee-8b85-264f2f1b42e7)
THE DAILY PSALM (#ulink_3b91c9cb-abe5-5ac5-afab-4effa76792cf)
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (#ulink_4a8b5ec4-1e81-5e4c-b244-f4b2dcdd7681)
THE THIRTEEN PRINCIPLES Of JEWISH FAITH (#ulink_6338709a-e5ef-5342-8255-e2ea1acbf60b)
Afternoon and Evening Services for Weekdays (#ufb453386-5ce7-54b3-9b64-3a1dceb1aa01)
AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR WEEKDAYS (#ulink_f094bb35-63e4-5302-ac76-c632e73c9cc3)
EVENING SERVICE FOR WEEKDAYS (#ulink_5ed95f0e-a977-5d06-8a6c-11699ee6bd96)
COUNTING OF THE OMER (#ulink_e89b89e4-1c5d-5712-ac1e-48d4ae329ef7)
PRAYERS BEFORE SLEEP AT NIGHT (#ulink_260fe7ab-0a0b-57f9-b7eb-4f5ae65acffe)
Services for Shabbat (#u76aef95b-38d6-5fff-9c27-83cc1a397295)
WELCOMING SHABBAT (#ulink_1f1c0589-8595-5dce-a3ea-c635668f2faf)
EVENING SERVICE FOR SHABBAT AND FESTIVALS (#ulink_5e2cfb02-f926-57c5-8ded-84aee097a617)
KIDDUSH AND SONGS FOR SHABBAT EVENING (#ulink_17f56df5-33c2-5518-b427-72bada697b29)
MORNING SERVICE FOR SHABBAT AND FESTIVALS (#ulink_5dbb3a5b-ba99-5ff5-8148-766b8d2af3d0)
THE SHEMA (#ulink_27910913-c2ea-5a2d-8760-8a68488d201a)
AMIDAH: THE STANDING PRAYER (#ulink_5b1e479d-ae06-52d3-9312-ed1cc64134fc)
ORDER OF THE READING OF THE TORAH ON SHABBAT AND FESTIVALS (#ulink_fd37ec39-8595-56f8-b937-b9302e16cd23)
PRAYER FOR THE ROYAL FAMILY (#ulink_f04a4ea7-4fa8-5bb9-bdf3-952c23fbe6fa)
PRAYER FOR THE WELFARE OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND ITS DEFENCE FORCES (#ulink_1a1c9263-0f77-5de8-a289-be05208ad8bd)
BLESSING THE NEW MONTH (#ulink_6a701435-b3bf-52b9-9dfa-48287e598211)
ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR SHABBAT (#ulink_be41f6c8-6f24-50be-88ab-632e2b3277f7)
SONG OF GLORY (#ulink_310cd690-890e-5978-8286-285b7475b2c5)
KIDDUSH FOR SHABBAT MORNING (#ulink_79ac33eb-c1e9-527f-9c46-6d249fdba85c)
AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR SHABBAT AND FESTIVALS (#ulink_6588539a-9af0-5ca4-abe0-e68c6b690001)
ZEMIROT FOR THE THIRD SHABBAT MEAL (#ulink_bda886d8-9291-50e8-a656-9fad377200fb)
SERVICE FOR THE CONCLUSION OF SHABBAT (#ulink_c56ae6b0-42fa-5d4d-ac38-6036a31cb535)
BLESSING OF THE NEW MOON (#ulink_64953240-c32c-51d2-b592-efdc74798933)
HAVDALAH SERVICE AT HOME (#ulink_5e585b6f-9517-5b78-90e0-3d28a33c6e24)
Services for Festivals and New Moon (#uc7d7715c-e65b-5e89-8732-a62244a8f42f)
MEDITATION AND BLESSING ON TAKING THE LULAV (#ulink_561d4efc-2d37-58e8-9c19-7e4a350f1c61)
HALLEL (#ulink_41dda4e9-edde-59ec-b642-4c3770b2eb73)
ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR THE NEW MOON (#ulink_fde25129-f184-5714-a487-17cfe3d0122a)
SEARCH FOR CHAMETZ (#ulink_24d93dbd-35a3-5c3e-95a0-bd7c06a25333)
ERUV TAVSHILIN (#ulink_40d0c4d1-348c-5f47-9216-20ecafc7870a)
LIGHTING THE FESTIVAL CANDLES (#ulink_4bb3a043-8244-5944-81dc-4b77086d55f0)
SERVICE FOR FESTIVALS (#ulink_80d46287-cdbf-577f-af9b-ca4ffb12d5d6)
KIDDUSH FOR FESTIVAL EVENINGS (#ulink_f088e101-beda-5ee6-b7c4-8f9bb274c6fe)
MEDITATION IN THE SUKKAH (#ulink_fb20be3c-1c97-5775-891d-5ff5318fa8fe)
YIZKOR: MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR THE DEAD (#ulink_d4972307-165a-5a82-86df-0909dccec7dc)
ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR FESTIVALS (#ulink_4c456c0a-dbff-5955-ad1a-3b2dcca65839)
THE ORDER OF THE PRIESTLY BLESSING (#ulink_4f87252c-5b49-58df-ad93-0736d17c2644)
PRAYER FOR DEW (#ulink_d9316efc-c6de-5da4-b29e-8506854d445d)
PRAYER FOR RAIN (#ulink_b3100afc-ccb5-531d-8c61-8327601c1670)
KIDDUSH FOR FESTIVAL MORNINGS (#ulink_19d638a3-eb6a-5b13-805f-98c062301b44)
SERVICE FOR CHANUKAH (#uc80cebd9-6ed7-4cf9-ab4a-7bf0c5f8d469)
SERVICE FOR PURIM (#uaeeeec56-d29d-4c06-8f74-f21d2091e52c)
YOM HA’ATZMA’UT - ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY (#u8554e92b-0238-4dc8-bb71-900cfd86488e)
JERUSALEM DAY (#u4a4a0a2c-a31e-4e52-a6d3-df2a4eb2499b)
KIDDUSH FOR ROSH HASHANAH EVENING (#u44316778-677f-4724-a956-9a98028d7da7)
KIDDUSH FOR ROSH HASHANAH MORNING (#ud7cb2224-84fe-4f44-abff-370cb0c62010)
TASHLICH (#ua394fe47-1d0b-4c48-8efa-926df1f3af05)
Blessings (#u07eab2a9-1c3c-598c-8871-68428247b0fd)
BLESSINGS OVER FOOD OR DRINK (#uf72b7ecc-ede4-4774-8874-1f7eede83de5)
GRACE AFTER MEALS (#uafb52bdc-7003-4661-b635-5749b48912ae)
GRACE AFTER MEALS IN A HOUSE OF MOURNING (#u183e5069-a7da-4c01-b194-1f37babea059)
SHORTER FORM OF GRACE (#u8c3999e2-bfa4-48d1-889f-516d37955c46)
BLESSINGS (#uc2f24b32-9cd4-4567-a94c-5b247870c036)
TRAVELLERS’ PRAYER (#u6f1a5954-9cb3-4561-b006-a6c95dd8abb8)
MARRIAGE SERVICE (#ue2231111-62d8-4138-8ed1-eedfc396643d)
GRACE AFTER A WEDDING FEAST (#u945d71d5-f274-42a3-b29a-de803844c7e8)
SERVICE AT A CIRCUMCISION (#u1f2afc42-cadf-4d1b-a79c-2cb5fcb3b71f)
PRAYER FOR RECOVERY FROM ILLNESS (#ue0301afa-603f-4194-997a-f482df0380bd)
PRAYER IN A HOUSE OF MOURNING (#u73c428c1-91f9-4c8d-94a8-b5c4081696ec)
RABBANAN KADDISH TRANSLITERATION (#u35be3975-d00c-5df3-ac6e-345f06be8413)
MOURNER’S KADDISH TRANSLITERATION (#uf407be0d-ac44-5ce3-a12e-3853d7b111fa)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (#u445481b4-6ecc-52a3-8ba7-a5d429c47d28)
Copyright (#uee8248a6-458c-5919-ac28-65ca5f3725ab)
About the Publisher (#ubf16473a-1a77-5a13-967c-b9ba880afc20)

PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION (#ud54cda9d-971c-564e-800f-34eb41aa62bd)
A COMPLETE DAILY PRAYER BOOK, IN Hebrew and English, equally suitable for use in Synagogues, families and schools, has never yet been within the reach of the community at large. The present volume is intended to supply this primal necessity. It owes its origin to the generosity and public spirit of Mrs. Nathaniel Montefiore, by whom the entire cost of production has been defrayed. It is, therefore, now possible for all who can afford the outlay of one shilling to obtain a book which could not otherwise have been offered to the public except at a far higher price.
No pains have been spared to render the work of permanent value, and worthy of its place as the Authorised Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire. As it was practically complete before the death of the late Chief Rabbi, Dr. N.M. Adler, it was enabled to receive and to be issued with the stamp of his sanction and authorisation.
The main objects kept in view in the production of the book have been to furnish a correct text (for the greater part of which S. Baer’s Abodath Israel has served as the basis), and a satisfactory translation, and to combine with these fundamental requirements the not insignificant advantages of good paper, clear type and strong binding.
To render the volume still more suitable for general use, a number of Prayers for special occasions have been introduced. Of these, the Prayers to be said at the Consecration of a House, and upon the Sick and Death Bed, have been written or arranged by the Rev Dr. Hermann Adler, the Prayer in the House of Mourning and the Thanksgiving to be offered up by Women after their Confinement are the same that have been in use for some years past, having been drawn up by the late Chief Rabbi. The Marriage Service and Morning and Evening Prayers for Children have also been introduced.
The English translation is entirely new. Its aim has been to unite accuracy and even literalness with due regard to English idiom, and to that simplicity of style and diction which befits the language of prayer. It should be noted that the Biblical passages were translated by an accomplished scholar upon the basis of the Revised Version, the text or margin of which rendering has, upon the whole, been closely followed.
Thanks are due to the Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Dr. Friedlander and Mr. I. Abrahams, for many valuable suggestions as well as for much assistance while the book was passing through the press.
The copyright of the book is vested in the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge.
London, Tammuz, 5650 – July 1890

PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION (#ud54cda9d-971c-564e-800f-34eb41aa62bd)
KNOWN AFFECTIONATELY AS THE “Singer’s Siddur” after the Rev. Simeon Singer who produced the first edition in 1890, the Authorised Daily Prayer Book has reflected the minhag and practice of the United Synagogue and most Ashkenazi Synagogues in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth for almost 120 years.
However the expectations and requirements of the community have changed over time. Producing a Siddur is very complex, and this edition more than most. It is in fact four works – Hebrew, translation, commentary and rubrics – that run in parallel channels. This fourth edition, with its completely new translation and commentary, and carefully redrafted rubrics, accompanied by innovative design layout and typeface, will, we believe, reflect the approach and needs of the modern Jew.
The Chief Rabbi has enriched this Siddur with his profound scholarship, erudition and vision, and we cannot adequately express our appreciation for his overwhelming contribution. His completely new translation and insightful commentary will undoubtedly enhance wide understanding of our prayers.
The Siddur was developed following extensive consultation and community wide research throughout the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. The names of those who contributed directly to its development are recorded below.
In addition, we benefited greatly from the views of a very wide cross-section of the community. We were also fortunate to receive numerous detailed submissions, from Rabbis and laymen alike, reflecting the love and enthusiasm with which people view the Singer’s Siddur. To all of them, we offer our grateful thanks.
I had the honour to chair the main Singer’s Prayer Book Committee, consisting of Rabbis Mordechai Ginsbury and Ephraim Mirvis, Geoffrey Hartnell, Vice President of the United Synagogue, Simon Goulden, Community Services Group Director of the United Synagogue, and Josephine Wayne, who acted as secretary. While this edition was in gestation, we met frequently, resolved the direction in which it would develop, and were closely involved in many of the detailed decisions.
We would like to express our appreciation to the many talented professionals who applied their skills to the production of this Siddur.
Rabbi Doniel Golomb produced the Hebrew text and special typographical enhancements.
The Rev. Michael Binstock gave the benefit of his deep knowledge and experience during many hours of meticulous development work.
Raphaël Freeman of Jerusalem Typesetting was responsible for the superb design, typesetting and layout and his knowledge, care and expertise can be seen on every page.
Sorelle Weinstein painstakingly edited the English text with great expertise under tremendous time pressures.
Ian Metcalfe of Harper Collins gave invaluable help and support throughout, particularly in the technicalities of production and binding.
Syma Weinberg of the Office of the Chief Rabbi gave constant and pivotal encouragement as the work progressed.
However, this siddur would not have appeared, without the total dedication of Simon Goulden, who bore the main
burden of the difficult and demanding work. His absolute and selfless commitment to the project drove it through to completion.
I also wish to express my thanks to my successors as President of the United Synagogue, Peter Sheldon and Dr. Simon Hochhauser; to its Chief Executive Rabbi Saul Zneimer; and to those who served as Trustees during the period that this edition was being prepared.
Everard and Mina Goodman offered to become patrons and benefactors at the outset of the work on this new edition. Everard’s constant encouragement and enthusiasm for the Singer’s Prayer Book has been invaluable and inspirational; in addition to which, he has continued throughout to provide many useful, practical suggestions and has been a full partner in the work. To them both I express our sincere thanks.
The new Hebrew font designed by Nadav Ezra of Fontbit will facilitate the accurate pronunciation of prayers in the Modern Hebrew accent. It features an enlarged kamatz katan (
), which is pronounced “o” as in “box” as opposed to an ordinary kamatz (
) which is pronounced “a” as in “bat”; an enlarged shva na ( : ) which requires voicing as opposed to a silent shva nach ( : ); and a meteg ( | ) which shows where a word should be stressed when not on the last syllable. The arrow marks (
) indicate to the Leader where he may begin to pray aloud in congregational prayer, although this is not binding.
For all of us engaged in the project, the production of this new edition of the Singer’s Siddur has been a tremendous labour of love. Anglo-Jewry has a long and glorious history, with its own traditions and distinctive approach. Minhag Anglia, the liturgical custom and practice of our community, is our proud heritage. We believe that this new edition of the Authorised Daily Prayer Book will not only restore Anglo-Jewry’s pride in its own liturgy, but will enable future generations with devotion and clarity to approach the Almighty, “Shome’a Tefillah – He who listens to prayer.”
Chairman of the
Singer’s Prayer Book
Publication Committee
Ellul 5766 / September 2006
Dayan Yonason Abraham
Dayan Ivan Binstock
Rabbi Raymond Apple
Rabbi Philip Ginsbury
Rabbi Doniel Golomb
Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris (
) Rabbi Geoffrey Shisler The Rev Michael Binstock The Rev Moshe Haschel Elkan Levy
Anthony Angel
Barry Bloombaum
Paul Faiman
Geoffrey Hartnell
Ivor Katz
Ashley Leboff
Rabbi Dovid Lewis
Alan Mitchell
Gerald Normie
Judy Salasnik
Doreen Samuels
Josephine Wayne

Joy Conway
Mark Creeger
Richard Herman
Irene Leeman

Rabbi Geoffrey Shisler
The Rev. Michael Binstock
Simon Goulden
Elkan Levy

The following also gave very considerable assistance:
Jon Barron
Rabbi Shmuel Bloom
Immanuel Burton
Richard Carr
Harvey Freeman
Simon Jackson
Jonathan Renshaw

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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Hebrew Daily Prayer Book Jonathan Sacks и The Synagogue
Hebrew Daily Prayer Book

Jonathan Sacks и The Synagogue

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Иудаизм

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: The official prayer book for Orthodox Jews in the UK, with supporting commentary by Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.The Hebrew Daily Prayer Book is the official prayer book for all Orthodox Jews in the UK.With both Hebrew and English translations on facing pages, and an attractive and readable layout, this Standard Edition Prayer Book is ideal for synagogue use and individual reading.The Hebrew Daily Prayer Book also features commentary from Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, one of the UK’s foremost religious thinkers, whose sensible and sensitive approach brings new insights into the most familiar things.

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