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Paul McFedries
Paul McFedries
Alexa For Dummies, Paul McFedries
Excel Data Analysis For Dummies, Paul McFedries
Simply Windows 7, Paul McFedries
Simply Excel 2010, Paul McFedries
Internet Simplified, Paul McFedries
Windows 7 Simplified, Paul McFedries
Windows 8 Simplified, Paul McFedries
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Office 2008 for Mac, Paul McFedries
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 8, Paul McFedries
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 10, Paul McFedries
iPad Portable Genius. Covers iOS 8 and all models of iPad, iPad Air, and iPad mini, Paul McFedries
iPhone 6s Portable Genius. Covers iOS9 and all models of iPhone 6s, 6, and iPhone 5, Paul McFedries